For roleplaying involving one-liners, few-liners, speed-posting, and for anyone who doesn't want to have to worry about standards. See individual GM for RP specific standards
Roleplay here if you enjoy writing at least a paragraph or two, character development, and some depth. Grammar and spelling are encouraged. Generally one paragraph (a few sentences) per post. See individual GM for RP specific standards
Advanced RP focuses on longer posts, often with in-depth plots, character development and extensive settings/lore. Must make a dedicated effort to minimize typographical errors and to use good grammar. Generally two paragraphs, but usually longer. See individual GM for RP specific standards
Yep. I'm a firm believer that Dorn is the best romance for Durge. Star just wanna be power drunk or hella sweet and that ain't right for Durge. Dorn instead aligns with everything Durge stands for <3
I've been hounded for being a bad friend. I've been too happy about finding another roleplay place again. Trying to make it up to my friends and be there more.^^ possibly slow replies today