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"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and ascend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Evening
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984, Darius @FunnyGuy and Zelginn @Dezuel

Myra was relieved to see Darius was fine when she ran towards him with Mathis. Unfortunately, as Darius himself said, Artemis had left his side. Darius seemed to be worried about Artemis too. Maybe she had a feeling that something was going wrong, just like Myra did. Despite Mathis and Darius' words trying to calm her down Myra was still incredibly wary and alarmed, looking around and reacting to every small movement around her, making her mask immediately fall off her face. With her claws and teeth showing, she hissed and growled, assuming a low posture and making the other people who were probably as confused as she was get away from her with fear in their eyes. Her threatening posture sent a message clear enough for anyone to understand, regardless if they were confused or couldn't understand her. Danger. Those who got close to her at that moment would be tore into pieces, a side of her that even Darius wasn't used on seeing.

There were a lot of people screaming about humans, getting up on tables and chairs and Myra couldn't help but have a very bad feeling about all that. She wanted to just use her camouflage and run but she didn't want to leave Darius and Mathis alone. Not only that but she didn't knew where Artemis was. What if she was in danger? Darius did mention something about her getting into a fight... When a voice suddenly talked on her head, she knew that something was going to happen. Something bad. Following the voice's suggestion, Myra began walking away from the center, walking around Darius and Mathis, still hissing and in a threatening posture, her tail forming a perimeter around both of them, making sure no one would approach and making sure they would follow her, pushing them towards the center of the circle if they tried to get out. Circling them almost like a wild animal would do when trying to protect something when surrounded, she started trying to lead them away from the center despite her alarmed state.

Just at the moment they got away from the center, Myra heard a voice talking above the rest. The elf who was responsible for it though was suddenly tore open by something inside of him. As it's body was turned into pieces, a large demon appeared, floating before Myra's attention was drawn once again as she saw something being thrown to the air right in the middle of the ballroom with the corner of her eyes. What appeared to be a crystal, shattered mid air, making a strange thing appear from it, almost as if there was a hole on the air itself. From that hole, a terrifying creature came out, speaking in a frightening voice that echoed through the entire ballroom. Myra's very instincts shouted to her that she should get away from it. It became even clearer when the creature grabbed someone from the ball and unceremoniously threw it inside it's own mouth, killing it with a single bite. Before Myra could ever react to it though, something else drew her attention. A much more immediate danger than the giant demon creature. Coming from one of the corners of the ballroom she heard a loud howl, followed by a huge black wolf-like creature, running straight towards Myra while biting and throwing those unfortunate enough to stand in front of it's path towards Myra. When their eyes met, it was obvious that Myra was the target. Even though she wanted to avoid unnecessary conflicts that might leave her wounded, she knew that she had to lead it away from Mathis and Darius, lest they become it's target as well.

With no other choice but to fight in order to protect her friends, much to the creature's surprise, instead of running away, Myra used her claws to rip her dress, which was restricting her movements apart and dashed straight towards it, making a sharp turn to dodge just as it was about to get close enough to bite her. The moment she dodged it, Myra jumped on it, her claws and talons slashing it's side before she used the creature's own body to jump away, running away from it and from Mathis and Darius in hopes it would chase after her. The attack she made, despite her sharp claws and talons that were enough to leave deep wounds in large animals like adult wild boars, wasn't lethal by any means, instead she did so in order to provoke the creature to follow her instead of focusing on Mathis and Darius. After that small encounter, the creature would soon realize that Myra was, in fact, rather light for her size, becoming quite obvious that it was likely able to overpower her in terms of sheer strength and weight. That said, Myra's speed and agility were still a serious threat and her claws, talons and teeth were still a clear threat.

While making sure to not run quick enough to make the creature lose her track, Myra tried to keep the perfect distance for it to continue following her away from her friends. Myra did know that, for some reason, she wasn't going to be able to get out of the ballroom as she had seen a few people trying to get out and hitting an invisible wall. The biggest problem though was that Myra would be forced to fight against the creature if she wanted it to keep it's attention on her, since she was trapped inside the ballroom with the creature and she could tell that if the creature managed to get a clean hit on her, she wouldn't come out unscathed...


Giving a small bow again as Fatima introduced him and Gennar, Mikhail simply heard as Fatima greeted the woman. Just as Mikhail himself, it seemed like Fatima also realized the moment that the old priestess greeted them that fooling or trying to hide anything from the old priestess not only would be useless, but it probably would make her doubt them even more. Fortunately, Fatima did go straight to the point, asking her about her old altar, which Mikhail also thought that it would be the best way to approach the old priestess.

Upon mentioning her altar though, the old priestess seemed to have quite a few things to talk about it. According to her own words, the local Queen wasn't exactly one that respected the Bloods' Law and the old priestess made no effort to hide her disapproval with both the current situation and the queen herself, which was an interesting point to notice. Despite the old priestess' apparent unwillingness to discuss about her old altar, if they pressed a bit on the matter about the local queen, they might be able to take something out of her.

"I am afraid we aren't exactly acquainted with the local Queen nor the situation that is happening in her court or the town." Mikhail said in a respectful tone.

"That said... It doesn't take much for one to see that this place shouldn't be in this state nor that the rituals shouldn't be overseen by the queen instead of a priestess." Mikhail said in a neutral tone.

He was being very careful to not say anything that could arouse her suspicion and especially in the tone he was using to speak of her. It was true that Mikhail didn't care about the Bloods' Law or their traditions and if he tried to sound as if he cared, the old priestess would probably see through his small act. In that manner, it was better if he didn't try at all, merely being as genuine and truthful as possible.

Sorry for the delay! Will have a reply done today. Had to deal with some drama in an RPG table I play in here. Sorry.

Time: Morning
Location: Ember Grove Diner
Interaction with: Millie @princess, Lucius @Ithradine

Ylva sat down on the table together with Emelie and Lucius as she continued carelessly eating her sandwich when Emelie asked what happened with the store she worked at. Ylva was a bit surprised at first that Millie haven't heard about the attack that happened at the art exhibit on the university. According to the news, there were some dead and it seemed to be kind of a big deal, enough that even Ylva who not only was new in the town but didn't care much about the news ended up knowing about it.

"Oh, don't worry. Nothing happened with the store I work. That said, haven't you heard about the attack that happened in the art exhibit on the university? Anyways, it was kind of a bit deal though. Even I who don't care much about news knew about it." Ylva asked, surprised.

"It seems that a few people died and the circumstances behind it were... shady... at best. Lots of rumors going on about what really happened. Still, thanks for worrying about it." she said with a shrug before she turned to Emelie with a smile.

Truth be told, Ylva knew very well that some of the rumors, particularly about the creatures that some people claim that they saw weren't a lie, especially since she knew that there were other werewolves in the town. That said, despite knowing that, Ylva didn't know much about the circumstances for that attack. Which was the reason why she didn't care much about it nor she tried to know more about what happened.

Despite his rather cheerful attitude, it was still a bit strange on how fixated the man was on Emelie. It was strange on how he kept staring at her. Still, she had nothing to do with that as long as he didn't try doing anything funny. That said, Ylva did find his over energetic and happy behavior a bit annoying.

The moment he made his order though, Ylva couldn't help but to notice how his tone of voice seemed to change when he told the waitress the type of coffee he wanted. While normally she would dismiss that as just a bit strange, the fact that his demeanor was so bright, amicable and energetic, almost overly so made Ylva think that his behavior was a bit forced.

"It seems you have quite a strong preference to black coffee, haven't you?" Ylva asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him with a smirk, making it clear that she noticed the change on his tone when he ordered.

"Nice to meet you, Luke. I'm Ylva." she said, looking to Luke after he finally introduced himself and nodding towards him in a simple greeting.

Unlike her, Emelie didn't seem to notice or at least didn't react to the change in tone that Luke had when ordering coffee. Greeting him and Ylva with a warm tone, saying how she lived on Ember Grove her entire life. Even though Ylva had been on the town for a few weeks, it was indeed true that it did seem to be quite a lovable place to stay.

"Oh, don't worry. I wasn't fired or anything. The Starbucks on the mall simply didn't open today due to what happened. The owner said something about solidarity to the victims or something. That said, it is good to know that if something happens to my job there's someone to help me to get another." Ylva said with an amicable smile to Millie.

"Even though I've been here for only a few weeks, the town indeed seems like a lovable place to be. I still need to find some time to visit some of the interesting places I saw around here." she finished as she gave the last bite on her sandwich.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Late Afternoon
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984

Myra was happy to see Mathis laughing. Seeing her new friend happy made her feel happy as she smiled to him. After the misunderstanding that happened regarding the wine and now that the effect was gone, she knew that he didn't really want to do anything bad to her and despite the strange smell he had, he did seem to be a good person. When he apologized for Skar, Myra smiled at him, letting him know it was everything fine.

It was then that suddenly, the image of a pretty fairy appeared from the windows and the wall of the ball as everyone stopped dancing, eating and even the music stopped with their attention focused on the woman's image as she spoke. Myra looked at the image confusedly, tilting her head. She did remember when something like that happened, when Aklenroth appeared on the sky but she didn't have the same feeling she had back then, that fairy seemed to be different from him, in a manner Myra herself didn't understand very well. Instead of sympathy, it was more like Myra felt nothing towards the fairy, while she felt a strong anger and repulse towards Aklenroth.

Risa, as the fairy introduced herself, was talking a lot of complicated stuff, which Myra was having a hard time understanding. She did understand that she was talking something about humans, like Darius and how they were brought to Avalia. That said, even if Myra didn't know exactly what she was talking about, she could understand her expressions, how sad and nervous she was while she spoke. Despite that, Risa didn't seem to be a bad person and wanted to help the humans and she seemed to dislike Aklenroth as much as Myra herself did, which was a positive point for her.

Myra was paying close attention to Risa when the image suddenly changed to a frightening one, one from another fairy which seemed to be in a similar location to Risa's. She was bleeding and mangled, hanging lifeless from vines, which pierced her skin and flesh in a really gruesome and cruel display, which made Myra flinch and stand up, with an alarmed expression as she looked around. It was clear for Myra that something was happening, even if she didn't know exactly what. When she heard Darius' voice rising above the rest though, Myra immediately looked to where he was. If something happened, she would want to be near Darius and Artemis to defend them. Turning towards Mathis with an urgent stare in her eyes, Myra grabbed his hand as she pointed to where Darius' voice came from, pulling him towards that direction.

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Mentions: Cade @Helo, Sakura @baraquiel

When Ayita was on her way to eat together with Cade and Sakura though, their meal was interrupted once again. This time though, the image of the same fairy wearing beautiful clothes that had made quite an entrance in the ball earlier appeared from the windows, a reflection just like the one Aklenroth used to invite people to the ball. Much to her surprise though, Risa, as the fairy introduced herself, seemed to be an ally from the humans. Despite how guilty she appeared to feel over having brought the humans and how nervous she was, Ayita could feel the fire on her voice and eyes when she said she would oppose Aklenroth and fight for Avalia. Being one of the responsible for bringing the humans to Avalia meant that she would be able to help Ayita with her plans to bring the remaining of her people here. If she could find Risa, she could prove to be a powerful ally.

"Cade, Sakura, we need to find Risa. I don't think she is lying about siding with the humans and fighting against Aklenroth." Ayita said with a fierce expression.

Just as she had finished saying that and Risa ended her speech though, the image on the wall suddenly changed to a truly terrifying one. In a similar background to Risa's, another fairy's corpse was shown, her head hanging from vines which pierced her skin and flesh, her wings torn and her once golden hair now stained in red in a truly gruesome and cruel display, enough to make Ayita look away in disgust. There could be only one person responsible for such display of cruelty... That display did seem to have the opposite effect than what Aklenroth, whom Ayita supposed that was the responsible for it, intended though. A vaguely familiar voice rose above the rest, supporting Risa against Aklenroth after a few moments of stunned silence for the gruesome image. What started with a single voice, slowly began attracting more, with their voices echoing through the hall in defiance against the Lich King.

Truth be told, hearing those voices, openly going against Aklenroth's tyranny made Ayita's heart beat faster and her fighting spirit flare up. Avalia and it's people wouldn't go down without fighting. She could feel her blood getting hotter as the voices from those who were willing to fight for Avalia became louder and louder. For a moment, Ayita feelt an urge to shout together with the others, let her voice echo through the halls, louder and louder, in a manner Aklenroth wouldn't be able to ignore. Thankfully, she thought better before doing so. They were in a dangerous situation and couldn't afford having their identities known even in that situation. Ayita knew very well that Aklenroth was the type of person that would simply slaughter everyone inside the ball if he found that a few of them were against him... and that was exactly what was happening.

"We need to find this Risa. Aklenroth will go after her and I don't think she is far from here." Ayita said with a determined expression.

"I'm glad to know that Avalia won't lower it's head without a fight." Ayita said with a smile and fire in her eyes.


Ada looked at Kira just as excited as she was feeling the smell and seeing all the different and tasty looking dishes they could taste. When she found Yang, Kira started talking to her, asking about the food while Ada waved towards Yang with a curious stare to the dish she was preparing. When Yang said that she would let them try, Ada looked to Kira with an excited expression, eager to try it. Much to Ada's disappointment though, the man who was overseeing the competition was quick to say that they should wait a bit before tasting. While she waited for the time for her to try it though, Ada kept watching Yang to cook and how she seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

When they finally were able to get some, Ada looked at Talia and Kira before she gently grabbed their hands and starting pulling them towards where the dishes were. One by one, Ada started tasting them, curiously sniffing each dish before eating them. Surprisingly enough, most of them were really tasty and interesting. The meat had an exquisite flavor that Ada haven't tasted before, being completely different from the raw meat she used to eat. The Sushi from the Ushi-Ona was surprisingly good too! Even though she could still feel the taste of fish in the background, there were a lot of other smells and tastes that made it really tasty. Yang's dish smelled really good but Ada had some difficulties trying to eat the stringy things at first as they were really slippery. When Ada saw other people eating it though, almost as if they were drinking the stringy stuff with the soup, Ada found it way easier. Even though it wasn't meat, Ada was surprised to notice that she liked it as well. The only dish Ada didn't like that much was the bird maid's, seeing as Ada was mainly carnivore and didn't really enjoy roots and greens.

When everyone had tasted the competitor's dishes and the voting was completed, Ada was happy that Yang's dish won. Even though Ada had really liked the meat and the sushi and didn't know how she could compare all the dishes, seeing as they were really different, she was happy because her friend won the competition. Unfortunately, the Ushi-Ona didn't seem to be happy with the outcome of the competition, in fact, she did seem to be really angry as she leaped towards Yang in a threatening posture, which made Ada immediately hiss as she showed her teeth, getting in a low posture, a clear indication that she was about to pounce on the Ushi-Ona.


Freyr heard Sir Reed mentioning about moving targets, nodding his head in agreement. While it could definitely help, Freyr didn't know how much it would help, seeing as most of the remaining competitors, or at least him and the elf were hunters. Shooting at moving targets was exactly what they did.

"That could help indeed. I don't know how much though. Hunters do excel in shooting at moving targets and I'm sure the elf is no less competent of a hunter than I am." Freyr said.

When Sir Reed teased Freyr about him not being able to see the feelings inside the heart of a maiden and asked if there was something going on between him and Haley though, Freyr looked away for a moment, not knowing how to reply at that. Not only that was something Freyr himself wasn't that familiar with but he didn't know how Haley felt about him. Especially since he already was rejected once.

"I spent most of my life alone. I am not exactly 'good' with people... Or this kind of stuff." Freyr said in a low tone.

"The relationship between male and female Vieras is... complicated." Freyr finished.

"Regarding me and Haley, I don't know. I don't know what or if she feels something nor... How and if I feel something anymore." Freyr replied, hesitating.

Time: Morning
Location: Ember Grove Diner
Interaction with: Millie @princess, Lucius @Ithradine

Ylva gave an amicable smile as the girl thanked her, standing up before she introduced herself as Emelie or Millie as she said Ylva could call her. The moment she spoke though, Ylva couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, surprised, realizing that somehow, her voice was exactly how she expected it would be. Soft, mellow and calming. It did fit with her personality incredibly well.

When Millie mentioned that she came here with the intent of eating blueberry pancakes, the mental image Ylva had of the girl only became closer to a small rabbit than it was before. It was interesting how even the food she was going to eat seemed to fit her almost perfectly.

"Blueberry pancakes... Somehow, I couldn't have imagined an order that would fit you more than this one." Ylva said with an amused chuckle.

"Never ate anything other than the pulled pork or the ham sandwich they have here, but I suppose I heard people saying how good their pancakes are too." Ylva said in a very matter-of-fact way. Indeed, she did hear a few times some other customers mentioning the pancakes they served but since Ylva was more than happy with their pulled pork sandwich, she never even bothered to try them.

Just as she finished saying that though, another customer who entered the diner just as Millie dropped her change came walking towards them as he interrupted their conversation, mentioning how good the sandwich must be for Millie to drop her change all over the floor like she did and handing over two coins that had rolled away from her. Even though the man's interruption did earn him a rather sharp stare from Ylva, it disappeared the moment she gave a better look at the man and heard his voice. The bright smile and cheerful tone in his voice were far from threatening and he honestly did seem only to want some conversation, although he seemed to be specifically interested on Millie, which honestly wasn't a surprise seeing how the girl had 'harmless' and 'naive' written all over her, which coupled with her voice and appearance, would make almost any man want to protect her.

"I don't know how much help I will be able to give you other than what I know about the sandwich, since I arrived in this country just a few weeks ago. Been in this town for one week and a half." Ylva said as she walked back to where she was sitting down, grabbing the other half of her sandwich and walking back towards Millie and the newcomer were.

"But free time seems to be one of the few things I have plenty right now. The place where I worked closed down due to the stupid incident that happened the last night." Ylva said, giving another big bite on her sandwich.

Time: Morning
Location: Ember Grove Diner
Interaction with: Millie @princess

Ylva was in starting to eat the second half of her sandwich when she heard the front door opening with it's bells jingling as someone entered the diner. Looking over her shoulder for a moment, Ylva saw just as the short, pink haired girl closed the door, heading inside. The floral dress coupled with the red cardigan she was wearing only further accentuated the 'cute' appearance the girl had. Honestly, the girl and Ylva couldn't be more different, both regarding appearance and style. That said, Ylva didn't give much attention when the girl sat down and grabbed the menu, that was, until she caught her looking at her sandwich at least twice when their eyes met, which made her give a small chuckle. Interestingly enough, the fact that their eyes met seemed to make the girl a bit nervous as she started to look down and rummage through her purse, trying to find something. It was then that, due to her shaking hands, the girl dropped her purse, making the coins that were inside roll all over the floor. Immediately starting to grab the coins, the girl started to apologize herself, almost as if she did something wrong.

When one of those coins rolled towards Ylva, hitting the chair she was sitting on with a clink, she sighed audibly as she put down her sandwich on the plate, grabbing the coin and getting up as she walked towards the girl.

"I won't bite... At least not without a very good reason, you know?" she said with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow as she took out one of her earphones and extended her hand towards the girl, handing her the coin she got from the ground.

Even though normally Ylva would be a bit more careful, especially knowing that there were other werewolf in that town, That said, the girl not only didn't smell like one but it was painfully obvious that she was just one hundred percent harmless. Besides, Ylva was starting to feel bad to see her so nervous after looking at her. The girl was acting almost like a frightened bunny in the presence of a wolf... It wasn't like she was trying to intimidate anyone or anything.

"I do recommend the pulled pork sandwich, if that was what you were wondering about. It's my favoritt." she said with a half smile, speaking with a strong Norwegian accent. If her appearance wasn't already a good indication, her accent was a dead giveaway that she wasn't from around these parts.

"So... What is the reason for your interested in my sandwich? I'm Ylva by the way." she finished with a chuckle as she looked at the girl, with her hand still extended even after she got the coin in order to help her to stand up.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Late Afternoon
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984

When Myra heard Mathis' words, assuming that it was Darius who poked her, she gave a small, amused smile before she shook her head and pointed at herself, making the poking motion again, finishing with an innocent smile almost as if it was nothing wrong in poking random strangers. Regarding why she did so, Myra stopped thinking for a while before she turned to Mathis again, pointing towards her skin, hair and the clothes she was wearing and then pointing towards the chair, where she was sitting a moment ago and making a curious expression before turning back to Mathis with the same innocent smile.

The moment Mathis inquired more about Skarr though, Myra did make a distant expression. She missed her, despite being together only for a short time.

"S-Karr, Darr-... Da-r-ius." Myra said, almost messing up when pronouncing the single 'r' sound before she raised her right hand when she said Skarr's name and the left one when she said Darius' before putting them over her chest, roughly the location where her heart was.

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Mentions: Cade @Helo, Sakura @baraquiel

When Cade mentioned the good news he had, Ayita couldn't help but let out a smile. It was good to know that they may be able to have more allies. It was indeed some refreshing news for her, especially after the meeting with Darius and seeing how there were humans who despite everything, were still on Aklenroth's side. That said, she was happy when both Cade and Sakura shown themselves worried about how she was feeling, even trying to make her feel better.

"Thank you, both of you but... It's not that..." Ayita said, looking to Cade and Sakura with a kind expression.

"It's just that... Well... I met another human and he was helping Aklenroth..." she said in a lower tone, being careful for only Sakura and Cade to hear her.

"Someone who never had to fight for anything in his life, who never had to fight to defend his land, his people. Who refuses to see the truth, only seeing what is convenient for him..." Ayita said. It was clear for Sakura and Cade that there were a lot of feelings in her words directed towards the particular human she was talking about.

"But that doesn't matter for now... Let's go, I'm sure some food will indeed make me feel better and forget what happened." Ayita said, sighing and looking at both of them with a smile.

Before they went to the table though Ayita stopped for a moment, looking towards both Cade and Sakura.

"Thanks again... For being here for me." she said with a smile, looking to Cade and Sakura.
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