Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Swordsman in training

A collab by Sketcher and Roran Hawkins

Konoha Training field 13, 2 weeks ago.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eiji Emiya

Holding back the Yonbi

Commanding an army, somehow Eiji still felt weird doing it. He was the Amekage's Assistant and he had no problem excecuting the commands Ryoku gave him, but actually standing in front of an army of people that waiting on his decision was just... daunting. He wasn't afraid, no he could do this, he was just wondering if he was really the person to give the orders.

As he watched the beast being drowned by Ryoku and waited for orders, he half expected Kuni to pop up next to him. The girl always did that even though he would tell her countless of times not to come. It made him smile slightly, but as no Kuni appeared that smile faded. Of course she was not coming. She was getting ready for the sealing. The sealing that would change her life and most likely his too. He wondered if he should ask Hoshi for sealing techniques. He was the one that was most likely the closest to the new born Jinchuuriki and well... if something would go wrong it might be good for him to know some sealing stuff.

Ryoku didn't give him more time to contemplate. Orders came. It was time to bring that beast down that was letting out his killing intent on the people of the city, including Eiji. He turned to the people of the first line of defense who were waiting on his words. "Water Users!" He called. "On the signal we are moving in and around the beast and hit him with all the water we have. Follow the.words of the Amekage. We will defend our city!" He turned back to the creature as it charged again.

"Eiji! NOW!"

On their mark the line of shinobi started moving, charging towards the beast. Handseals were formed and water came crashing down on the Yonbi from all directions. Watching the damange being done Eiji could only think of one thing, if they succeeded - and they were going to succeed - he would have to find Kuni as soon as possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deidara Yuhiko


A few moments after Renya injected the antitode and boosted its effect speed with her lightning aura, Deidara coughed and opened his eyes. Seeing his teammate above him, he forced himself into a sitting position even though he still felt weak, but he also felt like his entire body was given a bit of energy. He gave her a smile before looking around.

"Thanks Renya. You did it. Sorry I couldn't provide any more help. I was an idiot who thought he could do too much at once, and it failed big time. Now we just need to find Midori." He said and looked around some more. The last thing he remembered was the Gyuki controlled clone pulling Midori away into an alley "I think she was trying to find somewhere she considered to be safe." Deidara said before coughing a bit more. His entire body felt odd due to the lightning that went through it, along with the exaustion and the fact he fainted. He just hoped his teammate won't have a problem with finding Midori, as he placed his hand against the wall he was next to and slowly brought himself back to his feet, using the wall as support.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

Shikaroku Nara
Konoha Genin - Team 9

Looking around the field and watching his teammates go after the tags... Shikaroku could feel the migraine starting. He wanted so badly to be able to help, to be able to make some clones to search with the others, but he couldn't. He was useless... Punching the ground in frustration, Shikaroku let out a sound that was a mixture of a growl and a yell of anguish. "STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU! We can't keep going around trying to accomplish this as individuals! The whole purpose of this training was to fix the issues that we had working as a team! Look at us though! If Hiron-sensei could see us now how do you think he would react!?" Looking down at the ground, Shikaroku's voice grew a little quieter. "Look... I'm sorry. I just... I cannot do what both of you can do. I cannot help in the same way, so I have to try and help you guys in a different way. But I can't do that if we don't work together..." The pain in his head was beginning to grow again, and Shikaroku clenched both of his fists so tightly that his fingernails dug into his palms, drawing blood.

"I know that we are running on limited time here, but we also have to keep in mind that Hiron has a surprise in store for us when we get back to the village. Without knowing what we are going to be facing, we need to be careful with our chakra. I agree that shadow clones pose the smallest risk when it comes to collecting the tags due to the fact that it saves you both from taking any real damage. However, using clones also takes up a lot of chakra, and I think that there is another way that we could do this." Again that nagging pain at the back of his head. Pushing the feeling from his mind and forcing himself to focus, Shikaroku looked between his teammates. "I may not be of much use due to my inexperience and my lack of techniques, but I have an idea how I could be a little more useful. But first... First i should be apologizing to you both for my outburst. That was not how I usually deal with things and it was wrong of me. I... Once this is all over I can explain to you both a little more clearly, but for now please just hear me out."

His eyes travelled between both Mia and Masami, an apologetic look on his face but also a look of fierce determination. "Masami, you have proven that you are able to locate the traps within a certain radius. At the moment I am not quite sure what your range is, but we can use that to our advantage. Mia, from what I have seen so far you and your ninken are the fastest of us, and the most experienced. Together you are our best chance of getting in close to scout out the location of the papers. With Masami locating the traps, we can communicate through our earphone communicators and avoid the majority of them while searching for the pages. If you are comfortable with it Mia, I can cover both you and your Ninken with my shadow shield. It will protect you from any physical attack, and it does not use up too much chakra, making it more efficient than a clone technique."

Shikaroku hoped that his plan made sense so far, to be honest he wasn't even quite sure how he'd managed to come up with it, normally his migraine would have kicked in already and made clear thinking an impossibility. The pain was still there, but it wasn't as strong as previous times. Shikaroku was still worried that it would flare up any minute now, and he wanted to explain the rest of his plan before doing so. "Once we have located the pages, we can collect them one at a time... as a team. I would suggest that we first attempt to collect the pages at a further range, in order to avoid any immediate traps. If that proves to be impossible then we can move in closer, protecting each other against the traps. I know it may take a little longer than spreading out and trying to simply grab the tags as fast as possible, but this way will be much safer, and waste much less chakra. By my calculation, we still have just over an hour to collect the remaining pages before we need to head back to the village. That should be more than enough time if we start working together now. Thankfully Masami was able to collect one of the pages already, meaning we only have four left. I leave it up to you though guys, if you have any better suggestions I am all ears." Slowly standing to his feet, Shikaroku looked at his teammates, waiting to see how they would react. He knew his outburst had been a little over the line, but that was something they could deal with later, and hopefully they could focus on getting this mission finished first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlterNathan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takeshi Fujiwara

Waiting out at the gate with Tora-sensei and Kumogatorui until Naoto arrived Takeshi studied his scroll for the ice floor, the hand seals weren't too hard and he had managed to get it off, although the ice floor he created was a bout two square inch. When Naoto arrived he noticed her seeing a bit pale but decided not to bring it up. Takeshi listened silently to Tora-sensei's briefing before they went on their way. Curious to who the other person was who would lead him and Naoto He did not fail to notice that the mission Tora-sensei explained to the three genin was surprisingly similar to the one he used to test his tactical sense with in their private session. The mention about rogue ninja was a little disturbing though, they weren't pushovers... usually, and he doubted if the three of them were qualified to take them out, luckily they had their sensei with them.

Flying through the trees he noticed Kumogatorui's glance in his direction, he smiled widely and stuck up his thumb, letting her know that he was feeling okay and was enjoying th moment. Takeshi was looking forward to this first mission, he always liked the feeling of battle, he was quite confident and loved the adrenaline that surged through his body after pulling off a nice move. He shot glanced around them every now and then to scout for any signs of nothing in particular but didn't see anything yet, he wondered if they were getting close.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
Avatar of Gerontis

Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Fight in the Dark,
Divide and kill.

A collab between Little Alice, Chromehound and Gerontis.

Summary :
Hayate and Kiyomi are about to erase the lab they found, wanting to destroy it. However it seems there will be a sudden change of plans.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chizuko Irozaki - Kumogakure ANBU - Entering the Land of Fire (Part 2)

"...so it turns out that all this time, he wasn't really dead. I had been working under him just like I had been before. And, that's the end of it for now." Chizuko said with a sigh. Heading towards the Hidden Leaf Villiage with a message from Raikge to Hokage, one would think that the ANBU assigned to do such a task would not be walking casually along with a little white haired boy named Kohaku. Chizuko did desperately want to get back on task with her mission, but having been distracted had caused her to need to do a few things she did not want to, first. One of which was tell a story about her friend/Raikage, without blowing his cover and without sounding like some sort of woman with no hope of ever getting to the man she loved.... which was also not the case!

"That story was more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Obaa-chan will be so happy to hear that one!" he said with an excited hop.

"So you paid attention? I dont want you running back here to get details after you have gone away." she said bitterly. This was the most talking Chizuko had probably done in her entire life. She didn't like wasting breath on things like this. "Now will you scram? I have work to do now."

"Of course! I'll get out of your hair now. ...Which is really pretty by the way!" Kohaku said while turning around to head back to his home. "And don't forget your promise to bring him around next time!" he said as he started to run off.

"Hey! I didn't promise such a thing!" she called but he was likely not listening to her. Frowning and scoffing as she turned and began on her way at a fast pace, she mumbled. "I only promised that I would try."
It took Chizuko a full day and night's trip to finally get to the gates of the Hidden Leaf Villiage. She would have gotten there sooner if her mind had been in the right place during that time. No matter how badly she wanted to focus on the mission at hand, her mind kept drifting back to the family in the forest. Why she had instantly felt so at ease around them. Why they had invited her into their home so nicely. In an odd way, the two elders reminded her of her parents, and she found herself wondering, had they not have been killed, if they would end up such a happy-go-lucky couple as well.

In the short time she spent with the three, Chizuko felt more at home than she ever had in a number of years. Perhaps that was the reason she allowed herself to stay. Though the time was not a good one, she felt that she needed the time to sit and be normal if only for a short while. After she had dwelled on those thoughts for a long time, she began to focus on her mission, only to have her last meeting with the Raikage continuously pop into her mind. She began to get frustrated with herself and the suddenly feelings she felt that had also begun to appear at a bad time. She had a job to do, and so did he. Even if she was interested in trying to spend more time with him, with his work schedule, it would likely be impossible. This thought made her sad to an extent. Chizuko at least wanted to be able to catch up with him, but knew that if things began to become sensitive between them, things might become complicated.

In any case, it was well known that Chizuko took little interest in anyone, romantically that is. While a few of her Jounin comrades were settling down and allowing themselves to relax in their free time, Chizuko was always focused on her work. Not considering the differences in rank, many of them often reminded her she was growing older and should not be always so wound up over work and things. They told her that she wasn't the only ANBU and had a right to take a break every once in a while, and while it was all true, Chizuko never found a reason to 'relax' or do such things as 'go out' or 'make friends'. Unlike many, she actually enjoyed working under Takeru and helping in little ways to keep things running smoothly as they are. When she was not on duty or sent to a mission, she often stood upon high rooftops and watched the villagers as a past time. It gave her purpose, thinking about everyone and making sure she was doing all she could to preserve the safety of everyone in the villiage.

Speaking of doing all she could, after some time her mind finally stopped thinking about other things and began to refocus on her mission. As she neared the gates of the Hidden Leaf, she slowed her pace to a walk as she approached one of the ninja that was stationed as guard there. Instead of speaking to him right away, she waited for him to address her first out of respect.

"Welcome. Kindly state your purpose for being here." he said in a nice tone that also sounded a bit bored. It was when he noticed her mask that he stood a little straighter and looked a bit more focused. Reaching into her hip pouch, Chizuko retrieved the scroll Takeru had given her and held it out for him to see who it was adressed to. "I have been sent by Lord Raikage to personally deliver a message to your Hokage." she said simply before putting it away. The Jounin nodded, turned, and made some sort of signal with his hands just before two Konoha ANBU appeared before them. "These two will escort you there and back. Please follow them." he said in a serious tone.

"Thank you." she said and looked at the two. One of them nodded and then they were off with Chizuko following closely behind. It took them little time to reach the Hokage's office, and Chizuko was thankful for the escort. She found herself looking out around the villiage as they made their way there, and she was pleasantly surprised at how pretty and lively it was. Even as they entered the building, the two ANBU stayed at her side until they approached a door to which she assumed belonged to the Hokage.

"Wait here. I will see if Lord Hokage is free to see a visitor." one said before knocking.

Turning around as she waited to be called inside, Chizuko went to a wall and leaned against it, sighing, as the thought of her friend began to creep back into her mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Fight in the Dark,

Excelling teamwork!

A collab between Little Alice, Chromehound and Gerontis.

Summary :
Approached by an unknown enemy that has a rather interesting ability, Kiyomi and Hayate fight back as they are forced to find a way to counter the unknown ability of their opponent.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kamiria Haruhino

Both Niji and Kazuma made their own attempts at consoling her. Kamiria was sure they meant well, but she also had a feeling it was just empty words. Less an authentic appraisal that she wasn't useless and more a token attempt to placate her. But she wasn't about to get caught up on something of little importance like that. If she wasn't useless, she would express it by doing something meaningful. Then, she would be content with herself, and anything else wouldn't matter a bit.

As Niji drew her into a hug, she heard the possibility of a mission thrown around. She could hardly imagine them doing anything else with their time. Training was one thing, but field experience was entirely another. She was all too eager to get out there and test herself genuinely for the first time in a long time. Hopefully, her exercises would be reflected by her performance. "I'm all in favor of departing on a mission." She told the two of them. "Sensei, did you have something specific in mind already?" They were planning to go on a mission, but he had yet to speak of what kind of mission they were going on. Kamiria thought this would be a rather important detail, but she assumed that Kazuma had already planned it out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

~(Double Post)~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

The New Recruits!
Kirigakure - Team 2
A collab between ChromeHound, Nytefall, Agent B52 and Fieryfly!

Takeshi finishes up his training session with Shiro, only to have his two newest students arrive. Deciding to see how they work together, Takeshi challenges them to the infamous Bell Test, but this time there's only one bell...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A Plan Set In Motion - Kirigakure Docks
A collaboration between Little Alice, J8cob, Shadowcatcher, and Mr. Nim

Plot: An excited Haruhi and a worried Mika meet the Mizukage and her ANBU at the docks. Rika and Haruhi excange a few words and get to know eachother while they wait for the others to arrive.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Masami Hyuuga
Konohagakrue Genin, Team Hiron

Masami was a bit shocked at the outburst from Shikaroku, but thinking about it now, it was completely justified. Looking at her bloody palms, she realized the mistake she made - rushing in without her teammates was not a wise idea, especially after Hiron-Sensei made it clear after their first mission that he was not satisfied with their teamwork. She was worried a bit about Shikaroku but as he calmed down, so could she - and as she listened to his ideas - and listening to them, Masami saw the genius behind his speech. He learned all their capabilities and included them in a strategy, an approach that could allow them to succesfully complete this mission in the given time. She wanted to ask how he was capable to work with such a wast amount of information in such a short time, but they had more pressing matters to do. She remained silent for a few seconds one he told them his master plan and with a deep breath, she spoke up.

" I guess you .. you are right, Shikaroku. I acted without thinking or consulting it with you and ... well, I paid the price for it. And I may pay it once, depending on Hiron-Sensei´s mood. Your plan is a sound one, Shikaroku." Masami looked around, back to the trap that just injured her." I think I can spot those traps from a medium range - I was standing about thirty meters from that tree and I spotted them. I think I would be able to do better, but for that, I would need to be stationary - and not moving in a mission when we have to hurry is ... not good. Masami cursed herself for not training her eyes enoguh in the past - her mind flashed back to her training with Kiyomi during the events at the Hon Estate." But I think I can do it even while moving, Shikaroku. We can´t move forward without rising up to a few challenges. So ... Mia. Masami turned to her teammate." I say we give this plan a try. What do you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hiroshi Hon
Konohagakure Jonin-Sensei, Team Six

Hiroshi was once again sitting in his special dojo, the one with the animals painted on the ground. He was preparing it for one of his future trainings with his team, but it was still not ready. He was willing to take the time it needed to be prepared, for he believed it would give his team a great lesson. For now, he was leaning above three scrolls of paper, finishing the messages for each members of his team - their next mission was already prepared, and they will head out for it soon. It was not a mission that he was very fond off, but even this kind of missions had to be carried out. He looked once again at the scroll that contained the mission details - only to turn away from it with a sight. He finished the last letter and quickly wrapped all three of them with red thread. He stood up up and walked to the door and slid it open - just in time as a Wolf Guard member arrived." You asked for me, Captain Hiroshi?"

" Yes, thank you for coming on such a short notice. Make sure that Akira Kurasawa, Hinatsu Hon and Sayuri Cho receive these letters - I would like you to depart now. Time is off the essence." The Wolf Guard member did so without saying a word, disappearing in a puff of some with the Body Flicker technique. Hiroshi slid the door closed and walked back to the middle of the room. Biting his thumb a bit and forming the necessary seals, he summoned Hirudora by slamming his palm on the ground. The tiger appeared with a puff of smoke, curiously eying Hiroshi." Hiroshi. How can I help you this time?" Hiroshi bowed his head in respect before replying." I am sorry for calling on you without an advance warning, but this situation calls for quick actions. I am in need of your tracking skills." Hirudora returned the bow of the head, before looking deep into his eyes." Very well. I will help you, old friend. When do we leave?"

" Very soon, Hirudora. And I would like you to meet my team on this mission."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Midori Sato

Panic, it had settled down in her bones along with the feeling of indecision. What was she supposed to do right now? What was the right thing? What was the safe thing? There were too many questions and too many that she was incapable of answering. She didn't like it.

The girl was currently standing in one of the many alleyways of Kumogakure just after leaving Asami's house. Her hands were still shaking and her thoughts were still jumbled. She had to force herself to keep her breathing calm as she assessed what she would have to do. There were two options. Find her team. Deidara had been poisoned too and she would have to help her. But she had to go home too. She really had to go. Only one thing was possible however and she knew she had already decided. She had to go home and see her mom. Asami wouldn't kill her, not now when Midori had co-opperated, but Midori still desperately needed to make sure. The thread hadn't fallen on deaf ears. Raspberry-sensei would be fine. With all her heart she believed that he could take what Asami would throw at him, but her mom.... Her mom was not a ninja. It wasn't fair at all!

Midori pressed herself against the wall as if the stone could swallow her and take the problems away with it. How had it come to this? Was this what she had signed up for when she had become a Jinchuuriki? Did the same happen with Kiyomi? She closed her eyes and swallowed some rising bile. She had to go, but her mind refused to work and her body refused to move. How was she going to do two things at once? Then suddenly the obvious solution dawned at her. She was not alone! Fumbling she formed the handseals. It took her two tries to create a proper ink clone and let Gyuki take it over.

"I... Could you... Deidara and Reyna need help." She said to him. She didn't need to explain much to him anyway. He knew her thoughts or at least most of them. She explained her thoughts anyway as if speaking them out loud made her decisions better and more set in stone. "You need to help them. Please? Please, Gyuki I need your help. Please." Her voice sounded desperate, but then her eyes set. She pushed herself away from the wall. "I need to go home. My mom... I need to see if she is okay. Please don't punch Deidara again." And with that the girl turned around and sprinted away. Gyuki would do what she asked. He always ended up doing that even if she didnt know it.

It didn't take her long to reach home. It looked exactly like when she had left. Which was obvious but for some reason that made Midori glad. Somehow she had expected Asami to have blown it up or someting. She sprinted to the door, fearing that it might disappear if she stood before it for too long. However, before she could place her hand on the doorknob her eye caught the letter perched on the doorstep. For the first time since everything had gone wrong a smile reached Midori's face. There was only one person who send her letters like this. She bended over and picked up the envelope.

"Ryo." She breathed, pressing the letter against her chest. Then she stormed into her house.

It was quiet inside. But not the quietness that came with dead. Midori halted, removed her shoes and then bit her lip, standing silent in the hallway. She couldn't let her mother worry about her. She had done that enough when she had lost her voice, Midori knew that even though her mother never spoke of it. No, she had to pretend everything was fine and she had just come home early from training. Feverishly she tried to remember what she normally did. She opened her mouth twice and closed it again, swallowed and then called out. "Mom! I'm home!" Did her voice sound shaky now? Midori didn't know, but she was scared it did. Never the less she moved to the kitchen. Normally she would make tea. From upstairs a sound came that made Midori know that her mother was awake. That brought another smile to her face. She reached for the kettle and put water on the stove. As she leaned back against the cupboard she flipped it around to open it only to find a marking on the back. Ryo had send her something? Midori almost felt excited again. He hardly send things. What could be so important that he had to send it now? Without thinking twice she bit her thumb and placed it against the seal. There was a poof of smoke and then something heavy lay in her hand. Patiently Midori waited for the smoke to settle to see what her boyfriend had send her.

It was a sword.

Confused Midori stared to it. Why... would Ryo send her a sword? She wasn't at all good with kenjutsu, only once gotten some training with it before. He knew that. She shook her head slightly. Silly Ryo. What was he trying to accomplish here? It was a nice sword though, she thought as she flipped it over and looked at it from different angles. Still not sure what to think of it though she placed it next to her on the cupboard and opened the letter. At the same time the water started boiling and the whisteling sound filled the air. Half interested in the tea Midori turned around, her eyes on the letter while her hand reached for the kettle.

With a bang the kettle landed on the floor, broken into a thousand pieces, water gushing over the wood. Midori stood frozen into place, not caring that boiling water was clinging to her shoes. Not caring that the favorite kettle of her mother had been shattering. She didn't even register it. She could only stare at the letter. Wh-what did that mean? Something went wrong? No. That could not be possible. He must be joking. He was an ANBU. He was strong. He didn't do stuff wrong. Ryo didn't do stuff wrong! She took a step back as if that would distance herself from the letter, but the paper of course moved along, the words staring her in the face. No. It was not true. This was not his last will. His last wish. It was not true. Suddenly her eyes shot to the sword. Sure, it had looked familiar, but she didn't know stuff about swords. For all part they could all have looked the same. But now she could remember. It was his. Why would her send her his sword unless-

Unless he didn't need it anymore.

Unless he was ....


Midori shook her head. This couldn't be happening! It shouldn't be happening! "Ryo..." She let out a sob, her fist closing around the letter so fast that it hurt. Ryo was dead. Why would he do that? How could he? How did it happen? How could anyone let that happen? The questions raced through her head and she sobbed again when a voice came from the living room.

"Midori, what is going on? I heard a crash and-" Chie entered the kitchen and her voice stopped as she saw her girl standing in the broken pieces of her kettle, water on the floor, a sword on the counter and tears on the face of her daughter who was holding a letter. Carefully Chie made her way forward, wrapping her arms around the girl. At first Midori didn't move, but then she dug her hands in the fabric of her mother's kimono and pressed her head against her chest. "Shhhh, what is going on? Did something happen on the mission?" Chie asked as she dragged her fingers through Midori's orange hair. The girl sobbed again and slowly the sobs started to turn into wails where her whole body was shaking.

"Mom," she said through her tears. "Please... Pl-please don't die. You have to promise me. Promise me. You will not die. Not now, not ever. You can't... can't leave me. Please don't leave me."

"I won't Midori. Tell me what happened." Chie said almost demanding. In response Midori only raised the hand with the letter and with a quick look Chie understood and she knew, that there was nothing she could do right now but just wait until the sobs would die. If they ever would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Team 8 on the move again!
Part III

The first official mission,

Towards the Hotspring country!

Summary :
After their start of the mission, Team 8 continues to head towards the capital of the Hotspring country to deliver their package.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aiko's sign of respect.

A personal regret.
One that hasn't been forgotten,
Or been healed yet due time.

The team had performed well. With an eager and happy feeling, she was looking forward to their training. Walking to a more quiet and tranquil place of the Leaf, Aiko had gone home. She couldn't visit the place she had in mind with being dressed in her jounin garb. It felt wrong. Very wrong, if she would do that. No, not wrong. Disrespectful. That was the right word to describe it, she thought. Dressed in a simple black kimono, she held a little basket at her left arm. One filled with various kind of flowers. And some fresh made cookies.

All the time that she was walking alone to the place, she had her head lowered, with a frown present on her brow. It seemed that she was lost in thoughts, but she wasn't. She wasn't lost at all. The thoughts and memories were actually old, but they felt fresh. Like it was just yesterday. Aiko wished that it could be yesterday. Then she would be more happy. Less regretful about how the events had turned out. But wishing wouldn't help what had been done. What had happened.

Arriving at the graveyard, she looked slowly up. There were so many of them. It always made her feel kind of alone. And that feeling pained her more. It wasn't because she was scared that she was alone. Zakito, her children, her family, her clan and her students were there. A considerable amount of people that she loved and knew that love and respected her. Yet, she had ashamed one person's trust. It was how she felt, which made her wonder.

Did he felt like that? Was he angry? Sorry or indifferent? Slowly a warm, salty tear moved over her cheek. Followed by others. She looked around, but she knew where his grave was. She had been there before. And it was just like this visit, she couldn't feel any better or positive about it. Slowly taking the steps towards that one grave that kept her sometimes awake at nights. That sometimes troubled her mind.

Miharu Hon,
Born on the 9th of February in the year of 455.
Son of Sahoru and Yuri Hon.

May he rest in peace.

Slowly Aiko sat in front of the gravestone. More tears and pain came. It was like the tears themselves caused her to feel miserable. About herself. She was his sensei, his aunt. She had promised to teach and protect him on his way to become a great shinobi. To make sure that he would one day have many friends and people caring for him. A day that he would be able to forget about his sad past. At times Aiko had wondered where his strength had came from. How it was possible that such a past didn't made Miharu unable to smile. But he had smiled, a lot. Laughed too. It was like he was finding joy in every kind of moment of the day. Like he knew secrets that caused him to be happy.

Trying to not sob, Aiko slowly placed the basket down. In front of her was a vase and a picture frame. Taking out the old flowers, she placed the fresh on in the vase. Not trying to look at the picture, she kept continue what you could call her ritual. Placing the old flowers in the basket, she then placed the fresh baked cookies on the plate that was in front of the vase and picture frame.

''He is improving.'' Aiko's voice was soft and a bit shaking. With the fresh flowers in place and the fresh baked cookies on the plate, she raised her right arm to whip the tears away on her face. Swallowing, she tried to smile. But no matter how often she tried it or wanted it, it was a sad one. ''Of course he is being stubborn, but I guess he is going the right way. Finally. Maybe he will make friends.'' Aiko continued, but it was a mere whisper. Placing her hands on her lap, she looked at the cookies. Looking at the picture or grave was just something she couldn't.

''Of course he is a bit stubborn and probably still shy. Like how he was when you were around. I think he still misses you dearly.'' Aiko kept on whispering. But not an answer came back. Not even the typical soft breeze or drips that would announce the incoming rain. Just a silence. Sighing, Aiko managed to stop crying. ''I know that it gets annoying, but I wish I was there for you. More often.'' The thought of what it would be if she had a chance. To prevent him from going alone with Koike on a training journey. Something only Miharu could device, even while he had been branded as the Kyuubi's host. Even while there was a lot of things going on. If she had more time back then. With all her duties, she had forgotten about her students. They had managed to slip away from her radar and even convinced Zakito that they could take care of themselves. If she had just one chance to make things right.

Slowly looking at the picture, she saw the people. Miharu at the right, giving a thumbs up with a big smile and at the left Koike who had a more simple smile. In the middle, but a step back was Aiko. She also smiled. And held both a hand on top of the heads of the boys. She looked she was proud of them. And Aiko remembered why. It was the very first mission that had went without a problem.

''I am sorry. I promise you,

That I will make it up to you.''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chuunin Exam training,
Katsu's bootcamp!

A collab between Sketcher and Lesli

Summary :
After the team mission, Aiko had asked in private if Katsu was interested in the Chuunin Exam. After he told her he had, Aiko decided to put her genin through some small bootcamp of her own design.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Chinatsu Hon
Konoha, Team 6

She had just taken a bite of her apple when the guard showed up with the scroll in hand, she frowned and then took another bite of her apple before loftily taking the scroll from him. He didn't wait to be dismissed, he left in a hurry and was out of sight before she knew it. Shrugging it off, she opened the scroll and read it, blinked, read it again and then took a bite of her apple again. They had a mission, one that appeared urgent. "Mother! I'm going now," Chinatsu said, then she was out the door.

Wait... I am forgetting something.

Rushing back in, she hurried over to the where she kept her supply of apples and grabbed four. Gently placing them in the pouch she always had on her and then grabbed her extra bow along with her wooden arrows. Or was this not light packing? She frowned, what if she needed the other bow but didn't have it on her? She decided to put the other bow in its case and close the sheath of arrows that went with it but still bring them with her.

I should practice shooting on the mission, targets are a good idea.

After that thought, she rushed over to where she kept her paper targets and packed them as well. Looking she saw her mother watching her with a strange look. "Something off about me?" Chinatsu asked. Her mother came over and snatched the scroll from her and shook her head.

"This said light packing, how is bringing two bows and sets of arrows light packing? Why do you need targets? And why are you bringing four apples?" her mother asked, raising her eye brows. Chinatsu frowned, she was packing for the mission and really believed that she would need them. Standing up, she felt a bit weighed down by her gear.

I am as light as a feather and so is my gear...

"I am going now," Chinatsu said, nodding as if she was trying to convince herself. But her mother stopped her, taking the long bow and it's arrows from her. She had to admit, she felt not so weighted down now but didn't want to say it out loud. After that, her mother stepped aside and she was able to head to the dojo. She frowned, she missed the long bow and what if something happened that it was better suited for? Then what?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
Avatar of Gerontis

Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hachibi on a mission!

The beast had decided to go back to a slumber as Midori had walked out of Asami's house. He did keep an eye out if he would pick more distress from the girl, but right now it was't skyrocketing as much as he had feared. Laying down on his stomach, the beast placed his head on his arms as closing his eyes. But his peace was soon disturbed when he noticed that Midori had another plan that required his help. At first Gyuki wanted to make it clear that she wasn't really pulling the strings, that he wasn't some pet or summoning that would always jump up at every danger. But instead of sneering or lecturing her, the beast remained quiet and simply took over control of the ink clone Midori made. Without any expression on the face of the clone, Gyuki sighed inside Midori's mind. Not that she seemed to pick up the signal. She had other things on her mind. Rather trivial things in his opinion.

As the ink clone went on its way, Gyuki kept an eye on Midori. While he could extend and maintain control over the clone over a long distance, he was a bit worried. He didn't view her anymore was a weakling, but at times he was worried she would fall back to that weak and pathetic state of silence. Where she had been nothing more than a shallow and pitiful person. Maybe harsh, but the beast thought like that and wouldn't just change his opinion cause their bond was growing stronger. Reaching a rooftop, the ink clone looked around. After searching for another ten minutes, it had found that Reyna person. A typical young human. Optimistic and naive. Possibly ignorant too. From top of the rooftop, the ink clone watched patiently how Reyna and Deidara were interacting. Though not able to hear them, Gyuki decided that it wouldn't help to check upon them in person. It would probably make them think that he was interested in them. It made the ink clone snort. The sheer amount of arrogance of that thought! Like he was interested in any human like that.

Turning around, the ink clone was close of dismissing itself. But then quickly made a dodge roll to the left. ''Humans.'' The ink clone muttered, sitting in a crouched stance. Several kunai had landed on the spot the clone had been standing on. Then just a moment after, several ANBU landed on the rooftop. The masked men and woman held a weapon at the ready. The ink clone half closed its eyes, examining them. ANBU eh? This ought to be interesting.

''Eight Tails. On order of the Fifth Raikage, you're ordered to stop wandering around and report to the Raikage.'' One of the ANBU said. The man spoke with a firm tone, holding his right hand at the handle of his ninjato. The ink clone sighed as it rose up, dusting off the clothes. ''The Raikage wishes an audience with me? How thoughtful of him to send several ANBU to send that message. I will pass this on to my current master. Tell yours that I have received his... 'invitation'.'' Gyuki responded through the ink clone with a mocking voice. Before any of the ANBU could respond, the ink clone made a bow before dispersing into a puddle of ink.
Those pesky hu- Gyuki thought annoyed as he wanted to focus back on Midori. She had summoned a sword, so that didn't seem interesting. It was about that Ryo. None of his concern or business. Then he was surprised, again. Feeling that Midori wasn't feeling well, Gyuki wondered at first what happened. Then he managed to find out. It wasn't that hard. Half closing his eyes, the beast listened to the wailing of his host. It was all too clear what had happened or what the letter was. Though at first Gyuki wanted to try to comfort Midori, he noticed that somebody was near her. Closing his eyes, the lips of the beast curled down at their end. While he seemed calm and peaceful, the tails started to sweep around.

I will wait. Chie-san...

The beast thought briefly. Then slowly a low grumbling sound was produced out of the Beasts's throat. He wasn't angry at either Chie or anybody in particular. He was growing upset due the link with Midori. Knowing that getting worked up wouldn't help either of them, he had to remain calm so that he wouldn't start to affect Midori. For the first in long time Gyuki wished that he could provide more aid. But for now,

he would wait until he could provide comfort.
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