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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gippal watched the clouds through the window of the airship as it sailed through the air towards Besaid. He started to think about his friends on the island, whom most he hasn't seen for five years for he had not stepped on Besaid's sands for the many years. He was excited to see the island again, to smell the salty air. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the glass. After a minute he felt as if he was being watched. He opened his left eye and looked around and saw a little girls eyes down to her nose peaking over the chair ahead of him and staring at him. As soon as she saw his eye she ducked back behind the seat. He smiled and leaned back in his chair, leaning his chin on his hand, with his elbow propped no the arm rest.

Next to him sat Urick, his best friend, snoring loudly with his head drooping over the headrest of the chair because he was so massive. He had fallen asleep for the entire flight from Bevelle to Luca, through the unloading and boarding of new passengers, then through till Kilika where he woke up for a bit before falling asleep once again just after take off. The guy slept like a log.

He nudged him as he felt the Airship slow down as it was reaching Besaid, at which the snoring stopped but he remained motionless. After a moment he lifted his head and looked at Gippal with a question in his eyes as if saying ' why did you wake me?' At which Gippal simply jerked his thumb to the window and watched Urick as his eyes looked out the window then after a second understanding came to him.

A few more minutes and the airship jolted as it landed, at which everyone instantly stood up to grab their luggage. At which Urick and Gippal waited. For Urick was massive and it would just be easier for them to wait to get off last.
Gippal now stood at the bottom of the ramp to the airship, he stepped to the side to wait for Urick as he used the bathroom quickly before he got off the ship. Gippal dropped his bag into the sand and knelt down to grab a handful of sand, after which he stood up and took a deep breath of the salty air while rubbing the sand between his hands. He let out a satisfied sigh. He missed this place so much. Sad no jobs ever lead him to here during those five years.

He was glad though he was here now, and that Tidus asked him to join the team. No one knew what Gippal was about to do they all thought he was going to be out this season again, much to the fans dislike. Not even the Aurochs knew that he was joining, only that they were getting a new striker, to fill the spot of Vidina, Wakkas son who broke his leg only two weeks before.

He looked towards the path of the village and looked at all the crowds that had come in on airship and boat to follow their team to Luca. In the distance he saw uncle Tidus and some of the Aurochs waiting near the path looking towards them. Before he could wave he suddenly heard a loud squeal, at which he reflexively covered his ears. He then heard "It's Gippal!!! " from a group of teenage girls who surrounded him like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat. All of whom started to yell explaining how much they love him, look up to him or how big of fans they where and asking for autographs.

This was something he had to deal with a lot. But despite being famous he didn't like being the center of attention. He put on a smile and what not for the fans but he was growing tired of it. He loved blitzball and because he was good everyone knew him as a Blitzer and as his fathers son. So most people he met only saw that when the spoke with him. Besides Urick and his aunts and uncles he didn't really have anyone who was real friends with him... Well maybe Alex, a girl he grew up with here in Besaid, also a small rival when he played for the Abe's.

He quickly tried to sign autographs as quickly as he could while trying to move his way towards town. Where was Urick when he needed him!


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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Silver Fox » Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:02 pm
A slow yawn made itself known in the open fresh sky, the tropical trees gingerly rustling in the wind. Although Besaid had certainly grown over the many years, it still had its forests. Sure they were still populated with monsters, but they were nice to have around none the less. Alex had enjoyed lying in the grass on the cliff that led to a large pool of water below. It was her favorite spot to get away from everyone and just relax. Today there were suppose to get a new striker for the Aurochs and couldn't help but wonder who it could be. The newest couch but known face, Tidus had decided to keep the team in the dark on who it was. It was a surprise apparently. The tall woman couldn't help but try and guess who it was, but it was quite difficult. Tidus could pretty much get any player if he asked so it was hard to guess who exactly. Whomever it was she just hoped they weren't some jackass with a large stick up their holy hole.

Her blue eyes were closed as she continued to rest their before grumbling as she felt a light nudge to her shoulder. "What?" She barked irritably, cracking her right eye open to see who exactly was bothering her. It was one of her teammates, the goal keeper Rid. A short black haired man about the same height as herself, skinny but toned. He wore the uniform while she herself wore her regular everyday outfit.

"Geez Miss Crimson Valefor, what do you think? We are supposed to meeting with the team at the beach to greet our new striker. Couch will scold you if you don't show up and at least try and be friendly miss cranky pants. Plus remember just lying here in the open isn't a great idea? We rather not lose our star protected now eh?" He smirked, his emerald eyes glinting in amusement.

Alex scoffed slightly. "Ah shut up. Is it that time already? Fine, fine I'll get over there if it will make you happy. I was curious on meeting the newbie anyways." She muttered as her arms stretched out over her head while her legs stretched the other way. Soon, she rolled back then lept up, landing neatly on her feet as she gazed toward the path to the Besaid docks. "Race ya there eh?" She smirked before jetting off, her long legs carrying her as her crimson hair whipped the air wildly.

She heard her teammate yell about unfairness, but she didn't slow her pace. By now, Luca was probably packed with new arrivals. Good thing she was quite tall, it will make spotting everyone a little easier. She just hoped Tidus won't be too upset about her being late. Ah well.

---Besaid Docks

When she arrived there, she found her fellow teammates easily, waving a little as she moved through the crowd, her hands gingerly pushing others aside to make room for her. "Hey are they here yet?" She asked before watching her couch grin innocently, which meant that they were. Arching a curious eyebrow, the tall woman glanced over the crowd to see some squealing fan girls fond over a guy about as tall as her shoulder with striking white hair and red eyes. Features that were easily distinguished to one possible person. "You got him on our team Couch? I should of known... Well better go save him." She mused before pushing her way through the crowd.

"Okay people give the man some breathing room! Shoo! Outta the way you little birds!" Alex shouted loudly, her shouts always carried and sounded fierce. Making her way to new striker, she continued to shoo fans away either by yelling or glaring. Looking down at him, she smirked slightly before patting his head.

"Hey Little Gip! Long time no see!" Alex greeted nonchalantly yet still trying to be friendly. It had been some time since she seen Gippal, five years maybe? He used to come very often when they were kids and she remembered practicing Blitzball as well as playing swords with him.
Last edited by Silver Fox on Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Silver Fox

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by FF_Fan » Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:40 pm
Persephone sat on the beach with her bare feet under the sand as she and a few of the other Aurochs waited for the new striker. She wondered who could it be... Vidina was a great striker it would be hard to replace him. The aurochs had a good chance this year to make it back into the finals, a slump they had for three years. But this was her first year and she was excited to just play at Luca statium.

She closed her eyes as she felt the wind blow her hair gently to the side. Despite her displeasure of not being to join the Abe's like her father she truly enjoyed the beautiful weather here... The wind got stronger and she looks up to see the transport airship making it's decent. She covered her eyes as the sand picked up and stood up and watched through squinting eyes it land.

She stood on her toes to look as people started to walk off the ship and passed them. She hated being short sometimes. As she was looking she grew frustrated not being able to see. But it didn't last long when she heard a squeal of some girl yelling Gippal! It didn't take long to put together that Gippal was the new teammate, he has been out of the game for a year so he obviously was a first pick Tidus would choose. She felt like an idiot not figuring it out sooner. She prided her self on getting the gossip of blitzball. And predicting who would win each year.

As she thought she found her heart speed up a little. Gippal was one of her favorite blitzers besides her dad. She even still had a crush on the guy. Would he even remember her? She spent time with the Abe's while her dad and Gippal were on the same team, but that was almost two years ago, she would be turning 18 in a month or so.

She pushed the thought to the side as she thought it was childish, she was starting to think like a 13 year old again with this boy crush thing.

She looked up as she saw Alex finally join them. She felt like a midget compared to her. Well she almost was anyways. She followed after Alex and heard her called him Gipy. She then realized Alex and Gippal must of been friends as he spent his summers here. A pang of jealousy crept in but she quickly pushed the though out of her head. No need to act like that.

She stood off for a bit she didn't want to get caught in the middle of the fan girls... She could get trampled. As the other Aurochs began to welcome him she waved as well and said "welcome to the Aurochs Gippal!" With a smile

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by SanaChan » Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:41 am
The screaming crowd certainly had his attention as he stepped toward the exit of the ship, his bag slung over his shoulder and he peeked out to see what all the fuss was about. "Little Gip" was what he heard as he finally spotted the fellow in the center of all the attention, "Well, I suppose anyone would be little in comparison to her," he mumbled to himself before stepped out and taking a good look around. He side stepped around all the screaming fans, mocking them just a little bit when none of them were noticing him because they were all looking at the somewhat lack luster white haired man. "Like a wilted lily," he mumbled to himself with a tad bit of disdain as he got by the throng wanting autographs and the team members meeting their "rising star."
"So much for elbowroom."
He made his way down the path towards the village and raised a brow as he got his first glimpses of it, "How in the name of Yevon do all those people fit here?" he balked, looking back to the mass by the ship and then back to the village before heading forwards in to the small town, taking in a deep breath, "All being said, the fresh air is still much more preferable," he murmured before his face flushed hearing his stomach growl, "Oh hey now, let's not get like that so soon," he muttered, trying not to talk to himself so loudly. He could get away with that in a city where you barely heard yourself thinking much less speaking but outside the blitzball fans there weren't actually that many people there and they might think ever so slightly crazy for talking to himself and usually answering himself as well.
As he wandered about, looking from stall to stall, he was trying to think of what sounded the most appealing to him considering the inflight food had been rather... disappointing. He took a deep breath again, trying to catch the whiff of something. He turned around in a semi-circle his blue eyes searching for the source of the scent of something hopefully edible and walked a little bit quicker towards a vendor that seemed like it made a miracle appearance. It was something salty and fishy but it had to be just a bit more satisfying than the last meal he had and therefore it was worth the purchase. He would find a way to redeem himself for the grease that seemed to be on the cooking surface as well later with some extra fruits and the like, but right now he wasn't in the mood for watching his figure. He grateful for the "casing" that was around the food, that was darkening due to the grease saturating it, but at the very least it wouldn't be all over his hands. He took a bite of it, figuring being picky about the new local cuisine was not the way to start this whole bit out with, though he found he rather appreciated all that salt and grease to "articulate" the flavor of whatever it was he was eating.
As he resumed his wander while now munching, he spotted the blitzball arena and stopped, looking at the structure, "Everywhere I will ever go, I will get to appreciate that form of entertainment I suppose," he mused aloud before taking another bite.

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by laserx » Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:19 am
Runya Ronso's tail flapped excitingly against the sands of Besaid. Oh boy, oh boy, look at that commotion, she thought. She stood steady and Ronso-like on the beach, eyeing the crowd of screaming women gathering underneath the gigantic flying monster. Her white furs blew in the sandy salt-filled wind.

Runya Ronso had never ever seen a bird that size before! "What is that gigantic bird?" screamed Runya to her new acquantaince.

"That, is an airship," said Wakka. "Bet you Ronsos never seen a bird fly that fast before, either, ya?"

"You have seen it before?" said Runya.

"Many, many times," smiled Wakka. "Me and Lulu rode it a hundred times while saving Spira from Sin. You should have seen the great airship battle above Luca, and the time we zapped Sin's wings right off its body."

Runya nodded cluelessly. She was 14 Ronso years old, and had never seen the things she saw today. Nor had she seen the stuff old Wakka kept talking about in his adventures 25 years ago. She looked at Wakka. The man was almost fifty now. He had a graying beard, and eyes that told a history so important that his very presence demanded attention. His muscular body was strong and tall. Silver red hair shooting straight up surrounded by a blue headband, he looked exactly like he did in the pictures. Before meeting the man, Runya had seen his statue in the guardian memorial in Luca. Yes, the Lucans even made a statue of him! They loved their favorite Blitzball player so much!

Standing besides old Wakka, Runya couldn't help but be mesmerized by his presence. The man was a living god, full of muscle and energy. Too bad Wakka was married... and she was a Ronso.

Runya Ronso sighed.

"Hey Tidus, be careful with my team, ya!" shouted Wakka to another man far away, closer to the sea.

"It is not your team, anymore," said Lulu.

"It will always be my team." Wakka walked to the crowd, leading the group down to the beach.

Runya couldn't believe she was walking into a living memory, both young and old, of talents ages past and new ones rising. There was so much she couldn't take in. She saw Tidus, that living legend, the man who had saved Spira, holding a blitzball. In 25 years, he didn't look fortish. He looked young, so young, with an immortal confident smile that Runya couldn't forget, not after seeing all those statues made of that man.

But none of this compared with the center of the cheering crowd. Runya immediately recognized him. Gippal! A blitzball legend surely on the rise. By the aeons, she was truly in the presence of giants. Hadn't Gippal been the fastest scoring blitzball player to have ever lived? The things Runya heard of the young man.

Runya had tried blitzball. It was not an easy game. A poor swimmer, and even poorer at holding her breath, Runya knew she had no future in the game. But as long as she was in presence of former guardians... she could always become just like her father, the first guardian to Lady Yuna.

Runya sighed. She couldn't be too many things at once. And after all... a guardian had to be dedicated to their task. If only there were monsters to kill and pilgrimages to take...

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Daxam » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:08 am
"So," a young man with a long sword strapped to his back says as he looks around, surveying they area in which the air ship had landed, "this is Besaid, huh? Not bad. It's no Bevelle, but it's not bad." A white-sand beach stretched as far as the eye could see, dark blue waves of the ocean lapping against the pristine beach. Taking a deep breath, he feels the tang of the salty air hit his lungs. Grinning, he adds, "It may not be home, but this place still has it's charm!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched sound hits his ears. Turning toward the source, he sees a mass of women charging toward him. Grinning, he holds his arms out and yells, "Please, ladies, there's enough of me to--" Rather than stop to greet him, as he thought would happen, the women run right past him, leaving him standing there, arms outstretched, grinning like an idiot, and lucky he wasn't trampled by the stampede. Turning around, he sees the girls swarming a short, black-haired guy and another man who appeared, Zac would swear, to have Ronso blood in him, as big as he is. Sighing, he turns around and mutters, "Some dudes have all the luck..."

Shrugging, he laces his fingers behind his head and, picking a random direction, begins to walk, whistling a jaunty tune, as if the blatant ignorance toward his presence didn't bother him in the slightest, which, of course, it didn't. No matter, he thinks as he looks up at the sky, watching the fluffy white clouds float lazily past. I don't know how, I don't know when, but, sometime, I'll be able to bask in the limelight like that. I may be a nobody now, but I'll be known all across Spira, just like you are, Auron!

As he looked at the sky, thinking about everything he'd do once he reaches that level of fame, he feels his foot catch on something under the sand. He had just enough time to process what was going on as he suddenly pitched forward, letting out a loud, startled cry that is cut short as he lands face-first into the soft sand.

Well, as unfortunate as the loss of the original site is, I don't see any use in dwelling on it. After all, it's over, done with, and there's nothing more we can do about it. All we can do is pick ourselves up from our bootstraps, dust ourselves off, and, like a glorious phoenix, rise from the ashes!


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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Teancum » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:02 pm
Urick hear the squeals from inside the airship in the bathroom. He shook his head imagining Gippal surrounded by teenage girls all clamoring for his attention. He shivered at the thought. Drying his hands he then made his way off the ship and walked over to Gippal. He didn't have to shove his way through as most of the girls just parted when he came close to him because of his massive stature it was easy to see they haven't seen someone like him at all. He stopped next to Gippal as he was talking to his new teammates and obviously the first one that stood out to him was the beautiful woman as wall as him. 'Now that's something you don't see every day' he thought to himself.

He then saw Tidus, the couch of the team come and give Gipple a part on the back saying "Welcome to Besaid were excited you can join our team! How was the flight?" Urick watched in amazement as he always did, Gippal manage to greet everyone and hold multiple short conversations despite the calamity of everyone straining for his attention.

Every chance he could he glanced at the tall woman. He had never any lady over six foot and it entranced him. He made sure not to stare but he did glance every so often that it would like he was scanning the group. His thoughts were pulled away as he heard a cry and arms flailing passed the group towards the village quickly silenced. So did most of the group as half of he people grew silenced and looked towards the fallen person. Urick could see quite clearly it was a dark haired swordsman... Must be a poor swordsman to trip on the sand... He thought to himself

He felt bad he wanted to help but he didn't want to stick out... Curse his shyness that never seemed to go away. So instead he looked at Gippal and said "we should head to town this crowd would attract fiends if we stay much longer."

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Venom » Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:46 pm
Nily inhales deeply,

"Mam, I do not wish to purchase a book about Besaid's history. I wish to buy one with the lineage of Besaid."

The woman seems at a loss, she looks down at the book in her hands and scratches her head. And holds out the book again and restating.

"I think this is all we have that is close to the Histroy."

With a fake of smile as though painted on, Nily purchases the book, her thoughts go to how someone like this could even read let alone understand the mathematics that go on with an exchange of currency..Stepping out into the rather scenic looking community, the changes since the start of the eternal calm allows man to adapt quickly but it would seem there are still locations like this that have a hard time accepting it....In comparison to Luca at the least. An abrupt shove ends the thought of how quaint the place was, with the reminder of the influx of ignorant people from all over. These fools gather to play games while the rest of humanity that was blessed with a brain-stem is trying to find away to build from the wreckage of the world before sin. The pedestrian who had ran into her didn't even look back, so typical, she stands once more brushing off her knees, and grabbing her newly acquired "book" (more like a tour guide.) She continues her site seeing, questioning the tents, they must be far more sheltering from the elements than they appear, that or the people are thick skinned.

Hard to believe the bringer of the Eternal calm started here in this place, The temple must be treated with great respect considering the culture around here. Stalls litter this town to the point that it is honestly overwhelming, and very much unsightly. Almost as unsightly as the individuals crowding them. The arriving airships bring her even more irritation, knowing that another group of hormone hyped mammals are coming to WAIT to go somewhere else. For a moment she pictures a lightning storm, and remembers the feel of the first few droplets of rain. This allows her to ignore the irritants around her, at least till yet another fellow bumps her. "Quit standing in the road Girly!" followed with laughter.


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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Aerandir » Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:33 am
"Okay people give the man some breathing room! Shoo! Outta the way you little birds!" Alex shouted as she cleared a path to him. Looking down at him, she smirked slightly before patting his head. "Hey Little Gip! Long time no see!"

He growled inwardly, he HATED when she did that. But he grinned and said looking up at her, " Defiantly Mis bean stalk, how have you been?" It had been a while since he met her, though she had played blitzball they rarely played against each other, the Abe's and the Aurochs hadn't played in about four years. She was an aggressive player though.

He looked over at the other players and his eyes rested on a short tan white haired girl who said "Welcome to the Aurochs Gippal!" With a smile. He cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes for a moment. The thoughts to back to about two or three years before. He remembers a white haired girl at practices when he was playing with the Abe's. "You're Biggs daughter right?" Remembering Biggs moved to Besaid a year or so before,he smiled " Persephone? Wow you've grown up since I last saw you. Good to see Tidus recruited you, it'll be a pleasure playing with you." He shook her hand. He then looked at Tidus who patted him on the back and Said " welcome to Besaid we're excited you can join our team! How was the flight?"

Gipple smiled and said, " Thanks, I'm glad to be here. The flight was fine. Been through worse." Smiling more at his uncle. The Urick added that they should be heading out to keep the Fiends from being attracted to the crowd. He nodded and so did Tidus "The big guy is right we should get going back to town, your aunt will want to see you. He smiled at the thought of Aunt Yuna who was like a second mother to him. He started to move towards town, not moving to fast as to show he was still willing to talk.


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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Silver Fox » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:20 am
It wasn't unusual to see so many people, especially the amount that wanted to talk to Gippal here. Still, Alex glared a little at Gippal's own little remark. Both had their hated nicknames, but it was why they used them. Just to get under one another skins. It was quite amusing now that she thought back on when they were children. Arguing and challenging one another. The adults must of found it adorable. Her blue eyes looked down as she recognized her team mate Persephone make it to her side and to the new star striker. The red head gave a soft smirk and patted Persephone's head as well.

"Hey there Persephone. Glad to see I'm not the only one who knows this cotton head." She snickered, her eyes flicking to a muscular man who soon joined them. He about matched her height, which she was slightly unused to. Sure, there were people as tall or taller than her but they were rare on this island. So it was a little surprising.

At some points, she could of sworn he was staring at her, but every time she looked, he looked away. Well no matter, she was used to stares. Hell some people mistook her for a guy cause of her height. Staring seemed like a average thing, despite how creepy that sounded. Blinking as she heard a yelp, she looked back to see a swordsman fall flat on his face in the sand.

Rolling her eyes, she cupped her mouth with one hand before shouting, "Yo! Dude you gotta be careful! First timers on the beach have trouble walking in soft sand!" Before glancing to where she heard Wakka's voice. Beside him was a Ronso, a young one it seemed. Odd... She hadn't met too many of them. She played against a few but they were rare.

As it was suggested that they should go because of fiends, she shrugged a little. "Meh we could take them... But I guess the civilians would get in the way if it did come down to it." She said before following after them, walking beside Gippal.

"So what made you get back into the game with the Aurochs?" She asked curiously.

Silver Fox

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by laserx » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:31 am
Runya Ronso saw the thin athletic man trip on sand. She couldn't believe her eyes. How could one be so clumsy? It's just sand, not rock, or what Runya was familiar with --- snow.

There were so many things going on that she had to be aware of. First, the crowd of screaming women, surrounding one man. Then, there were two women both... poignant and attention-grabbing, also surrounding the same man. Then, there was Tidus and the Besaid Auronaches. Then, behind Runya, there was Wakka and Lulu. Lastly, there was that clumsy man who had tripped on sand. Oh, and there was a gigantic man who just got off the airship.

Runya looked around, and seeing that the crowd + man + 2 women had their hands full, she decided (and not because of any sympathy for the fallen man -- what a clumsy person!) that she would greet the man who had fallen on his face.

Runya leaped into the air just like the way her father Kilmari taught her. She flew... twenty feet.... thirty feet... forty feet... then thirty feet... twenty feet.... then landed right in front of the fallen man. Sand splashed all around her, flying up many feet high. She extended her razor sharp paw and held it so the fallen man could take it.

"Human..." said Runya, "need help, stranger?"

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by Daxam » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:43 am
Sand clinging to his face like iron to a magnet, Zac pushes himself up and spits out a handful of the gritty stuff, well aware of the crowd having gone quiet in response to his fall. Hearing a woman's voice call out to him, he looks over his shoulder to see a tall red-headed woman just turning away from him and back to the little, black-haired guy. Holding a thumb up, he yells, "Thanks! Should've thought of that!"

Sighing, he begins to rise to his feet, only to cover his face just as more sand flies up at him. Looking at the person who had suddenly appeared at his side, Zac finds himself at a loss for words. He could've sworn this woman was standing a few yards away, now she was suddenly standing next to him, holding her hand out to him in an offer of assistance. Should I really be surprised, though? he asks himself. Looks like she's a Ronso. It's nothing to wonder over. After a moment, he smiles and stands up, brushing sand off of his feet as he says, "Nah, I'm good, thanks though. It'll take more than a little spill in the sand to keep me down."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but glance at the slowly retreating crowd, following the men and women in the center like love-starved dogs. At least they know me, now...even though it isn't for something impressive. A sudden thought takes root in his mind, making a grin slowly stretch across his face. Looking at the Ronso girl apologetically, he says, "Sorry, just give me a moment." Turning to the group, he takes a step forward, cups his hands around his mouth, and, before they get out of earshot, yells, "In case anyone's wondering, my name's Zac Yoxall! That's Z-A-C Y-O-X-A-L-L! Don't forget it, because you're gonna be seeing and hearing a lot about me, just you wait!"

Still grinning, he places his fists on his sides and gives a satisfied nod before turning to the Ronso girl. "Sorry, I couldn't help it," he says with a chuckle, not looking anymore shy than he did just moments ago. Holding a hand out to the girl, he says, "You already know my name. What about you?"

Well, as unfortunate as the loss of the original site is, I don't see any use in dwelling on it. After all, it's over, done with, and there's nothing more we can do about it. All we can do is pick ourselves up from our bootstraps, dust ourselves off, and, like a glorious phoenix, rise from the ashes!


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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by laserx » Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:53 am
Runya Ronso, with wind blowing through her white hide, gave a small grin that barely curved her cat-lips, spoke, "I'm Runya Ronso and I intend to be famous, too! I'm daughter to the great Kilmari Ronso. Perhaps, you've heard of him! He and Yuna conquered Sin all by themself. He was the first Guardian... ever.... and he will always be remembered by all Spira as the greatest most faithful guardian in world. One day, I intend to do that. I will be a great Guardian, and I will return back to my tribe on Mount Gagazet and I will marry a beautiful.... Ronso of great strength and caliber, of muscles and status, and he and I will rule the Ronso Tribe for many years just like my father! After I save the world from death and humuliation, of course!

"Maybe you can help me on this adventure... but first I uh... need to find someone to be a guardian to!"

Runya extended her claw and clamped it around Zach's hand with great strength. Then, with even greater strength, she pulled Zach into her, so now the human slammed into Runya's bare chest. With her other claw, she wrapped it around Zach's arm. She hugged the man! A traditional Ronso greeting... one that she invented, of course!

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Re: IC Final Fantasy X: Return of the Aeons.
by SanaChan » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:08 am
From the sounds of it, the mass of fans and "athletes" were making their way back to the town. And some idiot was shouting his name as if he were someone important or potentially important that everyone should always remember. He was going to make the point to never bother remembering it just because.
He tossed the remainder of his food, the part that had soaked up more grease than he was comfortable with putting in his mouth, and began to mosey up towards the temple, figuring it was the most interesting thing at the current point in time, since there was no point in causing a fuss. He gave a huff and sat down on a bench, looking around to see if there were any interesting looking people. He noticed the one girl getting bumped by the rather rude pedestrians, but he stuck to his seat, figuring it was probably best to not approach when she seemed to be bottling an irritation towards neanderthals who couldn't be bothered to watch where they were walking.
"I'm bored."
The utterance seemed to sap him of all the excitement he'd had when he walked off the ship, "Welp. This plan flopped," his head drooped forward and he decided the first interesting thing that was happening he'd be right there for it in an instant. At the very least he hoped there was going to be a blitzball game or something for all the level of pitches and decibels being hit by crowd. He didn't care much for the rules but it was very much a spectator sport.

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Her heart skipped a beat whens she heard him say, "You're Biggs daughter right?" he smiled " Persephone? Wow you've grown up since I last saw you. Good to see Tidus recruited you, it'll be a pleasure playing with you." He reached out and took her hand and shook it, all she could do is smile back and nod. She felt like she was in the clouds. Gippal remembered her!

She was red in the face as she tried to calm herself down as he started talking with Tidus. Her attention was was grabbed by Alex who patted her head and said to her, " Hey there Persephone, glad to see I'm not the only one who knows this Cotton head"

She looked up to Alex from the corner of her eye. " I wouldn't go as far to say as know, unlike you I never really gotten to know him personally, he was on the Abe's when my father was still playing."

She didn't expect an answer due to the group now moving towards town because of the words of the giant white haired man whom she recognized as Urick, Gippals cousin. He looked even more massive than he did when's he saw him two years ago. She felt truly tiny compared to him. He made even Alex look small because of his muscles.

A blur of things happened as they moved towards town, a young dark haired man fell and got back up, where a woman ronso leaped towards him and landed next to him. After the man yelled out his name which Persephone cocked her head to the side at the strange reaction. He must of been trying to keep some form of dignity. Which didn't last long when the ronso gave him a bear hug.

She must admit this last few minutes where more interesting than her stay in Besaid. All these interesting people who come just t travel with the team. She looked towards Alex and Gippals as she asked him what brought him back to the sport. It had to be because he loved the game, he was one of the only players she met who was a star that didn't do it for the money or the fame. She remembered times where he would slip away in Zanarkand to get away from the press and fans.

She then looked to Urick, the gentle giant, she remembered him helping a little girl get an autograph from Gippals who was pushed to the side in the crowd and shoved to the ground, at which Urick shoved the other people to the side bent down and scooped up the little girl in one arm and placed her in front of Gippal, who then spent some time with the girl asking about her and answering questions.

She smile at Urick and said, "Hello! Good to see you Urick. Do you remember me?" She said trying to start conversation with him, he was usually quiet but she hoped he would remember her from Zanarkand and talk a little more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Urick raised an eyebrow as the man who fell down now stood up and afterthought walking to a female ronso cupped his hands and yelled to everyone his name so they would remember it trying to make himself sound like he was destined for greatness. At lest he had more courage todo that after falling. He would have never have done that.

Urick walked behind Gippal and the tall redhead as they began to converse as she asked Gippal why he came back to the sport there were many reasons he decided to come back. He wondered what reason Gippal was going to use for his childhood friend.

Urick personally wished Gippal didn't join again, he would have much rather been traveling Spira like they did for this last year and all the times In between seasons. Where they would take up work protecting caravans, hunting marks or being hired as body guards. The freedom they had to go anywhere they wanted and no schedule to follow unless they wanted.

He looked down to his right as he heard "Hello! Good to see you Urick. Do you remember me?" He saw a small woman with white hair braided up smiling up at him. He instantly remembered her smile as she would usually sit next to him during the games because of her father who asked him to watch her as he played.

He nodded and said "It is hard to forget a big bright smile like that on a little girl. How have you been?" He would listen as she answer. But before he would reply to her they reached town and he saw a woman get pushed and the men who did it I told her to get out of the way.

Normally he kept to himself but that was one thing that he did not like at all his father taught hi to respect women at all costs, including his comfort. He moved over to the men who shoved the woman and stood behind them till they noticed him. They all took astep back at the sight of him. At which he pointed at the man who bumped into her, then at the woman and said simply "apologize" with a stone face glare showing he wasn't joking.

The man looked at the giant and saw that he doubled his weight a foot and a half taller he decided to make the best choice and turned and said "sorry miss" and quickly as he could ran off somewhere else with his friends.

Urick then nodded to the woman and said, " are you ok?" Of course she was but he didn't know what's else to say .
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

After declaring his name to the others, Zac chuckled upon hearing the Ronso, Runya's, request and replies, "Well, we'll see, assuming that there's someone to--" The rest of his words are ripped out of his throat as Runya suddenly pulls him into a tight hug, his face flushing at the sudden action. For a few moments, he only stands there, not knowing what to do, which was a first for him. Eventually, however, he returns the hug, thinking, Ah, well, may as well make the most of it! Besides, getting a hug from a Ronso, a female one at that, just might be good luck!

Soon, feeling the need to breathe, he pulls away from the embrace, his face still flushed, although more from Runya's stifling fur rather than embarrassment, and chuckles. "Well," he says, "I didn't know Ronso's could be so friendly! Back in Bevelle, all the stories I've heard made it seem like Ronso's were practically living statues; always quiet, tough, hard-headed..." Suddenly, he stops himself and rubs the back of his head, chuckling nervously as he says, "No offense, of course! The last thing I'd want would be you thinking I had something against Ronso's." He then clears his throat nervously and asks, "Uh, since everyone else seems to be leaving, how about we head to the village? You know the way, right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nily looked at the sky for a moment in a quite mantra to restrain herself, Emotion is just a commotion that leads to disintegration of the internal nation. Its not like the peons where worth getting upset over, but this kind of behavior is beyond any level of rude...She questions what sort of scenario that would allow a man to grow up and yet not take a small amount of respect for others as to try and not run them over. At the least he should have apologized, Or not acknowledged that he had bumped her, let alone tell her that she was at fault.

"sorry miss"

!!!!!! Wait what did he, where did it? The change of heart had her tripped up, but then Urick's Query along with his physical presence made the answer to the riddle all to obvious. It would seem not everyone on this island is a heathen. Nily, stands brushing her knees off. "Nothing a little a little water wont take care of." The feeling of a twig poking her leg draws her attention to the various nature that had been caught in her rather long hair...Bring forth an rather exhausted smile. "Okay some water and a brush."

She does a slight bow before continuing. "Well my well mannered acquaintance, I thank you for your assistance.But now I am to search for a place to clean up. And judging by this madness that would be the village, I can imagine that I will be lucky to find a place that doesn't make me sleep outside." Slighlty a joke, but more or less a complaint about the rather scenic location. With that she clicks her heals together and starts to walk by Urick.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The sound of a fiends shriek was heard, and a large monster began to barrel towards the crowd of people. This fiend in particular had been known to cast dark magic on all party members in a battle, and having a crowd so together would only make this into mayhem if someone didn't know how to fight. It's long tongue hung out of its open maw as it charged at the crowd of fangirls surrounding the white haired celebrity. The girls screamed, and began to dash away in fear.

Before anyone could do anything, there was the hiss of sand being run over quickly, and a black chocobo with a pale woman riding on him dashed in front of the massive fiend. She stood up as it ran beside the fiend and jumped onto its massive back, her trench coat looking like a massive cape. She drew both her swords in the air which glowed with blue flames as her attack commenced. The motion of an X was drawn at the speed she moved her blades. The monster fell, crying out in pain as its body hit the warm sand and she soumersalted off its body, her hand digging into the sand. She remained there for a moment.

Behind her, the monsters body crawled with frost where she had slashed, and broke apart into pieces as a giant hunk of frozen mass. She looked up, slowly, her Ice blue eyes burning with contempt at the group of people. She stood up slowly and put her swords back into their holsters and walked to Gippal. Once she was in front of him, she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, hissing.

"Fiends are thick in this part you FOOL! Do you endanger the lives of others so calmly?" She yelled at him, her eyes staring into his, bitter and angry. That was of course until her chocobo ran up towards him, chirping happily at the sight of the ball he had signed. Both her and Gippal were pushed into the water beside the docks, the chocobo coming after them, and the woman let out a surprised cry when she fell into the water.

The chocobo was the first to emerge, clutching its prize in its mouth. It took the ball up to the beach with a sort of prance only a proud chocobo could do before it began to play with its new toy. The water it shook off from its feathers went onto the people beside it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex walked along, glancing to Persephone as she talked before smirking slightly. "Bet you wish you did though eh?" She said slyly but hummed a little as she then spoke to Urick. The tall red head noticed a girl get pushed by some guy and she was about to go in and yell at him but Urick beat her to it in a more calm approach. Alex didn't like jackasses, she herself have been pushed around before as a child simply for being tall and a orphan, a combo that led to stupid teasing but she quickly took on the role of kicking their sorry asses.

Her attention was then cut to a fiend charging. She had never seen the beast before and it made her wary. Alex knew just about everything about the island, including the monsters. Condors were bird like fiends that were pretty harmless and easy to defeat, it was just hard hitting them if someone didn't use a range attack but they also only use physical attacks. Dingos were probably the easiest to kill since they are also physical and pretty one good slash does the trick, only problem is that someone could get briefly silenced or put to sleep. Water Flan were a bit more difficult, since really only magic users could harm them, but otherwise, they don't take too long. Piranha's mostly stay in the waters, even so single hits can kill them pretty easily. Really the only worrying monster is a Garuda which is big and flies. Having the ability sonic boom to hit a whole battle party.

Just then a woman riding a black Chocobo came charging in and dealt with the beast before dismounting and having the nerve to yell at Gippal. Feeling her own temper, Alex glared and growled.

"Are you a idiot? It's not like we ask people to crowd us or take pictures of our asses! Anyone coming here should be prepared for fiends and locals know it! You! Probably brought that foriegn fiend with you, you-" she was shouting before the Chocobo came and took Gippal's ball, shoving the two in the water,

Blue eyes watching them, Alex looked at the Chocobo, she started to laugh a little. "Heh... Guess you both deserved that. Props to you Choco!" She said, clapping a little before resuming the journey along the path to the village. "Hurry up Gip! Or your going to miss Lady Yuna's welcoming dinner! And she's making her famous waffles!" She called, waving her hand casually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"So what made you get back into the game with the Aurochs?" Alex asked curiously.

He sighed and after a moment said, "I just wanted to play again, and under Tidus coaching a team picked by him would be awesome..." He was distracted as he noticed a woman pushed over. But before he or Alex could react, Urick was there already. Despite the size of the man he had reflexes better than himself.

Then suddenly a large fiend appeared. The people in the crowd who did not know how to fight began to scream and run in every direction they felt was the best course. Gippal sword slid out of his sheath with out a second thought as he attempted to head the fiend off from the pedestrians. But before he could take more than three steps a woman on a chocobo rushed by and in one slash of blazing swords felled the fiend in almost an instant. Freezing it as it shattered and the Periflies whisper away.

He never seen an attact like that, not one that caught the blade on fire, not to mention the flame freezing the fiend. He lowered his sword while staring at the woman lost for words and confused at what he saw. He was pulled back into reality as hybrid woman grabbed his shirt and started yelling at him . "Fiends are thick in this part you FOOL! Do you endanger the lives of others so calmly?" her eyes staring into his, bitter and angry. Alex started off on the woman as well. It wasn't their fault the crowd surrounded them. But the fact remains that the island is relatively safe if there was a fiend attack it wouldn't have been such a big one, mostly dingos or flans... He narrowed his eyes about to answer her but suddenly a massive black Chocobo ran towards them, with out thinking Gippal grabbed the woman wih his left arm and spun around holding her close to him as the bird slammed into his back, he let out a grunt of pain as the chocobo was chirping happily at the sight of the ball he had signed that was by him. He took force of the bit protecting the woman, but as a result both her and Gippal were flung into the water beside the docks, the chocobo coming after them, and the woman let out a surprised cry when she fell into the water.

The water was shallow where they landed and Gippal had managed to make himself be the one to hit the water first with her on top of him. He was used to taking hits from Ronso in the sphere but outside with a chocobo seemed to hit harder with no water helping him absorb the hit. So he was knocked for breath as he laid in the water looking up at the woman.

It was then he started to feel really cold, he looked at where he was cold and it was where the woman skin was touching him. She was FREEZING compared to the 90 degree weather. That and her eyes as she stared at down at him were icy blue... And seemed like he was looking at a powerful being, they seemed to be on fire as well.

Once he got enough air in his lungs he asked, "Are you hurt?" Despite the woman yelling at him and calling him a fool for putting the people in danger. He still wanted to make sure she was ok, like Urick he tried his best to protect everyone. A sense of being a guardian.

He shifted his weight and stood up while helping the woman as well. Whincing slightly at the pain in his back but he masked it well. It'll be fine later.

He looked up at Alex as she said they both deserved that. Also saying he better hurry up to get to aunt Yunas to get her waffles. He shook his head as she walked away but he looked back to the woman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Persephone blushed as Alex added slyly before Urick answered her "Bet you wish you did though eh?" She looked away from Alex so she wouldn't know she did blush. She didn't want to give Alex that victory of knowing her desires to know Gippal more.

Urick answered her with A nod and said "It is hard to forget a big bright smile like that on a little girl. How have you been?"

She smiled and said " I've been doing well thank you. But everyone is small compared to you Urick. How have you been?"

Urick smiled slightly and nodded "True, besides that woman over there with the red hair. Not many people as tall as me." He looked forward on the path they walked on. "I've been well, this last year was good to Gippal and I."

She smiled brightly. " That is good to hear! You should tell me when we get the chance where you've been!" Smiling mischievously she added, "I'm sure Alex would love to hear about that as well." She gave him a nudge with her hip. At which he only raised an eyebrow.

Before he could say anything they noticed a woman get pushed down, at which Urick moved over quickly and took care of it. There then appeared a fiend and that as quickly dispatched by woman who had a chocobo. There was defiantly a lot goon on around her and it was hard to follow at times. Then To top it off the woman and Gippal where thrown into the water by her chocobo. After a minute Gippal and her stood up. She felt relief to see he was ok.

She looked back to Urick and the woman and decided to go with them for a bit. As she jogged over she heard about finding a place to stay and she jumped in next to them and added" most of the villagers allow the visitors to stay in their homes for the night because of the business the crowds give them it's the least they could do. I have an extra bed in my home if you wish to stay there! Also I'm Really sorry about that man shoving you. Not all people in Besaid act like that... Quite the opposite really."

She the slapped her forhead and then said quickly. " I'm sorry again I'm being rude, my name is Persephone!" She held out a hand in front of Urick as they walk to shake her hand. " what is your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He offered a hand to help her up but she stood up on her own, brushing her knees off. "Nothing a little a little water wont take care of." She gave a exhausted smile. As she noticed twigs in her hair. "Okay some water and a brush."

Urick gave a small smile and placed his hands behind his back.

She does a slight bow before continuing. "Well my well mannered acquaintance, I thank you for your assistance. But now I am to search for a place to clean up. And judging by this madness that would be the village, I can imagine that I will be lucky to find a place that doesn't make me sleep outside." With that she clicks her heals together and starts to walk by Urick.

Suddenly the fiend appeared, and while everyone screamed, ran for cover or pulled weapons out, he placed himself between the woman he was speaking with, and the fiend. Moving into a defensive position until he got a better look at the fiend, but another woman on a black chocobo slew the fiend effortlessly. Then turned on Gippal, yelling at him about attracting the fiend. Then shortly cut off by her own chocobo slamming into them and sending them into the water. He took a step but once he saw Gippal was fine he relaxed. He was Gippals bodyguard but not really, he could take care of himself usually so he felt no worry.

He decided it was fine to move on ahead and move on with this young lady. But Before he could offer finding her a place to stay, for Gippal had many friends here, Persephone jumped back in to the conversation and offered her place to stay. Pleased he said nothing for the moment but after she introduced herself he added, " My name is Urick... I'm traveling with Gippal over there... Who is in the water right now. What brings you here? Is it the tournament?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Nily had just about passed the man a "G.o.A,S" appeared (girl of abnormal size) and proceeded to explode with information that was to attempt and repair the reputation of the meek little island, The ball of energy continued on, this girl is far to excited to meet a complete stranger let alone talk about a small mound of dirt surrounded by water. On top of this a Fiend showed up, and was dispatched as fast as it appeared? Do they not have the area secure? Could more get in? Perchance it is more likely the one who killed it brought it with in an attempt to gain favor?
The man from prior had returned and was introducing himself, WAIT WHAT! The girl had continued to speak to the air around her and If she heard her correctly? Something is wrong with that one, she offers her shelter then introduces herself? She stares at her confused before slowly facing the sane man. Urick, sounds somewhat like a description. It seems as if That a uricked boat sank. Wait Gippial that name sounds familiar? She nods at Ulrick as she answers her internal questions, he was famous for something right? She definitely heard his name before. She points at Urick as she figures it out! "Ah he was a criminal Gippal stole his national treasure! Her eyes go wide!

"Not that I would report you or your accomplice but I Must insist that you not simply telling telling everyone! Shouldn't you be incognito?" She pulls another twig out of her hair before thinking back to his question...Seeing as being rude in anyway may end poorly for her life expectancy.
"I have no intention of watching the sport events, they do nothing but distract us from the problems that are far more pressing than who can hold their breath the longest.

She turns to the rather energetic one, whom she hoped did not take offence to her not replying in the same upbeat manner. "Miss Persephone, I am pleased that you offer your home to me, but I must point out that I am not about to impose on a stranger...Nor am I going to let my guard down and sleep around a stranger." She coughs in her hand and bows in a manner to make sure they both know she is telling them both. "I am Nily, from a ways away. I am searching for the truth, in one form or the other. Hoping to understand what really happened to our world." Her cheeks redden a little, a hint of embarrassment something about hearing herself say such a thing with a serious tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by laserX
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laserX High Functioning Sociopath

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Runya Ronso looked at the man she just hugged. "Yea, let's go! Meet you there!"

She twisted so fast that her tail flapped around her, almost slapping her new friend Zac, and then she sprinted in the direction of the village, leaving a trail of uplifted sand that rose behind her as her feet peddled the sandy beach.

So quiet, except the waves crashing against the beach, and so warm. She loved this place. The people, the weather, the scene. But she had grown up in the icey cold mountains, and she missed that as well -- the snow storms and cold air.

Suddenly, she realized that where ever she went, she would find her place. There was a destiny out here, and one day she'll reach that destiny. "Come catch me!" she yelled to her new friend. "Maybe you can tell me your destiny if you do!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The pale woman stared up at the man she had just yelled at and gently took the offerred hand before standing up. "Thank you," She murmured softly, wading out of the water. She did toss her head back to the yell the woman had called out to her with, and spat in her direction. She turned back to the man that had been shoved into the water with her. "I apologize... for my abruptness. I have had a harsh few days." When the chocobo came to her and trilled proudly to show her its prize, she looked at it sternly. "Abra... that was rude what you did. Apologize."

The big black chocobo, apparently named Abra, held its head up in visible surprise and sheepishly bowed its head to the pale haired blitzball star, as though it really were apologizing. He made a sad, low trill before nudging the ball back to Gippals feet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Surprised, Zac was left standing in the same spot for a split-second before his usual grin split his face. Breaking into a dead sprint, he chases after his new friend, his sword clacking in it's sheath as it bounces on his back. Slowly, he begins gaining ground on Runya, but he knows that it's most likely due to her not trying her hardest, considering that leap she made just minutes ago. "Why should I tell you," he calls back, already starting to feel slightly winded, although the beach was pretty far behind him, "when I can just do it and let everyone else figure it out?!"

Soon, the group that had left a while ago comes into view, with the addition of a woman and a black chocobo. As he and Runya race past them, Zac turns to face them and waves 'goodbye,' a glint in his eyes challenging anyone else to his and Runya's race, before turning back and resuming his sprint, even though he was starting to feel the run weigh on his legs. You don't get stronger by giving up, he tells himself, feeling as if his motto gave him enough energy to continue running, even though he'd much rather collapse some shade somewhere and take a long nap.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The pale woman stared up at him and gently took the offered hand before standing up. "Thank you," She murmured softly, wading out of the water. She then tossed her head back to the yell the woman had called out to her with, and spat in her direction. Gippal only smiled, Alex was hard to get along with. He looked at her as he followed her out of the water and saw her turn back to him. "I apologize... for my abruptness. I have had a harsh few days." Before he could answer the chocobo came to her and trilled proudly to show her its prize, she looked at it sternly. "Abra... that was rude what you did. Apologize."

Abra, held its head up in visible surprise and sheepishly bowed its head to Gippal, as though it really were apologizing. He made a sad, low trill before nudging the ball back to Gippals feet.

Gippal hesitated for a moment before placing a palm on the chocobos head and stroked it with a smile. "You are forgiven Abra." He knew how smart these birds where, one actually saved his life on a mission before, so he knew he was understood just how well he reacted to the woman's command.

He then turned to her and said, " Don't worry about it. Pick understand, we all get those once in a while. Can't get mad at someone when I would probably act like that just as well." He looked down At the ball and popped it up with his foot and caught it with his left hand with ease. He looked over to see the one who gave him the ball to sign, who didn't want to get near the bird. So he simply dropped the ball again and gave it to be a soft kick that soared high and landed just at the boys feet.

"My name is Gippal." He said softly as he watched the boy pick up the ball and run off to his parents with a smile. He looked at her and asked, "May I ask yours?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ah he was a criminal Gippal stole his national treasure!"Her eyes go wide. "Not that I would report you or your accomplice but I Must insist that you not simply telling telling everyone! Shouldn't you be incognito?"
Urick stares at her with a queer look as she said that. He was at an utter loss for words... He never received that reaction before. Could this woman be so sheltered?

She pulls another twig out of her hair before answering his question. "I have no intention of watching the sport events, they do nothing but distract us from the problems that are far more pressing than who can hold their breath the longest.
Wow a person who wasn't addicted to Blitzball. Even though he did not play he was almost offended. Blitzball istheonething that got people through grief and sorrow during the time of sin. It was more than just seeing who could hold their breath the longest.

Before he could say anything which wasn't much she turned onto Persephone.

"Miss Persephone, I am pleased that you offer your home to me, but I must point out that I am not about to impose on a stranger...Nor am I going to let my guard down and sleep around a stranger." She coughs in her hand and bows "I am Nily, from a ways away. I am searching for the truth, in one form or the other. Hoping to understand what really happened to our world." Her cheeks redden a little as she finished.

Urick raised an eyebrow, she reminded him of Gippal, who would spend Hours explaining stuff that Yevon hid from the public during the time of Sin. Things he learned from lady Yuna, and things he learned from his father and his adventures sneaking into the Vaults of Bevelle. Stuff they never told the people after sin because of the friction it would cause in the world.

"Well Nily, my cousin or that "Criminal" as you say, may be your only ticket to finding out what really happened and why Sin kept on coming back and other details we commoners never found out. He has more info about the true history of Spira that it would cause contention through out the world." He embellished slightly due to her calling them criminals. " Such talk though can get one imprisoned with out reason. Many times we've slipped away from New Yevon, they won't touch him though because of some information he has that will go to the public if he is arrested. That's why we don't go incognito. We don't have to."

He looked at Persephone and Winked so Nily wouldn't see. Obviously he hoped she would catch on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ah he was a criminal Gippal stole his national treasure!"Her eyes go wide. "Not that I would report you or your accomplice but I Must insist that you not simply telling telling everyone! Shouldn't you be incognito?"

Persephone cocked her head to the side as she said that. Was she serious? She continued
"I have no intention of watching the sport events, they do nothing but distract us from the problems that are far more pressing than who can hold their breath the longest.
What!?!? What was up with this girl?! Blitzball despite having arguments who's a better team or what ever is what brings Spira together! Something everyone can agree upon.

She turns to her. "Miss Persephone, I am pleased that you offer your home to me, but I must point out that I am not about to impose on a stranger...Nor am I going to let my guard down and sleep around a stranger." She coughs in her hand and bows. "I am Nily, from a ways away. I am searching for the truth, in one form or the other. Hoping to understand what really happened to our world." Her cheeks redden a little as she said that.

She looked at Urick as he said "Well Nily, my cousin or that "Criminal" as you say, may be your only ticket to finding out what really happened and why Sin kept on coming back and other details we commoners never found out. He has more info about the true history of Spira that it would cause contention through out the world. Such talk though can get one imprisoned with out reason. Many times we've slipped away from New Yevon, they won't touch him though because of some information he has that will go to the public if he is arrested. That's why we don't go incognito. We don't have to."

He then turned and winked at her, obviously letting her know he was messing around. Something whenever really saw in Urick, he was always quiet, perhaps Gippal got to him? She then said". Well miss Nily, we are not strangers anymore! " trying to change the subjects she was never good at keeping up a joke. " that I showings in Besaid, we welcome all as family because we are all brothers and sisters. Or as Sir Wakka would say ' Brudda and Sistas! " she said with a smile. " course you can sleep in the dirt but why refuse a warm bed?"

She waved her hand. " Well if you change your mind I'll be at the house right next to the weapons shop." She looked to Urick and waved " see you at the Feast tonight," before running off ahead towards her home. She had to change into something that would cover her, even though it was a few hours away she could use a nice shower due to her training today , also she hated Mosquitos... They always devoured her at Bon fires if she wore here usual attire
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

For a moment the pale woman was quiet. "Sena," She murmured at last, "Sena Crosse." She nodded her head to Gippal. "The Besaid village is nearby, yes?" She gestured to Abra who had left after Gippal forgave him to play with the kids. They ran around him and with a happy trill he would gently nuzzle them with his massive beak. Then they would all chase after the large bird, often coming up empty. Few people can match the speed of a chocobo on foot anyways, especially one as playful as Abra.
"Abra and I recquire a place to rest our weary..." She glanced at Abra, "Ah... I need somewhere to rest."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sena cross" she said then asked, "The Besaid village is nearby, yes? Abra and I recquire a place to rest our weary..." She glanced at Abra, "Ah... I need somewhere to rest."

Gippal nodded and started for the village. Keeping his eyes on the woman at a slow pace waiting for her to catch up. "Nice to meet you Sena Cross, and yes the village is close by. The vlage is quite full but I'm sure I can find you a place to rest, and there is a stable for Abra."

He looked forward and walked a bit in silence. He was wondering about Sena, why was she so cold in this weather? In his travels he never met anyone like her. He looked back at her and asked, "what brings you to Besaid?"

As they will talk they would soon make it to the village.

(Sorry trying to push this ahead.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
Avatar of ReaptheMusic

ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I have no purpose... not truly." Her eyes softened as she stared ahead. "Well... no, I suppose I'm looking for someone. I can't recall who... For, I have been searching for quite a long time." She looked at him. "Why did you come to Besaid?"
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