Testing: Noble Arms Public NPC System
For players who want to move the plot, but whose current PC is out of commission, I am testing out a Public NPC System where players can take control of pre-made NPCs with GM Permission (or are asked by the GM to 'test out' the NPCs) so they can keep playing. Not only that but players who already have a PC can submit Public NPCs for the GMs to approve, on the condition that once they are, anyone can use them even without them having to personally give their permission - It comes with submitting a Public NPC in the first place.
NPC Template:
For players who want to move the plot, but whose current PC is out of commission, I am testing out a Public NPC System where players can take control of pre-made NPCs with GM Permission (or are asked by the GM to 'test out' the NPCs) so they can keep playing. Not only that but players who already have a PC can submit Public NPCs for the GMs to approve, on the condition that once they are, anyone can use them even without them having to personally give their permission - It comes with submitting a Public NPC in the first place.
NPC Template:
(Optional; Picture Preferred.)[/center]
[b]Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral:[/b]
[b]Arms Master:[/b] Y/N
[b]Noble Arm Rank:[/b]
[hider=Insert NA rank here]
Power: The pure energy the NA can exert (offensively/defensively/healing/etc).
Speed: How fast the power responds to the user and takes effect.
Range: How far-reaching the abilities are (potential fallout included). Along with Power, we will be paying special scrutiny to NAs that are high in this stat and especially in both at once.
Persistence: Stamina toll on the user. Higher rank = more ease of use.
Precision: How surgically (or clumsily/indiscriminate) the NA performs.
Potential: Power's flexibility for creative use and evolution.
[b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b]
[b]Brief Description:[/b] (Include a brief description of who the NPC is, where he comes from, and his official and unofficial jobs and how they involve the PCs.)
[b]Disposability:[/b] (1 is ‘can be killed easily as though they were a nameless goon’, 10 has plot armor [i]almost[/i] equivalent to a PC and is very hard to end permanently.)