Ability Scores
Melee 1 | Agility 2 | Resilience 1 | Vigilance 2 | Ego 1 | Logic 3 |
Defense Scores
Melee 11 | Agility 12 | Resilience 11 | Vigilance 12 | Ego 11 | Logic 13 |
Melee d6 x 2 + 1 | Agility d6 x 2 + 2 | Ego d6 x 2 + 1 | Logic d6 x 2 + 3 |
Extra Info
Rank 2 | Health 30 | Focus 60 | Karma 2 | Damage Reduction N/A |
Full Name: Madalyne Lilian Crane
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'3
Weight: 124lbs
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Distinguishing Features: Madalyne has demon horns, sharp teeth, batlike wings, and a prehensile tail. Madalyne also has her ears pierced, both ear lobes and upper part of the ear on the right side
Origin: Supernatural
Team: The Huntresses
Base: Avenger's Academy
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hobbies: Reading, practicing magic, playing chess, as well as painting.
HistoryMadalyne's family comes from a long line of witches dating all the way back to ancient Greece, supposedly her family were one of the first to learn magic from the Greek Goddess Hecate herself. Eventually moving to England at some point, before setting off to the new world, the family since then has stayed in Salem for years. When the Salem Witch Trials happened it almost whipped out her family, but those that survived managed to stay low long enough for the whole thing to pass the Crane family still continues to stay in Salem to this day living in one of the largest houses in Salem.
Madalyne was born in November of 2022, to Amara Crane being her mother growing up however she had never known who biological father actually was. Though her mother has never actually told her who he has, but has since then moved on and eventually married to her adoptive father Anthony which he has adopted and took her in and has loved her ever since.
As Madalyne got older her family wanted her to go to Strange Academy instead, however she didn't really want to go there and wanted to standout more than the other kids. And she always wanted to go to California as well to ever since she was young. Eventually her parents relented and allowed her to tryout and was successful was able to enter the Avenger's Academy all on her own one of the few students who tried out without a formal recommendation. Madalyne was able to make a few friends since she has been in the school as well to, and has been enjoying her time there ever since.
PersonalityWhenever you first meet Madalyne she is a very caring and loving person and would do whatever it takes to make a friend or family member happy as well. She is someone who always tries to see the good in people and would do anything to try and protect them as well. She isn't one to back down from a fight either especially when it comes to someone who has harmed her or a friend of hers as well. Madalyne is usually pretty stubborn as well to and can be a hardhead to.
But most of the time Madalyne is usually very cheerful and usually likes to joke around and have fun whenever she can, she always give things 100% as well. She likes to also work with others even more so when she is with some of her friends though she does try to avoid getting into trouble with her teachers whenever possible.
Traits- Quick Learner - If Madalyne fails an action check, he gains an edge on the check if he tries the same action again on his next turn.
- Monster - Due to Madalyne's demonic heritage and appearance, she'll have an edge whenever she tries to intimidate someone.
- Skeptical - Madalyne is hard to fool, people have trouble on their ego checks to persuade the character of something.
Tags- Young
- Extreme Appearance
- Cursed
- Sorcerous
- Chaotic
- Images of Ikonn
- Sense Supernatural
- Sense Sins
- Hellfire Chains
- Flames of the Faltine
- Hex Bolt
- Flight