Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Once outside General Freedom took stock of what just happened. An alien invasion, a tough guy who apparently can drain his energies and for the love all that is holy, a giant bear.

Gritting his teeth, the erstwhile hero floated back and to his right, getting a better picture of the enormous bear. Dear god it was larger than he had thought and it was incredibly fat. Judging by the reaction of the bear, he and the alien were not on the best of terms. Perhaps they were enemies.

Letting out a low whistle, the blue and white clad man rose up, higher, the ZPE flaring and racing through his body, swirling around his ham-sized fists. Whatever the story was he had a problem on his hands, what started out as a day stopping the insidious villain Toad, turned into a bizarre set of experiences that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of this cities citizens.

Welling up the power in his fists, he drifted back further then launched himself forward, the air rippling behind him as he broke the sound barrier just as he entered the office building, his body encased in the shimmer ZPE. As he entered the building he focused on the Fireen, as he did so he unleashed his powerful burst racing ahead of him. If the alien absorbed or otherwise managed the energy blast the General was right behind it ready to barrel into the man at nearly 900 miles per hour.

General Freedom was ready to return the tackle, he hissed as he raced forward, “Let’s see if you like being hit .”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Now that the mild inconvenience in the form of a giant bear was to Fury’s mind dealt with, he could return to the matter at hand. Settling into a half crouch, right leg back left shoulder forward, his muscles bunched and tenses with energy rocketing around his form. He was facing the region he saw the General fly off into, and was tracking his ZPE through the air, so he knew he could meet him. However, Fury noted his movement almost before the General was moving, and despite the significant speed with which the Hero of Earth moved Fury was able to answer his charge with one of his own.

The Fireen bounced forward and up at an angle, driving himself into the air and towards the General. Despite his arrogance, Fury had to admit that presently his foe was both stronger and faster than him, and so something more than brute force was required. Unfortunately, he was given less than adequate time to think of a solution, as he barrelled through the hastily thrown energy beam of the General in a less than satisfactory condition, the fiery heat of it shearing away half the armour on his right shoulder and breaking through his shield. He felt the burn, but Fury was not one to be halted by pain alone.

Therefore, the General slammed directly into him with a force equal to both of their respective speeds combined, something in excess of one thousand mph. Fury’s breath left him as energy leapt to strengthen his body, preventing it from being crushed by the titanic impact. Energy blasted in all directions haphazardly, blowing up most of the room and sending chairs and tables flying through every window.

Slammed back by the force of the Hero’s charge, but still locked in his tackle, Fury regained his composure enough to make the most of a terrible situation. The General had knocked him back as they flew through the air and out of the building itself, but if he intended to drop the Fireen or not was unimportant as Fury attempted to draw both his arms around the human’s body and tighten his grip to its maximum crushing potential. He clung beneath him, aiming to either break his ribs through sustained force, or to drain enough of his energy that he had to stop, giving Fury time to break free and make his own moves again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The bear sat there for a minute or so, rubbing at his cheek and letting out low grumbles of frustration. It was more than evident that Sukoh would get hurt if he stuck his head back into the building that he was going to get hurt. So, instead of getting himself killed because two men are having a petty squable he occupied himself with their callous waste of human life. Sukoh leaned forward and planted himself on all fours again, he started shuffling about and sniffing at the various corpses and wounded in the area. It was not a pretty sight. Whichever one of them was evil, if not both of them, evidently didn't care at all for the lives of those around him.

The first body he found was actually a survivor, writhing in agony as his leg had been caught underneath the rubble from the building. This may have been Sukoh's fault, but he was unaware. With his nose he shoved the concrete slab away from him and poked at his wounded leg. It might not recover, but he could at least make it feel a little better. His enormous tongue slid out of his mouth and he licked the wound of the man. Freshly reborn his mouth was full of clean saliva, almost completely sterile. The warmth would help the pain a bit but Sukoh could help no further. Turning his attention to a small group of people who had been crushed in a bus accident he sniffed them, they were clearly dead. No breath was leaving them. Sukoh sighed and ripped the roof from the bus.

This next part may seem morbid but it has a purpose. The great bear parted his teeth and plucked the men and women out individually, and carefully swallowing them one by one. It took a little while but he swallowed each and every one of them. In his animal speak he muttered a few words to the lost souls. "Grrnn, nnarru rarrarr. Nnngghh harrarr ruuurrr." Translated he spoke to them, a prayer of peace. "With Sukoh's consumption your deaths have purpose. Rest well poor soul."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The power of the Fireen was amazing; clearly, he was as strong as General Freedom. The collision between the two men created a loud crash that on its own would have been impressive; however it was drowned out by the thunderous roar in the confined area of the building as General Freedom accelerated again.

The pressure of the blue man as he grasped and compressed the torso of the hero, at the same time draining ZPE from him, it was something that the all-American hero counted on. The speed reached the nearly 1,200 miles per hour as they raced away from the building in a shower of debris and sundry office equipment.

Twisting around, General Freedom’s ZPE shield was starting to give way because the Fireen was draining it, allowing the pressure of the sinewy arms that squeezed in a bear hug the advantage that they were unable to gain had the shield been at its peak.

However the star-spangled hero was not without his own considerable strength as his arms were clasped in a clench of their own, exerting a vice like grip, holding tightly for dear life as he pulled them up and around another sky-scraper, before spinning around and diving for the ground.

Rather they were headed for the bubble-bodied bear who was slurping up the dead. Gritting his teeth and making sure that the Fireen was below him as they rammed into the backend of the large wobbly bear. General Freedom was hoping to have the man under him peeled off by the mass of the bear as he raced scant inches over it.

In either case the whole lot of them would feel the impact as the two men raced into the bear at nearly 1,500 miles per hour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury tightened his grip with all his might, feeling the subtle shift as he was able to pierce the shield and really clamp down on the Hero’s body. The General obliged by doing the same, but so long as Fury was in such close contact he could constantly leech energy from the human, and that same energy was being used to protect him as best as it could from the General’s own forceful grip. They flew at break neck speeds through the city, and Fury caught sight of a sky-scraper before he felt their momentum significantly shift and the noticeable change of forces acting upon him alerted him (as an advanced flyer himself.) that they were descending quickly towards the ground.

Fury didn’t like the idea of being used as a cushion for that particularly unpleasant sounding collision. His grip tightened from his right side, energy pulsing through the arm and causing it to shake with pent up force. He had barely moments to react, and as soon as he felt he was ready he let loose a strong blast of energy through his right hand, which counter-acted the downwards and forward momentum of the hero just enough so that they tilted, Fury no longer pointed straight down.

What the Fireen had not accounted for, was that they weren’t going to hit the ground. If that were the case, his powerful blast may have put him into a superior position for their imminent collision, but instead he was only half done with the revolution when suddenly the duo ploughed into a bear.

Blood and flesh scraped away, as if cleaved by some hefty axe, from his exposed right shoulder, which took the full brunt of his personal collision with the bear. He couldn’t be certain if his move had been enough to ensure the Hero also suffered some damage crashing into it, but regardless the Fireen slid across the bear’s massive back, roaring in anger and dim pain as he separated from the General somehow in the confusion, either from one or both of them losing grip or letting go. The Fireen bounced, full bodily, and launched off the side of the creature, crashing through a window on the opposite side of the street and disappearing in an explosive collision with a supply closet within.

His mind swimming with incredible pain, his armour shattered and his flesh lacerated and cut in multiple places, the Fireen began to feel the residual pull of an unearthly force. It tapped into his anger, drawing out reserves he didn’t quite know he had, but as he lay there amidst broken chairs and the remains of one valiant Henry the hoover, he refused to give into his baser form just yet…
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

All the while that these two were fighting, however, Sukoh was consuming the dead. The only warning that Sukoh had for the oncoming pain was a slight tingle on the back of is neck. Before he could figure it out, however, a great deal of force slashed his backside in one quick movement. It was a moment after he saw something go flying off in whichever direction that he noticed something was wrong. In fact, something hurt. What? It hurt a lot! Sukoh realized pretty quickly that he has been injured, and he let out a loud groan of pain. No, not a roar of anger. What happens if you fall on your ass? You say ow. This was like that, except instead of falling all of the force was just in his tailbone. It's as though his entire backside had been hit, the pain was a wide and pulsating burn.

Having been caught off guard by the sudden slash on his bottom he laid down on his stomach and sniffled into the ground. To be honest, this was both an excruciatingly painful experience, and somewhat of an existential crisis. Why was Sukoh so hated, he is a nice bear! He doesn't attack people without reason, in fact he doesn't attack much of anything.

Now, Sukoh laid there and looked about. The two of them had went off somewhere else, and that's not Sukoh's problem. Really. But he was about to make it his problem. They had hurt Sukoh twice in a short period of time, and to be honest Sukoh was rather upset.He was going to get up and go find them, and then whichever one was closest he was going to get revenge.

After his bottom stops hurting, of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The entire building shook, and had it been night time one looking in from outside would have seen the lights flicker and die. With a sound like a rushing waterfall electricity was being drained at incredibly rates by the Fireen, now standing with his injured arm low, inside the skyscraper. His power level sky rocketed, despite his significant injuries, and destroyed flesh either regrew or was sealed off with pure blue energy. He spat, and found the General’s own life force in the hazy blue world he saw in the throes of Unbridled Fury.

There was no hesitation, not even a moment to consider how badly he had been injured thus far, he just flew directly towards the hero. Ploughing through rock and steel with energy, he blasted out into the open air and shot directly through the walls of a bank, his fist rising and falling with huge martial might directly towards the stricken hero.

General Freedom had been thrown clear, but injured, after their first encounter. After rocketing through an empty bus he had ended up thrown through the vault of a bank, where he lay amongst the sound of screeching alarms and singed money. He raised his arms, still dazed, as the Fireen’s fist slammed into his guard, but he had no way of knowing just how much Fury’s strength had increased.

With the extra force of his martial might imbued with energy, along-side his physical strength increasing by as much as ten times its original amount, the explosive eruption as the two warriors met was too much for the building. Fury slammed his fists repeatedly into the guard, smashing through to the fleshy hero beneath. Like some form of missile had erupted from inside the walls blew outwards, more desolation and a crater were all that was left as the smoke and dust cleared, revealing the Fireen breathing heavily over the fallen hero.

“Stop, Fireen.” A voice called out. Fury turned from his act of delivering a final lethal blow and stared intently at the Nas’Gaduran. His body was badly injured, but he still held his pole-axe at the ready.

“My brother is dead, if you kill him he died for nothing, and I swear you’ll pay.” He followed, trying to get through to the anger-mad warrior. “I’ve called in support, they’ll be pulling us out in half a minute.”

Fury turned around, feeling his trophy had been taken from him, there was no describing his anger. Rubble simply burst away from him, leaving him floating in a small crater of his own, and he stared out at the only thing left worth killing.

“Take him then.” Fury growled, and the Nas’Gaduran gingerly jogged over to check the vital signs of the fallen General Freedom, even as Fury stood there in the ruins of the bank, looking out at the panic on the streets and the giant bear some distance up ahead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


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Not terribly far away from the scene sat an emptied out police vehicle, the entire car having taken a solid bit of damage from the whole scene, and one of the back doors only hanging on by a couple hinges. Out from it, pops a pair of yellow, tiny antlers, and then following it, a horribly attractive dragon-man abomination, cuffed and bewildered. After a minor misdemeanor and misunderstanding in language barriers, Drag was momentarily handcuffed and escorted to the backseat of two nice men's car. Though, the two men seems to have disappeared after some massive event occurred. He wasn't one to jump into action, and was napping pleasantly until the scene got a tad bit too noisy.

Trying to not fall into the usual hero archetype of breaking handcuffs, Drag simply wiggled out of the shoddily crafted binds, and rubbed his wrists, staring out at the emptied out street, noting the large patches of blood without any bodies, and massive collateral damage. This seems like a generally terrible situation, until his eyes travel upon a massive, brown ball of fluff that he knew all too well. Holy shit, it was his good old friend, Sukoh the Bear! He seemed as happy as ever, ignoring the massive butt-wound.

Currently, he couldn't use his incredibly convenient Hammerspace Backpack to assist his fluffy friend, (As police tend to confiscate these things when arresting people) so he greeted him with a friendly hug, and a "Raarourugh" which roughly translated into "Lobster-Folder". He could understand bear, not speak it. He did however notice his old pal's large flesh wound, and decides to use practical communication, pointing at it and giving the bear an inquisitive look as if to ask what had even happened at this whole scene.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The bear groaned in frustration as his backside felt like someone had taken a particularly large whip to him. Something was amiss, the sounds of battle had ended. His ears twitched about in search of distant crashes and grunts. Nothing, the only sounds were the talking of Fury and another man, someone new? Probably. This was a very populated world, maybe the people he had made move away were working with Fury.

The sound of handcuffs clattering to the ground came from nearby him.

Sukoh's head snapped around to find the source, and to his very pleasant surprise he spotted the sight of a green figure. His eyes widened and his little puffball tail wiggled a bit. "Rrag!" The bear was met with a quick hug from his old half-dragon friend, his ears were then assaulted with Drag's horribly incorrect animal-speak. Sukoh didn't bother correcting him at the time, because he knew what Drag meant. "Grarr, frrarr, fffuraarar." Concluded with a little head shake that he punctuated with a snuffle from his nostrils. Sukoh's response was that someone had harmed these people, two mystical people with great power. They killed the people with no reason but Sukoh did his thing, giving them purpose in death for the life taken from them.

After that he pushed himself back up to his feet, giving his head another good shake and rose up onto his hind legs. The great beast looked out over the city and spotted the hole where Fury and Freedom had landed. Yep, the sounds of battle had stopped because Fury had won. This wasn't good, General Freedom seemed like a very strong individual, so Fury defeating him almost immediately after Sukoh got here was worrying. The bear dropped down onto all fours and looked down at Drag, growling out a couple words. "Nnnfrrarr, uurraru ara rrgghh. Nnrrraarra rraraugh." Which translates to: "The one in there with the blue glow is the evil one, he smells of death and burning air. Sukoh's nose hurts around him."

"Rrag? Nnrrggh arrnnarr." Sukoh asked his old friend if he would be willing to help him fight the evil one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury looked on the conversing animalistic pair some distance down the road with disdain, his vision slowly fading from the deep blue and vivid splashes of colour of pure energy, the first sign he was reverting from his brief jump into Unbridled Fury, his most powerful form. His anger was dissipating at an extraordinary rate, allowing him to save some reserves of energy for any further fighting.

The Nas’Gaduran turned from his analysis of General Freedom, and suddenly three more of his kind were beside him with a brief shocking noise like air being displaced. They took hold of the General and lifted him between the four of them, though not without one last word to the Fireen.

“Kill those two if you wish, otherwise return to the ship and await further orders.” The Nas’Gaduran spat, and the four disappeared, presumably taking the Hero to a containment cell for indoctrination and interrogation, perhaps even worse.

The Fireen snarled, turning towards the duo again, he made a grim sight in his scorched and damaged armour, his right shoulder still badly gouged despite the energy which had worked to regenerating the wounded flesh. It hung low as he took a few steps forward, out of the rubble and onto the street proper, which was now clear of anything remotely resembling innocents.

With each step, the glass atop the lights adorning each side of the street shattered as their energy was forcefully drained from them by the Fireen, who had a dire need to bolster his own reserves. Slowly, his arm could be raised into a position of usefulness, though it was barely fully operational even as he started to close on the huge bear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


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Having a general fondness of bears, specifically Sukoh, he didn't have much of a choice but to fight said "evil one". Also because he had a massive hard-on for being the hero-archetype, but he wouldn't admit that. He gave his massive fluffy friend a nod, and tried another attempt at speaking his bear language. It didn't go well. In preparation for the fight, (and as if to say that shit was about to go down) he rolled up his sleeves, and drew out his incredibly shiny plasma hilt out of the pocket of his hoodie.

Realizing his terribly overpowered backpack isn't anywhere within his view, he realizes he has to just depend on his own strength, and cunning. He had strength, at least. The street light exploded is what set him off, as he yelled out in a panic, his hilt flickering into an axe as he swings around wildly. It takes him a second, but he directs his attention to what he presumes to be the "Evil One" his friend had told him about. Well aware his bear friend was strong, he was injured, so he stepped in front of Sukoh, his axe held out in front of the two of them.

"Uuhh..I'm not even sure if you speak English, in that case, I'm kinda just yelling at nobody! Uhm..Step back, I guess! And apologize to my bear friend!" He was at this point, spitting out the last couple of lines, the whole slowly walking thing intimidated the fuck out of him. Although this person in front of him was clearly evil, and most likely going to maim his body in several ways, he did not make the first leap, and just kind of waved his weapon up and down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Drag was a great friend, visibly shaken from the visage of the glowing man before them he was still ready to fight at the great bear's side. If he had the ability to he would have smile at this gesture. Even more astounding was the he put himself between Sukoh and Fury, was Drag really trying to defend the bear? The guy's foolish but he sure has heart. All that matters, really. Haphazardly he waved around his energy weapon, a neat blade that Sukoh had seen a few times before. It always singed his fur when he was nearby it though, leaving a bad smell in his nose. Though that was not an issue right now as it wasn't the worst smell in the air.

No, that title belongs to Fury. The fireen was closing in on them and there was not much that either could do to defeat him. At least, that's how Sukoh saw it. A slight burning in his cheek reminded him of how easily he was cut by an attack by the inhuman monster. Drag was certainly tough, able to take quite a lot. But Sukoh had never seen him fight before, nothing like this at least. He growled in frustration, the hairs began to rise all over his body. The bear's lips parted and peeled back to reveal teeth that are almost as long as a human forearm, Sukoh could not let this monster hurt Drag. Not his friend!

Throwing caution to the wind he lurched forward over Drag's head, making sure to not step on him or accidentally knock him over. Sukoh's mouth tore apart to let out a deafeningly loud roar, throwing saliva into the air about him. In his tongue he belted out language that would make a sailor blush. Fury was about to have the bad end of an apex predator pointed at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Obviously, Fury was not just standing still while the ‘heroes’ conversed and attempted to stand up to him. He wasn’t entirely sure if he was planning to attack them outright, or just to scare them a little and then leave. After all, he wasn’t some comic book villain, he had clear reasons for what he did. It was as his sense of reality returned that he remembered this, why he had wrought such destruction to this city for seemingly no reason. That was why he had intended to simply blast up into the sky right in front of the duo, and leave them to clear up the significant mess he had left behind.

That was before they stoked his anger with pathetic displays of aggression, at any rate. When the strange hybrid creature unleashed some form of energy weapon which Fury’s senses immediately detected as somewhat threatening, even to him, he shot one hand out to his right. With his powerful telekinesis he wrapped energy around a slightly bent lamppost roughly twenty meters long off to his side and tore it from the concrete, causing it to fly into his hand even as the bear began to roar.

Rather than like a trained warrior swinging a sword, Fury seized the lamppost in both hands, half hopped forward twisting his body to the right at the hip, and then swung more like someone batting in baseball. With formidable force the pole rocketed around, where he aimed to crack it straight into the Bear’s jaw even as it leaned down towards him. Even as he did this he ensured the hybrid was some distance behind the bear now, so it was no threat for the moment at least.

Even as he swung, and hopefully made contact, he was moving into a half crouch so as to prepare to jump skyward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


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Almost a bit offended by his friend leaping over his shoulders, he can only exclaim "HEY!" loudly as he hops over his shoulders, stumbling back a bit from the force of a rather heavy animal using him as a trampoline. He is almost completely knocked over, but he manages to stay standing, directing his attention back to the scene at hand. Almost immediately as he looks back, he sees his friend with a lamppost aimed directly for what appears to be his jaw. Well shit. His grip on his hilt gets more firm as he finally gets a good idea of what's going on, running forward stupidly, and presumably without a plan. He seriously wasn't a very bright man.

His mind racing, he thinks deeply as to where he'll actually end up running, with a massive bear, and a horrible smelly evil thing in front of him. His arms swing a little bit as he unfortunately has to use his friend as a distraction, diving past him, and to the left of Fury (whether or not this was because of his injury is a mystery) letting out a completely necessary battle cry. This was a prime opportunity to land an attack on the monster, as he holds up his hilt, the axe flickering back once more and glowing a dangerous looking radiating aura that was probably giving Drag three separate types of cancer.

Launching himself into the heat of the battle, and swinging as gracefully as a woodsman who was cutting the finest of mahogany, he realizes how out of shape he is, as waving your arms around this much would tire out just about anyone that hasn't had a good fight in a year or so. He decides swinging wouldn't be very effective anyway, and adjusts his grip onto the axe, instead swinging the entire force of the axe forward against Fury's back, almost being launched back simply by he is deep fear for this smelly man. He was afraid of anyone that smelled that badly, no matter who they were!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fury's speed was remarkable, whipping a weapon from the ground and swinging it at his jaw. There was little time to react as the metal bat was waved towards him, the bear lowered his head and swung his own incredibly dense skull at Fury. Deciding to match his force with a much bigger weapon, his own head. The sound of metal against bone and flesh rang out as Sukoh's head collided with the metal bat. It was painful but he pushed back with his entire body weight. The great bear was going to push Fury backwards as far as possible. There was no growling, nor was there any over action. It was a simple swing of his head.

In the periphery of Sukoh's vision he saw his friend coming around to Fury's side, ready to flank the evil one from the side.With that weapon of his he could deal some serious damage, Sukoh would likely have to run distraction. In fact, that's probably all he could do. Fury's speed was far too great for the bear to keep up, all he could really do was keep the attention of the alien.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury had perhaps underestimated a few factors, namely his still injured arm, when the metal pole collided with the Bear. Despite the fact that he should have had a significant advantage through centrifugal force and general momentum, the sheer bulk of the bear batted away his attack and the force of the blow transferred down the pole, buckling it and forcing Fury to let go as it was flung out of his hands.

Meanwhile, the other opponent had apparently been attempting to flank him, covering what should have been a significant distance at an incredibly fast rate. Fortunately, Fury was already half crouched, preparing even as he made his prior move to burst skyward, and so he did that now, blasting into the air before the other creature’s weapon had any chance of hitting his unprotected back. He sped upwards, only slowing at roughly fifty feet skyward, and looked down at the two. It seemed likely that neither was particularly well suited for defeating an airborne opponent, and Fury was un-inclined to give them an advantage by remaining grounded.

Once airborne, Fury drew his left hand into a fist and began to throw vast quantities of energy into the palm, feeling the force increase to near uncontrollable levels over a shockingly short space of time. He looked down at the two, semi-curious to see how they would react to his flight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was not a factor of Fury's advantage and injury, Sukoh's bone density and actual strength was more than enough to bat away the light post. However, Sukoh's attack was totally fruitless, his head was sore and there was going to be a nine foot long welt on his dome. Fury had even escaped from his attempt to trap him, flying well upwards outside of even the great bear's long reach. His companion's flanking served to do nothing more than drive the opponent away. Damnation, there was no way that he could attack Fury in that position. Sukoh had a long list of things that he can do, but none of those include flying. That is well outside of his capabilities.

Although. . .

With a slow intake of breath he looked down at Drag, then back up to Fury. "Grpph." This was something along the lines of: "Aha!" The bear spun around and closed his teeth on Drag's hoodie, picking him up by what can be called the scruff of his neck. There was little moment where Sukoh thought about how Drag would react to this, but he had a good enough feel about his friend that he knew that Drag could handle it. Sukoh threw himself upwards, all 32 feet of bear, into the air. At the apex of his rise his mouth flung open, releasing Drag into the air in some kind of catapult.

That would give Drag a bit of air, at least enough to close the distance between the pair and Fury. Although Drag would be on his own during this fight, Sukoh could not help him in the air. The buildings around them would provide a bit of walling to prevent Fury from running too far. But Sukoh was going to be excessively worried about this fight, Drag was a tough cookie but he wasn't certain about how well he could fare against someone as strong as Fury.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Wild Blue Yonder

Brigadier General Garrett Johnson was at a loss for words. For however far his civilization was along, this scale of teleportation had never been attained, never even guessed at. Wormholes were dismissed a long time ago, deemed to inefficient for interstellar travel, but this would suggest that some culture, somewhere had mastered them.
He unshaded the cockpit and looked to see a tremendous figure on an obsidian throne, whispering some mumbo-jumbo about dreams and whatnot, picked up by the ship’s microphone. He had a healthy sense of religion, but this superstition was too much for him. It reeked of a God-complex derived from being worshipped for having technology. Nevertheless, he listened to this being just enough to glean the useful information from his speech. Unfortunately, there was little, other than that the being spoke English, hinting at an origin in Teflon’s own universe, or at least frequent dealings with denizens thereof.

The being offered his help in returning Garrett home, but Garrett wasn’t paying attention anymore. He saw what he needed to. Through one of the shimmering portals, he saw clearly the Statue of Liberty, holding its torch but seeming somehow…newer. He reshaded the cockpit and put the thrusters on afterburner, an old quaint term that didn’t apply to his engines but meant full power, right through the portal and over an open patch of ocean with the faint outline of a city barely visible on the horizon.

He attempted to use his quantum entanglement communication to report, but was cut off by an error message from AFAI in his digitized soldierly tone. “General, the LREM is malfunctioning. Attempt radio contact.” Duly instructed, the general again attempted to connect, using the Air Force’s secured radio frequency. No response. As the city grew closer, the general began to be more worried. He saw no ships launching from the rooftops, no fast transit planes zipping at hypersonic speeds overhead. The closer he drew to the city, the more apparent it was that he was not at home. The buildings looked like something out of a…museum, like a skyline in a holographic diorama displayed alongside a Roman Coliseum and a Gothic cathedral. A foreboding feeling grew stronger.

“AFAI, what is the airborne concentration of strontium-90 and Caesium-137? “
The computer could obviously guess his intention in asking, and as such returned a more useful answer. “Based on the half-lives of the isotopes in question, if this is in fact Earth, the year is A.D. 2014, Sir. ”
The news struck the commander like a thunderclap. Time travel was within the grasp of the being’s culture? “My God! I’ve gone back in time five-and-a-half centuries?!?!”
“It would appear so, sir. Will you give the order for me to cryogenically freeze you and steer you as far away from Earth as possible until the time from which you left has arrived, sir?”
It was a sound idea, but that human intuition spoke otherwise. “No, I do not. Intercept telecommunications and decrypt. Something feels wrong.”

“Yessir. I warn you, General, that if you make any perceptible impact on the timeline, your actions may have untold consequences. Causation has never been subjected to this kind of test. I cannot calculate what this paradox may do, so I strenuously emphasize the need for excellent judgment, sir.”

After a few milliseconds for AFAI to break the paltry encryption, a hologram in the cockpit displayed the news; Anchors on every channel were talking about the defeat and disappearance of a General Freedom at the hands of some glowing individual, both powered being not unlike the several who had appeared in his day from these portals. The realization was mutual between man and machine. AFAI chimed in first. “If, sir, this was our planet in the past, there would be no such individuals. Memory banks hold no such information, and if they had the powers described, they most certainly would be, sir.”

“What is apparent to me, is that we are in some parallel universe, a world which has developed exactly as our own with only minor deviation. However, I saw the statue of liberty, every detail identical. Whatever deviation has been either so minor as to not change history or so recent that it hasn’t had time to make a significant impact on the culture of this alter-earth. Either way, the freedom-loving liberal democratic culture with which I am accustomed, however nascent, is still alive.”

As the plane drew closer to the city, it began to be visible from the ground. The hologram then showed the correspondents on the ground all simultaneously touching their ears, likely receiving breaking news through their earpieces, and then cutting to amateur video of his plane.

“Yes Martha, we’re here on the ground where this is all happening. As you just saw in that video, some fighter with Air Force markings is en route. Our military analysts have no idea what this is. No comment from the Air Force regarding this plane.”

Lest he incur some hostile response from the same (or incredibly similar? Garrett wasn’t sure) military he was going to protect, Teflon broadcast a message on all radio channels once he reached the skies over the combat below, between what looked like a glowing man and an enormous bear as was shown on the news.
“My fellow Americans, this is Brigadier General Garrett Johnson, United States Air Force…eh…sort of. The important thing is, I’m here to help.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


Member Offline since relaunch

That was literally the coolest thing to ever happen to him. The fact that his close friend was a massive, bear-eating bear was already an astounding feat on it's own, but the fact that he doubled apparently as a "bear-o-pult" made him positively exuberant. He was sort of hovering into the air, appreciating the whole situation before he realized he couldn't exactly fly in his current state. So as hurriedly as he could, he gripping onto the bottom of his hoodie, to rip off his hoodie. Grossly enough, he revealed that he was in fact ONLY wearing a hoodie, and no shirt, his wings popping out and flapping as quickly as they can so he can remain in air.

His antlers sway in the wind, one noticeably chipping out just a bit. He really didn't take good care of that junk, or his body in general, which now kinda was a little bit chubby, and a generally unattractive sight. He did however keep it healthy enough in case anyone was going to say, attempt to murder him with a telephone pole, as he worked his way up towards Fury, his weapon flickering on and off as he was more trying to focus on flying. He hadn't really done that in a while.

In a panic he pushed the button on his plasma hilt and shapeshifted the blade into the shape of a sword, stabbing out in rapid succession. Like some kind of crazed flying fencer, the blade jabbed out and upwards. Quickly closing the distance between himself and the flying man with terrible BO.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Pathetic.” Fury spat, watching the smaller opponent launched skyward with obvious intent. It was only when he revealed he too could fly that Fury even took him remotely seriously, and that was to say he simply waited until he was fifteen feet away and threw his left hand forward.

All that energy he’d been storing for just this occasion blasted outwards, lending to itself being as significant as crashing into a brick wall at one hundred mph. All that physical force was about to wash over the incoming opponent at high speed, but not just generally smashing him backwards, rather Fury had targeted his precious weapon on which it was obvious he relied.

Unless his opponent suddenly manifested some greater flight skills than he had been exhibited thus far, he was likely to have his weapon blasted from his hands by the great hurricane-esque wave of energy shot from Fury’s palm. Regardless, Fury then intended to zip rightwards in the air and circle around the hybrid, using his superior speed to dive down and seize the man’s left wing with his left hand as he flew by at high velocity.
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