Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

i dreamed that love would never die.
now life has killed the dream that i dreamed.

Twisting, falling, plummeting, never ceasing, never slowing - too fast, too quick - destructive speeds and failing catches against the bedrock. Rain slick roads, smog choked alleys, and neon signs flickering in the gloom, The Badlands won't let them go, it's a cruel master, a terrifying mother, a sadistic mistress and a smiling executioner. They're bastards of the underground, orphans of the church and victims of the sin and the sinner, the spires glow and the people go, never figuring to inquire why, how, and where do they go. The Badlands is Home, in all the pain, agony, the fresh wounds, the nicotine stained teeth and lips, the blackened lungs and the poison kisses of each smile. The children suffer, the adults wane, the adolescents are the only ones who seem to thrive. They've given their innocence to The Badlands, and laugh gleefully with bodies flush, arms taut, and throats raw from their cries and songs. The Badlands even takes that happiness, in cost and exchange for soul and heart, leaving no room for hope, dreams, life, and ambition - love.

Until they met.

[ β™• ]
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Concerning character sheets, I'm still working mine. When I saw your post, I was so excited to get into the actual post that I put it on the back burner, but I'll get back to working on it today. Did we want to designate a specific format to use for the sheets? You spoke of a preference for appearance, and I believe they'd look good in a uniform template. Just something to think about. I'll post what I have when I get it finished, and if we want to go back and add a template to it.

I figure in the next post, I'll have him notice Alexia, and handle the rest of the performance until the first break, during which he'll climb down to try to find her but ending up incapable. Whether he simply can't because she's moving too much in the crowd, or she's gone, we will see. Then I think an introduction of Danny and Cadian's relationship needs to be shown. Currently, Cadian's anxieties are heavily playing on him, so he'll be wanting something of a downer.. I don't think Cadian and Danny will know each other especially well.. it'd be more like Cadian coming up to him, saying that he's heard that Danny's the kind of man who can get things.. Kind of establish them.

What would you think of a shout back to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? The idea is that the second or third scene is a party held at the O'Shea (?) estate.. an old fashion costume ball, where no faces are shown (to promote a sense of freedom). Perhaps our two could meet there first. Doesn't have to have the same star crossed lover's theme.. but just the idea of finding her, but not knowing that he's found her... Might be more effective if it's the third scene. Give another to play up the difficulty in connecting the pair. What do you think? Wouldn't be so nice a party as the one in the play. This is the Badland's after all. The masks are there to promote inhibition, to be free of ridicule and punishment for your sins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I had thought of a template, but nothing concrete. Seeing how most of my musings and notes on Alexia are notes and conceptual pieces of her history and personality. I glanced over what you have, so I'll probably mimic the order of things.

Alex is still coming together for me in my head, kind of like I keep seeing glimpses of her when I write down minimal ideas. Honestly I feel like through IC she might come out differently than I originally intended, but it's all the more exciting when a character "writes themselves" - in a way that coincides with The Badlands. In the post I have drawn up, I know she'll see Cadian and feel the music, but Danny is a constant, terrible figure in her life, so it won't last long. But Danny is well known anywhere and everywhere, with connections to anyone. We'll establish the relationship and connections when we get to them.

Hm, then I definitely suggest it's reserved for the third scene, since I plan another visit to Passion for Alexia. The party could be held in the upper districts of The Badlands or in one of the many warehouses in the city. The setting isn't so important as the people within it. But I love the potential of them finding one another but unaware, promotes mystery and wonder, a purpose of an inquiry why she feels an immediate connection and draw to a stranger gilded within a mask.

So, for the moment I'll put together my musings and notes for Alexia, and Danny as well. At least to give him a face and a minor summary of his supporting role.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Note - I'm thinking of particular mood-setting songs for different pieces and such for the story and The Badlands. I don't know about you, but music assists me when I'm writing, and I like to use them in role plays for themes and such.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I agree with your statement about letting the character develop and grow in play, and I will never deem to correct a posted action of depiction of your character vs it's character sheet. I view character sheets as a rough draft of what the character was originally intended to be, NOT what the character is. There's always so much growth that happens when the character's form solidifies in the mind and takes on it's own life.

Music assists me as well. I find it influences the muse greatly. I've been known to list songs on posts, usually before or after the post as something of an aside, if I believe a particular song would help mood or interpretation of my work. I'll adopt the same idea here as well. Aside from that, If you're game, it may be beneficial ( not to mention interesting) to share song titles and authors to create something of a soundtrack to the Badlands. Not only would it help to assess mood and theme of the scene, but I think you can learn a lot about someone by what they listen to, and I have hopes that this play lingers a bit more than most.

I enjoyed the ideas expressed in your character sheet very much. The connection between Danny and Alexia, especially in a world like this, would be a precious thing indeed. Helps to define, at least in my mind, how they must value one another. I studied creative writing a little in the University, so I'm sorry if I'm analyzing too much. Old habits. =)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Exactly, I'm glad you understand and see it that way. To me, they are like references for myself, but nothing concrete and to be taken entirely as the truth and final construct of the character.

I'd love to work up a playlist of sorts for The Badlands, characters, events, all sorts of details. With contributions from the both of us, I don't doubt inspiration and motivation will wane. Hell, I managed another post, because I was too excited and thrilled to wait and since I had the time, I immediately began composing.

So, here the song Alexia first hears, before the band comes onto the stage. From one of my favourite movies.
Only Lovers Left Alive - Taste of Blood.
I find that the mood of the song encompasses a lot of what she's feeling in this post and her fear and confusion and drug addled state that drives her to sick out the darkest of her sins at the Church.

No worries, I studied creative writing in High School, but it has been such a long, long time since then. Hah!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A wonderful post. I've read it three times now, and I keep finding that I'm sad it doesn't continue. Its always the sign of a good post when it doesn't seem to be long enough because you're disappointed it had to come to an end.

I don't I'll be able to fend off posting much more than tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. I'm so eager to do it I'm getting antsy now, knowing that I have to wait, but I've got homework to do today. I'm kinda of a life long student. I enjoy learning far to much to ever want to stop. I've got some homework to get done tonight. But tomorrow! Tomorrow will be a glorious day. I'm going to sit down, surround myself with Cadian's muse, turn out the lights, and write.

Do you watch anything currently broadcasting from the networks? I have a guilty obsession with a few shows these days. Gotham, and Game of Thrones are my biggest crushes, and a little bit of a thing for Once upon a time (though that one's just because I like the simplicity of it.. though the storyline gets quite complicated).

Any world with a depressed or dark theme has to have some Evanescence in it's soul. The soft, floating sound of Amy Lee's voice is chilling sometimes. Add it to the haunting quality of the piano, and My Immortal is a definite must. When I listen, I see signs and flashbacks of Cadian's friendship with Katja, and the inherent pain in the song is Cadian's.

Tomorrow Ash. I can't wait till tomorrow!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I could have made it longer, and longer, until the next day or so in the story line! But I wanted to cut it off on a dreadful note for Alexia, her hopeless despair and her sense of helplessness when she's under such influence. From Cadian's voice and music, to Danny's drugs. My inspiration for this story is so abundant I'm sure I could write pages and pages of just Alexia's mindset, emotions, and The Badlands entirely. It's not often I find this source of motivation.

So you're a university student still? What're you studying? How long have you been in school?

I don't often watch television honestly. But, the few series I've been obsessed with have been Outlander, and of course The Walking Dead, because zombies and I've read the comics. I've read the first two books concerning the A Song of Ice and Fire series with Game of Thrones, but I have never watched any of them. Funny enough, because it's right up there in my themes. Skins is another series I love, that I'm actually re-watching on Netflix, Skins fits the overall theme of The Badlands to a Tee.

Aah, Amy Lee. One of my female crushes, I used to listen to her ritually back in High School. Of course My Immortal is hauntingly fitting and chilling to the core, guh, now you're going to make me have a fit of nostalgia and listen back to her older music. Here I go, down the lane of memory!

I can't wait for tomorrow either, I'm antsy and eager to read more of Cadian!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kote - A few songs I believe you'll enjoy that capture the atmosphere of Alexia, Cadian, The Badlands and even a little bit of supporting intrigue from our other characters.

Motionless in White - Wasp.
Motionless in White - Sinematic [ acoustic version ].
Slipknot - Killpop.

The last one is a little heavier, but the lyrics are just so fitting.

And, touching back on Amy Lee, Bring me to Life seems thoroughly appropriate, I mean, how could we not include that if My Immortal is about Cadian and Kat?

Hope you're doing well too, can't wait for your post! c:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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So sorry for the delay! I have an unedited portion of the post ready, but it's raw. I haven't had time to get it polished yet. My son has been a bit of a handful these past few days. Got himself suspended from school for a day for hitting, and the like, so I've been having to deal with that. I'm hoping to get something up here today, but if not then for sure by Friday! I don't want you to think I'm disinterested.

I'll give the music a good listening to this afternoon. I can't wait to. I love new music, and I've never heard of Motionless in White. Slipknot is awesome, and always so much fun to listen to.

I posted it as it was. I hope the ending of the post isn't too abrupt or horrible. I was planning to add on, but I can do that with the next post. Again, sorry things got busy. life is life, yeah.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

No worries m'dear! I know life is life and takes priority over our online writing careers. So you're fine. I just worry, that's my penchant, so you'll have to get used to it I'm afraid. I don't worry about you becoming disinterested, not at all, I just know, personally, that overwhelming events can seriously cripple the want to write and the flow of creativity.

I hope everything has worked out with your son, how old is he? If that's not too personal to ask after.

But, anyways, I have tons of music put away for The Badlands. Motionless in White is probably one of my favourite bands, the vocal range is beyond amazing and the most recent album was purely wonderful, especially when Chris [ the vocalist ] did a duet with my female crush Maria Brinks from In This Moment. She's so lovely. β™₯

I could blow you away with the amount of music I have, honestly.

We need a love button next to like, laugh and thanks. Because I cannot express how much I love this post! I'm looking forward to writing for Danny here next, from there I think it's safe to progress onward and work up Alexia's second visit to Passion after some much needed distraction from her moment of weakness and pain under Patrick.

I was thinking for the party where they meet, it's near Halloween? That'd be the perfect set up for the entire concept of the party. Thoughts?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

No problem, I can handle worry. I’m good at affirmations. But as far as my desire to write, I don’t normally lose it due to stress. It’s quite the opposite. The more stressed I am, it seems the more I want to write. It’s a method of escape, getting away from what is troubling me, and existing without it for a few blissful hours. It’s therapy.

He will be 8 soon. Everything’s working itself out with him, with a little bit of understanding on my part, and some acceptance of boundaries on his. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the need to talk, and just react to things that happen, especially as a parent. I’m trying to adjust the knee jerk reaction to be asking why something happened, instead of attempting to deal with making sure it doesn’t anymore. And he has to work on telling me what’s going on, instead of keeping me in the dark. It’s a work in progress.

I love music. I can never get enough of it, so you’re idea of blowing me away, haha. I think I could handle it. So don’t feel like you need to hold back. I’m a fan of all kinds, from classical, to Metallica… Nightwish to Randy Travis. My taste is broad. Right now, I β€˜m listening to Saliva. So bring it on.

Thank you for the compliment. I do try to please, and it is my intent. I do feel that I’ve yet to get back some of my old flair. I used to be able to emotionally invest partners in my writing. More than once I was threatened with messages like, β€˜if you make me cry one more time!’ or the like. It was a goal of mine, to see if I could move people such directions. But I’m not quite there yet. Yet.

To further our collection of music, and to give a little taste of what I’m thinking with a new character, I’d like to submit β€œFamous Monster – Saliva” for the collection. I also believe, that if you haven’t heard the song Pet – A Perfect Circle, you’ll be richly rewarded to listen to it as well. Pet is just sinister, but subtly so. I quote from the song: β€œPay no mind to what other voices say, they don’t care about you, like I do. Safe from pain, and truth, and choice, and other poison devils…” or β€œI’ll be the one to protect you from, a will to survive, and a voice of reason”.

I want to write a character inspired by that song. The manipulation suggested would be fantastic to explore, as well as a stark sense of dominance in the song. I think I may add it into the character I’m creating. A man with a very dark secret at home… locked in her room.

Halloween is an awesome idea. It would fit perfectly with the setting, and bring a reason for the party, make it seem less out of place. I'm thinking my new character will host it. so I'll put him up shortly, within the new few days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Therapy, eh? You know, I believe you're the only one who views it like that, at least when it comes to those I know. I often see from routine updates in the status side bar that stress, life events, and chaos take away from their motivation and inspiration - just overall desire. I struggle with stress daily, drawbacks of being a Manager and all at work, and my personal life is always in some form of disarray, but I have never lost my passion to write. I've taken breaks in the past, the longest being six months before I came back some months ago, but I always would write some dribble or conceptual piece when I was free. With music and a clear vision, it's a moment of living in another world.

While I can't relate to it in terms of having my own little one, I did raise my younger sister; having to grow up quickly as I did. But, she just had her last day of school yesterday and she'll be a Senior. Over the years I've learned quite a bit with the, sort of, perspective of a parent. But, in being her older sister and someone she looks up to, we were able to easily develop a trust where she can tell me everything. So we talk often, and she's one of my employees - which is hilariously weird.

Oho, really? Challenge accepted!

Well, let's make that a goal here then. You've made me reflect on aching loneliness and need, and I want to probably convey Alexia's hopelessness. I admit over my previous time away, I feel like my ability to decipher pain and agony has waned. So we will make this an objective to get back to our old selves!

Saliva, huh? Been a while since I've given them a good turn. I'll add the song to my ever growing list. It's ironically funny that "The Noose" by APC just went through my everything-and-anything playlist to wake me up and convince me to clean up the house. Which I don't want to do. . .

Anyways, god. That song though is amazing. Now I'm eagerly awaiting that new character of yours. Kind of excited now, seeing as what you've come up with so far. Should we make similar sheets for every member of our cast. I kind of wrote one up for Danny, seeing as he's debuting officially in my response - which is started and planned out onto Alexia's horrid morning - and I've been considering one for Patrick too. I'm kind of in love with the latter, you inspired his creation and his concept was further solidified by a few songs befitting to his manipulative nature. But, I'm thinking sheets for each, as we use them as merely references, will assist in keeping a proper tally of key players. c:

Halloween it is then! This is going to be super fun, Danny and possibly Patrick will be in attendance. I personally cannot wait for this scene now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That’s how I feel about it. I mean, it has happened where stress has diminished my desire to play, don’t get me wrong, but most of the time, I seek it out to get away from what’s bothering me. I want to write because I need that outlet to voice and deal with my frustrations. It’s a great way for me, at least, to vent just raw emotion, so that I can look back at the problems that are facing me, with something of a calmer, more level head.

A parent is a parent. Whether it’s growing up to fast to help with a sibling, or having one of your own, or adoption, it’s all the same understanding. Love is love, knowing that you have to sacrifice and pay heed to what’s best for the little one is the same no matter the loins from which they sprung. Though, I do think it says a lot about you to have done that for your sister. She’s very lucky. And yeah, I can imagine how awkward that must be, having your sister as your employee. I’ve managed a few different type places, and having a brother of my own, I couldn’t imagine having to impose myself as that authority on him. but it works yeah?

Yes, lets. A constant push to get better, to top the last post. I do much prefer that to the opposite trend. I’ve had partners who have suggested easing off on the longer posts, in lieu of quicker turn arounds. I don’t quite like that. Not that everything always has to be long to be well written, but I don’t like sacrificing quality and length for a quicker posting time. So that’s our goal. Step 1, get back to where we once were.

I’m working on my character sheet for a little bit. I forget we had a long weekend coming up, and it’s one of those holidays where I typically clean the house up really well, then then yard, then grill out, get drunk, and show back up at work on Tuesday hung over but happy as all get out. At least, in a nutshell, that’s my plans for this weekend. Might take the children to the Angry Birds movie. What about you? Any big plans?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Primarily so. My levels of stress are usually doubly compounded by a lot of factors in my life, but I have various mediums and sources to vent and expend what I'm struggling with. At the moment, writing is my primary source, I feel like I can convey and fall into it better, sort of getting lost once I get into that mode where I type away so angrily sometimes and refuse to stop until I need to read back.

Hehe, I guess that does ring true. Our parents were busy people in our youth, and my sister struggled during that time due to the joint custody she had with her biological father and our mother. Between their work and everything else, I was all she had at one point. But, it does work having her as my employee, I instilled the belief of Home is Home and Work is Work into her. I can't give her special treatment which she had to learn rather quickly when she first began - but I know I can count on her now.

Oh no, I would never ask that we shorten our posts or lessen them in any regard. Having to wait two or three days for a post is entirely fine by me. Seeing as we communicate regularly in OOC, I'm not worried, nor will I fret if some days carry on. Personally, it just makes the reveal all the sweeter. And there's no better feeling when you're eagerly awaiting for something, and viola, there it is.

Hah, I want to come join your weekend. I don't have anything planned, other than work. At BDUBS, we don't rest, between our "casual dining" and sports bar, there's always something. Even with the Holiday, I believe we're still open on regular hours and families go out during these sorts of luxury days, so I imagine we will be quite busy and packed as usual. And it's the summer, we're hiring on new hands to fill in the gaps and busy hours, especially because some of the girls want three days off in the week for their summer - which I totally get, most of them are young twenty-somethings, and High Schoolers that want to enjoy their time. So we're compromising with them and hiring new hands. Interviews are lined out for next week, so it'll be rather busy.

I would love nothing more though than attending a traditional bonfire though and getting drunk, grill lit up. Before I was promoted, those were my typical weekends.

My post kind of got away from me, but I couldn't stop it.
It ended in a terrible way for me, I almost felt bad for doing that to her.

The song I used for this post is called Needles and Pins - by Deftones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, I'd have offered an invitation, but distance is what it is, and all that jazz. It wasn't all I had hoped it was going to be anyways. The weather did not afford us much more than rain. Here a shower, there a shower. All day for days indoors, peering at the grill as it's getting rained on, just wishing I could go out and light it. Hell, I got so desperate that once I tried, inbetween showers. Even put hamburgers on it. Had to take them off 10 minutes in though because the rain was falling too hard. I was drenched. My kids were laughing at me, but I didn't care, I was determined. Damnit.

A brilliant post though! Wonderfully executed! I loved it. I heard that if you say a thing three ways, that makes it ultimately true, yes? Well, maybe not, but the praise is deserving. Bravo. She did end up on a sour night, but alas, she'll probably wake up with sore and scrapes and not remember too much more of it other than vague images and foggy recollections, and those don't really hurt too much. We shall thank Danny's "medicine" for that. I had to admit, I enjoyed his part of things too. I was starting to feel bad for him, thinking he actually really cared for her, until about mid-way through, when you pointed out it wasn't actually for her, but more himself. He wasn't upset because the possibility for losing someone he loved, but someone he saw as his. My sympathies started to wane a little after that. =)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

SIGH. The bane of online relationships I say. This weekend was super dreary, wasn't it? Even today. That's such a funny, Dad-Thing to do though! I stayed in all weekend, working up some conceptual pieces in my musings, listened to music and bummed out on the couch when I wasn't working. Oh, though I did go to a graduation party for an hour or two, old friend of my younger sister's that fell out of touch with her, strangely enough we communicate. But, anyways, I made her a glitter gift - tons of glitter and confetti in everything we got for her - was utterly fantastic. She's going into the.. Marines I think it was she told me, I honestly can't remember now.

Oh, does it? Must be so, coming from you. I have thought of various ways for her morning to commence, but again Alexia tends to fall where she will, so it'll depend on her. Now Danny, he's a piece of work. I haven't yet figured if he's in denial of his desperation to keep Alexia as "his", that he might feel something other than a possessiveness because of his mentality. I'm still trying to figure him out. Definitely don't feel sorry for him; he's the bastard of all bastards for a reason. Eventually I see him trying to use Alexia and Cadian against one another, he might just try that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Now that sounds like a weekend to be had. Honestly, what I wouldn't give to bum out on the couch, with a beer and my TV remote control. No having to get up every 5 minutes to deal with this, that, or the other. That's bliss. That's heaven. When I die, that's what I'm getting. A beer, a tv remote, and a comfortable couch.

Into the Marines? That's not a bad idea. My uncle was in the Marines, and he was a pretty successful individual. Though, that's not always the case, because I know a bunch of people who aren't.

I can see Danny's manipulation. I can see him trying to, at first covertly, ruin things, only to grow more bold and aggressive as his attempts fail. It would make me wonder if there were a history of this, maybe something Alexia doesn't know. I can't imagine this to be the first time it's happened (or maybe it is, who knows). I don't know, I get this sense that Cadian and Danny are on track to end up standing in an alleyway, in the rain, with Cadian held up at gunpoint, and Danny monologuing about how Alexia belongs to him. -lol- Pretty awesome stuff.

My agenda today is to get a post for you, as well as work on that character sheet I was talking about. Hopefully my day remains light as I believe it's going to be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

That's pretty much my life outside from work, there's little social action unless I go out to a random breakfast or I'm invited out for the my days off. Usually it's the former, however. I'll be sure to make it happen that you receive beer, a universal tv remote and the most comfortable couch imaginable.

I can't be positive that's what she told me, it literally slips my mind every moment I try to recollect on it. But, I support her decision, my family is steeped in military.

It'll be a conflicting development, he's responsible for bringing them together and realizes, too late, his mistake. To ruin everything, to slip behind the scenes at every opportunity, to try and manipulate Alexia away from Cadian - he's the bad guy, he'll hurt you, use you. You can't trust him. All the while slowly going insane with the loss. It'll make him desperate, which is all the more dangerous and makes him an incredible threat. As you say, stranded in the alley with his enemy at gunpoint, doing everything he can to keep Alexia, even if she were to hate him for taking Cadian away.

Wonderful character, I can't wait to see him action now, and can't wait for your post!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kote - Found some new songs for you.
Also, I'm going to edit up the OP in the ooc and the character section with our song selections, for aesthetic and ambiance purposes.

Vanishing - APC - For Alexia
Blue - APC - For Danny
Undisclosed Desires - Muse - This could be for anyone one of them, but it made me think of Cadian and Alexia more so.
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