Avatar of Letter Bee


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22 days ago
Current Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
2 mos ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.
2 mos ago
We've done it. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, lives.
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Testing: Noble Arms Public NPC System

For players who want to move the plot, but whose current PC is out of commission, I am testing out a Public NPC System where players can take control of pre-made NPCs with GM Permission (or are asked by the GM to 'test out' the NPCs) so they can keep playing. Not only that but players who already have a PC can submit Public NPCs for the GMs to approve, on the condition that once they are, anyone can use them even without them having to personally give their permission - It comes with submitting a Public NPC in the first place.

NPC Template:

(Optional; Picture Preferred.)[/center]


[b]Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral:[/b]

[b]Arms Master:[/b] Y/N

[b]Noble Arm Rank:[/b]

[hider=Insert NA rank here]
Power: The pure energy the NA can exert (offensively/defensively/healing/etc).
Speed: How fast the power responds to the user and takes effect.
Range: How far-reaching the abilities are (potential fallout included). Along with Power, we will be paying special scrutiny to NAs that are high in this stat and especially in both at once.
Persistence: Stamina toll on the user. Higher rank = more ease of use.
Precision: How surgically (or clumsily/indiscriminate) the NA performs.
Potential: Power's flexibility for creative use and evolution.

[b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b]

[b]Brief Description:[/b] (Include a brief description of who the NPC is, where he comes from, and his official and unofficial jobs and how they involve the PCs.)

[b]Disposability:[/b] (1 is ‘can be killed easily as though they were a nameless goon’, 10 has plot armor [i]almost[/i] equivalent to a PC and is very hard to end permanently.)

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

No we aren't doing independents. We aren't running a classic faction or nation RP, this is an exercise in storytelling set within a 17th century aesthetic.

There can be small scale romance and drama alongside the diplomacy, intrigue and (probably) betrayal of the larger conflict.

Fair. Apologies for the inconvinience.
In Yo! 2 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Letter Beehiiiii !

Anything you need to learn about the site?
Edit: White Wyverns, if I am not permitted to be Independent.

Edit 2: That said, I'll keep in mind whether I would have fun in this game or not before making a final decision to join.

@Dyelli Beybi
@Hope Lover, hello.
In Yo! 2 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Mav99, hello!
@Skyguard, welcome!
Intermission Four - Darkest Hour

La Trinidad de Manila Academy - 12/1/2022, 5:20, UTC+8

Far Eastern University In Real Life; the location and structures are used for La Trinidad de Manila in this timeline for convenience

Upon approaching The Director in the Trinidad Academy Administration Office, every Arms Master would feel a sense of primal terror, and those who had their Noble Arm drawn/manifested would see that weapon shake, as though it was afraid. As though it was capable of feeling fear. Myron led them to the office anyway, where a brown-skinned man of medium height, slightly wrinkled due to middle age, wearing thick glasses rimmed with artificial tortoiseshell, and wearing a formal business suit that would have made any other person unassumingly professional, waited for them as he sat on a revolving business chair with armrests that emphasized the biting coldness, in the office, that was more than just the electric fans and the early use of air conditioning.

This was Director Bathala of Trinidad Academy, the man who had taken them all in... And was now revealing his price.

"Greetings, Task Force Obdisian," the Director said bitterly. "I am Director Bathala of La Trinidad de Manila, or at least, that's what people know me as."

He then continued to address everyone, "Many of you who should be here are not, thus forcing new blood, new blood not acquainted with the secrets you have touched, to come here. Your leader, the one who despite his flaws, has led you to four successes, one won from the jaws of defeat, has become a captive; the Downward Descent has taken him for their sadistic whims and desires. As for Qingshe, the strongest among you... Her survival is ambiguous; there is every chance she may not be dead and every chance that she is - Limbo is what her situation can be called."

His eyes glinted as he continued, "I was going to give these revelations to four people - Noel, Qingshe, Nico Makri, and Callie Lindemann. But only Callie is here, as well as Qinghse's pupil, Cristina. But beggars cannot be choosers - Not even me."

The Director leaned in close, as an aura of power and a feeling of pressure accompanied the unnatural fear every Arms Master here felt. Then he said, "Let's get the first revelation out of the way - I am not the real Director Bathala, I am his Noble Arm."

Archer's Bracers shook as though to confirm his words, even though they were not sapient, as far as anyone knew.

"Noble Arms can achieve sapience through natural development or by having the right power; I am the latter - I gained sapience by eating other Noble Arms before my Master died. I have their powers as well, and as a sapient being, I can grow my own Noble Arm, although thanks to an Occult Programming Language superscript, that Noble Arm finds it more difficult to gain sapience," Director Bathala then looked at Cristina, knowing full well Qingshe taught her about the existence of OPL, before continuing once more.

"Now, for the final revelation I have to give all of you; China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, as well as the Downward Descent... they may be the enemy right now, but there is another one trying to take their place - False Turing, aka Alan Turing's Noble Arm, who is trying to avenge his dead Master by posing as the real Turing, who has allegedly survived his death, and trying to destroy all Noble Arms by either: Deleting this timeline, which he can only do by finding a workaround through Occult Programming Language's inability to destroy any item or concept, just alter existing ones and create new ones... Or overwrite this timeline with data from the One True Timeline - An Earth without Noble Arms - to erase all Noble Arms without killing those who were born because of the timeline divergence."

Director Bathala's eyes glinted as he spoke, "False Turing tried to recruit me, but he tried to hide the fact that all Noble Arms includes him and me. So you guys will need to get stronger to stop him."

Turning to Cristina, he then said, "Agree to this and I will give you the power needed to fix your sister, not in a week, not in a month, but right now."

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@4wheathRmany@Danyel@Sanity43217@DammitVictor@ctrlsaltdel@Archazen
Mykhailo's Loadout

- Internal Gun.
- Two AMRAAM medium-range missiles on the Wingtips.
- Two Sidewinders for outer underwings.
- Two Rocket Pods in the middle hardpoints.
- Two GPS-guided bombs on the inner hardpoints.
- One Fuel Tank on the Centerline.
1/9/2025 - Crown Prince Shinyahito has been retconned to be born a day before the IRL Crown Prince of Japan (his cousin), instead of one day after.

1/10/2025 - Retcon reversed; turns out the Crown Prince can be born one day after without losing his placement.
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