Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Yajima Hikari

Nothing can properly convey how insufferable Rin can get, but now she was conveying that fact perfectly all on her own. One could imagine what Mia’s reaction would have been if the Professor didn’t walk in, a punch to face maybe? That would be too good.

Hikari didn’t know anything about Ravens, well apart from that he’s a Pro Hero and now their Professor, well at least the professional teacher should be able to defuse the situation, right? Wrong.

Why did he open his mouth? Another prejudiced trash can, add him to the shitlist.

Hikari didn’t even care to look at the dorm assignments as the whole class was swiftly sent to detention, barring a lucky few, seems like a way for the Professor to not do his damn job.

“Sir, thank you but I will take the detention.”

Jun, why did the Tournament Champion consider lowering herself with lowly mortals?
To save face with the rest of the class? That would be smart.
Because she did start this whole mess? Not a common response but definitely heroic.
Maybe Jun hates Prof. Danzo’s guts? That also Hikari can also respect.

As everyone started walking out, she realized it was now the hard part of this whole ordeal, getting up from the chair, and she did, with the speed of a sloth but still. The best part of being the last to get out is seeing the hateful glaze on everybody’s face as they walk by Prof. Danzo, and she couldn’t but smile at the remarks of Kazuma and Yamagata.

Hikari got to walk past the professor with a smug, but also worn out, face.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kanako Seiki

Kanako glanced around at the other students, most of whom were practically fuming with frustration and anger. Her posture shifted, shoulders hunching slightly and her head tipping down to make her look smaller. To her nothing could possibly be worse than being stuck in a room with a bunch of really really pissed off students.

She hadn't been paying enough attention at the start of the conflict to really know what the hell was going on. Well, she'd been listening, but just listening and actually paying attention were very different. She'd really only started paying attention after the gunshot. She had pretty much nothing to go off of from before that point, except something about Yusuke insulting the class and everything spiraling from there. Literally nothing had gone right today.

She could deal with consequences, even if she didn't know what she'd done wrong in the first place, but fine, it wasn't like the rest of the world was fair, she didn't know why she'd expected this place to be any different. What she couldn't deal with though, is being stuck in a room with the rest of the very, very, very angry class, if someone so much as said one wrong thing she knew at least two students who might just snap.

If that did happen, which wasn't likely, but still a possibility, her plan was to stay out of the way and hope she didn't get picked out as a target for whoever had snapped. Although, after her match in the sports festival she couldn't really pretend she was just some harmless mute girl anymore. Everyone knew what she was capable of, even though her quirk wasn't that flashy, it was still absolutely terrifying in every sense of the word. Staying under the radar and pretending to be a nobody might not be a viable option if push came to shove.

She decided to keep trying to keep her head down anyways. She could see so many ways this could go horribly wrong. Maybe it could be chalked up to paranoia, but knowing that a fear was irrational wouldn't stop her from being afraid anyways.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mia Mathers

Time: September 11, 2127
Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture


While the situation in the classroom continued to devolve, Mia's mind was busy noting that the petals following Kaiga had come to a stop. Her finger tapped her desk in a quiet rhythm, as she released a small num of contemplation under her breath. The sensations she was getting from her proprioception-esce awareness of her petals signaled back mainly a mix of audio vibrations. There was a certain... tenor(?) to them compared to the movement of the air that she'd found let her identify the two phenomena distinctly. Speaking of which, she was also getting some movements from the air, a subtle disturbance of air-pressure that caressed the surfaces of her petals with a silky lover's touch.

This is all to say that, in practice, she could feel the movements of what she thought was probably just two -maybe three- people in the nurse's office... for now anyway. Of course, at least two of the people in question were probably Kaiga and Matsuru, the latter of whom had apparently spared himself quite a lot of trouble by dipping out to help carry Yusuke... the lucky bastard.

Anyway, where was she? Oh right! Sound vibrations, yes. Those funny little things. She was feeling quite a few of them, so clearly, someone had set to chatting. She was... mostly certain the one doing the bulk of the chatter was Kaiga, which was pretty on-brand for him anyway. A petal briefly floating to brush across his chest did indeed confirm a persistent rumble that matched speech. Mia couldn't tell what was being said, but this close, she almost felt like if she really focused-

A brief distant throb somewhere in the back of her head brough the punk girl back on task, resisting the urge to rub her temples. Even though she wasn't really using a lot of petals right now, it honestly hadn't been an hour since the Sports Festival concluded, and she'd still used her quirk quite a lot. Even at low levels, it was something like jogging. The strain might creep up slower, but it was still there. And this really wasn't the time to be experimenting anyway.

So, Kaiga clearly felt comfortable enough now to waste time chatting... and after he'd shown so much good-hearted kindness towards that racist prick. Assuming the ardent Endeavor fanboy was at least dedicated enough to his ideals to maintain that concern long enough to reach the nurse's office before he loitered, then Mia could only guess one place he could be right now.

Of course, she had also paid attention to her petals' movements, as they followed him. If she walked out of the classroom with her eyes closed right this moment, she was actually pretty confident she could blindly replicate that route herself, even without her petals' locations as a guide. On top of which, the proprioception-esce awareness of her petal's positions honestly gave her a pretty clear estimation of distances between herself and them, and if she took a moment to visualize where she was right now and then imagine navigating to the nurse's office... the place where the majority of her active petals was would align pretty much exactly with her theoretical destination. Multitasking was a hell of a drug apparently.

Still, all the facts taken together, Mia found she could only come to one conclusion, as she double-checked the position of the petal that Kaiga had been supposed to be holding...

That meathead totally forgot about the signal, didn't he?

Well, she supposed that wasn't too unexpected from him.

Heaving an internal sigh, Mia went ahead and commanded the petals she had near Yusuke to reassemble and revert. She wasn't certain if Dr. Chisaki was ready to actually treat him yet, but in the end, she'd only done what she did in the off chance that any of Yusuke's injuries were more dangerous than they seemed. Now that he was at least basically in arm's reach, she saw no reason to keep her petals active any longer. It's not like he was conscious to feel the pain at this point anyway.

Back in the 1B classroom, things were getting less pleasant by the moment.

Hands in her pockets, one thumb brushed across a device she'd taken to carrying near-religiously these days, as words that only she could see flicked across her vision.

[Command: Record Start]

[System Confirm: Yes/No?]

[Command: Yes]

[Confirmed: Record Start]

And so, you finally reveal your true colors... Ladyice.

Admittedly, Mia had actually been ready to let the initial offense go to some degree. Some part of her had even at least half-seriously considered letting Rin be for a bit longer, letting her have more opportunities to dig her own hole and ruin that irritating little facade of hers. Of course, Mia had still intended to put together a report regardless... but she had been willing to actually humor Hebi's suggestion to let things cool down.

And then Rin decided that overt racism was apparently the galaxy brain way to go.

Truly, her genius is unfathomable.

Mia had been in the middle of turning to head back to her seat when the word "Dirtblood" hit the open air, and for a brief moment, she paused. Not because she was personally offended. Oh no, in that respect, the words washed over Mia like water off a duckling's back. No, any emotional impact Rin might have expected her words to elicit simply wasn't forthcoming, because Mia had grown up largely in America, where racism had severe societal stigma.

In the United States, it certainly wasn't correct to say that discrimination didn't exist in some form, but it did mean that very very few were dumb enough express such opinions, never mind be smug about them, especially since American law had a rather exhaustive number of ways to address and punish racism-fueled actions. A century since the rise of quirks had only given that cultural stigma more time to stew and develop to account for the new status quo. Combine that with the American comic book culture making Metamorphics far less of a shock than they often were elsewhere, and they had easily come to be included under the provisions that once covered only such petty things as skin color. On top of that, being the home of an icon like Stars and Stripes and having a culture that had managed to largely preserve the Golden Age of Heroics that All Might had helped bring about meant that -just on a general level- America was honestly one of the most welcoming cultures on the planet as far as foreigners and "diversity" were concerned.

This is all to say that Mia simply didn't respond to Japan's warped, classist racism the way many locals might. In her mind, as an American -immigrant or not- the idea that she was lesser for something as trivial as her birth was simply inconceivable. That she was not entitled to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness just because she happened to be born "less fortunate" wasn't even worth humoring. It was a viewpoint that was objectively, factually, morally incorrect on all levels, and the moment someone decided to express such views, Mia's henceforth considered everything they said worthless. And as long as their opinion was worthless, why should she care what they thought about her? She was right. They were wrong. And that's all there was to it.

Was that an entitled, black and white or even arrogant stance to hold? Maybe, but Mia didn't see any reason to change it. In this world, sometimes, one had to accept that there were people that were simply unequivocal scum. They wouldn't change, and they didn't want to change. So, why waste your time caring about them? Some people were just objective drains on the health and stability of society, and Mia saw no reason not to treat them as such.

Mia doubted Rin was the sort to appreciate the irony contained in the contrast between the response the racist fuck expected and what she was actually feeling. The ironic part, of course, was that as much as Rin stated she wasn't going to "humor" Mia's opinions, Mia felt exactly the same way, and for far more legitimate reasons to boot.

Which was why Mia's response to Rin's insult was merely an unrepentantly smug smirk. "There was never anything to disown. I got what I wanted and left the chaff behind. In the end, your little nest was always a means to an end, so, don't be mistaking who discarded who, grackle."

The term she plucked from distant memory referred to a common and not particularly attractive North American bird, one that -at a distance- could perhaps be mistaken for a crow or raven; they were common and opportunistic enough to call "sky rats", scavengers and garbage raiders that lurked even in cities year-round. Needless to say, this could be interpreted as an insult on multiple levels, particularly as a targeted insult towards someone that was part of the Hawks Agency and loved their cringy bird terminology. It wasn't a common insult by any means. If anything, it was something Mia had invented on the spot, and it would perhaps take a little in-depth knowledge of foreign birds to understand. But at least part of the insult was the implication that the recipient was stupid if they didn't understand it.

Comeback delivered, Mia finished heading back to her seat, only to roll her eyes at the flicker of the lights heralding a familiar unsufferable, oozing voice that she had apparently hoped in vain to leave behind with the class shuffle. She truly couldn't roll her eyes hard enough, as Professor Danzo Shimura started throwing around more casual -well, less casual and more targeted- racism, truly an exemplary representative of humanity and a hero school's faculty.

So, we meet again, Darth Shit-ura.

To say that there was resentment between Mia and the professor she had held the misfortune of enduring for the first six months of the semester in Class 1A was an understatement. As far as Mia was concerned, Danzo was an uptight, petty, elitist prick, who barely made any attempt to hide his racism and classism on a good day and handed out harsh punishments that were aimed more to humiliate and degrade than to teach any actual lesson; he was a shit educator to anyone but the elite, and even then, he seemed more focused on insulting anything short of perfection, rather than encouraging his students to do better. Simply put, regardless of any selective competence he might show in certain subjects, he was trash as a person, and Mia had treated his opinion accordingly. Danzo might as well have been the worst possible teacher for someone like her.

Meanwhile, Mia was a coarse, informal "country bumpkin" of a girl, and a foreigner to boot, who was dismissive of authority except where she decided it "made sense" and didn't even try to pretend she cared about living up to any standards but her own. She was a "lowly commoner", who refused to even comprehend "her place" and wasted very few opportunities to share her cynical opinions on heroism and the "subpar" behavior of her classmates. She shirked detentions, ignored the dress code and simply flat-out refused to even appear apologetic for her behavior. As far as she was concerned, Shimura had earned no respect, and so he would receive none. Furthermore, she was a former intern of the Hawks Agency, who'd chosen to firmly cut ties and head to Jeanist, which was likely considered irksome to Shimura for its own reasons... And on top of it all, she'd attained enrollment to Eirei via special recommendation, of all things, and the weight of a sponsor meant that her attitude could quite successfully be counterbalanced by the infuriating fact that she was actually a high-scorer, consistently placing in the top five of her class even though she obviously wasn't trying her best.

All in all, it was a pair truly destined to loathe each-other from the very start.

So, Mia didn't fail to note the targeted verbal jab from Shimura. Of course, as with Rin, she was about as unbothered as a duck was by water. But make no mistake, she was far from pleased. Not by the insult, itself, but rather who it was coming from and the implications of that. Not only that, but she was displeased in the sense that a figure like this was a terrible role model to have for aspiring heroes. In those susceptible to his ideology, he would just help develop them into similarly terrible people and embarrassments to even the tattered concept of what a "hero" meant to modern Japan. In those that opposed him? He would surely make their schooling experience hell, degrade and discourage them, fail as many as possible and just generally terrorize the actually sane portion of the student body. He was a stain on this institution, and it still boggled Mia's mind to this day how he still had his job.

Leaning back in her chair, expression placid even under the onslaught of insults and unreasonable punishments being cast about, Mia's gaze traced across the classroom the see how the rest were taking this development.

On average?

Not fucking well.

Jun turning down the detention pass in an obvious sign of solidarity against the injustice. The normally happy-go-lucky Kaiga barely managing to keep cordial. The quirkless boy -Kazuki, she thought he was called?- stiffly questioning the legitimacy of both Rin and Shimura. Various expressions of unease or barely restrained anger from other students. And as the glorious cherry on top, some actual fucking legend, whose name Mia had regretfully yet to catch, telling Shimura to take a swan dive off the building.

In life, there are crossroads...

The thought reached her, as she observed a group of heroic alumni primed for rebellion. Yet, despite the anger and distress seething through the air, even with biting words thrown about here and there, her peers still hesitated to take the initiative. They were on the defensive, reeling from a counterattack of a figure to which many must have perceived no other response but bitter, quiet compliance. Even those that spoke with defiance mostly seemed to be walking on eggshells, afraid to commit in the face of the cowardice of the majority.

Truly, it was a microcosm of the state of Japan as a whole if Mia had ever seen one.

The nail that stick up gets hammered down. Wasn't that how it went?

Even in an era of quirks, that culture somehow persisted a century later. Nobody wanted to be the one to make the first move. Nobody wanted to take the risk. In the end, the majority would rather follow the rules, comply with the system. Why? Because that was just how things were, right? It couldn't be helped, right? The whole is greater than the individual, naturally. That was what they told themselves. That just going along with unfairness was easier than trying to get a better deal and ruining things for themselves and everyone around them. Even the heroes were sheep, cogs in a machine, just working to keep things running, never truly making things better.

Because in the end, they didn't really believe things could be better, did they? And there was no-one to prove them wrong, no-one to not just take the first step, but to succeed. There were countless heroes spouting flashy ideals, but had those words really amounted to anything? No, in order for the people bred by this corporate, rules-obsessed society to stand up, the only thing that could really make change... was a nail that refused to be hammered down, come hell or highwater.

A Symbol.

Something Japan had long since lost.

And Mia would admit, she wasn't much different from those sheeple in a lot of ways. In the end, she really wanted a comfy retirement. In an ideal world, she could coast there on her present effort. Assuming an unbiased system to traverse, it wouldn't even be difficult. She preferred to watch from the sidelines, not take center-stage, but in this situation...

In the midst of weakness, what it truly means to be a hero is to be the one to step up to the plate. None of you have the guts, the gumption and steel to go all the way? Fine, I'll lead by example, take the plunge and the risk. I'll go first, so y'all better not disappoint me... Honestly, if even this isn't enough, is this really a school I even want to keep attending anyway?

The familiar numbness of her quirk's influence began to fill her body, a precautionary measure... just in case she was actually right to be paranoid of even further stupidity ensuing. Shunting her brain-meats into the storage of petal state to preemptively guard against Shimura's illusory quirk in some capacity, just in case he was petty enough to use it.

A cold little smile crossed Mia's lips, as she released a sharp bark of a laugh and stood from her chair again. Slowly, mockingly, she clapped her hands in a short bout of applause, her lips curled into smirk towards the scummy teacher and his equally racist bootlicker, as she began to walk towards the front of the classroom.

"So, we're doing this old song and dance again, are we, Shit-ura-sensei?"

The words that spilled from her lips were laced with an air of old resentment and a revisited grudge.

Passing by the desk of the brunette guy with mismatched eyes and balls so big she honestly questioned how his chair hadn't yet collapsed under him, Mia's right hand briefly clapped him on the shoulder companionably, as her pink eyes tracked to Hebi's own seat, a half-apologetic smile towards the medusa metamorphic on the punk's lips. Shrugging her shoulders in a manner as if to indicate "well, I tried", Mia looked back at the man, who was supposed to be a class of heroes' teacher.

"I think not." She raised several fingers in succession. "Sleeping in the common room of the Hawks Dorm just to humiliate? How petty. Pass." She sniffed and leaned against one of the frontmost desks. "Unfair detention? Pass on that too," she drawled, before a sneer upturned her lips. "Yeah, that's right, I'm 'testing you', Teach. What are you gonna do: double the detentions I'm not attending?" She scoffed and glanced over her shoulder at what remained of the class after the cowardly rabble had run out the back. "Don't let this pompous fuck fool you. He doesn't have any real power to threaten your hard-earned Hero Licenses. Trust me, after the first time he ever threatened that..." Her scornful gaze tracked back to Shimura. "-I checked."

Pushing off the desk with a slight bump of her hip, she inspected her fingernails dismissively. "Funny the sorts of things you find yourself studying when you have a prejudiced, petty, resentful shitstain as your instructor for six fucking months. And news flash: in this capacity, he's only a teacher." She rolled her eyes. "Hero Licenses are assigned by the Hero Commission, not any school or Agency. No individual -or even Agency- has the power to suspend or nullify one without an exhaustive process that requires the accused to have actually seriously broken the law to succeed. A petty matter like this is so far below their radar it requires a sonar."

Joining the trickle of students already headed that way, Mia chuffed and stepped towards the classroom door, a derisive expression fixed on her face. "You already knew that, of course, Teach, but the only way you can command order is fear, right? Bluffing absurd threats. Because no-one really respects you once they've met you for longer than five seconds. Entitled, you say? Damn right, I am. I'm entitled to basic human decency, just like the rest of my peers, and the fact that I even need to emphasize that to a 'hero' is pathetic. So, it seems it's long past time someone finally got done with your shit and demanded better."

Mia snorted, addressing the rest of the class then. "Those of you from 1B and 1C? Realize that this is still only the beginning. You think this was bad? Well, prepare your anus. Those of you from 1A understand... in which case, my only question for you is: are you really going to just take this?" Her eyes narrowed over her shoulder at the rest of the class. "Well?! Your faces say you want to speak your minds. Go on then! He's wrong, and you know he's wrong. The words out of his mouth are poison to what a real hero should be, so why the hell shouldn't you stand up to him? You're training to be heroes, but how much does justice actually mean to you? How much does having a positive Hero Academia mean to you? Are you heroes or cowards?"

Her gaze snapped back to Shimura, as she spread her arms and stepped back towards the door. As she did, her body's outer layer began to flake away into petals to join the already mostly shifted internals, the drifting pink flora concealing the movements of her feet brushing against several more of the bullets that had been left discarded carelessly on the floor, clandestinely transmuting them to join her swarm. "Frankly, I've got far too much respect for my time, my rights as a person and the very concept of an actual fucking hero to tolerate this any longer, so consider this my sanction of you as an educator, Danzo Shimura."

Mia flowed out of the room, her body practically entirely made of petals now, aside from her vocal cords and eyes. Amongst the other students that were already leaving the room, she released a chuckle. "See y'all later, not in detention of course, which -by the way- you should totally defy as well. A little spot of 'peaceful protest', as they say, right? A bit of 'civil disobedience' to make a point." The flowing mass of petals in the shape of a young woman, shrugged its shoulders and smirked. "If it's in mass, there's no way it won't get results. The majority of a hero classroom's alumni don't just revolt for no good reason. Someone would have to give a shit. And hey, if you've got the guts, I wouldn't turn down some supporting voices while I go to see the principle to get some answers and preferably a solution."

And with that, the mass of petals swiftly flowed away from the group down the hall, her likely destination clear.

[Command: Record End]

[System Confirm: Yes/No?]

[Command: Yes]

[Confirmed: Record End. Archive Successful]
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 10 days ago

Yamato Ogawa

Today was the first day back in class after the Sports Festival and Yamato was still reeling over his humiliating showing. The lumbering dinosaur adorned by a leather jacket was grumbling to himself as he slowly wandered down the Eirei hallways, ignoring the occasional passerby that tended to instinctively give him space. At his normal, mostly upright posture for walking he was easily twice the height of most the students that got out of his way. Standing like this his tail would drag across the ground if he didn't lift it deliberately, letting it lightly sway with every step he took and creating yet another obstacle for those around him to be wary of. Man, I don't know how I'm going to face these guys after all that, he thought to himself with a huff. Jun ended up winning the whole thing so maybe everyone will be caught up in that and pay me no mind. Yes, that could work... But deep down he knew that people never paid him no mind.

Fact of the matter is that Yamato was the only member of 1B to drop out of the Sports Festival in the very first round. There were too many factors against him and he had no chances to shine. No opportunities to put on a show, to fight in the second or third rounds for prestige. If I could've made it to the end, I bet I could've been the one to win it all. Stupid rope... Yamato grimaced as he turned towards a nearby stairwell. He began ascending the stairs, his massive legs clearing many steps with each movement but the steps themselves were so small that he had to effectively balance on the tips of his toes as he climbed. Something that most people never had to think about, but through sheer determination and exposure Yamato had been able to overcome. As he met the turn of the staircase he found another student descending. They had a brief moment of panic on their face before they recognized the beast before them as one of their classmates, letting out a sigh before squeezing past Yamato to continue their flight down. But Yamato stopped and looked down after them as they left. Wait a moment, where is he going? Class is the other way and I know its already started.

He continued up the rest of the stairs and began walking down his most familiar hallway. As he approached 1B he could see more students leaving through the door. A curious development but one that didn't bode well. Surely the class wasn't in trouble, right? Jun won the whole Sports Festival! And the rest of the class did fantastic too! Yamato leaned forward as he approached his classroom, making sure his head was low enough to clear the doorway (out of respect for the poor door that he had destroyed once before already). When the door opened next a student that happened to be leaving was met with the visage of a maw full of dagger-like teeth. The heart attack subsided quickly and the student bolted underneath Yamato's head and out into the hallway, but Yamato paid no mind to this student's reaction to his unintentional jumpscare. Instead he politely waited for them to be out of his way before he squeezed his way into the classroom.

And boy, he must've missed something because it looked like nearly everybody had left! And their teacher was replaced by the 1A teacher! Yamato was oblivious to the speech he had just missed, as well as the chaos that had gone on just before that too. "Uh, hey guys," he greeted as he entered, stopping to take a look around once he was mostly through the door. Unfortunately, as he had lowered his posture, he didn't quite realize his tail was still blocking a good portion of the doorway. This blocked it from closing but also mostly blocked anyone else from leaving, for the moment. He recognized Ravens, but he never really talked to him before. He only knew of him, and not much at that. But already he picked up that the guy was being a hardass and something unfortunate just happened to the class. "Sorry I'm late, what'd I miss?" Before a concise answer could've came his way the American girl, Mia, began a speech. For a second Yamato was confused, as he thought she was also 1A. But considering the 1A teacher was here too he didn't think about that part too much. Instead: he listened.

And boy it was a fiery speech. I definitely missed something rough. Talk of detention, prejudice, civil disobedience? Yamato was stunned at Mia's speech, mouth slightly agape as he watched in shock at the way she talked to Shimura. He wasn't a psychic but her righteous indignation seemed pretty legit, almost infectious. He kept his eyes on her as she transformed into a cloud of flower petals and floated across the room, past Yamato, and out the door. The door! Having realized his impoliteness by obstructing it he finally took a few more steps into the classroom, just enough for his tail to clear the doorway and allowing more than enough room for anyone to pass. He felt like he needed a moment to process what all he just witnessed, but faster than he could think he opened his mouth. "Wait, so do I have detention?" He knew he was being funny, and if he didn't have a detention before all things considered he definitely had one now. But he didn't know what else to say other than a joke! Apparently this teacher was so much of a jerk that he basically emotionally defeated the entire class and put it on the verge of mutiny. "I just got here, man."
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Shibuya Institution District
Eirei Polytechnic Academy — 1B
Shimura Danzo: Origin

A Teacher's role is to hearken the burden of students, so that they may succeeded, teaching methods are limitless figures and failure to accustom oneself with fairness for his students is mediocrity.

A Student's role is to hearken the lessons provided by their Teacher, learning methods are boundless figures that reasons with reality through an inquisitive mind to see through lies & to be fruitful with knowledge that outpour from the fountains of wisdom. In the same manner, the antidote to a perplexed student is the unwavering guidance of their Teacher, for that is like a soothing wind that fans the flames of progress and the right way to put a fire out. The combined efforts of these things, resolves to break the yolk of fear, distrust, disbelief and unworthiness, thus donning truth's comforting embrace to heart.

No matter what the path that the disciple go, the teachings of their master is etched into the very fiber of their whole being that resonates like a vestige.

Once and for all, the culminative journey of these opposing souls, brings forth an eternal cycle of giving & receiving in a causal relationship that echo through time. A bond deeper than the flowing blood rivers of biological kinship, a bond that's respected by intellect, connections that sets the framework of a culture, and of a society. We move forward, we stand and fight for our cause.

History is learned,

History is created,

History is preserved.

Reality is stranger than fiction.

As Mia began breathing her cursed technique, a charade of humored protest against Ravens, the Illusionist, has made the man be in a seemingly questionable position, it was evident that 1B was crying out in subliminal anguish for the pent up losses they suffered, especially for the lack of a lasting Professor.

1B — The notorious Freshmen Block of 2127 was stepping out of their husks, unafraid showing who they truly are, many stepped out of the class due to the intense predicament they perceived themselves to be in. Their reactions determined their future, whether it's for the better or worse, they're like lost sheeps without a shepherd, venturing into the unknown, some may return but others were broken. Ravens knew of the outcome including the repercussions of his actions,and it seemed that there's little room for remorse or was it for the naught?

Is it?

Is it?

Is it....

Danzo sighed and sent an email blast to the faculty and to all of 1B, particular those that left.

Suddenly, the gloomy room changed to break the ice. For once in his life, Danzo genuinely smiled and laughed at the so called lackluster performance of the year, there was no need to hold it back anymore, the man with questionable reputation that many claimed remains a phantom. Who knew that the remaining 1B has shown a heroic spirit, something that Danzo only experienced in rare occasions.

The illusion of a dreamer,
The illusion of a bluff,
The illusion of a classist,
The illusion of a passing wind,

Not a single one of these sheds light on Danzo.

As the man called Ravens, the former Professor of Class 1A, now 1B has revealed his true colors, he couldn't say it, any other way.

"First Graded Quiz of the Second Semester, A Hero's Unyielding Mind Against Deception. Haha! My sincerest apologies for the lackluster performance, hahaha, if I've scared you off your seats, dinner is on me!" His smile and laughter calmed down, perhaps from the abdominal pain, he experienced, he's done holding his misdirections.

Danzo has shown the embodiment of a Hawks Agent.

"Detention? You seriously think, I'd be unjust. Come on now, sheesh. There is no detention, except for you, Ms. Rin Himura." A twist of fate, Danzo has acted upon the matter that first tormented 1B.

Rin went into a crazed state. Irritated that the Professor whom she thought was at her side, has betrayed her. Dark Rin or not, she was hoping to fail this hopeless class in the first place, the red flags were there. Of all people, Shimura Danzo, a descendant of Shimura Nana, coming from an elite family has disproven his loyalties to the hierarchy.

"Madame Todoroki has been watching you, Ms. Himura, your tyranny ends here. You are hereby relieved of your Prefect Duties from the Student Advisor Body. He said with great indignation.

Rin could not say anything, she held back her tears, walked out and knew her fate is sealed.

Ravens thought to himself The Founders and Madame Todoroki entrusted me the impossible, I have to expel guilty students that're murderous Hawks Interns, which made up majority of 1A, they've been proven guilty. 1C has proven themselves innocent while 1B isn't bad at all. Could the League have infiltrated Eirei fully or not? No, this wretched killings of Professors is more than meet the eye, if so, why 1B? Why compromise the education of innocent children? For the past six months, I've been acting out of necessity to fulfill my mission, I've done things I'm not proud of. We all have to be vigilant. Revealing myself as of now, may only drag the enemy closer, I must protect Eirei!

Yes, everyone can sleep well at their dorms, I wish I know there'd be more questions than answers, but for now I must go! Ravens dissipated into air like a mirage, nowhere to be found.

Ravens rushed to the Principal's office.
Those who stayed to fight against oppression, viewed as dying with your comrades: 100 pts

Those who spoke up against oppression: 95 pts

Those who spoke up but left: 90 points

Those who forfeited for their own benefit: 80 points

Next Event: Reelection
Ravens has left an email indicating that his class meet at their Dorms to catch up and unwind, it's also about the structure of student rep positions, it's the second semester, hence the class needs rightful leaders.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

"I knew that some things didn't add up!" Kazuki was the first to say. "Your threat to revoke our Hero Licenses was the biggest clue - Professors do not have the power to do that! I had a whispering thought at the back of my mind that you planned to drive us together by uniting us against you, but I dismissed that because you kept up the pressure and made sure everyone hated you enough not to consider the possibility that you had a cover!"

He then faced Ravens/Shimura and continued, "That said, don't you know how much danger you put yourself in, and us too?! What if one of us was provoked to open violence?! You could have been hurt and the student who assaulted you could have lost their future! Worst case scenario, you could have provoked a riot like it was 1969!"

Kazuki let the implications that he was referring to himself hang, by a thread, over the class. His next words were, "And yes, I was perfectly confident in my ability to bring on the hurt while inciting a mob; sorry for the arrogance. You guessed right that I do scheme, back when your cover was up; said schemes are dropped, by the way - They were meant for self-defense and defense of those under me, after all. Seriously, I was just one inch of lost patience away from endangering your plan!"

He then sighed and said, "I'm taking the 100 points for 'dying with my comrades' and the 95 points for speaking up against oppression, by the way. Do not expect forgiveness from everyone else too... Although I'm already giving my own, considering how I am not immune to dark urges in my heart."

Still hyperventilating, Kazuki continued, "And if you must do it again... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Because Kazuki knew, in his heart, that Ravens would do it again. The youth was willing to cast aside any hatred or ill-will towards the older man, but trust had to be earned, not demanded or commanded.

And earning it was going to be an uphill struggle; Kazuki knew he had to make it so.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Amaya Himura

Location: Eirei Dorms

Amaya stood against a wall of her once life filled dorm of 1A that was now barren do to the events that had taken place while she was gone, due to an “aliment” that had required her to not be an school. Her white eyelashes lifting to reveal her steel grey eyes. Her ankle length white hair was up in two pigtails, looped up with big light blue ribbons. Her blue nail painted left hand was holding a light blue phone to her ear listening silently to someone on the other side. “Right…I guess… No, that won’t be necessary.”she responded softly her free hand resting under her bent elbow as she watched the door that was once the room she called home within this school. “Understood…”she confirmed hearing the other end hang up as she closed her phone resting it in her hand, picking her backpack and daffle bag up as she walked down the hallway.

Seems while she was spared of whatever happened to her classmates. Political strings were being pulled and somehow she was now in 1b. Seems her attempt of doing just enough was not going to be allowed or tolerated by the family it seemed. Today was the day to finally pull off her mask as an attempted slacker. So much for keeping within the middle of the pack. Not forgotten but not center of attention. Honestly she liked her spot within the family, it was comfortable. She was left alone.

The work to the 1B dorms were not to bad. She looked at her phone looking at the class list as well as dorm assignments, the classroom schedule etc. Slowly she made her way towards where they all were to meet. She read a message about the class needing a new representative. Seems Rin could not handle the position. “What did you do Rin.”she whispered to herself stopping at the dorms looking for her room
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Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Akira Yuzuki

Location: Akira/Himura’s room

Hearing what the actual nature of the blaze he found the class was in, Akira found himself having two feelings about it. The first one is relief, it seems no one is getting expelled nor their teacher has gone insane. The second one was exasperation, did Eirei decide to use his classmates as bait for a trap? It worked yes but still what the hell!

There’s also the lingering issue of they still don’t have a goddamn advisor! The last few weeks before the Sports Festival nearly made him tear his hair out for god's sake!

That was enough whining, time to do his job elect new class representatives? That was easy enough, protocol dictates that he would preside over the process as his last duty. He was pretty sure that he would be reelected once again.

The problem is who would hold the position for female class representative, Jun is the choice if they go by electing the best performing student logic but Mia despite her grumpy exterior is actually not afraid to speak up when the chips are down. Even if he got an earful from the American herself, he actually finds her a more delightful option. She would definitely liven up the weekly representatives meeting.

He can live with either though.

Dragging his whiteboard to the common rooms he began to wait for everyone, only to see a new face just outside the door.

“You must be our new classmate, Miss Amaya Himura right? What perfect timing, I need some help getting this whiteboard down. We have a meeting in fifteen minutes and you can use it as a chance to introduce yourself before we start.”

Before Amaya could speak though, he began speaking again.

“Oh where are my manners, name is Akira Yuzuki, your new roommate.” he quickly added as he began carrying the stands for the whiteboard, leaving the whiteboard itself for Amaya to handle.

The room itself was minimally decorated, there was a cabinet and a laptop on a study desk but nothing much to show personal taste.

Aside from a photo on a study desk, it shows an Akira showing his accepted envelope in the middle while a bunch of well dressed men and women showed their biggest grins. Some of them are covered in sweat, one of them was holding a young girl who stood beside Akira.

Written below are the words.

“Streetlight Agency, protecting and helping since the century began.”

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga was currently scratching his head in his dorm professor Shimura was...nice ABSOLUTELY NOT. Kaiga liked to pride himself off the fact that he liked to try and understand people but Shimura-sensei...he hated him he knew the smart and heroic thing to do was to understand that Shimura-sensei was an asshole for a reason but he just couldn't forgive him.

Tsk, he wasn't any different from those heroes who let their emotions rule them how pathetic. Fortunately or well unfortunely as some would say he had Yusuke as his roommate, he hoped he could befriend or at least help Yusuke tame down his other um...less than loved personality quirks. He believed that Yusuke did want to help 1B but his ego got in the way.

He would talk to him later as now was time for an Endeavor stream...even though he had retired.

All Kaiga would see was videos about retirement...he knew Endeavor would retire one day he knew he knew one day Endeavor would give his agency to Zealous that Endeavor wouldn't be out and about as public much and he knew Endeavor wouldn't always be the number one hero but he wanted to cope for as long as he could ignore all the signs of retirement.

But time waits for no one, all he could do was move on. After all in hero society, people come and go heroes retire and new ones take their place a new generation rises to take the place of the old one, Heroes don't stay in hero society forever they can't after all, but seeing Endeavor leave it struck a cord with him. He was who he was because he was given his second wind by him.

He couldn't help but drown in his sorrows.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Pragia12
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Pragia12 Chaos and Conspiracy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Katsuo was content to sit back in his desk towards the middle of the classroom for the shitty introduction of his junior professor, shittier reactions of his new cohort, and the compounding shittiness of downstream reactions. The muscular hero was a bit large for his desk, the back support never felt right to him as he leaned against it casually, staying cool as the situation naturally escalated. He knew that class 1B had a rep for dysfunctional personalities, but the addition of himself alongside Mia and Kaiga in the reshuffle were not going to do them any favors.

He at least had some comradery with his classmates who joined them in getting thrown out of the top class. Mia was a bit of a bitch, but he liked that from the American, and more importantly she was real with these idiots and posers. The long monologuing earned a stretch and a yawn, followed by a bobbling nod of approval, about the pinnacle of Katsuo’s respect for his peers. Asagumo was more amusing, bit of an idolizer and worse: a stickler, but he wasn’t a bad guy and he had the good sense to usually not be too obtrusive. Obviously, the raucousness of the new class was not going to be easy for him.

That said, his scream had Indomitable looking down to his phone, his normal cool smile faltering for a moment as he caught word of the retirement of the top three at the same time. It was a complicated thing for him: He was glad that he had the opportunity to work under Best Jeanist’s tutelage, and he admired the hardened determination of the #1 Hero. He considered what it would mean with such a huge loss to the Hero community, and what would happen at Eirei as the Flame Hero began to step back. He was sure that Kaiga was crushed, and maybe some time to himself escorting the uptight loser to the nurse might give him some time to reflect.

Of course, his fellow students weren’t the only Class 1A leftovers being tossed down, a fact he was painfully reminded of when Danzo appeared to back up his junior professor, only to throw her under the bus. He smirked some as Rin’s self-absorption collapsed into a teary mess, the poetic justice almost as good as getting the real thing. He didn’t care much for how he was graded, he showed up as required, and did little more.

Perhaps it was best he did not know he was being graded this way. He was already frustrated by his demotion, which still bothered him. He had excelled in the Sports Festival, it was his favorite event and he had prepared to the best of his ability. But the fights had been all disappointing: Kaiga was completely uninterested in even fighting despite being placed in the first round, and he almost felt bad throwing him out of the ring so unceremoniously. It was frustrating, he knew Kaiga was a good fighter, but he was clearly out of his element.

The quirkless kid had put up a better fight, but steel on steel the Overwhelming Firepower hero was outmatched when Katsuo launched from the get go at well beyond his normal ability, basking in the glow of his previous victory. The most embarrassing, however, was his defeat in the semifinals to Onrush. It was humiliating to be ringed out before he could even get to blows. He had spent so long focusing on how to handle those blades and her speed, and the momentum of his two previous victories had him feeling better than he had in years, but none of it even mattered as he was as unceremoniously shunted as Kaiga had been. He was not good at swallowing his pride, and made his disapproval well known to both his opponent and the judges.

Upon being dismissed, the hero rose from his seat to his full height, a little below 2 meters tall as he made his way out of the classroom and back to his locker. Taking out his board, the smile on Katsuo’s face became much more excited, tapping a button on the side, the thrum of the repulsor confirmed that it was ready, and he was happy to place it on the ground, hovering a few inches off the ground. He’d step on, locking in his forward foot to the controls. As he raised his backfoot on, he’d shift his leading foot on the controls, the thrum becoming much more audible as the repulsor gained strength and he rose further off the ground.

Pushing off the ground with his foot, he made his way out to the hallway and hopped over the railing two stories above the ground. As the massive young man plummeted, he pressed his heels into the board and pushed the repulsors to their safe maximum, the field easing his landing from almost the moment he hopped off from the height. He had gone from higher before, but it killed his knees dropping from higher up. This was closer to a gentle glide as the field slowly reduced itself, catching his landing gracefully as he again pushed off the ground out towards the dorms.

It was a beautiful day out, the clear sunny sky begging for him to stay out, but he had to go back to the dorms for the next assignment. Yamato-San at least seemed relaxed, Katsuo wasn’t sure what to make of his roommate, but he’d do his best to make it work. He was expecting a bloodbath of overachievers looking for student rep positions. The idea crossed his mind occasionally, but the Self-Assured Hero was not one to take responsibility for the fuckups of others, let alone this group of misfits.

He took the long way back, his hoverboard streaking over the river on its booster, Katsuo leaning forward and low to not get put off balance by the extra thrust that was sending up a wake of water beside him and warm spray into his face to cool him off. A blast of repulsor would send him high into the air before landing on the bank and turning over towards the dorm.

Lets see what this petty bloodbath is going to look like.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


(Post was made by @Verjil and I)

Rin has been stripped of her position. Memories of the unwanted incident had her in tears as she sulked alone in house arrest in the Endeavor Common Room. Matsuru went off to Rin’s down as soon as he could. He stopped by some local shops to pick up some snacks and presents, anything that would help cheer her up. When he got there, he knocked on her dorm door. “Rin, it’s me.” Resonating with the voice amidst the chaotic noises that clouded her judgment, Rin could barely form a sentence. A simple, sound nod signaled the flame inside her dorm, reluctant yet willing for companionship in such a time. "I failed...the voices in my head just won't go away."

Behind his calm face, his gut was wrenching in two. He hated seeing people going through such pain. He hated that he doubts his ability to help her. Yet he stays calm. “Can you let me in Rin? I can help … I brought chocolates, your favorite.” As Rin began to walk with hope, her body just stopped moving. Intrusive thoughts whispered through her, a sensation, predisposition of not to open the door. She wailed with anxiety creeping, the room suddenly dropped in temperature, cold air visibly emitting from the gaps of the door, enough for Matsuru to feel. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
A chilling blast came through the cracks, blasing Matsuru right in the face, causing him to take a step back. Shocked, but largely unshaken. "Alright..." Matsuru activated his quirk, a purple light filling the corridor. Focusing, he can see through the door. He sees Rin. disheveled, drained, fighting for control of her own body. He's seen her like this before, but it never fails to break his heart. "Rin... I know you don't mean that. I know what you have to live with is hell on earth. But I also know that you once saved me from my own hell." Even though he does his best to keep his composure, he does begin to tear up. "So please, Rin. Let me help you with yours."

It was a psychological nightmare. The voices that rooted in her head were more than just conscience, but independent sentience of two minds against her own will. "NO!”
"Ok... Time for plan B." Matsuru turned his gaze to the door's lock. Using Judgement Gaze, he quickly discerned the lock's shears. Then, using his older cousin Momo’s quirk, he was able to make a copy of the key. He really hated using his quirk like this, but desperate times and whatnot. "Rin, I'm coming in. Please don't kill me."

In the same manner, Matsuru was tapped in the back by what seemed to be an image of Rin that seemed visceral, almost vestigial. Was it a vision? What is a phantom? Was it a premonition? Rin was inside their room but what was that? The distorted image was in anguish as it faded quickly. Even Matsuru’s Judgement Gaze couldn't make heads or tails about what he saw. He kept the image in a mental note, telling himself to look into that apparition later. He unlocked the door and stepped into Rin's dorm.

"Rin is not here." The voice sounded older yet youthful. The other one nodded, "Yeah, she's not here." Said voice sounded childlike. Matsuru sighs and puts the presents and snacks down on her bed. His eyes illuminescent with tempered fury. "And I imagine I have the unfortunate pleasure of speaking with her two hitchhikers?" After a brief moment, his visionfaded into nothingness. Nothing but a white landscape clouded Matsuru's vision, it wasn't physical, rather mental. A mental landscape between her and Rin.

Matsuru takes a moment to examine the area. "So... This is how it will be." He starts moving towards Rin, determined to reach her. His pace was cut off by… an apparition? A memory? He wasn’t sure. A baby was crawling on the floor, attempting to reach its milk. The drink was situated atop a table. "What in the... A child?" Matsuru looks around and grabs the milk for the child. "Who are-." The milk disappeared and the child who smiled at Matsuru suddenly turned into worry. Two toddlers were pulling Matsuru's legs, as if they spawned directly from the ground. With each pull, the grip grew stronger/ It was as if Matsuru was sinking in quicksand.

"Oh, motherf-." He struggles to get himself free, batting away at the children. "Rin... RIN!!" He vainly yells out. In a sudden flash, the air around him drops in temperature. A flash frost engulfs Matsuru and the surrounding area in an outward blast. "Get away from me you damned mongrels!" Matsuru, now using Rin's quirk, shoves the children away. He leaps back, a small snow tempest still circling around him. With that burst of power, the children were shredded into immaterium. But a new set of figures emerged. Matsuru saw three girls, not toddlers but children. The other took the milk away from the said girl and drank it. The two girls were picking on the tormented girl.

After taking a deep breath and dispelling his copied quirk. Matsuru took a moment to center himself. "This is a test... Just like your stories, Matsuru, this is a test." He starts walking forward to the three children. "Hey, you three!"

The image shifted into a different turn, everything began to spiral, even Matsuru’ It felt like his body and soul were being shredded into pieces, twisting and swirling. He saw a house, he saw a couple crying, he saw the tormented child once more. It was vaguely a police crime scene. Then suddenly it all came crashing, an image of a snow mountain and an avalanche. The vision stopped, snapping Matsuru back to reality. Rin has been shaking him from his daydreaming. The apparitions ended. "Darling... Darling...."

His eyes were lulled, still glowing purple with his quirk, but his gaze was completely glossed over. When he finally came too, he saw Rin shaking him awake. It took some time for him to put two and two together. "Oh, hey... Are you feeling bette?" He let out a sheepish chuckle. In truth, he felt like absolute shit. Whatever that vision was, it made him feel like he just went through a rigorous fight. In a flash, Rin's eyes bled blue, appearing to have been stabbed by two ice picks. "Darling..." A reflection of Matsuru appeared to him. "She's mine and you'll never save her." The vision ended for real.

"MOTHERF-" Matsuru awakens in a sudden jolt of adrenaline. "Rin... RIN!" He was back in Rin’s dorm. For real this time. Rin is tucked into her bed, pretending to be asleep. Matsuru rushes to her side, only pausing once he gets to her bedside. Though he is exhausted from the literal mental gymnastics, he conjures what willpower he has left and uses his quirk to examine her. After making sure she is physically ok, he sighs a breath of relief and chuckles to himself. "You know, Rin. I don't need my quirk to see when you're faking your sleep."

The skin behind his neck prickled, his brain yelling out in warning. His quirk, Judement Gaze, saw something was coming. And that something wasn’t good. "Feeling sentimental, Mr. Yaoyorozu?" Ravens appeared out of the blue. The professor, appearing out of nowhere, found herself with a sword pointed to her neck. Matsuru, having created the sword and maneuvered it to whoever was going to show up in a fraction of a second, hesitated only when he saw who appeared. "Ravens... If I was a second slower, I would have taken your head off."

"No, I doubt that would have happened" The mirage of Ravens gestured over to Rin, who was now fully awake. "Turn her over for questioning, I'm sure Chisaki, by the virtue of Madame Todoroki, has told you to turn over suspicious Hawks Interns."

"Rin..." His eyes flared in anger, only to return to a tempered state. "I turned over Hawk's Interns to detention, I did what was asked." He kept his sword at Ravens' neck. "You will not touch her." Ravens sighed, she trusted select people about her identity but to think, such a thing would backfire. "Fine. If one of her answers to the League, don't blame me for your regrets." Ravens disappeared.

Matsuru stayed in the same stance for a little, his mind racing. "League? Regrets?" He didn't know, and that troubled him. Well, more things to push into the 'figure out later' mental folder. Using his quirk one more time, he scanned the general area of Rin's dorm to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Once he was satisfied, he deactivated his quirk and knelt down next to Rin's bed. "Hell of an evening, huh?" She agreed with Matsuru. "I'm under house arrest. I rather not talk about it. Let's go watch the Hero Billboard Top 10 Ranks. I'm hungry too. You got those chocolates?” Matsuru reaches for the chocolates he brought, giving Rin a whole box. "I hope you don't mind the shape... It's all they had." The carton is shaped like a heart. Rin didn't mind about the shape, they watched what they needed to and a commercial break was fireworks.


Matsuru groaned in grogginess. It took a moment for him to readjust to his surroundings. At first, everything was unfamiliar to him. Then his recollection hit him like a train. This familiar bed, this weight on his chest, this familiar nip in the air... He could say, with certainty, that he was in Rin's room. And he has a pretty good idea what just happened.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Yui Kazuma

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture


Yui acknowledged the pink-haired girl with a slight incline of his head. Her clap wasn’t done harshly, but his Quirk redirected the force all the same. He raised an eyebrow at the lengthy speech she gave to the professor, and the rest of the class before she fluttered out of the classroom in a storm of flower petals.

Yui’s gaze turned back to Ravens when he started laughing out of nowhere.

Well, that was quite the 180. It was all a test? That sounded like a bit of a cop-out in all honesty.

He stifled a fake yawn, staring at Ravens through half-lidded eyes. Well, it wasn’t like he’d been planning to go to detention regardless, and cop-out or not, he wasn’t one to pass up on free food.

“I hope you won’t regret that, sensei.”

Usually, Yui wouldn’t care much about the bipolar outburst of a professor he didn’t know, but.... hm. There was something that piqued his interest; an itch he couldn’t just ignore. Without much thought, he pressed a finger to the side of his head, taking a breath to steady his hand. It lasted only a second—and not any longer, for safety reasons—but he still got what he wanted.

Ah, well that satisfied his curiosity a tad. A more inquisitive person would have tried to go further, but he wasn’t that kind of guy—not when he didn’t need to be. Everyone had their secrets, and he wasn’t usually one to pry into things that didn’t concern him. He could reciprocate at least that much.

Yui blinked the spots from his eyes, pulling up his headphones and reclining in his chair.

He’d get to the dorms soon enough, but for now, he had something to check. Flipping through his Hawkpad, Yui’s eyes scanned over the latest news for a moment until something caught his eye. Huh, so Endeavor was retiring? Not surprising, considering the severity of the injuries he sustained a few years ago during the Paranormal Liberation War. If anything, this was a long time coming. Hopefully, nothing too bad would happen after the announcement.

Yui’s lips twitched.

Hopefully, indeed.

He attached his Hawkpad to his bracer and frowned as he looked at the screen again.

[Search pending....]

With a sigh, Yui shut off the device. Hawkpads were distributed to every student at Eirei, so of course they were monitored in some way. Getting rid of that would’ve been far too suspicious, not to mention just a terrible idea in general. They were made that way for a reason and it wasn’t a stupid one.

In the grand scheme of things, however, that made keeping certain things to himself.... difficult. He wasn’t opposed to working with other people, but if there was something they didn’t need to know, then they didn’t need to know.

Circumventing that particular issue wasn’t exactly rocket science—that would’ve been useless—but it wasn’t easy either. He had sacrificed a lot of sleepless nights to get it done right. It might not have been a necessity anymore, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it any less.

Yui removed the Hawkpad from his bracer and pocketed it, letting his eyes flutter shut for the briefest of moments. He took a breath and then stood up from his chair in a single, fluid movement. Well, he had to head over to the dorm sooner or later and there was no point in delaying it further.

Plus, he had to stop by the support department for.... things. Then, he’d get right on what was likely another wild goose chase.

Sigh.... Why couldn’t things just be easy for once?

Despite his thoughts, the slightest ghost of a smile appeared on Yui’s lips.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kanako Seiki

Location: 1B dorms,

Kanako grabbed her Hawkpad and got up. She walked out of the 1B classroom confused. She couldn't figure out what exactly had just happened in class. Normally she relied on her quirk to figure out what people were thinking, and what they meant, and their motivations for things. So when she didn't have the mental energy to use her quirk, like say, when it was the day after using it to the point where it could be considered psychological torture, she was effectively socially blind to tone or social cues. Being able to read minds came with it's advantages, yes, but had it's downsides too.

She barely batted an eye as Katsuo make a show of jumping from the balcony. Meanwhile she took the sane way down and used the stairs then walked off towards the dorms. Her mind was reeling from the events in the classroom. Danzo was actually Ravens, and all the threats had been a bluff... except for the ones made by Rin, who was now under house arrest and wasn't a problem anymore, so none of her threats would come to fruition. But at the same time, she was pretty sure that Rin was on the verge of snapping, being under house arrest might not do that much to stop her if she really went rouge.

Rin... she felt off, too power hungry, too eager to escalate conflict, too much like Tama... Don't think about Tama. She pushed the thought down and kept walking. Rin was confusing, Kanako didn't know how to read her, because half the time she was bordering on psychopathic murderous insanity. If it were anyone else she would have just used her quirk and found out what she wanted to know about a person that way, but every time she'd tried to link her mind to Rin's while she was working with her in the Blackhawks, she'd gotten such an intense headache that she had to sever the link. And even if she had been able to link her mind to Rin's for more than a few seconds before the headache set in, she would've been too scared of hearing something she shouldn't have and putting herself in danger to try using her quirk on Rin. Rin seemed like the kind of person who had secrets, closely guarded, possibly dangerous, secrets.

Kanako sighed silently, the whole situation was fucking confusing. She came up on the dorms and headed to her's, trying to find something else to think about. How about the League? Try to find out what they're up to now, consider rejoining them for a bit, then hate yourself for the next few days for even having those thoughts in the first place, she thought sarcastically. This wasn't something that was too uncommon her her to do. Old habits were hard to break.

She eventually settled on thinking about the election for the class representative instead. Jun seemed like the logical choice, of course. But she and Mia were going to be roommates, and Kanako didn't want to give Mia any reason to hate her. So maybe voting for Mia was the best choice. But then again Jun was the better choice for the job. Mia seemed too rash and headstrong, compared to Jun's calm collected attitude, but if Kanako was going to be living in the same dorm as Mia she wanted to be on Mia's side as much as possible, right? That was what people here did to avoid conflict, right? Who are you to be avoiding conflict? A hypocrite with the way you were in class, and a paranoid wimp, that's who. Stop guilt tripping yourself into putting yourself in the line of fire. Just keep your head down, don't be noticeable, she thought. And with that she decided to vote for Mia.

Confused, paranoid, and with nearly everything she was thinking contradicting herself further, Kanako pushed open the door of her dorm. Her eyes darted around the room for a second to make sure everything was in order, to make sure that there wasn't someone hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike. Then when she decided everything was fine she walked over to her bed and flopped down face down in her pillow with her arms sprawled out on either side of her.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki was in his dorm, having changed into his PJs; his bodysuit/power armor needed to be cleaned, so all he had was his gun. He had eaten and brushed his teeth earlier, and had taken his sleeping pills and other medication; the terrors of Jaku City were not easily left behind.

War, especially in the industrial age, was hell. When one was Quirkless, it was even more so.

Kazuki and his entire grade school class had been abducted by the Paranormal Liberation Army and taken to one of their laboratories. Many of them died, and still more - Both his friends and some of his bullies - were forcibly turned into Nomu. He had been tortured and experimented on and destined for that same fate.

After all, these villains thought of the powerless as of no worth; and in a world governed by that logical fallacy, who was more powerless than someone without a Quirk? So they thought nothing of hurting a child until he screamed, of gloating of forcing him to see what had been boys and girls with their futures ahead of them turned into monsters. Of how he would be 'useful' for their purpose.

There was no hope. No one was coming to rescue them -

Gunshots were heard in the midst of his despair. In a flurry of wings, salvation descended.

It was the Hawks Agency that rescued him. It was the Hawks Agency he wanted to join in the future.

Where others were terrified by gunshots - Rightfully so - To him, the terror was mixed with fondness; for to him, weapons like guns were a symbol of empowerment, a way for him to be more than just Quirkless. But at the same time, they were a power that could easily be misused.

He didn't know who had rescued him, only that they were probably a woman. He wanted to see her again, and he wanted to thank her, but even in his years in the Hawks Agency, he saw no trace of her, that vision of beauty and power and grace who had saved him.

When can I see you again? I miss you dearly.

Asleep, Kazuki was crying, alone, vulnerable, on his bed. Occasionally he trashed around, muffled screams emerging, various names escaping from his mouth. Friends, former enemies, all innocents undeserving of Nomu-hood. Cries of, "I can't save them... Why can't I save them?!" and "Why can't I see her? Why can't I see her again?"

He was stirring awake early; eyes wet with tears that dripped down his smooth face. Was there someone looking at him? He reached out his hand, still groggy, and said, "Please don't leave me... Please..."

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Kazuki and Hikari

collab between @Letter Bee and @Gerlando

The first day in class 1B was not that bad at the end of the day, and they had gotten away with whatever mess was going on, when has dodging a dinosaur to get out of class ever been an inconsequential detail? Slowly but surely Hikari trudged to her new room, a place to live for at least the next 6 months, hopefully it holds up to a fraction of UA’s dorms.

Opening wide the door to her room, Hikari wanted nothing more than to drop on the nearest bed for the next hour or so. Unfortunately there’s someone in there already…

Is this the wrong one?
Take a step back, look at the door number, this is it.

What the hell, are the rooms shared?
Look inside and… yep, two beds.

Is that a boy?
After a 8-second stare, we can confirm it’s a boy, the dorm rooms are mixed gender?

Does this mean Rin and Matsuru share the same room?
Lucky lovebirds.

Lightly tapping on the doorframe, Hikari stood unsure on how to proceed, already she discerned it was Yamagata crying and talking to himself, paralyzed by trauma befitting a member of the Hawks Agency. The best course of action was probably to simply leave, let Yamagata sort himself out and return later when he’s of sound mind.

He was stirring awake early; eyes wet with tears that dripped down his smooth face. Was there someone looking at him? He reached out his hand, still groggy, and said, "Please don't leave me... Please..."

Was he… talking to her? Or was he babbling to his nightmares?
Jolting on her feet, the realization of how creepy she looked right now washed over Hikari. Swiftly looking through the hall to ensure no one saw her, Hikari decided to just… Enter her room. How bad can it be, I have to leave my things here anyway.

Besides… She glanced at Yamagata on his bed. Seems he takes it worse alone.

That’s right, everyone copes in their own way, she had seen it in Hawks, how some collapse, others isolate themselves and only few use their trauma to focus. Maybe all she needs to do is… stay around… and maybe that will be enough… some need the comfort of other people, don’t they? Just say something to let him know you’re here but don’t make him clingy, something a peer would say, something smart.

”I’m not leaving.”

Shit. Did that come off too confrontational? Was her tone too harsh? Apathetic? Disinterested in the suffering of her roommate?
Immediately Hikari doubted herself due to her poor choice of words, despite the tone used actually being neither confrontational nor harsh. Often not thinking your words through before saying them brought headaches, in this case, overthinking did quite the same.

Kazuki’s eyes cleared as he registered Hikari’s face. With a smile, he sat up groggily, saying, “Ms. Yajima… Thank you.”

He needed to talk about this. He needed to force himself to say something. He forced himself to blurt out, “I was at Jaku City. Friends and bullies alike were turned into Nomu. I was tortured. Hawks Agency rescued me.”

Another burst of tears, but no sobs, no yells, instead he said, “I was never able to find her, you know? The one who saved me. All I know was that she was twenty-two back then…”

Relieved to not have worsened the situation, Hikari limited herself to only listening, letting Kazuki vent out the wounds to his soul. There’s times when that’s all you need to do to help someone.

The revelation of Jaku City did not really surprise Hikari, many in Hawks had similar stories, Jaku City was just the biggest, recent incident that resulted in more of these stories being real. To have everyone you know either dead… or worse, turned into a monster, how could you trust to make friends once again?

It was best to not inquire about the details to avoid more painful memories, if Kazuki wanted to vent them out he would. This person however… maybe they knew her? Hawks Agency tends to keep the identity of their heroes a secret, but that doesn’t make it an impossible task.

Placing her bag next to her empty bed, she maintained her gaze towards Kazuki, not looking at him directly but in his general direction instead. ”This person, do you remember anything else? Hair color, her costume, maybe her voice?”

Kazuki mused, “Her costume hid a lot, but her hair was long and black, like one of those hair commercials. And her voice was kind, at least while addressing me. But she was ruthless, too; from seeing her fight, I got my interest in guns.”

He sighed and said, “I started in Hawks at fifteen years of age. I killed as many villains - Including Nomu - during that time. I am eighteen now but I still have not found my rescuer. I want to thank her, Ms. Yajima; I really do. But to be honest, I have the feeling that the person who saved me is a master of disguise and does not want to see me.”

Reaching for her forehead in thought, Hikari knew way too many people could fit that description. ”Considering it’s a Hawks Agent I doubt she can reveal her identity to just about anybody. Especially if it’s a high-caliber Pro Hero.”

She then dropped herself on the other bed, falling like a rock on the mattress. ”If I find out anything about your savior I will let you know, next maybe we can ask any professors from Hawks.”

While Kazuki and other students might get in bed for some needed sleep and to get ready for the next day, Hikari was only going to enjoy one, maybe two hours of rest.

Kazuki looked at Hikari one more time, then said, “You know, I never noticed how beautiful you are until now. I must have stolen one too many gazes at the other boys in the class.”

Chuckling, the young man continued, “It must be the sleeping pill addling my head…”

Hikari’s first reaction was a groan muffled by her pillow, a social inept like herself had no idea how to react from one whiplash to another. Going from confusion, to awkwardness, to compassion and now confusion once again on what the hell was going on.

It took her a few seconds to realize that yes, right after explaining his past trauma, Kazuki was trying to flirt… maybe he was just being considerate, reciprocating empathy?

In her hesitation Hikari just replied tentatively, not with any annoyance but just confusion. ”Thank you...”

The young man got up, forcing himself awake and his blanket off, before saying, “Hey, do we have a curfew? If we don’t, want to go out on a date right now? I meant what I said; you are beautiful…”

Hikari was still somewhat confused but decided to roll with it, curfew? If there was such a thing she would still ignore it, and it’s not like she wasn’t going to do something at night anyway.

”Sure, let’s do that in an hour.” For now she needed some time to lay dead on the bed, she will deal with the consequences of her actions later.

“Thanks!” Kazuki then went off to the bathroom, making sure to take his power armor/bodysuit with him and a bundle of more formal clothing, to shower again and get ready for his date…
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Freeroam Sequences

Eirei Hills

Relieved, all sincerely due to the Good Doctor's rejuvenation from the multiple shots fired by the good for nothing Prefect, Yusuke has found himself in a state of disbelief by the sudden dorm reshuffle & sighed off a slight irritation.

Clenching his fist from his dominant hand, his left, he remembered more than just the pain he felt. Yusuke remembered his paradigm shift of personality, realizing too late of the damage he caused in the class, his eyes were teary as it's brushed off quickly, moving forward to his reassignment. Hebi was the first person that came to mind and the rest followed, Yusuke understood his feelings, that while he's condescending towards 1A, he's always been an ally of 1B, hurting them, made him brooding, feeling sentimental remorse of his actions.

Along the massive common room of the House of Hawks, Yusuke heard too much noise in each passing step.

Yusuke breathed to relax, he manifested Quirks relative to the scenery that he's in. A combination of sound-based abilities aided him to recompose his inquiries without asking the number of students all around him, from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Striking a conversation at his own volition would take time to get results, hence his discreet display of espionage.

Empowered Ears, with this I can hear everything in my surroundings even if it's blocked by reinforced glass. Sound Filtration, with this I can omit the things I don't want to hear, such as nonsense, I'll be focused on the things I want to hear. Rhythmic Seer, with this I can reverse engineer sound from secretive verbal cues such as lies, I will know who tells the truth, no one can lie as image sequences through sound is projected into my mind. With the unity of these Quirks and the empathy side of my Quirk, I have synthesized & created a new Quirk: Echo Reverb and with it, I can accurately pinpoint the conversation I will eavesdrop & even understand their emotions.

Stockpiling Quirks relative to each other, in this case sound-based are easier to synergize.

Yusuke eavesdropped, phishing information that serves him well.

The very first thing that resonated was Matsuru & Rin, Yusuke blushed about the things he heard and the sensational breathing patterns, he filtered off quickly out of embarrassment.

Next, he eavesdropped at Kazuki & Hikari.

Huh? Since when are they a thing?

Next, he intentionally conveyed his thoughts aloud to Kanako in a frequency she could pick up.

I know you can hear my thoughts across these sound waves, meet me at the dorm rooftop later tonight, I got more than just an internship to wanna collaborate with you. Only to realize that's not how Kanako's Quirk works, so he texted the exact thought monologue minus about the sound waves to her via Hawkspad.

Take another person with you. We're sneaking out to a French Restaurant. He texted to Kanako.

Next, he deduced that Akira & Himura Amaya of all people are roommates.

Himura Amaya...another rival I acknowledged besides Jun.

Yusuke remembered the Joint Training Exercise between 1A and 1B, two weeks ago, Amaya was a tough opponent, who was also with Kaku Mei, Taragi Katsuo & Himekishi Erza aka Princess Knight and Haku Shū at that time. Yusuke's Teammates were Akira, Kanako, Jun & Yamato, he dreaded their misstep to victory since Amaya's group won that match. Still, Yusuke admitted to himself of his failed teamwork with Jun.

The various sounds Yusuke heard, his blood only boiled.

Yusuke refuses to work with Amaya, Mia, Kaiga & Katsuo, especially Katsuo, whom after the exercise, directly called him a loser, even though they're now 1B, he don't acknowledge them as 1B.

Yusuke entered his dorm, to his unsurprised expression and horror, he tried denying it but Kaiga was his roommate, having recalled what he said earlier, turning off his Echo Reverb.
Flashback: To think that a former 1A has more manners than you, Mamushi-san. In fact, he's the type of guy I like to make 1B great.

I can't believe I just said that.. Yusuke facepalmed.

"Ah? You're my roommate. To think that I have a 1A as my roommate, ehem... welcome to 1B. Asagumo Kaiga. No...I think I saw your name somewhere, it feels very familiar when everyday I look back at the names of the survivors of the Jaku Incident."

The room was already a mess in a split second.

It was all the doing of Shiori, teleporting around the place like there's no tomorrow, unsure on how to make her life interesting, she also texted Kujaku about their internships. Expressing that they both go to Endeavor's, she heard the news of his retirement and that his son, Toya, will be its new leader, rumors also afloat that Toya rejected the offer of being the #3 Hero. Shiori, in fact, is a Zealous Fangirl of Toya and to a small extent, an Endeavor fangirl and would often skip class with Endeavor Fanclub members.

Shiori saw Jun, suddenly her Hawkspad notified her of her reassignment.

"Damn...I'm going to with Kujaku & Yui now I guess? Looks like I gotta go, see you Jun!" Shiori teleported, leaving Jun a messy room.

The annoying Shifter transported into her newly assigned room.

She glanced at her roommates, Yui & Kujaku.

"Nenenene.... Kazuma-chan, Sora-chan. Pleased to work with you, it's getting boring in the Dorms don't you think? You guys wanna have fun? How about a sparring, I can take the both of you with my teleportation all at once."

Shiori talked too fast.

The room is starting to get messy by the second she randomly switched places with items that were decently organized.

"Ayo...what about going to the alleys of Shibuya Crossing, last I heard from Kazuki, he fought a Nomu. There's also been ridiculous sightings of Nomu recently, swept under the rug. Nenenene...let's go out of this damn dorm!"

Ria was at the doorstep of the reassigned dorm too, next to Jun.

"Uhhh... whatever happened. Let's go clean it up? My apologies, Himura Ria. Cool ya, Ig."


A dark haired girl approached the designation she ought to be.

Her aura shines but not sparkle, her teeth are fanged and eyes red.

"Taragi Katsuo, Ogawa Yamato? I'm looking for them, they're supposed to be my roommates, I'd want their blood too.."

Who is this mysterious girl.

In a stroke of fate, all 1B Students Hawkspad received a notification about the class elections on who to vote for the semester.

Amidst the alley of Shibuya...

A Black Nomu feasted on human flesh, what was once cannot talk, now was able to talk.

"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Amaya himura

Location: dorms

Amaya snapped out of her own train of thought standing infront of the dorm that was to be hers, at least according to the documents she gotten upon her untimely transfer. She looked towards Akira listening to his greeting along with his acknowledgement of who he was and that he was her roommate. Her steel grey eyes watched him taking in every feature, ensuring she knew what face went with what name.

“Hello to you as well. Please just call me Amaya. You don’t need to add the miss or my last name. I was just transferred to 1b from 1a due to an ailment that took me some time to handle.”she spoke keeping a small smile on her face as she looked towards the white board moving her stuff to the side before moving to the white board picking it up “lead the way” she spoke adjusting barely seeing it over her small 5,3 stature. She shifted her wait as she looked around thinking about what she knew of her claw before catching sight of Yusuke as her eyes watched him. He was a sweet guy. Maybe she was lucky to having a nice roommate again katasuko of 1A was her former roommate and while they did but heads. She got along with him

Her eyes sadden in lost silent thoughts. She didn’t understand why she was now 1B. Why did her parents seek for her to being 1b now. She was happy in her old class. Her eyes became bright as she kept a small smile on her face following after Akira. “I-I hope we become good roomates.”she spoke to him.



A figure stood in the shadows of the alley watching the nomu feast. “ by all means eat to your hearts content.grow,adapt, evolve. Show this world your brilliants” he spoke to the nomu reading the black book within his gloved hand. His topaz eyes glowed within the shadows of the alley. He felt a vibration in his pocket as he pulled out his phone pushing some of his chocolate brown hair out of the way.

He normally didn’t tend to being “in the field” however he had down time and decided to see the process himself. After all, all his nomus were those within his circle, those devoted to him and hime alone.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kanako Seiki

Location: 1B dorms,

Drifting... she was drifting. Her thoughts intertwined and tangled, repeating over and over in her mind. A tick closer to insanity, another psychopathic train of thought in the back of her mind. An echo of a distant memory. Was it a memory? Or just a nightmare? Or a memory of a nightmare of a memory she'd pushed out of her mind long ago. Whatever it was it was resurfacing, and bringing threads of insanity with it.

She was running, running from something, people were with her, people she cared about, running from the same something. Who? Blurry faces and mingled thoughts, nothing was right, nothing was anchored, nothing was safe, not anymore. The bang of a gunshot... then fear, panic, grief, and sharp pain on her neck. Light fading, dark dissipating, nothing. This memory, or nightmare, or memory of a nightmare, had played in her head before, last night, and now tonight, she knew why. No, no, I don't remember this, I'm not going to remember this, she thought, trying to force the thoughts down.

Her hand moved instinctively to the right side of her neck, over the scar she hardly realized was there in the moment. She felt herself slipping closer to insanity, trapped in her own denial. Whether it would be temporary or not she didn't know. Maybe this time she'd drift too far, to the point of no return, that thought terrified her, but she couldn't shake it from her mind. It nagged away at her relentlessly until Kanako realized that for a moment she didn't know where she was, she didn't know what time it was, she hardly knew who she was...

The sound of a notification on her hawkpad brought Kanako back from her thoughts. She jumped, startled back from the edge, then blinked a few times. Looking around her dorm, she tried to center herself in reality again. The minute she was grounded once more in reality, the memory vanished from her mind and she found herself unable to recall it again. She reached over to the bedside table without bothering to sit up. Then turned her head to the side and read the texts from Yusuke. Her first instinct was to read between the lines and see all the ways this could be a murder plot. The lingering paranoia brought bought by the memory was still forefront in her mind. She shook her head and sat up on the bed, rereading the texts again and debunking every paranoid thought with simple logic.

After she'd beaten down the paranoia as much as possible she texted back, Okay, then closed her hawkpad and slipped out of her uniform and put on her street clothes. She was slipping her green hoodie over her head when she was interrupted by her hawkpad's notification sound again. She fixed her hoodie then looked over at the screen and saw the notification about voting for class representatives. Voting was simple enough, she'd already decided earlier who she'd vote for anyways. Mia for female Rep, and Akira for male Rep.

She sent in her votes and after voting she picked up her bag and walked out of the dorms through the halls without any particular destination. Walking gave her something to do, something to focus on besides... whatever that had been. This didn't happen often, but when it did she found that moving from one place to another helped, even if she didn't have any particular reason to walk or any particular place she was walking to.

Her plan for the night had been to flop on her bed and sleep, but sneaking off to a French restaurant sounded much more fun, and she wasn't sure sleep would be possible tonight anyways. So she had to find something to keep her busy, keep her mind off of things. Picking who to bring to sneak out was probably a good idea.

Maybe Hebi, either her or Jun, Kanako thought. She settled on asking Hebi first and focused on what Hebi's voice sounded like, down to the smallest details, pitch, tone, the subconscious and conscious ways her voice fluctuated, then used the passive form of her quirk to try and link their minds for communication. (if Hebi is within 10 meters of Kanako in any direction it succeeds) Hey, want to sneak out with me and Yusuke later tonight? We're going to a French restaurant, she thought. Her eyes shifted from their normal yellow-green to a gold-orange that had a dim glow to them like candlelight.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki and Hikari

Collab between @Letter Bee and @Gerlando with some NPCs ran by @Vergil.

Hikari made sure to look slightly less disheveled than usual, albeit she had no prior experience with going on dates, at least you have to look sorta decent, don’t you? Sneaking out of campus a realization came up.

”So, where are we going to?”

Kazuki’s reply as he double-checked his silken tuxedo for any signs of lint was, “A French Restaurant. The City has a few very good ones, and the one I’m thinking of accepts very late reservations.”

And with that, he began checking his phone, hoping to arrange a very late reservation at Le'Nombril Restau.

Hikari made sure to check every corner just for the small chance they could catch a villain while going on their business, they’re still Heroes after all. ”Hmm.” she nodded along, hopefully it wasn’t going to be a too fancy restaurant with a strict dress code, a concern that grew on her the more she looked at Kazuki’s elegant suit.

Le'Nombril Restau, owned by tycoons of Japanese-French descent, the Aoyama Family, Le'Nombril Restau bustles and hustles with 4 Storeys.

An independent French Quarter not so far from Eirei, spanning an 800-meter radius of the city block, Le'Nombril Restau has many walls; some very thin, hence it's known as the place that brews with gossip.

Kazuki disregarded that reputation as he managed to get himself and Hikari seated on a table on a terrace whose edges were enveloped by thorny rose hedges with bright red flowers. Which seemed to distract the girl as soon as they got seated, as she was carefully observing how the tables, chairs and hedges complemented each other in a way that’s aesthetically pleasing, if a little pompous.

He then ordered a Goat’s Cheese Salad and a Margret de Canard (Duck Breast), before asking Hikari, “What would you like to order? I don’t spend much anyway beyond living expenses, so I can pay…”

”Oh…” taken back to reality Hikari looked at her menu, quickly going through the illustrations of the dishes as she did not know anything about french cuisine. Eventually settling for what looks like some kind of fish soup with mussels. ”I will take Bouillabaisse, we can ask for desserts later, if you want to that is.”

Kazuki nodded in acknowledgment and responded, “I do, yes.”

Suddenly a raspy voice echoed the orders of their orders.

“Table for 2. Make all their orders in the house for a week, for these lovebirds.” He made it clear that it was the Hawks Avian Code.

Across the room, there'd be those that's wearing the standard feathery attire, fitting for Heroes that are part of the Hawks Agency.

The man looked like a man but he was a metamorphic man with the head of an eagle, he's also got a deep and raspy voice.

“Carry on.” He moved to his business serving people in the restaurant.

Looking over Hikari didn’t quite realize what was going on, at least not at this distance. Besides she will take any reason to do something when her quirk was in full effect. ”Let’s check what is going on, we were waiting for the orders anyway.”

Kazuki replied, “No need. It seems one of our nest-mates have decided to get us a free meal.”

He then muttered, “I’d reject such a misuse of power but that might offend them; let’s bide our time…”

His tone was sullen, his eyes lowered, and his mood was down.

”Well, that’s nice I guess.” Hikari tilted her head on her chair, a little bothered by having to wait around after 10-or-so hours of sitting in class.

Noticing Kazuki’s mood worsened she decided to drop it, since it may lower it still.

Over the Restaurant’s Holographic TV, news about the new Top 10 Heroes confirmed and that the coronation no matter the postponement will be taking place next week.

University Levels of Heroics are called to participate in the auspicious day, in light of the event, the Big Three Hero Agencies of Japan has announced a conference.

A new curriculum that will reshape the course of the Japanese Government and their agencies amidst the increasing villain threats and the rumored Nomu dangers lately. A clip of the interview was shown on the scene, Best Jeanist quitted Hero Work but passed his legacy to Spiderman, the #1 candidate, reassured that once he's #1, there would be less murder cases to be solved. Zealous, Todoroki Toya, Endeavor's firstborn and also the candidate for becoming Japan's #1 Hero has voiced that he will not say much instead watch what he does. Tsukuyomi, Tokoyami Fumikage, the successor of Hawks & also a candidate for the #1 Hero said that the Hawks Agency will continue to serve and protect its people and not mind about the ranks.

Endeavor in the scene mentioned that he's inviting the school he created, Eirei Polytechnic to the event. Together with Jeanist and Hawks, the three announced that they have granted benefactor funds of scholarship programs to all first year students and guaranteed them a long and stable heroic career paths to choose from wisely. The scholarship was set until they finished their third and final years at Eirei.

Fluff of the matter, the soon to be former top threes read their fanclub notes aloud.

Endeavor resonated with grown men wanting to copy his hairstyle and facial hair, the same applied to those with fire Quirks, especially geared to Flashfire.

”I don't do fan service but this is wholesome, I am grateful to the fans that supported me and what's this…My biggest fan? You're one of a kind since Tameda Hiroshi aka Can't You See, Kid. I'm flattered you've bought a lot of my endorsed products and it's sold out, you may want me to mention your name live on TV but you're an Eirei Student and you know who you are, I will not mention your hero name either.” Deep inside Endeavor knew who he was referring to.

”Don't try to become me, when you can be better, kid, just remember to set your heart ablaze, don't be sad that my career has ended, be thankful that it happened because no matter the battles that may rise up ahead, just so you know that I am here and always will be, through you, who have earnestly lit my legacy beyond blood ties.”

Clip ended.

Kazuki’s mood lifted up as he smiled at the TV Screen, saying, “Well, that was a mood-riser.”

He then turned to Hikari and tried to find a conversation topic, blurting out, “So, umm… What can we talk about? To be honest, the only conversation topic that occurs to me is how beautiful you are; you honestly interest me more than my previous crushes - Yusuke and Soragami, if you must know. And Tsukiyomi, although I have no chance with him. I also used to like Mia, but I think she likes Hebi or Jun…”

There was a vague feeling he was getting things wrong somehow. So he added, “But yeah, you’re honestly more beautiful than any of them in my eyes now. Thank you for gracing my life tonight…”

Hikari was taken aback by the sudden ex talk, of which she had no prior experience. ”I see…”

”Perhaps there is more news that can take our attention?” Hikari looked away, embarrassed more by the sudden awkward conversation than the comments of whatever apparent beauty that she does not agree with, not to those standards anyway..

“The Tree is my home. Worms and berries are my food. The rain is my shower. My sweet song is my thank you.” A girl with pale skin, dark hair and eyes approached the couple.

“What's a bird that sets forest fire?” She asked them.

Kazuki answered, “Australian Firebird. Hello, Spectra; you work here part-time?”

He looked at Hikari, then leaned in close to whisper, “Nightowl, we may be called to official business.”

The youth had his gun and bullets concealed in a violin case to avoid scandalizing people. With the scholarship, he may be able to afford an actual violin, although he was no more than a hobbyist.

Hikari sighed, at least the sudden appearance of Spectra freed them from the awkward conversation they were having. ”Hope you’re doing well, Spectra. Do you have something to tell us?

She made sure to put her hands under the tablecloth, just in case Spectra had to relay a message more covertly.

Spectra’s eyes were devoid of life, she's a seasoned killer and emotions are only tools to her. She pointed ominously, she sat beside Hikari and told Kazuki to watch closely for what's about to happen.

Looking closely, a businessman was talking about setting up a business in Australia but couldn't care less about the destruction of natural habitats, he's also stated to have plundered money from the Japanese Bank.

The man suddenly fell asleep, in reality, he had died from the liquor that Spectra served him, minutes ago.

Kazuki raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. He then sighed before saying, “If we are not sparing with the ultimate punishment, we will lose the ability to intimidate those who would escape justice; fear will give way to anger and hatred and the sweet bait we can offer - The chance they’ll escape death by refraining from further corruption - will be less reliable.”

The tone was evenly phrased, honest, and without venom before the young man continued, “[i]But[/i’], as that person is a Nomu-Maker, I approve. Make sure to cover only those directly involved; the ones that are not can be used to carry fear to those who might be tempted in the future.”

One of the things Kazuki/Arsenal/Horned Owl was famous for was his hatred of those who made Nomu and the Nomu themselves, due to circumstances Hikari knew. Nomu were beings to be pitied and mercy-killed, travesties of the people they once were; minds and bodies mutilated and reshaped to fit someone else’s agenda.

Kazuki despised the possibility that he could have been turned into one, his dreams, hopes, and potential destroyed for some mad scientist’s whims.

Hikari had been looking attently, before turning to Spectra with a dead stare. ”I suppose that’s standard procedure for dealing with anyone related to Nomu-making, hopefully, you got enough out of him in advance.”

Spectra downloaded footage of multiple businessmen killed relative to the Nomu Sciences into their Hawkspads, overridden interface.

“Watch as you will in your free time, the Eight Bullets have made their move, Kites has given me the discretion to make, you two will report directly to Harpy in order to secure Illusion’s assassination of an important worm.” Spectra paused and drank from a vial of what it seemed to be cranberry juice, quenching her thirst.

“Harpy has failed to pursue becoming a Prefect to take over the Student Council, how disappointing, I've seen how it all went, I had eyes…that Mia Mathers feels like a potential hurdle to your covers, kill her, if she digs any deeper.”

Kazuki’s eyes flashed as he turned towards her, almost glaring, and he tried to be tactful as he said, “Harpy is without tact and the social skills needed to pursue that specific objective. As it is, either of us could have held the class’... loyalty better. And considering how bad I am at actually talking to people, that is not a high compliment for either of us.”

He then sighed and said, “As for Ms. Mathers… With all due honesty, I believe she has won Ravens’ respect. Unless her brother wishes to divide the Hawks Agency in these trying times, I do not think this order is smart, wise, or prudent to give.”

With a hardening of his gaze, followed by a softening of his face, Kazuki continued, “Nevertheless, if Mia endangers our covers, that problem will be dealt with, one way or another. I’m sure one can grasp how many implications there are in that statement.”

The acid bite of fear. The bitter edge of anger and hate. The utter certainty that he was doing the right thing, that reason, logic, empathy, and philosophy came together this time to guide him to the proper course. That was what Kazuki felt when he said those words.

He didn’t want to kill Mia. Dealing with her by force was still an option. Dealing with her as a partner was also an option if Spectra pushed.

His bodysuit was more than just thinner power armor; it also had biometric scanners and recorders. Considering how the Hawks Agency’s work required information, it was not a stretch that what could record his heartbeat and pulse could also record someone else’s words.

All it took was an agitated series of breaths to begin the process of doing so…

”That’s a bad idea. Hikari was sharp with her words, she had thought of it already after all.

”There really isn’t as much to gain from going against a Hero as you would think. Especially if that’s the attitude for anyone who’s even a minor hurdle, not everyone thinks highly of our nest, and I wouldn’t want to make that reputation even worse.”

Still laying back on her chair she glanced at the other tables momentarily. ”I see this place has a lot of red wine…”

Spectra smiled, unfazed by the current notions of how soft Kazuki has gotten and that display was evident with Hikari on the same boat.

“Do as you please.” Spectra dismissed their seemingly emotive response, she can tell that something was off, has Eirei made them soft? She wondered.

“Le Nombril Restau has been purchased by Harpy, that is why the birds are flocking & that is why we're here. To say that she lacked tact and social skill is an insult to any of the Blackhawks, what would you have done better then?” Spectra took offense and left open-ended questions.

No. It wasn't Spectra, it was Kites who spoke through Spectra, the verbal patterns changed.

“Nonetheless, I didn't come here to chitchat, I have ordered non-negotiable tasks, moving forward. The both of you will spy on Ravens, she has betrayed the Blackhawks and furthermore, you two are to work with Harpy to kill the Crater. You two also have to deal with the Black Nomu on the loose tonight.” Spectra’s nose was bleeding from the sheer mental grip that Kites had.

Connection ended.

Spectra wiped her blood off of her nose.

“That must be Thunderbird’s Quirk coursing through me. Enjoy the night.” She walked away.

Kazuki’s eyes flashed with anger as he grit his teeth and said, “If not for the fact that there’s a Nomu in need of mercy-killing…”

He got up and said, “Well, guess we’re going without dinner; on the house or not. That Black Nomu needs to be given the peace of death, after all.”

A side glance at Hikari, as the young man spoke, his bodysuit still recording, “Well, this is our first hunt as boyfriend and girlfriend - Assuming you want to go steady, of course.”

Those words left Hikari like a deer in the headlights, they were a couple now? She wasn’t going to deny it, but does it really take that little? Is it because they share a room, oh no it must be because they went on a date, surely that’s because any two people who go on a date are together, right?

Safe to say, Hikari got lost in the sauce and didn’t pay as much attention to the ongoing conversation.

Kazuki needed to alert Mia and Ms. Ravens of Kites’ intentions. He needed to last long enough to get himself and Hikari out of enemy territory and alert the rest of Eriei about this new threat from within Hero Society. And to do that, he must moderate his seething, his rage, and his elevated heartbeat.

The young man began to walk out of the restaurant, drawing his Hawkpad in order to activate the GPS and private channels, hoping to get news of the Black Nomu’s location.

He hoped Hikari was with him, he hoped he managed to get out of this building now filled with foes he had once called allies. Because if he did, because if he and Hikari managed to reach the safety of the shadows, and make a show of patrolling the alleyways looking for the Black Nomu…

Kazuki would make his choice and try to find Ravens’ contact number; surely Erei had a way to contact the teachers for emergencies? Or failing that, isn’t there a public chatroom or group voice call for Erei Academy itself?

His suit had recorded something relevant; not the parts about getting Mia killed, but the parts about Ravens betraying ‘The Blackhawks’ and the Blackhawks themselves existing.

So he’d try and alert his Professor - He’d chosen his side.

Hikari followed right after, somewhat glad she didn’t have to continue standing out in a luxurious restaurant. ”Uh… so all those Blackhawks back there are just watching TV instead of helping out? Lazy bunch.”

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