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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

8:00 AM - Mon. November 29th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

After the entire mess with Arcade, our intrepid heroes had a much deserved break - a break that went better for some than for others. But no matter the reason, the students of the Margaret Carter Institute returned to Los Angeles before the first bell on the Monday after Thanksgiving break. While most students went off to attend their various classes, such as advanced physics or spaceship piloting lessons or beginner Kree, the qualifying teams for the Contest of Champions were asked to report to Headmaster Coulson's office instead (minus the Young Avengers).

... For somewhat obvious reasons, of course. Of the four teams, one of them no longer had a coach, and was also down a member with Arcade's arrest. Three of the teams were potentially traumatized as well, with only the Young Avengers unaffected by the entire mess for the most part. It wasn't even guaranteed that everyone on the three affected teams would still want to participate in the Contest, after what had happened with the Framework.

One by one, students would file into Coulson's office. There wasn't really enough room for everyone to sit down - Coulson was at his desk chair, Ser Nemo and Lady Nimue at his side, and there were three chairs pulled out in front of the desk for students to use. Gideon Muir immediately flopped into one - she was wearing sunglasses, despite being indoors. ("I have a light sensitivity, assholes," she had grouched the last time someone asked her about it.)

@Forsythe: Vicky would receive a text from Cassie that morning, asking if she would be free to talk after classes that day.

Percy Novikov

Location: Outside Dorian's Room
Skills: N/A
Fit: Yes he's in the school uniform

After a relatively uneventful and peaceful break, filled with the usual family traditions and plenty of time for reading, Percy had returned to an empty dorm room. Teddy had finally withdrawn formally from the Margaret Carter Institute. He had been emailed a notice that a new roommate would be placed with him at the beginning of the spring semester - but for now, the room was his and his alone. It was nice and quiet, and once he had finished thoroughly disinfecting Teddy's side of the room, Percy had allowed himself to reorganize and redecorate some.

He hoped that Dorian would appreciate it.

Despite his texting habits - or lack thereof - Percy had missed his boyfriend over the break. He had done his best to respond to Dorian at least once a day. For the most part, he had been able to meet this goal, replying to messages within 24 hours, sometimes within 12. And while he had been told that he texted like an old man, Percy did his best to try to keep his texts interesting - even sending Dorian photographs of highlighted passages in the books he read.

None of that replaced the real thing, however. Percy's moms had dropped him and Diana back off at campus late the previous evening - the West Coast Avengers' quarters was just around the quarter - so he hadn't been able to see his boyfriend properly yet. A fact that needed to be remedied, much more urgently than whatever Headmaster Coulson had to say about the events with Arcade. As far as Percy was concerned, the likelihood they would be punished was rather low. If anything, breaking into the Framework for extra training ought to be the sort of initiative valued in a hero.

So as soon as it was a reasonable hour, Percy knocked thrice on Danni and Dorian's door, and he waited. Coulson be damned.

April Flynn

Location: Avengers' Academy - Outside the Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit: ~School Uniform, Skirt + Sweater Variant~

It had been strange, going back to Washington D.C. after everything that had happened. April's room back home felt so incredibly empty, without her besties or her girlfriends. Somehow, it had felt even more uncomfortable than the tense quinjet ride back with her parents, when her mother insisted on examining her and Zelda's vitals at least a dozen times. And no matter how much April threw herself into little projects - she made about a dozen pairs of crocheted gloves - she hadn't been able to really relax, to sleep. She'd suffered from extreme insomnia, practically glued to her phone as she texted everyone in her life back too quickly, too rapidly - as she consumed hours upon hours of content - as she spent more time in the family pool than anywhere else, shaping the bitter winter water over and over again.

But even now, back in Los Angeles, back in a place that felt more like home than anything else - April still felt strange. The clothes on her body seemed to almost itch - no, not the clothes, it was her skin. It was like her skin didn't fit quite right. And as she breathed, the air tasted off - so subtle as to almost be imagined, but real enough that she was sure. And as people spoke to her, their voices had distance to them, a soft echo almost like static.

Had Arcade done something to her in the Framework? Or was she losing her mind?

She waited for Mads to be ready before heading over with her to Coulson's office, sending out a flurry of texts as she went -

"Oh, I haaaate this..." April whined, as she and Mads approached the last hallway to take them to Coulson's office. "If I get kicked out of school, my parents are going to kill me - find a way to raise me from the dead - and then kill me again. And then I'll never be able to win the Contest of Champions, become president of the school, and be scouted by the Avengers and have Namor beg me to join to help him save the fucking ocean."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: She-Hulk's Apartment
Skills: N/A

Leah was not in a good position, right. She was in an okay state, but a bad place.

Ordinarily, she would've just hid in her dorm at the school, barricaded behind all the usual security measures the place had, while hiding underground in the gym where the building could be modified every which way. If these were normal circumstances, she'd just stay like that, entombed in a subterranean environment she'd eventually unmake, for everyone's protection in case dear old dad decided that this would be the day he stopped playing the long game. She had it worked down to a science by now, exactly 15 feet in every direction, 30 feet below the floor and at the furthest left corner from the front doors. Last year, she tried the right but found it a bit inconvenient during Christmas break because couldn't hear jets landing as easily. But alas, this wasn't normal circumstances.

Instead, she was sitting on a bed in She-Hulk's apartment, distracting herself with a playlist she could barely hear through the earbuds used. It was two in the morning, and she just sat there, staring at the door like the Winged Menace himself was just around the corner. They never celebrated Thanksgiving, dad didn't care for it and mom wasn't able to eat that much anyway. They didn't really do holidays in general, unless it was dad leaving for a business trip around December. But the funny thing was that everyone else did, and of course they'd all be off with their families during such a time. The ones they still had.

Leah hated these kinds of things, because it reminded her that she could've actually had something like that if her dad wasn't some fucking international supervillain. If he hadn't shot mom right in front of his daughter, or even if they lived in some twisted world where dad was actually proud of Leah for surviving his "guidance," as he'd put it.

She didn't want to be here, in this woman's home where he could crash in at any second much easier than the school. Anyone else who tried that would be stupid, but dad wasn't stupid. He was smarter than most people, stronger than them, more skilled than them, and he knew where she was. The better option, strategically, as the mansion that She-Hulk had gave her access to, but she was not going there. They'd ask questions about where she came from, because She-Hulk definitely wasn't going to keep that to herself, and Leah doubted that saying they stood a chance against him was anything other than optimistic. He'd probably take Vision to pieces, or kill Hawkeye with his own damn weapons to make it harder on himself, just to say he could.

She was tired, but she was fine enough to deal. Over the break, April wouldn't shut up, and she actually loved that for her. Whenever April texted her in particular, she'd just send something simple back to not to stop April's stream of consciousness. Yeah. I'm alive, or Apparently She-Hulk is my parent now. She was just glad that April was thinking of her, it felt nice. But beyond that, she didn't really initiate conversations. She didn't feel like it, because there was always something in the back of her mind that made this whole mess demand her attention.

"I wish you'd just come out already," Leah whispered. "So I can fucking kill you again."

No one manifested from the darkness, no one popped out and held a gun to her forehead.

"You've waited long enough, haven't you? You know where I am, or did you always know? You could've killed everyone around me to isolate me, but you didn't... So come out already and I'll make it quick. Or maybe I'll make it slower than what you did to mom. You'd deserve that..."

She blinked, slowly.

"You always told me I was a mutant, like you. But you couldn't even be straight with me about that? You stuck machines in me, and I've got fucking magic in my spine or something. That was you. And- I'm wondering just how fucking free of you I really fucking am, you piece of shit."

Leah fell back against the bed, staring up at a dark ceiling. She'd been staying up like this for days, now. "I'd been telling myself you were dead for long enough that I thought I'd get to live. Then she tells me you're not dead- I confessed to her and then she made a move on me. They- You- Fuck you. Come out and fucking fight me if you want. I'll... Kill you. Again." An irrational side of her brain, the parts she hated the most on some days, told her that if she fells asleep now, she might not wake up. But another part was taking over, deciding to knock her out.

After many, many hours straight without rest, she passed out.

Location: Avenger's Academy
Skills: N/A

Leah didn't stay at the apartment long enough for She-Hulk to do or say anything parental. None of that "have fun at school" shit or any nonsense about staying here long-term. She just grabbed her things and walked out the front door, deciding to walk to get rid of the nervous energy she was trying to endure. And just in case She-Hulk (She wasn't about to use the woman's real name, they weren't familiar enough) wanted to say otherwise, Leah stuck her earbuds in and cranked the volume.

She walked all the way through Los Angeles, she was familiar enough with the layout of the city from flying on rocks that she got there in about as much time as anyone else could in a car or on a bus. She wore her usual modified version of the school's uniform, the one made to actually last a while with her hair, under her old jacket that really clashed with the aesthetic. Not that she cared about that part.

Leah got to the school itself and then pulled out her phone, walking as she did and not trying too hard to avoid running into someone. Usually, she was a big and stout enough individual that people got out of the way.

Minutes later, she turned down the hallway, and walked down it, seeing April there with her friend. Mads tried helping her with the whole magic-machine-bullshit spine thing once, so they were at least cool. Leah looked a bit rough, like she also hadn't been sleeping. But she looked practically bulletproof on most days. Today was the same.

"Hey." She bent down to April's height and kissed her on the forehead. "Bine here yet?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: By the Headmaster's office
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Unlike most others, Victoria has not gone home. In her head, she was calling staying at the school 'Jordaning it out'. Ironic, since Leah has actually gone away, although if Vicky could tell, she did not look as happy as someone who was given a new place to stay when she was leaving for the break. Probably something to do with having to leave her fortress, Vicky thought. And if someone could physically prevent her from coming back on her own volition, a hulk probably qualified.

Unfortunately, there was no time to handle the problems of others. The android had more than enough problems of her own. Vicky has looked up available psychiatrists in the area and found someone who actually had a free slot on such a short notice. Initially, she even felt like a responsible member of society, coming to terms that she had a mental health issue and taking steps to solve it. But, of course, nothing with her was ever so simple.

It didn't help. A week has gone by, she had a session every day and nothing to show for it. The doctor mentioned that it may be a futile effort since she wasn't human and noone could guarantee the same approach that worked for them would work on her. And not only that, but something that had loomed over her ever since she was active took on a new, dark presence in her mind. Her purpose. Vicky thought that she has wanted to do this. That it was her choice, even if she was meant to do this by her creators. And even though she was never sure of it, she was kind of okay with the possibility that that drive was actually hard-coded into her being.

Now though, she was given a mirror of what she could become in this line of work. That her system was very much vulnerable, albeit under some rather extremely convenient circumstances. And for the first time, she doubted whether this was the best course of action. Perhaps she could do the most good for humans by not actively searching for people who could turn her into another Ultron? And what did she do first with that doubt? Rather than weighing the pros and cons of staying the course or abandoning the superhero path, as logic would dictate, she ran to a psychologist doing her best to remove what she considered an obstacle in her purpose. And for the first time it bugged her: Was that her choice, or was that a program telling her to get back in line? Was she actually free to choose?

And that was only part of it. What has happened to her as of late? Vicky has split her days into three parts. Visit the doctor in the morning, train in the afternoon, and tinker in the evening. And during the last part, she has reviewed her previous plans, and was appalled at her priorities. What the hell? I have started everything I could think of and what have I actually finished? What do we have here? Making the armor more streamlined: Barely an idea. Miniaturizing the MFG? Concept drawings. Repairing my internal antenna? Not. Even. A. Thought. There was even talk of coming up with something to help Diana teleport in one piece, what happened to that, huh? And Leah's implant? You are some friend, van Dyne. Absolute mess!

Vicky forbid herself from starting anything new until she either made tangible progress on anything on that list, or decided to abandon that idea. Which turned out to be easy, since she did not want to repair her antenna until she analyzed how Edward took such a firm grip of her, and streamlining the armor went into the garbage bin immediately as that was far too big of a project than she presently had resources for. Those mini-MFG though? Those required some more attention.

Now though, it was new week, and she has received summons to the headmaster's office. No doubt something concerning the contest. Which can crash and burn as far as I care. On her way there, she replied to Cassandra:

Can do. By the big tree in the yard? Yell when you're free.

As she arrived by the hedmaster's office, she noted a couple of familiar faces there already. "Mornin'." Vicky greeted everyone yet noone in particular, leaning on the wall, giving the present company a once-over:

Ew. Get a room.
Oh, wow. 'My body has been through some changes recently'.
Well you look... Worse off than I am. Broke a nail or somehing?

She decided to stop before she blurted something out loud.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Her room
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy sat on the edge of her bed, her hands wrapped around her Everfill mug, her leg bouncing up and down. The perfect coffee, at least according to her, was inside. She sipped at it. Trying to center herself. The last week had been frustrating. The incident with Ardere wasn't weighing on her. Andy had done what was needed in that situation. She also had a strong feeling that killing Ardere was what brought her back to life. She looked at the doll, which was her mother. She hadn't talked about that or what had happened while she was away from the school. Andy knew that both incidences would probably overjoy Selene, and it was the latter that was causing Andy distress. She hadn't even told Zari yet, Andy didn't know who she had killed. Didn't know what the repercussions could be. This hadn't been an issue of fighting someone who was trying to hurt her. This had been out of her control. She hadn't even known she was doing it. That was what scared her.

The nightmares that had once plagued her had stopped with the pillow that Magneto had given her. That pillow didn't stop her from sleepwalking, and she had to sleep for it to work. Could she sleep now? Could she trust herself in this school with students? Killing in the heat of battle was one thing. What if she killed a sleeping student? Those questions plagued her.

Andy didn't think of herself as a villain or a menace or anything like that. She had had issues with that line of thinking prior to meeting Zari, but Zari had by her very nature helped Andy move through that self-loathing. But this new issue was beyond her control. It made her worry again. Was she a danger to others just by existing? She wanted to go to school to learn how to protect her mother from those who might try to free her, but was this the right way? Could she find a safer place? If she did would that mean leaving Zari? Andy didn't think she could do that. Life without Zari didn't seem like something she could ever deal with again.

Finally, Andy stood up and left the room, still clutching her coffee mug. It was a good thing she didn't have a roommate. If Andy did she would be worried for their safety. Something about Zari kept her safe and that was enough for Andy. But no one else was.

Finding her way to Coulson's office Andy took up a place in the growing line of other students. She nodded but didn't say anything. Just sipped the coffee. Maybe she should talk to the school nurse? There had been a time she had taken sleeping pills. Could that help again?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Framework Room.
Current Outfit: AA School Uniform Skirt and blazer
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

"It's okay April i'm pretty sure that Coulson won't kick us out of school for what happened before break. He probably would have given us all the boot the night we left." Madalyne said to April hoping to calm her friend down, she had her newly formed tail wrapped around her waist as a makeshift belt more or less, she didn't want it to be dragging it across the floor or have someone step on it. Madalyne looked at Leah and nodded to her seeing her coming as well as Victoria and Diana before entering the Headmaster's office. "Hi there." Madalyne said as she found standing. Sitting was still uncomfortable with her wings and tail was something she was still trying to adjust to, her mother said she would give her an enchanted charm at some point to try and hide her appearance but that would take time to make.

During Thanksgiving break Madalayne had gone through a lot of physical changes, she spent it mostly in bed in a lot of pain as the changes happened. First it was her teeth and tongue they were now razor sharp fangs and her tongue became forked like a snakes, then the horns grew in a day later that swept back look over either side of her head. Then the day after that came in her bat like wings which was the most painful out of the changes. And then on the final day was her tail that grew in out of her lower back that she could move freely and touched the ground, after the changes Madalyne had a very long talk with her mother and explained who her father was a demon from Limbo.

After a day of her tail growing in and the pain was gone now, she tried flying for the first time with them which was awkward but she managed to get the hang of it. Madalyne kept in contact with everyone of her friend's though she didn't do any video calls and didn't want to show the others her sudden changes. Only really the members of her team for the Contest of Champions really knew about it and she was comfortable with April showing her changes in a video call. Madalyne spent the remaining day of her Thanksgiving break modifying all of her clothes and school uniforms putting holes big enough for her wings to fit through as well as holes for her tail to come out.

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Coulson's Office.
Current Outfit: AA School Uniform With Skirt & School Blazer
Skills: N/A

Diana slowly started to get up and stretch slightly letting out a slight yawn as she got herself changed into her school uniform, she and her brother Percy returned to school the night before. Her dorm was the way she had left it before Thanksgiving break, she looked over at Zelda her roommate. "I'll meet you at the headmasters office." Diana said to Zelda as she got out of her bed and started to head out, she grabbed her school bag as well as her dorm key and headed outside.

Diana had spent most of the break just taking it easy for the most part and occasionally doing some training here and there. Either with archery practice or practicing her teleportation powers. She of course spent Thanksgiving break with her mom's even getting a visit from their Aunt Kristina to which was always great to see her. Diana approached the door to Headmaster Coulson's door seeing that April, Mads, Leah and Vicky were there she noticed the sudden appearance changes to Mads right away to as she passed them.

"Hey how goes it?" She asked looking at them all as she entered the office, seeing Lady Nemue and Ser Nemo there as well to and Gideon from the Huntresses team. She was a little bit nervous and wondered if they were all in trouble or something for what they had did to the Framework because of Arcade's actions.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Dorm -> Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A

“Ya know, I can't wait ‘til Couls congratulates us for puttin’ down a villian! It's time we finally get some recognition for bein’ awesome!” Danni said as he ruffled his hair, turning his head left and right in the mirror to make sure that everything settled just right. “Does this look natural enough, Dee? When Couls inevitably walks us ta t'e auditorium, I wanna make sure I ‘ave t’e surprise down pat, but stylin’ my ‘air too much will make him know ‘e ain't slick. I want t'is ta say ‘I woke up prettier than you’, you know?” Danni rambled, picking up his phone at the buzz.

“Couls got Princess all stressed out. Gotta ‘ave a spa day soon wit’ t'e besties next chance we get!” Danni announced, twirling and snatching up a little baggy that clicked and clicked as it shifted. He held up his phone, snapping a selfie with Dee in the background and uploaded it to the junior year folder he made over break before sending it out.

“Oop, I got t'e door! Princess probs swung by ta grab us!” Danni all but jumped to the door and snatched it open, halfway to sweeping April into a hug before he stumbled and caught himself on the door frame when he was greeted by Percy instead.

“Whoops, shit, my b! Deeeeeeee, t’e boyf is ‘ere!” Danni yelled unnecessarily into their dorm. “Percy, we gotta work on t'at uniform. It needs… more. Like, a little less box, ya know? Hm… Whelp, I'll keep t'inkin’ about it and we can get our noggin’s toget’er at some point and make somet'in’ great!” Danni side stepped past Percy. “But I'll give some time ta t'e lovebirds. God knows ‘ow ‘e complained ‘cause ‘e missed ‘is boyf.” Danni teased, throwing a shit eating smirk at Dee.

Danni offered a lazy wave and spun to head out, but instantly turned again with a dramatic gasp. “Omg, I almost forgot! I made you a gift!” Danni dug into the bag and pulled out a handmade black bracelet with red block letters that spelled Percy and slapped it I'm his hand. “Since we're friends, I gotta start gettin’ ya gifts so t'is is our first one! But now, really I'll get out of you ‘air. Don't do anyt'in’ I wouldn't do!” Danni skipped down the hallway, humming a cheery song despite the little bubble of disappointment it wasn't April or Mads or Beanie.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Sabine Bassard

Location: Bassard Family Home (Lyon, France)
Skills: N/A

Normally a girl would be thrilled if her parents took her to France during a break from school. Not Sabine. Feeling more like a punishment than a reward, after her father and step-mother picked her up from school and flew her back to their place in California her step-mother had the 'brilliant' (read: selfish) idea of taking some time during the break "away from it all". Sabine could read between the thinly-veiled lines: her step-mother's original vacation was destroyed and she wanted to go elsewhere and drag Sabine along. Her father gave in because his spine was forcibly removed when the two of them got married.

So Sabine spent a plane ride with her family and was now in their family home in Lyon. All the while Sabine's mind floated back to April and Leah, Danni and Dorian, and everyone else at the school. The future lay uncertain. Would she be allowed to go back or was this it?

Her father continued to work and spent precious little time at home. And the time he was here was spent with his wife as she monopolized him. Sabine gave up quickly of there being any semblance of family-together time. Her step-siblings were spending break elsewhere so there was some positive news. But it meant she was, more often than not, alone at home with her step-mother.

While she usually ignored her, there were a few moments when her step-mother attempted conversation. Usually, it was to ask if she looked fat in whatever outfit she was wearing before she went out shopping to buy more or to make little digs into Sabine's own appearance. "Skin looks blotchy darling, but we'll chalk it up to stress!" was one of her favorites. And anytime Sabine bit back her step-mother ran to her father and whined. Sabine spent most of her time in her room.

Those moments of uncertainty hit. Sabine felt her chest tighten and her breath halt and hitch. Usually, it lasted a few minutes but still tired her out to the point she fell asleep almost instantly.

Sleepless nights were becoming too common but one night in particular shook Sabine's core. She had been having recurring dreams. In them, her mother was dressed impressively with a sword strapped to her person. In the dreams, she could see her mother walk close by to a man. The man was tall and handsome, dressed impressively in each vision, a cloak around his figure and a crown on his head. Each scene was out of a televised drama as her mother would work with this man, or rather for this man, in various scenes. It was clear her mother was a bodyguard and an impressive one at that. Sabien felt like she could walk through her dreams but no one paid her any mind.

The night before she was to return to school and determine her future she had another dream. It started out like before, her mother walking down a decorated corridor along with the royal man. Sabine followed them, anxious and excited to see what new adventure would be had.

Instead her mother stopped. Sabine stopped also. Curious, Sabine waited a beat to see what would happen. It was then her mother turned and faced Sabine, looking directly at her. Sabine turned her head to see if someone or something was behind her as no other dream had behaved like this. But there was nothing. Sabine faced her mother again, who continued to stare at her. It wasn't a cold stare. There was warmth. Understanding. Sabine felt like her mother was actually standing before her.

Before Sabine could speak or reach out, her mother uttered something that shook Sabine. "You are not your father's child, Sabine. You're his." Sabine's mother then glanced at the crowned man before Sabine jutted awake, taking shallow breaths.

Sabine looked around her room, taking it all in slowly to catch herself up. What did that mean? Was it her mind playing tricks on her and causing anxiety? No, it was different. She had been missing her mother so dreams of her would not be uncommon. What was unusual was how clearly she remembered how her mother looked. She had lost her mother fairly early on in her childhood. Pictures didn't do her justice. N the dreams felt more than that.

And if it was true then everything Sabine knew was all lies.

Location: Avenger's Academy, Coulson's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit of the Day: Pink and Gray

Sabine had gotten ready in advance. The helicopter ride back to school was silent, for once. Her father may have felt the break did her good but Sabine kept finding herself staring at him. If her dream was true, this man who she had called father this whole time was not her real father. If she were being really honest with herself, he never felt like a father after her mother died. Was it because she wasn't actually blood?

She would be remiss to say there wasn't love there. At the beginning the two of them were close. Closer than close. It wasn't until he remarried to that monster that he changed. Threw himself into his work and all but forgetting she existed apart from giving her money or gifts.

Never once realizing all she wanted was her father back. And even now, who held that title?

Sabine checked her phone to see she had been texted. She opened the one from Danni first. She smiled warmly.

She missed everyone, sure, but her heart wasn't fully in it. Especially when she read her other text thread from her girlfriends. April panicking wasn't new and Leah stepping up to support and acknowledge the broken system. She didn't tell them about her dream. How could she? Compared to the two of them her problems were small potatoes.

Sabine put her phone away as she rounded the corner and saw a few of the others standing there. She walked up and made a line for April, wrapping her in a warm hug and kissing her cheek. Then doing the same to Leah. "Hey you two. How's things?" She gave a passing wave and acknowledging nod to the others, but the reality was she needed her girls first.

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 39 min ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Mario World
Skills: Work Out Fit

The great thing about having a father that could open portals at a whim was that your vacations didn't need to end until the very last second. The bad thing about it was he wasn't willing to send you back early just to see your boyfriend. “You have all year to see him and only a few holidays to see us” he'd argue. But now Dorian was back at AA, standing before his own mirror as he tried to adjust his uniform so that it looked perfect. While he always cared about his appearance, he didn't quite care for the need to have a perfectly tied tie or starched collar until he began to date Percy. He wanted his first day back to appear perfect for him.

Meanwhile Danni was fixing his hair behind him, asking about how intentional his hair looked, which was always perfectly messy to a fault but in a stylish way. Dorian hardly had the chance to respond before his phone buzzed twice. It sat folded on his desk, but he tapped the cover screen to preview what the notifications were and saw April and Danni had begun to chat about what Coulson wanted. Danni expected praise (as usual) while April expected doom, which seemed to be a bit more common with her recently. In truth it worried Dorian quite a bit, this whole Arcade business really messed with a lot of them, Danni to the point of burning their house down over break. Dorian shot off a quick text back to the group.

He punctuated the last sentence with a shrug emoji.

”A spa day would be nice. Maybe we can convince t'e rents to let us portal over to Japan and ‘ave an Onsen experience after school one day.” Dorian checked himself over once more as he put his phone down when suddenly he saw Percy's reflection in his mirror. If he wasn't careful, Dorian was liable to have all the metal in the room flying across from the jolt of shock. Danni, ofcourse, only making matters worse as he teased leaving them alone while painting Dorian to be some love sick puppy, which was true but he didn't have to say it.

After Danni left, Dorian went up to Percy and gave him a kiss before pulling him into a hug. ”Missed you over break! I kept beggin’ my parents to let your family over for t'anksgivin’ but since we were grounded for sneakin’ out it didn't really pan over well. Least we got to text a bit.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location:Coulson's Office

Mary Sue had spent the last few weeks practically wordless. The trauma, new disability, and grief aside, the utter shock at the betrayal of her family in not telling her anything about her paternal grandfather when he was, as she learned, worse than any human who'd ever lived, was something she had no idea how to cope with. She knew her dad didn't believe in her, that he thought she couldn't handle being a superhero, that relationship had already been damaged for months, but she always thought her mom was in her corner. A part of her was left with the feeling that her new blindness was narratively resonant with how it seemed she had always been. Ignorant of what she was, what she could do, and what she could be, it seemed fitting that her world too would now be forever cloudy.

It was hard to be livid at somebody who hadn't been conscious in several days, but god damn it, Mary Sue was finding a way. The horrors Arcade had left on them seemed paltry in comparison. Whatever those monsters were, they were way stronger than anything she'd ever seen before. Why on Earth would they be scared of Oliver Sullivan of all people? Even with the contempt she had for her father at the moment, he wasn't scary. Especially compared to some of the heavy hitters on Earth. She needed to not be here. She needed to be at school, with people who wouldn't know anything about this, she wouldn't ever talk about it. This... happened, but it didn't have to matter. She wouldn't let it.

Mary Sue would file into the headmaster's office, wordless. She had decided that if somebody asked about her eye, she'd tell them to shove it. This was her problem to process, on her own. She figured the teachers already knew, and certainly wouldn't bring it up in front of other students. She hoped they wouldn't see it as an issue, but she also didn't know how well known the circumstances leading up to the attack on her father were known. How many people knew, and kept it from her? Could she trust anybody here? Thoughts like that had a creeping paranoia that she hated, and didn't want to give into, but she was hurt in so many ways right now that it was hard not to.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

8:10 AM - Mon. November 29th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Forsythe: Cassie would send a text back quickly, confirming that the tree was a good place to meet, and saying that she'd be free around 2 PM after her combat class ended for the day.

Vicky likely would be able to guess why Cassie wanted to chat - Vicky hadn't gone home for Thanksgiving break, after all. And blood or not, the two of them were sisters.

Percy Novikov

Location: Outside Dorian's Room
Skills: N/A
Fit: Yes he's in the school uniform

The door suddenly opened, with Danni - not Dorian - leaping on out, as if going for a hug. Percy deftly took a quick step back, reacting without thinking. He most certainly did not want to be hugged by Danni. He strictly speaking didn't want to be hugged by just about anyone. The skin-to-skin contact and physical proximity seemed strange to him, as it always had. Only with his family - and now his boyfriend - did he tolerate it, even enjoy it at times. Still, a bit of guilt panged through him as he saw Danni stumble, losing his balance from the lack of a person to grab onto.

He frowned, not so much in disappointment or anger but rather in confusion, as Danni went on about needing to change up Percy's uniform. "... It's a uniform, Daniel. It's supposed to be uniform without alterations. Otherwise, what would be the point?" He turned with his entire body to follow Danni as he darted past him, still pondering over this as Danni then suddenly stopped again - why was everything always so sudden with him?? - and gasped, before producing a small red and black bracelet with Percy's name.

His confusion only mounted, but Percy nodded, and said - "thank you." He never understood why people had jewelry with their own names on it. Was a name tag not more efficient and visible for that purpose? Why would he want a bracelet with his own name on it? It would make more sense to him to give the bracelet to Dorian - Dorian perhaps would wish to carry a reminder of his partner. He stared at the bracelet again for a moment, before rationalizing that he could wear it for the day, and then tuck it away neatly in a drawer. He slipped the bracelet on.

And no sooner had Danni left than Dorian appeared, pulling him into a tender kiss and hug. Percy's cheeks flushed crimson. His pulse thumbed a little faster, and his hands felt sweaty, almost clammy. There was something addictive about being close to Dorian Gray, something that made it difficult for Percy to breathe, something that enticed him to want to touch, touch, touch.

His fingers lingered on Dorian's wrist. "I missed you, too." He hesitated. It was strange, how now it didn't feel like they'd been apart at all - as if the short Thanksgiving break had never happened, that they had never left. "Very much."

April Flynn

Location: Avengers' Academy - Outside the Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit: ~School Uniform, Skirt + Sweater Variant~

April nodded, biting her lip for a moment as shame washed over her. She shouldn't have been freaking out right now - Mads was probably freaking out internally, after all of the cosmetic changes she'd gone through. April knew that puberty could act fast, but she had never really thought about how fast. Something similar had happened with Zelda over break, too - her little sister was invisible now, only able to be heard, and not seen. And so far, Zelda hadn't managed to turn herself visible again for more than a flash of a second. April's own problems seemed suddenly so small and childish.

"I like the tail, by the way," April said, offering Mads a smile. "It's cool." She did her best to sound calm and positive, even as she was shaking furiously inside - as a million scenarios where Coulson expelled and/or killed them for everything that had happened ran through her head, and a million more where her life amounted to nothing, that she never achieved the most important things - like being Prom Queen and Class President and Valedictorian.

She glanced down at her phone as it vibrated - the flip phone had been replaced with a smartphone, making texting way easier again - and saw a series of texts come in. From Leah and Sabine. From Danni and Dori. She clicked into the groupchat with her girlfriends first, and for a moment, her heart dropped at Leah's message - she saw first Leah's feelings about the contest, before April's eyes frantically looked throughout the rest of the message, her pounding heart only slowing down slightly as she saw the rest.

And just like with Mads' a moment ago, a sense of selfishness went through her - because April did care about the Contest of Champions. She cared A LOT. Maybe she even cared about it more than being a real hero - no, no, that couldn't be true. But she was afraid that it was. She bit her lip, reading Sabine's message next, and a little more reassurance returned to her. Sabine wanted it too. It couldn't be bad to want the Contest if Sabine also did - right?

She opened up the messages from Danni and Dori next, her hands feeling as cold as ice. Both of them made similar points, and she let the tension from her shoulders drop a bit. Maybe she was being worried about nothing. Maybe Coulson did just want to tell them what a good job they did - and maybe insist on therapy? She wasn't thrilled about the idea of all of that, but... It was better than expulsion, right?

As April pressed send, more people were showing up - Vicky, Andy, Diana. Leah. Her girlfriend kissed her on the forehead and April flushed, her mind - as seemed typical these days - swaying rapidly between opposing emotions. "No, I haven't seen Sabine yet - oh, there she is!" she waved at Sabine, spotting her coming down the hallway after Diana. Her other girlfriend kissed her on the cheek, and April gave Sabine and Leah both a kiss on the cheek in return.

"I'm feeling better - I think - less nervous - how are you?"

She caught a glimpse of Mary Sue as she headed into the office, and April's eyes widened. Had that happened during the fight with Arcade, her scar? Had something else happened? She quickly looked away, chastising herself mentally that it was rude to stare. What had happened to Mary Sue?

But they couldn't stay in the hallway forever and chat - they were about to be technically late - so April set her questions aside and headed in, with her girlfriends and her friends, and took a seat - nervously taking in Headmaster Coulson, Ser Nemo, and Lady Nimue. Hopefully it was just that Dorian was right - that they needed to figure out teams...

She then glanced around quickly, realizing that there was no sign of Dorian - or Zelda - or Percy or Zari.

Coulson cleared his throat. "I suppose the others will join us in their own time," he said, smiling somewhat grimly. "I wanted to first offer you all an apology - you were put in an extremely difficult position last week, one you never should have had to face. As the headmaster of this school, the buck stops with me - and evidently, I failed to realize what Arcade had planned."

"Second, I want to offer you my congratulations - and thanks. You stopped a massacre from occurring, and brought a new supervillain to justice. Only a handful of other students here at the school can say the same. What you did was incredible - real Avengers level work. In recognition of your achievements, all of you are receiving A's in your courses this quarter. I've informed your teachers already. No more homework, no more exams. However, you all are expected to attend mandatory counseling sessions each week."

"Which brings me to my next point... the other thing that you all will be preparing for. The Contest of Champions is quickly approaching. We're down a coach, and some of you are down a team member. Each team can have up to seven members, but no fewer than five. The Young Avengers team is already full. I'm happy to send four teams total to the Contest, but the group that worked with Usagi, you'd need to recruit someone to join up. I'd also ask for you to select a faculty member as your coach."

"Alternatively, there are fourteen of you here... We could condense you down into two teams, one coached by Ser Nemo, and the other by Lady Nimue. I'm leaving this choice up to you all."

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Headmaster's office
Outfit: School uniform
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria made an effort to listen to Coulson without blowing up in his face (Maybe literally and just getting this shit over with?) and absorbed what he said.

"Therapy." She deadpanned, giving Coulson a withering, flat look, folding her arms on her chest.

"Your solution to putting our minds at ease is... therapy. Not a proposal of a vetting process to make sure you have no more imposters on your staff. Not an action plan to make sure you are not just educating more closet villains how to better make people's lives miserable and ruin their future. Not even abandoning that blatant favouritism that led us to do what we did that evening. Just... therapy." She shook her head almost refusing to accept what she was hearing.

"Because I have been in one every day for the past week with no end in sight, as I can't stop thinking about-" she paused briefly. Go on. Be open. You need to say this, and they need to hear it. What is the worst they can do, expel you? Considering the state of this place, not such a great loss, she motivated herself, "-about how I would rather off myself next time, rather than being reduced to a prisoner in my own body, helplessly watching as it is made to kill someone. Do you even realize that you're lucky Ms. Drummond's powers and a fortunate lack of knowledge of them on that freshman's part allowed her to revive in the first place? Does that bother you at all, or is that just 'tuesday' for you? But sure, fixing the aftermath and not the causes of the problems will make me feel better." She gripped one of her wrists with the other hand to stop them from shaking again, although she didn't care to figure out whether they were shaking because of thinking of that again, or from trying to contain rage. Vicky didn't like either as an answer.

"You're right, you are ultimately accountable for this, and frankly from what I'm hearing, even one of us taking your place would fix this place better. Because, honestly, even if we just let all this die by doing absolutely nothing and just letting the finances run out, at this point I'm starting to think that there may be a bigger net benefit in letting this institution die rather than allowing it to continue with how it works now. Okay, I made up my mind, I will be writing to my representative about this." And mic drop. she thought.

"As far as the contest goes, I never cared for it. I don't exactly hide the fact that I think it is one of the many wrong reasons for people to be motivated to attend this place-" Her eyes ticked briefly to April before she could stop herself, "And I am sure at least one member of the team feels the same. Split us, give us someone new, call us off of the roster, I don't care. If the rest of the team wants to continue, I'll stay on for their sake, but my only motivation from now on is to help ourselves improve for our sake alone, noone and nothing else."

Vicky was amazed she made it through all of that without raising her voice, although she had to admit, venting this out to higher places was the first thing that made her feel slightly better all week.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Headmaster's Office
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy's attention had been caught by both Mads and Mary Sue's changes. She was surprised by them, but it didn't take her long to realize that Mads made sense. She remembered when she had accidentally started draining Mads of her soul. What had happened in that fight matched what Mads looked like now. Interesting. Mary Sue's situation was different. The damage to her eye hadn't happened in the fight with Arcade. Andy knew that since Mary Sue had been magically healed. So this was new. Andy didn't let her attention linger on either of them as they crammed into Coulson's office. A thought did cross her mind that if she had mental wounds to match the physical ones she probably wasn't the only one. The group as a whole needed to process more than just what had happened with Ed.

At least they weren't getting in trouble for murdering Usagi, which was surprising. It's possible they had no idea what happened to Ardere. His giving them all A's for the quarter actually annoyed Andy. She had been putting so much work into trying to pass by the skin of her teeth and here she was being given A's without any effort. Andy wanted to learn. She would continue to go to class and do her work. She probably wouldn't do as much effort as she had been doing up to this point but she still wanted to learn. That's one of the reasons she had come to this school. The primary of course was Zari, who still hadn't joined them.

She did appreciate that they'd be given counseling. However, could she explain everything that was weighing on her to a counselor? There was a whole lot that she had agreed to not talk about. Not to mention the killing of people by eating their souls in her sleep.

Andy didn't say anything. She wanted Zari on her team, but she also didn't even want to be in the contest. To her, the contest wasn't important. Sure she was learning through the experience but that didn't mean she needed it to reach her goals. She liked being on Lady Nimue's team. However, she knew that April was way more gung-ho about winning the contest.

Andy decided she'd let the people who cared about the outcome of the contest decide what to do about the setup, be it recruit a new member and coach, or break up the small team and divey them into the other two teams. So she sipped on her coffee and waited to be dismissed so she could go to class and try to learn still. Even if learning hurt her head.

Andy winced when her name was mentioned. She'd rather not have attention drawn to her at this time. However, she couldn't blame Vicky. She didn't hold a grudge for what happened in the Framework. That hadn't been Vicky's fault. She hadn't been in control of herself. Andy failed to notice how she was freaking out about the death of someone she hadn't had control over the situation for either...but there was one major difference even if she did acknowledge this. Andy might do it again. Vicky likely wouldn't be controlled by a megalomaniac again. Overall she agreed with a lot of what Vicky said. The only thing she didn't agree with was the need for therapy. That was needed.

She'd have to make sure to find time to chat with Zari. They needed to agree on what a counselor could know. Andy had experienced counseling at Northwood and that hadn't been a good time. She hoped that this more open future would be willing to talk about accidental deaths without threatening to lock someone up forever.

"Not mad at you or anything about that by the way." She said leaning toward Vicky. Sure in general she didn't super care for Vicky but she didn't hate her and certainly didn't hold a grudge against her. Though she would have much rather just have everyone believe that Arcade hadn't been as good at his craft as he thought he was and Andy hadn't died but had survived the whole thing by chance. Missing freshman aside.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A

See, nothing to worry about. Danni may have just skidded in at the last second before Couls started all this, but everything he heard was a win. Thank you for being awesome and amazing (minus the big award. Def points off for coolness Couls.), no more homework or classes for the semester with A's in everything, and their choice of teams?! His solid C average would have a cushy bump and they got to go to the Contest of Champions with a team of their own choice?! Clearly they needed to deal with supervillains more often!

Danni was going to say as much, but Vicky let loose on Couls and Danni took a step back at the intensity in Vicky’s words.. “Well, daaaamn girl. Go get t’em!’ Danni whistled as he shook it off, sauntering up to Coulson’s desk and hopping up to sit on it before realizing he wasn’t where he wanted to be. “But I am def uncomfy wit’ t’e energy in t’e office so I’mma jus-” Danni scooched across the desk so he was on the opposite corner. “T’ere! Now you can stick it ta t’e man wit’out gettin’ distracted by my pretty face and I can talk about t’e more excitin’ stuff ‘cause I am violently uncomfy wit’ t’e energy you’re brin’in’!” Danni gave her a thumbs up, dug around in his bag, and tossed her the Vicky bracelet he made with her name in blue block letters. “And a friendship bracelet! I made them for everyone, even Poisson-Pas! Nothin’ says friends forever like surviving a murder attempt!”

“Now, while Vicky is kickin’ ass and takin’ names, we’re tots redoin’ t’e teams right? Princess, Dee, and me are gonna be on a team ‘cause, like, it’s only been our dream since we got ‘ere. And then-” Danni blinked a few times as he came to a grinding halt, even his active avoidance of therapy taking a back seat to Mads. He’d plucked out April’s bracelet and was holding it out, but he just stared for a few moments.

“O.M.G. ‘ow did you not tell me ‘bout t’is! Like, t’is glow up is insane. Great look, 10/10 would recommend. I was just t’inkin’ we need a spa day just ta chill wit’ everyone and now I am dyin’ ta ‘ave one ‘cause I ‘ave sooooo many questions. Like, horn piercin’s? Yes, no? I t’ink it’d look great or like, oh! A tail bracelet, like an anklet but more of a… taiclet? Tanklet? Tail cuff, like an ear cuff? Jeez, ‘ow do people name t’in’s, everyt’in’ just sounds awkward. Poisson-Pas, you know what it’s called? You seem like one of t’ose people t’at loves trivia nights.” The bracelet clinked as he turned to face, catching his attention.

“Oh, shoot. Teams right, right!” Danni hopped off the desk and started handing his friendship bracelets out. “So yeah. Princess, Dorian, me, def Beanie, which means Leah and Percy ‘cause y’all are in t’at honeymoon era and t’en def Mads ‘cause she’s got wicked cool magic t’at can do a little bit of every’in’!”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Framework Room.
Current Outfit: AA School Uniform Skirt and blazer
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne blushed slightly at April and gave her a smile. "Thank you.." She said softly, it still felt really weird having a tail and wings, sometimes her tail did move involuntarily but otherwise she had full control over it and it was awkward to sit and have her wings pressed against her back. She watched as some of the others who were there and had dealt with Arcade when Mary-Sue entered Madalyne saw right away the scar and wandered what happened to her. Mads also noted that she didn't see Zelda, Zari, Dorian or Percy just yet Headmaster Coulson decided to start ahead with the meeting now.

She was relived that she didn't have to deal with to much class work and she pretty much could do just about anything and skip class if she wanted to with the pass for this semester. "Thank you Headmaster Coulson." Madalyne said to Coulson giving him a smile, though she wasn't really a fan of the idea of having to talk to the school's councilor but if he was telling them to do it Mads would do it anyway. Her attention turned towards Vicky when she started to speak up Madalyne though did agree a little bit with what Vicky was saying. Though she wouldn't have gone to hard really.

Danni turned to look at her she shifted slightly when Danni started to bombard her with compliments about her sudden growth spurt, she was still a little bit uncomfortable with her current appearance when looking at herself in the mirror. "Can we uh talk about all that later after the meeting and stuff?" Madalyne said softly to Danni she wanted to just finish with the rest of this meeting. She did know that the Uncanny Avengers team for the Contest did need some serious work and changes to their lineup to.

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Coulson's Office.
Current Outfit: AA School Uniform With Skirt & School Blazer
Skills: N/A

Diana noticed that Dorian, Percy, Zelda and Zari hadn't come back yet and she started to wonder what was wrong or what was happening she pulled out her phone to text her brother Percy. 'Hey where are you? Headmaster Coulson started the meeting already.' Diana's attention turned to see Mary-Sue and started to wonder what happened to her over the holiday break. Though she had a feeling that it was probably a personal question and she didn't want to pry to much really and it wasn't her place. Diana's attention turned to Coulson as he started the meeting why they were here in the first place.

Diana was really happy to hear the compliments and praise that Coulson was giving them, and that she didn't have to worry at all about her classes for the rest of the semester. Vicky decided to then speak up looking over at her as she started to go out on Head Master Coulson about what had happened she decided to speak up her attention turned to Vicky. "I am sure that Headmaster Coulson and the rest of the staff here at the school are going to be fully addressing the issues that happened with Arcade." Diana said, she had faith that the school staff who were all heroes in their own way were going to address everything that had happened and make sure that anything like this doesn't happen ever again.

Though that did bring up the issue with their team being down both a mentor as well as another team member as Diana looked at Leah and Vicky, Zari hadn't appeared yet. "I think we should discuss it as a team and what we should do." Diana suggested, she really did want to continue with the contest, she was fine with going on another team if their team did decide to disband. "If you are okay with us discussing it and giving you what we want to do by the end of the day would that work?" Diana asked Coulson.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Sabine Bassard

Location: Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day: School Uniform (Sweater Variant)

Sabine was about to answer when everyone else showed up and Headmaster Coulson allowed them all inside. It didn't take an empath or someone to read minds to fully understand the intense feelings in the room. Sabine could feel it inside of her as she focused on her own heartbeat. She remained by Leah and April's sides as Coulson went on about recent events. It was as Sabine anticipated, thanks for helping clean up a mess we should have been aware of. And that word.


When Coulson uttered that word Sabine tensed up, most likely visibly to those who knew her well enough. She gripped her right wrist with her left hand and put pressure on it. "No, do not freak out here of all places. You're fine. You do not need therapy. What happened, happened. You're fine! Sabine closed her eyes and tuned Coulson out, though the words were still being heard. Her mind raced.

And a new voice woke her up. Out of an unlikely source.

Victoria. Sabine had admittedly never interacted with the girl much. Sabine didn't care to if she were being honest. Still, the girl's words were...dare she admit it?...inspiring. And truthful. Sabine watched as Victoria painstakingly laid it out in the open: about her own struggles, about how the school had let them down, and how they were expected to be pleased with the crumbs offered.

"Ok Vicky, pop off queen." Sabine uttered this, more for herself though she was loud enough for people to hear.

The others reacted as much as she expected as the subject of teams was brought up. This was one of the things she was worried about the most. The hard work she put in, the end goal in sight only to be taken away because of a situation she didn't put herself in. While she enjoyed how much Danni wanted them all to be together, it felt...othering. She would love to be teamed up with April and Leah and Danni and Dorian, hell even Percy and Maddie would be okay.

But what about Zelda? Sabine wouldn't call her a friend but she was still part of her team.

"I think teams can be discussed at a different time, perhaps when we aren't all crammed in one small room while talking about a traumatic event we were all witness too. I do hope your words ring true Headmaster, because everyone in this room played a part in quelling this otherwise catastrophic event. I didn't see the Avengers step up to help until after the fact, as thankful as I am that they showed up." She glanced at Leah, knowing She-Hulk has taken her on, whether for now or for a while. "So maybe we can all decide as one who's on whose team and ensure we don't forget about anyone else and how their feelings should come into play. She looked over to Danni, hoping he caught on to what she hinted at.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: She-Hulk's Apartment
Skills: N/A

Leah wasn’t paying much attention right now. When Coulson had said what he wanted, everyone seemed a little pissed off in one way or another, even the ones who weren’t. Mainly because the room felt like it was just a blanket mess of noise to Leah. She tuned everything out after the mention of therapy and didn’t hear anything meaningful about teams or even what Sabine had to say. Victoria’s rant didn’t register to her, she was too damn tired to deal with this right now.

There were too many voices, in a room that was too small. Leah just slowly blinked and got sick of this shit quicker than she normally got sick of things.

”This… Is a fucking joke.”

Leah sat up in her seat, and glared daggers at Coulson. ”The Avengers didn’t do a fucking thing. For months. Did any of you ever stop and think that maybe it was a little weird that Arcade was holed up in there long enough to do something like that? Or did you just conveniently never notice, even though this place is full of dumb fucking idiots who call themselves superheroes?”

If Arcade had just threw this scheme together overnight, she could believe it if the school was just caught off guard. That sort of thing happened, but the amount of shit he had loaded into the computer had to take weeks or even longer to get organized, even for him. There was no reality where they could look good or come up with an excuse for that.

”You don’t get to ignore all of that and pretend you give a damn about any of us,” Leah continued. ”And you’re not sticking me in “therapy” for it, either. The last guy who tried to make me do something I wasn’t willing to do was buried alive.”

Leah wasn’t the sort of people who got shaky when stressed. She was used to fighting for her life, getting hurt badly and dealing with awful shit. But right now, sitting in this office with all these noisy people and staring down a guy who didn’t matter nearly enough for her to care, while running on a fuck-you amount of sleep? Yeah, she was about to explode if she didn’t get the fuck out.

So Leah stood up and swung the door open.

”I don’t care about the contest, I never did. I only went along with it because it mattered to everyone else. It means nothing. It’s a waste of everyone’s time, but everyone keeps pretending it’s the only way you get to be superhero. Do whatever you want with the teams. I don’t care.”

She slammed through the door shut behind her, not even trying to hold back all that inhuman strength she had for the door’s sake.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Coulson's Office
Skills: Invisibility (unwillingly)

Well, being invisible kind of sucked. But hey, at least everyone else actually ignored her entirely and that was okay with her for the most part. Problem was that people then didn't seem to think that she was around for whatever reason. She had seen the message from her sister, and had actually gone inside with everyone else into Coulson's office, and kept to herself and silent as others starting going off with regards to the announcement or whatever that Coulson was saying. Of course therapy was now a requirement, so that was not something she wanted to deal with, but eh, if it helped her figure out how to turn the invisibility off that would be fantastic.

Some people were excited, others were seemingly pissed at what was going on, personally she didn't care. Actually she very much didn't care about the contest at all. If she had her way she wouldn't even be there and participating in it. But she kind of was forced into it whether she wanted to or not, so she figured, even if no one could see her and might be surprised to hear her voice seemingly appear out of nowhere, she was going at least voice her very brief opinion on things. "I don't really care too much about what team I'm on or how everyone wants things arranged, or whatever we end up doing..." she spoke up from her little corner of the room and somewhat grateful though at this point that no one had run into her at all yet.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Coulson's Office
Skills: Technopathy

She was freaking out.

There was no other way to put it. She had lost of track of time when it came to going to Coulson's office trying to solve the problem as to what had even happened. Trying to figure out what was going on, or if there was even a problem, she hadn't even really told Andy about her watch shorting out, or the fact that when she tried to call her mom for ideas on what could be the issue with it, she got radio silence. Nothing at all, no response or anything. It was as if there was now a bubble around this reality, and she was stuck unable to go home. Or even to actually contact that reality at all.

Zari had been taking her watch and phone apart for what seemed like the hundredth time at this point, trying to find a way to punch out of this world and to go home. When she put it all back together the time blazed on it, and now she realized that she was incredibly late getting to that meeting or whatever it was that people wanted to call it. She raced out of her dorms and was basically running there. Mr. Eyeball was flying after her trying to seemingly calm her down about whatever was going on.

"01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00101100 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101100 01101101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01110111 01101110 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101011 01100001 01111001 00101110."

Du sier det, men helvete braker løs og jeg er strandet her og kan ikke reise hjem i det hele tatt. Noe rart skjer og jeg mü finne ut av det, sü det hjelper ikke i det hele tatt ü fortelle meg at jeg skal roe meg ned!" she responded back to him, and after a few moments, she reached the door to the office just in time to watch Leah go storming out of it, wondering what was up with that. Before she walked through the door, she took a deep breath to at least mildly fake everything being okay, before she stepped through the door. "Sorry for being late, but well, what did I miss?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location:Coulson's Office

An errant thought crossed Mary Sue's mind, that they hadn't stopped a massacre from occurring, and that she was, largely, in a room full of strangers, save for Andy and Zari. Sure, they looked like Mary Sue's friends and classmates, but those people died. That was clearly evidenced by the existence of Bonus Mary Sue, who she'd apparently taken the place of. She wondered idly what she was thinking about now, if she'd been shunted into another timeline, leading to an infinite regress of now displaced Mary Sues. She hoped that Mary Sue was doing better than she was now, but she somehow doubted it.

Her attention was snapped back to the Coulson as Vicky said the most cogent thing she'd heard in a week. "She's right." Mary Sue said, almost coldly, "Headmaster, the fact of the matter is, unless I'm deeply wrong about how all this works, nobody was actually saved. You just don't have to deal with the consequences." Mary Sue continued from where the girl had left off, an almost numbness coming over her. "Some of us had to go back in time, but I should really say we got to. When I came back, there was another me here, but I don't remember meeting me, so that means I didn't." Her voice caught in her throat for a moment, before she continued on, a venom leaking into her words. "Arcade killed everybody in this room, save for Andy, Zari, and myself, and you three. Shortly after, he probably killed a lot more people, maybe even you." She glared pointedly at Coulson.

A part of her honestly hoped Ser Nemo would pitch in here and tell her she was wrong, but she somehow doubted it. A part of her was upset at herself for doing this in front of Lady Nimue, a teacher who'd she honestly had enjoyed. But every other part of her was filled with white hot anger. Her heartrate was rising, to the point that she almost couldn't see straight. This was all too much. "A-and your response to all of that is therapy. Everyone died, but it's fine, we can talk about it, go fight in the Contest of Champions! Burn the bodies to ash behind us, and never think about it again." She put her head in her hands, shaking. "You make me sick." And with that, she was done.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 39 min ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Mario World
Skills: Work Out Fit

Dorian pulled Percy into the room by his wrist, using his foot to close the door behind them as he tried to finish getting ready. He hadn't quite managed to get his hair right this morning (or the past few for that matter) as his new powers kept messing with it from time to time. His phone buzzed on the counter top, seeing a new notification from his group chat with April and Danni, he skimmed the message as it appeared on the cover screen before vanishing. Nothing he needed to respond to at the moment given they were all about to meet up.

Dorian blew a tuft of air up at his hair that currently sat feather and floofy atop his head, pushing some of the bangs aside. ”T’at's it I’m c’angin’. Can't wear t’e pants and jacket if my ‘air doesn't match it. Sooo, t’e shorts and short sleeve button up will do.” Dorian went to phase out, leaving his clothes behind (save for his boxers) as he did, in an attempt to do a quick change. But he miscalculated and his foot got caught within the pant hole at the end causing him to fall flat on his ass. ”Merde!” He cursed as he stood up, kicking his pants off before walking over towards the closet to get his other uniform.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

8:20 AM - Mon. November 29th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Percy Novikov

Location: Dorian's Room
Skills: N/A
Fit: Yes he's in the school uniform

Percy's phone vibrated as a text from his sister came in - most likely asking where he was. It wasn't like him to be late to things - he was punctual to a fault. However, it also wasn't like him to be overly respectful of authority figures. He had chased Ser Nemo with an axe during his audition for the Contest of Champions, and he had willingly went against school rules and guidelines to use the Framework after hours with Arcade. So while Percy tended to be punctual, it wasn't necessarily out of respect for the time of others - but rather, out of respect for his own time. There was the additional factor that it was an accepted social convention, more or less a rule of operation, and Percy tended to adhere to such things rather seriously - hence his insistence on not making modifications to the school uniform.

So as Dorian pulled him into his room by the wrist, shutting the door behind them, there was something else that concerned Percy more than the matter of timeliness - and this, of course, was the sight of his boyfriend halfway dressed, his hair beautifully fluffed. The air caught in his lungs and his chest tightened, and it was like everything slowed down around them, as Percy stared at the veritable demigod that was Dorian. Even Aphrodite must have been jealous of his physique, Percy decided without a single hint of irony. His face was blushing a deep crimson, and Percy froze, gripped with uncertainty and hesitation.

He never understood physical interactions very well - he wasn't one that was prone to touch, preferring to keep to himself, to have his own little bubble. But right now, the idea of closeness with Dorian wasn't repulsive, it was... strangely invigorating. "Dorian..." he began, not really sure where the sentence would end, his heart pounding.

What was he doing?

"What if you... didn't?" Percy ventured, his tongue feeling like lead and swollen cotton. "What if you...."

He couldn't finish the sentence, though. He could understand just about every language intuitively as it was spoken to him, but this? He couldn't form a coherent thought, couldn't find a framework to express this. He could only hope that Dorian could find one for him.

April Flynn

Location: Avengers' Academy - the Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit: ~School Uniform, Skirt + Sweater Variant~

Almost immediately, the atmosphere in the room became hostile. April's eyes widened as people started to lay into Coulson, beginning with Vicky. She'd never even considered blaming Headmaster Coulson for any of this, or the school - they'd been the ones using the Framework after hours without supervision, sneaking around with Arcade. She'd been prepared to beg to not be expelled, and not only did Coulson seem proud of them, he was letting them automatically ace all of their courses and continue to compete? His apologies seemed genuine to her, but... Well, it seemed like most people in the room agreed with him - she desperately scanned the faces of the crowd, hoping that others beyond Diana would speak up and give a contrary opinion, but instead Leah added to it - and charged out of the room, slamming the door behind her. April flinched as it whipped against the door frame.

And Mary Sue, poor Mary Sue! April didn't want to ask what happened to her over the break, but she couldn't help but be curious as well. She bit her lip, feeling almost nauseous with how uncomfortable she was as Mary Sue added more accusations to the pile, telling Coulson that they all had died, that everyone here was essentially little more than a variant. But April didn't feel like a variant - she felt like herself, didn't she? The thought that she wasn't real, that the real April had died that night... It was one that April desperately wanted to avoid. She gripped her right hand with her left and dug her nails in, a desperate attempt for control, for stability.

Even Sabine, cool and collected Sabine, didn't seem to be taking things well - April had noticed the way her girlfriend tensed when Coulson mentioned the mandated therapy. She had a strange double think about it all - that April wanted her friends to get therapy and get better, but loathed the idea of doing it for herself - loathed the idea of acknowledging that there was something wrong with her, that maybe there was a genetic sin lurking within, just waiting for an opportunity to bloom...

"G-guys, let's all just take a step back here, okay? This is...this is a lot of energy and things are super scary but we're real, we aren't dead, we survived, and we got to be heroes - what we all came to do this school to do! A-and real heroes can't wait around for the Avengers to save them, otherwise they wouldn't be heroes, a-a-and I'm sure the adults are meeting to talk about how to improve everything so let's... let's just talk about anything else, okay? N-no need to talk about death because we're fine!" April's face had taken on a slight green tinge. She really wanted to STOP talking about this...

"No, this is a discussion we need to have," Headmaster Coulson corrected gently, holding up a hand to April. "The school's board has been having regular meetings to discuss what we can do to change our security protocols - no decisions have been finalized yet, so I can't speak as to what will be happening, but there will be changes made here at the institute. Your safety is out topmost priority. As for the time travel... Ser Nemo, would you care to shed some insight?"

"Hm?" Ser Nemo spoke up, suddenly shaking himself out of what seemed to be deep thought. "Ah, yes. I am afraid Ms. Sullivan is mostly correct. All of the students from this gathering who did not use Ms. Raynordattir's expertise to time travel did perish, shortly followed by the rest of that reality's branch after it was pruned by the TVA. The duplicate Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Raynordattir, and Ms. Lensherr were similarly then pruned."

"....Pruned?" April squeaked.

"Yes, pruned. A kinder turn of phrase. As I teach in my advanced time travel course, the TVA oversees the proper flow of the timeline for each universe. Everything that has happened, it has happened according to what the TVA determines to be the allowed flow of time for our universe. I understand that it is upsetting, Ms. Sullivan, to think about the variants of your friends perishing - but had they survived without your use of time travel, they would have been pruned nonetheless. Had you decided to not use the Framework after hours, the TVA still would have intervened. What has happened is, for lack of a better term, correct."

April didn't know what to say to that, instead just speechless as Nemo talked so... so coldly about what sounded like death - like the destruction of innocent people just because they didn't follow some predestined script... Was there even free will? She shut her eyes for a moment, willing herself to wake up and discover this was just some sort of horrible stress dream.

Lady Nimue, her watery form glistening in the light, took the opportunity to speak next. "There is nothing to fix, children. Heroes are forged in tragedy. No story can achieve great highs without also facing desperate lows and dire odds. If this is unacceptable to you, then perhaps this is not the place for you - perhaps you are not meant for an exceptional life."

Coulson grimaced, as if less than pleased by his colleague's phrasing. "You are all free to go as you'd like - and you can let me know your decisions by the end of the day, both on your participation in the contest, and should anyone wish to withdraw from the school. But, uh, Ms. Van Dyne - if you would stay back a moment once the others file out, I have something else to speak to you about."
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