The young woman woke early that morning, prepared to get ready for her first day at her new job at the casino, though it was normal for her to drop by the coffee shop before work even when she was filming so today after she showered she dressed in a long shirt, leggings and her boots before scratching her cat between the ears and taking her dog out to the backyard. She'd been in town for three days, unpacking and setting up home in the comfy two-story house she was currently renting using her funds from her latest season of Elyrian Darkness. She'd gone to the interview the day before and barely had to say a thing, since the manager had had her demonstrate her skills as a bartender and hostess, and already he had a crowd of new customers coming in as they witnessed the girl outside on the patio dining area where the men where allowed to smoke. He had asked her to come in the next day at 1pm to start her training as a Dealer since she would be working the day shifts as a Dealer and nights along the rail. It was fine with her, as the young blonde beauty didn't need much sleep to work as well as she did and never did she get bags under her eyes.
With the large husky beside her Roza locked the door to her house and walked down the sidewalk, hips swaying teasingly and a slight grin upon her lips when she knew that the males who walked passed her would take a look at the long legged, curvaceous beauty that had made her entrance to the streets of Shine City. It wasn't long before she reached the cafe and walked inside to find several people sitting around. There were no other animals inside though Kaskae never barked or looked toward any of the humans food while Roza walked over to a booth by a window and sat down, waiting for the waitress to come to her. The large male husky jumped up on the bench on the other side and sat down as if he was eating with her, though he was perfectly behaved and alert. It was strange to find such a well mannered animal, especially without a leash.