Hidden 3 mos ago 26 days ago
Zeroth Post

Vincenzo “Vincent” Accardo
Boss of the Thorned Roses
Unknown, Highpoint, Corlet

W +4(3) P +8(5)

Total: W 28 P 48

Status: War with the BFC

Antonia Franchesca
Police Commissioner
Jeweled Bank

W +3(2) P +5

Total: W 22 P 32

Status: No war

Ezra Blackheart
Midnight Man
Unknown, Unknown, Pennystakes, Grayheights

W +4(6) P +8(10)

-0.5 W (Webb)

Total: W 32 P 57

Status: War with the BFC

Asterion Kairo
Nickel, 93rd Street, Yellow Brick

W +4.5 P +10

Total: W 16 P 24

Status: No War

Matthias FitzClarence
Waterfront Vale, Riverbend, Pauper Town, Merryland, Lougham, White Pine

W +5.5 P +19

Total: W 6 P 47

Status: War with the Sinners

Isabella “Bella” Delacroix
The Iron Rose
Highfair, Ivory Tower, Newpoint

W +3 P +9

Total: W 14 P 42

Status: No war

Adel Dawsom
Silver Canary

W +5 P +7

Total: W 16 P 27

Status: No war

Cursed Spider

W +0.5 P +0

Total: W 3 P 0

Status: No war

Harriet Talon
Winged Blade
Hamlet, Bazaar

W +2 P +6

Total: W 8.5 P 37

Status: No war

Leon “Leo” MacAoidh
Burberry, Grey Square, Oliver Fields, Heavy Crossguard

W +6.5 P +14

Total: W 13.5 P 66

Status: No war

T. Eren Glyde-Savion

W +0 P +0

Total: W 5 P 0

Status: Assimilated

Emily Newport
Blue Blooded Detective
Gold Rim, Ragged Gavel, North Battleford, Smoke Risers, Laterdale

W +8.5 P +18

-0.5 W (Aiden)

Total: W 9 P 23

Status: No war

Poppy “Pops” Leroux
Mother Goose

W +0 P +0

Total: W 6 P 20

Status: Assimilated

Khor Kosavić
The Eel
Brewery District, Elysium Heights

W +6 P +10

Total: W 6 P 10

Status: No War

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 7 days ago

Once upon a time, there was a Beggar Prince who was scorned by a great and terrible city. Instead of giving him alms, they stole what little he had. Instead of giving him respite and shelter, they chased him out every place he tried to rest in. He cried for relief, but they beat him.

It was too much, and he prayed hard in the downpour of bitter rain, hoping his voice would reach the heavens.

As his tears mixed with the rain, a great illumination took the sky. Light struck the city, creating the first Gyft. The Begger Prince saw this Gyft, partook of it, and found it to be good. Though, he feared what would happen if the Gyft spread.

Alas, the Gyft did spread. The city choked by sin only grew more violent, more selfish, and more dangerous. The Beggar Prince, deeply dismayed by what the people had done with this blessing, turned his attention outward, to the world who now wanted to kill this blight.

He wished not for the destruction of the city. He safeguarded the city from those outside forces who wished to destroy it. The city that cared not for him, he sacrificed his health and power to protect it, hoping to nurture it, to create blooms of goodness from it. To protect the people from themselves.

Alas, the nature of this great city was one of power, of conquest, and subjugation. In light of the powers of the Gyft, new powers grew in the city, safeguarded by the Beggar Prince to grow and, perhaps, bring a semblance of peace to the city.

Once it was entirely conquested. Once they had had their fill of the drink of power, of wealth. Perhaps, if they could have everything in the world, the city would know peace, finally.

The Hundred And First, White Pine

Vincent Accardo stood in front of the wall-to-ceiling glass panes that overlooked the skyline of Nocturnia. In the distance, there was the familiar ribbon of black that marked the quarantine wall. The sky was overcast today, with temperatures dropping to 10 degrees Celsius. Not that the cold affected him in his penthouse.

Not much did.

Vincent swirled the glass of scotch in his hand, staring at the bustle of movement far down below, when his phone buzzed. He smirked at the caller ID, and pressed it to his ear. A loud, biting voice immediately started barking at him, however it was impossible to hear - his ears only.

A smirk as Vincent responded. “Betrayed? What in the heavens are you talking about, crazy man?”

Another pause. Vincent held a faux-innocent tone in his voice.

“What drugs?”

Another loud blare on the phone. Whoever he was speaking was practically yelling at him.

Vincent turned away from the window, chuckling. “Hey, hey, don't get your panties up in a knot. I'm upholding my promises just fine. You wanted a solution, I'm giving you a solution. Better than the alternative, yes?”

A pause, before he shrugged, whiskey gently swishing.

“Listen, I'll send you a sample. Free of cost.”

Another pause.

“Now, now, you know I'm being quite sincere.”

Vincent's smirk widened a little as he listened. He allowed himself a small chuckle.

“Stop? No, this is just the beginning.”

He spun, placing his whiskey on the counter.

“Now, if you have anything else to yell at me, you'll have to take it up with my secretary. Ciao~!

And he pulled the phone away, ending the call and sliding it back into his pants pocket. A sigh, leaning with his palms against the counter briefly, staring down at the amber liquid in his cup.

It was only a few minutes of reprieve before his phone buzzed again.

“Boss, the package is ready for your inspection.” Said the voice over the speakerphone.

Vincent smirked lightly. This was perfect.

“Oh wonderful. I'll be right over.”

Unknown Location, White Pine

Mentions: Asterion (@The Savant) Interactions: Bella (@Qia)

A single light swayed from side to side, hanging from the ceiling. The edges of the room melted into darkness. The floor was rough concrete. Two shadowed figures stood at the rough outline of a door, staring at the ‘package’.

The door opened, and Vincent entered, pulling leather gloves over his hands.

In front of him, slowly coming to, was none other than Isabella Delacroix. She was strapped into a metal chair with armrests. And, poking out between the arm straps, was a needle and a steel tube. The steel tube connected to a metal container on wheels, quietly whirring. The machine, in effect, was draining Bella’s blood, leaving her with three pints to keep her alive. The tubing and container were all steel, ensuring she would have a more difficult time accessing her blood and using her powers.

Behind Vincent, more men filed in, taking positions around and behind Bella, leveling their rifles at her.

A gloved hand reached down, lifting Bella's chin, forcing her look at him. Vincent smirked, angling her face this way and that.

”No bruising. I would be bemoaned if something happened to that delicate face of yours.”

He let go of her chin, gesturing to one of the men in the room. A small stool was placed in front of Bella, and Vincent took a seat, adjusting his suit delicately.

”Now, I hope you're not too uncomfortable. The light-headed-ness is normal given your situation, I assure you.” He said, nodding towards the machine.

”I don't think I have to remind you that if you try anything…” His gaze fell on the guns leveled at her. ”Well, it wouldn't end well, yes?”

He smirked, leaning forward, his elbows resting on his thighs. ”There's something I need you to do for me, little mafia boss. There's a… well, should I say, little too successful mafia group, led by Mr. Asterion Kairo.

“Their territory, Nickel, runs alongside your Ivory Tower. I want you to mount an operation, and sabotage their source of income, the Echo Chamber. Burn it to the ground if you have to.”

A pause, before his smirk widened. ”And if you're successful, I'll consider us even. I'll even sweeten the pot and pay you, if you behave.

“Do we have a deal, Bella?”

Vincent: W +5 P +11, Bella: W +2 P +6


Mentions: NA Interactions: Asterion's Mafia (@The Savant)

A short woman in a shiny, bright pink coat with the hood up walked through the streets of Nickel. There was a hop in her step, and she clutched something tightly in her jacket pocket. The shape gave her comfort, and her razor-sharp smile widened under the hood.

Despite the cold weather and overcast skies, people were still using the streets. Quite a few, actually. They carried their umbrellas, walked with their sense of purpose, having wholly forgotten they were in a glorified cage.

The short woman skipped a little too enthusiastically, and bumped hard into a gentlemen as they crossed paths at the crosswalk.

The man turned around, snarling. ”Hey, watch where you're going!”

The woman merely looked back, before she smiled cruelly. She was close enough to the spot. This would work fine.

And, she raised an empty hand in the direction of the man, before a heavy ball manifested into it, twine sparking as it slowly burned towards the top of the ball.

Any bravado in the man's face immediately dropped, and he stared in horror. ”Is that a-”

A woman screamed. ”Bomb!”

Cries of panic erupted as the crowd scattered from the pink-clad woman. Still smiling, she pulled back her hood, revealing two horns and pigtailed hair.

”What's wrong? Scared?” She chuckled at the fleeing crowd, hurling the bomb at the nearest building. The ball detonated, leaving a flaming crater about five or six feet wide in the building.

Another bomb was summoned, flung into the opposite building. By now traffic had stopped and jammed, with people fleeing their cars. With a high-pitched giggle, Hailey began targeting cars, explosions ringing out for blocks.

Asterion: W +3 P +5

The Order of Enlightenment Church, Riverbend

In collaboration with @ERode
Mentions: NA Interactions: Matthias (@ERode)

Church, or whatever the Order of Enlightenment constituted as church, had concluded for the day. Followers began standing from their pews, eager to glean even a word more from their beloved one, Matthias FitzClarence. He had stepped down from the pulpit, the candlelight ringed around causing his hazy head to illuminate.

It was at this precise moment, in the in-between, at the conclusion of a session that had softened the hearts of its listeners and converted more fence-sitters to devouts, that the outside doors cracked open. Sunlight shone through, catching the wisps of tousled maroon hair as a young man smoking a cigarette entered the building.

The door shut behind him, and he stood there at the precipice for just a moment, gazing at the crowd. His half-lidded eyes zeroed on Matthias, and an easy smirk crossed his face.

Cyrus Levine had a certain reputation. A reputation that had even reached the enlightened cult. If he was here, unannounced, it meant he had news. News that was worth its weight in gold.

He stood there, hand raising to his lips to take another suck on his stick, the smoke streaming around him. Patient. Waiting for Matthias to, as he normally would, give him a private audience.

Honestly, it was kinda crazy that people could believe him so readily. How on earth was it that having a face that couldn’t be read would make him even more trustworthy? As Matthias called up another pastor to deliver the benediction, he stepped off to the side, still garbed in his father’s old ceremonial robes. It was a dark, woolen garment, weighing heavily on his shoulders. Gold ornaments, like the streaks left by falling stars, fell, rose up from the hems of the robes, symbolizing the ascent of mortals to the firmament.

In most believers eyes, it was iconic, a stout-voiced youth with a nebula for a head.

For the one who stood before him, however, it was doubtful that Matthias would be seeing any prostration or begging for the Discipline.

“Welcome to the Sanctuary of Logos, wandering erudite,” Matthias spoke, in the vernacular of the faith-spreading, “Have you come to pay fealty? Or are you here to ask for alms?”

Cyrus chuckled, biting a little on his cigarette.

”Mr. FitzClarence! You're looking good these days. Though I'd love to talk openly here, I think it would be best if you humored me with a private room. Unless you want my news to scare your people.”

“A confessional then.” The wooden box wasn’t something that saw much use after the Catholic Church was turned over to the Order; the pursuit of knowledge cared little for the acknowledgement of sin, after all. But it was soundproof while still being in a relative public space. “After you, Mr. Levine.”

Cyrus eyed the box lazily, before shrugging and entering the one side. As he shut the door behind him and took a seat, the murmur of the crowd outside faded into silence. Perfect.

He waited for Mattias to enter the other side, light shifting against the fine mesh that separated the two sides. When he was settled, Cyrus spoke.

”They're after you, Mr. FitzClarence. Arresting your men and women, and removing your children from your influence. A complete dismantle of the Order. The Commissioner has finally had enough, and is preparing to ‘clean house’. And just because your track record is clean, doesn't mean they won't be above planting evidence on you to take you in.”

Cyrus took a moment to suck on his cigarette, languishing in his seat. The end grew cherry-red, burning and suffusing the box with a hint of smoke.

”However, I have a way for you to get into their good books. It'll cost you, though. A favour. In the event I need to call on you for anything.”

There was a grin in the semi-darkness. ”Can you agree to that, Lodestar?”

“The Commissioner’s had enough of kids staying in school and addicts staying in rehab?” If Matthias had a brow to raise, he would have done so. While the Order of Enlightenment couldn’t be considered a completely above-board organization, they weren’t so explosively sinister as the other mafias and cults that populated Nocturnia. After all, he wasn’t out there enslaving and branding people, nor was he blowing up buildings and killing kids. But perhaps that made Nocturnia’s Commissioner think of this as an easy win.

Kinda stupid…but no.

There was the Del Guarde to the west. A plan to connect a ‘bridge’ between the two forces, surrounding White Pine on all three sides to then wrest control from that territory, in order to further solidify control over Heavy Crossguard’s surroundings? Unless she sought to push southwards and claim Waterfront Vale, and thus control Nocturnia’s ‘exit’.

The Lodestar leaned against the wall. He could practically hear the smile on Cyrus’s voice.

“Nothing’s more expensive than a favour, Mr. Levine. I’m sure you of all people would understand that. So be specific. What would you use that favour for?”

Cyrus leaned his head against the back wall, the cherry-end of his cigarette glowing hot. He smirked.

”You always were clever, Mr. FitzClarence.”

A short pause. A huff of smoky air.

”If there was ever a time where one faction in Nocturnia became too big for its britches, I'd expect your help in, shall we say, hitting them where it hurts.”

He shrugged. ”Or you can pay me ten grand and we can call it even. I'm an agreeable man.”

“Faith and money both flow better in times of duress,” Matthias spoke. “Very well then, Mr. Levine. You shall have your favour.”

”Then we're both agreeable men.” Cyrus said with a nod.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. ”There's a cache of a new kind of drug hidden in Pauper Town. In the basement of a safehouse on Victoria Street. If you claim that district for your own and dig up that treasure to hand over to the blue men, they'll be singing your praises for weeks.

“Plus, you may be interested in figuring out where they came from. Interesting origins, those…”

Matthias fell silent for a moment, but only to give off the illusion of contemplation. After all, he had intended on claiming Pauper Town already, in order to prevent further expansion of the De Guarde. To think that there was a chemist that fancied themselves an inventor as well…it was interesting, no doubt.

“I’ll keep that in mind then. One would hope that the takeover of that district is a bloodless affair.” He stood up in the booth, an indication for Cyrus to leave as well. “Will you be staying for the after-service luncheon?”

Cyrus bit down on his cigarette, now a husky little stump, grinning a little. He stood as well.

”Though I would love to stay, there's other business I must take care of. You know how it is.”

He had his hand on the door, before pausing. ”For what it's worth, I wish you luck.”

Before he stepped out of the booth, down the aisle, and out of the church.

Matthias: W +2 P +6

The Blue Feather Revererers

Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet

Mentions: NA Interactions: Harriet (@SporkoBug)

The cooler weather hovering around 10 degrees Celsius forced the children to play indoors that day. Among the finger painting and the building of train tracks, the children frolicked around their ‘Mother’, Harriet Talon.

There was a knock at the door, before a group of five young men, more like lankey teenagers, entered the premises. They had wide eyes, and seemed a bit nervous. The group looked amongst each other before one stepped forward, glancing at the children briefly before locking eyes with Harriet.

”Miss, uh, Talon? You don't know us, but uh, we know you. You're kinda a hero, you know?”

There was a nervous chuckle that rippled through the group, before the teenager spoke again.

”We've, uh, heard some news. It might not be appropriate to tell it in front of the kids, though. Can we uh, talk to you in private for a moment?”

The teenagers nodded at those words, their anxious eyes hooked on Harriet. Something was eating at them. But whatever it was, they seemed unwilling to spill the beans just yet.

Harriet: W +1.5 P +5

Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank

Mentions:Asterion @The Savant, Matthias (@ERode), Bella (@Qia), Vincent, Ezra (@Estylwen), Harriet (@SporkoBug) Interactions: Leo (@Herald), Emily (@LanaStorm)

”I'll keep this short and simple. You're here because you're the best in the field. I’ve got cold cases that need addressing…”

The overcast skies shone through the wide-pane glass in Commissioner Franchesca's office on the fifth floor of Nocturnia Prison, the most notable skyscraper in downtown Jeweled Bank.

The commissioner was dressed in a slim-fitting black business suit, shades on her face despite being indoors. She sat behind her desk, looking over at the three detectives sitting across from her. Leo, the lion of the 3rd division. Emily, the noteworthy ‘Clash’ of the 2nd division. Jack, the menace of the 1st Division.

There were case files all laid out in a neat row across Antonia's desk.

“Each of these files contain mafias that have been a thorn in my side - in Nocturnia's side - for several years. I've decided, as part of my initiative as the new Commissioner, I'm going to close these cases for good.”

A nod. “With your help, of course.”

She gestured to the cases, “Choose carefully, and read them in full. If you make an arrest, I'll be giving you your Christmas bonus early, plus a little extra.”

Jack eyed the case files, before glancing at Emily and Leon. ”There's quite a few here. I'll be a good sport here and let you both choose your cases first. Though…”

His cool gaze moved over to the commissioner. ”You're not really expecting us to close all these cases before Christmas, are you?”

Antonia gently shook her head. ”Heavens no. But I am expecting at least three arrests, as I see three competent detectives before me.”

“Plant fake evidence on them if you have to, interrogate them in the ‘warehouse’ if you must. But we will put them in jail, where they belong.”

The ‘warehouse’, of course, was where interogatees were taken and tortured to give up a confession. An unsavory, yet sometimes necessary part of the job.

Leon: W +3 P +5, Emily: W +3 P +5

The Military

In the Skies Over the Nocturnia PD Hub, Yellow Brick

Mention: NA Interactions: Glyde (@Little Bird)

”We're approaching the target. Prepare the package."

The pilot's voice crackled over the cargo plane's speakers. Four military men unstrapped themselves from the seats they'd been sitting in, one of them tapping on the two large crates sitting in the bay.

”You think they'll like it?” He said to the others.

A stern-looking leading officer made a face at the soldier. ”Who the hell cares if they like it or not? What matters is that these packages reach them, and that they are equipped to complete their objective. Our entire operation hangs on their success.”

The man touching the crate grimaced, nodding somberly. ”Right. Right… Imagine, though. Being stuck behind the walls with the rest of those savages…”

An eye roll. ”Just take your position, soldier.”

A button was pressed, causing the cargo bay door to open at a downward slant. The four military men held onto straps hanging from the ceiling, and each placed a hand on the back of the cargo packages. With a great heave, the packages skidded forward, before sliding out the back of the plane, sailing through the air and disappearing.

On the ground, two care packages sank slowly with their parachutes aimed for Yellow Brick. One landed on the Nocturnia PD building, while the other landed in the back alley.

If Glyde or his men were to open the crates, one would have a massive M134 GAU-17, while the other would be filled with ammunition.

Glyde: W +1.5 P +6

Slateside Tower, Penny Stakes

Mentions: Matthias (@ERode) Interactions: Adel (@Yankee)

”Ah, Mr. Dawson. So happy you could join us.”

Ezra sat at the head of a conference table, the overcast skies shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him. Adel Dawson stood at the precipice of the conference room, held by the elbow on either side by two mafiosos.

It had been quite the journey for Adel to make it all the way to this fortuitous meeting. He'd been dragged into an alleyway in Silverside, held at gunpoint, gagged, and thrown into the back of an SUV. Then, dragged blind via bag over his head up fourteen flights of stairs to where he stood now, bag removed. The gag remained yet.

Ezra looked with slight distaste, before he gestured to his men. ”Would you mind removing that barbarous thing from his mouth. We’re all civilized people here.”

One of the men grabbed Adel gruffly, undid the gag, and yanked it out of his mouth. Then, the two mafiosos released Adel, took point at the now closed conference door, and stood at attention, pistols resting in their hands.

Ezra stared, fingers steepled together, before he gestured to the chairs. ”Pleass, have a seat. I know you're no fool to try using that precious Gyft of yours here.”

A chuckle. ”Of course, if you do, you give me all the reason in the world to try out my latest torture devices. So please, be my guest.”

His midnight face rippled, wisping edges curling in anticipation. He meant every word.

Ezra waited for Adel to get settled, before he continued to speak, his voice like silk. ”So I have a proposal for you. You'll be rewarded handsomely, no doubt. But you must realize I wouldn't take no for an answer for a task like this.”

He leaned forward, forearms resting on the table. ”I've been watching a piece on the board, a Matthias FitzClarence of the Order of Enlightenment. I want you to befriend him, and spy on his dealings for me. His movements, his motives, anything you can glean.

“Do this, and you'll be paid handsomely. Refuse? Well, you won't want to refuse…”

Ezra leaned back in his seat, spinning on the swivel slightly. He waited in anticipation for Adel's answer.

Adel: W +3 P +5, Ezra: W +6 +10

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

The Blue Feather Revererers.

Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet.

Interactions: @Estylwen

Harriet was dressed slightly heavier than she would normally be, she had to set a good standard for Calem and his friends as she visited one of her Orphanages. The children were all inside the heated buildings, some of them staying around her and playing with her feathers; enjoying their warmth as they did do.

Harriet was accompanied by two tall men, around 6 feet in height, in tailored black suits. Bodyguards, in a way; but never for her. She always brought the bodyguards with her when she was out with Calem, these men were close to her; she trained them in both fighting and how to look after her little boy. She installed the fear of what could happen to them if Calem was harmed in any way under their supervision; and Fossils forgive if Calem was stolen while in their care.

One of them moved to open the door at the knock, before motioning Harriet over. They returned to the kids as Harriet went to the door; offering Calem to the bodyguards as she was holding him. She stopped at the door and looked down to the teenagers with a small tilt of her head. Her feathered ears twitched carefully as she took in their features before one of them started to speak.
They were nervous, good, most people should be nervous when coming to see her.

The teenager called her a hero, she gave a small smile; making sure to hide her sharp teeth as she did so. She gave a small chuckle, "Oh, if only others thought the same." She said smoothly, before she tilted her head as the boys had news.
Harriets' ears flattened slightly before she motioned a hand to the bodyguards, moving to step outside to bring the teenagers out with her. "The kids shan't hear us out here, and if you are too cold; my wings will give warmth." She fanned her wings out and arched them around.
The teen boys would be able to huddle spaciously around Harriets' wings as they told her the news, whatever it would be.

She knew it wouldn't be good news, it never was good news. As was the life of a Mafia boss.

Gold Rim


It was cold, but it never really bothered Webb.
He had managed to find a safe space on the rooftops, a nice spot to web up himself a little hammock to snooze inside.

But it was morning now, and the sun had made its lazy way into the air and woken the Cursed Spider awake after he tried to wriggle his way back into the darkness.
Sunlight meant he'd need to get up, get moving again. People would be up on the rooftop soon enough as well, either for work, or to find out what hid away on the cameras the night before.

He was admittedly running out of time to get out of there without someone noticing. Webb groggily popped his head from his caccooned hammock as he could feel movement nearby. Bah. He thought to himself, pulling himself out; getting his lower arms stuck for a moment before he moved to faceplant onto the concrete. Ow.
Webb managed to pull himself from his hammock, making a mental note to make the next one a bit bigger so this didn't happen again. But in order to be able to make another hammock he'd need to find some food to eat.

He twitched his abdomen, moving quickly to pull the hammock from where it hung. Luckily he'd be able to bunch it up into a carriable size, so he'd be able to 'recycle' it when he was somewhere... safer.
Webb moved to hold the now-bundled hammock-web in his lower arms before he scanned the area to find a safe place to go. His own ears twitched, he could hear footsteps now, the door to the roof seemed to shift as someone seemed to be unlocking the door.

Jump. He crouched, taking a step forward, tapping his spinnerets against the side of the building before he leapt over towards the nearest roof, creating a lay-line in case he miscalculated the jump and fell, luckily he hardly miscalculated, but it was early in the morning, so he wouldn't be too surprised.

It took a few more leaps until he felt safe enough to settle down, a gorgeous oak tree. He leaned against the trunk high up in the tree and started to chew on his old web. It wasn't going to be enough to keep him going, but it would keep the hunger away until he was able to get something to properly eat.
Possibly the neighborhood butcher was already open and would be happy to give him unsellable scraps. He'd take anything at this point.

His ears twitched once he was finished his web, something was watching him. He looked around before he noticed the small blackbird sitting in the branch nearby, staring at him with a tilt of its head.
Webb narrowed his eyes at this predator watching him, before he moved swiftly - Grabbing the blackbird with a bit of web before stuffing it into his mouth. It wasn't much, but it would stave off a bit more of his hunger.

He'd have to bring up the indigestible pieces eventually, but that was a problem for him later.
Roll for Digestion 3 days
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by LanaStorm
Avatar of LanaStorm


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Emily Newport


The cut of gasoline and burned rubber etched the streets of Ragged Gavel, the last car full of drugs in the area ran and ran as fast it could away from the Blood Blues.

"Shittttttttttttt can't this thing go faster mang!" Screeched the low-life skum that was dressed in gang colors, a scrap metal gat, and pumped up on whatever poor quality coke they had in their stash. Lead screamed out the window at the approaching patrol cruisers that stayed in tight pursuit, under the command of Detective Clash they knew taking over such a shit show district would net them some stipend. Lead came back hitting the old junker car, popping tires, and breaking windows the chase came to a halt when a SWAT truck barreled through an intersection and t-boned the car sending criminal goons and drugs flying all over the broken streets of Gavel.

Shortly after that, Emily got out of the truck as her thugs secured the scene and criminals, more low-ranking drug runners off to the cubes, stockades, and mega-prisons that encompassed Nocturnia underground. Her small hands wrapped around the packages, poorly duct taped, and stored cocaine and weed. A knife, steel poked its head out as she took out a sample of powder she dabbled it on her pink tongue which came out. Her taster registered less sweet but sour and bad product, the high was cheap and once again the Ragged Gavel lived up to its meek and timid name as a whimper in Nocturnia's ear rather than a lion's roar.

"Mmm... Impound this rust bucket, take them all to the station, and for their loot. You know what to do with it." Clash purrs, handing the packet of drugs to the nearest, easy-on-the-eyes street soldier of hers. As they wrapped up the takedown, she returned to the Jeweled Bank to meet with the Commissioner. Meetings were boring, but fortune favors the bold, and Emily was anything but a coward. Sitting in her NPD uniform, she was shortly chauffeured to the Commissioner's meeting.

Looking out the window she observed her new district, there was work to be done.

Blue Bloods attack and invade Ragged Gavel.

NOW. . .

". . .I'll take her." a small hand, a paw one could say reached out to grab onto Isabella's file. She had read through them all, but not much interested her. They were too strong, mysterious or both and not having certainty was deadly for the princess of drugs. Gold Rim kept her fed, but it did not keep her happy. Her fingers traced around the dossier leaving the rest for Leo and Jack, a smile stretched across that perfect mouth of hers as she eyed the Commissioner.

"I can help you get this big bad drug dealer off the streets boss, I won't rough her up too much." It was a Cheshire smile, one that handcuffed the drug dealer and sold their supply. The biggest gang in the city was the NPD after all.

It felt good to be at the table, "Could use some more muscle, taking what's not mine can be hard sometimes."Clash lamented, the five foot-eight platinum blonde flicked off flecks of blood from her service stripes from earlier.

Blood would be spilled.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 7 days ago

A Block off Poppy Orphanage, Penny Stakes

Mentions: NA Interactions: Poppy and her mafia (@evierose)

”Quit struggling, you little punk!”

Four men surrounded a heaving and huffing red-haired boy. They had their hands on him, trying to drag him into the waiting jaws of the back of an SUV. The boy was fighting them off bravely, struggling hard.

A slice of air, and a glimmer of a golden aura. The boy, Noah, had struck one of the goons across his jaw, causing the man to stagger back. This only caused the other goons to become enraged, and one hit Noah right in the nose.

”Ugh-!” Noah growled, his eyes burning as he recoiled from the strike.

”Let me go, you losers!” He cried out, gasping between breaths. He wouldn't be able to resist them for long, running out of stamina like he was.

”Just shut up and get in the van!” One of the goons yelled, finally shoving Noah hard enough to knock him back into the van.

Down the street, at the gate to the Poppy Orphanage, a small girl was watching the entire ordeal. She started to point and scream.

”T-they got Noah! They got Noah!”

Poppy: W +1.5 P +5

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yellow Brick


~Guns Are Good~
Mentions: Isabella Delacroix @Qia
"Transmission received from FOB. Supply drop inbound. ETA 10 minutes."

"Ten-Four. Ready to receive drop." Staff Sergeant Eren Glyde-Savion spoke dryly into his radio in stark contrast to the more lively tone of his communications technician. In his typical flatness, he clipped the device to the strap on his chest and purposefully made his way to the roof of the old NPD Headquarters. It had been close to a month since the previous drop, and it hadn't been too impressive. The pitiful rations had been consumed, and the 9mm pistols might have been from a Walmart with how quickly Glyde had manage to wear them out. His expectations for supplies and gear this time around were naturally at an all time low.

The one thing he could look forward to, if the rumors were true, was the prospect of a few extra boots on the ground. His team had been spread thin to begin with, and recent losses had left a dent in the already small number. Much of the squadron in the 93rd Street sector had been summarily butchered in a skirmish with the Iron Rose; the reports indicated Bella Delacroix had person stuck the blood knife into Glyde's former 2nd In Command James Barnes. The only solace was in knowing his operatives had dealt enough casualties to Iron Rose to dissuade them from brushing into 93rd Street any time soon.

If not for depleted numbers and lack of supplies, Glyde might have dropped the hammer of vengeance for Jimmy in Ivory Tower and Highfair right then and there. Even months removed from the battle the Staff Sergeant ruminated on whether or not he could have finished the job.

As it stood, revenge and open aggression weren't in the cards for Del Guarde. Not until the could tilt the situation in their favor.

Glyde kicked the old door to the rooftop open; a necessity given its weight and state if decay. He walked out under the dismal blanket of cloud cover, a breeze whipping at his jacket. In the distance the faint blur of a chopper cutting through the air greeted his arrival.

"ETA Five Minutes." The radio buzzed. Two soldiers followed Glyde onto the roof.

Glyde's hand drifted to the PDA at his hip. It was a simple device, consisting of a hand-sized keyboard a thin display screen that acted like a pager from back in the day. They weren't glamorous, but the fact that they operated on a closed network from cell towers and other communucation lines meant it was less likely that messages would be intercepted through hacking. His hand clasped around the device, waiting for the distinct vibration of an incoming message. Nothing. Sylvia should have reported by now.

The sound of propeller blades and rotors filled the sky. Glyde turned his attention up, and observed as the pair of crates floated down from the helicopter guarded by the extra hands he was promised. As the crate landed upon the rooftop, Glyde quickly pried it open and nearly gasped in shock. "A minigun? They sure as Hell stepped their game on this time around." He stood up and looked at the new recruits. "Get this inside. It doesn't leave this building until we find a new base." The soldiers soluted and carried the M134 down to the weapon vault.

As much as he wished he could unload it on the mafia right there, pulling out military grade weapons would out Del Guarde for what it was.

His hip buzzed. Knowing it was Sylvia, Glyde checked the message.


Sylvia Madore

Mentions: Hailey Vagabond @Estylwen, Asterion Kairo @The Savant
~Recon is a Booming Business~

The clouds loomed over the upscale district into which Sylvia had ventured. The shades of gray detracted from what was normally quite a beautiful part of the city. The Del Guarde operative had long been perplexed as to how such a wealthy place could share borders with the rundown neighborhoods Glyde had managed to annex. The thought wasn't critical of Glyde, of course; it had been hard enough getting into the city in the first place. Going after a district such as Nickel would have required more man-and-fire power than the upper offices were willing to expend on their little fool's errand. Not to mention the act of dethroning the mafia in such a high profile sector would have clued the whole of Nocturnia in on the renewed interest the military had in their... unique situations.

Three years deep, Sylvia retained her vigilance, and was at least pleased that the Staff Sergeant was finally secure enough in his footing in Yellow Brick, 93rd, and Merryland to start making inroads to other parts of the city. Until recently, her talents and Gyft had been somewhat squandered in keeping tabs within her own districts. Now, however, she felt she was on a real mission, cutting into enemy territory.

Asterion Kairo, the mafia boss in Nickel was of suspect interest to Glyde. Buzz from around Merryland was that Kairo was eying a move into Del Guarde's land holding. Where exactly he planned on striking was still unknown; hence why Sylvia had been mobilized: to gather any intel, and, if possible, run interference to keep Asterion from making his move before Del Guarde was prepared.

When she passed in from Yellow Brick, Sylvia was already Cloaked, and moving swiftly through the crowds as to avoid any blatant contact; someone getting bumped by an unseen force would draw too much attention. She had found a safe spot down an alleyway close to a busy part of the District when a commotion cut the routine air of the gloomy day. A shout, a scream. The word "BOMB" was more than enough to press Sylvia closer to the street to witness the pink-clad girl hurling the explosive into a nearby building. Sylvia flipped on a descrete body-cam, barely picking up the flying bricks that followed the explosion.

She held her position as the second bomb demolished the facade of another building. The cackling laughter of the woman cut over horrified screams and pleas in between bomb blasts. The scene set alight as the girl set her attention on the cars, which errupted into flames like grim bonfires upon the pavement. Sylvia dug into a pocket and pulled out a small pair of binolculars... Pigtails... horns? She had seen some wierd things since she got into Nocturnia, but they had all been distinctly... human looking. She stashed the binoculars and replaced them with a device like a pocket-sized keyboard with a strip of a screen on the top. She rapidly typed out a page to Glyde.

Nickel under attack by third party. Pull back?

Negative. Hold in safe position. Report on further development.


Glyde set the PDA back upon his hip. If Nickel was being attacked by a rogue party, that could buy him the time he needed. At brisker pace than before, Glyde returned to his command center. Things were starting get active now.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


With a drawn-out groan, Matthias closed the laptop and finally allowed himself to slouch against his chair, his body sliding, sliding, sliding until he laid with his body flat against the seat, his head ‘pressed’ into a flat, wide stream of smoke against the backrest. If he could wipe the sweat off his forehead, he would, but he settled for rubbing his hands against his trousers instead. Sleep no longer came to him, and Matthias didn’t even feel tired the same way others with flesh-brains may have, but the work of staying on top of everything nevertheless took a particular mental toll. The deal with the Silver Canaries fell through, while he felt like he signed a deal with the Devil in Cyrus, and though Asterion was willing to collaborate, those were nevertheless just words in the end, with no guarantee. Meanwhile, the Del Guarde weren’t prevented from being a buncha scary spooks armed to the teeth with outside weaponry, and the Police Commissioner was personally asking for his head so he couldn’t even take it easy and gradually plan out the takeover of Pauper Town. It was like juggling slippery ice cubes that also contained explosives that triggered on impact so if you dropped them you blew up. The work was endless and the work was tricky.

And he had to figure out how to keep the newcomers in line as well! God, if he could enjoy one day without having to worry about his congregation selling their kidneys or testicles to scrounge up funds for the Order, that’d be just lovely, but of course they were still insistent on building their own Library of Alexandria rather than getting a throwaway laptop and going to freetextbooksxxx.com.

Matthias flopped around a bit more, more like a fish than a human being, until he finally fell off his chair altogether, hitting the ground with a deflated ‘whump’. Humans fulfilled basic needs as a form of handling stress, but him? He couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink, and couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t fuck either; felt like any move in that direction would either turn him into an actual sex-addict cult leader or get himself stabbed by his congregation for falling to base monkey desires. Best he could do was crash on the couch and zone out scrolling through social media for a couple hours, but…

“Alright.” He pinched his arm, giving it a bit of a twist. Couldn't slap his face to get his head together, after all “Get your head in the game, buddy-boo. Just gotta call ‘em up, tell ‘em it’s-a-go, and catch a ride to Waterfront Vale.”

After all, it was something he would have done, even if Cyrus didn’t tell him what laid within, even if Adel had presented information that was concerning, even if Asterion didn’t see how their goals would align. He had prepared for it already.

They would take Pauper Town, either with faith or with force.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 2 days ago

Slateside Tower, Penny Stakes
Tuesday, November 1st

Mentions: Matthias, Del Guarde || Interactions: Ezra (@Estylwen)

Ah, being taken prisoner and having his life threatened in Penny Stakes. How nostalgic.

What Adel found funny was that they'd shoved his head into a bag presumably so that he wouldn't know where he was being taken or who he was dealing with, only to let him see everything once he'd arrived. Did they really think he wouldn't recognize the landscape from behind these windows? As an intimidation tactic it fell flat on him. Though to be fair, the reveal of his generous 'host' was far more effective.

Fuck, was Adel's immediate thought, though he carefully kept his face as neutral as possible.

Out of all of the groups in the city, it just had to be them. Had to be him.

Since their one and only prior meeting -which had ended very poorly- Adel had gone well out of his way to steer clear of Blackheart and his Dark Aces. With the storm brewing within Nocturnia, Adel must have let his guard down. Stupid, he berated himself. The Dark Aces were the kind of mafia that were the worst to deal with. They were illusive, destructive, and instead of money or influence their only goal seemed to be pure terrorization... at least, until now it seemed.

Adel didn't react to the mobsters pulling the gag from his mouth besides to click his teeth shut once it was gone. And when invited to sit he did so, striding across the room towards the offered seat like he wasn't on edge. Unless he got really creative, he probably couldn't get out of here using his gyft alone. Ezra himself seemed a sadist who coveted said gyft, and the Canary knew he meant what he said.

There were a few things Adel figured this could be about. If Blackheart was going to try 'recruit' him again the man was going to get a big fat fuck no even if led to a fight. Thankfully he seemed to have other things in mind. Adel listened somewhat impatiently, wanting this whole thing to be over with as soon as possible. Once Blackheart finished saying his piece, Adel stared back at him in mild surprise.

Matthias FitzClarence? It had barely been three days since Adel had met with the man, and the both of them had left each other empty handed. Adel could almost laugh - Ezra's timing could not have been worse. However, the request did pique his curiosity in spite of the way it was being forced upon him. First the police were planning to make a move on the Order, and now Ezra was interested in them as well. If the former had caught wind of Matthias' plans involving Del Guarde it wouldn't be a surprise that they'd take preemptive measures, if it turned out Del Guarde actually was some super police faction. But what the Dark Aces were after regarding the Order, Adel didn't have a clue.

And he hated that. Information was his business, after all.

He pretended to consider Ezra's proposal to give himself more time to think. Silence dragged out long enough for the armed men at the back of the room to get antsy, and it wasn't until then that Adel finally spoke.

"You know, I do have office hours," he said, despite both of them knowing Adel would turn the man away at any official attempts to meet. Hence the kidnapping. Unfortunately for Adel if he didn't want to end up losing a lot of blood anytime soon, he really only had one option.

The Silver Canary put on a show of masking his nerves with a long suffering sigh, like this whole ordeal was only an inconvenience to him. "Fine. Not like you're giving me much of a choice, right?"

For a long time now Adel's survival instincts were focused around making himself useful. The more useful meant the more valuable, and valuable meant indispensable. Ergo, his life would be safe. So that was what he would continue to do. If Ezra wanted information about the Order of Enlightment's leader, he'd get it - at least until Adel could dig up more about Ezra himself, something he could use to get the man out of his hair.

But as usual, the present business would come first. Even under threat of violence, business always came first.

The underside of Ezra's single, glowing eye creased - a hint of a smirk.

"Then we have an accord. I'll expect a report in seven days, Mr. Dawson. I'm certain you will not disappoint me."

And he gestured to the men, where one hauled Adel to his feet, the other placed the bag over his head again, and they escorted him from the room.

Back in Silverside
Tuesday, November 1st

Mentions: Order of Enlightenment, Omakase, Antonia || Interactions: none

It wasn't long after that Adel found himself on the side of the road at the edge of the Penny Stakes district, his agency and mobility returned to him. The mafiosos had been gracious hosts, even returning his cellphone to him.

"And my piece?" Adel groused. Thankfully they returned that too before taking off.

The man sighed, running a hand through his hair. And again. And then more forcefully, roughly mussing up his locks. I should get a body guard, he mused.

It was a long walk back to his unofficial, official office in Silverside. Not that he made it - he called a taxi. On paper it was a legitimate business, and truth be told in reality it was too, but Adel and his crew really relied on their information network to make money. They were small but effective, and once Adel walked in and made it past the lobby people were eager to tell him all kinds of things. Apparently this random Tuesday had been an exciting one for a lot of people, not just him.

"Get into contact with Omakase," he said, pointing to single out the first 'employee' he spotted. The short woman chirped an affirmative and scurried off to do so as Adel turned his sharp gaze to a man nearby. "Call the church, set up another meeting. In person preferably but doesn't matter, just for the love of God do not make us sound desperate."

"Right," the man replied, though after a moment's hesitation asked, "...what church?"

Small and effective most of the time, anyway. They did still have their share of new hands and even then sometimes Adel really felt like he was the only person with half a brain in his little organization. He closed his eyes, breathed in, and then out. To this day he preferred to do things himself, but at the moment he had other pressing matters. He opened his eyes and fixed the man with an unimpressed stare. "Never mind. Go find someone smarter than you and tell them what I told you instead."

While his people reached out to the groups in the districts adjacent to them, Adel himself swept into his private office. Minutes later he re-emerged in new clothes and combed hair, with a pair of glasses upon his nose. He rounded up a chauffeur and then was off to Jeweled Bank. He was going to try and meet with Commissioner Franchesca, appointments be damned. He needed to confirm a few things, and if he was going to have to go crawling back to the Order of Enlightenment so soon he might as well take a bargaining chip with him.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unknown Location, White Pine

Mentions: Asterion (@The Savant) Interactions: Vincent (@Estylwen)

Isabella’s eyelids opened and closed like the wings of a restless butterfly, each blink uncertain and shaky as the world turned in a dizzying swirl around her. Overhead, the flickering light hung, expanding and squeezing with each breath she took while the air around her smelled with the sharpness of blood. Her blood.

Her breath hitched as she adjusted to the dizziness, Isabella’s head tipping forward slightly before she forced herself upright. Slowly, her crimson gaze roamed the room, taking in the shadowy figures at the edges, the glint of rifle barrels trained on her, and the polished shoes of the man who now stood before her. Bound to the chair like a fallen queen, with crimson droplets seeping from her veins and her midnight-black hair cascading around her shoulders in wild disarray, she centred herself by breathing deeply before finally looking up.

“Vincent,” the woman cooed, her voice as smooth as silk despite her predicament, “You certainly have a way of making a girl feel special. I must admit, it has me a bit…. breathless.” A playful grin danced across her lips.

Isabella’s eyes then wandered over the cold metal tubes that drained her life’s essence, her smile growing. “Though I must admit, the décor leaves much to be desired. Perhaps a bouquet of roses would liven things up? Or would that be too on the nose?”

Isabella tilted her head back against the chair, her long, delicate neck exposed, trying to appear casual as if she were simply admiring the ceiling. “So, you want me to play the villain and bring down Kairo, and in exchange... what do I get? A simple promise that we’ll be 'even'? Oh, how incredibly generous of you!” Her voice dripped with playful sarcasm, each word rolling off her tongue like honey, sweet and intoxicating but also laced with a bitter tang.

In an instant, her bright smile evaporated, however, leaving behind a cold gaze.

“Darling,” she purred, her voice dripping with sweet menace, “I didn’t scrabble and scrape my way to the pinnacle of Nocturnia’s shadowy empire just to hand out favours like candy at some parade. Especially not for men who naively think that tying me up and draining me is a clever way to cut a deal. I crave something far richer than a mere pat on the head or a dull paycheck, you see.”

Vincent's crimson eyes stared right back at her, wholly amused in her carefree-ness. It was to her own doom, after all. He merely smiled slightly, leaning back to adjust the cuffs on his sleeve.

”My dear Bella, I would never dream of merely kidnapping and draining you to be enough to win you over.”

His gaze flicked from the cuff to her. ”However, you must realize that I can change your mind in an instant. You should be grateful to me, in fact, for giving you the illusion of choice here. It's not a ‘deal’, we're cutting, my sweet. You are my doll, and you will do as I say.”

He grinned wolfishly. ”So, I want to hear you say, ‘Yes, Mr. Vincent. I'll get right on that.’”

He shrugged, one eye closing in a wink. ”Or you'll see this little game get real real fast.”

Isabella’s eyes narrowed just a hint, a flicker of icy amusement dancing within her ruby-red stare. “Your doll? How charmingly presumptuous,” she teased, her tone dripping with allure. Leaning forward as much as her bonds would allow, she locked her gaze onto his. “But tell me, if you genuinely possess the power to sway me in an instant, why engage in this elaborate ruse at all? Why not simply wave your fingers and bend me to your will, as you so desire?”

”...Calling my bluff, are we?” Vincent said, a dark tone entering his voice. ”I was hoping you would.”

He shifted in his seat, procuring a phone. He quickly pressed the FaceTime for a contact. It connected almost instantly, and his voice drawled. ”Get on with it.”

He then turned the phone so Bella could easily see from her compromised position. She would see a dark room and two shadowy figures throwing a hooded man on the ground, into the spotlight. His hands were tightly bound behind his back, and a moan of pain escaped him.

Then the beatings started. Vincent held the phone steady as Bella was forced to listen to every punch, kick, and slap that the men wailed on the prone figure. If she listened carefully, she would notice something. Vincent was watching her eyes for it, waiting for her to recognize, yes, that those cries of pain were oddly familiar.

One of the men finally removed the hood of the victim, and Bella saw who it was.


A pause, before Vincent's chin jerked. ”I didn't say to stop, did I?”

And the raw, agonizing beatings resumed before Bella's eyes.

Isabella's sly grin wavered when the hood was drawn away from Mathieu, revealing his battered face. A gasp escaped her lips, and for a brief moment, her ruby eyes glimmered with an unexpected emotion: fear.

“Mathieu,” she murmured. The intensity of her gaze flickered back to Vincent, her cold demeanour shattering into fragments, each piece reflecting her desperation. “You’ve proven your point,” she declared, her tone trembling with barely contained rage. “But this ends here... right now.”

In an instant, the careful, cool Isabella vanished, replaced by a fierce older sister ready to go to any lengths to safeguard the last person she held dear. “I’ll bend to your will,” she said, her declaration tasting like ash mixed with blood, “but if you so much as brush your hand against him again, I promise you’ll suffer a reckoning that will haunt your nightmares.”

Either way, Isabella was sure to make the man pay.

Vincent smiled, turned the phone to him, and crooned, ”Okay, that's enough.”

And the sound of beatings stopped.

He disconnected the call, glancing back over at Bella, taking in the sweet expression of her face. ”Of course, my dear. As long as you cooperate, your precious one won't be harmed.”

”Of course,” He gave the phone a little wiggle. ”That will change if you give me a reason to believe you're not being sincere with my requests…”

He gave a closed-lip smile as he pocketed the phone. ”Regardless, LO'm looking forward to a fortuitous business relation with you, Bella.”

Soon, Bella found herself standing on the streets of Nocturnia, her blood returned to her, and Vincent gone without a trace. Though she couldn't help shake the feeling of being watched…

The Red Rose Lounge Parking Area, Highfair

Interactions: Emilia (NPC)

The muted hum of Highfair's nightlife throbbed like a distant heartbeat, muffled by the tinted windows of Isabella’s sleek black car. Inside, the amber glow of the dashboard illuminated her sharp features, casting a ghostly red hue that danced across her face, hinting at her intentions. Emilia, her trusted lieutenant, sat behind the wheel, her expression hard but questioning.

“Everything set?” Isabella asked.

Emilia nodded, her eyes flicking to Isabella’s face, searching for answers. “Word’s already spreading. Kairo’s people will catch wind soon enough. You sure this is the way to go?”

Isabella leaned back, her gaze fixed on the cityscape outside. “We’ll give Vincent just enough to keep him satisfied. But Kairo… he might be an ally, if he plays his cards right.”

“And if he doesn’t?” Emilia pressed.

“Then he’ll burn, just like Vincent wants,” Isabella said simply. “Either way, I’ll make sure this doesn’t end with Mathieu as collateral damage.”

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by evierose
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evierose A Pear Bun

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Collab with: @Estylwen (Thorned Rose, various NPCs)
Poppy Orphanage, Penny Stakes

Hearing the girl's scream, several adults ran to her. Being associated with Omakase meant they were no strangers to conflicts, but Poppy had made it known that she did not like her children getting involved. Sure, the orphans and members alike were attacked often when they were away from the Omakase properties, but it has been years since any incident happened so close to the orphanage. Was it a personal grudge from someone unfamiliar with the boss of this district? Wouldn't be unlikely, given the boy's rebellious streak. Or was it an opponent aiming to stab Poppy where it hurts?

One of the adults, a burly man who was in charge of security, ran past her to the streets to see if he could catch a glimpse of whoever abducted one of theirs. Another, a teacher-caretaker who was nearby, embraced the panicking girl and asked in a gentle tone, "Can you tell me what you saw? We need to know who took him." The teacher and the last adult watched the girl intently, eager for any information she could provide. They had security cameras, but they needed to know what they were looking for first.

The girl sniffled while she was embraced, trying desperately not to cry. Hastily rubbing her eyes, she pointed at the receeding SUV that had taken Noah.

"I- I saw four men in these fancy suits, like what Miss Leroux wears. And I remember what she taught me- always look at the license plate! KVG-8850! That's what it said."

The security guy took note of the vehicle the girl had pointed to. He shouted something like "I'm going after them", before bolting around the corner to grab his motorcycle. Desperately hoping that the SUV wouldn't disappear before he could hit the road.

She looked up sheepishly. "Will you save Noah?"

The two adults left nodded to each, wordlessly confirming their next actions. The teacher turned her attention back to the girl, continuing to comfort her. "Of course we will. We're all family here. You did well remembering the plate number. We adults will get Noah back in no time. Now, let's get you inside and comfortable. We can't have another one to worry about, can we?" The woman's tone was teasing at the end, giving a little boop to the girl's nose. Her arm around the girl made to steer her inside.

The small girl gave a little giggle, easily allowing herself to be returned back to the Orphanage.

Meanwhile, the other man pulled out his phone while walking briskly to his office. With the press of a button, he dialed the emergency number on his phone. The phone in Omakase's Penny Stakes hideout rang briefly before it was picked up.

"We've got a situation. A child was kidnapped by an SUV, likely another faction by the description. The plate reads KVG-8850. Messani ran after them, but I doubt he could tail them for long. Tell me we can get eyes on them."

As Messani made to follow after the black SUV, a very interesting thing would happen. After about five minutes to hairpin turns and screeching through traffic, the van turned off into an alley. By the time Messani arrived, however, all he would find was the black SUV with its back doors wide open. The occupants, and Noah, were long gone...

Grey Heights

Poppy felt unusually agitated today. She was supposed to receive a shipment of smuggled goods at the docks today but didn't have the patience for it. The shipment was exotic mushrooms, some hallucinogenic, some poisonous, and others simply coveted for their taste. A client was craving decadent fungi, and it didn't hurt to order a few extra items from their mushroom dealer.

After delegating her second-in-command to go in her stead, she decided to stroll along the food promenade and check on her tenets. The draft from the river cooled her head, but the restless feeling wouldn't go away. Poppy chose a random restaurant to enter. Maybe she was low on blood sugar. Even if she was fine, it didn't hurt to stock up on some energy for her Gyft. It was a quaint little bistro, the only worker in sight was a homely woman, sitting behind the bar. Poppy sat before the woman, presumably the owner, and ordered pizza bites with a glass of apple cider. Maybe it was her upbringing, her tastebuds were more satisfied with the common foods even when she had access to the most gourmet.

The homely woman smiled, revealing a gold tooth. "Hey hun, you got it. One plate 'o pizza bites and a cider coming right up."

She stuck a recipe to the window on the back wall, and a lone chef gave it a peek, quickly disappearing again to, presumably, make it. The convince with hot comfort fare was that they were relatively quick and easy to make. While the owner prepared the cider, a hot basket of bites slide across the window's shelf. These were both placed in front of Poppy, and the owner flashed that dazzling smile of her again.

"Let me know if you need anything else, dear."

Poppy could only return the woman a curt nod. The fresh goodness tasted bland in her mouth. Logically, she knew the bread was perfectly soft, and the tangy tomato sauce was well-seasoned to balance out the greasiness. But her nerves were as taut as a piano string. She knew something was about to happen.

The minutes passed in quiet bliss. Until, slowly, a gentle creep took the air. A draft from the outside entered through the swinging door, and footsteps clicked across the worn floor directly towards Poppy. A silver-haired man took the bar stool beside her, waving the owner down.

"An apple pie shot, please. Two, one for me, one for the nice lady," He said, side-eyeing Poppy.

The owner stared for a moment, her entire demeanor shifting to something a bit more cautious. The shots were made and placed in front of the two.

Indeed, the new presence in the bistro set something off. It wasn't just the air from the outside that stirred the stale atmosphere. It was the man himself. Poppy scrutinized the man as he moved beside her and called for the shots.

Poppy knew the air about him. He was someone from the same world as her. He wasn't someone she recognized, not that she was particularly good with faces. She was sure he wasn't from a nearby faction, though. Those, she was well-acquainted with. His actions spoke that he had come for her. What for, was the question.

She ignored her food and her new drink. "Can I help you with something?" She asked tersely, not one for beating around the bush, especially with her recent irritability. She kept some semblance of civility, not knowing what the man wanted, but her furrowed brows told of her impatience.

The man merely smiled, tossing his shot back, letting the now-empty glass clink with gusto against the counter. He sighed softly, appearing the relish the taste of alcohol on his tongue, before he side-eyed Poppy. If he noticed her impatience, it didn't affect the slow, non-chalant speed at which he spoke.

"Got a job for ya, Poppy. There's a dirty cop that's run outta usefulness. I want you to take some of your boys and... lift some evidence off her. Something that will incriminate her.

"Think you can do that for me? I'll pay you well for it, of course."

Omakase Hideout, Penny Stakes

However, there was some good news. The phone was picked up in Omakase's Penny Stakes Hideout, and a smooth tone answered. "I'm tapping into the CCTV now..."

There was a click of a tongue. "No good. The license plate was flagged, owned by a Matteo Dinero, but it's already been abandoned. However, I'm currently tracking three suspect vehicles that just left the vicinity. Your boy could be in any one of them. Getting eyes to follow them now while I keep on the CCTV..."

People began moving at the Penny Stakes hideout. Once they got a name, one guy took to search who this Matteo Dinero was. More eyes helped with the CCTV footage, and calls were made to those out in the streets. One of these calls was made to Messani, updating him since he was one of the closest in the area.

After some time, the one running the identity search shouted to the group, "Hey guys, I don't think you'll like this. This Dinero guy is the underboss of Thorned Roses. I hope they lost a vehicle recently, 'cuz otherwise, we're in for some big trouble."

Omakase's call reached Messani at the perfect time. The card had confirmed the team's earlier suspicions -- that this was much bigger than just a violent mugging of a child. The Thorned Roses must have some form of demand.

The guy who was obviously the leader of this group let out a sigh. "Shit. Alright, keep doing what you're doing. I'm gonna call this in to Pops." he walked over to a corner for his call, just far enough that he wasn't surrounded by background noise but still wouldn't miss any new information they gained.

The phone rang once. Twice. No answer. She shouldn't be busy right now.

He tried calling again, knowing Pops would pick up the second call even if her hands were tied up.

Random Bistro, Grey Heights

Mentions: Emily @LanaStorm Interactions: Matteo Dinero (NPC)

Poppy's leg bounced as the stranger dragged out his words. Oh great, more headaches to deal with. She knocked back the delicious shot, hoping to take the edge off. Coincidentally, apple pie shots were one of her favourite drinks. It reminisced of baking she did with Mrs. Leroux. The man seemed a little more agreeable once the sweetness enveloped her from the inside.

With a clearer head, Poppy pondered his proposal. She would never turn down good money. Plus, so far, the job didn't pose too much potential danger. Omakase at least have an amicable relationship with the Penny Stakes precinct, having a reign on the most volatile members who lived out in tents, and enough money to bribe those in Grey Heights to turn a blind eye to the lesser transgressions.

"If you know me, you know I don't like risking my boys. Tell me more about this target." Poppy took a sip of her cider, now tasting more sour than she'd liked in contrast to the aftertaste of the shot. She clicked her tongue. "Oh, and may I know who I'm dealing with? You obviously know who I am, so it's only fair to introduce yourself." She cocked her head with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, not that he had once faced her to study her expression yet.

He gave a wolfish grin, "A lady who ere's on the side of cautious. I can respect that."

His eyes glanced back to the owner, "A rum and coke, if you could. Double-shot."

The drink was placed in front of him. He gave a satisfactory sip before holding the glass by its rim, forearms resting on the bar. His dark eyes glanced side-long at her.

"Your target's name is Emily Newport. Runs a corrupt cop division in Gold Rim. Easy enough job to lift a bit of their paper. Anything that would get her put behind bars for at least five, ten years would do."

He hovered his glass against his lips, before snorting in light-hearted humour, recounting a joke only he knew, before he gave a slanted smile to Poppy. "Matteo. Mister Matteo Dinero. But you can just call me Matteo, hun."

Poppy quickly noted the information about this corrupt cop. Gold Rim, a bit far from her base... and a bit close to where he was. A cop too. But no matter, she didn't need to show herself for this.

Before she could continue her thoughts, her phone rang. She turned it off without even looking at who it was. It would be bad form in the presence of company, with whom she was discussing business no less.

While her previous thoughts were interrupted, she found no reason to turn the man down. "Matteo," she began. Her face now sported a business smile to match his grin. His name did ring a bell — Thorned Roses, was it? Now Gold Rim made sense. "I will gladly do business with you, but --"

Her attempt at negotiating the terms was cut short by her phone ringing again. She knew that it meant urgent business. "Excuse me, I must take this call. One of my boys might've set fire to our backyard." She attempted to make a joke before slipping away to take the call.

The man on the other end began explaining the trouble that had found them. Her heart wrenched when they said it was Noah who was taken. Her Noah. Surely, it was a coincidence they had chosen him out of the dozens of children she housed. She pushed aside the fear that was grappling at her. She needed to stay cool to handle the situation and to hide the fact that he meant so much to her.

At the mention of Thorned Roses, her eyes darted to the man nursing his second drink. A growl rose in her throat along with the feeling of anger. She gripped her phone in her hand, letting it fall from her face as she strode back to her seat. In her rage, she subconsciously activated her Gyft ever so slightly, and her fist flew to the handsome man's face in a blur.

"Maybe you should've opened with how you kidnapped one of my children." She gritted through her teeth, her mind trying its best not to dwell on who exactly had been taken.

Matteo didn't react. In fact, he may have welcomed the beating as the fist connected with his face. His only move was to slightly turn his head, anticipating she might be violent. That way, her fist would land on his cheek.

Still hurt.

His drink was knocked from his hand, shooting across the bar and shattering on the floor. The owner paled, but didn't move from her position, only stepping back a little. Matteo didn't move from where he had been forced back, instead, his eyes locked on her.

"That's strike one, sweetheart. Hit me again, I dare you."

He sighed, grinning a little as he straightened himself in his chair, fingers brushing against the raw skin on his cheek.

"Rest assured, your Noah will be returned to you in one piece so long as you behave. Or I might have to get creative in how I carve up his face."

Poppy's eyes narrowed at his wording. No, he couldn't possibly have known. His threat did pull her out of her blind rage, however. Physical assault might not have been the best course of action here. But he deserved it.

Matteo's smirk widened a little, seeing the rage and struggle in her eyes, before shrugging. "You got a week. When you got the goods, return here. And maybe, maybe, if you have the best behavior, I'll let Noah go, hm?"

She wanted nothing more than to wipe that taunting smirk off his face. If her knife if not her raw fist. But alas, he'd caught her by the throat with a hostage in his hands. Her fist clenched and relaxed. It wasn't like she had any other options.

She eased away from him, tone icy cold. "I like to think myself an honorable businesswoman, but if that's how you're going to play it. So be it. I will hold my end of the bargain. You better hope Noah comes back to us without a hair amiss. You wouldn't want the wrath of my group unleashed on you." She certainly wasn't known as Mother Goose for writing nursery rhymes.

With that, Poppy spun on her heels and stormed out of the restaurant. She needed to get moving if she only had a week. She wasn't going to let go of the leads she already had on Noah's kidnapping either.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Unorganized writer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Getting outside of the Kairo Skyscraper, his silver eyes reflected a pinkness for a second while looking for the threat. Everything was so loud and chaotic only moments ago and it happened to fall eerily quiet - he absolutely hated it. Hey, boss.

"What K?" Asterion vocalized while looking around and in control of his best friends body.

I'm pretty sure she's to your left.

Asterion looked left to see all the destruction down the block and he rolled his eyes and began to move to it. People were scattered out by this time so there wasn't much around the funky cartoon-looking-character of a woman. When he got closer to really see her visuals, he was honestly surprised with Krish's short description of her. "She really is a cartoon looking bitch, isn't she?" he whispered those words.

Yeah. I don't know why she thinks she can come here throwing bombs.

Shrugging Krish's shoulders, Asterion had no idea why she was doing it either. Last time he checked, he wasn't pissing others off, but he could see how being absent from most situations could cause others to see him as a target or want to mess with him.
That was when a gigantic explosion went off and the whole body of the man tensed up in reaction. "I'm glad I am used to being your body. This should be fun fighting her," Asterion added as he began to get closer.

Do not hurt this body. I'm not like you. You can jump into others and your body heals. Mine doesn't. Do not be a prick, Asterion! Krish's thoughts were loud towards his best friend.

Asterion waved, "I will be good. Do not worry. Worse case that happens is I jump out of you and into some random person like that guy," he gestured to someone that was cowering behind a dumpster.

The man got close enough to the strange woman as he summoned the rope dart that was Krish's gift. He had used the man's body enough along with Krish not fighting - he was able to operate smoothly. "I hope you did not plan on staying. Overstays are unwelcome, especially when there was no invite," with those words, he spun the dart around at the end of the rope before trying to swing it just right for it to connect and hit the woman blowing up everything.

Roll Proof Roll outcome - 3

As he swung the energy based rope dart and missed, the thud on the ground was somewhat disappointing and unsettling to a bit, but he was reeling it back in to attempt another hit on the woman. He was not asking questions.

Interaction - Hailey Vagabond @Estylwen

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Leon “Leo” MacAoidh

Grey Square

The neon sign hanging on the front of the bar read 'Golden Bee Pubhouse', with a burnt out series of bulbs that looked a little too close to the bee that was frequently seen on cereal boxes before the Wall went up. Inside, the place was exactly what you might come to expect from a bar in one of the slums of Nocturnia. Patched together rounded bench seats surrounded cracked tables that were permanently stained with booze and likely more than a little bit of blood. The shelves behind the bar were barely stocked, most of them holding bottles that contained liquids that had been colored to look like their original contents. Cigarette smoke created it's own fog bank that thankfully lingered near the top of the bar and the windows were darkened with dirt. The place was all but designed to scare people away, so that no one could tell what really happened behind the doors that led down to the basement level.

Unfortunately for them, Leon was a man who knew how to get answers when he needed them.

Leon booted in the front door hard, leading the way clad in his police gear and pointing an intimidating Beretta A300 at anyone that moved. "On the ground, get on the ground now! Nocturnia PD!," he shouted, not even waiting for compliance as he rushed the bartender and slammed the butt of his shotgun into the man's chest, "touch that goddamn alert button and you'll have killed everyone in here, starting with you." His commands cut through the sudden shouting clearly, and there was a feral edge to his voice that made it seem like he was some kind of vigilante cop gone psycho.

Motion in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and he drew his sidearm from it's chest holster, pointing it directly at a thuggish looking man that had been playing with his phone and was now scrambling to pull out his own gun. "Bringing a .22 to a .40 would be a stupid move boy, drop the weapon!," he called out, his eyes flitting between the two criminals as two more of his officers followed behind him. The sentry apparently thought wiser of continuing to draw his weapon, and both of them were savagely taken to the ground and cuffed before being dragged out to a waiting transport van.

Leon didn't wait, reaching over the bar and flicking a switch that deactivated the electronic lock on the basement door that he had learned about from a drug dealer that had been all too eager to sell out his bosses when threatened with an... off the books interrogation.

Leon kept the shotgun tight to his shoulder as he headed downstairs, the rush of adrenaline and violence stirring the urge to use his gyft. He pushed it down with practice, if he had to use his gyft on such a small operation he was getting out of practice.

Already he could hear the loud base music thumping from down below, the idiots relying entirely on the guards and one little button to alert them of any trouble. Leon moved to the single door, rolling his shoulders a bit to loosen up his body for what he believed was going to be a fight. He could hear his men starting to enter the bar again, his backup would be only seconds behind him if he needed it.

Very calmly, he eased the door open with his shotgun, a very surprised door guard now staring down a 12 gauge barrel close enough he could almost see the slug chambered inside. The man put his hands up, and Leon responded by driving the stock of the weapon into side of his head. The man crumpled like a sack of potatoes, and a shouted warning from further inside let Leon knew the surprise was over.

"Nocturnia PD! Let me see your hands!," he shouted as he kicked the door open but stayed in cover. Two shots rang out, hitting nothing but air. Still, it was enough justification for him. He crouched low and leaned around the corner, knowing they would expect anyone coming in to be standing and aim at center mass.

The shotgun roared twice, and two more criminals dropped. Checking his corners as he entered, he waved his back up inside to check the two bodies and confirm they were out of commission as he went to the far door and pushed it open with all the calm demeanor of a man entering his own home.

An older man in his thirties cowered behind a living wall of women that looked to be barely twenty. A golden revolver, with some kind of fake diamond grip was held in a shaking hand sideways and pointed directly at Leon, who was fairly certain he would be in more danger if the man wasn't aiming at him from the way he held the weapon.

Leon kept his shotgun up, sight drawn directly on the man's face as the music screamed around them. "Nocturnia PD! Norman 'Little Richie' Garcia-Jones! Drop the weapon or I will be forced to- for hell's sake man turn that shit off!," he roared, apparently his voice coming through clear enough to make the nervous man look confused.

"Oh for...," Leon slowly sidestepped over to the speaker and kicked it over, the music finally cutting out.

"God man, how do you hear anything?," Leon said, then gestured with the barrel of his weapon for the self styled criminal boss to lower his weapon, "you get one chance to survive this Norman. Body Bag or cuffs means little to me. You've lost your little corner of paradise."

The two backup officers came in through the door, and with three men all pointing guns at him, Norman folded and put his hands up. Leon moved forward and put the cuffs on him himself, dragging him back up to the transport van.

~~~~~Invading Grey Square~~~~~

Commissioner's Office

”There's quite a few here. I'll be a good sport here and let you both choose your cases first. Though…”

"Oh how we humbly thank you for the opportunity to succeed," Leon grumbled, looking over the files.

"Seriously, this guy calls himself 'the Boss'?," he said, looking over the file, "sounds like my kind of criminal. Twice the pride, three times the fall." An ironic statement, coming from Leon as he took the file on Vincenzo Accardo.

"I'll bring him in with evidence," he said, though he detested the idea that he might need to plant evidence to ensure a conviction. Nocturnia PD had turned to some extralegal actions to enforce the law at times, sure, but in his mind there was a grand difference between beating a criminal into a confession of crimes they did commit as opposed to planting false evidence to get a charge that they may not have committed.

"Ma'am, I'd also like to be kept in mind for the Blackheart file. The aide trucks mean literal life or death to some of the citizens and the idea of someone messing with them and risking our primary lifeline... A message needs to be sent, Ma'am," he said, his eyes flitting towards the case file.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 7 days ago

The Blue Feather Reverers

Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet

Mentions: Jack (@Estylwen) Interactions: Harriet (@SporkoBug)

"The kids shan't hear us out here, and if you are too cold; my wings will give warmth."

The five boyish teenagers bristled in their jackets, tucking hands in pockets and wrapping arms around themselves, scooting closer to Harriet's wings. One of them spoke up again, looking up at Harriet with a grimace.

”We uh, got an anonymous tip-off. Detective Kingsley has taken up your case personally. He means to… to take you in.”

The faces of the teenagers around Harriet crumpled a little as another one spoke up. ”You don't deserve that, Miss Talon.”

The other boy nodded, staring at Harriet steadily. ”That's why we've come to you. We want to help you. We know how to wield guns, we know a little about how to fight. Let us help you, please!”

Harriet: W +1.5 P +5

The Oak Tree, Gold Rim

Mentions: NA Interactions: Webb (@SporkoBug)

”My, my, that doesn't look quite appetizing at all.”

A man in a suit and overcoat with a head of inky blackness, save for a single eye, stood underneath Webb's oak tree. He had one hand in his coat’s pocket, while his other held a package. If Webb were to sniff the air, he'd smell the waft of something savory, hot, and delicious.

Ezra stared up through the branches, his eye creasing up slightly.

(Proof 1 Proof 2, Ezra: 1, Webb: 3)

However, as he focused on Webb and attempted to use his gyft, Ezra barely held back a flinch as his gyft caused mild recoil. Poor timing.

He shrugged it off, raising up the package he had in his hand. A hot rotisserie chicken. ”I have something for you. Why don't you be a dear and come down here, Webb?”

Webb W +0 P +0, Ezra: W +6 P +10

The Goons of Ragged Gavel

Ragged Gavel

Mentions: Emily (@LanaStorm) Interactions: NA

The Clash's assault and clean-up of Ragged Gavel had been successful. The word spread fast: Ragged Gavel no longer belonged to the thugs and goons without law. Now? It belonged to law and order. Or, at least, on paper it did. The Blue Bloods had a reputation for being ‘less than saintly.’

The last of the goons hurriedly packed up their bags and abandoned their safe houses and crack shacks, running to other, darker corners of Nocturnia.

As a bonus, as one of her soldiers was clearing out one of the discovered and abandoned safehouses in Ragged Gavel, they came across some authentic 22k gold bars. Enough to make a quick buck off at any of the local pawns that were impressed to not ask too many questions.

Emily: W -2 P -4 | (Bonus) W +0.5

The Goons of Grey Square

Grey Square

Mentions: Leon (@Herald) Interactions: NA

‘Little Richie's defeat spread like wildfire through Grey Square, causing every goon to quake in their little boots. Leon the Lion was a force to be reckoned with, and none in the district had the spine to even look at his cruisers the wrong way after he cleaned up the district.

The rest, or most, of the goons decided to call it quits and leave Grey Square, set on making their bread elsewhere. There was no sense, no reason, to stay on a place that was going to be run by such a fierce and dead police force.

The few thugs that remained, they were quickly cleaned up. In exchange for a lighter sentence, one thug confessed that he knew of a safehouse at the edge of Grey Square, close to the Wall, that had a… unique cache. Shoved under the rotting floorboards was a small duffel bag filled with three Gyft EMPs. It was an unheard of technology. A one-use hand-held device that created a field of harm to anyone with a Gyft, causing them to fall paralyzed for about thirty seconds. The field had about a thirty-foot radius.

The real question was who the heck was making these…

Leon: W -2 P -4 | (Bonus) +3 Gyft EMPs

Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank

Mentions: Vincent/Ezra (@Estylwen), Harriet (@SporkoBug) Interactions: Clash (@LanaStorm), Leon (@Herald)

“I can help you get this big bad drug dealer off the streets boss, I won't rough her up too much."

The Commissioner nodded, relieved at the case file Clash had chosen. The Iron Rose was a menace on the streets. Had been for a long time. Now? With the best of the NPD? Perhaps they could change that.

"Could use some more muscle, taking what's not mine can be hard sometimes.”

The Commissioner swiveled a little in her seat, considering it for a moment. She nodded. [b][color=b20000]”We are low on recruits at the moment. Many of the good cops in this city have died in the gang wars. I am expecting an influx of fresh cops from the Academy in the coming days. However, in the meantime, you can have a few of my men. I'll have the secretary draft up their transfer papers after our meeting.”[/b][/color]

It wasn't much, but it was the best the Commissioner could do in this situation.

"I'll bring him in with evidence,"

The Commissioner nodded, a hint of anticipation hidden behind her shades. ‘The Boss’, Vincent, was a big fish. If they were able to get this guy, it would be the equivalent of cleaning up half the city.

”I have faith in your success, Leon.”

”Ma'am, I'd also like to be kept in mind for the Blackheart file.”

The Commissioner nodded, shaking her head slightly as he spoke. ”I know exactly where you're coming from, Leon. I'll save this case for you. Though, fair warning, he's likely the most… unhinged mafia boss we have in the city.”

Jack stayed silent for a few moments more, holding back in case the other two had anything more they wanted to add. When he was satisfied, he leaned forward and snapped up the ‘Winged Blade’ case file.

”Missing kids is something that strikes me as wrong on a lot of levels. Maybe I'll actually sleep at night if I can put this one away, eh, Ma’am?” Jack said, holding up the case file.

The Commissioner nodded, staring at Jack over her shades. ”See if you can bring those missing kids home, Jack. It'll be good for the press.”

She waited a beat more before she checked her watch. ”Well, I won't take up any more of your time. You're busy saving the city, I know.”

She offered a light smirk, her eyes glancing to the door. ”Detective MacAoidh, Detective Newport, Detective Kingsley… Try to stay in one piece out there, alright?”

Emily: W +3.5 P +7 | (Bonus) P +3, Antonia: W +3 P +5 | P -3, Leon: W +3.5 P +7

The Military

Outside the Wall

Mentions: Glyde (@Little Bird) Interactions: NA

The cargo plane finished its pass over the city and turned, heading back to the edge. Within ten minutes, it had set down on a helipad near the other side of the Wall. The soldiers within exited, meeting with their superior waiting on the tarmac.

Salutes were exchanged, before their superior addressed them. ”Package received?”

The soldiers nodded. ”Yes sir.”

”And what is the status of our inside men?”

The soldier nodded again, giving his report. ”Alive and well. Through the binoculars, infrared, and other visual instruments, we've ascertained they've received the new recruits, though there have been incredible losses on their part. Few men. The city of Nocturnia is a dangerous place, sir.”

The superior officer shifted his weight, shaking his head. ”...They knew the risks. Ensure the next shipment in the city is a little more substantial than normal.”

”Yes sir.”

Soon after, the gates to Waterfront Vale opened up, and a truck traveled in, heavily guarded by military. An unexpected aide truck. It was passed over to the stationed Nocturnia police, and a few crates labeled under an alias were soon delivered to Yellow Brick. The crates were busted open, and more men than the last shipment jumped out. One passed an envelope to Glyde - a wad of cash he could use for his affairs.

Of course, the aide truck soon unloaded the rest of its aide and retreated back out the gate, which swiftly shut with finality.

Glyde: W +1.5 P +6 | (Bonus) W +0.5 P +3

The Invasion of Pauper Town

Soup Kitchen, Pauper Town

In collaboration with @ERode
Mentions: NA Interactions:The Order (@ERode)

Ah yes. Pauper Town, with its shacks that passed as homes, with its sunken roofs and unkempt lawns with foot-high weeds. With its convenience stores with boarded up windows, and store attendants yelling after the random teenager thugs that would stop by to steal tic-tacs.

The presence of the Order of Enlightenment moving into Pauper Town was certainly felt. The soup kitchens popping up, the rehabs, the daycares. All of these free services, all in exchange for a listening ear. However, as the teachings of the Order began to infiltrate and pervade Pauper Town, a strange occurrence would occur.

A community leader with a gaunt, haunted face stood in front of a soup kitchen with his arms folded across his chest. There was a mess of people behind him, all with anger written in their faces. They were armed with various blunt objects, such as baseball bats, hammers, and crowbars. A few had jerrycans.

The community leader entered the soup kitchen. The group followed behind him, immediately harassing people, shoving them with their weapons. Soup was dropped, water spilled, and visitors fled rather quickly, leaving the staff.

As two of the leader’s group began dowsing the floor of the soup kitchen with gasoline, the others in the group ringed the Order staff, shoving some, and demanding phones from others.

The community leader looked with hard eyes. ”We don't want your kind around here, ya hear? Maybe we'll make an example outta ya, get the rest of your cult packing…”

There was some confusion from the volunteers. Others showed a degree of pity perhaps, or simple understanding. Here were those who relied upon base instincts, who still thought that the laws of nature ought to supersede the dignity of humanity. They lived in Nocturnia, and yet were blind to her true Gyfts still, naught more than rabble. Crueler brethren would dash their empty brains against the pavement and make parchment out of their skin.

But the maiden that stood up to that harsh-faced leader was not so unkind as Sister Lenore or Wes Easton. Her platinum blonde hair drifted against her black habit, her eyes the same blue as the two crosses tattooed beneath her right eye. She looked up towards the man a head taller than her. “Is there no room for negotiation, sir? The Order of Enlightenment simply wishes to fulfill the basic needs of those who lack the most, so that they are able to turn their minds to higher matters.”

Her gaze swept over those behind the man, then set themselves back upon him, an unerring, unflinching gaze. She clasped her hands together.

“You’ve protected the people here for so long, haven’t you? Do you not wish for them to live better, fuller lives?”

She would see it if she studied his gaze long enough. The fear. The uncertain fear that clouded his judgement. Fear at the ideas she and the rest of her kind were bringing into Pauper Town.

He had to crush these ideas here and now, before they were allowed to blossom. So it was no surprise when the fear on his face hardened into cold indifference at her words.

”The only thing you're bringing here, lady, is a buncha fake promises and ways to part these people from what meager money they have. I'm sorry, but you're not welcome here. And I will drive that home. People have died to cults in this area before - it'll never, never happen again s'long as I breathe.”

And he jerked his head to the Order. The signal. Members of the mob backed off as one stepped forward with a match, preparing to drop it on the slicked floor and set the building on fire.

But the maiden did not waver either. Not to the threat of flame, not to the conservative mindset that turned minds to stone. She reached out instead, clasping onto the leader’s hand, her grip just as strong, just as callused as his own.

He wasn’t just another thug, one who exploited his neighbours for an extra slice of bread. Pauper Town had been kicked to the curb on the regular, its impoverished nature baked into its name. In the maelstrom of conflict that was Nocturnia, it had been hit the greatest by the fight for independence and the isolation that followed. How many living in those shacks were once protestors who rose up against military occupation? How many were orphaned children, displaced in the fight for a semblance of freedom?

“You’ve lost someone, haven’t you?”

So had they all. To live was to lose more than you could gain.

“The gangs still sell their drugs and cheat the weak. The police trump up charges, making criminals out of innocents for a bonus from the Jeweled Bank. I lost my father before I was born. My mother at seven. Myself at twelve.” Her voice shook. She drew in a breath, a reminder that the mind ruled over the flesh. That Discipline steadied the riotous heart. “It was the Order that saved me, that taught me that I wasn’t born to just sell myself for a five minute high. That I could do more, aspire to be more, help others become human!”

Her grip had become clammy, even as her pale face flushed with zeal, purpose.

But that too was emotion. That too ought to be restrained.

She let go of his hand. Took a step back.

“The Order is not a cult. It may be the only sane, rational collective left in Nocturnia, and I implore you to give us a chance to prove you wrong.” She closed her eyes, centering her spirit in the void, detaching herself from her past. “But if you still insist, then please: don’t waste the food or the fuel.”

He stared for a long moment, conflict in his eyes. She has struck a cord.

Tears welled up. ”My daughter… Drank the ‘koolaid’.” He choked out gruffly.

Another moment of hesitation, before he turned to the one with a lit match, and shook his head. The match was snuffed out.

His gaze centered back on her, not bothering to wipe the tears that fell. ”We don't want to hurt you. We just… don't want to suffer more than what we already have. If this… ‘Order’ of yours has really helped you… Maybe it can help us too.”

And with that, the mob started to file out of the soup kitchen, at the nod from the community leader. Crisis had been averted that day due to the calm thinking of the Order, and Pauper Town had surrendered to their train of thought. The citizens within would welcome the Order from that moment forward.


Some of the Order were sent to the safehouse on Victoria Street. Indeed, in the basement were sealed creates. Popping them opened revealed glowing pink vials, the new type of drug Cyrus had mentioned. They had yet to be distributed, but the fact that they were here meant crates like this were around the city, and it was likely this drug would be in circulation shortly.

There was a receipt sitting on top of the vials.

Shipper: Thorned Roses
Reciever: Your-Local-Pusher

3 x crate
1 crate = 32 vials Sugarcrush

Now, what exactly the drug was and its effects, that was where the true interest hid itself. Yes, the Order could hand these over to the police. But the strange glowing pink gave indication of an otherworldly origin, and just might point in the direction of one of their leader's end goals…

Matthias: W +2.5 P +8 | (Bonus) 96 Vials of Sugarcrush

Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank

In collaboration with @Yankee
Mentions: All detectives, chosen targets by said detectives Interactions: NA

”Ma'am? I got a ‘Silver Canary' asking to speak with you?” Said a confused secretary's voice over the intercom.

Antonia lowered her shades a bit, staring at the phone. Well that was unexpected. Not unwelcome, though. Her meeting with the detectives had concluded not five minutes prior - the canary couldn't have had better timing.

She pressed a button on her phone. ”Send him in.”

And she leaned back in her leather seat, fingers steepled as she stared expectantly at her office door. She didn't wait long.

Adel projected certain ideas to certain people. With mafia he had to look influential and well put together, with police captains he wanted to appear like he wouldn't be a threat to them now or in the future. But with Commissioner Franchesca he felt he could afford to be a little more casual. Only a little, though. When he walked into her office it was definitely business casual that he was in, at any rate.

"Thanks for seeing me on such short notice," he greeted her with. Though to be fair, if she hadn't he might have let himself in anyway. He clicked the door shut, eyes flickering to the bustle in the hall outside before he drew the office window shades shut. Rather than take a seat in front of the woman, he stood with his hands shoved into his pockets, his fingers pinching at a carton of his chosen addiction found there.

"Busy day huh?"

The Commissioner allowed herself a smile, ”Busy day.”

She leaned back in her seat, swinging a little in the swivel as she twisted a pen in her hand. ”I've had a revelation lately. You know who you remind me of? If you've seen The Blacklist, there's a certain… central character. Raymond Reddington. That's who you remind me of.”

A laugh escaped through her nose as she gave a half-chuckle at her own joke. Adel raised an eyebrow at her. "I'll choose to take that as a compliment."

Then her face grew a shade more serious.

”I'm sure you're not here to ‘shoot the breeze’, as they say. Alas, neither am I.”

She leaned forward. ”What's the word on the street, Canary?”

"I've had groups large and small coming to me looking for information. Demanding it, in some cases," he said, a look of distaste briefly crossing his face. "Not to mention the plane and the bombing this morning. Feels like everyone's making a move, and they all chose right now to do it.

"Same goes for you, right, Commissioner?"
He held her gaze, eyes searching. "People have caught on that you've got some big operation in the works."

His tone wasn't smug or accusatory, just a simple statement of facts. It would do the woman good to know that her detectives were going to be expected.

Adel gave her a small, disarming smile. "I came to see what you've got in store myself."

The Commissioner made note of the topics the Canary had mentioned. She had been caught up in meetings that morning, so his insights were news to her.

As he spoke of her big operations, she nodded. ”Indeed. Perhaps you can help me with this one…”

If the Canary looked down, he would have noticed three case files missing from the spread along her desk.

”Leon's taken ‘The Boss’, Clash has taken ‘The Iron Rose’, and Jack has taken ‘The Winged Blade’. I myself-” She tapped a case file close to her. “-will be personally seeing to ‘The Lodestar’.

“Any information you have on these cases, whether that's now or in the coming week, would be… well, you'd be well compensated for it.”

"I'm sure I can dig something up for you." Adel peered at the last file with particular interest. It was curious how things seemed to be aligning, for better or worse. "Might already have something."

He placed a hand on one particular file and looked up from the stack. "You're not gonna be the only person after the Order, Commissioner. It's another reason I'm here."

If the circumstances were a little different, he would have liked to entertain her with some dramatic suspense. Instead he fixed her with another smile. "Before that, though. You mentioned the rest of the crew, but what's going on with the guys you've got in Yellow Brick? Man they call Sarge?"

The Commissioner raised an eyebrow, staring for a long moment before she spoke. ”Yellow Brick is defunct. There hasn't been an active PD there for… some time.”

"That so... Then I take it you didn't know there's someone there claiming themselves part of NPD?"

The Commissioner sank a little deeper into her chair, dragging a palm over her mouth, silent for a long moment.

”We were aware of some kind of ‘activity’, but my detectives chalked that up to gang activity. Lots of that in the poorer districts…

“If that's not the case, and we have some kind of… ‘organization’ claiming they’re one of us. Well,”
She grinned under her shades. “That's highly illegal. Perhaps I'll have someone investigate Yellow Brick…”

Amusement twinkled briefly in Adel's eyes. Something being highly illegal never stopped anyone in Nocturnia, not even the 'good guys.'

"I'd be interested to know what you find out," he said. Very interested, as the implications could be wild. And though Antonia's lack of knowledge surrounding Del Guarde was a confirmation of some things in itself, it was a bit disappointing. He'd have to bring a little more to the table when he met with Matthias again. Speaking of, Adel moved on to the next topic. His gaze flickered back to the files.

"What have you got on The Lodestar so far?"

”A cold murder case, for starters.” The Commissioner nodded, leaning forward in her seat, placing her elbows on the table and layering one palm on top of the other.

”All fingers point in his direction for the disappearance of Senior FitzClarence. Beyond that, movement of their ‘Order' spreading to Pauper Town has me somewhat worried. A killer's cult making ground in Nocturnia - what a recipe for disaster.

“If we could procure a search warrant for his father's home, perhaps, perhaps we’d find something to stick to him.”

So nothing concrete, the Canary summed up privately. A big push like this against the city's crews meant casting a wide net, and since catching the Order they were just grasping at straws to keep them in it. Still, he'd keep it in mind.

"Any known accomplices?" he asked just for the sake of it, drumming his fingers once on the table.

The Commissioner shook her head. ”None that I know of… yet.”

"Hm. If you send over anything else you have, I'll see what I can find. For the other cases too. I'm sure you've got more on them," Adel told her. His demeanor gradually shifted as he brought up his final topic, his smile sharpening as he tapped on the file he'd singled out. "Especially this one."

The Midnight Man. The latest thorn in his side, and a poisonous one to boot. "Made any headway with them lately?"

The Commissioner had a grimace tugging on her lips. ”This one… is something else entirely. Lots of mystery, lots of… savagery.

She shook her head, leaning back in her seat again. ”Word on the street is that the Midnight Man has quite the haul hidden in one of the three Industrial districts. All manner of diabolical products. If we're lucky, he'll have gotten careless and left something that'll incriminate him, when his warehouse is finally uncovered.”

Adel barely suppressed a sigh. He expected as much, but had hoped for more. Though if Blackheart was planning something, it might narrow down the search area - and then he could take a look for himself. "Let's hope you find it soon then."

The Commissioner nodded, before her head gave a slight tilt. ”You know my requests, Canary. Was there anything else you needed from me?”

Sure there was. He needed protection, personnel, and power. More money - a lot more if he wanted a realistic shot at his goal. But instead he tipped his head back and shrugged his shoulders.

"Send what you've got over," he reminded her as he turned to leave. "And wire my reward to the usual account."

Antonia smirked. ”Of course.”

Antonia: W -0.5, Adel: W +3 P +5 | (Bonus) W +0.5
Bella: W +2 P +6
Pops: W +1.5 P +5

Near Kairo Skyscraper, Nickel

Mentions: NA Interactions:Krish/Asterion (@The Savant)

I hope you did not plan on staying. Overstays are unwelcome, especially when there was no invite,

Hailey watched as the dart narrowly missed her, sweating a bit. Regardless, she smiled, revealing her sharp teeth.

”Oh, lucky me~ A mafioso of Kairo's, here to see little ole' me.”

She pretended to blush, before tossing the bomb in her hand up in the air, playing with it. She stared at Krish almost hungrily.

”Haven't you wished for something more? A bigger slice of the pie? Something grander than wasting your days away in your master's shadow?” She said tauntingly, before she flung the bomb at Krish's head, where it quickly exploded in a cloud of fire, smoke, and shrapnel.

As the smoke would clear, Krish would see Hailey making her getaway, running as quickly as she could in the direction of the Kairo Skyscraper. She was weaving through the stopped traffic, bombing anything or anyone that dared to get too close to her, and keeping her pattern in a zig-zag so she would be harder to it.

She could see the skyscraper, she was so close!


Meanwhile, in a different location within Nickel, at the back of the Echo Chamber, there stood a shadow. The Employee's Only back door swung open, and a gas bomb was thrown inside. Exactly two minutes passed, before the back door opened again, and what looked to be a military man stepped inside, dressed in fatigues with a helmet and visor over his face, disguising his apperance. He kept the gas mask over his mouth and nose, not wanting to catch any whiffs of residual gas.

Around him, unconscious bodies of staff and mafiosos of the Echo Chamber littered the floor. The man wasted no time, and headed straight for the room where the Echo Chamber's lock box would be. He was there to empty it out in its entirety, of course.

He just had to be quick. It would be terrible if anyone were to notice the laspe in security…

Asterion: W +3 P +5

Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank

Mentions: NA Interactions: NA

It was not ten minutes after the door closed behind the Silver Canary, and Antonia was left alone in her office to prepare files to send over to the Canary, when a frantic voice cut across her phone's intercom.

”Ma’am?! ‘The Boss' is here!”

In a flash, Antonia was out of her desk and barreling past her door, storming down the hall and taking the stairs two at a time to the ground floor. Indeed, on the ground floor, guns leveld at him from the police security, was a far too non-chalant Vincent, hands raised casually. He gave Antonia a wink.

”Ah, Comish! We were just talking about you.” His eyes narrowed. ”Mind calling off your dogs?”

The Commissioner walked right up to him, shoving past the raised guns and looking right up at him, glaring over her shades. ”Got half a mind to take you in right here and now, Vincent. You got some nerve.”

Vincent laughed, looking even more at ease. ”You and what evidence? You got nothing and you know it, Comish.”

The Commissioner stared up at him for a long moment, before she huffed, and raised a hand. ”Let him walk.”

As the guns lowered, Vincent only chuckled. ”Good girl. Now, there was someone here I wanted to visit, anyway.”

Officers escorted Vincent to the upper levels of the tower, and eventually, he found himself in a brightly lit visiting room. It was split in half with a mirror, with two worn chairs on either side. Vincent shrugged with his package, staring expectantly at the far door.

Eventually, a raggedy man in a bright orange suit entered the other side of the room. He looked at Vincent through the glass with wide, then narrowed eyes.

Vincent tutted, his smile widening. ”Now, now, crazy man, you should be happy to see me.”

He raised up the white package in his hand. ”I brought you a cake~”

Vincent: W +5 P +11

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by IAmTheIsland
Avatar of IAmTheIsland

IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yellow Brick

~Making Moves~

Featuring: T. Eren Glyde-Savion; Darian Slayton
Mentions: Hailey Vagabond, @Estylwen; Isabella Delacroix @Qia; Krish Zarina @The Savant

New development; assailant in Nickel intercepted. ID as Krish Zarina, leftenant of Asterion Kairo.

Roger. Continue updating.

Transmitting body cam feed to surveillance hub at HQ.

Glyde’s pace quickened on seeing Sylvia’s last message. If she felt it necessary to send her intel live then it had to be pertinent; she had yet to send him anything useless. He made his way to the heart of the police building, wherein was a large, dark room lined with rows of old computers. Beyond the dust, dirt, and minor disrepair, the desktops were all arranged in organized cubicles. However, all of the machines were powered off, and, at the moment, still inoperable, save for one screen that glowed at the center of the room.

Glyde and his initial crew had managed to get the single computer working again, though the task of connecting it to the wider surveillance system in the city had been less successful; most, if not all, of the CCTVs in Nocturnia had either been sabotaged or simply damaged in the crossfire between the city’s assortment of factions. The single working device at the center of the room had been fitted with a receiver connected to a set of body cameras that Glyde’s team had been equipped with.

He, Sylvia, and Darian could record and transmit their patrol footage back to the computer, Though the range of operation had yet to be properly tested, they could at least get a serviceable feed from anywhere within their corner of the city; their own Districts as well as Nickel, Ivory Tower, Highfair, and Newpoint all came back clear enough, though it was only as reliable as the CCTVs they were replacing.

When Glyde entered, he was greeted by a salute from a pair of new soldiers at the door, and a grunt and nod from a tall, muscular man adorned by Rambo fatigues. The latter was already standing by the monitor, watching Sylvia’s feed, and only gave Glylde half a glance before turning back to it. The Staff Sergeant took his spot next to the man, who stood over him by at least six inches. Glyde noted, as he usually did around Darian, the visible metallic hand that clenched as a tight fist, as if to remind his commanding officer that he could level him any time he wanted if the hierarchy dissolved.

“Darian.” Glyde spoke plainly.

“Staff Sergeant.”

“What’s the deal with that one?” Glyde pointed to the cartoonish woman in pink who stood out even within the blurry footage.

“No fuckin’ clue. No intel. No ID. Nothing. Just… bombs.”


“By the looks of it, she can just pull bombs out of nowhere. And not like… serious bombs… I’m talkin’ Looney Toons type shit.”

“And she did that damage?” Glyde observed the craters punched into the nearby buildings, and the cars set aflame.

“Yeah. Now that Krish fellow is standing up to her though. What should we do about her though?”

“Nothing. Nothing for the moment. She’s clearly targeting Asterion’s territory. No reason to put ourselves into her line of sight. Besides, this could be useful to us.”

“How so?”

“If she can keep things in check in Nickel for a bit longer…”

“You don’t reckon she’d be a good one to hire? Like… a mercenary?”

“God no. Too chaotic. Better to leave her to--”

“And you’ve got a problem with Mercenaries?”

The chastising drawl of a female voice spoke at the door. Stood, rather smug, in the frame was a young woman with dyed white-silver hair, clad in piercings and a punk fashion sense complete with facial piercings. She pushed off from her spot, leaned against the side of the frame and began sauntering towards the back row of cubicles.

“Hey!” One of the soldiers moved at her, “You can’t be in here!” The soldier attempted to restrain the woman only for his arms to pass harmlessly through her. He fell to the floor, dumbfounded.

“Because it would be a real shame if you did. Seeing how much money I’m being paid to help you out.”

“What?” It was all Glyde could press out in response as he turned to face the woman.

“Simple. Someone, I’m not entirely sure who, handed ME an envelope of cold, hard cash, and said to report here for further instructions.” The woman shrugged her shoulders. “So congrats I guess. You’ve just hired Anna D’Rochelle… known locally as Phade.”

“Huh. So then be it. What can you bring to the table, Phade?”

“HA!” Phade cackled mockingly. “Well for starters,” she pointed at the soldier still confused sitting on the floor. “Your boy down there couldn’t even touch me. AAAAAND.” In an instant, she had both vanished from the back of the room and reappeared in the row directly in front of Glyde’s face. “There’s that.”

“Right then.” Glyde tried to mask how startled he was by the sudden movement. “So you can move through things, and you can teleport.” He thought for a moment, deliberating hard on how much he could trust ‘Phade.’

“Yeah. I’ve got something for you. The Riverbend and Waterfront Vale Districts are home to a cult. I’ve been wanting to get more on them for a while, maybe figure out what their leader wants. But it’s been hard to get too close to him. You get the guy a cozy spot in Merryland and get what you can out of him. And, I’m sure you’re aware of the condition of your hiring… if you get captured, you’re on your own.”

“Of course. Client confidentiality is the backbone of my trade.” Phade gave Glyde a sarcastic salute. “And don’t worry, I can fend for myself out there.” Phade dropped as though riding an elevator, passing through the floor and out of sight.

Glyde turned his attention back to the monitor. A cloud of smoke filled the air in front of Sylvia’s body cam. By the look on the screen she was moving towards it. Then, as the smoke began clearing, the transmission went dark; Sylvia had gotten out of range.

Assailant taking evasive action; pursuing.

Be careful. Keep your distance.

“You really just gonna trust some rando from off the street?” Darian spoke scathingly into Glyde’s ear. “Not even remotely concerned she might’ve been looking to throw a wrench in our operation?”

“If she were looking to sabotage us she wouldn’t have announced herself.” Glyde retorted pointedly, but shrugged in uncertainty. “She could have seen what she needed to see and made a run for it… and told whoever she damn well pleased. But she didn’t. Our numbers are thin these days Dar. We need to make a few gambles.”

“Yeah. I know. Just, why not bet ourselves?”

“We’ll get there. But first…” Glyde wheeled to face the wall of a man. “I’ve got a task for you.” Dar turned to him. His expression was one of tenuous obedience. “Send word to Isabella Delacroix of The Iron Rose: Del Guarde offers ground in the 93rd Street District in the name of a truce. Details and terms to be negotiated upon a face-to-face meeting between myself and Madame Delacroix.”

Dar’s face flares into shock and anger. “HOW?! WHY?!” His hands grasped Glyde at the collar, the cold metal of his prosthetic felt through the glove covering it. “Is that any way to honor the soldiers that died last time?! Jimmy… all of his guys…”

“And how would enabling further bloodshed there make it any better?” Glyde raised a hand to calm Dar. “James would want us to do everything we could to keep people alive.” His feet felt the floor beneath him as Dar lowered his arms and released his grip. “We need… at least for now, a peace accord with our neighbors.”

Darian snarled. “Alright. I’ll deliver your message. But I still want our revenge.” The soldier stomped towards the door and from the room.

“And you’ll get it,” Glyde called after him. “When the time is right.” The Staff Sergeant placed a hand to his temples and shook his head. Thank God Sylvia is more amicable. He turned and glared at the soldiers standing guard by the door. “In the meantime,” he ordered. “This place needs some sprucing up. Immediately!”

The soldiers saluted and moved swiftly on their orders. With another supply train coming in soon, they”d be able to reinforce Yellow Brick. Perhaps they could even restore it its former glory someday.

Action Taken:Del Guarde Spends 3 Wealth and 5 Personnel to Upgrade Yellow Brick from Poor->Comfortable.


~Pursuit Through Smoke

Featuring: Sylvia Madore
Mentions: Hailey Vagabond, Krish Zarina

Smoke hung thick from the last last bomb thrown. The cloud mixed with the ink-toned smog drifting off of the burning wrecks of vehicles clogging the city and the lingering dust from the pink girl’s handywork. The veil left in the bomber’s wake was an opportunity for Sylvia, who darted out of the safety of the nearby alleyway. She cut as direct a path as she could to the opposite side of the street, finding a new vantage point out of Krish’s likely line of travel should he pursue. From a sheltered spot amid chunks of rubble she observed the girl’s beeline to Kairo Tower.

POI en route to Kairo Tower. Do not respond. Going dark.

Sylvia sent her message to Glyde, hoping she was still within range for the PDA. Tucking herself low and out of sight among the largest debris, she spared herself a moment to release her Cloaking; a moment of respite was due. Plus, the situation was chaotic enough that could, in theory, evade detection amid the destruction and panic if she needed to.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

The Blue Feather Reverers

Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet

Mentions: Jack (@Estylwen)

Harriet watched the teens as they seemed to scooch closer to her in the cold. Maybe this wasn't the best idea to bring them out here in the cold, but they would head inside soon. There they'd be warm.

Harriet watched the teens as they spoke about this 'Detective Kingsley', her feathered ears drooped back before she breathed out slowly; her breath fogging in the air quietly.
"Thank you little ones." She said gently to the teens, moving to motion to the inside with her left arm. "Come inside, I'll get you some hot drinks and food. I can see what I can do to compensate you for this information." She said with a small smile.

As she led the five boys inside, she glanced around outside with narrowed eyes; making sure the boys weren't followed or compromised. She knew she was seen as a 'bad person' for saving children from abusive homes, and she knew the cops around here wouldn't do shit about the abusive parents even if she did it correctly.
Once the boys were inside the warmth, she gave a look towards a couple of her guards. One to tell them to secure the area and clear a room for her to speak to them and the teens privately.

Calem ran over to his mother excitedly, lifting his arms up as she scooped him up into her arms and gave him a small kiss on his head. "Hello my gorgeous little gem." Harriet spoke to Calem, "I will come cuddle you more in a bit, I have a little bit more business to do."
Calem gave a small frown but gave a small nod, "Okay mamma." Calem said gently before Harriet placed him down as he headed back to the other kids, before Harriet moved to head into a medium sized room, a large table sat in it and the curtains drawn over the windows.

"Sit, little birds." Harriet said to the teens, motioning her arms out to motion for them to sit down at the table. "Von, Dale; hot drinks for the boys." She said to two of her bodyguards, who nodded and headed off out of the room.
The Oak Tree, Gold Rim

Interactions: Ezra (@Estylwen)
”My, my, that doesn't look quite appetizing at all.” A voice cut through Webbs' thoughts as he stopped suddenly, he stayed still before he looked down to the single eye of the male.

There was a small feeling of unsettledness in his mind before the man seemed to look away for a moment before spoke again. Webb listened to his words as he raised the package, he could smell the chicken; his pupils flexed a little - widening before shrinking back to a small slit as he stalked down the branch slightly.

”I have something for you. Why don't you be a dear and come down here, Webb?” The mans spoke again, Webb pausing slightly as his ears pricked up.
"I am not a deer." Webb said, slightly confused by his words but he slowly climbed down the tree, head first before he stood at the base of the tree, looking towards Ezra carefully.

Inside his mouth, his mandibles twitched slightly. They had settled once Webb had eaten the blackbird, but the smell of the chicken in the package made them unsettled again. A much better meal, warm as well. Hopefully succulent and a lot more meat than a measly blackbird.
"Why give this?" he asked after a moment, pulling his eyes from the package. He'd be lying if he didn't want to grab the package from Ezra and go run and hide; but usually there was a trade-off with these sort of things - Webb knew this all too well. "What need?" His eyes looked up towards Ezra after instinctively looking away from the mans face.

The man showed no real signs of wanting to harm Webb, at least so far, so he didn't need to be on edge - But eye contact still made the little spider-person uncomfortable, he had heard some have gifts that require eye contact.
"Webb has no funds, if money needed." He said after a moment, tilting his head slightly, "Unless need silk?"

"Oh, my dear Webb, I know you lack funds. Trust me, I'm not here for that."

His eye creased slightly as he watched Webb's hungrily eying the chicken. Slowly, he shifted, still holding the package out to Webb as Ezra sat on a nearby park bench. He then placed the rotisserie chicken at the center of the bench, gesturing for Webb to sit beside him, on the other side of the chicken.

"I have a proposal for you, Webb. A 'job', if you will. You'll be paid and have a place to call your own, no more struggling on the streets... Come, sit and eat, and we can discuss it."

Webb listened to him carefully as he started to move, instinctively Webbs' lower arms tensed but he seemed to relax as the man moved to sit on the bench. The man watched the other carefully before he was motioned to sit down on the other side of the chicken.
Webbs' eyes widened and his ears pricked up as he was offered a 'job', he looked up to Ezra for a moment, before glancing down to the chicken.

"No trick?" Webb asked as he reached out slowly to the chicken as he watched Ezra, "Job sounds good. As long as no trick, Webb good work." He watched the chicken carefully before moving to pick up the chicken and started to pull off pieces, staring with the leg.
He was unsure if he truly trusted Ezra, but the hunger was a bit too much for him and he opened his mouth; his mandibles moving out to grab a hold of the chicken leg and pulled it into his mouth for him to eat.

"A place off streets... Sounds interesting." Webb said as he swallowed his mouthful, moving to pull off the other leg and went to chomp it; quickly devouring it before speaking again, "Never had... House. Only webs."

"No trick, Webb."

It was impossible to tell what was going through Ezra's head - his face only ever rippled and shifted, after all.

He watched Webb begin to take apart the chicken, and nodded in encouragement. He listened as Webb mentioned how effective he could be at his 'job', and Ezra shifted on the bench, procuring a key and two envelopes.

"Here. A key to your new lodgings. A penthouse suite in Jeweled Bank under one of my aliases. And, one of these envelopes has a little incentive for you to start, $5,000 (0.5 Wealth). The other..."

He pulled his hand back, ensuring they were out of reach until Webb listened to him in full. The next part was the kicker, and he needed Webb's full attention. A dark finger curled, beckoning Webb closer so he could whisper in his ear.

After whispering, he pulled back, and looked expectantly at Webb, dangling the key and envelopes in front of him like carrots. "What do you think, my dear Webb?"

Penthouse? Webb thought to himself as he mentioned it, he wasn't entirely sure what the was; but it had house in it's name and that was honestly enough for him. His ears pricked up at the mention of the money, moving his upper arms - all while his lower arms still held the chicken - to take the key and the envelopes.

When Ezra pulled the items away and motioned for him to come closer, Webb hesitated before leaning in to listen. He stayed silent as he listened, thinking over the words carefully. He nodded at the information as Ezra moved to hand him the items.
Webb hesitated before taking them gently from him, "I will not be harmed in all this?" He asked after a moment, "I will do, I can do job."

It would be difficult, but Webb was sure he could do this. The pay was good, and a house? Webb had never had one of those. He wasn't sure what a 'pent' was but it sounded nice.

Ezra nodded. "As long as you do as I say, you will not be harmed."

He stared a moment more, seeing Webb's confidence, before he stood, placing his hands in his pants pocket. "I have the utmost faith in you."

He was about to walk off when he remembered one that thing, and handed Webb a phone. "It has my contact already installed. Call me when you have good news, or if you need anything. I'll give you, say, a week to get situated with the Canary?"

And with that, the Midnight Man walked off. "See you, little lord."

Ezra: W -0.5, Webb W +0.5
Webbs' Penthouse, Xaviar Tower, Jeweled Bank

Stairs were easy for Webb, he didn't even need to use them. He clambered the walls easily before he got to his door and opened it slowly.

He looked around slowly, taking in the freshly furnished kitchen and lounge for him. His ears pricked up slightly before he looked around even more; noticing the bedroom with the large bed before he slipped into the bathroom.
His eyes watched the shower carefully, breathing out as he realized he was able to finally give himself a proper wash. He moved to turn the shower on, moving to take off the clothes he had worn for... he didn't know how long.

He breathed out as he noticed how mucky his softer brown chest fur as, he needed to have this shower. He needed a lot currently.
????, Nocturnia Underground

Footsteps echoed from behind him, under his mask he furrowed his eyebrows. He breathed out slowly, feeling the breath flood through his mask before he looked up and over to the hooded figure behind him.
"Doctor. Sir." The figure spoke, the voice masculine and almost frantic. "We... I think we found him."

There was silence from the Doctor for a moment before he tilted his head wordlessly. His sharp nailed gloves, tapping against the desk behind him. "What do you mean think? I need more than just think disciple." The Doctor hissed, narrowing his eyes under his mask as the shadows around him warped slightly.

The hooded figure hesitated for a moment, looking around themselves as they seemed to try and think of the right words.
"We think we saw him conversating with someone else. Ezra... or something."
"Hm." There was silence again before the Doctor waved a hand, dismissing the disciple away before turning back to his desk. "Ezra..."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LanaStorm
Avatar of LanaStorm


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Emily Newport


A smile curled on the blue blood's face as the cronies were sent over to her as an attache, this was good for the chess player. It admittedly felt good to get what she wanted but until she had her hands around the cusp of the entire city, slums and all the detective would never be happy but that was just the price of the game. The smile eventually faded but the upbeat, energetic vibe from Detective Clash oozed into the air as her heavy chested aura materlized to the singular other woman and two men in the meeting with her. "That's great, thanks so much boss~!"

She was the first one to get up, the chair scooted across that luxury marble floor softly as Clash stood up. Picking up the hefy folder she kept it wrapped around her midsection before she curtly bowed as the Commissioner dismissed the trio. "Let me know if you need a pair of hands, boys." Her voicewas like venom, toxic and sensual with hints of curiosity floating about as she turned around and strutted out slowly from the board room. A welcoming sight for those who might gaze, but not one to linger there was work to be done. After leaving an order is sent out to the new goons that are assigned to the Blue Bloods, to infiltrate Highfair.

Blue Bloods send 3 personnel covertly to infiltrate Highfair.

LATER. . .

"Stay... Still!" Emily aimed her pistol at the flying Webb that was swinging from building to building away from Gold Rim's precient. She stared down the sights of her service pistol through her office window in the Gold Rim's busy police station though the spider would get away. It was a strange occurrence to say the least, but Emily would never harm a fly and never a spider even if it was massive for unexplained reasons or lurking in her precinct. "Fuck." She murmured putting her gun away before turning back to face the monitors before her, a map of Nocturnia spread out as she went to plot her next move.

Ear to the ground, someone would turn up something.

Hell, this city needed a good war right about now.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by ERode
Avatar of ERode

ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

On one hand, it was a good thing that the Del Guarde wasn’t actually part of the police department. They were an outside force then, so there wouldn’t be too much interior backlash once the invasion started proper.

On the other hand though?

Ughhhhhhh. Cyrus’s information was good, but he definitely pushed things too far with the Commissioner. Matthias let out another groan as he recalled the conversation through the phone. The whole VPN thing had been an extra layer of security, but if he had simply approached things as something like ‘the Order is a willing collaborator of the Police’, and didn’t try to get some extra cash on the side, maybe he wouldn’t have to worry about her going for his dumb ass by next week? And to have spoken in such a pretentious manner too!

The cult leader palmed his back, hands shooting right through his big, smoky head and resting on his spine as he let out another audible groan. Sure, there was his ‘aura’ to worry about, because signs of weakness were just as likely to get him killed as a bullet through the chest, but he’d seriously have to stop watching thrillers in his off-time, if that was how he’d be speaking when things get spooky. Still gave him goosebumps, really. He cranked up the heating another couple of degrees and set his kettle to start boiling. Some tea and cookies ought to get his mind back on track. What’s done is done, after all.

Had to focus a touch more. Even if the Del Guarde wasn’t affiliated with Nocturnia’s Police, it wasn’t like that information was known to any of the mafias in the area. That’s just what happened when you pretended to be a cop, after all. If Asterion made good on his side of the deal, an invasion of 93rd Street ought to be imminent. A concurrent invasion of Merryland would split the attention further: either they focused on one district or the other; the Del Guarde wouldn’t have the resources to defend both, even if they somehow convinced the populace to fight for the cops.

Then, he could indirectly coordinate with the Commissioner to strike at Vincent’s own territories. The zealots have been pining for White Pine, after all. Something about how Christianity was a terrible faith filled with contradictions that did nothing except perpetually plunge civilizations into Dark Ages, and that even now threatened to undermine the scant amount of progress. Loony hijinks, on one hand, but on the other hand, Matthias didn’t have trust in government or religion to begin with.

All he could trust, in the end, was himself.

Gather faithful. Gather wealth. Gather weapons. Gather territory. Become great enough that the politicians pretending to be priests would never think to be anything more than his sycophants, that the other mafias would never entertain the thought of challenging the Order, that the police would learn to leave pointless cases alone lest he set their districts ablaze and turn their foundations to salt.

He hadn’t slept for a long while. He never needed to sleep to begin with.

Maybe when one half of Nocturnia was his, Matthias could afford to rest. But for now?

The command was given to those who had gathered in Pauper Town: advance and claim Merryland.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Yankee
Avatar of Yankee

Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 2 days ago

A Phone Call
Mentions: Ezra, Emily, the Thorned Roses || Interactions: Poppy (in collaboration with @evierose)

As the morning grew longer Adel learned that his initial thoughts on the day were, unfortunately, correct. Nearly every gang in Nocturnia, from society’s lowest scum to the city’s would-be protectors, was mobilizing. The coincidence was pretty crazy, but at this time that was all it was.

It meant busy days were ahead for the Silver Canary, on both his personal and business fronts. Currently he was pursuing the former; or at least that was his intention when the secure line finally connected and one of his employees handed the phone over to him. He waved the woman off and stuck the device between his cheek and his shoulder, his hands occupied with sorting out photos, paper reports, and digital files on the computer in front of him.

”Pops? What the hell have you got going on over there?” he inquired. It had taken much too long to get through to Omakase, and considering everything else happening in the city it wasn’t a stretch to think they were involved in something too.

Poppy rushed back to the Penny Stakes hideout where her team kept watch on Thorned Roses’ movements. She called off the personnels after the three Thorned rose vehicles have each reached their destinations. She was surprised to hear the phone rang once more.

“Wait, Addy? I wasn’t expecting a call from you, but this is the perfect time. It’s a long story, but I’ve got quite the situation going on here. It’s something I need a bit of help with too. But first, you obviously didn’t call because you miss me. Tell me what you need.”

Poppy spoke a bit faster than she normally would’ve, still high on the adrenaline of her son’s kidnapping. She now knew the edge she’d been feeling was something akin to a mother’s instinct. Her mind was racing on formulating plans to bring down the corrupt cop named Emily despite having very little information so far. She needed to calm herself and restart properly if she wanted to get anywhere with it. Maybe the call with Adel could do just that.

She shared a closeness with the silver-tongued young man, being from similar backgrounds and all. He felt as much her sibling as any of her men. Perhaps more so since Adel wasn’t solely dependent on her as the others were (and thus, who felt more like her children). While he can be sly, Poppy knew she could depend on him in desperate times. Desperate times like these.

There was a brief moment of silence as Adel mulled something over. He had a lot of shit going on at the moment, but if Poppy needed help then he'd find a way to fit that in. She was, after all, one of the few people he might call a friend, and he could sense her anxiety through the phone. Something serious, then, he thought. But as she requested, he'd get his thing out of the way first so she could reorient herself.

"I was in the Stakes this morning. Not willingly. Had a little meeting with the Dark Aces," he began. "I was actually going to call and complain at you, ask why how they could move around so freely on your watch down there, but I can put the pieces together."

Ezra had just happened to strike when Omakase was otherwise engaged. Or, more likely, he might have known they would be preoccupied.

"You've got someone dangerous sneaking around your turf. Did you have a run in with them too, or was it something else?"

The mysterious Dark Aces wasn’t a name Poppy had heard often. If anything, they were more like an urban legend floating amongst those on the street. “No, my own less-than-savoury encounter was with the Thorned Roses. They wanted a job from me and took a child for insurance. You know how I feel about involving children.” She exhaled audibly. Adel didn’t even know her more personal connection to Noah and he was the information broker. It must’ve just been a coincidence, she convinced herself.

“I’m sorry you also seemed to be dragged into something awful. On my territory, no less. I didn’t even know the Dark Aces was active around here…”

Poppy gave a brief pause as something crossed her mind. “Actually, I might have something on them. I didn’t connect the dots before, but now it makes sense. We’ve noticed a number of offices, warehouses, and homes around the Stakes, owned by some Ig Notus. That name is obviously a falsie – apparently Latin for 'unknown' or something? My people haven’t really looked into them, since their business seemed clean. Well, as clean as shady businesses go.”

Poppy sighed. God, now she has the underground creep in her area as well? Can this day get any harder? Coffee might be a bad idea for her state, but she had one made anyway. Triple cream and sugar with a double shot of Bailey’s, perfect for any headaches.

Inhaling the sweet fumes, she asked, “Do you want me to make contact?”

"No," Adel answered immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was get Poppy caught up with Ezra Blackheart. The Canary hadn't even asked the police Commissioner for help. He'd deal with this himself, like he usually did.

He noted down the information to look into later, and as a bit of catharsis wrote PRETENTIOUS in block letters next to the alias.

"You've got bigger things to worry about. What's the job?"

Poppy was grateful that he declined. All she wanted was a peaceful life, but that, she never got. The best she could do was to stay as uninvolved as possible. “Yes, I do. The Thorned Roses wants to put a cop behind bars. The name’s Emily Newport. Some corrupt cop in Gold Rim, they said. Gotta get something on her in a week. You know how I keep to my areas. Thought you might have some information I need.”

"The captain of the Blue Bloods, huh... never knew Vincent had such an interest in keeping our local police clean." Adel scoffed. He was actually sort of surprised that 'The Boss' had correctly pegged Newport as a crooked cop. Most people didn't, and wouldn't even consider it. She was good at keeping up her act, on top of being aggressively good at her job, but Adel knew a fellow liar when he saw one. He'd never brought it up with Commissioner Franchesca, since all that would accomplish would be to put himself on Newport's hit list and possibly deprive the woman of a competent detective.

"I'll be straight with you - she's good. Covers her tracks. And her vocal gyft is dangerous. I'll see if I can dig anything else up for you, but for now... she's based in Gold Rim, but just recently took over the old station in Ragged Gravel. If you go looking for her, start there. The Commissioner has her looking into The Iron Rose, so I expect it won't be long before she tries making a move on Highfair."

He thought about suggesting that Poppy reach out to The Iron Rose, but the uncertainty of it all made him reconsider. "If I find out she's left a loose end somewhere with all her moving around, you'll know about it."

It was all he could offer her at the moment. He had his own hands full with looking into Del Guarde for Matthias, and into Matthias for both The Commissioner and the leader of the Dark Aces.

As expected, the Silver Canary was a wealth of information. Poppy jotted down the names Adel had mentioned, drawing arrows between them that flew in all directions. Her pen tapped absent-mindedly next to one name in particular: Ragged Gravel. Digesting the intel, Poppy spoke again, “Thank you, that’s more than I could ask for. You’ve given me plenty, I’m sure I’m bound to find something following one of them. I can always play dirty if nothing’s solid enough. I appreciate your help, as always.”

"...do you happen to know where they're holding the kid?" Adel asked hesitantly.

Poppy debated whether or not she should tell him. Dinero’s threat lingered in her mind. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust he had her best interests in mind, because of course she trusted him. So…

“My men tracked the kidnappers until they split off three-way. One to Ivory Tower, one to Heavy Crossguard, and one to Jeweled Bank.” It was an interesting selection for sure, especially now that Iron Roses was somehow implicated too. Maybe she should reach out and make some new friends. One more note was added to her page. “As much as I’d love to storm all three right now, I would rather not risk the hostage. It didn’t turn out so well last time I did.” Her thoughts drifted to an ancient memory. One filled with regret.

Snapping back to the present, “I can give you the addresses. You’re the information man and all. But promise me no one else hears of them until I get my kid back.”

Surely, there was no guarantee that Thorned Roses would uphold their end of the bargain. That was what happened so many years ago, where Poppy’s mistrust of ‘adults’ was ironed into her entire being. She would secure Noah’s safety herself.

"It'll stay between us," Adel told her. He knew that Pops could and would take care of her own, but some insurance was always good. If he found himself in those areas he'd take a peek for her.

Poppy hummed in acknowledgement.

A lull in the heavy conversation came up. Adel's phone shifted as he moved, digging out what was probably his fourth cigarette of the morning. "I'll let you get a move on, then. Let me know what happens."

“Of course. You’re also quite the busy man yourself,” she teased. “Let me know if you need anything as well. I might not have much, but I can always spare a few hands for you.” With that, their call ended.

Front Office, Silverside
Mentions: none specifically || Interactions: none

Adel snapped the phone shut and let it fall where it clattered onto the desk. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the dark wood and dipping his head. With one hand he massaged his temples, the other holding his cigarette to his mouth. He breathed the smoke in deep and held it in his lungs for as long as he could. After letting it out he took another drag almost immediately and repeated the process.

He took a moment to consider his position and everything he knew at the moment. There were a lot of moving pieces, interlocked with each other, and he sorted through what he would handle and what he could delegate. Dealing with Ezra meant getting close to Matthias, and since he was currently hired by Matthias to look into Del Guarde, that was his priority. If getting closer to the smoke-headed man got him any info on the single lead Commissioner Franchesca had (which he still doubted it would, it was a cold case for a reason) he'd let her know, but as usual his own well being was his number one concern.

As for Pops' missing kid... considering Ivory Tower was Red Rose Syndicate territory and Jeweled Bank was the headquarters of the police, it would be really fucking stupid to hold a hostage in one of those places unless Vincent was trying to frame someone else. Which he wasn't, apparently. Adel didn't put it past the man to do it anyway, but out of the three of them Crossguard seemed the most likely place.

"Haa..." Adel sighed. When his cigarette was reduced to just the filter he pressed it into the ornate ashtray on his desk. Then he stood, scooping his glasses up from beside the growing pile of folders.

"Team meeting," he said, then once more louder to gather up the employees running around. "Team meeting!"

The Silver Canary's offices were quite literally offices. The usually didn't host information seekers there, but every now and then it happened. Mostly it was just for organization's sake. Adel had his own office, everyone else shared a few, and there was even a break room with a coffee maker and vending machine. As far as info trading with mafia groups went, it was a pretty clean and professional space. In the meeting room, Adel gathered his group. Some remained at their posts, others were still out in the city, but he could easily work with who he had currently. As the last of them shuffled in, one of them handed Adel a sheet of paper. His eyes skimmed the page quickly. It was only what he'd already inferred, that the terrorist currently on the loose wasn't connected to his target.

"Did you need to print this out. How much paper waste have we gone through since last month," he complained. The woman who'd handed it to him gave him a sheepish smile.

"It's so weird what you get stingy about, boss. You're fucking rich," another woman chuckled from around one side of the long table.

Adel let out a loud sigh from his nose. "I'm not getting into this again." It was crazy how many of them didn't know how much capital it took to do their business, protect their borough, and fund payroll on top of that.

"We're going into full collection mode, putting eyes and ears everywhere in Nocturnia. Everything you learn, no matter how small, comes back here. The majority of us are going to focus on everything West of the river."

Every one of them was expected to have memorized the city's layout at this point, but Adel pointed out districts as he mentioned them anyway. While his group would be spread out over the entire city, in particular were Waterfront Vale, White Pine, Gold Rim, Nickel, Highfair, and the swath controlled by Del Guarde running from Merryland up through 93rd - which is where he would be. There they'd meet up with moles eager for cash, on top of what they could all find themselves. Those that would be stationed East of the river would hold the fort so to speak while they did their job, and look into "Ig Notus" at the same time they were feeding information to relevant parties.

"Swift, you're going to join the crew at Heavy Crossguard. Look for anything... well, more suspicious than usual."

The brunette woman nodded, but after a moment she spoke up. Her voice was quiet. "It's a big place. Do you have a starting place in mind?"

Adel rubbed the back of his neck. "The usual places. Warehouses, garages. I'm sure you can handle it."

"What about me?" Another voice piped up. It was the same woman who'd teased him at the start of the meeting about money, a golden eyed troublemaker. "You're assigning everyone else but you didn't mention me!"

"Because you know your assignment isn't changing," he all but snapped back at her. He was justified when she threw her hands up in complaint like he knew she would.

"I'm a glorified bouncer at this point man," she said a touch dramatically. Griffon might not like the fact that she was relegated guard duty, but the peace of mind it granted those employed by the Canary (and the citizens of Silverside, though unbeknownst to them as they assumed the protection of the Commissioner next door extended to them) was important. Almost as important as the job itself, since the rest of them could move around in Nocturnia and know they had a relatively secure place to come back to.

"Don't you think its about time we made a move too? Its the perfect chance with everything else going on. We could take Lougham no problem!"

"No," Adel vetoed simply. If they did that it would jeopardize their relationship with the Order of Enlightenment.

"Then what about Pennystakes? We could probably overrun them. Or the Brewer--"

"No." He raised a hand to stop Griffon, and she closed her mouth with a frown. Of course none of his staff knew about the ties between himself and Poppy, and as much as he'd like to get more wiggle room by taking a new district he had to think about the big picture. He couldn't make himself, or his group, a bigger target than they already were. The time wasn't right.

"We're hunkering down, doing our jobs, and making money. Everyone good with that?" He swept his eyes over the group as they answered with affirmatives. Griffon crossed her arms petulantly, but she relented, putting on a grin. "Yes, boss."

The meeting adjourned, and everyone flew to get a move on with their assignments. In years past when things had gotten serious the Silver Canary had awarded generous bonuses to those who managed to bring back the biggest pieces of information - of course since Adel included himself in the running, and his gyft gave him an unfair advantage, anyone that wanted a chance at a bigger payday would have to be quick.

Adel got a move on himself after speaking briefly with a few people. Griffon dragged her feet slightly, but she couldn't actually be upset. Even as a 'glorified bouncer' she was making more now than at any other job she'd had in her life. Just before leaving the room she felt a touch on her shoulder, blinking down to find the shorter Swift.

"Mr. Dawson said to be on standby in case I need you. Is that alright?"

"Of course. Gonna be waiting around anyway."

"Hm. Maybe Mr. Levine will come by and you can try and get him to join up with us again."

Griffon laughed, lacing her fingers together and turning her palms out to crack her knuckles. "No way is he gonna risk coming around Silverside again. But I hope he does, I've been practicing my persuasion skills~"

Unleash the spies!

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Unorganized writer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Asterion Kairo


Hailey Vagabond

The chuckle that came out was hard to hold back, since Asterion was hiding in Krish’s body. Internally the men were speaking to each other while Asterion kept Hailey in his sight. Hearing the words the bomb-enthusiast was spitting out caused Krish to internally groan, Why do they always have to ask such stupid questions?

Whispering out, Asterion joked to Krish, “I think it is a good question. How have you not got bored of me already?” Those words were whispered under his breath while continuing to let his eyes lock onto Hailey.

Shut up. You know the answer to that question.

Everything went haywire for a moment when the bomb went off beside Krish’s head and Asterion naturally dunked from the explosion and covered his ears. Everything was ringing and there was a pounding internally that he couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Fuzzy eyes watched Hailey running away in zig-zag patterns towards the skyscraper, he shook his head trying to get control over Krish and himself, “Why do people always go after the skyscraper, do they not realize it’s pretty much a storage house for the most part?

Not even that good of one, Krish added. I’m going to have a horrible migraine for days after this…

O, shut up,” Asterion huffed out when he heard Krish’s thoughts about the skyscraper not even being that good. “How about you update it a little more than; right hand man?” he teased. Trying his best to slow down Hailey, he swung the rope dart out towards her.

Outcome Roll of 5

Asterion missed her again with the rope dart ability that Krish was so good at. Maybe he shouldn’t have jumped into his number one but he began running towards Hailey. Going to attempt to stop her by more physical means.

Hailey shot a glance behind her, looking aghast that Krish was catching up. Abruptly, she spun on her heels, withdrawing a knife from her coat pocket. Instead of giving Krish the advantage of trying to attack her first, she would get the first shot.

She launched directly at him, swiping at his neck area with her knife in a quick motion, a crazed smile on her face.

”Made a mistake trying to get close ta me, buster!”

Asterion did not want to actually hurt Krish in any way and he could hear Krish in the back of his head with anxiety. Asterion! was repeatedly echoed out when Hailey started swinging that knife towards him. Trying his best to move from the attack, he could feel a papercut slash come to light.

Okay. Time to get out. I think I can fight this better than you can boss,” Krish echoed out. Looking around to see what others were around. It was hard because of the smoke so Asterion jumped back a few steps. “There could be worse things than getting close to you,” which was the truth. There could be way worse things.

Asterion was trying to think, Do you have any pocket knives or weapons?, his thoughts rang out.

Krish internally sighed, I wasn’t on the clock so I only have my pocket knife, the man stated.

This was when the man started searching around his person for the pocket knife.

Hailey's grin only widened as Krish was rooting around for something, momentarily distracted. She used that opportunity to back off, turn, and run in the direction of the Kairo Skyscraper again. Across the street, and barreling through the double doors, finally within the lobby of the illustrious skyscraper.

Hailey immediately singled out a receptionist, raced over, and wrapped an arm around the receptionist's neck, holding up an unlit bomb.

”Nobody make any moves, or she gets it!”

Then she whispered in the receptionist's ear ”You're going to take me to your boss' office. Got it?” As she started dragging the receptionist to the elevators.

Standing there, Asterion glared, and he hated hearing how the woman wanted to get to his office. His office where his body was. At least Kaela was in his office and he knew Zarek and Elara were roaming up on that floor as well.

That was when a flash of light flashed brightly, Krish was grabbing his head, and the receptionist began to struggle in a way that she wasn’t before. Like something had taken over her.

Hailey gasped, leaping back like she had touched a hot stove. She stared incredulously at the receptionist, before her smile grew impossibly big.

”It's you. The top dog. The big boss. I should have known.”

She laughed. ”Something you don't want me to see upstairs?”

The bomb was clutched in her hands, still unlit. Hailey made eyes for the entrance lobby for a split second, before glancing at the receptionist again.

”Something that might be your, hmmm, source of power…?”

My source of power is right here doll,” Asterion shrugged on the muscles of the receptionist he was in to get a better grasp of her motor skills. She had fine ones, but he was not used to them. That was when he tried to swing a kick at Hailey, it felt off in someone’s body that was probably a few inches over five foot instead of his regular tower six-three self.

Hailey cackled, easily leaping out of the way. But there was something unsettled about her. She spied the entrance once again, glanced back at ‘Asterion’, and tossed a lit bomb at ‘him’.


And Haiely spun on her heels, diving for the entrance, attempting to escape.

Outcome 9

Asterion paused in the smaller woman’s body for only a second when he heard that word, catch!, and those lighter brows furrowed while those pinker lips twisted on the face he was wearing. He had to remember that he was smaller in his body and waiting for the last second before he swung around and kicked it. “How about you catch it,” he added while the bomb was heading towards Hailey for the front doors.

Hailey looked over her shoulder at the last second, and dove, hands outstretched as she slid into the floor. The bomb exploded, shattering and scattering tile. When the smoke cleared, Hailey was crumpled in a small crater, burns along her arms and on her cheek, and her pink jacket tattered and blackened.

A small whimper could be heard floating up from the floor.

Krish moved towards Hailey to see if she was dead or not, “I think she is still alive, boss,” the man echoed out.

Asterion couldn’t help the feminine groan that left the mouth he was wearing. “I do not know if that is good news… Krish,” he muttered out while walking up to the unconscious woman. “Pick her up,” he gestured.

Why can’t you?

They both stared at each other for a second before he rolled those dark eyes and walked away. “You do look better in that body boss,” Krish chuckled while picking up Hailey’s unconscious body.

Asterion was headed up to his office now with Krish in toe with a knocked out bomb lunatic on his shoulder.

A few mobile devices began going off and two of the individuals sighed. Varek looked at his device first while pressing the button to stop the alert from ringing out. “I’ll take a look,” The blonde man stated while heading towards the Echo Chamber with a little bit of haste. It wasn’t like he knew exactly what was happening at the Echo Chamber but he assumed nothing good because of the system alerting the outer guards.

Meanwhile, within the Echo Chamber's backrooms, the intruder, unaware of the alarm pinging other members of the Kairo Alliance, made great haste. The backrooms were like a maze, and he flitted from one corner to the next, pistol drawn, until he finally reached the locked office. He paused in front of it before pulling out a locking and proceeded to kneel in front of the door. This was the office room with the earnings of the previous night tucked away in a lock box, and he was going to take all of it.

Varek got to the back entrance that was busted open and he groaned, “Asterion isn’t going to like this…” he mumbled to himself as he entered the area with a gun loaded and locked into his hands. Pointing it around to scope out the area to see all the nameless employees and a few other unidentifiable individuals. “Or that…” he moved a random person a little bit with his foot. That was definitely not an employee or worker in this backroom.

The man shut the door and locked it behind him before going through the hallway in search of whoever broke into the Echo Chambers, if they were still there.

Indeed, there would be the faint scraping of metal on metal that Varek would be able to hear, along with a pop as one of the office doors clicked open. The military intruder, unaware that backup had already arrived, had ducked into the office with the lockbox. His hands were already impressed upon it, ear close to the dial as he slowly ticked it over, hoping to figure out the code.
Varek got to the door of the office of the Echo Chambers and pointed his weapon at the unknown man, “Put your hands up where I can see them!” he was warning the man. “And drop everything or I will shoot,” the blonde man did not sound like he was playing around.

The military man stiffened, head snapping around to gaze side-long at Varek. ”...Shit.”

His gloved hands slowly rose, and he stood, stepping away from the lockbox. The tools in his hands clattered to the ground. That, however, was what he was looking for - Varek’s eyes to follow the tools as they fell.

Snapping to the side, the military man attempted to dive behind the desk, unhooking and throwing a canister at Varek’s feet. Tear gas would begin spewing out, filling the room in a smog that would claw at lungs like sandpaper and burn the eyes.

Outcome of shot Nat 20

As the man was snapping to the side and throwing the canister at him, Varek was aimed, and ready to the point where he shot while the man was diving behind the desk. The shot was quick and Varek was backing out of the room as quickly as possible while kicking the canister into the room and shutting the door. “God damn,” He was already coughing from the little bit of gas that he accidentally breathed in.

That shot entered the man’s inner thigh and the bullet inserted itself into his femoral artery.

With the gas mask, the military man was relatively safe as the room filled with gas. However, it didn't stop him from screaming in a hoarse voice as he collapsed abruptly behind the desk, hands clutching his leg. It hit an artery, he was sure, and any movement might cause the bullet to stop acting like a weak plug.

Swearing curses under his breath, he ripped off his jacket and tore at his shirt, creating a temporary bandage to wrap around the bullet wound. Already, spots of red were beginning to seep through. Then the belt came off, and was wrapped over top of it.

He wouldn't bleed out immediately if he was careful.

That did mean, however, that he was a sitting duck. Half-heartedly, he pulled his pistol out of his holster, removed the safety, and turned it against the bottom of his chin. But he didn't pull the trigger… Not yet.

Varek was going to play the waiting game and hope the man doesn’t die in the office. He had to be careful because he was clearly armed with gadgets — hopefully no more canisters full of gas — and he stood a few feet from the door trying to listen to what was happening on the inside. When the gas stopped seeping from the cracks of the door and it was safe to go in, he would.

Seconds turned into minutes. Gas slowly dissipated from the room, through the ventilation, through the cracks. Soon, it was evident that the gas was no longer a threat, and Varek would be able to safely open the door. And, huddled behind the desk, he'd find the military man clearly ruminating on death with the way his gun pressed into the bottom of his chin.

Varek waited until the gas didn’t seem to be an issue anymore and he cautiously opened that door even though he didn’t have to be that cautious — unless the man was a great shot. Opening the door and looking around, he tried to keep his footsteps light but anyone could hear him. “Hey, let’s not go out that way buddy,” Varek began as he gestured but he wasn’t sure if the man huddled up by the desk was that lively or not. It was hard to tell.

The military man gritted his teeth behind the mask, his grip on his gun trembling a bit. ”Take another step and I'll show you just how serious I am.”

I can tell that you're a serious one bud. I’m not trying to test you but I rather you be alive then dead so please put the gun down,” Varek tried talking him out of it but he knew he wasn’t the best for negotiations which was why he was a guard.

The military man stared for a long moment, his grip on the gun continuing to tremble. Before he clicked his tongue, removed the gun from his chin, and tossed it in the direction of Varek’s feet. Essentially unarmed, the man hissed in pain as the slight movement caused his wound to tear a bit.

His voice was hoarse. ”Fine… you win, Kairo man.”

Interaction(s): Collaboration Asterion & writers NPCs with @Estylwen NPCs
Asterion & Krish versus Hailey are around/in the Kairo skyscraper
Varek and military man are in echo chambers
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Qia
Avatar of Qia

Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Red Rose Lounge, Highfair

Mentions: Vincent (@Estylwen), Emily (@LanaStorm)
Interactions: Emilia (NPC)

Seated in her ornate high-backed chair, Isabella fixated on the glass of wine in her grasp, its contents swirling like shards of liquid rubies. Emilia, her steadfast lieutenant, lingered by the door's threshold, an air of trepidation radiating from her rigid posture. Clutching a sleek tablet in one hand, she kept her other hand clenched by her side, a clear indication that something was amiss. This disquiet could stem from her turbulent encounter with Vincent, but the cause remained shrouded in uncertainty until…

“Something... intriguing occurred today,” Emilia finally ventured. “Three Blue Bloods were sighted near Highfair Market.”

Isabella arched a finely manicured brow, setting her glass down with a delicate clink against the polished wood. “Blue Bloods?” she echoed, her tone smooth yet tinged with palpable disdain. “It seems Detective Newport has chosen to flaunt her audacity by sending her puppets into my domain.”

Standing poised and alert, Emilia pressed on, her commitment to the task evident as she stepped closer to the desk. “Their approach was anything but discreet, Bella. They attempted to masquerade as vendors—fresh faces offering inexpensive goods—but they were too clean to pass as genuine. They were snooping about, inquiring into our operations. One of our associates noticed and flagged them.”

“And what happened next?” Isabella inquired, her interest piqued.

“We confronted them,” Emilia replied succinctly. “Discreetly, of course, to avoid attracting unwarranted attention, especially with so many watchful eyes in the market lately. They had counterfeit documents and credentials, but one of them crumbled and confessed they were dispatched to... ‘observe.’” Her hand slid the tablet onto the desk, showcasing a dossier on the intruders.

“Observe,” Isabella echoed, her lips curling into a mirthless smirk. “How quaint. And what did they hope to learn?”

“They weren’t able to uncover anything of significance. Still…this was anything but random. Newport is systematically probing our defenses—testing where our vulnerabilities lie.”

Taking a measured breath, Isabella reclined thoughtfully in her chair, fingers steepling in contemplation. “She is angling for something, yet this—this is clumsy, would you not agree?”

A frown touched Emilia’s features. “Do you think she wants us to be aware of her intentions?”

“It’s possible,” Isabella contemplated. “Perhaps a decoy for some bigger agenda.”

Emilia pressed on, her curiosity piqued, “So what’s our counterstrategy?”

“First, make sure our people stay vigilant,” Isabella instructed. “Double the watch at the market and any key points near our operations. If she wants to provoke a response, let her see us tighten our grip. It’ll make her think she’s rattling us.”

Emilia acquiesced with a nod. “And the infiltrators?”

“Release them,” Isabella declared, a frigid smile gracing her lips. “Kindly instruct them to convey our… gratitude to their detective for the ‘visit,’ and inform her she is welcome to experience Highfair firsthand.” Then, rising from her chair, she moved toward the window and gazed out at the rain-soaked streets below.

“For the time being, we’ll willingly play in her game of chess. But let’s not forget Emilia—when you bait the queen, you risk losing the board.”

Emilia inclined her head in acknowledgment before departing, leaving Isabella in contemplative solitude. The faint sound of raindrops tapping against the glass became her sole companion as she strategized her next maneuver in the intricate dance of intrigue and power that had ensnared her since the birth of her name.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

((Collab with Antonia - @Estylwen))

The silent alarm had been off for about an hour, and the Commissioner’s irritation had somewhat diffused. The fiasco of the Lodestar cutting a deal through that zoom call still left a bitter taste in her mouth. But, she did it for the future of Nocturnia. No one cared about how you got results, they just cared about those results.

She was soon notified that two crates had been left in the back alley of the prison tower. Officers and a bomb squad inspected them for any explosives or foul play first. Then, when they were satisfied, the crates were brought inside. Antonia herself went down to the evidence room where they were being kept.

Cracking open the crates revealed they did, in fact, contain some kind of glowy drug. The shipment receipt was also with the crates, to her good fortune. It would be the first concrete evidence they'd have on that damn cocky Vincent.

”Pass this to forensics, see if they can get a read off it.” She said, handing a vial to one of her officers. Then, staring at the shipment receipt in her hand, she flipped out her phone and dialed Leon.

”Hey, did I catch you at a good time? I got a development in your case.”

”Good is relative in the city, Ma’am, but I’m not currently being shot at. What have you got?,” Leon responded.

”We got evidence Vincent was shipping, and possibly manufacturing, a new type of drug. It's enough to bring him in for questioning, and maybe we can slap him with a search warrant too.”

”Search warrant is better than questioning. A guy like Vincenzo wouldn’t be worth our trouble if a little questioning got what we needed… this line is about as secure as we can get it, right?,”

”The signal is scrambled off the cell towers - you can go ahead with your thoughts, Detective MacAoidh.”

”The file mentioned the Irish Pint. Guy after my own heart,” Leon chuckled, but took the chance to look around and make sure no one was close enough to eavesdrop, “if we can do the questioning here, it’ll put him on the other side of Gold Rim from that operation. We can hold him for what… an hour with even slim cause for questioning? Throw in a bit of red tape, maybe some last minute road work, I can probably keep him on this side of the city for about three hours. Enough time for a good search and maybe some cybercrime investigation. Even if we can’t get enough to tie him to anything, get me some reasonable cause on a lieutenant and I can persuade them to do the right thing.”

Leon could practically hear the impressed smile coloring Antonia's voice. ”It's a sound plan, Detective. I'll prepare my team here. You just let me know when you have ‘The Boss' nice and comfortable, and we will make our move.”

”I can send you a local contractor to help with the search if needed, good guy. His consulting fee is stupidly overpriced, but he has a talent for finding hidden places,” Leon offered.

Antonia was already on the move, making a beeline out of the evidence room to the floor where her men worked. ”Consulting fees are no issue. Send him over; I'm not taking any chances with Vincent.”

Leon ended the call, taking a breath before dialing a different number.

"Shaw Agency, how can I help you Captain," Walter answered, the smugness in his tone practically broadcasting how often they had had the kind of conversation he was expecting. It was always something with Nocturnia PD, and his gyft gave him the ability to corner the market on private investigations. Post criminal clean up, of course.

"Usual kind of job, usual fee, but I need you to drop whatever small time assignment you have figuring out where grandma's secret liquor cabinet is and handle this asap. I'll send you the address, but you'll be working with my boss this time," Leon said, "so don't be a smartass and watch your back during the job. These guys don't know you like I do."

"Shit, you know skipping the sarcasm is extra, right?," Walter said, his voice sounding like he was thinking it over even as he reached for his concealed carry holster and sidearm. Leon had never tried to screw him over, but that didn't mean all of Nocturnia PD was on the up and up. Hell, Leon had proven that himself with that little purge he had done among his own unit over the years.

"Uh huh, tell you what, I'll take one favor off the tab you owe me for not questioning where some of your sudden influxes of wealth come from," Leon said, well aware that Walter sometimes used his gyft to find forgotten treasures in abandoned areas of the city or for private citizens.

"Two favors, I'll have to be extra nice since your boss is quite the Lady," Walter said, "this a body armor kind of situation."

"Could be. Better to have it and not need it, than need it -"

"And not have it, yeah yeah," Walter said, "send me the address and whatever information I'll need to make contact."

Leon had gathered eight of his best officers in the large armoury of the Burberry branch of Nocturnia PD, purposefully driving out anyone else that was in the area and posting another officer near the door in case of eavesdroppers. When the target was so well placed, every precaution he could think of would only help his situation and that included controlling information and personnel that would be in critical areas.

"Jobs simple today, ladies and gentlemen," Leon began, "should be a simple pick up and escort back here to the station, but the target has their own connections to some allegedly very well armed and trigger happy types of individuals. Where we're going is a melting pot of criminals, it's very likely you'll see a dozen or so other faces that are on our pick up lists, but for tonight, only one guy matters."

"You know the drill for this kind of target. All cell phones are to be left here at the station. Radio communications only. Arm up with SWAT gear, but everyone except me and two of you will hold at the vehicles. We go in there too heavy and some idiot will open fire out of being nervous and I'd rather everyone was able to go home tonight. Full faceshields on every officer except myself. I don't give a damn if he knows who I am. Challenge Phrase and Password will be given en route to the target," he said, "it's unknown if the target has a gyft, so we treat them like they're a fragging bomb threat until proof is given otherwise. Target will be escorted at all times by no less than three personnel."

"To be clear, all we are looking to do is escort this gentleman to the precinct here for questioning. We have reason to believe the target is involved in illegal drug trade and possibly other enterprises," Leon said, "treat this as a show of force. The target is to be afforded the niceties allowed to them exactly permitted by the law and nothing further. He wants a cup of water, get it from the purified filters in the break room, not the water fountain outside. He wants a lawyer? I want that lawyer's valid photo ID, business license, and license to practice all proven to be legitimate before they even get a glance at each other. He wants to know the charges? Read from the goddamned handbook the exact legal definition of possession of illegal substances."

There were looks cast between the officers, but each of them had worked with Leon enough to know there was always a reason for his orders and that Leon himself would go down before he tried to burn any of them for following those orders.

"Luke, Chloe, you're on point with me for the target. David and Jeffrey are the first back ups. Check your equipment, and be ready, but under no circumstances save intervening to save a uniformed ass are you to discharge that firearm. Simon, you're heading up part two of the assignment. Here," he said, giving Simon a sealed envelope, "open it after we get the target to the station. Questions? Let's move."

((Collab with Vincenzo -@Estylwen))

Vincent was enjoying a smoke at the Laterdale Jazz Bar. The lights were dimmed down low, and he sat in one of the VIP booths near the stage, surrounded by a few of his best men. There was mainly gossip around the table as his men sipped drinks and spoke low under the serendipitous notes of the trombone and cello.

Everyone was on a high note. The cake had been accepted, they had the delightful Iron Rose in their pocket, as well as Mother Goose and the Omakase.

Nothing could rain on their parade that day.

The cruisers pulled up to the front of the Bar, lights active but with no sirens. Leon knew the instant they were seen word would get passed around. He had no issue with letting the cockroaches run, but the critical part of the job was to make sure Vincenzo was brought in for questioning. Per his orders, five officers stepped out of the vehicles and started to create a cordon of open space in front of the bar. Leon himself stepped out, weapons holstered but still very present on his gear as he walked deliberately to the front of the bar.

A bouncer, likely in the direct employ of Vincenzo stepped into his path and put a hand up, about to launch into some protest of the Captain entering the bar.

"Nocturnia Police business, tell the Boss I'm just looking for a chat and get out of my way while you do it or I'll have you towed to the cells for interfering with an investigation. If the owner of this establishment has a problem with how many officers I have on site, tell their lawyers to contact our legal department. I think you'll find if anything I'm traveling light compared to what I could bring," Leon said, walking right past the guard. Behind him, Luke and Chloe fell into step a few paces back, their weapons holstered and their visors down over their faces.
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