Avatar of PrinceAlexus


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

And tags broken up.

Seems your right.

@RawrEspada4, @CaptainSully, @King Tai, @MissCapnCrunch, @LetMeDoStuff, @RoccanIronclad, @Alex_The_Great, @Rabidporcupine, @BuriedComic7, @Silver Fox,

Just incase. Sorry if duplicate. That tag might have not worked as 11
@The1Rolling1Boy, @CoolGoy02, @Mattchstick, @Ashevelendar

Finished. One last batch fresh on the cooling rack to nibble... I mean tag.
@liferusher, @MST3K 4ever, @The Muse, @HachiRoku, @QueenOfTheLand, @Robo27, @Desparadina, @alexfangtalon, @Voltus_Ventus, @aladdin_sane

Batch 3 fresh out the oven.
Muffins this time? Choclate chip or blueberry?
@Cairo, @Zaxter996, @Saarebas, @Majoras End, @Rodiak, @FloriCello, @Tenma Tendo, @LostBrotherGrimm, @LunarMist, @Lemons

Batch two of fresh cookies... I mean tags...

Umm cookies....

*Living Saint of the avacrdo pops out of nowhere to return and back to create Avacaedo jurassic Park in 1-1 scale lol*

Welcome to the party :)

Things get interesting when the posts start flowing.

Good morning.

Great. Everyone is welcome. New and old.

Any questions just ask, or post.

CS sheet if you want to work on ideas can found on the Chapter 2 OOC and CS tab if you want to get a idea what others have created.

Please make sure to read the Chapter 3 OOC though when it starts, few changes, to ruled and additions. So make sure to give it a nose :)

This will be the time. Count me in.

Great. Welcome home :)
Thought I would say I'm working on my own character!

Great, any questions, just ask or post in the thread.

We Don,t bite, no vampires or werewolves in sol!

Will you be making a discord for this?

Yes, we have one, we will sort invites and such out when we start up the OOC and get things going properly.

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