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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 33 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Syraeia eye Twitched a little at being called matron, it was a title she was not used to and replied with an easy expression. “Na’ri, you can call me Sya, we are far from any capitals, I came from the borderlands not Aurelian grand cities.” She spoke letting her native accent show her true origins and homeland. She did live up to her status but something about Na'ri Sya did not want to be called matron for some reason. She worked well, was great with people and talented as she was beautiful. Long as the tone was respectful she could let her assistant drop the title.

“Keep em happy, they keep spending. just do you.” Sya said as she headed off, she had her full confidence in Na'ri and turned to make her way waving up to the staircase and waved to the new man entering. He was tall, muscular and looked to be more tanned than the Lunarians… must be an Aurelian. His winter gear was not as heavy as the Lunarians but they lived in this climate all year round, the weather was meant to be akin to a light shower for them. Be friendly, she kept her light born nature discreet but tried to be friendly.

Heading up the stairs, the smaller rooms were more often rented so they would be very likely fine but first, her best room likely needed fresh candles, a tidy up, and check if sunni had dumped any new …things there. He seemed to collect things and liked to hoard things, hoard… she might find a random box of pottery or so. He promised not to…but who knew with Sunni.

Her eye caught the woman In furs drinking and eating with a man before rounding the corner, she had questions but work came first… pulling her gaze away she headed up into the small corridor between the room currently lit by a few dim candles but that was no challenge for the blight born, it was honestly how she preferred it and most comfortable in dark than light.

Those questions caught her mind as she walked but ignored them to focus. Focus Sya… she said to herself, plus she did not want to look like some idiot to this woman, this was her Inn, she was proud of her place in this place. This was one place she felt safe and able to drop her disguise least away from the main bar.

Dropping the cloaks Dark material to fall around her shoulders placing it on a the bed and reaching to check her braids were still holding in place. Long Dark brown hair tied up in intricate design as a point of pride even if not seen by many she was not some survivor but a woman with a purpose again. She breathed a content sigh and let the weight fall off her, a long slow minute she could still feel the energy below her, but also some above, directly above… but it was…strange. Sunni was hard to read as any man she had met.

Her clothes were clean, practical but fairly plain. Much as she had been given coin and fitments for her new station they were not the most inspired of wear. Not like the bright colours and sleek fur with shining leather she admired the ladies of worth wore. Clothes she hoped to wear, to show she was able to defy her status and detractors.

Her over-large single eye almost glowed in the light as began singing a tune softly to herself appraising the room and beginning to put things to be suitable to her mysterious blight born lady of a guest. Fresh candles would be fitted, the sides dusted and a new bowl of clean water to wash off the dust and dirt of travel. Being clean was a luxury at times but one that could not be understated or overlooked. She would make sure all the other rooms had clean fresh water too. Her Inn was no dive or back alley murder slum.

The soft song flowed, a song of a Knight who fell in love with a monster, held his blade and gave her his last, she was cured… It was a little sad but oddly she did not mind it. Somehow that was one that stuck on her memory regardless. She was not Na'ri but She could hold a tune at least.

The Princess and Prince had least left much as she did not say out loud but Royals could really put a cramp on the vibes and the general feel of the place. Everyone stopped relaxing and things got… uncomfortable.

Downstairs…felt more normal now as life picked up, the energy and emotions she felt grew. All was good and the coin changed hands. Na'ri just had a way to bring her own energy into a room.

@Girlie Go Boom
@The Savant
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 33 min ago

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven

Coswain and his party saw the charming woman approach them with gleaming bright eyes, and…did she look familiar? He had worked with the Royal family of Lunaris and was unsure about that. Sitting down with Hector and Daphne who had not got the same thoughts and had not been so close to the King or Queen as Adonis was. He was sure he and Persephone had attended such a show, but this was so far away. No, no. Definitely not that woman, she just…dropped off the map. The ensuing trouble and issues of the past had kept the Royal guard busy. Very busy, he remembered the crimes they could not run down, a hundred other tasks…just no ability to properly isolate one threat and deal.with it.

“Yes, that was the order” Daphne said cheerfully as the Small lady in a hood seemed to have passed on the order to this striking woman with green eyes, almost seeming to dance as she moved about. Her energy was just…energy. “Much as I greatly respect the Royals. I really need a meal” Daphne admitted that her Hunger was very much earned after a long ride.

“Soldiers are always hungry!” Hector said lightly and began to relax as things calmed down and the Lords, Royals and other stuff was not Hector's deal.

“Least this is normal. Guess we're building.” Hector said with his heavy thick northern accent turned to the lady. “Adon. Sort ya head out. Food. Ya got the coin” He hit his friend softly into his armoured and padded shoulder, they would have to hit each other really hard to hurt each other. Swords, weapons were the only way to severely hurt each other in their present garb.

The woman's description of the large platter with spices, food, meats, breads and more all in one plate? The Look from his comrades were hungry and he might be in lethal danger if he refused to buy the premium platter of meals and food. He had ridden them hard to get here so… a good leader rewarded their Soldiers and looked after them. “You two are very much starving. We drink and enjoy ourselves then!” He said decisively as he saw the lady head to some gentleman In the corner, clad in furs and a heavy build. The man had the build of a powerful worker of some kind, he looked weather beaten and someone who put in a hard day outdoors.

“Go Adon. Go” Hector gave his friend a push and shoved him to go to the lady Na'ri to order the meal. His friend was the handsome, charming one and diplomatic one. He hit things with a hammer, and kept everything in good condition. “Lighten the purse, seeing as we walked into paid accommodations” Coswain went to stand up and adjusted not to trip over the bastard sword hung at his hip, swords really got in the way at times.

“Going..going ya old bastad” he laughed as he stood up. The tall Royal guard walked over, His hair and beard were short and run With pale grey that contrasted against the slight Permanent tan he was not sure where it came from in his ancestors. No one ever wrote it down in detail, he was a Lord by deed than birth and had earned it though 20 plus years of service.

“Excuse me, mi lady, we would take the platter and some extra cheese, as well as buy this man a ale for interrupting you.” He said with the easy confidence and tone of a man who did not fear to face a challenge. “Coswain, Lord Castellan from Lunaris., warsmith Hector and Daphne my squire.“ he offered a hand, his arm strapped with leather, chain mail and plain but high quality steel he would not be able to remove till later and gestured politely to his table. A tall woman Around 5'10 with dark brown hair And a heavily set and bearded man going to grey but a mix of Smith soldier in his stature with detailed armour he had customised himself.

He interrupted the man's service, was polite, introduced himself, his companions and so on. A small touch, The bag he had could easily cover an ale for diplomacy. Sometimes you just had to make a gesture of goodwill.

“Anything interesting about Dawn Haven?” He asked casually like a newcomer he was, just casual conversation. Nothing too heavy as he waited for the lovely lady in her skirts and bright green eyes to confirm they had got the order and thank the lady when she did.

@Fetzen@Girlie Go Boom
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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Northern Forest Outside of Dawnhaven

Although she remained silent and feigned ignorance, Kira knew that the Prince's lapdog was tailing her. She could feel his eyes on her, smell his scent, hear his heart beat, and the distant crunch of his shoes on the dirt. He was skilled, she'd give him that, but her new abilities granted her an enhanced awareness that he wasn't able to get around. She wondered how far he would track her into the woods; it almost felt like a game. Had the Prince tasked Orion with making sure she behaved? Kira briefly considered using her psychic magic to pry into his thoughts, but dismissed the idea as a waste of time. The last time she had tried that on a blight-born it had drained her energy with little reward. Instead, she decided to revel in the mystery and wait for him to reveal himself.

Rather than worry about him, she focused on her next meal. Humans were hard to come by while living in Dawnhaven, which was unfortunate. The Prince made it a point to know each and every individual personally, so anyone suddenly going missing would be noticed. This forced her to look outside the village, which was frustrating at times. As the weather grew harsher, the weary road travelers were beginning to disappear, and military patrols became less frequent. While humans were the most satisfying, they weren't her only option. For the past month, she had been sustaining herself on animals: squirrels, rabbits, deer — anything she could hunt to avoid preying on the innocent citizens of Dawnhaven. She felt disgusted with herself nearly every time, but it had become necessary. The refuge Dawnhaven provided was too valuable to give up. At least for now.

Suddenly, the scent of human blood hit Kira like a brick wall. She halted in her tracks, her eyes dilating and mouth salivating. It had been so long since she had come in contact with human blood... Her eyes darted back toward town, taking note of the oblivious Aurelian guards. Then, her bright orange eyes found Orion, revealing to him that she knew exactly where he was. She locked eyes with him for a brief moment, silently asking if he, too, could smell what she did. The prospect of a human to feed on was tantalizing, but the scent's proximity to town was concerning. Had someone been attacked without the guards noticing? Reaching into her girdle, Kira pulled out a hidden dagger and bolted toward the scent. She didn't want to alert the town if it was a false alarm, but she would handle any threat herself if there was one. Plus, she was certain Orion would be on her heels soon enough.

Coming up on the target, Kira slowed her pace and quietly moved off the path, weaving between the trees of the dense forest. Although she had been highly skilled in stealth all her life, the blight had altered her eyes so drastically that they now gave off a glow. In the eternal darkness, she was hard to miss unless she had her eyes closed. It was one of the more infuriating things the blight had taken from her.

Crouching now, Kira stepped lightly as she moved closer to the beast that was giving off such a strong smell of fresh blood. She crept near a bush, narrowing her eyes as she peered at the creature through it's dying leaves. A man... she thought, watching him bite into the squirming body of a squirrel. Blight-Born.... She stayed silent, observing. His clothing was drenched in human blood, which explained the scent she had picked up on from so far away. But why was he feeding on a squirrel now if he had clearly just slayed people?

"I know where you are. Come out! Face me!"

As he turned towards her, Kira raised a brow at the mans own glowing red eyes. Someone who had the same affliction as her? Now this was interesting. Kira gripped her dagger more securely, ready to jam it into the mans jugular if he advanced towards her. Blight-Born were unpredictable, and though she was curious, she wasn't about to trust him. He seemed rabid, unable to control his hunger.

Slowly, Kira stood from the cover of the bushes to reveal herself to him, her dagger hidden in her hand beneath her black cloak. “Such a shame.” She sighed, looking towards the lifeless body of the squirrel on the ground and resisting the urge to check where Orion was. “You took my snack.” She pouted and locked eyes with the stranger, holding the pout for a moment before her gaze hardened. Kira stepped forward, her glowing eyes narrowing as she assessed the blood-covered figure. “Why do you reek of human blood?” She asked bluntly, “Answer carefully now. I have little patience for liars.” Her voice was cold, each word laced with with an undercurrent of threat.

Interactions: Orion @Qia, Willis @BOOM
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Pleiades,Jonathan-@The Savant, Eris-@The Muse

Elara’s gaze locked with Pleiades’, his eyes reflecting the luminescent glow of a moonlit night. Her face was the picture of serenity, her nod and smile a silent testament to her grace under the weight of her duties. Pleiades’ otherworldly presence commanded a certain respect, and Elara offered it freely, her acknowledgment as much a recognition of his uniqueness as it was a customary greeting.

Turning her attention to Eris and Sunni, Elara couldn’t help but notice the faltering words of Eris, the way her voice wavered like a leaf caught in a gentle breeze. Her head tilted subtly as if it would help her understand the situation more clearly. Yet, despite the peculiar nature of Eris’s words, Elara’s warm smile never waned, a beacon of reassurance in the uncertain morning. Her face remained a calm sea, betraying none of the whirlpool of thoughts that might have lurked beneath.

Mr. Emberani’s private endeavours, whatever they might be, were relegated to the periphery of Elara’s concerns.

And as for whether she would join them…

Elara stood at a crossroads of duty and curiosity. The young man’s disquiet was as clear to her as the frost patterns on the windowpanes, a silent storm brewing beneath his composed exterior. It manifested not in words, but in the subtle shift of his stance, the fleeting glances, the tightness around his eyes—a language of discomfort that Elara read but could not fully grasp the meaning of.

She stood there, ready to connect the divide with carefully chosen words, aiming to solve the enigma with a delicate question, when she observed the sudden departure of the young man. His exit was swift, a clear indication that whatever troubled him was too overwhelming to deal with openly. Elara's lips parted, but the words dissipated into the fresh morning air, unspoken. Well, it seemed that was the end of it. Perhaps she should just let the matter rest now, shouldn't she?

Elara found herself instinctively moving towards the inn's back door. Her intent was clear, but the door swung open before her fingers could graze the knob, causing her to retract her hand in a swift, reflexive motion. With a slight step to the side to regain her composure, she observed the unfolding scene—a delicate interaction between the young man, who was decidedly not Sunni, and the enigmatic Pleiades. A flicker of doubt crossed her mind as she contemplated her next move. Her previous attempt at mediation had not gone as smoothly as she had hoped, yet something within her knew that inaction was not a good option either.

Gathering her resolve, Elara cleared her throat and stepped forward. “Hello there,” she announced with a confidence that belied her internal hesitation, her gaze on Jonathan all the while. “Perhaps you can be of assistance to me? I assume you’re a little more familiar with the skills of the people here than I am. We’re short on artisans who can knit and sew, you see.”

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Eye of the beholder

The monster in her cave watched with baited breath both as the servant girl Syraeia climbed the stairs to the second floor but also as the other servant came closer. She took every step, every sway of her hips, and most importantly her delicious feelings still so fresh from the Princess into her gaze. Looking up with the ruby eyes she fed deeply like some reacquainted lover hungrily vying for their companions attention. This server with the semi calm outward demeanor felt like a flood of emotions beneath the surface! [*feeding begins]Perhaps Oliva underestimated just how thirsty she had become, maybe it was the teasing sip from her companion that lit the hunger spark deep within her own body. Whatever the reason she felt the rush of fresh affection like honey pouring down her body thick and sweet. A subtle moan slipped past her full lips, without realization as she slowly tried to stand only to hear a warning like a spirit of the past telling her to sit. The dark haired green eyed server was a true delicacy that lingered on. Being so close to the source the dark being could nearly see it like heat ripples off a stove shimmering in the air just above the young woman's skin. Much like the steam from a freshly baked pie daring for onlookers to take a bite. Bite Olivia did, in a sense, yet far deeper then any creature in the forests dared to dream.

Alex watched the exchange seeing his lady looking out from the fur at the servant girl coming closer. Getting more than a little distracted from the milk chocolate figure gently bouncing as she walked to the table. Knowing the effect those eyes had on the people that met Octavia's blood gaze. Like before he recalled the timing and started to count silently in his head though the man himself didn't really know when the feeding started or how late it was. Wait he was suppose to talk to her? "We need more food and some fresh ale. I think our companion would like to freshen up so if you would just leave the rest to me I can assure you this table tips heavily." He paused trying to think but his eyes were elsewhere.

John was mostly quiet observing the exchange with his brother and the servant girl. It was hard not to see why. Not many alluring girls back in the village, this young woman was that and more. In fact it was only when the dark furs rose into view did he remember she was in the room. "Oh shit. Um ...brother?" He swatted the older sons arm with a look of concern.

"Huh?" He glanced over to notice she was standing with her hand on the tavern girls shoulder. His head turned to the furs as a look of fear spread across his face! His brother was closer to the dark figures back. "NOW DO IT NOW!" Alex shouted, panicked forgetting the timer it would have to be enough.

John reached up with one hand pulling the hood down over the creatures eyes before locking his arms around her shoulders and shoving her forcefully to the chair breaking the link. John thanking the gods this monster was not one for strength. He held her fast feeling the slender figure squirming and grunting beneath the cloak of blackest night slowly subside. Only when the final struggle played out and the milk hand patted his arm did the burly man release his charge.

She sat for a good moment not daring to look up. Her head felt light after such a meal. Drunk off the woman's passion felt so sensual swirling about the pit that she poured it into. The emotion becoming her new favorite meal, as it was her first taste of such a sweetness that played on her hunger. The inner pit sated for now she slowly pulled out more coins leaving then on the table letting the two brothers fend for an excuse to what just happened. She rose again. A sultry soft tone as the hood turned to the other woman at the table. "Delicious." Not waiting for any remark the shadow moved to the stairs.

Alex and his brother exchanged glances before looking at the green eyed tavern girl. Jonh sitting after the tussle with their charge moved to kick his brother under the table to act.

"Right, ale, more of that and um... please keep the rest." He slid the coins to the woman hoping she didn't call the guards or create any problems. Normally anyone the Lady fed from was a criminal and died. When they had tried it in the forests on the trail here Alex felt numb inside. Like the fear she had been the sole cause of ripped the emotion from his body leaving a hole of sorts that healed over time. Reminding him of pulling trees stumps to clear land. The red headed man could only try to imagine the lingering effects the Lady had over this woman.

Using those slightly pointe ears the cloaked one moved following the sounds to the room that would hold her true target. That petite wonder of a woman with her large jewel of an eye. A visage of death all in black silently moved down the hall to stop before the door. She felt gitty from the feeding of passion. It was definitely a first and Olivia loved its sweet flavor, it almost resembled that one time during a particularly long court discussion when she was younger and imbibed on too much brandy wine. Not one to intimidate and wanting this next meeting to start on a good note the lady lowered the hood and pulled back the cloak exposing the figure beneath. The milk white skin against the dark earthen tones was hopefully something that would appeal to her... well it would just have to revel its title later. Pausing by the door to listen in to the tune Syraeia was humming. A gentle knock against the wooden door frame to announce she was there. Olivia might have felt nervous if not for the tipsy feeling the feeding now gave her. Indeed the lady was feeling a little bold tonight.

Stepping into the room and gently shutting the door behind her. The lady in her long back skirt and brown sued corset stood before the other blight borne. "...." She blushed face to face the words left her throat and mind. The scene felt like her life was on a path she never prepared for. A lady in a room with a blight borne and so isolated. The guards down stairs half drunk would never reach Olivia in time. A moment suspended in time where anything could happen and her words failed her! The pale lady's eyes went wide in disbelief as she faced away momentarily trying to think of the things she wished to say. It must be what the first person felt like seeing the moon in the heavens. "I am, Olivia..." Her voice shy and demure. All those years of royal training and now she stood there before the petite Syraeia feeling like some simple village girl swooning on her first crush. Casting a side glance at the woman noticing she had removed the brown cloak from earlier. "I was hoping we might sit together, and talk."

@Girlie Go Boom
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by BOOM
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Willis Philips

Willis is unaware that his thoughts are exposed to Kira's psychic probing.

"Oh! Uh..." Willis' arm twitches, fighting the urge to rip out his blade as he takes a closer look at the lean, cloaked figure. He sees a tussel of red hair peaking out from under Kira's dark hood, and light freckles pronouncing her face.

They peer at each other under the absolute shade of tall pines, eyes glowing red and orange. She's so pretty... he thinks. Wait, no! Snap out of it! The glow of her eyes confirms that she is a blight-born. Gosh, they are beautiful... gah! Focus! I am ticking up her threat level. Willis wipes the blood coating his lips with his palm, glancing at her feet as Kira gets closer to him without making a single sound. Damn, how is her footsteps so silent? She's trained in stealth... Those footwork looks like she knows how to fight too. Raising her threat level again. I can't see what she's holding...

"I got attacked by the baron's men! I kid you not, they chased me for an entire night, then cornered me at a mountain's pass, and killed my pony! I had to defend myself..." Willis talks quickly, wildly gesticulating with his hands as he takes a step back. He is picking up Kira's scent now, a strange fragrance of flowers, tubers, herbs and spice. Is she a herbalist? And another scent trailing behind her... she's got backup. Ticking up her threat level again.

It seems like killing her wouldn't solve any of my problems, he thinks to himself. Welp, you know what this means...

He drops to his hands and knees. "Please don't judge me! Hurting them was not my intention! I just want to get to Dawnhaven and finally catch a good night's sleep... Can you help a brotha out?" He asks, in a hopeful voice.

@The Muse Kira

@Qia Orion
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 33 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Sya was still singing softly as she worked pulling open a cupboard in the room.where she had a stock of spare candles and was shaping the wick and top, the one one was part burned and still could be used elsewhere in the Inn, but this room had fresh ones. “The ladies horse rode and rode, down the road bearing” the knock at the door had Sya turning to face it and the sound of the door creaking open despite being new it was somewhat of a rush job and the building had its… quirks.

Upstairs out of the way of others she could shed her cloak, while Dawn Haven allowed blightborn, it was easier to run the Inn when you're not the one they are actively trying to not look at. Her ears pointed up as well as her rather noticeable feature of a single eye.

“Sunni? Na'ri had the bar. Just sorting rooms.” Was Sya's first reply as she turned around to see the woman from downstairs. The … woman from downstairs. Her brain had to do a switch a second to fully engage back before she could reply. “Sorry, I'm…still preparing the room miss.” she said automatically at first. The woman's hood was down now though and could see in the candle burning in the room for lights, skin paler even than her own and strikingly bright red eyes that made her stop. Striking and … she unlike few others had met Sya gaze prior, was not afraid of her eye. Unlike Sya her hair seemed to have turned white or perhaps it was pale before…

Sya had seen other blight born but you never knew what another one was like, some far more animal than human, barely able to tell friend from foe. Dawn Haven was one of few places she had seen more than a handful of their kind in a single place. Most in Dawn Haven where the … safe kind if you could call them safe, the true monsters would be driven away or killed. Few even blighted themselves could blame that attitude.

The revealed attire of the woman was rather normal, a finer cut than her own and material she could ill afford but travelling clothes akin to many others. The dark skirt, corset looked nice despite their more muted tones and were fitted nicely. Standing up Sya also noted the woman was a few inches taller than the Innkeeper herself.

The second part really caught her guard down, her name was Olvia, a first name even without title or such. A rather personal gesture for a better, and then she asked to sit down and talk, the tone, the wording. She was asking Sya, no command or expectation… turning bodily to face the woman pepper, no Olivia in fact. “Syraeia, or Sya if you like.” She forced herself to be steady, forced herself to think. That big blue eye blinked and she nodded and sat on the bed's edge. Why did she want to talk, what did she want?

Her own nerves came as she ran a hand through the rather intricate braids and stick that kept her brown hair in place, the natural pressure held it all tight without need of more expensive pins and such. “Please, If you would talk with an innkeeper.” She gestured next to her. “If we cannot show our true self to a blight, who can we?” She said more boldly than felt and the glow in her eye returned with her feeling of hope. Yes, hope. Maybe she could explain more of the blight, maybe she knew more of why she was cursed so or why the blight would return her but wipe out all her family and village bar perhaps 2.

“Why the interest in me, i desire to be, but am no lady of wealth or influence with the beautiful dresses and bright robes? I been without, its much easier with.” The words were out her mouth before she could stop herself, before she could think and before she could hide… Sya was entirely honest about her desire to be more than just… she wanted more, wanted to be the one in fine clothes and maybe earn more respect, maybe have to hide less…maybe be seen for someone to be with? Someone worthy of care?

That was all a dream though, she still almost felt herself run, the desire to hide, people did not normally voluntarily sit those close to one of a Blight affliction knowingly like this in private.

But she held her nerve, this was no ordinary woman, she would resist that Instinct, and talk with this strikingly pale lady as she saw her close up. Iris was red as blood and could see the blue veins in her exposed flesh.

Blight born has to breathe… maybe not eat but much as people claimed…they were dead…alive…it got confusing. However long, she still had little understanding but what she could learn herself.


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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 3 days ago

The giant of a blight-born nodded in affirmation as he waited for the rider to hop on his sled. As soon as she was secured enough he started trodding forward, the sled gliding after him after a jerky start. Each step impacted the ground with a dull thud as he trudged forward, his eyes moving side to side, taking in his surroundings. Ivor had only been in Dawnhaven for a month now, having heard of the settlement that allowed blightborn to coexist. He didn’t want to live there originally, moreso was just curious at the idea of a town full of monsters and people; yet somehow the place had managed to win him over. Both the prince and princess had certainly tried to get him to stay of their own accord, but it was the people who lived there and that odd determination to make it work, despite the adversity. That thought alone made him more than a little homesick, but it was enough to convince him to stay and help in his own way to keep the township afloat.

“It not much now, was not much when first got here either, but town has big heart,” he tried to emphasize that last bit as much as he could, facing away from her. “People here are good too, like Sy’a, she will give you good food, but do not stare..it is..rude, or there is Sunni boy he has…things for…things.” Ivor didn’t remember exactly what Sunni’s job was, only that sometimes people visited him with things and they would get other things in return. “The prince and princess live here too, always followed by that serious one and the little moon lily.” Ivor had enough trouble trying to pronounce most words without trying to do names, so he would often refer to them in nicknames or brief descriptors. Even if he were to use anyone’s real name, there was no guarantee that Rider would have any idea about who he was speaking of.

“Fear not Rider, we are coming to the place soon, you will get much rest and hot food and,” he paused for a brief moment as he saw two figures ahead, both recognizable; yet the social cues were not. Ivor laughed heartily, a deep laugh that came from his belly, “MY FRIENDS! Kreztchimar nozemme jabool!” the giant exclaimed as he picked up the pace, dragging the sled ever faster behind him and nearly forgetting his occupant in the process. Nevertheless he stopped some feet away before Eris and Pleiades to greet them, “Good day friends! I come back with much stuff, is good, VERY GOOD!” He emphasized with a big thumbs up and another hearty laugh. He lowered himself on one knee to be more at level with the two of them, “Is good to see you, Miss Eris,” Eris Hightower, a woman far more intelligent than Ivor, with a generous heart to match as she had volunteered her time teach him basic reading and writing. His head turned to the other blightborn present, “and you as well…er”, it wasn’t that Ivor didn’t know this man’s name, but he didn’t have the capacity to pronounce it yet. Try as he might, the words didn’t come through, instead the name ground down into a paste like simulacrum and was spat back out as, “...Boird man..” he looked at Pleiades rather sheepishly, before standing back upright and sighing, “Good to be back…”

Interactions: Persephone @PrinceAlexus, Eris @The Muse, Pleiades Porter @The Savant
Mentions: Syraeia @PrinceAlexus, Flynn @The Muse, Elara & Orion @Qia, Octavia & Sunni @The Savant
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Village Square

It’s probably better if you stay with Pleiades or something…

Eris's eyes widened with panic as she looked at Sunni, her stomach twisting in knots and her heart beginning to race. "Wait-" Eris barely managed to speak before Sunni interrupted, avoiding her gaze. “Stay here, Eris. I’ll have your product out to you in a few minutes,

She froze, watching who she thought had been her savior hastily leave her and Elara to the wolf that was Pleiades. Utterly confused, Eris's mind began to spiral. Why had Sunni changed his mind so quickly? Did she do something wrong? Did he want to put both her and Elara in danger? Was that his plan all along? Was he in on some sort of sick scheme with Pleiades to trap them both? Her heart pounded so hard against her chest that she felt breathless.

Well, you do not seem busy with Mister Emberani anymore,

Eris slowly turned her gaze to Pleiades, trying her best not to let it show that she felt sick to her stomach. Sunni had abandoned her and now Pleiades was going to feast on her against her will! She just knew it! If she hadn't been so petrified she might have started crying.

"Why don't you just give up?" Her brother's words echoed into her mind once again.

Taking a deep breath, Eris tried to steady herself. She had come to Dawnhaven for a reason. She had a purpose here! What good was she if she couldn't speak to all blight-born, no matter their reputation? She would need to get over this fear of hers at some point if she wanted to prove her brother - and the world - wrong.

"I-... We're quite busy. I'm sure... I'm sure Sunni will return soon." Eris's voice quivered more than she would have liked, but she was proud she managed to speak while meeting Pleiades's gaze.

An awkward silence hung between them as they waited for Sunni, Pleiades eyes upon her making her feel like she was being assessed by an apex predator. Gathering her courage, Eris decided to take a step towards over coming her fear.

"How are you on this morning, Pleiades?" She hated the way her voice shook, but she stubbornly stood her ground and awaited his answer. As far as she could recall, this was the first time she had ever addressed the man directly.

As the door of the inn creaked open, Eris smiled and her heart leaped with anticipation, hoping that her knight in shining armor had returned to whisk her and Elara away. Instead, she found Jonathan. Eris's smile immediately dropped, her stomach twisting in knots again. It wasn't that she disliked Jonathan, but she didn't have much faith that he would be able to rescue her in any regard.

Mister Emberani said to give this to you,

"Oh..." Eris replied softly, taking the small package of Emberbloom from him. "Thank you." Her gaze lingered on the package, her thoughts racing as she tried to fathom why Sunni hadn't returned.

Do I make you uncomfortable?

Eris snapped her gaze up to Pleiades, at first thinking he had been speaking to her, but finding that his attention was fixated on Jonathan now. Had Sunni abandoned the boy to be feasted upon by Pleiades too?!

N-no… I am just doing a job,

Feeling a sudden surge of bravery, Eris narrowed her icy blue eyes at Pleiades as Jonathan shifted himself to hide behind her. "I thought you liked to make people feel good, not terrified?" She glared at Pleiades, though she could feel her resolve fading fast as she realized just exactly what she was doing. The rabbit challenging the wolf. She could almost hear her brother laughing. Little Eris, always choosing the wrong words at the wrong times.

“Perhaps you can be of assistance to me? I assume you’re a little more familiar with the skills of the people here than I am. We’re short on artisans who can knit and sew, you see.”

Behind her, she could hear Elara speaking to Jonathan about.... knitting... and sewing? She could hardly believe her ears, but she refused to look away from Pleiades. If she wasn't currently staring down a blight-born, she might have chimed in that Eris herself could try to assist with sewing. How could Elara be so unbothered by Pleiades at a time like this?!

“MY FRIENDS! Kreztchimar nozemme jabool!”

Eris startled as a familiar voice boomed through the village, breaking the tension and offering a welcome distraction. Eris grinned as she spotted Ivor approaching, the only blight-born she had come to truly enjoy so far. Despite his intimidating appearance, Ivor had grown on her quickly. She felt safer with him around and his return to the village was always celebrated.

"Ivor!" She greeted him excitedly, feeling a wave of relief rush over her as Ivor stopped. "It is good to see you as well." He had no idea just how perfect his timing was. Perhaps Ivor would be her savior instead.

Eris turned her attention back to Pleiades as Ivor greeted him, though not by his name. She felt a tinge of sympathy for the man, but knew that his name was far too advanced for Ivor to grasp at the moment. "Mr. Porter." Eris added, glancing at Ivor. "This is Mr. Porter." She clarified, holding a warm smile. She didn't hold love for Pleiades, but she could imagine that no one wanted to be called "bird man" to their face.

"What did good things did you bring, Ivor?" She asked, looking around Ivor to get a view of the sled he had pulled along. Her eye brows raised as she spotted a woman who appeared in poor condition. "Oh! Ivor, uhm.. Who is this?" She inquired, moving around the man and looking over the woman swiftly to see if she could spot any open wounds or signs that she had been stricken with blight. "Hello, miss." She addressed the stranger, kneeling down next to the sled to look her over more closely. "Are you well?" With worried eyes, Eris met the woman's gaze.

Silently, Eris cursed herself for having used her mana on illusions of her brother earlier this morning. As a healer, she could easily use her magic to heal the woman of any wounds, but it would come at a great cost. These days, without the sun overhead to fuel the Aurelian's natural mana source, each spell chipped away a large chunk of her energy for the day. If this woman needed serious help she would have to sacrifice her own wellness for the day, but she was prepared to do just that.

Interactions: Sunni, Pleiades @The Savant, Elara @Qia, Ivor @BeastofDestiny, Persephone @PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 4 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 33 min ago

Rider on a Black Lunarian.

Persephone Laconia

Persephone was Jolted as the man pulling her dragged her forward faster with a booming shout, he was calling out to the others, other people but she could not see them. She had no idea who the person or persons were. She tried to look round but only heard him saying to not stare at Sya, the place had a big heart and guessed this Sunni was a Trader?

Bird Man? Hot meal was what she latched onto and could not forget, that was the key part that she did want. Hot meals, Hot fire, something that mattered now… Birdman could wait, maybe he was a breeder of birds… or. Something worse? “I just want a hot meal right now” She said frankly, this Sya could look like a troll but if the food was good, the food was what mattered now. People talked of sewing, of the town's business, it made no sense for now but tried to commit as much energy as she could to gathering information.

This giant of a hunter had pulled her in with a fast pace, was it for danger, was it for an reason? She needed more information, more context, more details.

Something however was giving her a bad gut feeling… and she did not ignore it, somehow the call to birdman and the change in the energy was concerning. Her hand slipped down to a long dagger that rested below her cloak strapped to her belt, a solid, sharp and simple fighting knife of Lunaris design. The castle forged steel was unlike some others darkened and aged to a dull black and intended to be a more discreet and understated weapon. The sword was on her horse and would be too heavy to use.

She was jumpy when the woman came up to her, she was human and wore normal clothes, her eyes were not a glowing red and did not cause her gut to twist. The blades handle she let fall loose from her grip showing the uniform of Lunarus Military. Hopefully she did not know the exact signs of rank and status, that was more likely when she caught her voice, Auralian, however it was clear she was more important than a normal soldier. “Pershopne” She said quietly and had an air of deep tiredness and effort to it. “Need to find Comrades” adding softly as she tried to push herself more up to a position she could look around her.

“Tired, Hungry, cold. Not hurt. Get inside” She said frankly with an accent clearly from the capital of Lunaris and looked towards a sign that looked like it could belong to an inn with hope. The eye of the Beholder sign crudely painted but painted none the less swung gently in the snow. A lowly breeze along with the light snow that fell on Dawn haven. The rest of town was not as visible as the Inn, but assumed there would be a market somewhere and some kind of business district, a place for the Lords, and homes for the people. Those she would find later.

“By the moon, I need it.” Pershhone spoke and hoped the woman underwood what she needed, brown hair, younger woman who looked rather new to the frontiers if she was honest. The older woman's red hair was brushed out of an eye with a gloved hand. “Came from Valors Edge, Border Fort” She added, that was no secret and made it clearer how far she had travelled.

She tried to push herself to get up, to make it to that door, to get warm.

@The Savant
@The Muse
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"This is of grave importance, child." The High Priest of Aurelia stood before Tia for the first time in nearly a month, his voice a balm as it washed over her - even as his words squeezed vice-like around her heart. "We can trust no one else."

Tingara Tomae, sun priestess, daughter of Aelios, servant of Aurelia, sat refined and demur within the gilded carriage as it trundled down the path to Dawnhaven. And if there were still traces of salt on her cheeks, hastily wiped away before they could dry in tracks below her eyes, well... there was no one to see it, anyway. She tightened her shaking hands in her lap and forced herself to breathe as deeply as she could. The air caught in her ruined throat.

Tia squeezed her eyes shut, willing away another wave of emotion that built in her chest. She'd spent the journey unmoving, as if she could hold very still and freeze her emotions in place, as if she could turn herself to stone, resilient against the torrent that always seemed to swirl around her.

She was not a wailing child anymore, underfed and touch starved and desperate for a kind word. She would serve, as she was tasked.

And one day, when she returned to the capital, perhaps the High Priest would look upon her with pride again. Perhaps he would not frown at the shredded rasp of her voice. Perhaps his eyes would not narrow when someone whispered sun-touched or chosen or morning's daughter when they saw her pale hair and gruesome scars.

"My son is stubborn and prideful, with delusions of righteousness," the queen said as she lounged in her high-backed chair. "He will likely regard you with some suspicion as a member of the clergy. Make your perfunctory introductions, and then stay out of his way. Make yourself useful in the settlement, serve, heal, comfort its people - the prince will come to you, eventually." Tia kept her eyes downcast as she heard the shifting of the queen's gown, the slight tinkling of her jewelry as she stood and approached.

"He does love a project."

"My lady," a voice called from outside the carriage - the coachman. "We approach Dawnhaven." The gasp that escaped Tia was involuntary, as she tried to rein in her despair at being sent away again, cast aside, a disappointment, useless -

"Shall we first make for the royal residence?" He was an older gentleman, peering through the thin window at the front of the carriage with pale, watery eyes. His eyebrows pulled together the slightest bit as he looked at her, and Tia wondered what he saw.

She shook her head in answer.

The coachman pressed his lips together. Then nodded.

"To the temple, then."

Soon enough, the sounds of civilization trickled into the carriage, commerce and creation and life. She heard more than a few mutterings as she passed, their party no doubt drawing attention. Tia hadn't been given a choice in this matter. She'd been placed in a grand carriage with attendants, riders, and guards - nearly a dozen total - surrounding her on all sides in a grand procession. They'd even stopped an hour outside of the settlement so that the horses could be cleaned and the carriage polished until it shined under the moon's light.

'Befitting your station,' the High Priest had assured her before she'd left. 'It wouldn't do to have a member of the clergy arrive like some wayward pauper.'

Those she'd traveled with would all leave once they'd delivered her. Then Tia would be alone again.

"Let them see your scars," the queen commanded. Tia forced herself to still, to not flinch as manicured nails traced the raised flesh of her throat. Her breath froze in her lungs. "Remind them of what's at stake."

The carriage finally drew to a stop outside the small, hastily-built temple to Aelios. Tia steeled herself as an attendant opened the door to the carriage. She took his offered hand, her fingers tightening around his warmth as he steadied her.

The first time the citizens of Dawnhaven saw Sun Priestess Tingara, her head was high, and her eyes were clear as snow flakes disappeared against the fair halo of her hair. Her scarf was clutched tightly around her collar, scars hidden from view.

After months of darkness, the sun's pale light had finally reached Dawnhaven.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: @The Muse Kira;@BOOM Willis

Shrouded in the forest’s embrace, Orion was a spectre in the twilight, his presence as imperceptible as the whisper of leaves in the wind. His Blight-Born nature granted him an affinity with the shadows, allowing him to meld with the darkness seamlessly. The subtle rustle of his movements was drowned out by the natural symphony of the woods, rendering his approach nearly undetectable.


His senses, heightened beyond mortal limits, tuned into the rhythm of Kira’s heart. It was a sound he knew well—the rapid tempo of a Blight-Born’s pulse, quickened by the thrill of the hunt. Her alertness was a beacon to his perception, a clear signal that she might be aware of his proximity. Yet, Orion was not deterred; his own abilities were honed to perfection, a testament to his strategic mind and the rigorous control he maintained over the dark energy coursing through him.

Orion continued to track Kira’s movements with the precision of a seasoned hunter. The sudden halt in her steps and the dilation of her eyes did not escape his notice. The scent of blood, potent and iron-rich, wafted through the air, igniting a primal recognition within him. Still, he remained a shadow, his own eyes a muted glow of crimson, concealed by the dense foliage.

As Kira’s gaze found him—ah, so she had noticed him—a silent exchange passed between them, a question posed without words, a shared understanding of the hunger that gnawed at their kind. Orion’s nostrils flared subtly, acknowledging the scent that had arrested her. The proximity of the blood to the town was indeed troubling, suggesting an event that had eluded the guards’ vigilance.

With a swift motion, Kira brandished a dagger and surged forward. Orion’s instincts urged him to follow, yet he held his position, a testament to his strategic discipline. He was the prince’s shield, bound by duty, but the unfolding situation demanded his attention. The safety of Dawnhaven was paramount, and any threat, be it from a Blight-Born or otherwise, fell under his purview.

Kira’s stealth, though compromised by the blight’s cruel gift, was still formidable. Orion watched as she navigated the terrain, her form a wraith amidst the trees. Her approach to the blood-soaked figure was cautious and measured, revealing her experience and the survival instincts sharpened by her transformation.

The man before her, engrossed in his grisly meal, was an enigma. His attire, saturated with the lifeblood of humans, told a tale of recent violence. Yet, here he was, feasting on the meagre flesh of a squirrel. Orion’s mind raced with possibilities. Was this Blight-Born an outcast, driven to madness by the blight’s insatiable appetite? Or was there another explanation for the scene before them?

Orion’s hand hovered near the hilt of his own weapon, a blade forged from darkness and necessity. He was prepared to intervene, to protect Kira from potential harm, and to preserve the peace of the settlement. His gaze remained fixed on the stranger, ready to decipher his intentions and act should the need arise.

Kira’s stance was one of controlled aggression, her body language speaking volumes more than her words ever could. Her question hung in the air, demanding an answer, yet Orion knew that words were often secondary to the instincts that drove their kind. The stranger’s response, or lack thereof, would determine the next move in this delicate dance of predators.

His brow ticked up in confusion, and perhaps slight amusement, as the man prostrated himself to the red-headed Blight-Born. Was it an appeal to Kira’s mercy, or a move of last resort? Orion understood the futility of violence in this situation; it would only exacerbate the man’s predicament.

As the man, Willis, implored for assistance, his voice tinged with hope, Orion weighed his options. His duty was to protect, but his mission was also one of understanding. The Prince of Aurelia had extended an offer of sanctuary to the Blight-Born, a chance for redemption and peace. Perhaps this man, too, sought refuge from the relentless pursuit that had marked him as prey.

Orion stepped forward then, emerging from the shadows like a wraith materializing from the night. His approach was silent, his presence commanding yet not threatening. “Your plea has been heard,” Orion’s voice was steady, a deep timbre that resonated with authority. “Dawnhaven may offer you sanctuary, but your actions henceforth must reflect your intent for peace. We do not judge solely on past deeds but on the promise of a better path.”

He offered a hand to help Willis to his feet, his crimson eyes locking onto the man’s with an intensity that conveyed both the seriousness of his words and the sincerity of his offer.

And a warning to reconsider any act of betrayal.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

New faces were appearing tonight. His moon-struck eyes lingered across the whitening grounds of Dawnhaven while the cool air brushed against him. This was peaceful, unlike the little group exchange he had in the square by the inn. Glancing over to the individuals still loitering there, he snarled in distaste and moved his eyes around the grounds more. All three of the individuals that surrounded Eris were able to ruin his attempts for tonight. She didn’t seem to be keen on him being there anyway. The attempt was a dead end before it started.

A sigh left his lips while his hand supported his chin while he observed Dawnhaven from a higher point. “This is boring…” he murmured to himself. Everyone in this damn town was bored. There was barely anything to do or anyone to do for that matter. Maybe he should fly back to one of the cities and have his fun there.

It was odd seeing the guards from Lunaris arrive and then a familiar face on a horse — he was pretty sure he had seen her in the Lunarian castle before. Was that a throne agent? Pleiades had no idea if it was but he was sticking to what his gut was telling him. It was another higher up from the King under the moon. How pathetic.

Then his eyes focused on a carriage as he watched it go to the Aurelian temple. His curiosity struck while his head tilted, “Did they finally send the pathetic worshipers of the sun deity to Dawnhaven?” He spoke softly in a purring hum as his eyes sharpened towards the quickly built temple as he watched from afar at the carriage and the people wandering around it.

Tia approached the temple, hyper aware of the attention on her - villagers eyeing the ostentatious procession, vigilant attendants waiting to receive directions from her… but Tia kept her gaze on the temple. A far cry from the shining white and gold behemoth in Aurelia’s capital, it was made of simple, unfinished dark wood. Tia found herself awed by it. The capital’s temple was undeniable in its power, its presence, more force of nature than a structure crafted by tradesmen. But this wooden structure… there was something undeniably human about it. Tia let her eyes wander the tiered roof, the conchoidal patterns of the window panes, the small, intricate decorations carved into the wooden beams. Someone had designed this. Hands had mapped out the architecture, cut the wood, chiseled the small flourishes of design, erecting something beautiful when not two months ago this had been nothing but forest.

Images of her own childhood flashed in her mind of the temple she’d been raised in after her first family had given her away. It had been even smaller, though it had been the nicest building in the village. Tia lifted a hand to run her fingers over a wooden pillar at the front of the temple. The grain was still slightly rough against her skin, not yet worn smooth with age.

“Lady Priestess,” a voice called from behind her. Tia turned from the temple to see the old coachman watching her. Attendants were already beginning to unload boxes of supplies from the carriage, apparently having received their orders. “The supplies we transported - some are designated for the temple stores, but the rest are marked for distribution throughout the settlement.” The church had loaded her carriage with supplies for the winter - grains, salt, new tools, blankets… a range of goods that would no doubt be needed for the coming winter. Tia was to present them to the prince as part of her introduction, possibly garner some good will, but…

She was just so tired. She was drained physically and emotionally from the journey, she was sore, she needed a wash -

“Shall we deliver them to the prince on our way out of Dawnhaven?”

Tia blinked at him - he was giving her an out. A sudden burst of affection bloomed in her chest. She gave him a small, thankful smile, and bowed her head to him. He gave one in return.

Turning back to the temple, Tia blinked back tears again, trying to swallow around her emotions - and her growing frustration with herself. She was too frayed at the edges, exhausted from travel. She needed to get herself together. She forced a long, slow breath. Suddenly the eyes on her, the movement and activity of the attendants as they worked, became overwhelming. She needed to escape, recenter herself, if she was to conduct herself in a way befitting her station.

Another breath.

Going inside the temple was out of the question, with the workers moving about to unload the supplies. She could… walk the perimeter of the temple. Yes. See where the window were, which direction the morning light would - nope. There hadn’t been morning light for six months. Ok, then she could…

She could stop trying to justify her own actions to herself when she knew she was just trying to find an excuse to not be seen by people in case she had a breakdown.

Tia turned and began walking around the outside of the temple to do just that.

His curiosity was getting the best of him as his eyes lingered for far too long on the small group of prophets… priests… holy people… or whatever else they were called. It was pathetic in his eyes that they were building temples in Dawnhaven, though the Aurelian royal family seemed to be all about the jewels, the appearance, and not anything more. Maybe it was his hardened soul speaking from a past life. The life of when he was human. Growing up was a hardship and when the sickness appeared… not even holy people cared to keep him company. He was too ugly and far too sickly for their concerns. He could remember the grotesque whispers of why anyone would keep him alive.

With a fluid motion, Pleiades was up in the darkened but moonlit skies, and he soared over to the temple. Landing on the top as the newcomer and her entourage followed her into the temple. Stepping around the top, he was admiring the structure of it, but he sighed while dropping from the roof as if he wouldn’t catch himself.

His wings extended while he gradually descended from the roof and his feet met the ground only a few paces from the carriage. One of the individuals that seemed to come with the woman gasped upon his appearance and he grinned — probably an ugly one from their perspective though anyone with unbiased eyes would see it was out of mischievousness. Curiosity. A lingering hint of friendly demeanor, “Salutations,” The man whispered out in somewhat of a lustful tone. He had such a naturally sultry voice especially upon whispered words. “I didn’t realize such individuals were arriving in Dawnhaven so soon. I would have made a gift basket or —” His shoulders shrugged at the thought. “something…” The man emphasized as he circled around the carriage once before looking at the door of the temple.

Stepping a few feet closer, he stopped, and looked over his shoulder, “Do you think I would burn if I stepped foot in there?” The humorous tone of his voice would have indicated he was playing though the religious disciples might take his words as taunting evil.

Or maybe I’ll step in and the temple will burst in flames,” Pleiades chuckled while grinning with his teeth slightly apart. It showed his slightly longer canines while he looked back at the entrance of the temple. He had seen better. Personally, he admired the water and reflectiveness of how the moon would shine down upon the Lunarian temples — he was biased. Growing up in Lunaris and everything.

The Aurelians seemed frozen as they stared at the newcomer.

Demon,” one of the soldiers spat at Pleiades, drawing his sword. The sound of metal scraping against the scabbard seemed to break whatever startled spell the rest of the men had been under, and suddenly the air was filled with the sound of shouts, more swords being drawn.

Tia hadn’t made it three steps around the corner of the temple before the cacophony reached her ears. Panic was instant as it shot through her veins. She darted back around the temple to see the men she’d arrived with all in varying states of distress, some trying to calm their compatriots, others pointing their swords at -

A Blight-Born. His back was to her, and he was partially obscured by the wooden pillars of the temple, but there was no denying what he was. Not when his wings, huge, feathered, and inhuman flexed behind him.

Tia didn’t think. Her body moved without her command as she ran, weighed down by her priestess robes, and she nearly tripped as she placed herself between the Aurelians and the winged Blight-Born.

She glanced at him for only a moment - just long enough to see his wings, his claws, his shining eyes - and a familiar, prey-like fear shot through her. Then she looked back at the soldiers and held up a hand to them.

Tia had been told, of course, that Blight-Born lived in Dawnhaven. But knowing that and seeing it, being so close to one, was another thing entirely. She tried to fight down the panic, her breath coming out of her lips in small, white clouds. She was hyper aware of him at her back, the scars at her neck seeming to burn beneath her scarf.

She met the eyes of the soldier who’d first drawn his sword and gave a small shake of her head, begging with her eyes that he stand down. They couldn’t afford to threaten the peace of the settlement.

The sound of silver and steel shredding against leather caused his brows to knit together and his moonlit eyes to sharpen upon the soldiers that accompanied the followers of the Aurelian religion. A guttural sound could be heard as his body tensed and his face soured — everyone was just a killer tonight. Be that of boredom or be that the intention to actually kill.

Pleiades took a side step before an overly pampered religious brat stepped in between them and he stayed silent. She wasn’t talking at all. — How odd — The thought crossed his mind as he heard not one peep out of her. She placed herself in between him and the guards and he truly did not know what to think about that. Then the feeling of anger began to boil in him. Didn’t they know that blight-born take oaths to not do harm to the citizens of the town? No harm in the sense of death or truly being chaotic to just be chaotic?

Taking a few more steps back, Pleiades didn’t care to find out how sharp their swords are, and he decided to be a little more gruff with his tone. “You better be careful threatening the people of Dawnhaven. Blight-born have been living peacefully here aside you humans so I doubt you would want to ruin that,” He informed them while his eyes glanced down at the woman standing in between them. “You know… you’re overly dressed. You are probably the main cat in all of this. Didn’t you inform your fucking guards about the innerworkings of Dawnhaven?” Pleiades was slightly offended that they drew their swords so fast at him. Just for being himself…

Tia’s head whipped around to look at him upon hearing the growl of his voice, a hand still raised to the soldiers. Her hair stood on end as he gazed at her, seeming to weigh her worth. She told herself she wasn’t trembling - that blood wasn’t leaking down her neck below her robes. His fangs seemed to catch the light of the moon.

Tia forced herself to stand taller.

My lady -

Tia’s eyes cut to look at the soldier, stilling his words in his mouth. Then she was again looking at the Blight-Born. The quick, short clouds of air betrayed how shallow her breathing was. Tia clasped her hands tightly in front of her legs, her long sleeves hiding how they shook, and bowed her head to him.

The soldiers seemed to hold their breath. Then finally, one by one they resheathed their swords.

Pleiades did not seem to care for the act that was happening in front of him — was it an act? Maybe. He wasn’t sure he should trust the religious folk and their guard from the Aurelian capital. It made him annoyed with Prince Flynn unlike he was before — was this how his people treated others? — Even after she bowed… he was interested in the possible facade. Knowing how people were with him before he was blight-born and after, it was hard to trust, and his expression was more negative than anything. It tried to hold some kind of neutrality to it though that was a failure in the making.

Is something wrong with you? Does a cat have your tongue?” The winged man looked down at the smaller woman with the question. His tone sounded condescending at best. His eyes would flick without pattern back towards the guards and if any of them shifted, he would, and depending on what they did. The man would step back, purposefully keeping a certain length in between him and the other individuals. Keeping enough distance so if he needed to spread his wings and fly away, he could.

Tia flinched back at his question.

You will not-” the soldier cut himself off as Tia angled her chin back over her shoulder towards him, her eyes still downcast.

She glanced back at the winged man again, daring to meet his eyes. Her lips pressed together. She didn’t break eye contact as she raised a shaking hand to slowly loosen the scarf at her throat until she could pull it far enough away from her skin. The winter wind was sharp against her as she revealed the pink, shining scars, nearly spanning the entirety of her neck..


The word was a soft, broken rasp, nearly too quiet to hear.

A huff could be heard when the soldier began to talk again. The armed men butting in was getting slightly annoying but this is what you get if you want democracy. His wings adjusted to be in a more comfortable position since they were large and heavy. The tips were dragging against the ground when he walked. His eyes seemed to focus in on the Aurelian’s eyes as she became so serious.

When she confirmed that a cat had her tongue, a raised brow could be seen, but his face went back to a neutral expression. “So you can’t talk to me then? Not like him or her?” He gestured to the guards and other individuals that were on the other side of her.

Would you like me to get you a writing utensil and a paper?” Pleiades teased though he was being serious as he retrieved a small stick of charcoal that was wrapped in a paper peel so one could write with it and a little booklet.

Tia’s eyebrows drew together as her eyes flicked between his own and the small offering in his hand. He was… mocking her. She tightened the scarf around her neck again, hiding her scars. A new feeling buzzed through her - irritation. It was easier to deal with than overwhelming, petrifying fear, at least. But it wouldn’t do to offend him more than they already had.

After a moment of hesitation, Tia decided the diplomatic thing to do would be to simply take the gift at face-value. She raised both hands to take the notebook and charcoal, careful not to touch him, and gave another short bow of her head. She opened to the first page of the notebook and wrote a short message. Tia held it up to show him.

I apologize for their behavior. They’ll be leaving soon.

Seeing how her brows drew together along with the change in her demeanor, Pleiades understood that he must have offended her in some way, but he didn’t know if he should go about entertaining it or not. Did he want to expose that he could be nice to this individual? Then she took the notebook and charcoal writing utensil.

Looking at what she wrote once she was done, he nodded his head, “It is what it is,” He plainly spat out as if he was disinterested about this whole thing. As if there was no point in interacting with them at all.

Pleiades shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t mean to offend you by offering a booklet and writing utensil, but I rather be able to communicate with the person in front of me instead of not at all,” He decided to clarify his actions and offer.

Tia froze, heat creeping to her cheeks. As a child she’d always been told her face was too revealing. It seemed for all the times the priests had slapped her for her insolent expressions, she’d never quite learned her lesson.

She looked back at the winged man, eyes flicking down to his wicked claws, his pale skin, his eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. The breeze picked up, blowing whisps of blonde hair around her face. She reevaluated. A small, hesitant smile curved her lips.

Tia lifted the hand holding the notebook to tap it against her chest.

“Tia.” Her name was nearly lost to the night air.

The man shrugged slightly as if he was repositioning his stance to get comfortable while he stared at her. His expressions left too much to the imagination. They were neutral at best. “Tia,” He responded with a nod of his head as if he was saving that name for later. To remember it.

A sigh left his lips which showed in his demeanor, his chest was bare, since he didn’t need as much clothing as a human did. His shirt was stuffed into his bag since he didn’t want it on right now, crossing his arms, and looking at her. “Pleiades,” He spoke more gently than the gruffness he had for the soldiers. “Pleiades James Porter, the postal master here in Dawnhaven,” He added.

Tia’s smile grew as he introduced herself - but then she paused.

The postmaster.

She was required to report to the queen when - if - she learned anything about the prince and princess’ progress. Judging by the Pleiades’ wings, he’d be much swifter than any horse. But would he be suspicious of her letters? How was she to hide her intentions here from him - from the prince, from anyone in Dawnhaven? She wasn’t a spy or a thief, she was just Tia -

She cut herself off, her blood thick with unease - and guilt. Remembering her audience, and that she needed to work on controlling her damned face, she chanced a look up at him again. She offered a smile again, if a bit weaker than before. Tia opened the notebook again to scrawl a new message below her first. After a moment, she added another line to it.

It was very nice to meet you, Pleiades.

Thank you for this book.

It was somewhat eerie, the pause, though he took no mind to it. A ton of people paused at weird times when he was around so he chalked up her behaviors to him being a blight-born more than anything else. Their eyes met when she looked up at him and his expression was unchanged. The man could be described as a statue with how he was at times.

When his eyes met the pages, barely a stance of a smile curled at his lips, and he sighed. “Yes, what a pleasure to meet you too, Tia,” The man stepped away from the priestess and the soldiers. It seemed like all the interaction tonight was ending quite quickly — when would he be able to get to the forsaken cities again to have some fun? Why did the prince bring all the stuck-up Aurelians and why did the princess bring all the depressive Lunarians? This was so unfair. His wings spread out before gusts of wind would violate the other individual's clothes, hair, and skin. With that, Pleiades was gone into the darkened sky, but Tia… if she had an eye for anything would notice that the notebook that she was handed was not completely blank. There were little notes in beautiful penmanship along with very detailed sketches of people, animals, plants, or things.

Tia watched him fly away, briefly mesmerized by the sight. He was terrifying, to be sure, but… there was something ethereal about watching his wings unfurl, and glide through the sky.

She allowed herself a moment to watch him. Then Tia turned back to the Aurelians she’d traveled with, setting back to work.

Collab with @c3p-0h Tiagara
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Muse
Avatar of The Muse

The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Eye of The Beholder & The Royal Cabin
Time: 12pm

Flynn's brow furrowed and worry filled his expression as Sunni's voice reverberated through the tavern, calling for Jonathan's aid. Rarely had Flynn heard his best friend's voice carry such a tone, which was a worrisome departure from Sunni's usual demeanor. In fact, the only time Flynn could recall Sunni being angry was when he inadvertently created a fire tornado and razed his entire home to the ground. Without the sun there was no possible way Sunni could achieve such a feat again, but it was still cause for concern. Even a small magical outburst could cause Sunni exceptional physical consequences - even death. Despite this concern, Flynn's primary worry was understanding why Sunni was so angry. With the relentless efforts Sunni had poured into building Dawnhaven over the past two months, perhaps he had pushed himself too hard, stretched too thin. A break was long overdue... for everyone.

I believe we have found Sunni,

Flynn frowned as he looked to his wife, “It seems so... Let's check in on him.” Stepping away from the door, Flynn re-entered the tavern and began to make way to Sunni's room.

Oh, before we go and see Sunni, I… Uhh… Nevermind, We should go to Sunni…

Flynn halted mid-step, observing his wife's evident struggle to broach a subject with him. The worry in his face deepened as he watched her, the way she avoided eye contact and tried to force a smile onto her face. In that moment, he found himself at a crossroads. Prioritize his wife or his best friend?

Is everything okay?” Flynn's voice was low, a conscious effort to prevent their conversation from echoing throughout the tavern, where they remained under the scrutiny of its patrons. Sunni would have to wait. If Flynn was to be a good husband, he knew he had to put Octavia first in all things. “Perhaps we should find somewhere more private to talk?” He suggested, glancing up at the tavern to see who might be watching and listening. As royals, they almost always had eyes on them.

Octavia seemed to be uncertain about approaching the conversation she brought up — Do not read this letter alone — those were very strict orders from someone who wasn’t usually that way. She shook her head, “We can get to those matters later. We came here to find Sunni. Let’s at least pay him a visit before leaving,” The younger woman was beginning to realize bringing up such a topic… such a subject in a place so busy as the tavern was naive and ridiculous. This letter that she hid under her shawl meant more and was most likely not for the public.

The thing is,” She whispered lightly so others couldn’t hear. “I received a very important letter from my little sister and Pleiades informed me that I should not open the letter alone… opening it here would be a horrible idea though it can be opened later. I doubt it’s terribly urgent. My sister sometimes thinks urgent matters are the wrong shades of fabric being sewn into her dress,” Octavia was trying to relieve some of the stress that was on her mind about the letter. Sylestar was sometimes known as a drama queen or someone who would overreact to certain things. Urgent didn’t mean the same thing for the sisters.

Given his upbringing, Flynn found it hard to trust Octavia solely off her word, despite her efforts to reassure him. His mother, the Queen, was notorious for her mind games; she rarely meant what she said directly, expecting people to decipher her true intentions. The family, especially, was required to know what to do without her explicitly saying so. Flynn’s sisters, for the most part, were the same way. “If you’re sure…” Flynn hesitated, feeling uneasy about postponing the discussion, uncertain if that was really what Octavia wanted. Not only that, but Pleiades’s instruction for Octavia to not read it alone made him wary. What exactly had Octavia’s sister said to him? Having little to no knowledge of Octavia's siblings, he'd have to take her word for it. “Let’s go see Sunni, then… we can talk after.

Continuing forward with Octavia, the couple headed upstairs. As they approached Sunni’s room, Flynn paused at the door for a brief moment to listen for any voices that might come through. Finding that it was completely silent on the other side, Flynn lightly knocked. “Sunni?” He called, listening for any movement beyond the door. “It’s Flynn and Octavia… everything okay?

With her husband’s hesitating voice, Octavia glanced down where the letter was hiding under her clothing. Her lips parted for something to come out but she closed them. She wasn’t certain. She was downplaying her emotions and trying to shove them deep inside of her. There was so much worry inside of her about the letter and she might have been selfish. She wanted to delay opening it because anything could be going on at the capital of Lunaris. Anything and everything while she was miles away and could do nothing about it.

Okay.” She whispered in agreement to go see Sunni. Her husband’s hesitation reminded her of her father’s acts. The king of Lunaris might have never been one to be hesitant though those similar pauses could shut her down. Her eyes fell to the floor, not looking at Flynn, as she debated the possibilities in her head. Was he mad that she was postponing the information inside? Could he see through her facade of doing it for selfish reasons? That caused her to feel sick. If he did think that way, would he get mad? And how much of a temper did the prince of Aurelia have?

Sunni had already taken his boots off, his shirt that was mucky, and his outer pants. He had his undergarments on which were long pants made from blue fabric that had a wide waistband that hid most of his lower torso. The dirt that was packed onto his outer clothes was making him feel gross along with everything that Eris had said in front of Elara. Hearing the knock on the door, he sighed to where they couldn’t hear it, but he smiled slightly when he heard Flynn’s voice.

Nodding his head in thought, a gentle smile appeared on his face, “Why would anything be wrong? My prince,” Sunni sat up in the bed and carefully maneuvered around all the items in his room. His room was packed full of items and things. Reaching over into the pile of clothes, he grabbed a very faded red shirt, and he threw that on quickly. Getting over to the door, he opened it up and leaned against the frame. “Everything is dandy here. How are my two favorite royals tonight?” He seemed cheerful. A different aura than when he shouted for Jonathan.

Maintaining a worried frown, Flynn made a mental note to inquire further about the issue with Sunni at a later time. It was evident to the Prince that his friend was holding something back, but he didn’t feel it was appropriate to push the subject with Octavia present. Clearly, Sunni wasn’t ready to discuss whatever had upset him yet.

Ah, well… ” Flynn glanced at Octavia before turning back to Sunni, offering a sheepish smile. “It seems I may have… underestimated… just how many supplies we needed to survive the winter.” He sighed, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. Sunni was already working tirelessly, and yet Flynn was about to ask for even more. “We were wondering if you might be able to pull any more strings with your contacts to get some more supplies sent here before the pass over the mountain becomes too dangerous…

Sunni chuckled upon his friend switching rapidly through emotions — Flynn didn’t always know what direction to take but he was somewhat disappointed that he barely got a conversation in before the man began asking for supplies. He nodded his head, “Octavia called me to her quarters last night and spoke about all the supplies we would need. Her last shipment should be here by the end of the week,” He knew that it was pushed back and the princess wasn’t happy with it. The man gave a slight smile to Octavia. One to try and reassure her that he was trying to make sure everything was timely.

Hearing the rest of his friend's request, he kept that faint smile on his face, “I will try my best. Let me write some things up and have Pleiades send them out pronto —” Sunni paused as if he wanted to say something else but he glanced at the ground before talking again. “ — How are the both of you?

Octavia seemed to glance at the friends, as she decided she could intervene with the question, “I am doing well, thank you for asking, Mister Emberani,” That phrase seemed to get a sigh then a chuckle out of him — Mister Emberani — Octavia seemed to love to keep things formal.

I’m holding up. Thank you, Sunni” Flynn said, giving Sunni a friendly pat on the shoulder – a bit firmer than he would with a stranger, a silent communication of his appreciation between brothers. “How’ve you been? I owe you a drink later.” He smiled, glancing past his friend to peer into what appeared to be a hoarder's nest of a room. They needed to get Sunni’s house built quickly, or he’d start taking over the entire tavern with his various items and packages.

I think we all could use a break.” Flynn thought out loud, forming a plan as he spoke. “Perhaps Na’Ri could perform for everyone. We could gather everyone here for food and drinks. On me. Tomorrow night.” He looked over to Octavia, seeking her approval. “What do you think?” Although using supplies in this way might not have been the wisest decision, Flynn understood that boosting morale could make a significant difference. Especially for the Aurelian people who had been ripped so far from everything they once knew. They had all been working so hard for two months straight—some even longer, as they had arrived before the royal couple to begin construction.

Noticing his friend was looking over his shoulder, his room was dark, but anyone with eyes could tell how much stuff was in such a small room. His attention only lasted for a second or two before looking forward again, “I might need a drink,” The man chuckled while his smile widened. He was not lying at this point. A drink might do him some good — relax him a little bit. Flynn might recognize the behavior better than anyone. When Sunni didn’t want to share how he would feel… he would skip over that part and continue the conversation like he answered that question.

Sunni did not want to explain what happened with Eris out in the town square and how it all happened in front of Elara. That would be embarrassing, and Octavia didn’t need to know that information. The woman was Octavia’s right-hand lady, her handmaiden, and he knew if he said anything in front of the princess — that information might get back to the beautiful moonstruck woman.

When Flynn began to formulate an idea, Sunni smiled more, “Sounds wonderful,” His voice sounded intrigued though everything was internally screaming. The man didn’t want to be around a bunch of people, hearing music, song, or dance. Typically, he would love it, but he felt like his nerves were shot. Being the only merchant in town… everyone was always bothering him for products. He understood that he was helping Dawnhaven grow and he was a good source of importation for goods though it was burning his social battery. He wasn’t going to tell Flynn or anyone. It would be selfish to bring up such a thing in harder times.

Rubbing at his neck, he continued to have that smile, “I think it is a great idea, Flynn. The people definitely deserve to have a nice time once in a while and I believe everyone has earned it with their hard work,” Sunni added his two cents as he began to look more exhausted than anything. Kept himself leaning up against the frame as he crossed his arms. “ Are there any specific products that you wanted me to have imported?

Flynn did not miss that Sunni had intentionally ignored his question, but he decided not to press the issue. Now wasn’t the time. Later, during their drink, the Prince would certainly have some questions for his friend.

Well....” He paused to think about what Octavia had expressed to him earlier in the day. “We need more blankets and heavy wool clothing. Furs. Things to keep people warm.” He glanced at his wife once more, checking her facial reaction to make sure he was saying the right things. “Candles and lamp oil.” He added, knowing that this darkness could go on for the rest of their lives for all they knew. He shuddered at the thought of it. “Hay and grains for the animals.” He sighed, knowing this was a tall order. They had already stocked so many of these things already, which was why Flynn thought they were in good shape, but Octavia thought otherwise. “Anything we can get through the pass fast enough, really.” Silently, Flynn cursed his father and mother for not sending more supplies along with them two months ago.

Reaching over for a writing utensil and a piece of paper, Sunni began to jot those things down, so he would remember to place those orders. Octavia seemed to glance at Flynn while his friend was busy writing. Her face did not change much though there were so many thoughts going on behind those big blue eyes — Does he truly think partying when we don’t have enough supplies is a good idea? — Her face might have shown a slight concern about her thoughts on it but nothing more.

Sunni mumbled the things that his friend was listening to as he wrote them down. “I will make sure these orders get placed for the both of you,” He was sure that must have been everything, right? It didn’t seem like Flynn was adding anymore and Octavia seemed to be quieter than usual.

The man rocked on the balls of his feet, his bare feet, and seemed to listen to all the commotion downstairs. “I suppose I should throw some more layers on and get downstairs to help out Syraeia,” He added while maneuvering over to his desk and putting the paper onto the pile. There was already a pile of requests he got from others the past few days. Sunni needed to go through them and see what was reasonable and what wasn’t.

Octavia went to speak though she shut her mouth. It wasn’t her place to redirect Flynn if he wanted to throw a party. She needed to remember that she wasn’t in the capital anymore and she didn’t have her mother’s backing to cancel out consequences that could occur from her speaking. She looked away from Flynn as she let her eyes wander to Sunni and how crowded his room was.

Flynn watched silently as his friend wrote down each of his requests, noting that Octavia hadn’t answered him when he asked for her opinion on his idea. Regrettably, he found himself yearning for her approval, which she always seemed reluctant to give. When she did agree or provide an opinion, it often felt like she was doing so just to avoid a disagreement. Were all Lunarian women like this? Cold, secretive, yet non-combative? Octavia was so different from the women he grew up with, who always spoke their minds, whether they were asked for their opinion or not. He so desperately wanted to know what Octavia truly thought and felt.

Thanks again, Sunni.” He stepped back from his friends door, “I’ll catch you later for that drink.

Octavia,” Flynn's green eyes met her beautiful blues, “Would you like to return home with me?” He asked, reaching out towards her to see if she'd allow him to take her hand in his once more. Without having to say so in front of Sunni, Flynn hoped that she knew he was asking so that they may go somewhere more private to continue their discussion about the letter she had received.

Don’t mention it. Anything for a friend, see you later for that drink,” Sunni commented while waving them off before closing his door. He tried his best to close it quietly and not to seem rude at all. His forehead was placed against the frame with quiet inhales and exhales before he locked the door.

The man moved back over to his bed to get fresh socks on and before he knew it — he was out of it. Sunni ended up falling asleep and curled into the blankets and pillows instead of doing more. It might have been midday though he was exhausted.

Octavia stared at the man’s door for only a second before her husband got her attention. She glanced at him with a gentle smile, “I suppose that would be a good place to read that letter,” She spoke her thoughts out loud then her face twisted under the realization of what she said. “I mean, yes… Let’s go to your home,” She didn’t call it their home or the like. The woman felt like it was her husband’s home and she was there… intruding more than anything.

Unsure if Octavia even noticed his hand reaching for hers, Flynn felt a pang of rejection and awkwardly stuffed his hands into his pockets. “It's our home, Octavia.” He corrected her, feeling defeated after having repeated that to her multiple times over the past two months. “Let's go...” This time, away from the prying eyes of the tavern people or his best friend, Flynn let his guard down, allowing his voice to sound just as tired as he felt.

The emphasis from Flynn caused her to look smaller than usual. She messed up. A jolt of anxiety shook through her core as she stared at the ground for what felt like forever, though it was a mere few seconds before Flynn’s tired — no angry — no exhausted? Octavia was unsure why he sounded so different and it caused her to feel uneasy. “Yes, sir,” Was an automatic response that she used with her father. It would appease him every time she thought he was angry or disinterested in her.

Flynn stared at Octavia in almost disbelief as she called him sir. Did she think of him as some kind of superior? His eyes locked with hers, his brows furrowed in concern. “Octavia, I'm not... you don't have to do that. I'm not commanding you, I..." He sighed, unsure of what to say. He hated when he didn't know what to say. “I'm sorry. Let's just get home..." He forced a smile, his heart feeling torn on what to do with his wife. It seemed he could never do or say the right thing.

Hearing him apologize was such an odd thing to her when it came to where she was used to being. The Lunarian king would barely apologize to anyone let alone his eldest daughter so she looked surprised when Flynn apologized after she called him sir. Was that not the right thing to say? She felt conflicted about what to do now.

Octavia stood there while watching her husband descend the stairs before shaking her head and following after him. Without realizing what she was doing, the princess was picking at her fingertips, and nails, and scratching up her cuticles with anxiety. Elara would most likely bring it up later if she noticed.

As they descended the stairs in silence, Flynn opted to exit through the back door to avoid the gathering crowd of people at the front. However, upon stepping outside, Flynn was met with an even larger crowd. His eyes scanned the village square where several people stood in conversation, but his attention was drawn to a large entourage of soldiers in Aurelian armor gathered around the temple to Aelios. “Shit." He thought, watching from afar as they unloaded supplies from a carriage. He knew that the Sun Priestess was set to arrive soon, but she had come sooner than he had expected. The supplies were welcome, at least, but this added to Flynn's long list of tasks. He would need to greet the priestess sooner or later. For now, he made a beeline for the cabin with Octavia, doing his best to appear too busy to be stopped for conversation.

Exiting the back of the inn and noticing people out and about, she looked at her husband, and he was already halfway across the courtyard. Octavia hurried up to him and stayed a few feet behind him at all times. It was a natural habit of hers. She forced a smile as she found herself inside their cabin but had no words to say to her husband. She began to play with the shawl around her shoulders more than anything.

We made it." Flynn sighed in relief as they entered the cabin, softly closing the door behind him. He leaned against the door for a moment, savoring the silence within their home. Personally getting to know every single person who entered Dawnhaven and ensuring they were taken care of was becoming a tad bit overwhelming, if he was honest.

Making way for their dining room, Flynn pulled out a seat for Octavia. “Let's see what your dramatic sister has in store." He joked, offering a warm smile as he waited for her to take a seat.

When they got to where Flynn wanted to be and he joked about her dramatic sister, Octavia only looked uneasy, “I… I really don’t even want to open it after what Pleiades said…” The young woman confessed while retrieving the letter from under her shawl and the inner clothing. Sylestar had such beautiful penmanship and she sketched little hearts around the wax seal of their royal family.

Looking down at the letter, she glanced up at Flynn, and looked back at the parchment. “What if it is bad news?” She asked. Octavia didn’t know if she could handle any kind of bad news. Actual bad news. Maybe she was overthinking and letting things get to her head.

Flynn frowned, his playful demeanor vanishing as he met his wife's eyes and saw her genuine worry. She must have downplayed her feelings about the letter earlier in the tavern, and he felt guilty for not noticing sooner. “We will get through it, if it is." He assured her, “Together. Whatever may come."

Octavia’s palms felt like they were becoming hot and sweaty with anticipation about this letter. Without any help from a utensil, she broke the seal and pulled out the letter from her sister. A deep inhale and a lightly shaky exhale could be heard from her before she placed the outer parchment on the table.

She stood there and opened the letter up, her eyes began to move:

Dear Octavia,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been far too long since we last spoke, and I miss you dearly. Life in the palace has become increasingly tumultuous, and I find myself in dire need of your wisdom and guidance more than ever.

There is something I must confide in you, something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. I believe our father’s actions have been far more sinister than we ever imagined. I fear he played a role in our dear mother’s untimely death…

That last line seemed to make Octavia pause for a long moment as her hands began to tremble and she could feel the stinging sensation of tears nipping at her eyes. A dry swallow could be heard from her as she was trying to find her place. She kept messing up and going to different sentences since she couldn’t focus after that line — our dear mother’s untimely death — though their mother was so healthy…

Flynn… I… I’m…” Her words were coming out in between uncontrolled breaths as she dropped the piece of paper like it was poison to her fingertips and quickly left the room. Her door slammed shut only a moment later with the piercing sound of it locking behind her before loud and uncontrollable sobs could be heard muffled behind the walls and door of her room.

Octavia, wait-"

She was gone before Flynn could stop her. Swiftly picking up the letter that had dropped onto the dining room table, Flynn read it over. Then again. And again. Slowly, he sat himself down at the table in silence and read the letter one more time for good measure. The Queen of Lunaris..... was dead? Why? How? What did this mean for the realm?

Heart racing, Flynn stood and followed Octavia's path upstairs to the room she had claimed as her bedroom. He leaned his forehead against her door, closing his eyes as he listened to her sobs. His heart ached terribly for her. What was he to do? The man who could never say the right thing was the only one here with her. How unlucky she was.

Lightly with the tip of his index fingers knuckle he knocked against the door, his forehead still resting on it and his eyes still shut with a look of agony. “Octavia." He said gently, “Please." His voice sounded desperate, more so than he would ever let anyone other than his wife hear. “Please let me in." He meant more than just inside the bedroom. He wanted her to allow him to know her, to allow him to comfort her in such a difficult time. But he was a stranger from a foreign territory to her. He couldn't blame her, but it didn't stop his heart from aching.

Octavia did not even hear the words that her husband called to her before she stormed off. Her emotions were running rampant with the knowledge of her mother passing away. The one individual that she felt had any control in this world to support her or back her from the unrighteous consequences and punishments of her father.

Dear Octavia,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been far too long since we last spoke, and I miss you dearly. Life in the palace has become increasingly tumultuous, and I find myself in dire need of your wisdom and guidance more than ever.
There is something I must confide in you, something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. I believe our father's actions have been far more sinister than we ever imagined. I fear he played a role in our dear mother's untimely death.

A few weeks ago, I overheard a conversation between a few servants. They were speaking in hushed tones, unaware that I was nearby. What they said chilled me to the bone: they mentioned that Mother was at least eight weeks pregnant when she was pronounced dead after dinner in the evening. This revelation was shocking enough, but what followed has left me reeling with suspicion and dread.
Father has taken a new wife, a woman in her thirties, and she is already about a month with a child. The swiftness of this new union, coupled with the revelation of Mother’s pregnancy, raises too many alarming questions. Could it be that father orchestrated Mother’s demise to pave the way for this new marriage? The very thought makes my blood run cold, yet the pieces of this dark puzzle seem to fit too well.

I know how much you adored Mother and how deeply this letter will affect you. It is with a heavy heart that I bring this awful news and these suspicions to you, but I cannot bear this burden alone. You have always been the stronger, wiser sister, and I need your help to uncover the truth. If father is indeed responsible, we cannot allow his actions to go unchallenged. For Mother’s sake and for the sake of our kingdom, we must seek justice. Shouldn’t we?

Please, Octavia, write back as soon as you can. Your counsel means everything to me in this dark time. Together, I believe we can uncover the truth and protect our family’s legacy from further harm.

Please, please, please do not send your response through anyone else or let anyone other than Pleiades know. Father has banned me from sending letters, and I had to sneak this one out to you. He’s watching me constantly. I think he is suspicious of me and just like you were… I am finding myself locked inside my room without any means to escape or roam freely. He is at least kinder to me than he was to you, but I fear that his temper will get the best of him if this child is to be born a boy.

With all my love,

Your beloved sister, Sylestar.

Collaboration with @The Savant

Mentions: Na'Ri @Girlie Go Boom, Elara @Qia, Tia @c3p-0h
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by amorphical
Avatar of amorphical

amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Eye of the beholder

“Sunni? Na'ri had the bar. Just sorting rooms.” Was Sya's first reply as she turned around to see the woman from downstairs. The … woman from downstairs. Her brain had to do a switch a second to fully engage back before she could reply. “Sorry, I'm…still preparing the room miss.” she said automatically at first. The woman's hood was down now though and could see in the candle burning in the room for lights, skin paler even than her own and strikingly bright red eyes that made her stop. Striking and … she unlike few others had met Sya gaze prior, was not afraid of her eye. Unlike Sya her hair seemed to have turned white or perhaps it was pale before…

Olivia Kept her pale face tilted away from the innkeeper as she smiled shyly casting glances at her from across the room. Forcing herself to breathe more often which she learned caused her skin to become a pale pink in its hue. The lady leaned heavily against the door at first before shifting her weight to her feet and moving very slowly to the bed in the room. "Might I ask for less candles? The light ...is too bright." The woman's voice soft and warm much like her cloak instead of texture her voice reflected the comfort in her tone. Reaching the edge of the bed the ruby eyes stole another glance at her ...room mate. The new term feeding the devious smile on her full lips.

Sya had seen other blight born but you never knew what another one was like, some far more animal than human, barely able to tell friend from foe. Dawn Haven was one of few places she had seen more than a handful of their kind in a single place. Most in Dawn Haven where the … safe kind if you could call them safe, the true monsters would be driven away or killed. Few even blighted themselves could blame that attitude.

The revealed attire of the woman was rather normal, a finer cut than her own and material she could ill afford but travelling clothes akin to many others. The dark skirt, corset looked nice despite their more muted tones and were fitted nicely. Standing up Sya also noted the woman was a few inches taller than the Innkeeper herself.

Olivia let her face turn to Syraeia soaking in every detail. The slender slope of her neck the plushness of her lips, the earthen brown hair, and of course the most fascinating feature, the big blue eye like a window into heaven staring at her now from the side of the room. It felt as if the gods had made this woman just for her. After being hidden for so long and subjects scared at times to gaze at the lady of the keep now in this part of the world was a creature like she who had no trouble gazing at her visage so openly, so fearless. This feeling so fresh and tantalizing covered her from hear to toe. Unclasping the cloak to place on the bed the pale lady softly chewed at her lower lip before tucking some loose strands behind an ear.

The second part really caught her guard down, her name was Olvia, a first name even without title or such. A rather personal gesture for a better, and then she asked to sit down and talk, the tone, the wording. She was asking Sya, no command or expectation… turning bodily to face the woman pepper, no Olivia in fact. “Syraeia, or Sya if you like.” She forced herself to be steady, forced herself to think. That big blue eye blinked and she nodded and sat on the bed's edge. Why did she want to talk, what did she want?

Her own nerves came as she ran a hand through the rather intricate braids and stick that kept her brown hair in place, the natural pressure held it all tight without need of more expensive pins and such. “Please, If you would talk with an innkeeper.” She gestured next to her. “If we cannot show our true self to a blight, who can we?” She said more boldly than felt and the glow in her eye returned with her feeling of hope. Yes, hope. Maybe she could explain more of the blight, maybe she knew more of why she was cursed so or why the blight would return her but wipe out all her family and village bar perhaps 2.

There was a chair by the small desk in the room for writing and yet the blight borne choose to sit on the bed. Olivias eyes grew wide for a moment seeing the bold gesture from the slender tavern woman. The lady wondered... before shaking her head softly dismissing the thought. Taking a seat no more than half an arms length from the other woman. A sweet smile and glance as a gesture of appreciation. Her hands fidgeting with the black fingernails nervously. There was no court or reception hall so she broke with decorum, the rebellious feeling that followed felt good.

“Why the interest in me, I desire to be, but am no lady of wealth or influence with the beautiful dresses and bright robes? I been without, its much easier with.” The words were out her mouth before she could stop herself, before she could think and before she could hide… Sya was entirely honest about her desire to be more than just… she wanted more, wanted to be the one in fine clothes and maybe earn more respect, maybe have to hide less…maybe be seen for someone to be with? Someone worthy of care?

As Syraeia spoke the pale woman leaned in just a little. "You are the first person like me I have ever seen. I had always heard tales of blight borne beig mindless savages, blood thristy monsters, yet I find you tending to travelers at an inn. I never would have imagined there might be someone like me and so unlike the stories one hears. I want you," She paused looking away her hands clenching the fabric of her skirt waiting for the feeling of embarrassment to leave her chest over the poor word choice before continuing. "It would be nice to talk to you about our condition. Perhaps together we may find out more of our selves in similarities and our differences." Olivia listened to her new room mate speak of desires and private wishes. "If things go as I plan then I will be relocating here in a fortnight or two. I will need many things. A room, food for my guests, a friend of discretion who I could count on to gather things and be trust worthy enough to take messages to the prince on my behalf during the day time." Giving a pause as her face tilted down a little. "I may look like this but I'm not a mindless monster. I think if you would give me the chance I could be your friend. I would like that very much." She glanced at Syraeia with some hope.

That was all a dream though, she still almost felt herself run, the desire to hide, people did not normally voluntarily sit those close to one of a Blight affliction knowingly like this in private.

Olivia took the leap of faith and slowly with her pale hand placed it into the tavern girls lap. "If you, my friend could arrange things for me during the day, tell me things about this town, then I could help you with the things your heart desires."

But she held her nerve, this was no ordinary woman, she would resist that Instinct, and talk with this strikingly pale lady as she saw her close up. Iris was red as blood and could see the blue veins in her exposed flesh.

Blight born has to breathe… maybe not eat but much as people claimed…they were dead…alive…it got confusing. However long, she still had little understanding but what she could learn herself.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Wenyr Targath

Wenyr waited. And waited. And still waited...

Hadn't Na'Ri promised to be back with him in time ? The blacksmith pondered whether the girl's definition of time could be a tad different from the usual, whether his own perception had shifted or whether something entirely different had happened. Not wanting to accuse anybody of anything without further proof, his mind defaulted to the latter. Given how busy the place was right now, that wasn't implausible either.

The man's callhoused hand squeezed itself into another pocket to retrieve a somewhat worn down looking piece of parchment. Contrary to many other means of documentation, dead skin had the advantage of being recyclable as often as the color used and one's skill with a razor allowed for. Wenyr found a piece of charcoal to be perfect and maybe even some people would be surprised to see how fine his motor skills could be when it came to saving some coin. But... just what had he scribbled on there recently ? He couldn't even remember, but it looked like something mathematical. Erasing something that was written in a language as close to that of god as a mere mortal could get felt slightly sacrilegious, but he needed the drawing space right now! He tried to keep the scratching at a very mild level though for the noise tended to upset people sometimes.

Wenyr soon lost track of just how long he had already sat lonely in his corner of the inn, his mind meandering somewhere between the most practical layout of his future workshop and how much fuel he would need for it. That of course depended on how much Dawnhaven would need him and his services, which in term depended on decisions made by yet another bunch of people, possibly. He already did not look forward to the moment he'd have to confront Sunni with a painstakingly fine-tuned list of requirements in terms of raw materials. For the blacksmith it was just that, a proof of the efforts he would have made to only ask for exactly what was really needed and not any more. For the merchant however ? The man's stress level had to be somewhere between the stars by now, so Wenyr honestly anticipated his very same list to read just the following in Mr. Emberani's eyes:

  • Metal ingots: Insanely heavy stuff nobody wants to carry across a mountain pass even in summer!
  • Coal: This crispy black crap tends to cause dust explosions and cleaning all the dirt will make the demand for soap soar sky high!
  • Grinding stones: Can't this bulwark of a man just use his teeth or finger nails to do the sharpening ? Really ?! Why does he even use a hammer ? Smacking his forehead against the hot steel should suffice...

Another example of relativity in perception standing in his way this morning...

The blacksmith ultimately found himself running out of parchment to write and draw more stuff on. Now that he had been able to inspect Dawnhaven's most immediate surroundings over the course of the last few days, coming up with a good plan for his dwelling and working place had been surprisingly tedious still. Of course he did not plan to bother the prince with meaningless internals, but he needed to get those resources -- workforce, space, material -- allocated or at least a clear decision that those wouldn't be available for him anytime soon. Nobody in Dawnhaven should think that he'd just be sitting around with his hands idling in his lap...

What Wenyr did not know at this point however was just what kind of emotional disaster zone he'd stumble into by knocking at Flynn's door. He silently enjoyed the fact that it had turned noon even though the difference was quite theoretical, then repeated his gentle, nonverbal call for attention with blissful unawareness.

Mentions/potential interactions: Flynn (@The Muse), Olivia (@The Savant))
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 33 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

The woman's request was rather simple of less candles and guessed that she also had a sensitivity to the light and found what she needed far less than before the blight had turned them, she still missed food, water was still unavoidable but food was something she no longer needed. Emotions and energy.. were not as satisfying as what she cooked in some sense. “Of course, I feel the same, I keep my rooms so.” Sya snuffed out most of the candles bringing the room to a soothing darkness that would probably disconcert one of the living.

Sya blushed when she noticed the woman's gaze turned to her, she seemed to follow her and had no fear of her eye, ears and even seemed to welcome it. The gesture of tucking a hair behind her ear was so very normal, the lady was well shockingly normal, if you could call any of their kind normal. But it was simple, a gesture you could see anywhere anytime. Her heart that probably did not beat as fast as before picked up a pace, so close she could smell the lady wore a scent and the subtle smell the furs had left on her clothes, the fact was plain. Whatever this woman was, she was curious and pushed through her nerves, Dawn Haven was all about second chances even for those who were considered monsters by many.

Olivia was so close it was conspiratorial, she was inches away now, the proximity was both the most scary and exciting thing she recalled recently. I want you… that was a bold statement but somehow Sya was honestly tired, she pretended to be normal for wider people, Sunni had let her be open but this was different. “I… I have seen them, I am glad you have not. I came close, in those forests, the howls, they drew to me, things… pulled at my mind's own corners… but somehow I kept my head. I am truly glad I am your first.” Sya was genuine and she revealed more detail than she had told almost anyone, it felt lighter somehow. Easier, then the implication of her word choice came to mind and blushed, memories of… no, not that right now. That was a different time in a hay loft.

“I was never magically trained, I had to figure it all out… I'm still unsure if I understand it, surely. But I can try.” Sya broke into a smile a faint one but it reached her eye and she was rather expressive. I'm the gesture. “That's quite a story. I fled my home with almost nothing, what little I could scavenge. I am maybe the last of that place. The Borderlands, I am one of the border folk, we are a rare kin now alas even ember Kin. So much is now blighted.” She said with a little sigh, they lay now heavily in the blight zone and she had felt no desire to enter it again, however immune to its effects and toxins. She did not know how she could refuse if Prince asked her though.

“i was worse than homeless for too long, until Dawn haven… A merchant helped fund all this, but I am its keeper and left it to my hand.” She glossed over what she did to survive, it was far from a light topic but she wanted to live more than they did. Gesturing to the building with a proud expression. She said mode than she thought, her hands rolling the fabric of a skirt between two pale fingers with hands that seen a less comfortable life.

“I would appreciate that, their are others here but.. some Who do know, I do not feel yet able to trust myself, they serve the Royals directly and … I am still cautious of them. My people were left to die by them… they ignored us, as we sent message and messengers.” Sya was honest, deeply honest and risked opening up herself, an open… well if the eyed were windows to the soul, Sya had a rather large gate. A gate that opened a crack as its iron hinges swung slowly. A crack that let out a fierce emotion and a hot fire that she usually kept locked up tightly.

She talked of her sight , how she could see in the night like prevention in darkness black and how the world was a… pallete of not colour In the darkest night but greys and tinged almost blue. How she could almost see something but could not put her mind to understand it, there were hidden layers and an… another layer that had yet to reveal itself.

Sya talked maybe too much but her heart felt lighter and listened intently to what she said about he needs and plans. But Sya felt a hand in her lap and made a choice, maybe a dangerous one but she had died… what was much after being dead? Fuck it . She died once, she had lived through hell.. why not…

Sya moved her own smaller hand and turned It to interlock smaller hand with Olivias, intrigued how both their skin was cooler and the fact that her nails felt dangerously sharp, hard but also did not hurt Sya.

“You have it. I will Call you friend.” Sya said, repeating self when she realised she deviated from the common tongue of her former homeland. It is almost said as an oath than a statement.

“I have to run the Inn, but I will help you in my spare time, this room… and the room your coachman has. I can do.. a … longer. term. Lease. Yes.?” Sya said she was still unsure of the wording but gestured. “If you wish, I keep it for you, the basement… has room for goods, and strong room? If you need” Sya said, wondering if her wording was right.
“I do not know why, but I feel like I should help you, like… something important…” Sya shook her head unsure, the big blue eye of hers was confused but content in a way that could not be hidden. Looking at the red eyes of Olivia, she have the hand a gentle press and well. Sunni made her Mistress…it was her choice… and she made it. Olivia she would aid. “I Live up, near the back. There's a stair back near the way down to the bar, if not, my office is on the hall to mine and the merchants personal rooms. You are welcome to find me there if needed.” She smiled at that, she was proud, her office, her ledger. her quill and ink she practised so hard to learn to list the accounts.

Talking of more light topics, fell to explain dawn Haven, some of its characters and some of the gossip she picked up, such as Lunaris soldiers, to be careful of winged blightborn, but not fear him and lesser topics.

“Anything in particular you want to know?” Sya never really noticed she had not let go of the other woman's hand, nore they shifted closer over time.

And.. Sya did something impulsive. She closed her large blue eye. “Forgive me, but I died once, I saw fire consume the wolf and man cojoinefI was treated worse than a beggar, and i… I thought no one would ever be truly comfortable with me.” Sya perspective and her very nature and... deep somthing changed that day, the day the blight took her, and now she did not hesitate when she saw a chance because who knew if she would ever get one again.

Sya leaned over the short distance, a matter of inches and leaned up cutely to kiss Olivia. A soft and tentative one as she felt the gentle strands of white Cheekily nudging it from her ear.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Northern Forest Outside of Dawnhaven

Kira narrowed her eyes as the blight-born stranger claimed the human blood covering him was simply a result of self-defense. She wasn't inclined to believe him, but she understood all too well the relentless nature of the Lunarian people. In Lunaris, there was no mercy for those cursed with their affliction, and she herself had been hunted many times over the past two years. His story, at the very least, was plausible. While she empathized, her training as an assassin reminded her not to trust so easily.

"Please don't judge me! Hurting them was not my intention! I just want to get to Dawnhaven and finally catch a good night's sleep... Can you help a brotha out?"

Kira took a startled step backward as the man dropped to his hands and knees before her. Her brows furrowed in complete shock as she watched him crumble to the ground, begging for her assistance. Did he have any shred of dignity left? She found herself starting to judge him but quickly corrected her train of thought. The blight had driven many to actions they never would have imagined in a previous life - including herself.

“Your plea has been heard. Dawnhaven may offer you sanctuary, but your actions henceforth must reflect your intent for peace. We do not judge solely on past deeds but on the promise of a better path.”

Kira looked to her right where Orion finally decided to reveal himself from the shadows, her eyes studying the royal advisor carefully as he offered a hand to the stranger. She wondered if he was making a wise decision, as she was clearly more cautious of the man than Orion was, but she was smart enough not to voice her objections. She held no leverage in Dawnhaven, as much as she hated it. If Orion wanted to accept the blood covered man then she would have to hold her tongue - it was not her place to offer advice.

“How has he remained so trusting of people?” She pondered as she watched the interaction. Truth be told, she had steeled her heart to others long before she had become blight-born, but it had only worsened over the last two years. “Must be an Aurelian thing.” She thought, dismissing the fact that her own blood was also Aurelian. She was nothing like them.

“Behave and you might just have a home again.” Kira said, her attention returning to the stranger as he got back on his feet. She didn't know how long he had been afflicted, but spending a lifetime running was exhausting and Kira knew how valuable it was to have a place to call home again. She glanced at Orion one more time before taking a few more steps backwards into the forest, giving him downward nod signaled her appreciation and that she would see him later. Orion would need to escort this civilian to the Prince on his own - Kira didn't want to be responsible for a potentially feral blight-born. The royal couple was much more likely to punish Kira for such a mistake than they were Orion.

Turning away from them, fingers still wrapped around her dagger, Kira disappeared back into the shadows of the forest. The run in with this strange man had done little to quell her craving for blood, so she returned to her mission: find a meal.

Interactions: Orion @Qia, Willis @BOOM
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