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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga noticed Yusuke entering the dorm room and sighed to himself "Great." It wasn't born out of any hatred or animosity towards Yusuke. It's just that considering Yusuke's previous outburst he would be a troublesome roommate even if he tried to befriend him, but he had to at least speak to him to show him some respect. "Hello...Yusuke" Kaiga thought that was the end of their conversation and he could go back to sulking in his room about Endeavor's retirement but then Yusuke had to mention Jaku city.

Kaiga turned around to avoid him his lips quaked and he remembered their smiles how they told him to leave them behind how they were decayed right in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it Kaiga's entire body quaked before he turned around to Yusuke "Don't mention Jaku CIty around me...ever" Kaiga unchartalisticly growled out towards him before running to his room and slamming the door.

As Kaiga reached his room he felt himself start to reach deep inside himself, Yusuke had mentioned Jaku city...That horrible incident led him to meet Endeavor which caused him to become a hero for his recognition, but perhaps he had it wrong this whole time he shouldn't have become a hero for Endeavor's recognition. He should have become one to reach out and drag others from their despair as Endeavor did for him.

He couldn't give up on being a hero because Endeavor retired even if it struck him hard he couldn't give up he had to keep on smiling cause if he didn't then who would? If he wanted to be like Endeavor he needed to uplift others with a smile even if it was a fake smile, after all, that would still be better than no smile at all right?

Kaiga's hawk pad beeped, he looked down only to find his Endeavor streaming app getting a notification (Of course he had an app tracking Endeavor streams.) He was still streaming even if he retired. That was nice almost enough to put a real smile on his face, Endeavor wasn't gone perhaps he would still stream from time to time. What a relief.

As he watched the stream come to Endeavor part he got more and more surprised, he couldn't be talking about him, could he? No way but he mentioned Eirei, it had to be him right unless...there was another self-proclaimed number-one fan. Tsk he's been battling Tameda Hiroshi for that spot no way was he going to lose to another student.

But Endeavor's words inspired him...set your heart ablaze, Kaiga caught himself with a real smile. Endeavors words had fired up his spirit even more don't try to become like Endeavor, he had been told that multiple times but now he think he understood why. He was still sad that Endeavor was parting but his parting words lessened that sadness.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Akira Yuzuki

Location: Akira/Himura’s room → 1b Common Dorms
Interacting with: @BlackMaiden

‘She’s not insisting for me to use her surname? It was weird for a former Class 1A or people in general,’ Akira noted as he listened to his roommate.as they make their way to the common rooms. He was about to set the whiteboard when he received a message…

There was a moment of silence before Akira spoke. “It appears everyone decided to do the entire election virtually.” he spoke as began making a poll and voted his picks on it. “And some of our classmates are already out of the dorms, I apologize for the waste of time.” he continued as he took a seat.

“We can get these back later.” he decided as he offered her to do the same.

“Since this might probably be my last day as a representative might as well give a warning.” he coughs a little before setting his tone too serious.

“Class 1B is a disaster created by a calamity of personalities and a series of unfortunate events that left us missing a long term teacher. If we are a car then I dare say that duct tape and prayer kept us somehow running.”

“What I mean is prepare yourself, your new class is going to be a riot.”
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Freeroam Sequences

Sekoto Peak Range
Tokyopolis, Shibuya
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms

The story thus far...

After the mentally exhausting symposium and the reestablished 1B, students of the same flock mingled like birds with birds of differing feathers who were assimilated to the new flock have lodged at their dorms.

Eirei Hills is a wonderful establishment despite its fashion as a boarding house/dormitory for the students of Eirei, lodging below Sekoto Peak's passages, the iconic wonder has long ceased being called Mt. Fuji since 1947. Sekoto Peak is humid & cold, it serves as the training grounds for the Heroes of Eirei, the most common being mountain top experiences including sky diving and most importantly breath control exercises. The pinnacle of tranquil sanctuary for the troubled, the many passages to Eirei after classes and vice-versa leads to this revitalizing under the mountain experience, meant to be a place of reconciliations.

This was also the place where Endeavor acknowledged his firstborn son, Todoroki Toya in becoming a Hero who has to zealously carved his path of hardships. Likewise, it could also be a poetic analogue to the healing of the Freshman's Block 1B amidst these dark days like the increasing movements of the Blackhawks. Heroic Spirits come in many forms and dwell in places that leave a legacy of mixed baggage.

What are our Heroes in training are about to do to rise above the odds?

Yūhi | Asagumo | Seiki@Iamme@Dragon Arts
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms
Yusuke knew the trauma that Kaiga owned and that being no different from him yet the attempt of comforting people is so abysmal even for an empath.

He let the boy console his feelings with the matter that's been extinguishing him from the inside just as his flames were burning low, drenched in sadness. That heartbreaking experience was a solace to both boys, Yusuke felt the common solitude and hopeful tears for an odd yet unknown future that Kaiga stood with his heroic second wind. Still, he knew what had to be done while there's time to weep and fight, Yusuke tried to separate work from fun yet the fact that he needed Kaiga was something looming.

Both came from Jaku City and are also Endeavor Interns.

This was an opportunity that Yusuke cannot let slip away, he truly wanted to be friends with Kaiga rather than the trauma bonding he had initially thought of.

Yusuke's mind is in the right place, he's clear from corrupted emotions since there's no exposure to the ill will of Kaiga in him.

“I was there too.“He tried to comfort Kaiga.

"I'll get straight to the point, I'm also an Endeavor fanboy and a fellow intern, we go by the same agency but we really don't see eye to eye. You're mostly shadowing with Burnin' while I'm with Matsuru and Mei. Tell you what, I've received Zealous's internship request, it appears that Endeavor's firstborn son will be taking up his mantle."

Yusuke gathered the courage to run the conversation, to which he pointed out to Kaiga about the broken transmission earlier in class.

"Public Safety and Detective Work is the many specialties of the Endeavor Agency, I'll make it obvious, I want you to come with me in Shibuya Crossing, the broken transmission that Zealous left earlier points to that direction, aren't you curious?."

Yusuke texted Kanako too.
Long time no talk. We haven't talked since the Joint Training, although we lost, I do find you useful and not just your Quirk. I was the leader yet I got blindsided by my rivalry with Jun. It should be nice if I get to fight her again.

Mawatari | Himura@Thayr
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms

The room was suddenly turned into a tidy setting in a blink of an eye.

Present Mic's narration
Himura Ria

Quirk: Dead Calm

Ria ceases kinetic energy to herself by constant cooling, entering a state of calmness, allowing her to appear faster than the naked eye could see, though those with spatial awareness can clearly see her movements.

Ria stretched her back.

"Well that's fast. The Indra Mudra Handseal sure is handy, oh I'm sorry...I do Hindu Yoga, do you do Yoga? Omg, it kicked in late, you're Jun...the Jun...I'm a bitch fan I mean big fan...you just slayed the Sports Fest!"A beginning of an awkward conversation.

Himekishi | Yuzuki | Himura@Digmata@BlackMaiden
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms
Amidst the conversation taking place in said dorm, out of nowhere, the Princess Knight laughed nonchalantly at the Akira and Amaya, she couldn't bear the abdominal pain for she has mastered the art of standing still.

Present Mic Narration
Himekishi Erza — The Princess Knight, Freshman Block 1A's strongest contender, tough on the outside while goofy on the inside.

Many are often intimidated with Erza's disciplinarian approach but that immediately reset as she quickly dive into her eccentric side and love for strawberry cakes. Her actions are fun to watch, especially if she does one thing and goes another way, in this case reaching out to bid farewell to a classmate of hers. Erza also takes every opportunity to bully Akira, mainly out of infatuation.

Her Quirk, Afterburst, allows her to moe at superspeed and conjure functional afterimages, the more she moves, the faster she becomes, lessening wind resistance, unfortunately, she has to consume lots of food, there was one time that Erza gobbled up all the food in the cafeteria!

Erza jest and almost rolled on the floor laughing.

"You still suck at talking to girls, Aki."

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Amaya Himura

Location: Eirei Dorms @digmata,[@Unizen]
Amaya Listened to Akira as she set down the White board before bringing out her phone again seeing the results as she listened to him. Seems it was already decided who was going to represent Class 1B. Strange turn of events indeed.

She looked up from her phone listening to him speak of this possibly being his last day as the class represented along with a warning. She closed her eyes, letting out a light sigh before putting away her Phone. "Akira. I know full well what I am getting into. I am more the capable of handling my battles given my position within my family as of late. I am here in placement of your former Roommate, of my older niece Ria. It was not the best situation and given the acknowledgement of the other branches and their heads, I felt along with them that transferring to 1B in her place is the most efficient way till she is once again able to be back here where she hopes to be I am sure. I also hope I can find my place and friends within 1B." She spoke before turning her attention to the laughing voice of the next presence to enter the space. She allowed her body to relax as she smiled watching one of her Friends Erza, the Princess Knight, to greet them.

[color=lightblue]"Why if it isn't the Mighty Princess herself, still being the lovable goofy knight I remember." She Spoke greeting Erza as she folded her arms behind her. "I am assuming you came to give me a farewell seeing as now we are of differing classes now. Oh and be nice to my roommate please. I would prefer to get along with him and not have a bumpy start much like my last one." She added in her soft but sweet tone, allowing her words to flow like a river. She was going to miss the friends and allies she made in 1A let along the perks of being in the place. It was where she deserved to be. She worked for the middle of the class standing. However the family needed her here in 1B for her Niece and that is where she was going to be till it was determined by her, her assistance was not needed. "For a mighty tough knight you must have a low pain tolerance if a laugh hurts."She teased to her friend.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 33 min ago

Kanako Seiki

Location: 1B Living room,

Long time no talk. We haven't talked since the Joint Training, although we lost, I do find you useful and not just your Quirk. I was the leader yet I got blindsided by my rivalry with Jun. It should be nice if I get to fight her again. Kanako read while she paced around the common room.

She didn't really talk to any of the other students, talking to people was too stressful most of the time. On the one hand, most people freaked out when they realized she could hear all their thoughts when she used her quirk, on the other hand, writing or texting to communicate was a bit of a pain, and it wasn't like she could talk normally. But texting was still better than listening to her own thoughts during a paranoia spike. She texted him back, Useful because of my unmatched wit, impeccable logic and quick thinking? She sat down on a couch in the common room and rested her head on her hand. Jeez, sarcasm is hard to convey in texts, she thought. Her eyes had a far off look to them, like she was stuck in an old memory.

Suspicion crept into her mind and she couldn't shake the paranoia this time. This was usually the kind of language people used when they wanted something from someone. Saying that he thought she was useful then pointing out his own shortcoming. The first point serving as a compliment of sorts, especially since Kanako valued being useful so much. The second point to get her to drop her guard by stating how he'd messed up. Kanako was nothing if not paranoid. The distant look in her eyes flicked away and she focused again on the conversation. Spill it, what do you want? she texted. Her tone came across as passive aggressive, accidental or not. She definitely wasn't the most trusting person, she just normally wasn't this upfront about it.

She was hoping that the suspicion was unwarranted and there was nothing to worry about, but at the same time she could come up with a hundred reasons to justify her suspicion. The paranoia never really left, it was always there in the back of her mind, a steady hum of possible lies, trickery, deceit, and betrayal. This was normal, it shouldn't be, but it was.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Akira Yuzuki

Location: 1B Common Dorms
Interacting with: @BlackMaiden @Urizen

When Akira and a student from Class 1A cross paths, there are three possible outcomes. The first one is petty bullying that some bigots tried on him, a one-sided fight made him wonder how they got to Eirei in the first place. The second one is mutual respect that he shared with Mei and eventually extended to some of their members, it was thanks to her that he had seen that not all 1A are snobs who never touched dirt.

Unfortunately she also ruined instant coffee on him and he still can’t believe he liked that garbage.

Then there’s the third one, one that he reserved to the Princess Knight of Class 1A when she ambushed him over an outright falsehood. It still remained when she tore into his group at the exercises, he barely lasted a minute stalling her.

It took him a while to find the correct words but he eventually found it.

The Princess Knight needs to learn how to chill, let that silly side of her out more!

“What th–!” he nearly jumped out of his chair as Erza appeared at his back. “You could just pop up normally, you know,” he complained, although there is some relief in his voice.

“I know but this is way better.” Erza replied as she took a seat to talk with Amara, Erza had friends at her class that was a welcome surprise, she’s not the all serious sword of Damocles that Mei insists she is.

“I wonder which one was lower, my conversation skills or your pain tolerance?” he tried to continue the joke.

Although the representative can’t help but notice small details. There are small creases on her clothes, small beads of sweat on her forehead, something that a visiting person won’t have, especially considering the distance between 1A and 1B dorms.

Her arms in particular, she winces when she moves it in a wide angle.

Without warning, Akira grabbed Himikishi’s arm revealing her bruised arm. Not just a single bruise but multiple small ones.

Erza responded by pulling her arm away and glaring at Akira, for his part the representative of Class B stepped back.

“I’ll get the medkit, don’t go away.” he called as he walked away leaving Erza to Amira's capable hands.

The Princess Knight looked away pissed at her wounds being laid open.

“It would heal on its own.”

Let it be known, that despite her veil of invulnerability being shattered by Akira’s upset, Erza Himikishi is still the strongest freshman around for a reason.

An ambush, losing access to her sword due to the intense fight and being outnumbered one to five is not enough to beat her.

Not even close.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

"Ah sorry...for lashing out" Jaku city was always a sore spot around Kaiga he had only told one other person he was from there Ria, he never wanted to talk about it and he was prone to getting quite aggressive when it was mentioned but this misplaced aggression had hurt someone that wasn't what a hero did so he would apologize and agree to help Yusuke.

Not only because Zealous was there but because making amends with others was the right thing to do. "Sure I would like to help out, I guess I am kind of curious." Kaiga calmed down and went to his dorm closing it quietly instead of hard and then he had his realization he had to smile no matter what happened he would keep on smiling, but then his hawk pad got a beep.

Someone new had moved to class 1-B probably another person from 1-A, ugh he at least hoped they weren't that bad most of 1A were assholes the person moving to class 1-B is Ria Himura...RIA was coming to 1-B his luck couldn't get any better and it said, she'd be paired up with Mawatari-San.

Hmmm, he knew where her dorm was located so he should visit her they were the best of friends after all, and he needed to change out of his uniform clothes opening his closet he got out his casual clothes.

If anyone saw Kaiga's casual outfit they would say it was unsuited for him considering his quirk, they would hold heat and steam without being able to effectively discharge it, and this could result in burns or overheating so there would be no logical reason for him to wear it. They would be right he didn't wear it for any logical reason.

It was his older brother's clothing the only one he could save from disintegration wearing it made him feel safe...he quickly changed out of his hero costume into casual clothing, he dressed before leaving the dorm but yelled to Yusuke "I'll be heading off for a while call me when we're going after Zealous message" he called out before quickly leaving the dorm.

Dashing through the halls swerving between students who were yelling at him the only thing on his mind was greeting Ria eventually he reached her door panting and filled his hair filled with sweat, he wouldn't have ran around the dorms like this for anyone but her


As the door opened he gave a smile before greeting "Nice to see you again Ria-San" forgoing the last name tradition they were extremely close after all.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hebi Mamushi

Hebi slowly rolled around in her bed, groaning. She just got back from some boring student council meeting. That shit is always so uneventful. She lazily played around with her snakes. She loved them so much, her precious little babies. You could say she was rudely interrupted, at least she would say so, as she heard an intruding voice in her head. Sneak with out with Kanako and Yusuke...ugh...it was better than rotting in bed. Also it was a French restaurant and French food is her second favorite...no...third.

She pulled out her Hawkpad, her snakes softly hissing. What did she have Kanako's contact saved as again? She scrolled through, there is was she clicked on 'Mute Chick,' and texted her.

I'll come, but I'm not paying for shit.

@Dragon Arts
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 33 min ago

Kanako Seiki

Location: 1B Dorms,

Kanako jumped slightly as she realized she was still using her quirk. Most of her thoughts had been thankfully hidden subconsciously during the paranoia spikes, an old habit that helped her appear sane in stressful situations when she was using her quirk. She'd nearly forgotten about the mind link until she heard snippets of Hebi's thoughts and saw a flash of something that she thought said 'Mute chick,' honestly not the worst name she'd been called, not even close. She didn't really care what people called her. She severed the link a second later and wondered how much of her paranoia spike Hebi had actually heard. Hebi was surprisingly good at hiding her own thoughts, much in the same way Kanako hid her's, hence why she hadn't noticed her presence in her mind. Kanako's eyes faded back to their normal lime green when she severed the link.

I'll come, but I'm not paying for shit. Kanako read the text from Hebi and bit her lip, wondering whether sass would be a good idea right now. She thought of something almost immediately. No, you'll be paying for fancy French cuisine, she thought, really glad that she'd noticed and severed the mind link before thinking that. But as funny as it would be it probably wasn't a great idea. She sighed and texted back, Fine, I'll pay. She didn't feel like stirring up conflict. Well, she felt like it, and it'd certainly be fun, but she could tell that it wasn't the time. Besides, she didn't mind paying for Hebi's meal.

She tipped her head to the side for a minute and closed her eyes. No conversations to listen in to, not in earshot anyways, no new texts to read, no thoughts to listen to, just silence. Just as soon as she had nothing to focus on the thoughts of paranoia began to seep back into her mind. She furrowed her brow as her hand balled into a tight fist subconsciously. She felt like she was slipping again, every muscle in her body tensed. Okay then, relaxing before we sneak out is out of the window, she thought, getting up from the couch and starting to pace around the room again. Her hand tensed and relaxed repeatedly and her eyes darted around as though she expected something or someone to jump out of the shadows at any second.

Her mind was going in circles again, warping and doubling back on itself, and this time just pacing wasn't enough to dampen the paranoia. She knew fresh air would help, so she walked quickly out of the hawks common room, passing by a few of the other students in the hallway. Her eyes had a wild, distant look to them, like she was ready to snap and attack at any moment, or ready to bolt on a dime. Every time she thought she got rid of the paranoia it returned tenfold, if it happened a few times quickly you get a paranoia spike, a panic attack, or a fight.

She quietly made her way to the rooftop. A cool wind blew past her. She took a breath of the brisk air and calmed herself down, quieting down the paranoid voice in the back of her mind by listening to the ambient sounds around her. It was a nice moment, she didn't do this nearly as much as she probably should. She pulled out her hawkpad and texted Yusuke, You ready to go? She needed something to be focused on.

Keep busy, stay sane. Her unofficial motto.

@rexgn @Urizen
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Jun Mawatari

Location: Dorms, Hawks Common Room, Eirei Hills, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

"Well that's fast. The Indra Mudra Handseal sure is handy, oh I'm sorry...I do Hindu Yoga, do you do Yoga? Omg, it kicked in late, you're Jun...the Jun...I'm a bitch fan I mean big fan...you just slayed the Sports Fest!"

Jun stared for a moment, swallowing at the sudden and pretty strange greeting. The girl that stood before her, with the white hair and choker and everything of that sort, seemed pretty…out of it? Pretty awkward or strange? Granted, that seemed to be people at Eirei in general it turned out, but on the whole they seemed weird, but close by. This girl, she seemed really out of it. Then again, though, there were a lot of things that could cause that sort of deal but it didn’t seem quirk related per say. It seemed to be person related for her.

“Hi, ah…thanks. No, I don’t normally do yoga.” She paused, considering why. What a weird way for the day to have gone, all things considered, from a crazy class leader to an absolute nonsense of a teacher and, of all things, a test out of the blue. Apparently she’d passed, true, but Jun didn’t really feel like she had. That seemed to be the more important thing to her. She hadn’t seen the problem for what it was, just…thought the teacher wasn’t being moral and moved against him. The right choice for the wrong reasons, maybe. In any case, though, that was all besides the point. From crazy class leaders to yoga…why? Jun wasn’t altogether sure. It had never really come up, she thought, never really been there as an option. She’d just…worked out.

Maybe yoga would be alright.

“And thanks, the sports festival was…really a good challenge. I’ve never had to run around like that for so long. Busy, busy.” Jun realized that she’d not really…introduced herself, nor the other girl in return. Who was she…she leaned ever so back, eyes scanning over the door for any sort of names. Darn, nothing. She didn’t really want to just outright for the girl’s name, on one hand, but also still felt like she needed one for politeness’s sake.

“Good to meet you…” Jun walked further in, letting the door close as she leaned in, arm outstretched for a handshake while the statement ended as though a question, on the rise, for a name.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eirei Hills, Hawks Dorms

Erza was taken aback from Akira's compassion since she rarely had any meaningful interaction with a boy, she reciprocated by blushing in a flustered manner and tsundere-flick Akira's forehead.

I SAID I'M ALRIGHT! Erza ran off faster than the speed of light, exaggerated by the heat of the moment, now nowhere to be found in the room.

The door was left open and much to Amaya & Akira's notice, a familiar face showed up.

In a soothing voice, she greeted Akira & Amaya.

"Akkun is here, so is my fairly young Aunty." She stood by the door.

"I saw Eruru just a split second ago, you two seemed close?"Mei tried to understand the pieces of what went on but couldn't and just let it go.

Mei sighed. "Eruru sure broke rules but unlike her, I came here for a purpose. No time to waste, Akkun and Aunty must follow me to Le'Nombril Restau, I've made reservations for a sumptuous dinner. Uncle Endeavor requested for you two, walk now, talk later. We'll use my car, Yusuke and the others are coming along."

As always, Mei fails to explain with context and expected that people will just follow her command, with Amaya present, she'd expect her family member to miraculously understand anyway.

-Flashforward to Le'Nombril Restau-

Le'Nombril Restau is a fine dining restaurant, owned by the Aoyama Family.

"I can't help but let Kazuki and Hikari remain in this premises. Now, for Akkun and Aunty, we have plenty to discuss.


Eirei Hills, Hawks Dorms
@Dragon Arts@rexgn

Yusuke's eyebrow raised with the answers he's getting from his peers.

He replied back and made an instant group message holographic interface session with Kanako & Hebi, popping off their Hawkpads.

It's in the house, I've already paid our grand meal in Le'Nombril Restau. Does it not hurt, that a guy like me would like to go on a date with Hebi-chan and Kana-chan. Whether that's romantic or not, that's up to you to ponder. Heck yes, we're part of the three great Hero Agencies after all, just imagine a Nomu on the lose, if word got out, people will panic, we'll have plenty to talk about once we get there, we're meeting with Mei-san's group.

For a moment, Yusuke regretted not asking Jun out directly, he preferred her Quirk and her company with their rivalry but begrudgingly admitted to himself that Kanako and Hebi's Quirks will be useful.

Yusuke was monologuing on what to tell to Jun, he messed up every sentence.

Mawatari, I want you...eww...I want your Quirk...no this is important.... you're my eternal rival...I want..

He also texted Matsuru.

Hey a**hol*, I've deciphered Zealous's transmission, it seemed something to do with a Nomu.

They're at the roofless top floor of Le'Nombril Restau.

Wine and turkey being served.

Unlike Kazuki x Hikari and the rest, Yusuke reserved the most expensive area, the Executive Top.

"Date or not, there's plenty of room to discuss. The three of us above all are part of the top three agencies, I know it's a sudden but tell me, what's on your mind in this sudden yet auspicious night?"

Eirei Hills, Hawks Dorms

Ria enjoyed the small chatter with Jun, t'was finally. Peace and quiet for not having any noisy people at all but then Kaiga showed up.

"Oh it's you. Ria looked at her Hawkpads while doing her best to avoid Kaiga.

It appeared that she also received an invitation to Le'Nombril Restau.

She shortfused.

"Alright I think I can forgive you, cut the honorific crap. My boyfriend does not say such things. Don't you run away from me again, Kaiga. So, how about on a restaurant date? she said.

She turned her attention to Jun.

"Jun" Casually saying her first name.

"The Hawkpads seemed to be calling Best Jeanist Interns to a fancy restaurant, free dinner it says...wanna tag along?

Le'Nombril Restau
@Letter Bee@Gerlando@JrVader
Harpy showed up in the flesh, next to Hikari and Kazuki were Hawks Heroes in Black Suits, gradually there were more Birds lurking around.

"Ara? It seems that we have an awkward dinner. How nice of my niece to gather up fledglings in the nest?

Rin referring to Amaya and Akira along with the soon virtual separate conference with Yusuke's group.


Matsuru is outside of the restaurant, moreover with Spectra, who has served Matsuru, a Chicken Alfredo and cranberry juice.

Harpy wants you out of the way for now, though it seems that imminent danger is upon your friends. There are things to talk about, I'm her ward in this case, and it's for your own good, based on Harpy's orders. The Blackhawks want your reassurance that our existence remains in the shadows, furthermore, I am intrigued that you have survived an encounter with Ryukazuki Keyaru, tell me more...

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 33 min ago

Kanako Seiki

Location: Le'Nombril Restau,

The first thing Kanako had done when they'd arrived at LeNombril Restau was to find who, out of all the patrons, was most likely to be there on a mission for someone, whether that be a Hero agency or the League of Villains. Her list was surprisingly long, and surprisingly accurate.

Once they were at their table she looked over the menu briefly. She looked over at Yusuke when he spoke. No way in hell was she going to tell anyone what was on her mind tonight. For one, she wasn't really sure what was on her mind herself, for two, if she tried to explain it people would think she was insane. Besides, she didn't really want to use her quirk to talk to anyone right now. She'd been actively avoiding using her quirk on Yusuke specifically, because she knew he'd use the opportunity to figure out how her quirk worked and copy it. Which she was trying to avoid because her quirk could be just as harmful to the user as to the target if the person controlling it didn't know how to use it. She'd figured that out when she'd gotten the mind link stuck being active on fifteen people at once and had woken up from the coma the mental strain had caused a week later.

She didn't eat much at all. Her appetite had been dashed by what had happened with Rin, and the paranoia spike. But she could tell that Yusuke was going out of his way to make this a nice evening, and she was grateful for that, she was, but she was so distracted by other things that it was hard to show. Just forget about all that right now. This is going to be a nice night with absolutely nothing to worry about, she thought. She tried to put on a smile and be happy, she mostly succeeded, but there was still a nagging feeling of doubt that she couldn't get rid of.

She didn't want to just ignore Yusuke completely. So she took out a small notepad. Thinking about my sisters, she wrote, it wasn't untrue, she'd been thinking about them a lot more than usual, she just neglected to mention how much she knew about their more recent legally dubious actions. She tapped the eraser of the pencil against the notepad for a second then also wrote: By the way, do you know sign language? I realize that I've never asked you. She always found it better to write things out on paper rather than texting because paper couldn't be hacked, besides, it was funny in restaurants because sometimes people mistook her for a critic of some kind. She tore out the note and handed it to Yusuke.

@Urizen @rexgn
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki moved to take Hikari's hand as he looked around at his ex-allies, whom he now regarded as enemies in his heart. His next words were a quick question for Harpy, aka Rin.

"So, what do we know about the Nomu and its location? And what preparations need to be made? Every minute we spend inside this place is a moment that thing can use to kill people."

And also a distraction from Kazuki's plans of betraying the Blackhawks for Mia and Ravens' sakes. Only Hikari can be relied on for what will come next; everyone else here, including other sutdents, were foes or potential foes or useful pawns for foes. Speaking of which... Mind-reading powers were not exactly uncommon, so Kazuki filled his mind with background noise, the background noise of Western Cartoon Music.

The purpose of this was to annoy any mind reader so that they'd avoid reading his thoughts. Either way, if the Hawks Agency folk insisted on a hologram call to confer first, Kazuki would look for a moment where the others were distracted so he could finally send a message to Ravens (albeit via indiscreet semi-public official channels) about the plan to kill her and potentially kill Mia. He needed to find a way to inform them. He needed to break the Blackhawks period; they had long since passed the point where they served the public's greater good and needed to be replaced. But dangit all, this waiting was getting exasperating!

Kazuki sought calm by looking at Hikari, his now-girlfriend, and hoped she could see, from his expression, that he was anxious, nervous, and waiting for something - That he needed a moment of relative calm and peace so that he could send his recording to Professor Ravens...

@rexgn@Dragon Arts@Urizen
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

B-boyfriend Kaiga didn't act like it but he had his insecurities too, he may be loud and boisterous but there were times when he quieted down, now was one of them. Ria had called him her boyfriend, yes there was a time when they dated, and yes he still...liked her. B-but their breakup had been his fault he had focused more on Endeavor than her.

He was pathetic.

He didn't deserve to date Ria, "S-sure I'll come" Kaiga said tripping on his words "Ria you shouldn't...be dragged down by someone like me" Kaiga ran out of the room before anyone could stop him from coming over here was a mistake he had ruined everything again. Just when they were starting to be friends he ran away again.

B-but he wasn't wrong Ria shouldn't date him. He was down in the slumps simply because Endeavor retired, he hadn't changed at all. Ria could be grumpy at times but she was an extremely kind person someone like him was out of her league. He went into his dorms forcing a smile on his face "Sorry something came up I have to go to Le'Nombril" Not knowing that was where Yusuke was heading.

He shouldn't head there he had just blown Ria off potentially ruining their friendship but as stupid as it sounded he still wanted to go and see Ria and that's why he found himself standing in front of Le'Nombril in a suit it was one of those fancy places, right?
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


A blank face washed over Matsuru. His eyes, usually filled with inquisition or allure, are deadpan. He’s staring at Spectra with a thousand yard stare. In truth, his mind was elsewhere. The past few days were a whirlwind for him. His mind was a place of turbulence and bridled frustration. He thought he knew enough about Rin other “personalities”, but twice now they’ve forcefully shunted him into a dreamscape to either taunt him or to tell him foreboding news. His thoughts about what that damned Harpy told him were branded in the forefront of his psyche…

"Ah...so you're a 6th Generation too. You won't have my Quirk but I'll let you have something else, you see, you're running out of time. Go to that French Restaurant, Le'Nombril Restau, Kazuki and Hikari are doomed to fail against Nemesis."

He grinded his teeth in anger. He shouldn’t be here. At this damned restaurant. Talking to one of Hawks’ *puppets*. He doesn’t even know why he listened to Harpy’s orders. Last he remembered, Rin and him fought best together. Two pieces of machinery that work in harmonious tandem. She was the engine, he was the gauge. Every fiber of his being is screaming at him to leave. To join the fight. But he won’t, he can’t. Matsu sighs and softens his gaze.

‘I need to trust them.’ He thinks to himself. ‘Hawk has a good set of kids he instructs… I think. Either way, trust that Harpy has a decent plan. Trust Kazuki and Hikari. Now is not the time to jump the gun. Wait for the signal.’

"I am intrigued that you have survived an encounter with Ryukazuki Keyaru, tell me more…"

He chuckled at her question. “Keyaru…” Matsuru said in a slow, drawn out sigh.

“He’s not human. He’s a nightmare. A Claudius to Hamlet. The Moriarty to my Sherlock… He is the antithesis of all we hero’s do. In some ways a fold to your organization, Spectra. You all kill for a perverted, fanciful idea,” He didn’t let the venom in his words go unnoticed. “But if you were to use those same tactics against Keyaru and his Eight Bullets? You would find yourself outclassed. If death was an artform, he would be the Van Gogh, the Monet, the Picasso. And you would be a third grader, who thinks fingerpainting is the pinnacle of creativity. “

He picks up the juice and takes a long sip. “But I’m sure you know this already. You want to know about my fight with him”...

**eight months ago**

The torrent of rain and thunder did little to help the miserably cold night. Though that did little to stifle the nightlife of the city. Noises from pedestrians, vehicles, night clubs, and everything else in between echoed through the concrete jungle like a symphony. Minus the horrid weather, it was a peaceful night. If you were a normal person going about your daily life, little would be out of the ordinary.

In one of the back alleys, a businessman holding a black briefcase was darting between corners and jumping over obstacles with an obscene proficiency. He was on the run. His face was largely obscured by a white hat, but it did not take much to see he was running from something, or someone. This businessman kept looking behind him, ahead of him, all around him, trying to make sure the person chasing him was not close. Unfortunately for him, the business man did not notice the large iron ball that was thrown at his torso.

A crack, a yell, and the sound of crashing made some of the pedestrians crossing a rather busy sidewalk stop in their tracks. Out from a dark alleyway, stumbling onto the main street, the businessman’s body hurled onto the ground. He quickly recovered, ruggedly standing up and grabbing his suitcase that fell off the floor. No one could see his face. Was there fear? Dread? Fascination? Pure entropic malignance? The only thing the people could see was the direction the man was facing. It was the alleyway he was shunted out of. The businessman took in a deep breath and sighed. A small figure was emerging from the dark alley. A small rime of frost crested off the sanguine-colored brick and into the open air. An arming sword, now gleaming in the artificial light, refracted some luminance onto the businessman’s face. From the dust and frost the man saw his pursuer. The indigo glow. The Judgement Gaze.

The businessman chuckled, his voice coming out raspy and potent. “I’ll hand it to you, Sherlock. You managed to hit me. Not many say they can.”

Matsuru stepped out of the alleyway. He was pissed. Angry. He wanted to kill this man. No, death wouldn’t be enough. He would display his grotesque corpse all across the Hosu Prefecture as a message for the villains. In this brief moment he allowed himself this vengeful, cathartic thought, Matsuru pondered if this is how the Hawk’s Agency feels when they kill a villain… Best not to pursue this line of thinking any further.

“The chase ends here, Keyaru.” He huffed out. He was panting from the chase, his breath could be seen with the low temperature surrounding his body. Some of the passerbyers started to back up, some ran, some tried calling for help. “Do not try to continue this pursuit. You would find my gaze to be hard to break.”

“Oh, on the contrary, my goodman Sherlock… I think I have just the solution to our little game.” Though Keyaru moved with blinding speed, Matsuru saw everything. Keyaru pulled a pocket knife from his coat, rushing the Observant Hero. A quick parry, jab, and a blast of frost rendered Keyaru back on the ground. Matsuru sighed again, “Stop playing these games, Keyaru. This is the last time I will ask. Surrender yourself, or the next bout will be your last.”

It started as a small cackle, then a chortle, then to a laugh from a nightmare. Keyaru’s laugh exhumed a malefic ardor. Reverberating off the stone facade of the buildings. “Know this, Sherlock… Our little dance won’t end tonight. Soon, when the time comes, we will see eachother again. And when we do, let’s finish our danse macabre!”

Too focused on the fight, Matsuru never noticed the open briefcase until it was too late. In it were seven syringes, with space for eight. One was missing. He quickly looked around and saw a horrifying sight. A random pedestrian has one of the syringes sticking out of her neck. Her eyes were lulled into her skull, her body shaking violently. ‘Shit… he must have thrown it during his attack…’ He thought to himself.

Matsuru tried to move to help the lady, but by that point it was too late. Her body started changing, like a forced evolution. Soon, her screams of pain were overshadowed by the sound of cracking bone and mutating flesh. For one of the few times in his life, Matsuru froze up. All his training left him, he was scared. Terrified. Once this creature stopped mutating, it towered over Matsuru. It still had a humanoid body, but it grew an avian-like mouth with an exposed brain. Matsu stood in awe, fear, and confusement. It was too much for him. It was so much, in fact, that he didn’t even register the Nomu driving a haymaker into his gut.

The world was spinning for him. That one punch sent Matsuru flying through the air, crashing almost five stories up into a random window. He grunted in pain, fleming out some blood. It took him a few minutes to get back up. All the while he could hear screams, crashes, and general terror. But all that occupied his mind was the ringing in his ears. The glow from his eyes faded, the frost aura he had kept up dissipated as well. It was a personal hell for him. He knew he had to move, to rush into the fight, to try to kill this creature or save as many civilians as he could. But he couldn’t move. No matter how much his mind screamed at his body, it refused to cooperate. In that limbo between dreams and reality, where the waking mind falls into dreamful sublimity, he fought with all his might to stay afloat. To stay above the sea of unconsciousness.

“Fight on… move… MOVE DAMMIT!” In his mind's eye, he could hear his father screaming at him. “You cannot stop unless I give you that explicit permission. You will keep on moving, even if your bones snap. Your fight will never end. You are a Yaoyorozu, and that surname is everything to you. It is your life, your light, your sacred duty. Above all, above everything and everyone else, above being a perfect hero. You will make sure to not abscond that name! Am I understood?”

A flush of adrenaline and hatred filled Matsuru’s body. He never liked his father. Hell, he would damn near say he resented him. But for some reason, that speech he gave him has always stuck with him.

In a groan of pain, Matsuru stood up. He stumbled to the window where he saw the scene of a terror attack. Cars have been flipped over, bodies lay strewn aimlessly across the entire street. Keyaru was missing, but Matsuru didn’t care. He only had one thing in mind. To stop the Nomu.

He baited his breath, concentrating on regaining some strength. “What can I do?!” He thought to himself. He doubts using the quirk of his cousin, Momo Yaoyorozu, would do much good. And using Rin’s was too exhausting and taxing to keep up for such a long period of time. Matsuru decided to do something he rarely does. “I don’t fully understand this quirk… but I have to use it.” In one swift move, he jumped from the roof. Falling directly towards the Nomu
“OVER HERE, FUCKFACE!” He yells out. He bites down his teeth as a searing pain starts to slither down his right arm. It was like the blood in his veins were boiling his arm from the inside out. First it was a spark, then a tinder, then a maelstrom of fire and brimstone engulfing the sword. Like a streaking star in the night sky, Matsuru yelled out a roar of defiance as he came crashing down onto the Nomu. That strike reverberated across the battlefield. Crushing the stone under the area of impact and making a soundwave course throughout the entire city.

When the dust cleared, Matsuru and the Nomu were still standing but badly harmed. Matsuru’s sword was completely broken, and his entire right arm was burnt and singed. The Nomu showed signs of significant damage, but still had fight left in it. It barreled towards Matsu, its head pointed down. It intended to gore the hero, like a bull charging at a red flag. Matsuru tried to move, but his body was significantly damaged. In a split second, he formed a shield out of his left arm, hoping it could possibly dampen the blow. He closed his eyes in anticipation.

But the blow never came. When he opened his eyes, he saw the Nomu frozen in place. Matsuru instantly jumped back, activating his Judgement Gaze. After the adrenaline had cooled down, he recognized this frost. He knows this feeling all too well. “Ara, Matsu~ Did you have all this fun without me?”

“About time.. You showed up… Rin.” He said through pants. Rin, dressed in her official hero attire, loomed behind him. A gale of rime and frost emanated from her like a blizzard. Matsuru was about to fall into her arms when he heard a crack. Than a chink. Then a break. The Nomu was breaking out of its ice prison.

“Shit… It’s coming out. Ready yourself, Ladyice!” He yelled out. The two of them adopted a battle stance, positioning themselves to attack the Nomu once it broke out. Though Matsuru was hurt bad, he knew he had to fight. At least until another pro hero comes. Admittedly, the thought that he had Rin by his side gave him confidence. His eyes began to glow brighter as he reached to his chest and pulled a spear out of his body. He will fight, he will win. He has too… He still has an unanswered dance.

**back to realtime**

“... After that, Endeavor and that Spider-whatshisface hero came to save us. The total count was twenty seven dead, seventy five wounded. The Nomu was either killed in a blast or disappeared, we don’t know.” Matsuru gripped his glass tightly, finishing up his story to Spectra. “If it’s true that Kazuki and Hikari are going after one of those… things, then we can’t be sitting idly by. I know that your ‘Harpy’ has a plan, but I can’t in my right mind sit here while my colleagues could be fighting for their lives at this very moment.”

Matsuru takes a deep breath and leans back into his chair. “If there is a Nomu lurking around, than that must mean Keyaru and his Eight Bullets are close…” He goes back to his pensive state, rapping his nails on the glass. Tip, tap, tap…

“He still owes me a final dance.”
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nomu Debriefing/Collab Post with BlackMaiden and Digmata
@Letter Bee@Gerlando@Digmata@BlackMaiden

For a moment, Akira just stood there completely confused by the turn of the events. He never saw Himekishi flustered but seeing that side of hers, reminds her that there's a girl beneath the ever serious knight she strives to be.

Not that he had time to dwell on it, as Mei Kaku immediately called him and Amaya at a dinner at some fancy restaurant. The months of working with Kaku however makes it clear to him that she means business and considering the recent news, he ought to give her his ears.

At the bare minimum, she deserves that much.

“Ok, just let me change my clothes. It sounds like a very high class restaurant after all.”

Mei was relieved when Himekishi bailed, not because of Akira but simply out of Prefect Duties. She can't bear the thought of having to sanction someone directly from her own class, her heart skipped a beat yet know not the full reason. To resist, is to demand and so Mei asserted.

“That won't be necessary, my Auntie just purchased the right fits for the occasion. Rin baa-chan sure was nagging. Please configure your Hawkspads into ‘Wrist Mode’, I will send you the blueprints.”

Mei assumed if 1B Students were even aware about the full potential and other capabilities of their Hawkspads.

Completely puzzled at Mei’s words, Akira decided to follow her. Wrist Mode was that again, oh there it is. Watching the Hawkspad transform suddenly reminds him that this is the Eiruu Academy, they don’t know how to cut corners.

–System On–
| Wrist Mode |

Analyzing components, initializing merger.

Mei already had hers in said mode, with Akira rekindling Wrist Mode, which was a thing taught during the orientation but barely explored.

Demonstration has always been Mei's best expertise.

–System On–
| Palm Mode |

Analyzing components, restructuring.

“This is Palm Mode, as you can see in this spatial computation, I have downloaded the outfit I wanted. 5D Printing & Scanning is coded to your biometrics, manipulating synchronicity…basically, we can control fiber particles in a compressed zone in a flash, like that Sailor Girl Anime.”

Mei showed Akira the transformation.

A flash of light and space distortion took place and in a split second, Mei had changed into her preferred outfit, her black dress.

“It seems that you only have School & PE Uniform in your downloads, I will have to wormdrop what Auntie Rin purchased, Amaya will do the same.”

Akira lets his jaw drop as she finds Mei doing an honest to god in her own words ‘magical girl transformation’, can the Hawkspad do that? How come no one told him that they can do that? How much did they miss after that fiasco of six teachers they suffered.

He looked at the selection then realized one thing.

“That’s my hero costume, did you pay my broke partner to give you the blueprints without my knowledge?”he asked as he clicked on the choice.

“But this should be good enough.” If there is one thing he liked about this costume, it is that he can also use it for formal events.

Mei rolled her eyes.

“I didn't, my Aunt did.”

She also flexed her skill with her usage of the Hawkspad and tapped on vending mode, where she summoned her bottle of water out of thin air.

“There are other features, you'd learn but this will be enough for now. It's also clear to me now that you've missed six months of 5D Spatial Conversion 101, no wonder my class bullied yours, you're all dressing up primitively. I dress to kill.” She teased Akira in a deadpan manner.

Mei changed into her Hero Costume along with her two pistols, summoned. Even her hair changed along with the transformation, it's like she got one of those Salon hairdo.

“Yes, yes tell that to the five stooges. They peeked around and found out.” he parried with his tongue in jest as they began making their way once to the restaurant. Hopefully it won’t be a long night, he just recently got out of the infirmary after all.

[One Journey Later]

Let it be known, rich people need to learn how to productively spend money.

He took a seat on the definitely expensive chair as they made their orders with food he couldn’t recognize (forcing him to just go along with what Mei ordered), as they waited however they had ample time for the conversation.

“So you called us here for a reason, may we now ask it?”

Mei sat in the revolving round table and next to them was a food stream, where food will be sliding down their way.

At the same time, Rin sat next to Mei.

“A banquet of invitation. A collaboration with the big three hero agencies whose embers remain vibrant. Oh, and a High End Nomu is on the loose. Take it as a last minute request from Endeavor, Hawks & Best Jeanist before their retirement, but then again I'm no longer your Prefect, I have no business informing you further, at least that's what I'll say.”

The request seemed skeptical, the former big three wouldn't request students, even if they're adults by right, university students to take on such a task. However, this was no different from the last time, the legendary Midnight Class involving Deku, Dynamite & Icyhot along with their peers, were in high demand and treated as child soldiers during the PLF War. Still, Rin is many things but she isn't a liar, she showed a recording conference as proof.

That's precisely the point.

By rite of passage, they are considered adults and college heroes above all, their job just fits like a glove for their age, so that no underage heroes have to suffer for the burden of adults.

“Now, there as to why you're all here. There had been reports, swept under the rug by the local media, about this new breed of Nomu, Nemesis. A production that's illegally conducted by Shibuya's Crime Boss, Ryukazuki Keyaru.”

For a while there could only be silence in the room, Akira was very familiar with the dangers of dealing with Nomu’s especially when he saw the aftermath at their work with Streetlight Agency. Akira took a deep breath and asked a question.

“So to summarize, there is someone out there mass producing Nomus and a High-End one is on the loose, so what do you want me to do?” he asked, not because he is just a pauper compared to the people around him.

“Because as you can see there are two problems, one is immediate and the other long term problem.”

Rin smirked, it reminded her of the earlier incident, no different from Mia Mathers, one who questioned a lot, which she hated but then again, 1B is behind after all.

“The League of Villains are on the verge of rekindling their divided empires, that is the long term problem and the immediate one is wherever this Nomu is at. This is clearly an Eirei Polytechnic Operative feat. Case with the top three agencies, they're our Founders after all. This has nothing to do with prestige. Have you forgotten Eirei's code?” . Rin threw back the question.

To further elaborate.

“As to why we're here in this fancy place, don't you have decency to pay homage to our heroic ancestors, we're merely emulating the Bushido Code, savor your meal before you die, it might just be your last. We're Hinoan first before Heroes, have some patriotism. Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist didn't retire first without considering quality Heroes, truth be told that there is still incompetence in our saturated celebrity hero society.”

After listening to Rin’s rant, the white haired hero student simply took a sip of the soup, a way to buy time for his words to take shape.

“Himura-senpai, I believe that we have a misunderstanding, one that is probably similar to what happened at the classroom.” he started as he looked at his reflection, there was a small smile on his face. “But let’s answer your questions first.”

“Contrary to your expectations, I do know our school motto. It is the Japanese term ‘Kokoro Moyase’ which directly translates to ‘Set Your Heart Ablaze’ . It was quite amazing how it fits the school like a glove to be honest.”

The white haired man laughed a little before continuing. “Second, I do consider myself a hero before Hinoan, I don’t care about the flag I serve, just the people I can help.”

And thus he stared at Rin, not with eyes of shame or fear but with conviction and impatience.

“So when I asked the words ‘what do you want me to do?’ It is not out of helplessness that there is nothing I can do, it is out of genuine desire to cut all of this ceremony and fancy jargon that serves as red tape to our heroic task. So let me ask again…”

“...in no uncertain terms, what do you want me to do about it?

Do you need my spear for the upcoming battle, do you need me to rally my class as your cavalry or do you need me to charge and hunt that Nomu in a desperate attempt to quell its rampage? Please tell me because there is no way the two of you had no plan after all of this ceremony and talk about a final meal.”
He answered as the ball was returned to Mei’s and Rin’s court.

Mei was quite concerned but so far there was no sign of personality splitting apart, all was well. She's glad that there's no one falling for her Aunt Rin’s manipulation tactics and can tell that she's fuming behind her thick skull. All she could do was watch and wait.

“You really are an idealist much like All Might yet the Blackhawks certainly would indulge with your resolute work ethic.” Rin smiled sarcastically, she hated that in a time like this, there are those that are still rekindling the will of All Might.

Why is there no one willing to embrace the dark side of heroism, why can't they be pragmatic? She wondered.

“We have a common goal. Align your class to the cavalry and you begrudgingly by my side, will further deal with the Eight Bullets. It seems that fear won't be a driving force to a heroic victory, perhaps our beliefs are different but together, I am willing to see your worldview and perhaps, you, mine and wonder about the greater good that could be done.”

Rin didn't want to drag the conversation further with her fear tactics, the kid was clearly incorruptible but in time, he'll break, and she'll take the chance to push her way about heroics, reaping the seed she has sowed.

“I'm sure you've already heard of the Blackhawks, are there any clarifications to come clean?”

“A classmate of mine has an unflattering view of that subsection of the heroes, a bunch of thugs whose legality is ordained by nothing but a paper that says so. How they still exist is a question of mystery to be honest. Is there a particular reason we're talking about this?” Akira answered as he drank the nearby tea, it wasn’t coffee but who cares.

“Oh those guys, they're just lunatic fanatics like those of the Hero Killer Stain, anyone can misjudge a book by its cover without knowing the full context as anyone can cosplay and pretend to be part of such a group.” Rin drank her tea as well.

“Agree to disagree or refute what I'm about to say. You said you care not about the flag and it means you'll be willing to do anything as a Hero. Then welcome to the Blackhawks, I don't ask for your trust and allegiance but as a business partner, allow me to shed light as its leader, you'll know soon enough. “ Once again, Rin is no liar, she made sense of what the state of the nation is currently and is aware that her organization’s name has been tainted all because of happy trigger people.

“Light cannot exist without Darkness, neither cannot stand alone. Goodness can come in different forms. Oh well, what about you Amaya? What do you have to say…”

“Huh, getting the interest of the secretive leader of the Blackhawks is definitely not on my bingo card.” Akira jested as he took a breath of air.

“I agree with your statement about Darkness however.” he said he saw the reflection of his orphan self in Rin’s eyes. “It’s just we need to change the definition of darkness in my opinion, it wasn’t an all consuming void where the light will never escape nor a rampaging beast used as a final resort. It should be a force wielded in discretion and accountability, too much light can after all blind you.” he smiled a little at his words.

“I guess the bottom line is, whatever you do you must be willing to pay the consequences.”

Amaya watched the whirlwind of the scene before her. Of the princess knight herself rushing off in such a hurry within moments of her niece Mei coming into the room. She folded her arms , allowing her hands to hold the opposite elbow as she followed after them without fuss. She hasn’t been around to tend to matters or knowings so this was the best opportunity to get back in the loop.

She adjusted the Hawkspad on her wrist following Mei's instruction as she flipped through the menus will ease allowing her own “transformation” change her clothing to fit the need. “I will let Aunty Rin know when she is in a much better state of being” Amaya spoke in acknowledgement as she followed them out to their sudden dinner reservation.

She followed with silent ease moving to their destination listening to the interaction between Akira and mei. She sat quietly closing her eyes as she rested her hands in her lap taking in all the information between their flirting and teasing. It was more one sided but it was easy to see.

“You cannot have light without shadows as even the purest of intentions have a dark view to those who don’t see the benefits.” She spoke in cold response.

“What is it that I seek from this interaction? Nomus are beings made from disgusting surgeries of the inhumane side with quirks that just can’t correspond with their make up do to incomplete synchronization. Though one being free and not taken out is worrisome given the timing of the top three head’s retiring. You can quit beating around the bush and get to the true intention at hand.“ Amaya spoke in soft but cold acknowledgement.


A woman screamed at the sight of the corpse, the businessman that Spectra killed earlier, the man turned into a High End Nomu.

"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."

Le'Nombril spiraled into panic as the alarms sounded.

Rin smirked, it was the perfect timing.

"Mei, send Yusuke the reports, we can't have them be chilling in the Executive Top for so long. This must be our lucky day, Achilles!

In the background, Hawks Agency Heroes are working on the evacuation.

"W-Will eat humans... Quirkfuls, Quirk Factors....Become -

Rin breathes, freezes the Nomu in place... continuously as frosty blizzard turns it into an icy sculpture but not for long.

"Flashfreeze Howl: Icy Breath!

However, the Nomu broke out of the icy stampede and ran outside.

It displayed high intelligence, Rin came to the conclusion that it can talk and think, it is a High End Nomu.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nomu Debriefing/Collab Post With Dragon Arts/rexgn
@Dragon Arts@rexgn@JrVader

Hebi listened to Yusuke's words while looking through the menu, ordering extra for her snakes. Mr. Moneybags over here, reserving the Executive Top. Though he seemed like he wasn’t trying to be a total pain, she was grateful.

Yusuke smiled, he already knew about Hebi’s Quirk including most of his peers for the past six months. Although he talked to Kanako at times, it was never this close at all, hence lacking her Quirk to his sleeves, he looked at his Hawkspad and skimmed to some news. Finally, he changed its form & reshaped it into a small projector that formed a holographic interface. He tossed it like a dart on the wall.

With a silly smile & chuckle, Yusuke used his Hawks Projector & accessed the form called Cerebral Interface, setting it to a point of only hive mind conversation, not hearing deep thoughts & biased slips.

“We can talk while hearing each other's surface thoughts but not the private ones, Cerebral Inhibitor is a nice feature for the technical literate. Kanako, I respect your privacy and with technology like this, you don't have to exhaust your hands for sign language.” He said while telekinetically suspending the paper on air, reassuring her trust, he took the paper anyway.

He used his thoughts:
[I,]“I can sense kindred emotions and the both of you are genuine yet I sense doubt, empathic resonance is a function that I can't turn off in my Quirk. Have no fear, because I am here, and I'll be sure to take an Anti-Quirk Drug for you to read my mind after this meeting. Telepaths are sure overthinkers.”,,[/I,] He knew very well that he's the strongest 1B student after Jun.

He then turned his attention to Hebi.

“Let's enjoy our time.”

“Now then, while I enjoy my pasta, whatever happened earlier in class, that's water under the bridge and my Quirk out of control.”

“I have information about our talks to come.” Yusuke flashed the screen with footage of Nomu discussions between the Agencies of Endeavor, Best Jeanist and Hawks.

Hebi curiously eyed the footage, her mind racing to piece together whatever the hell was going on. These were…interesting developments, to understate it. Yuksuke’s attitude always pissed her off but she couldn’t say he wasn’t good at what he did.

“Always the bright informant, Yusuke.” She dragged her eyes to his face, narrowing her eyes, her snakes following suit.

“Also about your hissy fit, in class earlier. I’m flattered and offended at the same time at your use of my quirk."

Before Yusuke could reply...

Kanako voiced out with her Quirk to Yusuke.

"You want to know why I’m mute? I shouldn’t tell you, you really really don’t want to hear it. But fine,
I was cowered in the corner of the training room. At that point I’d tried running away twice, both times being caught and brought back to the hell-hole that was a villain group, the Storm Ragers. That person towered above me, dark and looming.

Kanako’s thoughts and memories tangled into one, reliving the events as though they were happening now, into Yusuke's mind.

That day she’d been “training” under Mauve, really it was just Mauve beating the shit out of her and calling it “learning through experience,” then getting mad at her when she tried to fight back. Kanako was already bleeding from five different places, bruised all over, and was pretty sure her wrist was broken in two places.

Her hand that wasn’t broken was shaking, she clenched it into a fist. Indignant passionate fire burned through her. It’d just been one remark, a small comment, albeit it was disrespectful. But why should she respect someone like Mauve? The person who’d literally kidnapped her and forced her to work for a group of villains she wanted nothing to do with. 

She didn’t want anything to do with any villain groups, not anymore.

"Then blood, and sharp pain in my mouth… and well… you can probably guess what happened, just, don’t let yourself imagine the details, you’ll have nightmares for weeks."

Yusuke grinned. He expected people to be heavily on guard to not reveal their feelings and even Quirks by now.

Kanako being one of the fettered people just never gets old, Yusuke surely knew how to get under people's skin.

"My sincerest apologies, I didn't know you had it in you, Kanako. I can feel a sense of abandonment in such degrees of solitude, I'll make an oath to never edge you into such manipulative gains. Your Quirk is something I long wanted but now that I have an inkling of it, I reject the notion of having it.

Yusuke interjected to himself.

The cool sensation earlier in class was Himura-senpai's Quirk, like Kanako, she's a telepath, it seems that Himura-senpai hides a secret.

Petty of the news that Kazuki got a girlfriend first, Yusuke used this opportunity to one-up.

Yusuke intentionally let his thoughts about Kanako afloat, confessing his romantic feelings to her, assuming her Quirk can intercept it,the device however can't detect it.

Whether it's a manipulative gain or not, we can never be sure.

Yusuke then received Mei's report.

Team Operations
Blackhawks Cooperation.

(Part of the Report)

It seems that Night Eye's Agency will be joining us as well.

We don't have time, Nomu is on the loose.

— Mei/Ignia

"Worry about the food later, it's already here, below us.

Yusuke mustered enough energy.

"Hydrafulminate! Let's go!" Yusuke uses both Kaiga and Hebi's Quirk, which mutated into one, Yusuke uses burning snakes and made a hole into ground.

Yusuke also sent an SOS to Kaiga.

Like if you can get Rin and Jun to join the fun, we're partying with a Nomu
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 33 min ago

Kanako Seiki

Location: Le'Nombril Restau,

How many hidden weapons Kanako had on her at any given moment would never be figured out apparently. She pulled out two daggers from the sleeves of her jacket then jumped down through the hole Yusuke's burning snakes had made without pausing or hesitating for a second. She was already regretting trying to explain why she couldn't talk. She'd heard a few of Yusuke's subconscious thoughts without him realizing it, wondering what the best way to communicate with someone who couldn't talk was, those thoughts were followed by wondering why she couldn't talk in the first place, hence her response. So the next subconscious thoughts she heard, him confessing to her, she deliberately ignored. She made a mental note that Yusuke could hardly hide any of his thoughts. To prevent any more awkward situations in the future she might try to teach him a few tricks to hide his thoughts later. But dealing with the Nomu was priority #1 right now.

She hit the ground on the lower level and looked around, her earlier assessment of who were Pro Heroes held true. Now this, pure chaos, immense danger, and no time to plan ahead. This was when Kanako was in her element. First step: Figure out what the hell's going on. Ice, Rin's doing, an attempt to slow the Nomu. Hawks Heroes evacuating people already. She made her way calmly through the panicked patrons and past the other Hawks Heroes outside and towards the Nomu, she could hear it speak above the sounds of screams. It's got a voice... that's a first. Next question is whether it has thoughts, or if it's like a parrot, voice, but no exploitable mind. It's contrived from a person, so the possibility that it has a mind is still viable, although if it does I'm guessing it'll be like the mind of someone who's high, nearly completely useless to me. If that's the case I'll have to rely on combat for the first time in a while. Look for weak points: Wrists, crack the bones and sever the ligaments, that'll render them useless. If they grow back I'll be able to tell exactly how much of a regeneration factor it has, depending on time it takes to regrow and how well it can regrow. Possibly the fire on it's back, a weak point between the muscle and spinal vertebrae where the fire emits from. The eyes, always a starting point. It'd still be able to function without sight most likely, but there's a lot of nerves around the eyes, distract it with the pain, get it to scream, or roar or whatever, then memorize it's vocal patterns and try using my quirk on it. If I link my mind to it will it's goal seep through to my mind, or mine to it's. I've got to consider the possibility that this could go either way. This will either be a really good idea, or a really, really bad one. Just wait, figure out more, then act.

What kind of people is it targeting? Is there a consistent theme? Keep that thought, that'll be useful to figure out, All these thoughts passed through her mind in the span of only a second. Her mind was working at twice the pace of a normal person's mind now, three times, she steadied into that pace of thought and allowed herself a moment to send a few surface thoughts to Hebi and Yusuke. In a minute I'm going to disconnect myself from this telepathic link. I'm going to try linking my mind to the Nomu, I'm going to deacteviate my quirk and leave the telepathic link from the hawkpads so that if it breaks my mind I wont drag you two down too. Partly a joke, mostly genuine. The idea of using her quirk on the Nomu was a risk, a risk she was willing to take.

Second step: Act based on the information available. Kanako slipped one dagger back into the sheath on the inside of her sleeve and threw the other one with deadly accuracy towards the Nomu. The blade lodged itself firmly in the Nomu's left eye. It didn't exactly have the effect Kanako had been hoping for. The Nomu didn't even flinch, it turned to Kanako and rushed towards her. Kanako narrowed her eyes but didn't move until it was just about to crash into her. She stepped to the side quickly, pulled out her other dagger from her sleeve, and stabbed it firmly into the Nomu's back, right underneath it's shoulder blade. The Nomu whipped around and slammed it's arm into Kanako's chest, sending her flying backwards.

Kanako heard her ribs crack at the impact. She skidded but didn't lose her balance somehow. She took out a throwing knife from the pocket on the side of her pant leg and threw it towards the Nomu, hitting it right in the center of it's face. Never could it be said that Kanako didn't know how to throw a knife. Unfortunately the Nomu didn't seem too bothered by any of the blades. High pain tolerance, very advanced regenerative abilities. Physical attacks wont do much against it, unless they're ending it, Kanako noted, seeing that the dagger in it's shoulder didn't hamper it at all from moving. Honestly fighting with this many knives was fun, even if it was ineffective at the moment.

The Nomu started rambling again. Kanako memorized it's voice patterns quickly, ignoring the other sounds around. She severed the link between her and Yusuke's minds then cut herself out of the telepathic link made by the hawkpads. If this ended badly she wasn't going to drag Yusuke and Hebi down with her. Then she linked her mind to the Nomu's.

Inside the Nomu's mind was horrible. Chaotic and indiscernible. A searing headache bloomed in the back of Kanako's head. She felt her sense of reality slip as she searched through the Nomu's mind for something, anything she could use. A single coherent thought would do. Something to latch onto, anything that could giver her the slightest bit of leverage. Instead there was just an immense dark void filled with an instinct to kill. It was eerily similar to how Kanako had felt after the class earlier today. A fog, all consuming, and impenetrable, it drifted from the Nomu's mind to Kanako's. She found herself lost in the fog, completely unaware of what was happening around her. Completely unaware of what she was doing.

From the perspective of anyone watching on it would look like Kanako had gone completely insane, attacking anyone around her, whether they be a Hero, civilian, or the Nomu. Her eyes were glowing a bright gold orange, as were the Nomu's.

Needless to be said, it'd been a really, really bad idea.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Yui Kazuma

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Who let the crackhead in? Yui thought idly, electing to ignore the newcomer and remove his blazer, throwing it unceremoniously onto his bed. Engaging with an idiot would only encourage them. He wasn’t really in the mood right now. The only reason he had even stopped by the dorm was to grab his other bracer. Now that he’d gotten that, there was no reason to stick around any longer. His dormmates weren’t going anywhere.

Strolling through the hallways, Yui scrolled through his Hawkpad, looking for.... well, he wasn’t exactly searching for anything in particular, but he found something interesting in a sense.

A potential Nomu sighting. And it was relatively close by, too.

Yui hummed in thought as his eyes scanned his device. He stifled a yawn with the back of his hand. It was probably nonsense, but it wouldn’t hurt to check it out since he was free for the day. If it turned out to be true, doing something about it would be the “heroic” thing to do, and he was never one to miss out on a brawl, stakes be damned. And besides, there was a restaurant nearby the place he wanted to check out anyway. There was no time like the present, as they say.

It certainly wouldn’t be boring either way.

He activated his bracers and checked his battery. He considered the display for a moment, his lips thinning. It would take a good few hours more before he reached full power but he didn't need full power right now, just sufficient power.


That should be more than enough.

Le'Nombril Restau

Yui took a seat in one of the, no doubt expensive, chairs after making his way to the restaurant. He’d made good time getting here, one of the perks of having a license to use his Quirk. He noted a few familiar faces as he sat, but he didn’t pay them much attention. Fancy restaurants weren’t usually his thing—too much of a waste for his liking—but today wasn’t a typical day. He could probably learn a thing or two from the place too. It wouldn’t hurt to–

Suddenly, all hell broke loose, and several people jumped into action all at once.

Well, he supposed the Nomu sighting wasn’t a rumour.

Downing the rest of his glass in a single gulp, Yui’s eyes flashed as he stood, his bracers activating and forming his armour in just under five seconds. He’d have to work on that.

Before he could get too lost in his musing, Yui noticed someone acting off, lashing out at everyone and everything around her. Someone he recognised. Kanako Seiki, his mind supplied, a fellow Hawks intern with a telepathy Quirk if he recalled correctly. His eyes flickered over towards the Nomu and it didn’t take long for it to click.

Yui barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Did she truly just incapacitate herself by trying to link minds with a mindless monster? It was almost absurd, but it had happened, and it was going to be a problem.

With the current situation analysed, Yui shot into motion, barely a second having passed. He launched himself at the Nomu, gathering as much energy as he could spare to hit the creature with the force of a missile, sending it flying dozens of metres away. It wouldn't do much damage, but it created some much-needed distance between it and everyone else.

Yui bounced on the tips of his toes, giving himself a minor charge.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ueno Haru - Sol Invictus

Location: Le'Nombril Restau


Here Haru was, away from his usual area of operations, walking to the exclusive area of the renowned Le'Nombril Restau. Very French, and very fancy. He wore his hero costume, outwardly consisting of a white cloak emblazoned with golden symbols that generally represented the sun. A helmet with an angelic-looking halo mounted behind it obscured his face, ensuring that the public only knew him as Sol Invictus and not as Ueno Haru.

At this time, Haru had been given a mission by Sir Nighteye. Rumors of a Nomu sighting had been circulating around and round here, and it was heavily implied that someone's actually mass producing those things again. Such gossip must always be taken seriously; the creatures, the resurrected corpses that had been jammed to the brim with as many Quirks as inhumanly possible, are and always have been difficult to get rid of. Haru recalled that Endeavour usually just burned their heads off… and again, does it really count as dead, if it already died? Nomu are just fleshy automatons, are they not? Very powerful automatons, one should add, but Haru pondered, as he ate the last remnants of his meal, whether the “license to kill” that could be acquired through interning in Hawks’ agency was needed to permanently take those out.

Hawks’, Best Jeanist’s, and Endeavour’s agencies were already looking into it, Sir Nighteye said. Haru needed only to join their efforts. He had only entered the Executive Top, though, when he heard a woman scream from the nearby street. Then, Yusuke, the quirk copyer in the class, made a hole in the floor using a mass of flaming snakes. “Of course it appeared just now!” Haru grumbled as he rushed to the three that were preparing to get into the action in the street below.

“Hey!” Haru called out to them. They were probably not aware that one of the Nighteye's interns (and another classmate) was already here. “I was sent here by Sir Nighteye to aid in the investigation, but it looks like we're going to fight… I'll go with you now.”

The thought of blasting the wrath of the sun into the Nomu’s face coursed through Haru’s veins as the nearby lights began to dim, their photons consumed by Haru/Sol Invictus.
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