Hidden 9 days ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

The Capital - Nieve

“Ok, down we goooooo-wow” Ryane’s drop into the dark was ended not by the ground but by the dark being washed away by… and underground sun?

“Wha-what? How? Where?” she asked nobody in particular, her crash course in special shifting and illusion magic having gone from “oh huh that’s a thing?” to absolutely mind blowing in the course of about 10 seconds.

The oddities didn’t end there either, as they were soon approached by a procession of burning skeletons in fireproof garments, who were escorting a beautiful woman with black eyes and a rotten attitude.

Funnily enough animated skeletons were nothing out of the ordinary for her, as back home she knew a set of them that ran a very helpful baking franchise that had made confectionery based armor power-ups for her. They hadn’t been on fire though (unless they had an accident in the kitchen).

As for their leader, Rayne’s response to the woman’s insult and demand that they perish for her was a set of spread up raised palms and a look on her face that translated to “what the heck is wrong with you?” due to the implication she’d murdered those above for their lack of looks, their occupation, or both, all of which were just, horrifyingly petty.

Before she could get into an argument with this terrible lady the swarm of butterflies was unleashed upon them once more.

Just in time for the death ray powerup to end too.

The replacement to it wasn’t exactly great either, as her magic ax spell hit in a single plane which would only take out a vertical slice of butterflies.

That left rocks that the butterflies could just phase through, and, well, a question “Qing! How good are you at dodging hundreds of projectiles?” because her only other spell in hand was the bullet hell generating death spiral (which she already knew that Sanae could manage).

If Qing thought she could handle that, well, then Rayne’d get as close as she could to their foe and unleash Robyn’s signature spell, creating waves of magical bullets to clear the skies and bombard their foe.

If not, well, it was pew pew with her basic magic bullets, a cleave with the 5 meter long magic ax, and then riskily swatting at butterflies with Runedge for her to try and thin the swarm enough that they could try and approach and take out their creator.
Hidden 9 days ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Mages' Guild

Fran cutely tilted her head as Serena handed Anne the letter. Retrieving goods for a royal princess wasn't what the Servant she would be doing today, yet here they were, sent off to do a simple errand. Still, if it meant getting an audience with the ruler, it'll be done. Even quicker as Lewa had joined them, the mysterious girl they brought in tow turning out to be a fairy. Something that intrigued the berserker as they group walked toward their destination. Did the girl being a Fae had something to do with the dark slime creatures they fought back then?

A question for another time, it would seem.

Nieve — Suspicious Shop

Soon enough, the group arrived at the shop...

...Though, things wouldn't be so simple as retrieving goods.

"I can smell blood."

"Blood? I thought this city-place was safe? Was there some kind of accident...?"

"If it was an accident, someone should have noticed by now. Ugh... This already reeks of a trap."

"Then...I'll...lead.", spoke up Fran, her mace already manifested and shouldered as laid on Anne's arm, indicating to the space knight to let the Servant lead as they stepped through the threshold and into the shop.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kochiya Sanae
Nieve — Red Light District


Though Sanae had expected some shenanigans when she had chosen to dive into the hole, a recreation of some old-timey Japanese street was probably one of the last things she had expected to see. It wasn't unheard of back in Gensokyo, which meant that the young woman was left notably less flabbergasted than Rayne seemed to be, but the fact that such a lifelike illusion—if it could even be called one any more—meant that whatever was causing this mess wasn't anything to scoff at.

The being that they promptly encountered, however, seemed to be far less willing to lend an ear than any resident of Gensokyo was. The geisha—or something that seemed to be mimicking the form of one—made her disgust at their presence rather blatant, and the blasé insult she levied at them, while offensive, had left Sanae more annoyed than anything else.

"Big words from someone who cakes their face in makeup," the green-haired girl replied with a slight smirk before a light wave of nausea washed over her. Instead of simply standing there and suffering from it, though, Sanae raised her gohei towards the sky and took a deep breath.

"Though I guess whatever horrors you're hiding behind it are enough to make me sick."

With that, the young woman pointed the tool towards the ghost's face, after which a massive pentacle seemed to spread out from under her feet and promptly covered the ground around them. With it, a gust of wind seemed to blow from behind her, and with it went any sort of sickness-inducing curse that was trying to take root in them. With any symptoms therein promptly nullified, Sanae felt that this was a good a chance as any to join in Rayne's offensive efforts.

Sending out more frog-shaped danmaku explosives to bombard the area seemed like a good place to start. The endless hordes of butterflies mattered far less if they were removed from the equation the second they appeared, after all.


Nieve — Odd Cemetery

The words that the fire-wielding woman spoke seemed to catch the monk ever so slightly off-guard, and for a moment he seemed to be considering the implications of her being longer-lived than even the greatest of sorcerers in his mind before choosing to place those thoughts to the side for the time being.

"Come now, I'm not naive enough to believe something like that," he replied as the spiral above his head began to grow denser by the second. "You could well be speaking the truth, sure, but then it'd just be removing my head from my neck or a stab through the heart or something equally as lethal... And far easier to do on someone with their guard down, no?"

While he spoke, a bunch of the creatures surrounding him began to coalesce around him, acting almost as if their presence alone was meant to deter the others as he prepared to strike. Just as he was about to launch the attack, though, the world itself seemed to go black.

No, it wasn't as if it had 'gone black'—it was like there was an absence of light altogether. Even in darkness, he would be able to make some light for himself. Rather, this was more like he had simply 'become blind'—and in so doing had found himself open to attack.

It was a natural response, then, to simply order what curses he could to guard his every flank for the moment and attempt to fire off the spiraling mass of cursed energy the second his sight returned. A few seconds—that was all that it took for light to return to his world, and in that moment the monk found himself staring down the swordswoman who had cleaved through his defenses to reach him.

It was a familiar sight in a way, given what he had experienced what had felt like not a few hours prior, but not one he would like to soon repeat. With a shout, the monk attempted to launch the attack towards his opponent—

Only for him to feel it being pulled away in the opposite direction. Unable to resist trying to see what in the world would be the cause for his second death, the man turned around and saw the very same jiangshi he had been trying to deal with mere moments prior vacuuming the attack into her mouth.

"—————What the hell sort of cursed spirit———?!"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Magic Shop

At a glance, nothing would seem amiss when the group walked through the storefront. The scent of blood that the vampire had picked up was not any sort of a false alarm, given her propensity for the fluid as her main source of nourishment, but it would almost seem as if the place was scrubbed clean of any trace of injury. A closer inspection of the wood that composed the floor and tables that might have otherwise displayed various goods would present scratches and indentations that did not seem to come from simple wear...

But otherwise, naught would seem amiss at a glance. With that said, the door to the basement seemed to be left open, almost as if inviting those curious visitors a chance to travel downwards.

Assuming that they did, though, the group would be met with a spiraling staircase that seemed to stretch on for ages that would eventually open up into what appeared to be some sort of storage facility for goods. Here, the damage seemed to be more palpable, with shattered wood beams, glass, and debris of all shapes and sizes scattered every which way.

Most notable, however, was the fact that the area seemed to be partially cleared away in a path towards the back of the room... But with still no sign of the missing shopkeeper.

@VitaVitaAR@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92@Lugubrious
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Magic Shop

Upon entering the shop, the group would find the storefront to be practically spotless, as if the entire area had been recently cleaned of any mess. While that might've not been suspicious, the various tables was their first clue things not being what they seem. Not only were they not displaying the goods and products this shop had, they were also damaged and dented slightly. And if that wasn't enough for Fran and the others to remain on guard, then the wide-open door to the basement did. All of this and still no sign of the shopkeeper.

"Ah.", muttered Fran, sparing a glance to her companions before walking forward and descending down into the basement. Upon arriving, the berserker would find the first instance of something going majorly wrong. The room was an absolute mess. Shattered glass, broken wooden beams and various debris littered most of the floor. Yet, from the Servant could observe, there seemed to be a partly cleared trail heading toward the back of the room...

As if something or someone powered through the mess.


Fran's unseen eyes narrowed, her grip on her mace tightened as she continued forward, following the trail.
Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anne Mayer
Nieve — Magic Shop

Oh thank goodness, Fran was stepping up. Whether or not she was actually a Chimera, that girl had strength and durability on par with one, and could probably take just about anyone on this planet if it came to it. Anne gratefully stood aside to let the Servant go ahead, and followed carefully down the stairs after her, about six paces behind.

Even in the dim light, it was clear the Knight wasn't enjoying herself. These cramped conditions really didn't suit her... How did she go from chatting up a royal to traipsing around in some dingy basement? She might not be as haughty as Remilia, but she was still a woman with standards, and even she was reaching her limit in these latest environs. Only a sharp instinct for danger and the ever-present weight of the young girl kept her alert, ready to act if and when things did go sideways down here.

She hadn't made much of the scratches in the storefront above, but by now it was obvious to even her tired eyes that something was badly amiss. "It's like they let an animal loose in here... Those centipede creatures you guys fought before, could they burrow?" She was only guessing, but none of the other likely answers seemed any better. A not-insignificant part of her was tempted to just let Fran walk off into the darkness alone, and handle whatever it was with a good thwack from her mace.

...Then again, a more cunning enemy might loop around the Berserker and set upon the seemingly vulnerable group behind her. Without foreknowledge of the enemy's combat power, sticking together was the only viable option. With a deep sigh, the Knight trudged on after Fran into the dust and murk, accompanied by the soft crunch of glass shards breaking underfoot.

Hidden 4 days ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 37 min ago

Heir to the Konpaku



Three, four, five---

His last defenses aren't anything special. I can tell he can summon more powerful monsters, but I think cutting his sight must have made it more difficult for him to coordinate.

Purple blood drips from Roukanken's edge, splattered across the ground, as the falling corpses break apart. That's right, I have a spare moment to reach him and force him to back down!

I can't move reliably as fast as normal. If I could, this battle would have been over in a flash and there would have been no question of my victory.

But he's just out of reach. I need to reach him, to put my blade up to his throat and make him back down before anything else happens---!

His eyes refocus.

My grip on Roukanken tightens as the spiral of sick-feeling energy above him roils and begins to move.

If I have to, if I'm given no clear choice to take another path---

Grandfather told me that I should be prepared. That even if I live a gentle life without the need for true bloodshed, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't ready myself.

"Understand this, granddaughter. These arts are meant to kill. One day, you may have to use them to do just that. Not to simply slay a monster or banish a phantom, but to spill the blood of a being who can think and speak just like yourself."

I know that much.

I know that I might have to do it.

I can't let him release that sickly spiral of seething, rotten energy. I don't know what it will do to anyone it strikes, to this surrounding area.

If it's come to this, then the day my grandfather told me about may have finally come.

My body tenses, Roukanken's gleaming edge rising into the night air. I suck air in, filling my lungs as my heart pounds faster with every passing instant.

I have to do this for my own safety. For the safety of this entire area. If I have no choice, it's not because I didn't try, it's because I was given none.

I have to do this

I have to.

If I truly have no choice, then---

The spiral in the air twists and inverts in on itself. It's torn backwards, sucked away by an invisible force.


The look of shock on my opponent's face tells me this isn't part of his plan.

I follow his gaze, and---


I'd nearly forgotten she was here. She must have just been brainlessly watching until she saw something that looked tasty, in that rotten brain of hers.

All that sickly energy is disappearing into Miyako Yoshika's mouth.

There's no time to pause and consider what any of this might mean.

I bring Roukanken down, stopping its edge when it reaches the monk's neck.

"I don't want to hurt you, but if you keep fighting you'll leave me with no choice."

A feeling of relief has washed over me. It's not that I'm not ready to take a life, but if it's not necessarily then there's no reason to go through with it.

"Surrender, and call off all your remaining monsters. Now."

My tone is firm.

I'm not going to allow an argument.

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Raineh Daze
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 33 min ago


"You should listen to her," Mokou suggested, shrugging as the jiang shi… ate the attack? Not the weirdest ability in Gensokyo by far, although it was a little disappointing to not get to see what it did to the human body, "Getting your head cut off is more painful than you'd think, the brain doesn't shut down immediately. Though… it's not in my top… ten… twenty… thirty most painful ways to die?"

She stopped to think, inspecting her regrowing hand curiously, before adding, "Especially not with a sharp sword like that. She's cut me in half before, it wasn't too bad."
Hidden 9 hrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 37 min ago

The Wandering Cat

"For the moment, I'm able," came Qing'e's remarkably calm response, "Your friend's efforts are warding off some of the effects of this phantom's curse, but not all of them. Touching those butterflies still means death."

The cloaked woman took one step back, then tilted her body sideways, slipping through a cluster of swarming butterflies even as they turned towards her en masse. But as long as they could shave their their numbers, surely, the spectral insects wouldn't be too troublesome, would they?

Indeed, it seemed as if Sanae and Rayne's efforts were able to swiftly clear away the butterflies that had been harrassing their ally.

The ghostly oiran narrowed her eyes. Her butterflies had offered her a shield against the various projectiles being hurled her way for the moment, but that meant she was unable to use them to attack successfully.

The oiran's eyes narrowed, particularly fixed on Sanae now.

"I don't believe you understand the efforts even the most beautiful must go through, girl," she nearly snarled, "But you'll learn far more than that soon enough."

The butterflies were still appearing, but the rate at which they incarnated seemed to slow, ever so slightly.

Something else was happening.

The thriving trees began to blacken, leaves falling away and putting off smoke as they suddenly burned. The sky began to darken, not with clouds but with drifting ash.

Screams echoed through the empty streets, cries of panic and shock as the buildings around them started to buckle.

There were no visible flames, and yet the heat could be felt quite intensely. The beautiful, decorated buildings were smoldering, flags and paper walls beginning to fray as the condition of the street started to rapidly degrade.

But it didn't end there.

From the oiran's feet, something else began to emerge. A thick, black shadow stretching across the ground, spreading in every direction.

No, not a shadow. It was something else. A black substance like oil, oozing across every space and rapidly flowing towards the oiran's trio of targets.

"Ah? This is---"

For only a brief moment, Qing'e's foot touched the oil-soaked ground. She had taken a position furthest forward, now, which meant that she was the first it reached.


She stumbled forward, retching. From beneath her hood spilled a flood of pitch black oil, much like what now coated the ground.

"nng... so that's... i-it..."

Her voice trembled now, sounding weakened. Even as she spoke, black oil still splattered to the ground from her mouth.

"... I-it won't kill you, not immediately, b-but---"

A single butterfly alighted on Qing'e's cloak.

And in that very moment, her entire figure was seemingly engulfed in flames. Bathed in a brilliant yellow and orange inferno that spread over everything.

The oiran cackled, deeply breathing in the smoke that emanated from the woman's smoldering form, only to pause and narrow her eyes once more.

Had they lost an ally? Had they come here at her behest, only for her to die? Just what was the curse in the oil spreading ever closer?

The burning cloak drifted to the ground shapelessly. There was nothing beneath it.


The Scarlet Devil

The front of the shop was dusty, but nothing seemed particularly wrong.

But below---

Ugh. What a mess. These surroundings are completely unsuited for one such as myself. Everything is smashed and ruined, and while there's no visible blood I can still smell it.

It's stronger then it was upstairs. Faint, but it's still there.

"The shopkeeper was probably murdered down here."

I wave my hand in the air, casually.

There's no reason to be subtle. Nor any reason to try and conceal the obvious. The scent of blood makes it clear enough to me, and no-one else should need to hear more of an explanation.

After all, the absolute mess in the basement should be enough to confirm there was a struggle.

"Maybe others, too, the scent of blood hasn't faded that much even though it's been a long time," I add as I glance towards the back of the shop, "Being dead certainly explains why he's so lousy at his business."

That scent is going all the way to the back of the basement.

... I'll let someone else check. There's no reason for me to go ahead and get covered in even more dust and cobwebs.

@FujiwaraPhoenix@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92@Lugubrious
Hidden 3 hrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kochiya Sanae
Nieve — Red Light District

Filled with renewed confidence as Rayne remained evenly matched with the enemy in front of them as she was, Sanae felt no fear as she maintained the divine wind coursing through the battlefield from behind her. Given the apparent tricks she had seen from the oiran thus far, it made sense to focus on making sure that Rayne would be able to continue her barrage of attacks unimpeded.

If only things would remain that simple.

The sudden crippling wave of heat that bore down upon them quickly drowned out her own spell; though the illness that bore down upon them continued to be kept at bay, the heat was still sweltering enough to make the young woman sweat. Coupled with the disconcerting illusory noises echoing from around them (or, at least Sanae hoped they were illusory), the green-haired girl was forced to reconsider if she needed to join the fray or not.

The answer to that question quickly turned into a resounding "absolutely" as the inky-black pool of oil that spread out from underneath their enemy made contact with Qing'e and promptly revealed what sort of effects doing so would have. Coupled with a butterfly that promptly lit her aflame, though...

It wasn't surprising, really, that Sanae let out a shout mere moments before her body, now apparently consigned to the flames, disappeared outright. There was a brief moment of anger over how quickly and cruelly the other woman's life was apparently snuffed out, but that would mean nothing if they didn't finish what job they had already started.

Unfortunately, those few seconds worrying about the fate of their helped would come to collect from her, too.

Though Sanae had the sense to take flight after seeing what had happened to Qing'e, the scant seconds she had taken to mourn her meant that she, too, would end up a victim of the oncoming curse. As the oil-like substance pooled beneath her floating form, the young woman gritted her teeth and gripped onto her gohei as the very same substance began to bleed from her eyes, her sclera now stained black from it.

"This curse really is... Something else, huh?" Sanae choked out before taking as deep a breath as she could muster before calling out to Rayne. Despite her own currently-crippled form, the battle—as far as she could tell—was nowhere near over despite their sudden losses.

"Rayne! Don't even try to fly over this stuff!" she called out as she lobbed a few more bullets towards any butterflies that dared to even draw close to her. "Big hits from afar, if you can! We need to—"

Before she could finish her sentence, though, an even stronger wave of nausea—one that she couldn't suppress out of sheer willpower—overcame her, and the shrine maiden promptly vomited the same substance that Qing'e had before her own disappearance.

"...Crap, I think I might need to call Kanako-sama in for this one..." Sanae cursed under her breath as she tried to steady herself. "Might not be calling home any time soon... But it's probably better than dying here."


Nieve — Odd Cemetery

With his attention thrown away in the heat of the moment—rare as such an incident was for him who had already seen so much absurdity in his lifetime—the monk could do little more than barely turn back in time to face the swordswoman who had all but sealed his fate. But instead of encountering that all-too-familiar feeling of cold steel carving through his torso, he found a rather targeted kick aimed directly at his solar plexus. With the wind thoroughly knocked out of him, the man fell to the ground, at which point his opponent promptly declared her victory—and, most surprising to him, a request for his surrender. The other woman chimed in soon thereafter in agreement, but by this point it was all but settled. The fact that she hadn't opted to kill him, though, seemed to give rise to more questions than answers.

"...Fine, fine. It's my loss," he responded as he released his weapon. "Man, sorcerers of this era really must be something else..."

Now that the fight was over, though, Carol—who had taken the prudent choice to not get involved with more of the insanity that seemed to be breaking out no matter which direction she traveled in—walked over with a mildly annoyed looked on her face.

"I suppose that you're done handling whatever... That was all about?" she asked as her gaze briefly flicked between the monk and the jiangshi (who seemed to be patting her stomach with a rather pleased expression on her face). "Now, with regards to your earlier question—no, this is most certainly not Europe. I'm also fairly certain that throwing those morbidly deformed creatures at us for simply seeing them isn't any way to have a proper conversation in most worlds."

There was a brief pause as the monk took in Carol's worlds for a brief moment before a rather uncertain look finally crossed his face.

"Most... Worlds?" he parroted, taking a moment to stare at each of the three girls in turn as his uncertainty turned to discomfort. "...Wait. You three... Don't have any cursed energy coming from your bodies? But that one over there's just regenerating her hand as if..."

"Finally starting to piece it together?" Carol sighed as she shook her head. "Well, I'll let the two of you decide how to handle him. You've spared his life, but it's another question unto itself if it'd be safe letting him go... Not to mention the chaos of that fight sure to attract—"

It was at this point that the monk, after a brief expression of apparent enlightenment, began to laugh maniacally despite the current situation. Nothing more seemed to come of it, though—least of all when he began to speak again once his apparent fit of madness had subsided.

"Ah, sorry about interrupting you there," the monk replied as he slowly pushed himself to a seated position. "I just realized something about this whole situation, but it's not of any importance right now."

With a snap of his fingers, the darkness of night hanging over them soon washed away, only to be replaced with the bright blue midday sky.

"...Can we feed this guy to the jiangshi instead, actually?" the smaller girl asked in turn. "You said you knew the one who owned it, right? Surely they won't mind if we used her to help us a bit, right?"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Magic Shop

The group of cautious travelers would find little of note past the debris and crushed goods—at least, at first. Further inspection of the wall that the destruction converged towards, however, would reveal that it was covered up by stone and dirt to mimic what had been there before. A bit of force—be it thoroughly destructive or otherwise—would soon reveal a massive cavern that had been carved out and led into the room they were in now.

Bereft of light as it was, though, exploring such a structure might have been dangerous—and indeed, almost as if on cue a few moments after revealing the hidden passageway, the sound of metal crushing stone and metal scraping against stone could be heard echoing from further down into the darkness...

And, as Anne had suspected, from around them as well. From all sides, massive skeletons covered head-to-toe in metal armor began to bear down upon the group in what appeared to be an attempt to keep them from pushing towards wherever the passageway led.

@VitaVitaAR@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92@Lugubrious
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