Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seikou and Akane walked Nanako to school, to see her off. "Have fun at school today" he waved her off with a smile, just as Nanako did to him. "You sure you don't want to go?" He asked Akane, as they were walking back. Seikou wanted to give Akane a good chance to live a normal life too, if she desired. He wouldn't force her.
"Oh yeah, let's go check out Nomura Civil Security Corporation after Nanako gets home." He told Akane. They weren't going to go quite yet, since one, there were chores to do, and two there was still a speech he had to be make at the old Civil Security Corporation, due to being the best duo in the company. Usually Akane didn't speak during those time. He always made the speech short.

Upon getting home, he made sure to clean the house and do the laundry. After having some lunch it was time to do the speech. Walking over to the Corporation building that was to be refurnished for another company, the President talked about his vision, what he wanted of the place, and how proud he was of his workers. Same as always he thought. A lot of people knew Seikou, he was their best, and although not speaking often, he helped them out. They were curious as to what he is like when he speaks more than a sentence at a time. Suddenly it was time for him to speak. He walked up to the stage with Akane in tow. There were about 30 or so people, 10 of which were also initiator/promoter duos.

"Hello everyone, as you know, I am Kazama Seikou, and this is Kurosawa Akane. It has been a pleasure working with you all for the past three months. We have enjoyed your company, and hope to see you all again sometime."
Short and concise. Seikou's style. That was the general thoughts of everyone. As they disbanded, it was time to pick up Nanako. Walking over to her school, taking her home. They talked. This was the highlights of his day. "So, what did you do at school?"
"Well, I heard about the infamous Yuki making Ms. Ushio, drink insects. She's such a prankster. We had a lot of fun with PE today. Oh Akane-nee san, how was the ceremony today? Oh, can we go to see Matsuzaki?"
"Hahaha. That Yuki, she plays so many pranks. Alright let's go see Matsuzaki. In fact you can stay there while we head out for work."
Nanako was the fourth oldest of the group that was with Matsuzaki, at least of the group still there that visited. She was becoming an older sister figure for the others. And would tell them stories about society.

After visiting Matsuzaki, and dropping Nanako off, they finally went to Nomura Civil Security Corporation, with resume in his brief case that he always carried around, varanium gunblade in his hip holster. He just hoped they weren't going to ask too much. His resume was impeccable, with the years in service, the number of cases he completed, and the companies he had been with, with his rank. Although, the unfortunate thing was that the companies all were gone within three months usually. The longest being five so far. He hoped this time it would be different. Going to a more well known company. With Akane by his side, Seikou walked up to the front entrance of the Nomura Civil Security Corporation HQ.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hizumi sighed as he couldn't stand the face of those people anymore. Their blatant fakeness seeming to drive home an hauntingly unjust situation. Even with his new Initiator though, he doubted that he could even bother to take on half of these people. Well more so in this attire. He followed the group for the most part and was glad to see that Ms. Matoi like he, decided to ignore the cane for now. They didn't have a right to say anything, not just yet. She seemed to talk to her pleasently as she was accustomed to, and she looked him in the eye for a moment. Matching their gazes and she sighed.

“So, my husband will probably want you to bring her the next time you come and see us....off duty of course.” She stated with a smile. Looking down to the young blond lady, “Plus you know how he is with his whole support stuff. As for your normal schedule. I managed to send it to miss Nomura. Hopefully she will understand, and try her best to balance it out. Though I managed to limit your days, I still think you need to appear there atleast once in awhile. It would be odd otherwise. Plus you do have her with you now, maybe they can do a toss up...it could roll in some good money.” she stated teasingly as she signaled them both to follow.

Hizumi just laughed lightly at the thought. “Well I have just met her, so let's try to wait a little longer before we start jumping to conclusions on that. We'd need practice and other more important things. She hasn't even seen where she'll be saying.” he stated kindly and looked down to her once more. Looking over her to make sure she wasn't hurt from that fall a second time. Only to see the driver seeming to be waiting patiently. “At least we weren't that long though..”

“Well...” Ms. Matoi stated as she held the doors open for the two, “Miss Nomura did call while you were up there. It seems...you may be moved to a different assignment first, then you will meet up with the rest of the team.” She stated calmly, though she was slightly distressed in her voice. She waited for the group to move before letting the doors shut. Moving to catch up with them, as they walked at the pace that Nozomi set. They weren't really in any rush...well maybe they were but Ms.Matoi didn't seem to show the need to push any pressure on them.

“So, Nozomi,” Hizumi began as the door was opened for them by the driver. “How do you think of this first meeting.” He says kindly as he waits for her to enter the car.
Kiri, for the most part remained silent. She was more interested in seeing where this was going before taking up anything for the group. Plus it would allow her to just...evaluate the people further. The man seemed to have...a sort of kindness to him. Which she figured was all well, but she wasn't going to turst him just as easy as that. It was going to take some time of course.

“I hope you guys understand that you should take up this job sooner then later. Since you already have a volunteer...you can all leave.” She however stopped her gaze on Marius, as she moved to her office. Seeming to be uncaring about what unfolded. Flint knew for the most part the location, if anything she would have it sent to his cell. She looked to him as she sat down in her chair and the door closed. Cutting her off from the group, whom she merely had for the most part, watched and nodded the conversation away. “I trust Flint and Yuki. They seem fairly competent and they don't fail their jobs. Sure Yuki's cuteness may be a drag for me. But I guess i'm just that way with mostly all the Cursed Children.” She stated as she looked to the ceiling of the building. She picked up her phone for a moment, and pushed a button on it while lifting up her finger as a sort of, hold that thought to Marius.

“Yes, this is Nomura. I want you to know that you are late. So we'll be giving you a different Mission. I'll be seeing that you are provided the details after you reach the address sent to you.....yes I understand, i'll check over his schedule. Hopefully we can come to an understanding. Thanks.” Kiri, kept her voice calm, but commanding in the phone call. Then turned her gaze back to Marius. “You'll have to do me a favor...i'll need you to meet the new recruits. Of course i'll make sure i'm close enough to watch the investigation...i'll just have to set up a few things, and tell my vice that i'll be heading out. They'll take care of things here while I evaluate them. Yuki, and Flint will give me a good report on theres. Then they both should be meeting in with a certain detective if his information proves right. Though...that will be the end of the introductions it seems for now...” she stated as she looked up to the ceiling once more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane smiled when hugging Nanako just before she left. There was a moment of regret when Seikou asked if Akane didn't want to go with her. She just shook her head no before looking back at Nanako. Sometimes she liked the idea of just going to school with friends, but right now she wanted to atleast be there when they essentially said goodbye to the company.

"We're a team so I guess we can say goodbye as a team. Your going to be talking this time right?" she asked attempting to hide the fact that she was nervous about speaking to a group of people. Talking while more than 10 people are looking at her was as nerve wracking as fighting Gastrea.

"Oh yeah, let's go check out Nomura Civil Security Corporation after Nanako gets home."

Akane frowned knowing this was coming. A new place with new people felt like work for her. Not really nerve wracking just more work to get to know more people. Of course she rarely regretted it except for a few incidences. They left to the company and after hearing the President give his speech it was time for them. Seikou was quick as ever, but before they could leave she took his place and began to speak. "Also t-thank you for your help everyone. It was great!" a slightly noticeable red tint was beginning to show on Akane's face before she ran over to Seikou. Any other time she would have stayed silent but now it felt like the moment to speak a little. They were both leaving anyway.

"Well, I heard about the infamous Yuki making Ms. Ushio, drink insects. She's such a prankster. We had a lot of fun with PE today. Oh Akane-nee san, how was the ceremony today? Oh, can we go to see Matsuzaki?"

"Whoa that's so gross! The ceremony wasn't that exciting. No one was drinking bugs at least I didn't smell anything but coffee." Stories like this made her hate missing out on school when doing a job. Whenever Nanako talked to her about her day she laughed, smiled and just talk, but in reality she just couldn't shake away the feeling she didn't deserve it. Not after what she did.

Eventually they ended up at Nomura Security HQ. Akane was immediately on alert just by being here. There were plenty of guards around which was surprising in comparison to the other companies. "Wow do big companies usually have so many guards?" Akane asked while scanning the area. For now all she could do was sniff out the place to get their scent. Seikou always knew when she was like this. More like a nervous habit so she can familiarize herself with new surroundings. It was also something she did for her partner. Ever since she nearly killed those men while regretful it did make her suspicious of people more so than Gastrea. Akane still wants to be the protector even now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Of course Kiri. Same as usual though. Your vice knows when you have to leave to attend to other matters. Might not have to even tell him", Marius responds to Kiri's request.

Much like Kiri, Marius leans back and also stares at the ceiling. Perhaps thinking about business as well as other important matters.

Then Marius decided to tell her about his presence here today.

"Miss Kiri...if you must know, I wasn't called her on just bodyguard duties. Your father called me in to do as you just said and more. He wants me to to go along with your new recruits and assist with this 'possible' Gastrea situation. It was quite a surprise for me too when you consider his overprotective nature."

Taking a deep breath, he then fished around his pants pocket and brought out a familiar deck of normal playing cards. He then began to shuffle them as he continued to speak while still looking at the ceiling.

"...more important, I've also hit my own set of problems. For one, financial problems. Mercenary work doesn't really cut it much these days with everyone relying on Civil Security groups, the IISO and such. Doesn't help either that my old Civil Security group have been harassing me to return to work with them. But eh...they blew it when I saw how quick to hatred they wanted to release on someone. And treason charges would do that nicely. Despite their apologies, I rather take my chances on the streets. Even more so with...'him' still lurking out there...somewhere..."

Marius then stopped shuffling the deck then drew the top card. Looking down at the card he drew, he saw a queen of hearts.

He then turned the card around to show it to Kiri then said, "Next card. High or low? Guess correctly and I'll also let you in on something I have a hunch on..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the group walked towards their car, Nozomi wondered what the two of the were talking about. Toss up? She thought to herself. What could he possibly work as that would allow a ten year old to appear alongside him. A cursed child, at that. Nozomi pondered over this as the the group moved, not paying any particular attention to what the rest of them where saying at that point. She quickly gave up, deciding that it wasn't worth the effort. She'll likely find out soon enough. She looked back up from the ground and saw that it was just the three of them now. Nozomi turned her head to find the man who escorted them peering through the glass doors of the building, and allowed herself to grin cheerfully. Finally, on to better things. She was certain that henceforth her life could do nothing but improve, and remained optimistic about her situation.

Hizumi stopped when they got to the car, and as the door was being opened for them spoke. "So, Nozomi, how do you think of this first meeting?” To be honest she had set her standards quite low, and so Nozomi was thrilled to be paired up with such a seemingly decent person, and a woman she expected to see frequently. She wouldn't let herself get too excited though, as these things tend to turn for the worst, and she doesn't want to put too much faith in comradery. Her thoughts drifted to the people she used to consider family, but quickly banished them to the back of her mind. No sense in ruining a good thing after all.

Nozomi smiled and looked up at Hizumi. "Fantastic." She said both plainly and honestly. Nozomi used her cane to lift herself up to the seat, and scooted over to the side. When she was at rest, she allowed her cane to sit idly on her lap as she stared towards the closed side of the car, disappointed at the blackened windows. She turned back towards Hizumi and watched him enter the car himself. She fastened her seat belt, forcing her to set her cane beside her. "I take it that we aren't going home just yet." Nozomi inquired. "Where exactly are we heading now?" She asked as she waited for the car to start moving.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint looked up and noticed what must have been an initiator/promoter pair.
"Just stay with me and don't talk too much.." Flint said to Hitoshi as he walked to one of the high ranking guards
"My briefcase is in Ms Nomura's office could you go get it for me?"
The guard nodded and left for the elevator as Flint walked out to the front of the building.
He walked up to the pair. Waving away the guards that where about to question them.
"Greetings I am Flint White you must be the newbies?" He asked then, without waiting for a response, turned away from them "You are late, we will be going to a building where gastrea have been reported. I imagine you will have a lot of questions. Most I can not answer as of yet. We will investigate the incident and I will be observing you. If I or my initiator, who will meet with us on the way, like what we say you may be considered to become valuable members of this corporation. Now if you don't mind we should be getting moving"
As the guard came back with his gun case, Flint looped it over his shoulder and began to walk away from the building, hoping the others would follow.
He took out his cell phone and texted Kiri
"I have got the newbies, going to the address you gave me, call if you need anything."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Deep breath James. Just...deep breath." a moment ago James shot up from his bed breathing erratically. Sweat trickled down his face and he couldn't help but try and reach for a sidearm to fire at a non existent threat. Of course that was just his alarm clock ringing. He smacked the button turning it off. He shook his head as if trying to shake off the nightmares that seemed to pop up every other day. "What time is it?" he mumbled to himself as he looked at the clock.

"Time to get ready."

An hour later James was driving to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Another day but the same problems. His whole day was already planned out before he made it to his office. file paperwork from the last assignment, look through Anti Gastrea extremist evidence, follow up on leads, and deal with a few irritating colleagues. The usual for him which made his arrival and walk through the building rather routine. What was important to him was looking through some old files for evidence on some suspects. He didn't have a case right now, but he was looking to start one.

"Knock Knock!"

The gravely voice came from the cracked open door. James could see the individual and waved him in. "Akihito, its a little early for you to come pestering me." James quipped at the younger yet rough looking officer who just shook some papers he had in his hand.

"I swear the more that hair grows out the more of an ass you become." the officer responded with a smirk and tossed the papers on his desk. "Here I was coming to help you out. I told you I remembered some guys who were suspected of being involved in one of these new gangs sprouting up. Well turns out he knew that last extremist you arrested went to school with him and even lived in the same neighborhood recently. Don't know how you missed that, but you should check where he's living now."

"Ah dammit! Too busy dodging Gastrea and trying to not to look too obvious sticking my nose in terrorist activities. You know that isn't our job anyway." James saw the profile on the man. Shimon Hasegawa was a known troublemaker, but wasn't caught doing anything too dangerous. He lived in a Apartment block not far away. "Thanks for the info. Let's get some drinks later!" He yelled while running out pistol and baton holstered.

The drive too the apartment was spent reviewing what he read from the suspects file. When he arrived he saw more than a few squad cars over there. The area was blocked off from civillians. James showed his badge and drove through. A quick talk to the officers there immediately filled him in on the situation. "Gastrea huh? Shit Nomura security is the best people in the are you can get on this. Call them."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kiri replied with a sort of “oho” as she looked to Marius seeing the cards before him as he was waiting for her answer. “Well, you know I won't be allowed to even turn you down. But it's not like I wouldn't. It's not like you don't have history to work out with these situations.” She looked more at the card and after a seeming pause, and her face de-stiffening from the thinking. “High?” She stated in the middle of her own seeming lecture. “Well in the end, I will still have to put you threw the exact same treatment as the other members. Even if, you like most of the other people are already approved. I just don't need people dying on me. It's bad for business and my image.” She says, in a somewhat cold way with a smirk on her face. She knew every one knew she just didn't like thinking about her members dying. She hated not being in the front, but she knew she had to manage the front in a different way. However, her phone vibrated as she pulled it out rapidly and looked it over. Sending an ”Okay :3 don't go getting killed now.~” in a rapid wave of clicking. And looked back to him.

“Well, it seems the groups may be splitting up. Though it's not the end of the world. I guess they may have run into someone who was applying.” She said as she stood up from the desk. “So we'll be meeting the other group...at the location needed. Though they will take their time getting there...if I know Ms. Matoi she's not going to really....relay them so well..we have time to burn.” She states with a sigh as she walks past him into the opened door.

Her phone seemed to be in a more revolting annoying mood as it tore open in a ring once more. Playing one of her own favorite songs. She picked it up, she was more then not wanting to get her group on some basic training. A sort of fraud test. Though Flint was going with the new group, to an actual case he would have probably been fine dealing with on his own. She just had a hunch at what this was.

“Hello~” She said pleasantly on the line while nodding to the voice that was coming out. Her face from it's plain look to a more serious one. “I see...” She stated as she looked to the calender then the clock. “We'll be there shortly.” She stated and looked to Marius. “we'll have to pull a quick one. We need to visit a crime scene. You have experience in it, we'll have to call Ms. Matoi on the way. Tell her there is a change of plans.” She stated as she straightened out her dress suit quite quickly, adjusting the tie. Pulling her phone out once more with her left hand to grab a katana that was near the elevator door, seeming like just a rack to hold things dropping. She texted flints phone a Be careful, going to investigate a possible gastrea attack at the apartments near the station, call VP for information on it's location. she moved to push the button, aware that Marius would probably be close enough to her. She just needed to get to the location as soon as possible it seemed. She'll tell Matoi and the others then.
Hizumi looked at her for moment while she seemed to get herself fully into the seat. He had his same smile on, though his lipstick as getting a little annoying to him as he felt like it was tightening around his lips themselves. He just sighed in his mind at the thought itself that he would have to sponsor probably another make up group. He blinked his golden eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

“Well we are sadly going to be heading to our employer. Though it shouldn't be too long. As we'll be using...more effective means to get there. I don't think Ms. Matoi cares to much about our work.” He says jokingly, as he looked up to Ms. Matoi who had been seated in the car itself now as the doors closed and locked. The sound of the engine roaring came on as the car pulled off into a rather quick take off so it could make it to the location quicker.

“Well, I didn't want to ruin our moment with the little lady here.” Ms. Matoi says kindly as she moves to pull up the cell from before and finished off a few configurations on it. Which was pretty obvious to hear from the sounds that seemed to produce from them. Moving to place the red phone in front of Nozomi on the table. “This phone is yours. It has your pass, ID and everything you'll need to get into Hizumi's house, and anything he goes to. If he ever leaves you behind. We also have a planned schooling if you want to go to it. It's a private school, and it will teach you all you want to know. Along with a possible tutor.” She stated as she looked to see her reaction.

“Well, I don't think that's so bad. So long as Nozomi feels she wants to partake in it.” Hizumi stated as he looked to the phone and pulled out his own. The purple like phone seemed to detect the other one as it asked if it wanted to set up a connection to get it's number. He just laughed. As the car took a sharp turn to the right before it's driver opened the middle window so he could state something to the group.

“We'll be there shortly.” he stated before closing the window.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


It had been about 10 minutes, that Yuki spent at home, with her dad for a while. He was a doting father. Always wanting love and attention from his special little girl. She grew up with a great dad. She got a new hat, and a couple more. They tended to go missing during combat, so she stocks them. Checking her gear, that she had her spear, and plenty of Javelin ammunition. Her dad handed over a magazine. "Here, let Flint try these out. They have your spit in them, it should cause paralysis, over an extended period of time." These were prototype bullets. Her parents were experimenting with the poison she produced. They wanted to obtain some gastrea samples for experimentation. But could not they were too vicious, and having Yuki constantly spit was just not going to work. So they are attempting to develop a bullet that will slowly release her poison so it causes prolonged paralysis.

On a side note, she has almost never produced the lethal poison. It can affect things in a gaseous form. It was horrible when it was experimented. It was more of a powerful acid, that eroded as it poisoned the body. It causes a huge inflammatory response, leading to organisms puffing out, while being erodded, they puss out during it. She was forbidden to ever use it.

Having put it in her pocket, and her bag full of gear, she rushed out of the home. It seems that the new guys haven't arrived yet. At least that's what it looks like she thought. Jumping from building to building, rooftop to rooftop. It was faster than the streets. She then jumped down, and with great force, landed in front of the HQ, seeing Kiri coming out of the building. "Kiri? Where are you going? Huh? Where's Flint? What's going on?" She was a little confused, having been missing and not seeing Flint around.

"Who knows Akane, maybe they do, maybe this one is special." Seikou replied to Akane's question about big companies. He looked down at her, seeing her sniffing the place, familiarizing herself with her surroundings, her nervous habit. He patted her on the head, "Don't worry, it will be fine. I hear the President likes the Cursed Children and takes care of them." Walking to the door, guards approaching. And then, another man came out, making the guards stop. He came out and introduced himself as Flint White. But Seikou was curious. He did notify the President of the old company to let Nomura Civil Security know that they were going to come to apply for a job. But being called newbies? They were accepted already? His face stayed neutral. He didn't attempt to talk. He just nodded, but Flint turned away.

Flint said
"You are late, we will be going to a building where gastrea have been reported. I imagine you will have a lot of questions. Most I can not answer as of yet. We will investigate the incident and I will be observing you. If I or my initiator, who will meet with us on the way, like what we say you may be considered to become valuable members of this corporation. Now if you don't mind we should be getting moving"

Initiator? Another promoter huh? I guess this means this is more of a test rather than a job for the first day Seikou realised what was happening. He saw another man behind him that seemed to follow, with a Varanium sword with a buckler. And then a guard running over to hand Flint a briefcase, probably his weapon. It was time to move out. Flint seemed to have been texting someone. His initiator maybe? Or is it the President? he thought. Flint led the way, Seikou following with Akane by his side. It seemed as though the other man was following, but he couldn't be sure. He could not quite figure out who that man was, or what he was doing with them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Marius instantly got up from the chair in Kiri's room when she addressed him. Quickly picking up and slingling his gun, Last Gamble, back on his back, he then followed Miss Kiri out of the office.

From the sounds of it, there was a possible situation involving a Gastrea. Judging from her statements, it sounded like a crime scene right now so his experience maybe needed.

While he walked with her to the elevator, he drew the top card from his deck and showed it to Kiri.

Ace of Clubs.

"...you know...your intuition scares me sometimes Kiri", Marius says with a smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh cool so we're like the bad guys cool looking minions?" it was less of a question and more of a confirmation of the company's direction. At least that is what she wanted to think. Akane's face hid the excitement she had being in a place that reminded her of an anime villain's evil company. A pat on the head and Seikou's comment about the president halted her constant sniffing. She was getting a little red just realizing how weird she looked.

"I guess so. This place kind of stinks though." she stated matter of factly, but it wasn't unusual since most places stunk to her. It was only significant if she was truly disgusted by it. Eventually a few people came to join them. Akane was taken back by how quickly they seemed to be accepted. She didn't have any questions but did stay close to Seikou. If Flint wasn't able to tell them much Akane assumed there wasn't much of a reason to ask except for one question.

"Um...what sort of building is it? Like an apartment?" she questioned wondering how careful they should be with collateral damage since innocents nearby could get hurt. Akane can exercise some restraint when necessary, but it was very difficult.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint was glad the pair began to follow.
"Um...what sort of building is it? Like an apartment?" The young initiator asked Flint.
"Well I haven't received that information, just an address, but I think it is a warehouse a street or two away from civilian presence." Flint said attempting to remember if he had been to the location before.
"Now whilst we are walking you may as well tell me your names and what skills you have." Flint turned down a dark looking street, the place looked abandoned and most of the homes where boarded up. They where getting closer and Flint was on high alert. Just in case anything decided to meet them half way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kiri laughed lightly, covering her mouth playfully. “But Marius, essentially I lost and won at the same time now didn't I?” She stated the obvious, Ace's were both high and low. Of course that depended on the rules of the game, which is why they were like a joker sort of speak of the cards. Though she nodded to take it as her own victory anyways. “However, i'll still take that victory.” She stated as she moved threw the door only to stop as Yuki fell down before them. She listened calmly for a moment, blinking a few times as she looked over the young girl.

“Well, we are heading to an urgent call. It seems the Gastrea will be more...potent then I thought. Originally I was hoping for just an easy way out...but it seems i'll have to see some of the new commers first had.” She stated but the looked to Marius for a moment. “i'm sure you can pick a car for us? It's not like the drivers will so easily just let me drive out to a known gastrea area. Father is...well I don't have to tell you.” She stated and looked to Yuki once more.

“You should look for Flint at the address I sent him. Be sure to send him a text. We'll be sure to figure out a way to make you meet all the new members.” She stated as she patted Yuki's head lightly. She was more intersted in protecting her people then she was in letting them meet up though. She didn't care to much about it. “if anything i'm sure mister Hido will be more then able to help you guys out. I mean he is the VP and what does he do? Eat donuts. What a disgusting guy.” She stated as she moved towards the location of the 3 cars that were up for grabs. One red, one black and one white. All three were luxury cars, giving off a sort of mafia feel, and all three were seemingly surrounded by jeeps and other vehicals since the PMC's decided to kick up a notch. It was almost as though her father was getting way too over board with these things. She just sighed as she looked to the well Armed Yuki once more.

“I'll be sure to get us all a big dinner too at my place to welcome all those who pass.” She stated with a warm smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Listening to Kiri and being patted. So Flint went on ahead. Hmph! He didn't even contact me. Yuki enjoyed the pat, and turned in the direction they were to go in. She started sending a text, that said "You didn't call me or text me at all! Watch out tonight!!". Yuki turned back to Kiri.

Kiri said
She just sighed as she looked to the well Armed Yuki once more.

“I'll be sure to get us all a big dinner too at my place to welcome all those who pass.” She stated with a warm smile.

"Yay!!! Make sure there's cake please!" She requested, before dashing off. She jumped up onto some rooftops again. They were only a few stories tall, nothing too high. if they were too high, it would be bad for landing on the ground. She could break some of the impact, but besides the breaking of some bones which will heal up quickly, was the damage to the ground. Collateral damage was not something she wanted. Quickly she caught up to Flint.

Landing in front of the group, as they were getting closer to the warehouse where the job was, Yuki brushed her clothes lightly. "Baka Flint! Why didn't you tell me the new recruits were here." She pouted a little. She then turned to Seikou and Akane. Yuki thought she had seen them once before, but she may have been mistaken. "Nice to meet you, I am Kirihaya Yuki. You must be the new recruits! If you pass today, I hope we can get along. Oh, we are going to the President's place if you pass" she smiled. She looked at them, analysing their responses and their character. It would seem Seikou was a bit difficult to read, and a man of few words.

Flint said
"Now whilst we are walking you may as well tell me your names and what skills you have." Flint turned down a dark looking street, the place looked abandoned and most of the homes where boarded up.

"Kazama Seikou, years exterminating Gastrea." Seikou replied, gripping onto his Varanium gunblade, set in gun mode. He turned to Akane, indicating for he to introduce herself, and to see if there were Gastrea around. She should be able to sniff them out, and she should know the information he wanted. Whether or not he should get his AUG out or not, based on distance and type. After looking at Akane for a quick moment, dust flew up, he turned to the direction of the dust and there was a young girl brushing her clothes.

Must be his initiator he thought, seeing her start telling Flint off. She then turned and introduced herself as Kirihaya Yuki. Yuki ... no, it can't be. Right? Seikou was in doubt that she was from the same school as his daughter, Magata Elementary School. He responded to the introduction with only his name "Kazama Seikou". Turning to Akane, and leaning in a bit, "Do you think it's possible she is the same Yuki Nanako spoke of?" he whispered. His face was rather stiff, hard to read any expression from.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 23 min ago

Takeshi sighed as he walked through the streets of Tokyo. The bustling streets felt alive as they always did, with people quickly moving from one place to another, but it felt quite absent of anything meaningful to him. With two bags of groceries in his hands, it was difficult to weave through the crowd like he usually did in order to get back to his family's apartment. He hated the necessity of having to go out of his house in the first place (for the sole reason of him not liking to be with others), but with his mother growing sickly and his father's old acquaintances being transferred across the nation it became impossible to retain that any longer. As the streets grew smaller and the crowds thinner, Takeshi smiled a bit to himself; he began to feel a bit more peaceful and at ease without all of the people around him screaming and talking on their phones and whatnot. Eventually, he reached the house where he and his mother lived. Breathing a sigh of relief, he used his keys to open up the door and entered.

"Mom, I'm back with the groceries." he called out, knowing still that his mother was asleep. It was a minor habit, but one he could afford to overlook. As he walked over to the kitchen and placed the groceries on the counter to unpack them, Takeshi noticed a small note- his mother's handwriting was on it, and it seemed to be addressed to him. Intrigued, Takeshi began to read through the note.

I've got good news for you. I've contacted a few old friends and managed to get you to have an interview at the Nomura Security Corporation; don't ask how, the point is that you might have a job now! The lady I spoke to told me to give you this number, so I wrote it down for you below. I don't approve of you taking such a path in life..."
At this point, Takeshi stopped reading the note itself and skipped straight to the phone number; it was a hassle having to go through his mom's arguments of him possibly being injured and having to lose two of those dear to her before she died and whatnot. It had become a bit tiring for him after a while, and though he could understand her reasoning he couldn't back down now. Quickly unpacking the groceries and writing a note to his mom that he'd be heading out to the park for a bit, Takeshi briskly left his house and pulled out his phone before dialing the phone number she had listed.

"Mom, I really hope you didn't pull my leg this time around..." he muttered to himself as he held his phone to his ear and began walking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm Akane Kurosawa a initiator. Uh I'm kind of new to this but I can fight Gastrea and *sniff* even *sniff* track them." Akane immediately responded to Seikou's non verbal command and was already trying to find the giant bug. For now she didn't smell anything strong enough to get ready for combat yet. It only took a few seconds before she raised her hand and balled it up in a fist. For both of them it meant that there was a Gastrea there, but either not strong or its still occupying a human host. "We should look for the host now."

Before they could leave the initiator made her entrance which irritated her nose to an annoying degree. Akane nervously backed up in anticipation of danger, but immediately calmed down when it was just another initiator. "Heh Baka Flint.I'm Akane Kurosawa!" she grinned already taking a liking to the initiator. Seikou's question about her was intriguing. There was someone Nanako talked about who was like her. Akane could only shrug since usually she rarely cared about remembering people even if they didn't seem bad.

"Oh whats your special power?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Flint listened to the recruits, the promoter wasn't such a newbie after all but the initiator might be a problem.
The initiator raised her hand. Flint assumed this was some kind of warning signal that she smelt something. Flint waited, his eyes flickering around when suddenly Yuki dropped in front of him, and began to angrily speak to Flint.
Flint took Yuki's scolding lightly. "I was testing your tracking abilities" He joked, as they got to the warehouse entrance.
"Well here it is. The report came from here, I will be on the roof opposite" Flint pointed to a roof across the street, from that point he could see through the glass windows on the roof of the warehouse.
"You wont even know im there... Yuki you will be there with me watching as well." Flint paused so the recruits would take in what he was saying.
"Your task is to investigate the area and destroy any gastrea you may find. I will be on that roof with my rifle but I will not be saving you.." At that Flint looked to Yuki then back to the group
"Good luck." He said nodding to them then turning to walk to the tall building next door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"HA! You should know my tracking abilities pretty well. Maybe I should won't let you eat dinner tonight." Yuki pouted, turning away. The initiator had introduced herself as Akane who was grinning.
"Yoroshiku Akane!" Yuki signed off with her index and middle fingers giving a mini salute off to Akane. Being asked about her special power, Yuki wasn't going to answer. She wanted to add some mystery to herself. "Not telling." She poked her tongue out at Akane, teasing her a little, before smiling. Her senses were telling her about the area, and that there was a gastrea not too far, in the warehouse. Judging from the vibrations, it still had a human form. So it had not developed yet. Wonder how they will react to something still human she thought.

Flint began to explain the situation.
solamelike said
"Well here it is. The report came from here, I will be on the roof opposite" Flint pointed to a roof across the street, from that point he could see through the glass windows on the roof of the warehouse.
"You wont even know im there... Yuki you will be there with me watching as well." Flint paused so the recruits would take in what he was saying.
"Your task is to investigate the area and destroy any gastrea you may find. I will be on that roof with my rifle but I will not be saving you.." At that Flint looked to Yuki then back to the group
"Good luck." He said nodding to them then turning to walk to the tall building next door.

"Be careful, you never know what might happen." Yuki told the promoter and Akane. She didn't get the promoter's name at all. But she will get it later, if they passed. She skipped to Flint's side. Lifting him onto her shoulder, "It's quicker this way." She hopped onto a couple of roof tops, with Flint on her shoulder, and made it to the roof across the street of the warehouse. "See?" Looking down, they could still see that the pair had barely started to walk to the warehouse. "Oh right, before I forget," she got out from her bag a clip of bullets, suitable for the desert eagle. "Mum and Dad made these. A clip of poison infused Varanium bullets. Prototypes, so don't know how well they work or how long for. They still want to try capture a gastrea and experiment, so if it works, they want you to make sure it's a good sample, and that it doesn't have much damage done to it." Holding out the clip to Flint, she turned to watch the promoter/initiator pair and Hitoshi.

Seeing the ball fist, there was either a weak Gastrea or it was still human. Rather not kill it if it's still human, but oh well. he thought, half ready to kill off emotions in preparation to kill another person. He always killed off emotions when it involved such Gastrea. It seems he wouldn't need his AUG, leaving the gunblade in gun form. Akane shrugged at Seikou's question about Yuki. Guess we will find out later, huh? he thought. Akane and Yuki seemed to be getting along, from his point of view. Maybe she will play with Nanako. Flint then explained the situation.

After Flint's explanation, he saw the initiator Yuki follow after him, and start to lift him onto her shoulder, and jump off. That's some speed and power. He started to walk ahead to the warehouse. "Come on, Akane. Make sure you don't lose track of it alright?" he drew out his gunblade, holding it by his side. Reaching the door, he stood on along the wall. "Can you tell if it's changed yet? Which side is it on?" Seikou asked Akane. He kept an eye, out, and was trying to feel for a presence. He wasn't feeling any from inside, at least not in the first 20 m of the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by infinitumxx


Member Offline since relaunch

"I suppose this is part of my initiation, eh?" Hitoshi commented, walking over to the Promoter Initiator pair, Seikou and Akane, who were already getting ready to storm the warehouse. "I know, I know, I have been silent all this time, and I probably just look like a bodyguard to you. Good news, though, I'm a newbie in this corporation, just like you guys!" Hitoshi shook his head, laughing.

Hitoshi nodded slightly. "Masanori Hitoshi here. I may look like I'm getting on the years with age but I'll hold my own just fine. I won't ask you to rely on me nor do I expect the need to, seeing that you're probably just as experienced as I am at killing Gastrea, but I'll watch your back." Hitoshi smiled broadly.

"One more thing before you ask: I don't have an Initiator, so I won't be risking my life unnecessarily. As for why, that's a story best left for another day. For now, what say we get down to business? This job looks like a tough nut to crack, after all." Hitoshi finished by drawing his Varanium sword and shield, and got ready for the mission.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mai woke up in her usual sleeping place as the light of the sun shined on her face, she could feel the dryed up tears were still on her face and her eyes might be a bit red to from crying most of the night, she sighed at the thought and became immediately sad by thinking of it and tryed to turn around once more to go to sleep again since she wouldn't do anything today. After getting up she did her daily routine but it keep feeling different then ussual. She walked over to the fridge to get something to eat but when she opened it she didn't fell so hungry anymore and closed it again. As she closed the fridge she saw the picture that was standing on one of the tables in the room. She very carefully pulled the picture out of the frame around it, It was a very small picture of her and her partner that would fit into her pocket where they were both smiling and hugging each other. She gently putted it into her pocket, as she was about to go brush her hair the doorbell ringed. A tall man was standing in the door opening as she opened up "Good day miss Hirasawa i'm here to pick you up" In suprise she gave a questionable look at the man "Why?" She prepared to close the door as she could see that the man was from the IISO "You need a new promoter, and you can't stay alone in this home" She quickly closed the door in front of him "You have 10 minutes to pack your stuff or else we will take you by force" The man sayed through the door. They left her no real choice but to pack her stuff, she knew that these people would do a lot to find her if she would run.

After 10 minutes of grabbing everything and brushing her hair as fast as she could she stood in front of the car that was suppose to take her somewhere. The man opened the door for her as he took her bag and placed it in the back of the car. She entered as the door closed behind her, another man was sitting in the drivers seat and started to drive as the tall man stepped in. They didn't say anything at all to each other or to her it was a boring ride and she didn't even know where they would take her. The other security corporations that she was first with didn't need her anymore after her promoter died and just left her alone without saying anything. She didn't really care about them, she didn't even like them. They stopped in front of a building that had a sign saying "N-n-nomu-u-ura Sec-u-urity-y C-corporation" Her skills at reading weren't the best but it would manage.

They opened up the door for her and grabbed her bag and a silver suitcase out of the trunk of the car. One of the man closed the door with her tail still between it. She could barely pull it away as she gave an angry look at the man "Hmpf" but he didn't react at all. She could see some cars lined up in front of the building as they seemed to be heading close towards them. The other man grabbed his badge and showed it to one of the guards that was near the cars as he sayed something to him that she couldn't hear propperly. They started walking further towards the cars as they finally reached a woman in a business suit that was about to leave. "Nomura Kiri, We are from the IISO and we are here for a somewhat troubled matter. This girl her promoter died yesterday and the security coporation she was working for sayed that they didn't need her anymore. The IISO is however very busy at the time being and your security corporation was the closest we could find. We would like to ask you if you would be able to take care of her for the time being for a small price." The other man putted down her bag and opened up the silver suitcase containing only a small piece of papper wiyh a few numbers on it she never saw something like it before but it would probably be very special. In the meantime Mai was hiding her tail in her dress so that the guards wouldn't see it and beat her up. But it didn't help that much as it still could be seen clearly that she was hiding something in the back of her dress. She couldn't feel comfortable around humans and a lot of them would only make it worse. But she somehow kept staring at the woman as she somehow intrested her. She kept staring at her with her big addorable eyes as she stood between the two way to large man.
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