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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Little bread-and-butterflies kiss the tulips, and the sun is like a toy balloon..."

Artemis brandished her sword to her side, eyeing the enemies in front of her carefully. Three on one, at her own insistence--their levels wouldn't be a problem for her, and the last thing she wanted was for her brother to get hurt.

"There are get up in the morning glories, in the golden afternoon..."

One decided to attack, raising its feeble hammer as if it believed it could actually scratch her. She lazily raised her blade, blocking the attack. Despite this, the other two felt that this was their chance to attack.

"There are dizzy daffodils on the hillside, strings of violets are all in tune.."

Without missing a beat, Artemis pushed the hammer off her sword. It glowed a light blue, signaling the start of a sword skill.

"Tiger lilies love the dandy lions, in the golden afternoon, the golden afternoon..."

She jumped into the air and spun her body so that she spiraled downwards, her sword a flurry of attacks. Each hit connected to the three of them, all perfectly gathered for her attack. Once she landed she spun around, completing the attack: the blurred line of her sword became solid, and each monster fell.

"There are dog and caterpillars and a copper centipede, where the lazy daisies love the very peaceful life they lead..."

At this point, she let out a small sigh, though Apollo popped up behind her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her along with him. He hadn't shut up since they got there, and now he was singing his little song all happily and whatnot. Never mind that this death game around him was happening Still, the journey was going well, so to speak. Sure, a few players here and there, but they avoided one another, so much that for a moment, she almost thought they were going the wrong way. Still, with each monster affirming their direction, she knew they had nothing to worry about. Most people avoided monsters anyway. Artemis gladly welcomed them.

"You can learn a lot of things from the flowers, for especially in the month of June." Apollo sang gladly, at this point releasing Artemis and stepping to the side, bowing deeply and twirling his wrist a bit. Now it was her turn for the next line it seemed. She didn't really see the point of it, but he seemed to be having fun.

"There’s a wealth of happiness and romance, all in the golden afternoon." She sang for him, returning his gesture with a very dramatic curtsy of her own. They both straightened up and resumed walking, their laughter filling the halls. It had been some time since the two had both laughed like that. Apollo grinned, playfully poking her cheek. "Alright, I get the message, I will try to smile more." She replied, a small smile on her face as they walked.

"Good." Apollo replied happily, though his smile faded as a voice was heard. The two stopped in their tracks, listening carefully. It sounded like a taunt. What was weird was that it sounded like only one person. Really, one person thought they could take on the boss alone? Apollo let out a small laugh, lightly nudging Artemis. "Hear that, sweetheart? Looks like we're going the right way." He grinned lightly.

Artemis rolled her eyes. "It doesn't sound like they're with anyone. If they want to go on their little suicide mission, so be it. We're only here to collect the map data." She reminded him as they kept walking.

"I don't know, that loot sounds tempting." Apollo argued, placing his hands on the back of his head. "But taking on the boss alone? Maybe we could help."

"Don't be ridiculous. If you're soloing at this point in the game, it means you want to stay solo." She snapped. "Even if we wanted to help, what makes you think that they would even want it?"

Apollo began jogging ahead of her, though he looked back. "Hey, you never know! Come on, let's see if we can catch up!" He told her, breaking into a run.

"Hey! Wait! Don't go too far ahead without me!" She called, running after him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

After a little while the raid party left the cafe. They hadn't had much luck on getting anybody else. So they would just meet up with the other front liners at the camp. Right now Mitsuru was paired up with Abel and one other person. They had split off into groups of three for now, things may change when they get to the camp. Every boss fight Mitsuru had been in, the moment the raid entered the boss room, they had to watch and some idiot who wanted the drops died. Did people not understand that this was a death game? The drops didn't matter as long as the bosses were beaten. The only thing that was important was getting out of the game and back into the real world. Though she did have a couple of friends in game, none of her real world friends had made it in. So she was completely alone in that sense.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as the raid party was attacked by a group of monsters on the way to the tower. One of them was some sort of winged creature. "I got the flying one!" She called to the rest of the people as the fighting began. She had fought with some of, if not all, of these people before. And her reputation as a Dragoon was pretty good. So nobody argued. With a battle cry, she ran at the flying creature, her spear grasped lightly in her right hand. When she got close enough she leaped into the air, the flying enemy seemed rather confused as his prey was suddenly at eye level with him. She drove her spear straight into his torso and let gravity do the rest, bending her knees to absorb the impact as they hit the ground. The creature shattered and died from the combined damage of her spear and the ground.

The victory screen popped up shortly after as the rest of the monsters were taken care of. She didn't get any drops from the flying creature, but the money and experience was decent. At the very least she worked on her acrobatics skill.

Nothing else happened on their way to the tower. They met up with the rest of the front lines and set up their own section of the camp. Away from the guilds. The group Mitsuru was with was made up of people who didn't belong to guilds yet. After plans were set, the groups that hadn't entered the tower yet did so. Once they got to the boss room they would wait for the other groups. Nobody would go in unless everybody was there. It wasn't worth risking your life for a little extra loot. Those were the types of people Mitsuru hated most. Yeah, she was reckless, but she wasn't stupid. Her and the rest of the raid group began to make their way through the tower, searching for the boss room and fighting everything that came their way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Aura walked through Gilmer's Tower, she had her left hand resting on the hilt of her sword that was sheathed at her side. As she walked, it gently brushed the red armor that protected her left leg, making the faintest of sounds, but she heard it clearly as if it was right next to her ear. She was practicing her Straining skill as she listened to the sounds that surrounded her. She could hear mobs that were far away, and the footsteps of a few people who seemed to be behind her, but nothing was more interesting than hearing a faint girls voice talking.

"Can't wait to see the looks on all your pretty little faces when you see no boss and me with all the loot, sweat hearts!" was what it sounded like she said. This made Aura raise her brow as she began her ascent of the steps to the next floor. So another solo player is going for the boss loot? Hm... should i be nice and allow her to get it herself then?" she asked herself as she continued walking up the long stairwell. When she reached the entrance to the next floor of the tower, she hid in the shadows for a moment and listened. This time, for mobs. She was only 5,000 exp away from leveling up and that was mainly her goal for coming to this tower.... that and to get a bunch of useless items to sell or trade. After a few moments of listening, her ears picked up on what sounded like flapping wings. At her skill level she couldn't yet tell how many there were, but she was sure she could take them by surprise, no matter how many there were. Slowly with her left hand she drew her sword and started to walk towards the sound. She tried not to get distracted by anything else but it was quite a challenge so far. Aura made a mental note to continue practicing on her skills so she could get better at them. Finally she spotted two winged monsters lurking a few meters ahead of her and she gripped her sword tightly in preparation to attack.

When they turned and she escaped their line of sight she charged, taking full advantage of her Sprint skill, and Aura was upon them in seconds. They heard the sound of her steps coming closer and as they turned she lept into the air and cartwheeled over them. Activating Sonic Leap, her sword glowed and as she fell to the ground, she brought her sword down and hit one of them right in the head. It burst into a mass of blue glitter to which she smirked as she knelt to avoid the attack of the other one. Aura activated Horizontal Square as the creature came around and tried to swing at her with its wing. With a curse she sliced the wing in two with the first strike. The second hit its body, the third she aimed to its other wing, and the forth came down on its head. When she was done, it too erupted into the blue glitter and her award screen popped up. Sheathing her sword and kneeling down on one knee, she noticed she was feeling weaker for some reason. "Perhaps I should consider increasing my stamina once i level up." she spoke to herself as she relaxed and healed herself with an HP Crystal.

Faintly she heard the sound of wings again and she looked in the direction of the sound. Soon it got louder and louder to a point she stood and covered her ears. What looked like a swarm of those winged creatures were heading in her direction, straight at her. Aura's eyes widened and for the first time in a while, she was actually afraid for her life. "Shit!" she yelled as she turned the opposite direction and started running as fast as she could. Help! Is anyone there!? Help me!" she called out to no one in particular. She could hear anything over the loud sound of flapping wings, so how could anyone else? This was bad.... very bad. She didn't want ot have to be some sort of damsel in distress but there was no way she could take on that big of a mob on her own. So, setting her pride aside, she did what she thought was the best thing to do if she was going to get someone to notice her.

She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ace tried her best not to jump at the sound of his voice. She should've been expecting it, but she was startled none the less.

"Hi there. You lost?"

Ace turned to see a boy, probably as old as herself. He looked somewhat inconspicuous. You could trust most players in this world to not stab you in the back, but you still had to be cautious. The Laughing Coffin, a gang that encouraged player killing, was known for giving off the appearance of kind and helpful, but the moment you turned your back you found a knife severing your spine.

This guy looked trustable enough.

"No, I'm not lost. Just trying to find the boss, like all of us are. I expect that's what you are here for too," she lightly smoothed the words over to make herself seem confident, but not too arrogant.

"I uh.." Ace's words were slow at forming in her mouth. "I could use a partner. No one knows exactly how powerful this boss is." Ace sighed, burying her pride under thick layers of survival instincts. She didn't want to tell this guy how much she knew about where the boss was. He could easily kill her and hop off to floor 17.

A scream echoed through the halls.

"Shit," Ace whispered under he breath. "Dunno about you, but I've gotta go."

She ditched the guy and sprinted around the corner towards the scream. Even if it's a trap, no one needs to die anymore. No one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Did you hear that?"

The pair stopped in their tracks, having heard the scream from behind them. Apparently, they were in between the cocky solo player and a damsel in distress. The pair looked at one another for a moment. They didn't know what kind of person was ahead, but they did know the person behind them was in trouble. Maybe they had run into a trap; Artemis wouldn't be surprised if an ambush lay in wait for them. She suddenly felt very regretful that she brought Apollo along now. That regret came full blast when Apollo decided to run back, towards the scream. "Wait!" She called out after him (again) and she let out an irritated groan. It's not that she had never encountered PKers before, but if anything happened to her brother...She quickly shook that thought of and took off running after him.

Apollo ran as fast as he could, his sister's quicker footsteps indicating that she was right behind him. It didn't sound too far off, so that much was good. As he turned the corner, he spotted the problem: a swarm of winged creatures had decided to make a young looking blue haired girl their next meal. Boy, there were sure a lot of them. Apollo stopped in his tracks for a moment, though Artemis ran right past him. As both the girl and the monsters got closer, Apollo braced himself for what was probably going to be a difficult fight. Artemis had the same thought, though she made sure she was going in with her sword ablaze. Said sword glowed its usual light blue, and once she was almost face to face with the girl, she side stepped and whirled around her, cutting down the first monster in sight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aura saw two people ahead of her who were running her way and instead of a feeling of gratitude, the first thought that hit her burned a hole straight through her pride. I'm officially a damsel in distress.... The second thought she had was that she needed to fight alongside these two if she was going to make it out of this mess alive. Upon getting closer to them she could see that one was a guy and one was a girl, and the girl had readied her sword to dive head on into the mob. "These are Giant Wind Wasps. Careful of the stun!" she called. Aura quickly took out her sword to get ready to defend the blonde haired girl and as she was sidestepped and heard the sound of a blade slicing an enemy, she turned on her heels and dashed back towards her. As soon as the girl raised her sword from her strike, Aura moved in front of her and kicked the Wind Wasp that was coming at them before using her Vertical Arc skill to take it down.

Moving out of the way once more, Aura went to stand back to back with the girl as the Wing Wasps began surrounding them. "If we win this, we're going to get a shit ton of exp. You came to help so make sure you don't get in my way." Aura said looking over her shoulder at the girl. Though the words seemed harsh to say to someone who came to her rescue, the tone she had used was not one that would be taken offence from. If anything, one would take it as a sarcastic kind of tone. With that, Aura jumped into the air and did a flip as she activated her Sonic Leap skill again. She landed directly on top of one but it didn't die, turning and ducking past a stinger aimed at her head, she activated Uppercut and then Rage Spike at a different one before the wasp beneath her began moving again. Driving her sword through its body at her feet was enough to kill the creature but the next attack aimed at her was unavoidable. Two Wind Wasps used their Bite move on each of her arms and as she tried to get free, she kicked at one that came at her from the front. Aura's health started dropping and her heart started to race as the thought of dying here passed through her mind.

I should have just gone to Sunshine Forest! Shit, shit, shit! she raged at herself in her head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ace rounded the corner and peaked her head around, not wanting to risk exposing her body as a target. Not like her head was any better though.

She could see three other people striking down huge ass wasp, but there were a shitton more.

Ace sprinted towards the group and sliced down one wasp.

"I'm so glad we don't have this shit back home," she muttered to herself as she bathed in blue light and experience from a few wasp.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edge found himself in the area soon enough. "Aura," he said to himself, confirming his suspicions. He quickly pulled out his rapier and shot himself fiercely at one of the wasps biting on her arms, dropping its health significantly. He spun on his heel and dropped its health to the point it dissipated. He used his Unarmed skill next which had a weak stun effect strong enough just to push back the second wasp as he kicked it off of her. He looked towards the other wasps coming their way before speaking to the girl, keeping his eyes locked on the bugs. "Nice seeing you again," he said jokingly before lunging at one of the wasps. Each dealt damage would half heal itself in a matter of seconds, allowing him to trade more blows and cut through more enemies quicker.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Two more people had come to help her against the Wind Wasp ambush. One girl just ran up without a word and started fighting. Aura cursed and stumbled slightly when the Wind Wasps were painfully ripped away from her arms. It was a good thing her sensitivity wasn't too high or else she might have screamed. When she heard the familiar voice of the one who freed her from the creatures, she turned and saw Edge's familiar face. "Its you." she said simply while shaking her arms out and getting ready for an attack. "It's ironic how we end up in this kind of situation again together. fighting for our lives..." Suddenly Aura felt something like a twinge of pain in her heart. The last time he had saw her he talked about doing something about the player killers, and now... she was one of them. Regret was what she was feeling at that moment, but shaking her head Aura told herself to focus on the fight and maybe she'd get a chance to explain herself later. She activated her Rage Spike skill and ran past him, aiming for a wasp that was coming towards them. Come to think of it, she wondered why everyone here had even bothered to help her. Her orange cursor couldn't have escaped their notice and she began feeling a bit singled out in the group. As she attacked the wasp once more she paused as she thought back to that day she saw her comrades die.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Make sure she didn't get in her way? Either this chick had a funny sense of humor or Artemis was going to have to remind her exactly who was saving her ass. She ignored the comment and began striking whatever monster had the misfortune of being in her line of sight. They weren't difficult individually, simply the sheer number of them. A raid party probably would have not had so much of a problem. Even as two others jumped in, she wasn't stupid enough to assume that everything would be fine. It was five people versus lord knew how many there were. At the very least, the other people weren't that bad. Of course, Miss Damsel in Distress found herself in another pickle, but it seemed the other boy who joined rescued her. So much for anyone getting in your way. She thought, rather enjoying the irony.

Apollo remained towards the edge of the mob, mainly killing around the edges rather than jumping into the middle as most of the others probably did. His eyes would briefly flicker up to their HP every once in a while; it seemed for the most part, everyone could take care of themselves. Except for that one girl that got caught again. But it looked like her and that dude knew one another, so it was all good. This was just one reason he didn't want Artemis to solo anymore. What if she had been the one to get caught in this mob? Then again, as he thinks this, he watches her effortlessly slice through the wasps like they were made of butter. The other guys weren't doing too shabby either. Maybe after all this, they could maybe team up? Well, he wasn't too sure about Miss Orange cursor there. Still, no one deserved to die in this game. And who knows? Maybe it was in self defense? Or something. He wasn't one to judge, all things considered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 days ago

A collaboration between Shadowcatcher and Paingodsson

Waltic walked out of the town as a couple people waved goodbye to him. That was the thing you never knew if what you said to a person really would be goodbye or not. But he left the safety of the town and walked out into the forest. He wasn't afraid of the things that the game had to offer, he wasn't like any of the people who were still at the town of beginnings just hoping and praying that someone would save them. No, he couldn't allow himself to be afraid he had to keep searching the front lines and all around for Natasha. Which meant he had to get stronger.

He looked to the side to see a wolf growling at him, he took out his sword as the wolf lunged, in one quick movement he glided across the ground dodging the attack as he slashed down and then thrust forward. The wolf dissipated into nothingness as he put his sword back. after traveling around a bit killing random creatures that would pop up he heard the sounds of battle. Waltic ran towards the fighting as all he could think of was, if it was a player killer, could he bring himself to kill that person if it came down to it. As he ran though and things started to clear up he saw a group of people fighting what looked like a very large amount of angry Wasps. In the middle of that group was a girl he had seen so many times before on the frontlines and around, she was a solo player named Aura. There was just one thing that was different though, she now had an orange cursor, which meant she hurt somebody or did something bad.

Waltic rushed in now as he brought his sword out, he could feel the energy in his body skyrocket as he got closer to the inevitable battle. Waltic pulled his two handed sword out and slashed at a wasp. Who didn't go down, but instead turned and charged him. Moving out of the way by rolling under it he stood up right next to Aura, "Long time no see!" he said as he used his parry skill to parry the next wasp attack. "What's up with the orange cursor?" he asked as the attack vibrated his sword as he pushed the wasp away and sliced at it once more. This time when he connected he followed up with another stab. The sword delved deep into the wasp, he followed up by violently slicing to the side as the was dissipated.

Aura blinked out of her trance once she her the voice of someone else she was familiar with. She raised her sword just in time to block a stinger attack coming at her, and after killing the thing, she turned to the guy who spoke to her. "Seems like everyone is coming to help me out with this one." she said in a bored tone. When he asked about her cursor her eyes narrowed and she looked away. Just as she was about to speak, she got hit in the back and fell forwards on her hands and knees. That was when her health dropped from green to yellow. "As if I have the time to explain myself to you." she said.

Reaching out to grab a part of his shirt to help with getting on her feet, Aura activated her Linear skill and as she stood, thrusted her sword through the Wasp that was closest to her. The stinger ended up falling off and then it died. Looking again at the familiar face, she thought about the name that went with it. After a bit of thinking she gave up. "Who are you again?"

Waltic felt something scratch his shoulder as he was being used by Aura to gain her balance. He quickly turned and smashed it with the flat side of his sword. It shoved the wasp into a tree as he looked back at Aura. "Come now you have to remember me! Don't you remember that wonderful time in Taft." he said with a half grin.

He rolled his eyes as he realized she really didn't remember, "It's me, Waltic, my friends call me Wally!" he said as he parried another attack.

Aura lept and kicked one of the wasps in the head and as she landed on her feet, she paused. "Taft huh? Wally? Not ringing a bell." she lied. In fact she did remember that day. She remembered doing the most idiotic quest with an equally idiotic guy. A small smile crept on her face as she started to remember.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ace sliced through another giant wasp thingy and knelt down to breath as the larger portion of the mass focused on the others. The guy she came with was within the swarm along with another young man and a girl that-

A bright orange diamond sat above the girl's head. Time seemed to slow down. Ace wanted to run and leave the killer behind. No one knew for sure if people really did die for real, but even the threat of it massed large amounts of fear into everyone's minds. But it was her greatest discipline, her greatest strength and it was what has kept her alive these few months.

She already knew a few dumbly brave souls had gone a sworn mission to slay every player killer out there, but she didn't get the point. It was the ultimate contradiction and a serious paradox. But then again, running away from them didn't make much since either.

Ace flinched as a cut sliced through her pixelated cheek. Sure, it didn't hurt, but everything in this world felt so real and she had been in it so long that at some points she forgot that it wasn't real.

She often wondered if the wounds she got in here somehow materialized in the real world. She imagined herself on a hospital bed in a coma, all wired up as her father is sitting by her bed when suddenly her skin starts to rip open and blood rains out of the wound.

Ace dismissed these thoughts and buried them in the files she labeled "Real World". All those distractions, all those memories where no help at getting out.

Ace sprinted towards the cyclone of insects and shred through another wasp as the ceiling of the dungeon lit up in blue masses of pixels.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Erios stared at the tall structure of Gilmer's Tower. The girl told her self over and over; this was a really stupid idea. The quest she'd been sent on was simple enough; there was a low level wasp-like monster in Gilmer's tower; kill it and collect it's drop, bring it back and she'd receive 120 col. The NPC that she'd received it rom was slightly... interesting, maybe a little bit shady, but it seemed easy enough. Low level boss... Erios was quick on her feet, as she'd taken up the speed skill sprint, but she also had spent time leveling up her hiding and searching skill. At her belt, her long dagger hung ready to be drawn. She only carried that weapon, but with her speed and stealth it was easily deadly enough to take out a low level monster. She breathed, drawing her dagger, and repeating her thought like a mantra: This was a bad idea...

As she entered Gilmer's tower, she opened her menu, selecting her Searching skill and opening Tracking mode. She also equipped the Hiding skill, so to blend in with her surroundings, making her harder to see for both players and monsters. She followed the highlighted footsteps on the ground, the dark area also becoming clear, another perk of the Searching skill.

Faintly, she could hear a slight buzzing in the distance. That meant she was getting close to this wasp monster. Then it hit her; the sound of a shout and the clanging of a sword. Players? Why were there players fighting one low level monster? She went faster, quickening her stride.

When Erios turned the corner, she found that she had been drastically mislead... There was no low level monster; there was an enormous swarm of Giant Wind Wasps, encircling a group of about six players. Erios stifled a yelp, but cut herself short by covering her mouth. Her Hiding skill was useless now that she'd given away her position, as one of the wasps turned towards her, racing forward and baring it's stinger. She turned heel and dashed in the opposite direction, but faltered in her stride. She hit the ground, striking her palms against the dungeon's floor. The wasp bore down on her, but she simultaneously swung her arm, bringing her dagger into the monster's side. It shattered into blue hexagons, but not before it's stinger collided with her arm.

Erios found herself stunned, unable to move because of the wasp's attack. It seemed that another wasp had seen her, as it flew towards the stunned girl. She had about 8 seconds of effect left, but the wasp would be there before she could move again. This had definitely been a bad idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The wasps lessened in numbers, signaling their efforts were not in vain. It looked like this would be over sooner than later. Artemis had actually found it an excellent test of endurance. Less and less, the number of monsters dwindling, and soon there were about less than a dozen left. Artemis watched as the blue pixels signaled another victory for her, though she noticed a few Wasps heading in another direction. She quirked an eyebrow; it seemed they had an audience. Or at least, someone spying on them. Someone was on the ground; they weren't part of the little group that was attacking the mob originally. After seeing that the rest of the group could no doubt handle whatever fodder remained, she dashed over to the player. Her sword glowed as she sliced through the wasps surrounding the person, and she saw it was another girl. It seemed today was 'Save the Damsel In Distress' day. Artemis looked down at the brunette, seeing that she had been paralyzed. She remained expressionless, fishing out a crystal from her pocket. "Heal." She said, the crystal shattering and freeing the girl of her paralysis.

Apollo was sick and tired of these damn things, and if he never saw one again, it would be too good to be true. Still, he was only half battling--he was half watching the rest of them. It looked like that one orange player knew the two dudes, that one dude knew the other girl that had came, and Artemis had gone to help someone else. No doubt the entirety of them had been solo players. As he punched through his monster, he realized that they had finished. He let out a huge sigh of relief, though he held a thumbs up to the group. "Would you look at that? A little effort and a whole lot of teamwork!" His grin was wide, obviously pleased with their combined efforts. "Man, I bet we could even take on the floor's boss together!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Finally the number of Wind Wasps began to die down. Aura managed to crawl away from the group to a few meters away where she healed and let everyone else fend for themselves. The battle was all but won. As the guy in the back using fists punched the last one, an award screen popped up in front of her and she accepted the money and exp. Just like she thought, the exp was just enough to boost her to the next level and she allocated her stats accordingly. Aura looked back to the group then and wondered if she should maybe thank everyone for coming to help. With a sigh she walked back over, a hand on the hilt of her sword, so she could acknowledge everyone who came to assist.

"I was sure all of you were going to just get in my way, but it seems that was not the case." Aura paused. It seemed like a good place to start but it wasen't really an expression of gratitude. "I um... want to say thank you all... for.... helping me." she said. Though she had a scowl on her face, she hoped her tone sounded at least appreciative. Even if it didn't, she didn't care. She had said it and that was that. She really hated having to be saved by everyone, no doubt they didn't want to help her in the first place. Maybe that meant they were... nice? Rolling her eyes as she thought the word, she pushed a bit of hair from her eyes as she continued to speak. "I also want to say sorry for dragging all of you into it. Had i not fallen for the trap they had set, none of you would have had to go out of your way." This whole situation was bad. Not only did she have to come to terms with the fact she was a Damsel in Distress, she had to apoligize for it. Aura was so angry at herself, she probably had steam coming out of her ears, but she kept the expression of her face neutral.

I really don't like this whole situation. I'm outa here. she thought to herself as she started to walk past everyone towards where she was wanting to go. "That boss is calling to me." she mumbled under her breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edge cut through the last wasp he was facing with ease, looking around once more to see if there were any more monsters left. Seeing there were none, the boy turned to the guy who suggested they could work together to take down the boss. He opened his mouth to say something but he shut it again when Aura started talking which was when he noticed the repelling orange cursor above her. He narrowed his eyes as she started to quickly walk away.
"You're not the only one headed there, Aura. Not like you can take it on alone," he said, walking up beside her with a quick pace and looked up at the cursor. "What's up with that?" He didn't seem too unnerved because of it though he still hadn't sheathed his sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 days ago

The wasps kept coming, Waltic ignored the fact that Aura couldn't remember him for now. He focused on his sword skill as he slashed and cut down Wasp after wasp that came at them. "You freaks! DIE!" he murmured in anger as he cut another one down as a second barely missed him with it's stinger. The next wasp that came Waltic plunged his sword into it, he lifted his sword in the air with the wasp on it as he then threw the wasp off the sword by violently bringing it down. The wasp was flung off the sword as it smashed into one of it's friends. He focused as he watched more come at them. Waltic charged a small number of Wasps as he broke away from the group. He was able to distract some as he sliced them down putting his back to a tree. Finally they all died. And everything had calmed down. Waltic grinned, "Well wasn't that a load of fun?!" he said while smiling ear to ear.

He walked over to the group as they chatted, Aura started to walk away as he heard what she said, but some guy had just started to talk to her right before Waltic could say anything. But Waltic decided to throw in his two cents, "So, Aura, you don't remember me? fine, You have an orange cursor, fine I just hope there's a reasonable explanation, but you aren't going to face that boss alone." Waltic said as his face and voice were dead serious. "I won't allow it, I won't allow you to walk in there to your death." he said. Waltic walk forward to next to her, he wasn't afraid he believed that she would remember who he was. "I want to go with you, I just want to know one thing." he said as his voice lowered. "How did you get orange?" he asked.

Waltic was hoping she hadn't become a player killer, hoping it was defense or something along those lines. But he wanted to know what she did, he just hoped nothing escalated, because he'd defend her. He pulled his sword out again as he saw the guy not sheathing his sword. He wouldn't let these people team up on her until Aura explained everything that happened, and then after that, he would head to the boss room. He planned 5 different scenarios in his head really quickly as he turned to show the rest of the group the back of his head as he winked at Aura and gave her a grin as he turned to the side so that he could see the group in his peripheral.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aura had tried her best to look calm while trying to escape the group in order to avoid discussion about her cursor. Turns out she haden't gotten away soon enough because after taking a few steps, Edge came up to her followed shortly by Wally. Turning around to face them and the group, the hand on the hilt of her sword tightened. She noticed the wink from Wally a moment before but gave no response. "I don't want any trouble from anyone here... but it seems I wont get away without an explanation so listen up because i'm only explaining it once. You either believe me or don't, like I care." She looked from Edge to Wally as those two were the only ones she cared in the moment who had an opinion about her.

"The second day in this game a man I later found out was named Raiden attacked me and almost killed me. Normally i'm not the type to hold a grudge but his madness didn't stop there. Recently I had heard around there were other girls he had attacked, and I knew it was him because of the description of his appearance. Just like he did to me, he would attack them until they gave him their items and gold then poison them in the hopes that they'd die after he left. Fortunately for them they were in parties and eventually had help come to them but i had no such luck. If someone haden't found me i'd be long dead." she paused as she thought back to that day. How afraid she had been... how weak. And then the satisfaction she had felt when she ended him... maybe there was something inside her that took pleasure from killing. Blinking then scowling at the thought, she shook it off and continued to speak.

"After waiting for the Liberation Force to do something about him, I realized he didn't seem to be too high up on their list. Their occupied with those Laughing Coffin creeps, but whatever. I decided to do something about him myself and return the favor to the man who dared to piss me off. And, if you think about it I did this world a favor. Who knows who else he would have attacked in the future. I'm sure there are more like him out there. Fighting monsters is what we do, right? Just turns out i found one that came in the form of a person. Before any of you tell me it wasen't my decision to choose who lives or dies, think about putting your life on the line. If it was you he had planned to kill next, would you want me to wait around for the one who gets to 'decide' who lives or dies? Of course not. Like I said, I dont care what anyone thinks of me or if they like my reasons for doing it. I know what kind of person I am., and i'm not someone who gets a kick out of... seeing someone die... or killing..." with one last glance at Wally, Aura turned around and continued walking. She was heading to that boss room with or without the others.

Why is it the same? Here, I thought things could be different but its not. My entire life here, and in the real world, is going to be about one mistake I made. It isin't fair! First nora and now Raiden! God, why can't I just get away from all this death!? she yelled at herself in her head. And then it was happening again, the crying. No matter how many times she told herself that what she did was a good thing, she knew in her mind that the reasons didn't matter. She had blood on her hands now... and that truth alone was enough to make her walls crumble. But by hell was she going to let anyone see her again. Aura raised her arms up and wiped at her eyes as she walked away from the group, praying that no one would follow her. If they did, she'd lose it and erupt into a crying fit. So, she wanted to leave now with whatever pride she had left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 days ago

Waltic listened to her and watched the others reactions, hoping none of them would try to get up and fight her. He thought about what she said and never needed a second thought. He took a deep breath as he put away his sword. After all, what she did was kill a Player Killer, and Waltic couldn't blame her for that, because he had done it before. Hell, he had hunted them before. He looked over to watch the group and see what they did next.

However, the next thing he knew Aura was walking off in a fast pace. "Hey Aura wait up!" he yelled as he ran towards her. He kept looking behind him though now sure on what these guys would do, so he kept ready, his hand stayed in a position where he could draw his sword at any moment if necessary. "Aura!" he yelled again as he slowly caught up to her. But while he was a decent distance away he stopped running and started walking fast. "I told you, I'm not letting you fight that boss alone." he said with a grin. He saw her arms come up to her face.

He finally caught up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's okay, it's no big deal the man deserved it..." Waltic had never usually admitted this but he figured he should now. "I've done it too, I've killed player killers as well. I hunted them down for awhile, those that camped outside of floor 7, It's where I lost one of my friends to them because he wanted to go out on his own at night." Waltic said. "Don't let it bother you, I won't judge you for it." he said with a very soothing voice.

Waltic was now side to side with her, "Besides!" he said with a grin, "I can't let you get all that loot by yourself!" he exclaimed. Waltic smiled at Aura as he spoke, "Even if you don't remember me, I remember you! So let's go! This boss doesn't stand a chance!" he said happily. He looked off in the distance and could see 2 huge doors which had to be the boss room, he was hoping the others would come along, because even with him and Aura, 2 manning a boss was not gonna be a simple task at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ace took in deep gulps of air as she listened to this chick's story. Sure, it was probable. Ace had heard about that guy before, but it could still be a cover lie. Laughing Coffin members were expert liars.

Ace slowly made her way next to the guy she came in with and held out her hand, her eyes nowhere near his. "Ace," she introduced herself while staring at blue hair.

"Nice to meet all you fine and dandy solos!" Ace called out, wasting away her last bit of confidence. It was obvious all of them were, except the dynamic due of blondies.

"Do any of you even have any idea of where the fuck this boss is?" she spread her arms out, open to all information. "Because I am sure all of us, including our front line buddies would like to know."

Ace didn't know what shit was getting into, trying her best to look self assured and confident.

Before a response could come, she immediately pointed at blue hair. "What about you, orange? You got any other secrets up your sleaves?"
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