Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

------Mysterious Tower------

Leo had sat in his chair next to his bed all night. Merlin had brought him here to the crazy ass tower. They had left in the middle of the night to keep the citizens at bay and Merlin had done something he never wanted to do. He cast a curse over the citizens when the clock struck twelve. The curse froze the world in a permanent sleep. It had shaken Leo to the core that his master could do such a thing had kept him up all night. With no sleep he felt a bit groggy as someone knocked on the door. He got up and opened the door. A fairy wearing blue was there and she had a grumpy look on her face.

"Please report to the main room. Yen-Sid has to tell you kids something." He flew off and knocked on another door. Leo closed the door and sighed. "Well guess they are going to finally tell me and apparently others what is going on." He summoned his keyblade with a puzzled look. "What are you? What is going on? Will I ever be able to go home?" Leo questioned everything. It was what got him his knight-hood and his apprenticeship with Merlin. He dispersed it after thinking a moment. He then slipped on his a tunic and his slacks before walking out the door and down the hall to the portal that took him to the main room, which happened to be the study of Yen-Sid himself. Leo went to the back and sat in a chair that was sat out for the group. Merlin and Yen-Sid were in the corner talking hurriedly and quietly. Leo ignored them and waited for the others to show up.

------The Grid --> Radiant Garden------

Codex ran for her life as an enemy chased her down. She wasn't sure who it was nor was she sure how he/she/it had made it past the firewall. "Damn! How the hell!?" She looked over her shoulder and bolted down the bridge faster. The enemy behind her shouted "Stop now little girl and I shall have mercy on your soul!!" The voice sounded male but grab-baled. She looked over he shoulder again as the enemy summoned his weapon. A long curved blade extended out from a long staff, this was a scythe like no other. It radiated power. Codex couldn't explain it but it felt like she would never exist again if that thing touched her. She again picked up speed and busted through the teleporter room door. Inside a column of white light seemed to be growing ever more narrow. "Not today!" She screamed as she summoned her keyblade instinctively and fired a light into the column. Dispersing it the column pulsed. The enemy was on her heels as she ran up the stairs. He was about to bring his blade in contact with her upper body as she jumped spun around in the portal and disappeared with a smile to her attacker. The teleporter shut down in a flash and the blade made a whooshing sounds as the man brought his blade across the air. "Nooooooo!!! DAMN YOU!!!" He then activated a wrist computer. "Sir one of the chosen got away...The girl sir." A sigh was heard through the computer screen as the man began to fade to nothingness.

Computers began to whirl and lights flicked on in the old dusty room below the castle of radiant garden. Well it wasn't so radiant these days. Darkness was spreading across every world and this one was no exception. Changes where happening and memories were disappearing and the castle was reverting back into Maleficent's creation. Luckily this room hadn't been hit yet. Suddenly a beam of light fired in the center of the floor and started to reconstruct a girl. There she stood, as the beam stop, proud and in control. She then collapsed on the floor weak and out of energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

----Mysterious Tower----

After being forced to flee her home once before, Nadia had never expected to leave Radiant Garden ever again. Her friends were all there and fighting the darkness, just like they had before. Aerith, Yuffie, Cid, Cloud... Leon. A tinge of red appeared on her cheeks as she thought of the handsome brunette. She wished she had never been chosen by a Keyblade. Then she could once again be fighting alongside them. With a sigh she took her Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee membership card out of her pocket, looking at her own neat, cursive, handwriting spelling her name out on the back. If things started getting really bad they would have to flee their home again. Traverse Town no longer existed, so hopefully they would find another place to get to. None of them were weak enough to get consumed by the darkness. Not unless they wanted to. And short of Cloud, none of them had ever even considered it.

A knock sounded on her door, breaking her out of her thoughts/fantasies. After stuffing the membership card back into her pocket, Nadia rose to her feet and answered the door. It was one of those fairies that helped Yen-Sid around the tower. In was the one dressed in blue. The fairy told her to go to the main room, because the two wizards wanted to talk to everyone. Nadia had been here for a couple of days while everyone was being gathered. A couple of days since the darkness starting taking Radiant Garden again. Her thoughts once again crossed to the people she cared about more than anything and frown appeared on her face. After thanking the fairy and watching as she flew off to tell other people, Nadia left the room. Closing the door behind her, she made her way to the main room where the two wizards and another person were waiting. After glancing at the other person she took a seat on the chair next to him.

----Mysterious Tower----

People thought Yue was strange where she came from. The people here probably would too. She had spent the entire night sleeping on the floor, ignoring the nice, plush bed that was in her room. She had taken the pillow and blankets off the bed and made herself a futon. Because that was what she had been used to. Her world had barely gotten to the era of using steel to craft weaponry, let alone any of the technology that this world possessed. It was going to take a lot of getting used to. Her entire world had been flipped upside down just a few short hours ago. By her own choice, but still the shock had been huge. Though understandably scared, she was eager and ready to do some fighting. She had even shortened her skirt so it would be easier to fight in. Though now the length, and the loose hair she was currently brushing, made her resemble a concubine on her world.

Once her hair was brushed through, she returned it to her usual braid, pinning a few clips in strategic places so that everything would stay neat and tidy. Satisfied with her appearance, Yue opened the door to go exploring, only to be greeting with the sight of something not entirely human. Having never seen anything none human, aside from the monsters who had attacked her home, Yue shrieked when she was the fairy. Who jumped at the sudden, piercing, loud noise. After a moment of calming the Chinese girl down, the fairy then delivered her message, pointing to the portal that would take her to the main room. One apology later, Yue was on her way to the main room. Pausing for a moment before stepping to the portal. She saw there were two people already there, along with Yen-Sid and another dress wearing weird old man. Yue moved over to the chairs where the other two people were already sitting and took a seat near, but not next to, either of them. Not yet ready for contact with people from other worlds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Raiden Saito
----Mysterious Tower----

Rai awoke and shot up with a fright. "Wha... Where..." He was out of it. His mind in disarray and his vision blurred. He coudl barely finish his questions let alone grasp the situation. He was on a bed... In a strange room. Where was he? As his vision cleared up and his panic began to subside he stood up from his bed. he looked around, a hand on his head. He had a little headache. What happened? He couldn't... Wait... "Mom and dad!" He looked around quickly. They weren't there. "Dammit..." He grit his teeth and clenched his fist slamming it into the nearest wall. Pulling it back he sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked down. He had a necklace on. He never wore a necklace. He didn't even own one.

Then he realized. It was his mother's! She had given it to him. Then both of his parents made him promise to go. If anything he could get out right? There was something else though. What was it? "That thing!" What was it? It had appeared in his hands when he lost his bat. He looked at his hand and opened it up. And suddenly it appeared. "Woah..." All he'd done is think about it and now it was hear. He was speechless. Soon he was lost in his thoughts about the item. There was a lot he wanted to know. "When did life get so complicated?" He questioned the emptiness of the room around him.

As Rai's thoughts wandered he heard a knock at the door. "Maybe I can get some answers." He said as he opened it. To his surprise was a fairy dressed in blue. "No way..." He said thinking he must be dreaming or seeing things or something. But it wasn't a dream. The fairy was as real as the words it was speaking. Rai sighed and nodded. Maybe he could get some real answers. He didn't even feel the need to further question the fairy as he was still half worried it was a hallucination giving him information he'd already gotten. He made his way to the portal. When he arived in the main room there were already some people. Obviously the two older looking men were the ones in charge. And the other three sitting were more than likely in his situation. That stuff wasn't hard to figure out. He hesitated a bit, but then shook it off and took a seat with the group. He decided it best to remain calm in the current situation. And not over react or lash out unnecessarily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Damian Strath
---Mysterious Tower---

Damian snored loudly as he slept, dreaming about the times before the darkness had come and forced him to fight or flee. Before people forgot about his parents or who they were and said that he was the only Strath they'd ever known for the entirety of their lives. As he dreamed, he snorted slightly in response to a bug landing on his nose and sleepily swiped at it, most likely at least chasing it off and allowing him more sleep for the time being. Or, at least it would have if he hadn't been woken up by the loud banging on his door.

"Whoa!" Falling out of it, he does his best to extricate himself from the tangled mess of sheets and blankets as he stumbles over to the door and flings it open. "What?! What did I miss?!" He was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he yelled this and when he stopped, he realized it was the blue fairy. "Oh, s-sorry." Once she had told him to go to the main room, Damian closed the door and got the bed as fixed as he could before going to the main room, stepping through the portal after giving it quizzical looks for a moment. As he emerged in the main room, he took note of the other four in the room, staring in amazement at the girl in the red dress. Wow, she's cute. Maybe...nah, not her. I'm too much a ship boy for it. Taking a seat away from the others but where he could see them if he turned his head, he waited for Yen-Sid and the other person to finish conversing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

---Mysterious Tower---

Spades sat in her room frowning down at the corner of her dress. When she had been brought her from the falling battle lines at the boarder of the Card Kingdom in wonderland by that pair of wizards the outfit had all been reds and yellows. Now all the yellow had become black and white. It was an odd side effect of her linage apparently. Anything she wore would become as black and white as any card of the suite of spades. The rabbit had told her when she was young that a 'leopard can't change its spots and a card can't change its suite.' She was clearly of black suite of cards by blood, any outfit she wore for a certain amount of time would begin to lose color and fade to a monochrome. She didn't like it. She preferred bright colors! Sure the red would last a while longer than any other as it to was a card color, but there was always so much red in card kingdom that she was nearly as sick of it as she was the black and white all her clothing faded to with time.

She looked at the tips of the blue half of her hair, she could already see the dye fading and the natural white that lay beneath showing through. She sighed drawing up and knees and pursing her lips. It was silly to be sulking about her color scheme while her world was fighting for its life against the darkness. The wizard in blue with the pointy had, Merlin his name had been, told her that her world would likely last longer than others. Wonderland and its people were wholly unique in all of space and time and even the darkness that consumed hearts didn't know exactly what to make of the world. But it was still a losing battle, even with the specially weapon she found at her command they had been steadily losing ground.

There was a knock at the door and the familiarly voice of the temperamental blue fairy called in about a meeting of some sort. the sudden noise surprised Spades and she fell from the ceiling onto her bed with a 'oof' of impact.

What, did I forget to mention she was sitting on the ceiling? Oh well silly me, these little details like up and down can get a little touch and go sometimes. Spades was only half wonder land though, and could only maintain such shenanigans while not really thinking about it. When alone, or when the moment was just right and she felt she could she would do some of the unexplainable stuff that many of those from her world could do, like ignoring basic rules of reality. It reminded her of home. She hadn't been gone long but already she missed it greatly. She worried for the rest of the card kingdom without her there to back them up. I mean, yeah she was just a maid on paper, but she had the only decent weapon they knew against the darkness.

She sighed standing up and straighten out her dress and picking up her hat frowning a little at the now black, once yellow, rose. She placed it on her head, put on her best smile, and left the room. She was about to meet the other people that the wizards had taken from other worlds, and that something worth smiling about.

She burst into the room and saw the other kids, all sitting quietly and trying not look at one another. She frowned deeply at this and crossed her arms. "No no no!" she exclaimed "This won't do at all! Sitting around like a bunch of hedge sculptures! How positively uninteresting. How about introductions to break the ice?" she walked forward to position herself between the group as to have their full attention.

"I am Pik Annie Card, but my friends all call me Spades. So unless you don't want me to be your friend, please call me Spades."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mike (Darkness):

Mike found himself trapped in the darkness, he yelled out trying to get someone to hear him but there was no sound from his mouth. He could hear and see nothing as the darkness was pushing against his body and soul hard, he could not breathe and slowly he was dragged down into the darkness.

Mystery tower:

Mike woke up in a cold sweat gasping. His sister sat next to him with her nine tails as she gave him a glass of water and asked "Did you have the dream again Mike?" Mike nodded and coughed a little as he said "Its getting stronger and stronger with each passing night Sashia, I feel like its going to kill me". Sashia held her brother close to her as she said "We need answer Mike, Master Yen sid can help. I know he can" The sibling then heard the morning bell and Mike said "Lets head onwards then". Mike and Sashia got dressed and then went to the meeting room. Sashia scanned the room before she walked up to Yue and sat next to her as her nine tails wrapped around her body somewhat as she said Hello to her. Mike did not sit down at all as his dragon wings did not allow him to sit down well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

-----Mysterious Tower-----

The two robed men turned around to the small group of youngsters. The first to speak speak was Merlin. "MIss Spades if you would kindly take a seat we have some important information for you all. After that then you may converse among yourselves and make nice. I hope you all are ok from your journey's through the inbetween on the worlds. I doesn't seem that any of you were harmed psychically or mentally though I imagine that for most of you know that your homeworlds aren't what they used to be is enough to do one mental harm."

Yen-Sid stepped out in front of Merlin. "That is enough Merlin... The children have been through enough and do not need to be reminded of the travesty that has brought them here. Now I will explain what I know so far and how we are going to go about fixing the issue at hand. For some time now there have been two keyblade wielders that have protected the worlds from darkness and nothingness, but it seems both are returning. The enemy has found a way to erase those two from their respective lives they have led..." Yen-Sid looked across the young ones again and sighed. "With this happening worlds are being reverted to what would have happened to them if the darkness would have taken them. I and Merlin seem to be able to remember the two that help us many times but even we are starting to forget. That is why I am telling you now, the chosen of the keyblade, that we are working tirelessly to not forget why you are here. All of you together can beat this enemy but you must work together. I know not the enemies face or name but I do know that they are similar to a creature called the Nobody. They are made up of nothingness but seem to be more powerful than the last of them we all faced." Suddenly Yen-Sid had a pain and it showed on his face. "Another has been chosen. She is going to be very important to you all." He sat down in the chair and put his hand to his head. "I am sorry children to send you out with so little knowledge but the Fairies and Merlin will have to take over now. I must rest." Yen-Sid disappeared in a flash of white light.

Well children as far catching you up goes and information you may need..." Merlin waved his wand in each of their hands appeared a small orb. "...this will help you. It is a magical sphere that contains the basic information about the keyblade, what the heartless are, nobodies and other useful information you need to know. After you are done absorbing the information you will go into the other room and be fitted for new clothes, upgrade the ones you have, and get your new armor that will help you travel through corridors of light. You are then to report back here for your first mission. Are there any questions?" Merlin sat that the chair now and clicked his wand on the table.

Leo sat up and as the orb appeared in his hand. He knew what to do with it to see what information it held.He grasp it tight and the orb burst in his hand. Suddenly he was filled with images and memories of a little kid talking to Merlin. He also saw another kid slightly older talking with a mouse. He also saw them use their keyblades and magic. Finally a burst of information on the heartless and nobodies followed by a brief overview of what Sora and Riku had been told about the worlds. Leo stood up. "Grasp the orb tightly everyone. It won't hurt you but it is a lot of information to take in." Leo then nodded to Merlin as he went through the doors to the fairies.

Inside they were arguing but perked up once Leo came in. "Oh dear your tunic just won't do." The fairy blasted him with a jet of green magic. Suddenly he was wearing a new shirt and pant. It felt comfortable and roomy. On the shoulder was a metal piece and he looked back at the faeries wondering what it was. "Oh dear that is your armor. Press it when you need it to travel or fight in if needed. Now run along so that the others can have their turn dear." Leo did as he was told and when back out and sat down waiting for the others to do the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rai had remained mostly quiet. In truth he'd wanted to introduce himself, but the three that had been here were so quiet. He felt awkward. Even as the other people began to join he was quiet. That is until Spades came and immediately began talking. He chuckled silently before opening his mother to speak in response to her. However, he didn't get the chance. Master Yen Sid and Merlin soon began. That meant this was all of them right? At least all of the people who were here. And he was right for the most part. Yen Sid said something about another person. They would probably need to go get her right? I haven't thought this much about anything since the last time I was in math class. He thought admittedly to himself. Without another word he shrugged opting to focus on Yen Sid's words so as not to be lost later on.

Once the master finish Merlin began again. It was pretty cut and dry honestly. And the entire thing ended with an orb appearing in his hand. Following Leo's advice he crushed the orb in his hand and absorbed the knowledge given to him. Honestly, it all felt so unreal. If he hadn't seen the heartless himself then he would probably think this was all just hallucination or some weird thing in his head. "Woah..." He said upon the end of.... Whatever just happened. Finally he stood up deciding to follow Leo as they had said something about the next room being where one would get new clothes and armor. He could go from his new clothes. His current outfit was old, battered, almost more like rags really.

"Alright. Um... Spades was it?" He asked the girl who'd begun the talk before being asked to sit and listen. "I'm sure we'll get to the proper introductions in a bit. Probably best to get the more pressing matter's over with first." He smiled before heading into the other room. "Oh dear. You're in rags." One of the three fairies said quickly as he entered. "Poor dear... Let's get you all fixed up." Another said calmly before he was blasted with a jet of red magic. He glanced down and smiled. His mother's necklace was there. And he liked the outfit. He glanced at the betlt buckle. It was like the only metal piece. "That's your armor deary." The fairy explained. He smiled and nodded before walking out so the others could soon head in themselves. "This night be more interesting than I thought." He said to himself really trying to stay a bit more positive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Spades turned as the Older looking wizard asked her to sit down. She did so with out question, He had said that proper talking amongst them could come later, and if Spades had her way it would. She took in all she was told with quite pensiveness, it explained a lot of what had been going on before she had left. The odd way the darkness had been attacking out of nowhere like that.

She looked down curiously at the orb. Instant knowledge huh, that was a handy trick. This buisness about grate and powerful wizards certainly didn't seem to be an exaggeration. She gripped the orb tightly and suddenly she wasn't in the room with all the people.

She was in a vast white space, and for a second it was just her in the huge void. She turned to look to see if there was any change in scenery behind her, but as soon as she had a familiar voice cried out from where she had been looking earlier.


Spades turned around to see the March Hare, dressed as a teacher of some sort holding a piece of chalk in one hand and ruler in the other, standing in front of a large chalk board that was apparently simply FLOATING behind him.

"Or do you want to tell the rest of the class what you find some interesting over there." The Hare continued.

She blinked "Uh...rest of the class?" she said in dumbfounded silence. A snickering sound made her look to her left where she the Mad Hatter sitting in a desk, hand over his mouth to restrain a giggle and a tea cup on the corner. A snoring noise came from her right where the Door Mouse was laying on a miniature desk and sleeping soundly.

With a swift swipe the March Hare struck Spades on top of her head with his Ruler "Yes, the rest of the class. Now have a seat so we can get started." Spades rubbed the stinging crown of her head and grumbled as she took a seat in a vacant third desk between the other two students.

"All Right-y then. We have alot to cover, but luckily the Hatter killed Time, so we should be able to get through it before you know it. First, Keyblades."

The hare began to spout a rather long lecture of near nonsense at a break neck speed. Spades came to the sudden realization that she had no notes, not paper to take notes on, and that she was missing almost all of the information. Before she knew it he erased the chalk board and went on to heartless. She started to raise her hand to ask questions in an attempt to get some kind of use of what has happening but it always resulted in her getting wacked by a ruler for 'interrupting the lecture' and the hatter giggling at her pain between sips of tea. The Door Mouse continued to sleep so soundly she didn't think a volcano would wake him up.

The lecture on nobodies came and went just as incomprehensively fast and the young card girl sat in stunned silence.

"Right, any questions?" Spades hesitated for a moment, unsure if this would result in another strike of disciple. When she decided it was safe and began to open her mouth the March Hare cut her off "None? Good, Then right to the Test!"

"T-TEST? BUT-" Spades began only to be struck once more by the ruler

"No talking back to teacher, now you have a minute to complete this, go."

She and the other students handed a paper and a pen with 3 rather vague questions to be answered in short easy format. In panic she began to scribble what jumbled information she had gathered in a panicked rush. Before she knew it the March Hare yelled 'Times UP!' and snatched away her pen and paper. He examined the Hatters test paper. Instead of answers there were drawings of tea cups and hats. The Hare considered it for a moment then yelled out "PASS!" and tossed it over his head. He took a moment to look over the Door Mouse's paper, still completely blank thought slightly wrinkled given the mouse had tried to wrap them self in it as a blanket. "PASS!" he yelled and tossed it over his shoulder. He barely took a moment to even glance at Spades' paper before cringing and tossing it over his shoulder "Oh, its to horrible to look at! FAIL!"

Spades stood up so quickly that her desk went flying into the chalk board and began yelling "What's horrible is your teaching methods! Your positively barbaric! Where on earth did you get your degree! I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO-"

Spades was out of the white void and back in the room with the other youngsters and the wizards "-THE PRINCAPLE ABOUT THIS NONSENSE!" She blinked surprised by her volume and her sudden change in surroundings. She looked about in confusion and stared down at the ball in her hand frowning. She searched her thoughts and she found that despite the useless lessons of the March Hare she actually KNEW all the information she could possible need on keyblades, heartless, nobodies, and such. A deep frown came over her features and she grumbled "Not sure I like this kind of magic much."

She left with the others to see the fairs about their equipment. She smiled at the boy who spoke to her. "Yes, Spades it is. And I'm sure you are right. But walking with a bunch of strangers is rather odd, I would much prefer if we got some time to know one another. We are meant to be a team after all."

The gifting of her clothing and armor was a bit of a minor ordeal. They kept trying to give her something colorful, but it always came out black and white. The Faires were quite confused by this, but Spades explained with a sigh that this was the kind of thing that happened to all her clothing. She ended up in a outfit not to different that her original, save for it being fully black and white and the and the trim being a tad different in style. The bow holding her shoulder shall on had been replaced with a metal spade charm. She was told that was her armor and she nodded her approval. While she preferred bright colors and such she did have affection for her name sake. "It'll do." she replied bowing with a smile "Thank you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Damian Strath
---Mysterious Tower---

Damian had listened to both Yen-Sid and the other wizard, Merlin had been his name, speak attentively. The knowledge of another person like the group in this room out there was useful and important, and he filed it away in case it was pertinent to their first mission. When the orb appeared in his hand, he frowned at it and looked at the man in the blue robe. Rather lazy way of doing things, isn't it? And how in the world do we even- His thoughts were interrupted by one of the others saying to crush the orb in his hands and that it was a lot of information to take in. He snorted and looked the orb over some more. Of course it's a lot to take in, the wizard's taking the easy way out. Eh, whatever. As he went to crush the orb in his hands, one of the others, the girl who had loudly demanded names, yelling at air.

"-THE PRINCAPLE ABOUT THIS NONSENSE!" He chuckled when she stopped without warning and shook his head when she disappeared into the next room, crushed his own orb. The information was astounding and the way it came to him familiar, in the form of text books or an experienced sailor relating it to him. By the time he'd absorbed it all, he was confident he had a base understanding of everything and stood, heading to the room with the fairies as the girl came out, wearing some kind of black and white version of her dress from before with a metal pin on her shoulder, shaped like the symbol for the house of spades. Dismissing the girl from his mind for the time being, Damian steps into the room with the three fairies arguing with each other.

"Ahem." They all jump and look at me and the red fairy smiles and then looks him over.

"My, my, this won't do at all." Blasting Damian with a jet of red magic, he finds himself in a new shirt and pants, with a chest piece of metal covering, well, his chest. When he goes to ask about it, the fairy smiles and ushers him out the door. "It's simply your armor, young man. Hit it when you need to travel the corridors of light or use it in combat if absolutely necessary." Stepping out, Damian sighs and returns to his spot, summoning his keyblade and looking it over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kira had been asleep during the lecture. Sure, it would have been a five minute walk up the weird mysterious floating stairs, but she was renown for either being late or on-time. No in betweens. Today just so happened to be late, and it couldn't be a worse timing. Today they were gonna group up and do... whatever it was that keyblade bearers did. She knew it had something to do with Heartless and that was why she was able to return home, but not much else. She liked it that way though, the simplicity made life livable. But now... now she was going through a door that would completely change her life.

However, she recalled the event that brought her here.

It had been just another delivery, just a box full of junk that had to be put elsewhere. Simple, even if it was littering. She made her way down to the castle, while she'd never go in -not with all the heartless that had been there before and were still likely lurking there- she'd go the valley just before and throw the junk box at the heartless. She like to imagine them tinkering up some kind of robot with the parts.

She took a moment to adjust the box in her arms and realize that in her daydreaming she'd walked into a dead end. It wouldn't have been as bad except for the ten heartless gathered on mass at the exit of the alleyway. She turned around and sighed.

"I don't suppose you guys would be willing to take this box and leave me alone?" she asked the heartless bravely. She even put on a weak, fake smile to persuade them to leave her alone.

They didn't answer.

Kira took advantage of the silence to throw the box at them and try to scatter them. Then she charged forward wielding only a stick that had been only moments before been resting in the gutter. She took a large swing at the weakest heartless in the front, only to discover the weight of the stick was more than expected and threw her off balance enough to see that she was no longer holding a stick, but a giant key.

"This is the dumbest weapon!" she shouted at it after it appeared.

"It's still a weird looking weapon... all this concern over a giant key." Kira said as she approached the door and peered inside, trying to figure out the best corner to hide in an avoid notice from Yen-Sid. The guy was so calm all the time that it worried Kira that if she entered and discovered her tardiness, and got upset then she would probably die right then and there.

She crept inside the room quietly, taking her place in the back of the room, as far away from the desk where Yen-Sid usually sat. Maybe because he's so old his eyesight will be bad and he won't get mad...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch


----Mysterious Tower----[center]

Nadia waited patiently as more people arrived, disappointed, but not surprised, that there wasn't anybody she recognized. Everybody seemed to be quiet, except for a single girl with rather odd looks. Nadia wondered which world she was from. Obviously somewhere fun and wacky. She was going to introduce herself when Yen-Sid started speaking and she gave him all her attention. Though she had never personally met him before this, she had heard the stories. She held a great deal of respect for him. After all he had trained King Mickey, and she had gotten the honor of fighting by his side in the battle against the Heartless and the Nobodies.

When the orb appeared in her hand, she almost told Merlin she didn't need it. She had been there for a lot of the stuff. But then again, she didn't know everything. So after learning what to do with it, she crushed it in her hand. It was like she was watching a movie, of Sora's adventure. She saw herself at times, fighting with him and the others. She smiled when she saw herself as a child, back to back with Leon as they cleared the way for the others in the escape to Traverse Town. She learned a lot about the different Heartless and Nobodies that existed. She also learned that almost the entire Organization was attractive. And that she had known several members before they lost their hearts. The entire thing was very enlightening and fascinating to watch.

When it was over, she felt a little homesick. Or at least she missed her friends. With a small sigh she got up after the white haired boy entered back from the room and went in herself. There three fairies were waiting, each in a different color. She wasn't totally sure about the whole new clothes thing, but was ready for it. Right now she was wearing her uniform from the cafe, as she had come here directly from there. "Oh my dearie, that just won't do." The blue fairy said. With a wave of her wand she sent a bolt of blue magic at Nadia. Who, after having fought for so many years, instinctively rolled out of the way of it. The blue fairy chuckled. "Its just a change of clothes, not an attack." Nadia apologized and let herself get hit this time.

Her new outfit made her smile. It was similar to the clothing she usually wore, but with more blacks and grays. The skirt was long but flared enough at the bottom, and had enough stretch, that it wouldn't be a problem for her to fight in. The main different was the single glove she now had, on her right hand. It was made of metal, and obviously some sort of armor. Nadia pointed at it. "Keyblade armor?" She asked, having heard the stories about it. The blue fairy nodded, and after thanking her, Nadia returned to other room, taking a seat again.


----Mysterious Tower----

Yue stared wide eyes as a strange girl sat down next to her. She had fox ears and several tails. Instinctively she scooted away from the girl. China had many stories about fox people and they always involved bad things or harsh life lessons. She didn't want to get cursed. She focused her attention on the two dress wearing men up at the front. When they started talking she tried to listen, but didn't understand half the words they were saying. It was a little scary being in a place like this. She didn't know anybody, she didn't understand most of the things around her. She was way out of her league. When the orb appeared in her hand, she hesitated, a lot. Until she saw everybody else crushing them and not dying. Then she took a deep breath and crushed it too.

The knowledge came to her in a way she understood very well, and was grateful for that. It was drawings and Chinese characters. Her eyes widened when she saw Sora fighting alongside Mulan. So he had been to her world too? After it was done she knew so much more than she had moments ago. And was a little less frightened about everything. When one of the girl's who had black hair came out of the room wearing something completely different, she guessed it was her turn to go. Nervously she entered the room to find three more of those fairy creatures that had scared her before. The red one approached her. "Hello dearie. I'm going to cast some magic on you that's going to give you some new clothes. It's not going to hurt at all, okay?" The fairy seemed to understand that Yue had come from a world where magic wasn't used.

Yue nodded, not even flinching as the magic was casted on her. When it was over, she looked down at her clothing. It looked pretty much the same, only the material was much nicer and softer than before. The hand cut skirt of the dress was now evened out, and a little longer than before. There was a pair of tight darker red shorts under the skirt for the sake of her modesty. And last but not least there was now a pair of metal forearm guards on her, underneath the long sleeves of both her dress and her top. "It's perfect!" Yue said, smiling at the fairy. The fairy smiled back, "I'm glad you like it. Now those forearm guards are your armor, when you travel through corridors of light, you touch them and you'll be protected. You can also wear it in battle if you need to."

Yue listened as the fairy told her about the armor. "Okay! Thank you!" She said again before going back out to the main room. She took a seat again, but this time not next to the fox girl. She eyed her warily, muttering a Chinese protection against evil under her breath. She had grown up on far too many stories about fox people to instantly warm up to the girl. Even if she was here and most likely same. It would take some talking, from a distance, to get her to go near her willingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sashia chuckled at Yui small intrest in her and said to herself "Oh, I'm going to love flirting with that cute Chinese girl. Hmm, There always the pheromones built into this body that will help loosen her up around me". She then looked a the orb she was given, she did not crush it like the others instead she took out a journal which had appeared from her tails and open the book as she read up Malificent notes on the events at hand. She then went into the clothes room and when a green fairy tried to cast a spell of light, she hissed at the fairy as the darkness she had control over despised light. All she was given in the end was a back hooded cloak much like what the organisation had wore though their were holes for her ears and tails. She had alter he clothes as well, covering up her Breasts better which had kinda grown bigger when she had turned into a Kitsune. the clothes she wore still showed off her best feature but were very modest as well. Once she returned, she sat down on a chair next to Yui again and was simply silent as her pheromones would attract Yui to her, to talk at the very least.

In Mike case, he would walk past Yui with his dragon parts showing, in fact he choose to walk past all the wielder in the room with his to get an idea of who he would have to work with. After that, he walked into the other room after crushing the orb to get the knowledge he needed. He was greeted by the blue fairy who he spoke to in great lengths since she was a fae as well. After a long time, Mike had the spell casted onto him giving him quite nice clothes which offered both great protection and great breath as well so he could move and fly a lot easier. he also had a armour piece appear on his chest and learned how to summon it from the fairy. He then rejoined his fellow wielders and sat next to Leo after saying hello to him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Things were progressing rather smoothly. Rai was quiet for the moment though. He was thinking. After getting the clothes he'd started remembering the information he'd be given. "Sora and Riku, huh?" He asked himself in a quiet whisper. Throughout the vision of knowledge he noticed something that stood out to him personally above the adventure and just about anything he needed to know. Sora and Riku were from Destiny Islands. He was somewhat envious. They had so many adventures and had done so much. He'd never really thought about doing anything more than living his life out on Destiny Islands.

Rai sighed and turned to take another look at the new group. So far they all seemed intriguing and interesting enough. That was something right? And nobody looked unreliable in any real sense. Not that he had any real idea as to who and what everyone was. They didn't seem to be from Destiny Islands as far as he could tell. That was for sure. For now he figured that group introductions would have to wait until everyone had a change of clothes. But for the most part it seemed like they were all done... Were they?

"Oh whatever." He said before walking up to someone at random. "Hey dude. What's up?" He asked trying to be casual as he held his hand out to shake. "Names Rai." He said as he examined white haired young man who was taking a look at his Keyblade. "Looks like things are gonna be getting kinda crazy from now on right?" He chuckled slightly. He figured since these were the people he was gonna be with for the time being he might as well get to know them and show them the kindness he hoped he'd get in return. Shouldn't be too tough. He was the type to make friends fairly easily if it was possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Damian had been studying the possible internal functions for the keyblade, trying to figure out how he'd just summoned it when he wanted like he just had when the first time had been out of desperation, had been out of a desire to stay alive and show that his parents had been real people. He still wanted to do that, and the only way to do it was to help Yen-Sid. As he studied the blade, one of the others came up to him. "Hey dude. What's up?" Damian looked up at the boy, appraising him. Not super well built, but the boy seemed like he hadn't exactly lived easily. "Names Rai." Rai, huh? Interesting name, least where I come from. "Looks like things are gonna be getting kinda crazy from now on right?" Rai chuckled and Damian forced himself to consider things now that he was just sitting.

They now had keyblade armor, if the metal pieces on everyone's clothes were anything to go by, and they could clearly all summon keyblades. They weren't the only ones, there were apparently others out there who could do the same thing, but they were being forgotten, a couple of kids named Riku and Sora from some world called the Destiny Isles. In the end, Rai was right. Crazy was in their future. "Yeah, I guess they are going to get crazy. Names Damian Strath, native of Monstressor Spaceport. Pleasure to meet you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kira smiled in the back of the room, her infiltration successful. She almost pumped her fist in victory, but settled instead for a small and quiet, "woot." However, it seemed that the fairies had noticed her.

The one in red chastised her, "young lady you're very late."

"Yep. Sometimes I'm just unlucky."

"You'll need armor," she clicked her tongue and dragged her into the room to get changed.

Her outfit didn't change much, it just detatched her sweater sleeves and tightened them so they wouldn't fall off, and turned her jeans into capris with plenty of pockets. On her right arm was some kind of button. Kira almost pressed it, but was then shepherded into the room with Merlin and the other kids, where she was put on display.

"This one missed the opening comments, please make sure she's caught up." The fairy in red said before vanishing off into the next room once more.

Kira waved weakly at her would-be instructor. "Hello again.... I overslept a little... sorry." she tried to give a reassuring smile as well, hoping that no one would be too mad at her sudden arrival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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----Mysterious Tower----

Nadia found it awkward to just sit there quietly alone. Back in Radiant Garden she was always talking and laughing with people. Either her friends or her customers. But now here she was, a Keyblade wielder, and suddenly she was alone. Even in Traverse Town she had her friends around at all times. She wanted to approach somebody, anybody and talk to them. So she looked around to see who was there. There was a terrified looking Chinese girl, a half fox girl, a dragon boy, the fun looking girl with a loud voice, a boy with white hair, a knight looking boy, and another boy who reminded her of Sora. She set her sights on the fun looking girl, curious about where she was from. But then the red fairy came out of the room with a very familiar figure. After the fairy left, leaving her standing there awkwardly, Nadia stood up.

She approached Kira and couldn't resist hugging her. "Kira! It's so nice to see a familiar face here." It was for her own sake as much as Kira's. She was getting the other girl out of the spotlight, or at least distracted from it. The hug may have been a little much, but she was so relieved to see somebody from Radiant Garden doing okay. And besides, she was a huggy person. There was hope for the others yet. Though it was probably going to be hard, Nadia had faith in her friends. They could all handle themselves in one way or another. They had learned that the hard way.

Just like everyone here would, or already had, learned. Just like Sora had to do. The life of a Keyblade wielder wasn't a peaceful one, as positive as Sora was all the time, Nadia could see that sometimes he was faking it. Nadia released Kira from the hug. "Sorry, I'm just really happy to see someone I know here. So you've got a Keyblade too? Why couldn't we have discovered them before we had to flee to Traverse Town?" It really would have made things so much easier.


----Mysterious Tower----

Yue's wide eyed stare returned when a boy with dragon features walked past her. While fox people had nothing but had legends, dragons were considered gods in the Chinese culture. Dragons were good, foxes were bad. And besides, she had always had a fascination for things with wings and they freedom they had. Because she was so focused on the dragon boy she didn't notice right away when the fox girl sat next to her again. But when she did, she inched away again. Why wouldn't the girl just leaver her alone? There were plenty of other seats. And then she started to feel funny, her muscles relaxed without her telling them too. She didn't like it in the slightest.

Now, Yue is a simple minded girl. She's from ancient China, there's no magic, no technology, just living everyday life. So when she put two and two together and realized that Sashia had something to do with what was happening to her. And taking into account her already weakened mental state after the things that had already happened to her. Well she did want any sane person would do. Freaked the fuck out.

Yue shot to her feet when she realized that the fox girl was doing something to her. "Leave me alone, monster!" She shouted without thinking first, though luckily because of her panicked state it came out in Chinese so nobody probably understood it. Yue was kind of done for the moment, this was all way too much for her brain to handle. And magic had kind of been the last straw. "E-excuse me." She mumbled, and then numbly walked over to and went through the portal that they had first gone through. She was just barely able to find her room again and get inside before the waterworks started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zarkun said
Damian had been studying the possible internal functions for the keyblade, trying to figure out how he'd just summoned it when he wanted like he just had when the first time had been out of desperation, had been out of a desire to stay alive and show that his parents had been real people. He still wanted to do that, and the only way to do it was to help Yen-Sid. As he studied the blade, one of the others came up to him. "Hey dude. What's up?" Damian looked up at the boy, appraising him. Not super well built, but the boy seemed like he hadn't exactly lived easily. "Names Rai." "Looks like things are gonna be getting kinda crazy from now on right?" Rai chuckled and Damian forced himself to consider things now that he was just sitting.They now had keyblade armor, if the metal pieces on everyone's clothes were anything to go by, and they could clearly all summon keyblades. They weren't the only ones, there were apparently others out there who could do the same thing, but they were being forgotten, a couple of kids named Riku and Sora from some world called the Destiny Isles. In the end, Rai was right. Crazy was in their future. "Yeah, I guess they are going to get crazy. Names Damian Strath, native of Monstressor Spaceport. Pleasure to meet you."

Rai smiled glad that his attempt at greet and making friends wasn't shot down. "Nice to meet ya. I'm from Destiny Islands myself. Full name is Raiden Saito. But seriously. Just call me Rai. It's quicker." He said with a smile and chuckle as once again thought about it. "It's kind of amazing to think two people as great as Sora and Riku came from there." He admitted. "Honestly I always thought of it as so plain. Nothing really big. And now... Wow." He was a little afraid of what was to come, but more so excited. And the excitement was mostly what showed. Or what he tried to show. He remembered his dad. Move forward and don't let the world get you down. He thought remembered the words his father spoke. He did that often. Thought back on his father and mother's teaching. They hadn't failed him yet.

Rai opened his mouth to speak again, but before he could there was a shout. It was one of the girls. chinese? He thought hearing her. He didn't understand a bit of it, but he had friend back on the islands who did. One of the classes at the school. He didn't take it. If he had he would have failed. Probably would have been good to know. "So um..." It was kind of quiet. Which made Rai feel a little awkward about speaking up. But it was important. "Should one of go check on her?" She seemed to dislike the fox girl being by her. So it was probably best if she didn't go. And it might have been good for another girl to go, but he was happy to go himself.

These people were gonna be his comrades. His friends. If he could help them at all in anyway he would. His mother always told him that to earn the trust and kindness of other's you would need to show them trust and kindness yourself. So he would. Thinking about it... If he had said any of this outloud he might have sounded like on hell of a dork. "So someone gonna volunteer or am I going again?" He asked calmly. Though another alternative would have been to give her, her space.Oh well. He liked his way better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Oh another one!" Spades commented as Kira was lead into the room by the delightfully red fair. one again she gave herself a brief moment to be jealous of the far more colorful garbs everyone else in the world was privileged enough to wear before waving and calling out "I am Spades, I think he just said his name was Rai, That one is Dami-"

Before she could continue introductions to the new girl, two things happened. One of the other girls in the group went forward and hugged her. "AH, same world same town then. Lucky." She commented with a smile. The second thing that kept her from continuing the introductions of herself and the handful of names she had managed to gather through the various interruptions she had suffered so far was one of the other girls getting up and leaving in a rather emotional state. Spades frowned to herself, she spoke in an odd language that she was not familiar with, but she could tell an emotional outburst when she saw one.

"Pardon me, ya'll keep doing introductions and stuffs, I expect everyone to know everyone names by the time I get back or there will consequences of a potential dire verity." She said in a voice that was probable meant to be stern but sounded like a mockery of all things stern. With that she went after the girl. Took her a little bit to track down her specific room, but she did find it eventually.

She knocked on the door a bit, opening it a crack before she could get a reply and poked her head in. "Hey, I'm spades. I was wondering if I could get your name? Maybe I could grab you a cup of water, or something to eat, or maybe a hug or joke or story if you think it would help. Stories normally help me when the world felt big and scary. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Don't they all?" The young man with Dragon features said to Spades. He had made his way to Yui room to apologise for his little sister behaviour not long before Spades had gone. Plus the ways he had been brought up meant that he had been trained and knew many of the other languages of the other worlds and he thought it might help Yui if she had someone that could talk to her in her Native tongue. He stood outside the door to let Spades go in first just in case Yui would prefer to talk to someone of her own gender. He of course knew he would need to have serious words with Sashia regarding the way she was acting. Sometimes Being the big brother, is not always a glorious job epically when your own Sister had the form of a trickster.
Sashia was silent as Yui left the room and Cursed Sashia in whatever native Language Yui spoke in, "Great, we have someone with a really frail mind. She's not going to be much help to us if this is how she deals with things like this" Sashia mumbled to herself before she stood up and stretched her body. Apart from the Kitsune parts, Sashia was actually a very attractive woman who could use her charms well. She was often very charming and sweet to people but since the Kitsune event something had changed within her to make her this way she was now. Still sh turned her attention to Kira as she walked in and walked up to her as she held out her hand and said "Welcome fellow Sister of the Keyblade warriors, my name is Sashia Fertar the younger sister of the half dragon you saw"
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