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"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and ascend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

Most Recent Posts

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Time: Afternoon
Interactions: Sakura @baraquiel, Risa @princess,
Valaeon @FunnyGuy, Valamiir @Alivefalling, Leon @Helo, Lucia @Potter

Surprised by her reaction, Myra looked at Sakura, tilting her head as she scolded her, whispering before she groaned in frustration, getting out from her hiding spot and changing her appearance again. Walking towards her, Sakura didn't seem to be all that happy with Myra, saying that she had to learn something. While Myra didn't know why she was hiding despite being in such a crowded place or why she was changing her appearance so many times, if she was angry because Myra didn't hide with her, then that could be solved quite easily.

Smiling to Sakura with an almost triumphant expression of someone who had figured out what she wanted, Myra nodded happily to Sakura after she talked, using her camouflage to briefly become invisible and then appearing back, still with a triumphant smile on her face. Surprisingly though, now that Myra understood what Sakura wanted, she decided to not hide herself anymore, instead simply walking towards the people she was hiding from earlier. Tilting her head, confused, Myra looked at Sakura for a bit before following her, simply walking and not trying to hide herself anymore.

As they approached the group, Myra could see that not only some of them were armed, but they seemed to be quite big and strong, some of them even being one of those big, scaly dragon-people Myra had seen a few times before. They also seemed to be rather vigilant of their surroundings. Maybe that was the reason why Sakura was hiding from them. Still, if they ended up being bad people, they could both just run away right?

The moment they got closer to the group though, the one that was flying landed just in front of them, asking who they were with a very intimidating posture and tone. While Myra didn't know how Sakura would react, she did feel threatened by his approach, which made her lower her posture a little bit, giving a step back and watching every movement he made very carefully, while giving glances every now and then to Sakura, waiting to see how she would react.


Mikhail continued to follow Bellinar and paying attention to where he was going. Even though he was using a sight shield, he still took precautions in order to not being seen. Arriving in a tavern in the very edge of the town, Mikhail watched as Bellinar approached the entrance, where a group of men waited by the door. One didn't need to work for the underworld to realize that that was a very shady place. When Bellinar mentioned that he wanted to speak with the 'boss', Mikhail knew that there was something definitely wrong. It didn't seem to be the first time he was going there.

Following Bellinar inside, Mikhail tried his best to avoid the thugs, hiding in the shadows and keep a low profile, as he knew very well that his sight shield wasn't infallible. When inside, instead of being distracted by the state of the place, with tables being nailed to the floor and ample signs of repairs after previous fights, he focused entirely on listening Bellinar and the supposed 'boss' he was going to meet with, trying to discern any remarkable characteristics that could identify them while being sure to extract as much information of the situation as he could. Mikhail already had some suspicions that Bellinar might be either betraying the group or selling information about them, but the moment he spoke to one of the man, whom apparently was the 'boss' of the place, the possibility of Bellinar being working for the enemy became even stronger.

As the conversation between Bellinar and the man continued, with the latter giving Mikhail enough information for him to fully grasp what was going on, Mikhail couldn't help but feel irritated. Not only he never liked to work with a group due to these exact type of problems, having someone disrupting his plans was incredibly annoying. The man, who revealed himself as Ahmar, apparently was working for a client, whom for some reason preferred to have Faeril alive, although the former didn't seem too worried in simply taking her head to his client if Bellinar proved to be too much of an issue due to his greed. With Ahmar now having all the information about Faeril and her group that he needed in order to act, it was just a matter of time before he and his men made their move, which made the situation even more urgent.

Having already listened what he needed to listen and gathered enough information, Mikhail headed for the exit, trying his best to not be noticed. Although it was part of his own rules to never leave any loose ends, the fact that he wasn't working by himself meant that he couldn't simply act like he normally did and even though he wanted to eliminate Bellinar and maybe even Ahmar right now to avoid future problems, it would be better to first return to Faeril, after all, Ahmar and Bellinar, at least for now, didn't know that Mikhail, was already aware of their little scheme. Something which could be used against them, no matter how much information they had about Faeril and her group.


Ada was following Ditzy a few steps behind, staying together with Nagare and Sir Reed to make sure they wouldn't get separated. In the middle of their way to the forest though, they saw a peculiar sight just before they were about to cross a bridge over a river, three wagons, being pulled by large boars, which made Ada lick her lips, remembering of the times she hunted those to eat before she met with Ozzy and went to the guild. The wagons were also being escorted by a group with Minotaurs, Lizardmen and Orcs.

Interrupting her curious observation of the monsters ahead of them, Sir Reed mentioned that they had left the forest, which made Ada assume those wagons were what they were searching for. When Sir Reed asked if there was any plan or if they would just charge towards them, Ada simply looked at him and then at the group, tilting her head, confused.

Ditzy's excitement as he mentioned his 'plan', much for both Nagare and Sir Reed's dismay, seemed to pass to Ada too, making her smile to Ditzy and nod excitedly before turning towards both Nagare and Sir Reed again, waiting for their approval. Ada watched many times other animals play fighting among themselves, so she was rather excited with the idea of doing the same.


Freyr spent most of the trip to Tulisan Forest mostly enjoying Haley's company in a truly pleasant stroll. While they did talk with each other, even the silence and the stares between them as they watched the scenery was precious to him. When Haley mentioned about the southern part of the Tulisan Forest being Varjan territory though, it made Freyr frown a bit, thinking about what she said.

"It would be good to stay away from it. Not only there were a few... problems in the guild regarding Varjo, but I wouldn't want to put you in a possibly dangerous situation." he said, thinking.

Those thoughts were soon forgotten though as they continued to walk, enjoying each other's company.

The moment they arrived on the forest's edge though, they were greeted by a... strange sight to say the least. In the very edge of the forest, almost in the middle of nowhere, a dirty man wearing rather expensive, although dirty, clothes was simply sitting besides a tree, sticking out like a sore thumb. The immediate thought Freyr had was that either he was a lost noble who spent a good deal of time away from civilization, enough to start losing his mind or... that those clothes he was wearing were stolen from someone.

Despite his silence, he was as bewildered as Haley regarding the man.

"Umm... Excuse me? Who might you be? Are you... lost?" he asked, still uncertain on how to deal with that strange situation.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Time: Afternoon
Interactions: Sakura @baraquiel, Elthrael @Dezuel

Myra was perplexed by how the demoness, whom quickly introduced herself as Sakura, changed her appearance with a simple wave of her hand. With her attention briefly stolen by Sakura's disguise technique, Myra kept looking at her in amazement for a brief second before she nodded, indicating she did understand what Sakura said. According to her words, she was also looking for her friends, although Myra had no idea of what the 'rebels' were nor she saw any clock around. Focusing on what was important, she nodded again to Sakura, excitedly.

"My-ra!" she said, pointing to herself with a smile before making a serious face, almost as if she was thinking about something for a few seconds.

"Friends!" she said, nodding her head as if she understood exactly what Sakura was going through.

After Sakura finished speaking though, for some reason she cut the fruit she was eating in half and gave one of them to Myra. Taking it on her hands, a bit surprised by her gesture, she looked at the fruit. While it wasn't meat and it certainly wouldn't be as fulfilling as it for her, she had already seen a few of those in the forests she been through. It was sweet, juicy and crunchy.

Smiling back to Sakura, Myra took the half apple to her mouth and gave it a careful big in order to not spill any of it's juice. Since Sakura was also searching for her friends, Myra decided to go with her for now. Just as she began following her though, out of nowhere, a vine coming from a stranger's hand suddenly went to the half apple she was biting, making it grow back into a complete one. Startled by that, Myra gave a jump back, almost letting go of the apple in the process as she plucked it from the vine, sniffing it a few times, warily, before she finally gave it a small bite just to be sure it was still a normal apple.

Taking one more glance to the strange male fairy that had appeared from the crowd, she looked at him with a wary expression as he approached her. While he didn't appear to be dangerous, the way he approached her so suddenly did make her a bit scared.
Myra continued looking at him, as he asked what she was searching for.

"Friends." she replied, pointing towards Sakura, realizing just now that she was already walking away.

Looking to Sakura, to the male fairy and then Sakura again, she blinked a few times before walking to where she was, not before looking back to see if the male fairy was following her. She was still a bit wary of him but he offered to help her and didn't seem to want anything bad, which was the reason why Myra wasn't outright trying to get away from him.

Getting near Sakura again, Myra found her pressing her back against the wall as she looked towards the center of the plaza, where the sound had came from earlier. Sakura's expression was a bit strange and Myra had no idea of why or even what she was doing. Instead of imitating her though, Myra simply stood right in the open, looking at Sakura as she tilted her head in confusion before giving a glance back at the strange fairy that had approached her earlier.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Time: Afternoon
Interactions: Aklenroth @Alivefalling, Sakura @baraquiel

Myra was still searching for Artemis and Darius when she and Mathis met a slightly familiar face. A strange light elf that Myra had a very bad feeling about and remember seeing his face somewhere. Wary due to his presence, Myra went behind Mathis, trying to pull him for them to leave. She didn't know why she had such a bad feeling or who exactly was that light elf... Not until she heard his words. His orders sounded... strange to Myra. More strange was how Mathis followed his orders without questioning, mindlessly walking away almost as if something was dominating him. That was already strange, but the words he used finally connected everything. Her eyes opening wide in fear as she realized what was going on.

The Morteum... The Necropolis... Mathis... was just a lie... wasn't he? She had already seen that sharp eared man before in the ball too... And she knew exactly who he was...

Before Myra could react though, he grabbed her by the neck, staring deep into her eyes, unfazed by her growls, hissing or her futile attempts to struggle against him. No matter if she tried to use her claws or even her tail, neither his grasp nor his feet would even budge. His words cut deep into her mind as he spoke with a terrible smile on his face. The moment he pressed his finger against her forehead, she could feel the cold, terrible touch as she began losing strength, gradually getting harder and harder for her to keep awake. Again he spoke, saying that she would forget everything about 'him', using a name Myra knew that was not his own. A lie, just like Mathis. Despite what was happening, Myra still struggled, a mix of fear and hate on her expression as her growls and hisses became quieter and quieter, her eyes slowly closing until she could see only Vaeril... no... Aklenroth, and then... nothing, as she fell on the ground, unconscious.

Myra woke up after some time, after feeling something touching her. At first it was a single touch, but then it began again, nudging her and touching her sides, until a loud horn rang, alarming her and making her wake up, suddenly jumping up, as she looked around confused and in a low posture, feeling threatened and afraid. She remembered coming here to the port to search for her friends with... someone... but why was she unconscious on the ground? Something happened, but what? Did they meet another person? Why she couldn't remember anything...? And more importantly, who was the strange demon woman looking at her? She didn't seem dangerous, especially the curious way she was looking at her while she ate an apple. Slowly calming down, as much as she could being surrounded by so much noises and different smells, her posture changed to a normal one as she looked to the woman, just as curious about her as she was about Myra herself.


Ada watched as the other members started to choose among the notes in the board. Having already seen them doing it before, she had an idea of how things worked already. She watched Ditzy taking one of the requests and going on his way with a big smile on his face and almost considered following him, until she heard Haley calling her name.

Turning towards the siren, Ada looked at her, tilting her head as she heard what she had to say carefully. The moment she ended and Ada realized that she wanted to take her with them, she turned towards the group Haley was talking about and then to Haley again, with a smile on her face and nodding her head excitedly, a clear indication that she was ready to go.

She didn't understand why Sir Reed seemed to be so mad about them going though as he scolded the rest of the party. Maybe he wanted to go too? Going nearby Sir Reed, Ada gently grabbed his hand, pointing towards the group and giving it a little pull, before looking towards him and tilting her head in confusion. If he was mad because they didn't invite him, he would be happy if Ada did, right?

After she did that though, Ditzy turned towards her, patting her on the head and asking if she wanted to play with the lizardmen, mentioning that they were both fast and strong just before Nagare looked to her, saying that they should both go help Ditzy. Excited with the idea, Ada let go of Sir Reed's hand, Nodding her head energetically to both Ditzy and Nagare before giving a small jump of happiness.


Freyr still had a discreet smile on his face, remembering how adorable Haley's reaction was upon waking up. He would be sure to let her sleep a bit more and just keep cuddling her a bit before waking up the next day. Turning his attention towards the request that Ditzy had taken, Freyr raised an eyebrow, especially seeing what Nagare had said, trying to warn Ditzy.

"That will be... problematic... Maybe you should get another one, Ditzy." he said, looking to Ditzy. Ditzy wasn't weak, but he was still too innocent and certainly liked to fight. Who knew what the female monster warriors would do to him.

"I do agree someone should go to help Ditzy, but maybe it would be better for it to be a woman?" he asked, turning to Haley, a bit in doubt if he really should go.

When Sir Reed began talking, Freyr couldn't help but agree with him, although he was a bit... taken aback by the what Sir Reed told that might happen, even more so for Haley's reply, which made him immediately go to her side and gently embrace her.

"I love you Haley. No one else." he said, in a low tone to her, a bit embarrassed by the words he was saying himself, though that didn't make them any less true.

"We can still go to help Ditzy if you want but... Maybe we should get another request? Like that one... It doesn't sound as... 'risky' as the one Ditzy took..." he said, pointing towards the request named "The Great Horizon 3" one.

The moment he said that, Nagare turned towards both him and Haley, mentioning that she was happy that they became a couple. No matter if she became aware of that fact by Sir Reed's words or his small public display of affection, it still made him happy, although a bit embarrassed.

"Thanks, Nagare. I am really lucky to have met her." he said with a small smile as he let go of Haley, still holding her hand though.

Listening to Ditzy's reply to Sir Reed's words, it became obvious he had his mind set on going to that particular request. Even though the reasons he gave were honestly quite good, it would be still a complicated request for a male.

"Besides... Ada seems to like the idea of playing with the Lizardmen too. Although I'm a bit worried of letting the two go by themselves..." Freyr said, chuckling at how innocent both Ditzy and Ada were.

"It would be good if someone a bit more... responsible... could go with them." he said, chuckling as he looked to Nagare.

"The decision is still yours, Haley. I am happy as long as you're happy." he said with a sweet smile as he looked to her.


Mikhail heard Dareen and Fatima's words with a rather grim expression as they discussed if there was another possibility, maybe a way to trick Dorothea... Something which was highly unlikely, having in mind how hard it was being trying to hide from her. Interestingly enough, after giving her brief input, Fatima stated her desire to retire herself to rest, although she did request Sybl's presence with her, which was a bit strange.

Turning his attention towards Saetan as he started speaking about the band around his throat, Mikhail quickly had his suspicions confirmed. Tricking someone like Dorothea would be incredibly difficult, especially on this particular situation, seeing how thorough she was regarding Saetan.

"I didn't think it would be simple... But it has far exceeded my expectations how complicated the situation we are in." he said, sighing.

"Dorothea was... quite thorough in her small 'leash'. I honestly have no idea on how to bypass it. But again, I am not the one taking any decisions." he said, shaking his head. Something about the way he formulated that phrase would make others question themselves if Mikhail would really be bothered by such genocide though...

With their small 'reunion' being mostly over after Denvar's closing words, Mikhail was about to go rest himself, until he noticed something that drew his attention. A noticeable volume on Bellinar's back pocket which wasn't there before. Due to the types of people he worked with, Mikhail knew very well that money almost always was trouble. Especially if one didn't know it's origins. Knowing that a direct confrontation would lead nowhere with the lack of proof and knowledge he had right now, Mikhail decided to postpone his rest, waiting a bit before going out himself and using his sight shield, following Bellinar to keep an eye on him.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Time: Afternoon
Interactions: O'ner (Mathis)

Myra proceeded to tear of a few chunks of meat from the Owlbear's neck just to guarantee it was dead before she finally got off from it, giving a step back as she licked the blood on her face. She did look at the dead creature for a moment, licking her lips and considering if she should stay and eat some, but since she was not sure about what the group would do, she just cut a few pieces of meat and kept them on her hands, putting one on the mouth every now and then as she looked to the rest of the group waiting.

Myra watched as the group began tending to their wounded, particularly Malachi as he bandaged Belle's wounds. The moment they started walking though, a small Owlbear cub appeared from the bushes, going nearby one of the fallen Owlbears and nudging it, making it obvious that, at least the one it was nearby was one of his parents. While Myra looked at the small cub for a moment, she simply looked back at the group, almost as if wondering why they had stopped. For someone like her who lived in the forest, such things were common occurrences. Prey on others or be preyed upon. While she wouldn't kill the cub just for the sake of it, having enough meat to feed herself, she wouldn't go out of her way to help it either. Due to that, she was a bit confused when Belle said that it would take care of it, taking it on her arms rather gently, though the strange scene did make Myra smile a bit.

Surprisingly enough, Belle didn't seem to be the only one moved by the small cub, seeing how Mathis himself was crying when Myra looked at him. She was a bit confused at first, tilting her head as she looked at him, but seeing how he turned away from her, simply saying for them to go, she dismissed it as nothing serious and followed him as they made their way to the port. His decision to split from the group was a bit strange, but seeing how Mathis knew Darius, it was more likely that he would meet him, which helped her in the decision to split from the group as well and go with him.

Waving a simple goodbye to Belle, Mallachi and Valok, she went after Mathis, who had already given a few steps away from the group.

Myra and Mathis arrived on the port when it was already evening. While the sudden change from forest to city was always something a bit impactful for Myra, she was still excited because it was possible that they would meet Darius and Artemis there. Nonetheless, she was still making sure to be as close to Mathis as possible, since the port was replete with people. The multitude of sounds and smells were particularly tough on Myra's enhanced senses, hence why she was moving with caution.

@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@Stern Algorithm@AzureKnight@Rezod92

It was already very late when the Ada and the rest of the group finally arrived on the guild after she went with Ditzy to say goodbye to the dark priestess. Arriving on the guild, they were greeted by Yang and Kira, who were waiting everyone on the guild's entrance. The day was indeed fun, despite being rather exhausting as it became evident by Ada's yawns as she greeted Yang and Kira. Unfortunately, both of them also had some sad news to give Ada and the others: Ozzy had left the guild together with Margaret after what happened in Boreal Port. While Ada was undeniably sad by the news, she did understand a bit why Ozzy would want to leave. He probably had his own plans and things to do. Just like Ada having left the forest and coming back to the guild with Ozzy and Haley. Still, she was a bit annoyed because he didn't stay to at least say goodbye to her though.

Entering the guild, Ada went straight towards her usual spot on the couch, Ada laying down, curling in a small ball with her tail around her and going to sleep without doing anything more. It was obvious she was a bit sad because Ozzy, the first person she had met on the forest had left.

Ada woke up on the next day feeling a bit better and definitely happier than she was on the last night. Standing on her tail and getting near the board, she began looking at the requests. While it was obvious by her confused expression and occasionally tilting her head that she didn't know how to read, she had caught a few words from being near Ozzy and the rest of the guild members. One of those was 'forest', the place she used to live before she came to the guild. With a small surprised blink as she read the word on one request, she realized that it was written in a few of the papers in the board. Pointing towards each one of them, Ada looked at the rest of the guild members that were there, pointing at the other requests again, clearly indicating that she was willing to go to any one of those that had the word 'forest' on them.


After quite an... eventful day, Freyr returned to the Guild together with the rest of the members. They were greeted by Yang and Kira with some bittersweet news though, Ozzy had left the guild with Margaret. While it was always sad losing a member, Ozzy surely had good motives to left and if it was for the reason that Freyr thought it was, he could understand perfectly well why he did so.

Spending the rest of the night together with Haley, Freyr wake up on the next morning feeling refreshed and renewed.

"Good morning!" he said in a low and sweet tone as he woke up near Haley, kissing her forehead gently as he embraced her.

"I'll get down first and get us something to eat before choosing what we will do today." he said as he slowly got out of bed.
Sorry for the delay! Will have something done tomorrow! :-)
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