The New 52 Ultra-Verse: Legacy of the Supers

Greetings, true believers! Welcome to Earth-1212, the newest area in the multiverse! Within this world are tales of sinister super villains and daring do-gooders, each one building up upon the last. There's explosions, fighting, romance, drama, and enough super powers to make Stan Lee wet himself!
To set the scene, there has been a massive break-out at two of the highest held Super Villain incarnation Institutes, the "Treskelion" in New York City, and "Arkham Asylum" located in Gotham City. At the Treskelion, all kinds of dangerous super criminals have managed to escape in the ensuing chaos that followed a large explosion. Later that day, a group of menaces assaulted Arkham and released all the patients into the defenceless city. With all these villains running around and causing a stink, who will be there to protect the innocent?
That's where YOU come in, True Believers! Don a mask, a cape, or a suspicious looking artifact and become a legend in your own right! Become a Heroic Hero, a Vile Villain, or a Dark Defender who works outside the law, the choice is yours! Take up the mantle of a legendary hero/heroine, begin a whole new identity, or start the legacy all over again in this universe, but hurry! The world needs your help, so get to it! Excelsior!

"Good Evening New York, I'm Eddie Brock with the Channel 6 "Daily Bugle" News. We're sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, but something horrific has just occurred. We're now cutting live to our reporter in the field, April O'Neil for more information on the events. April?"
"Thanks Eddie. The events which took place earlier today at the Treskelion Institute of Super Villain Isolation and Containment have caused extreme consequences. I'm here at the scene of what is considered to be the worst prison escape in all the years that the institute has existed. Officials on the scene are saying that a massive explosion in the research labs triggered a code-red protocol. All the project information from the lab was lost in the explosion, but the forensic team is still analyzing the site. As a result of the explosion, the plastic cell containing the dangerous criminal, Juggernaut, was shattered to pieces. It wasn't long until Juggernaut had taken out his guards, at which point he began to free the other inmates. All the prior inmates of the Treskelion institution who escaped range from Class A mutants like Magneto and Killer Croc, to Level 9 Super Criminals like Doctor Doom and Gigantia. The total number of inmates who escaped during the break out has been estimated to somewhere around 3000, with many more being added onto the total count. Then, to make matters worse, it was discovered moments ago that Shocker and Rhino broke into the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, freeing over 200 of the registered patients, all of them extremely dangerous."
"Seems like there's a true epidemic on our hands. So, April, with all these super criminals running around, have the authorizes released information as to how they'll manage to recapture the inmates?"
"Nothing as of yet, Eddie. However, it has been reported that the Avengers and Justice League are working hard to keep the peace. I'll report back with more information later."
"And~ we're clear!" Pablo called out as the camera finally shut off. With a relaxed smile and a sigh, April stretched out her arms behind her back and took in a deep breath. "Some night, eh Pablo? Two major break outs at 'secure' facilities, and now, a ton of super-freaks are running around.." She said with a slightly concerned voice. She wasn't too worried, but at the same time, it was shocking. This could be the start of a whole new world epidemic. Worse yet, I bet Shredder's one of them.. I hope the guys can handle him before the Foot Clan has a chance to cause even more damage then there already is.. the brunette thought as she gestured for Pablo to load the filming gear into the news truck. The Turtles could handle themselves.. But she always worried about her amphibian friends whenever something happened. Especially tonight, considering that the world was sweeping with dangerous crooks and thugs who were way out of their league. She doubted they would even be able to survive against the wrath of somebody like Doctor Octopus. Trying not to think too much on that, she shook her head and put on a smile as she walked over to the drivers seat and opened the door. Once Pablo had climbed into the van, she turned on the ignition and started on her way back to the Daily Bugle. However, as she drove, she heard her phone ringing and picked it up. "April O'Neil speaking." She said calmly before a loud and roaring voice filled the van.
"Got it, Boss.." April said in an exasperated voice before she hung up the phone and took in a deep breath. Looking back at the street, the woman tried to think of something new and exciting to do. If by sheer chance or pure coincidence, she saw a massive surge of electricity suddenly flash by in the sky, heading for a dockside warehouse. Slowly, a determined smile spread across her face and she turned the van around. "Mister Jameson wants a story.. He's gonna get one!" She exclaimed proudly as she maneuvered her way around the typical nightly New York traffic. Once she was fully turned around and driving along Park Way, she made a hard right towards the docks and hit the gas. It took minutes for them to arrive at the warehouse, which was dimly lit and seemingly empty. "Come on, Pablo. Lets go check out that weird bolt.." April whispered to her Hispanic friend as she climbed out of the car. "Miss O'Neil, I don't think that-" Pablo began to say before April rolled her eyes with frustration and grabbed the camera and microphone. "Okay, fine, you can go home... You've done enough for me tonight, Pablo. Go and spend some time with Marcella and the kids." April said with a semi-disappointed voice. It always upset her that Pablo didn't want to go with her to investigate any of the exiting stories, but she also understood it. He had a family to look out for, so he couldn't go and get himself likely killed.
With an apologetic nod, Pablo climbed into the drivers seat and pulled the truck away from the warehouse. April knew there was a sewer grate nearby, so she could just contact the Turtles and get a ride back home when she was done. However, a loud noise coming from the warehouse scared her, forcing the woman to jump. Once her panic had subsided, she grinned with excitement and started to look for an alternate way into the warehouse. She noticed an open window and slowly began to look for a way up there. Luckily, April found a fire-escape ladder as she poked around the side of the building and began to climb it, finally reaching the window. Her nimble figure allowed her to slide into the building via the window easily. As she entered the dark warehouse, she landed with a soft 'clang' on the metal grating of the upper level and held her breath nervously. After a few minutes, she released her breath and began to slowly creep along the metal grated path. As she wandered, she heard strange voices coming from further ahead of her. When she finally made her way to the centre of the warehouse, April looked down and saw a group of villains gathered around a large crate. With a look of absolute joy at finding this hidden treasure, she grabbed the camera and hit the record button. "Hello, this is April O'Neil reporting live for Channel 6 "The Daily Bugle" News.. I've just stumbled across a secret super villain meeting taking place at 78 Lakefront Plaza. It seems like there are around six escaped inmates from the Treskelion institute gathered here.. I can see Electro, Sinestro,The Green Goblin,Clayface, Goblin Queen, and The Mandarin.. Lets see if we can hear more about what they have to say.." April whispered before she lowered the microphone on the railing and let it gently hang above the unsuspecting heads of the super villains.
"Mandarin, how do you know that your plan will work?" Electro asked with an inquisitive tone, a spark flashing from his fingertips as he levitated himself over to the green dressed man. "I just broke out of the Treskelion, and I have no intention of going back soon, or for any time in the future!"
"Patience, Max.." Mandarin said with a grimace as he held a hand in front of the electrified man. "My plans will not fail. Thanks to the major distraction caused by the break out, the police and heroes will be out looking for us.. However, due to the number of inmates who've escaped, we can use the opportunity of their absence to our advantage."
"Whatever, Mandy. As long as I get to kill Spider-Man, I'll be right as rain! HAHAAHAHAHA!!" Gordon Greene, the "Green Goblin", exclaimed with a cackle.
"Not if I get to him first, Gobby!" Electro shouted, his hands and eyes sparking furiously. "After what he did to me and Hydro-Man, I'm gonna fry the little fucker's head and jam it on the Empire State Building!!"
"Oh come on! You and Hydro-Man working together was just like wearing a sign that says 'Spider-Man, please jump in between us so that I can accidentally fry my accomplice while trying to kill you'!! It would have made more sense if you tried working alongside MAGNETO! He's just as useless as you are when it comes to killing the Spider!" Green Goblin shouted as his hand accusingly pointed at Electro. "Come on Maxy, let a PRO handle the death of Spider-Man!"
"Careful now dear," Vanessa Williams, the Goblin Queen whispered with a sly smile as she looked at the Green Goblin, "you remember what the doctor's said. The serum affected your blood pressure, so you shouldn't get too riled up.. Besides, you'll get to crush Spider-Man, so don't worry about Electro. He can fry the kid a little bit before you go and finish him off."
Green Goblin turned his head towards her and smiled wickedly. "This is why we were destined for each other, Mi'lady. You know just how to calm my crazy." Goblin said with another cackle before he moved in to kiss the lips of the attractive super villainess.
"Won't you two just get a room already?" Sinestro asked in a disgruntled voice, using his yellow ring to create a wall between the two villains so they were torn from each other's grasp. "Now then, Mandarin.. How exactly does having the authorities and multiple heroes looking for us present an opportunity?"
"Excellent question, Sinestro." Mandarin replied with a sly grin. "My plan consists of our taking revenge upon the people responsible for locking us up like stupid mongrels. However, it gets much grander.. My plan, is for total control over the United States of America! With your help, we, the "Sinister Six", will storm Washington alongside our allies and overthrow the President. After a life execution is broadcasted across the nation, the people will have no choice but to surrender. Should they choose to fight, the combined powers between the six of us will prove unbeatable. I already have confirmation from Magneto that the Mutant Brotherhood will assist us in taking over as long as they get an equal portion of the pie."
"What exactly will that plan accomplish? You'll be in control of a country! That's nothing compared to being in control of a force like Fear!" Sinestro snapped, glaring at Mandarin. "What's our gain from this plan of yours?"
"How about an entire country to do whatever you please in? What about the opportunity to round up the ones who have wronged you, and serve justice upon them? How would you feel to take the last breath of the meddling do-gooder who took your freedom from you after you tried to live out your life goals?" Mandarin asked with a sense of authority. As he spoke, the villains nodded and grinned at the group.
"WE'LL KILL THE SPIDER!!" Both Green Goblin and Electro shouted as they began to grin wildly. The Goblin Queen gripped onto her new boyfriend and began to whisper various ways how they could kill the web-head.
"Yes.. And the Guardians of Oa will know the true power of Fear!" Sinestro agreed, his ring glowing bright yellow as he began to levitate into the air excitedly.
"The Iron Man will fall, and the empire of the Mandarin will rise! Soon, America will be the ultimate paradise for our kind, and we will have the power we have always desired!" Mandarin chimed in, glad that his plan was all coming together in a neat and tidy fashion. First, America. Then, the WORLD!
"BATMAN WILL PAY FOR LOCKING ME IN ARKHAM! I'M NOT INSANE!" Clayface yelled after a long period of silence, banging his massive fist against the ground. The force of the jolt forced April, still listening in with her camera, to stumble backwards and yelp out in surprise.
As the brunette woman yelped in surprise, Electro perked up his head. "What was that?!" He exclaimed with anger before he whipped his head around in search of the sound's origin. When he saw the dangling Microphone, he looked up and saw April O'Neil scrambling to stand up. "AN INTRUDER!" Electro shouted angrily before his eyes sparked with powerful electricity and he flew up to the rafters where she was laying. The others whipped their heads around to see the news reporter and smiled wickedly.
"Its that O'Neil woman! The one from the Bugle who works with those pyjama wearing Reptiles!" Clayface called out as he stared her down. April backed up from her position rapidly, hurriedly holding the camera in her hands. With a powerful surge of electricity sparking from his hands, Electro blew up the Camera and smiled wickedly. April yelped again as the camera shattered into multiple pieces, some of the jagged metal bits shooting into her face and cutting her slightly. Behind her, Green Goblin and the Goblin Queen had flown up on the glider, both of them armed to the teeth with pumpkin bombs. Facing the front of the terrified woman on the other side of the railing, was Mandarin, held up by Clayface. "Um... D-Don't mind me.. I'm just here to.. Well, I'm here to interview the future rulers of the world.." She said meekly, forcing a smile as she spoke. All six of the villains cackled as she spoke, knowing that she was most defiantly doomed. Finally finding the opposite railing, she lifted herself up onto her feet and began to back up. The walkway behind her was long and led back to an open window, which nobody else seemed to have noticed except her. When it became apparent that her her backing-up speed was starting to increase, Electro's hands lit up with around 300 volts of pure electricity.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! If you think you're getting out of here alive, Miss O'Neil... Hehehehe, you're in for a SHOCK!!" The yellow masked super villain shouted before he raised his hands to fire the blast. Just as he lowered his hands and launched the intense beam of raw electricity from his fingers, a powerful force yanked April backwards through the window as she screamed. Upon hitting something hard, she began to smack it rapidly. "LET GO OF ME!! LET GO!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs before she heard the person gripping her speak. "Geez, is that anyway to thank the guy who just saved your life, Miss O'Neil?". With a surprised jolt, April opened her eyes to see a red and blue clad young man holding her in his arms heroically. "Spider-Man?" She asked with extreme confusion in her voice. "The one and only!" Spider-Man (or Dylan Robertson, as most knew him by), replied with a nod of his head, before he heard the shouts from inside the warehouse. With a sudden tingling feeling in his head warning him of impending doom, he saw a Pumpkin Bomb being tossed towards the two of them. "Aw crap.." he muttered before he turned to April and shouted "Hang on!". Dylan felt her grip around his neck increasing before he jumped backwards off the roof of the warehouse, just in time to avoid the explosion that followed the tossing of the pumpkin grenade.
"This is gonna be a really bad night for the both of us!" Dylan called out with a concerned tone as he heard the sounds of a Goblin Glider, massive waves of electricity, the soft 'swoosh' of a wingless figure flying through the air (with an authority about him that made the web-slinger feel deeply fearful) and the cackling of two of his greatest foes barreling after him and the female news reporter. "Why is it that I can never resist a damsel in distress?" he playfully asked April as he fired off a web towards a nearby building, avoiding a massive surge of electrical energy that was sent his way. "Oh shut up, Web-Head. I had the situation sorted out." She said defensively. "Uh-huh, sure you did. That's why we've got a team of crazies with super powers chasing after us right now. This situation isn't exactly what I'd call 'sorted'. In fact, I would never call thi-" Dylan began to say before he was suddenly whacked in the back by a massive object most likely created from Lantern Ring Energy. Grunting with pain, he let go of April and tossed her to safety on a nearby rooftop, firing a web for her to safely land on. As he plummeted towards the street, he latched himself onto the side of a building and took a good look at his persuers.
"Shall I go an retrieve Ms. O'Neil?" Sinestro asked his fellow villains as they closed in on the hurt web-slinger.
"No, leave her.. She is not a threat to our plans.. But now its time to exact our revenge!" Electro explained with a terrifying grin, which was followed by his entire body becoming encased in powerful electricity.
"She knows of our plans, you fool! It would he wiser to-"
"FORGET ABOUT THE GIRL!" Green Goblin shouted as he armed three of his Pumpkin Grenades, smiling maliciously and insanely. "TRICK OR TREAT, SMELL MY FEET, TIME TO BLOW SPIDER-MAN OFF THE STREET!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He cackled wildly before he tossed the grenades at the web slinger, which was followed by a massive burst of electricity firing from Electro's hands.
Any three words to describe my current predicament? Fuck. My. Life. Dylan thought to himself as he jumped off of the building, away from the ensuing explosion, latching himself onto Green Goblin's glider with webbing. Electro fired more high powered shots, which narrowly missed Spidey, while Sinestro began to throw Fear objects at the web-slinger. Green Goblin began to fly around in circles, whipping Spider-Man around wildly before he finally let go. After a long free fall to the surprisingly empty city streets (which he cushioned with webbing), Dylan turned to his foes and positioned himself for a fight. Thanks to his spider-sense, he could tell that the other members of the Sinister Six were on their way. Hopefully, he could take them all. "ALRIGHT, YOU GUYS WANT A FIGHT? WELL HERE YOU HAVE IT! COME AND GET ME YOU SUPER POWERED LOSERS!"

Greetings, true believers! Welcome to Earth-1212, the newest area in the multiverse! Within this world are tales of sinister super villains and daring do-gooders, each one building up upon the last. There's explosions, fighting, romance, drama, and enough super powers to make Stan Lee wet himself!
To set the scene, there has been a massive break-out at two of the highest held Super Villain incarnation Institutes, the "Treskelion" in New York City, and "Arkham Asylum" located in Gotham City. At the Treskelion, all kinds of dangerous super criminals have managed to escape in the ensuing chaos that followed a large explosion. Later that day, a group of menaces assaulted Arkham and released all the patients into the defenceless city. With all these villains running around and causing a stink, who will be there to protect the innocent?
That's where YOU come in, True Believers! Don a mask, a cape, or a suspicious looking artifact and become a legend in your own right! Become a Heroic Hero, a Vile Villain, or a Dark Defender who works outside the law, the choice is yours! Take up the mantle of a legendary hero/heroine, begin a whole new identity, or start the legacy all over again in this universe, but hurry! The world needs your help, so get to it! Excelsior!

"Good Evening New York, I'm Eddie Brock with the Channel 6 "Daily Bugle" News. We're sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, but something horrific has just occurred. We're now cutting live to our reporter in the field, April O'Neil for more information on the events. April?"
"Thanks Eddie. The events which took place earlier today at the Treskelion Institute of Super Villain Isolation and Containment have caused extreme consequences. I'm here at the scene of what is considered to be the worst prison escape in all the years that the institute has existed. Officials on the scene are saying that a massive explosion in the research labs triggered a code-red protocol. All the project information from the lab was lost in the explosion, but the forensic team is still analyzing the site. As a result of the explosion, the plastic cell containing the dangerous criminal, Juggernaut, was shattered to pieces. It wasn't long until Juggernaut had taken out his guards, at which point he began to free the other inmates. All the prior inmates of the Treskelion institution who escaped range from Class A mutants like Magneto and Killer Croc, to Level 9 Super Criminals like Doctor Doom and Gigantia. The total number of inmates who escaped during the break out has been estimated to somewhere around 3000, with many more being added onto the total count. Then, to make matters worse, it was discovered moments ago that Shocker and Rhino broke into the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, freeing over 200 of the registered patients, all of them extremely dangerous."
"Seems like there's a true epidemic on our hands. So, April, with all these super criminals running around, have the authorizes released information as to how they'll manage to recapture the inmates?"
"Nothing as of yet, Eddie. However, it has been reported that the Avengers and Justice League are working hard to keep the peace. I'll report back with more information later."
"And~ we're clear!" Pablo called out as the camera finally shut off. With a relaxed smile and a sigh, April stretched out her arms behind her back and took in a deep breath. "Some night, eh Pablo? Two major break outs at 'secure' facilities, and now, a ton of super-freaks are running around.." She said with a slightly concerned voice. She wasn't too worried, but at the same time, it was shocking. This could be the start of a whole new world epidemic. Worse yet, I bet Shredder's one of them.. I hope the guys can handle him before the Foot Clan has a chance to cause even more damage then there already is.. the brunette thought as she gestured for Pablo to load the filming gear into the news truck. The Turtles could handle themselves.. But she always worried about her amphibian friends whenever something happened. Especially tonight, considering that the world was sweeping with dangerous crooks and thugs who were way out of their league. She doubted they would even be able to survive against the wrath of somebody like Doctor Octopus. Trying not to think too much on that, she shook her head and put on a smile as she walked over to the drivers seat and opened the door. Once Pablo had climbed into the van, she turned on the ignition and started on her way back to the Daily Bugle. However, as she drove, she heard her phone ringing and picked it up. "April O'Neil speaking." She said calmly before a loud and roaring voice filled the van.
"Got it, Boss.." April said in an exasperated voice before she hung up the phone and took in a deep breath. Looking back at the street, the woman tried to think of something new and exciting to do. If by sheer chance or pure coincidence, she saw a massive surge of electricity suddenly flash by in the sky, heading for a dockside warehouse. Slowly, a determined smile spread across her face and she turned the van around. "Mister Jameson wants a story.. He's gonna get one!" She exclaimed proudly as she maneuvered her way around the typical nightly New York traffic. Once she was fully turned around and driving along Park Way, she made a hard right towards the docks and hit the gas. It took minutes for them to arrive at the warehouse, which was dimly lit and seemingly empty. "Come on, Pablo. Lets go check out that weird bolt.." April whispered to her Hispanic friend as she climbed out of the car. "Miss O'Neil, I don't think that-" Pablo began to say before April rolled her eyes with frustration and grabbed the camera and microphone. "Okay, fine, you can go home... You've done enough for me tonight, Pablo. Go and spend some time with Marcella and the kids." April said with a semi-disappointed voice. It always upset her that Pablo didn't want to go with her to investigate any of the exiting stories, but she also understood it. He had a family to look out for, so he couldn't go and get himself likely killed.
With an apologetic nod, Pablo climbed into the drivers seat and pulled the truck away from the warehouse. April knew there was a sewer grate nearby, so she could just contact the Turtles and get a ride back home when she was done. However, a loud noise coming from the warehouse scared her, forcing the woman to jump. Once her panic had subsided, she grinned with excitement and started to look for an alternate way into the warehouse. She noticed an open window and slowly began to look for a way up there. Luckily, April found a fire-escape ladder as she poked around the side of the building and began to climb it, finally reaching the window. Her nimble figure allowed her to slide into the building via the window easily. As she entered the dark warehouse, she landed with a soft 'clang' on the metal grating of the upper level and held her breath nervously. After a few minutes, she released her breath and began to slowly creep along the metal grated path. As she wandered, she heard strange voices coming from further ahead of her. When she finally made her way to the centre of the warehouse, April looked down and saw a group of villains gathered around a large crate. With a look of absolute joy at finding this hidden treasure, she grabbed the camera and hit the record button. "Hello, this is April O'Neil reporting live for Channel 6 "The Daily Bugle" News.. I've just stumbled across a secret super villain meeting taking place at 78 Lakefront Plaza. It seems like there are around six escaped inmates from the Treskelion institute gathered here.. I can see Electro, Sinestro,The Green Goblin,Clayface, Goblin Queen, and The Mandarin.. Lets see if we can hear more about what they have to say.." April whispered before she lowered the microphone on the railing and let it gently hang above the unsuspecting heads of the super villains.
"Mandarin, how do you know that your plan will work?" Electro asked with an inquisitive tone, a spark flashing from his fingertips as he levitated himself over to the green dressed man. "I just broke out of the Treskelion, and I have no intention of going back soon, or for any time in the future!"
"Patience, Max.." Mandarin said with a grimace as he held a hand in front of the electrified man. "My plans will not fail. Thanks to the major distraction caused by the break out, the police and heroes will be out looking for us.. However, due to the number of inmates who've escaped, we can use the opportunity of their absence to our advantage."
"Whatever, Mandy. As long as I get to kill Spider-Man, I'll be right as rain! HAHAAHAHAHA!!" Gordon Greene, the "Green Goblin", exclaimed with a cackle.
"Not if I get to him first, Gobby!" Electro shouted, his hands and eyes sparking furiously. "After what he did to me and Hydro-Man, I'm gonna fry the little fucker's head and jam it on the Empire State Building!!"
"Oh come on! You and Hydro-Man working together was just like wearing a sign that says 'Spider-Man, please jump in between us so that I can accidentally fry my accomplice while trying to kill you'!! It would have made more sense if you tried working alongside MAGNETO! He's just as useless as you are when it comes to killing the Spider!" Green Goblin shouted as his hand accusingly pointed at Electro. "Come on Maxy, let a PRO handle the death of Spider-Man!"
"Careful now dear," Vanessa Williams, the Goblin Queen whispered with a sly smile as she looked at the Green Goblin, "you remember what the doctor's said. The serum affected your blood pressure, so you shouldn't get too riled up.. Besides, you'll get to crush Spider-Man, so don't worry about Electro. He can fry the kid a little bit before you go and finish him off."
Green Goblin turned his head towards her and smiled wickedly. "This is why we were destined for each other, Mi'lady. You know just how to calm my crazy." Goblin said with another cackle before he moved in to kiss the lips of the attractive super villainess.
"Won't you two just get a room already?" Sinestro asked in a disgruntled voice, using his yellow ring to create a wall between the two villains so they were torn from each other's grasp. "Now then, Mandarin.. How exactly does having the authorities and multiple heroes looking for us present an opportunity?"
"Excellent question, Sinestro." Mandarin replied with a sly grin. "My plan consists of our taking revenge upon the people responsible for locking us up like stupid mongrels. However, it gets much grander.. My plan, is for total control over the United States of America! With your help, we, the "Sinister Six", will storm Washington alongside our allies and overthrow the President. After a life execution is broadcasted across the nation, the people will have no choice but to surrender. Should they choose to fight, the combined powers between the six of us will prove unbeatable. I already have confirmation from Magneto that the Mutant Brotherhood will assist us in taking over as long as they get an equal portion of the pie."
"What exactly will that plan accomplish? You'll be in control of a country! That's nothing compared to being in control of a force like Fear!" Sinestro snapped, glaring at Mandarin. "What's our gain from this plan of yours?"
"How about an entire country to do whatever you please in? What about the opportunity to round up the ones who have wronged you, and serve justice upon them? How would you feel to take the last breath of the meddling do-gooder who took your freedom from you after you tried to live out your life goals?" Mandarin asked with a sense of authority. As he spoke, the villains nodded and grinned at the group.
"WE'LL KILL THE SPIDER!!" Both Green Goblin and Electro shouted as they began to grin wildly. The Goblin Queen gripped onto her new boyfriend and began to whisper various ways how they could kill the web-head.
"Yes.. And the Guardians of Oa will know the true power of Fear!" Sinestro agreed, his ring glowing bright yellow as he began to levitate into the air excitedly.
"The Iron Man will fall, and the empire of the Mandarin will rise! Soon, America will be the ultimate paradise for our kind, and we will have the power we have always desired!" Mandarin chimed in, glad that his plan was all coming together in a neat and tidy fashion. First, America. Then, the WORLD!
"BATMAN WILL PAY FOR LOCKING ME IN ARKHAM! I'M NOT INSANE!" Clayface yelled after a long period of silence, banging his massive fist against the ground. The force of the jolt forced April, still listening in with her camera, to stumble backwards and yelp out in surprise.
As the brunette woman yelped in surprise, Electro perked up his head. "What was that?!" He exclaimed with anger before he whipped his head around in search of the sound's origin. When he saw the dangling Microphone, he looked up and saw April O'Neil scrambling to stand up. "AN INTRUDER!" Electro shouted angrily before his eyes sparked with powerful electricity and he flew up to the rafters where she was laying. The others whipped their heads around to see the news reporter and smiled wickedly.
"Its that O'Neil woman! The one from the Bugle who works with those pyjama wearing Reptiles!" Clayface called out as he stared her down. April backed up from her position rapidly, hurriedly holding the camera in her hands. With a powerful surge of electricity sparking from his hands, Electro blew up the Camera and smiled wickedly. April yelped again as the camera shattered into multiple pieces, some of the jagged metal bits shooting into her face and cutting her slightly. Behind her, Green Goblin and the Goblin Queen had flown up on the glider, both of them armed to the teeth with pumpkin bombs. Facing the front of the terrified woman on the other side of the railing, was Mandarin, held up by Clayface. "Um... D-Don't mind me.. I'm just here to.. Well, I'm here to interview the future rulers of the world.." She said meekly, forcing a smile as she spoke. All six of the villains cackled as she spoke, knowing that she was most defiantly doomed. Finally finding the opposite railing, she lifted herself up onto her feet and began to back up. The walkway behind her was long and led back to an open window, which nobody else seemed to have noticed except her. When it became apparent that her her backing-up speed was starting to increase, Electro's hands lit up with around 300 volts of pure electricity.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! If you think you're getting out of here alive, Miss O'Neil... Hehehehe, you're in for a SHOCK!!" The yellow masked super villain shouted before he raised his hands to fire the blast. Just as he lowered his hands and launched the intense beam of raw electricity from his fingers, a powerful force yanked April backwards through the window as she screamed. Upon hitting something hard, she began to smack it rapidly. "LET GO OF ME!! LET GO!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs before she heard the person gripping her speak. "Geez, is that anyway to thank the guy who just saved your life, Miss O'Neil?". With a surprised jolt, April opened her eyes to see a red and blue clad young man holding her in his arms heroically. "Spider-Man?" She asked with extreme confusion in her voice. "The one and only!" Spider-Man (or Dylan Robertson, as most knew him by), replied with a nod of his head, before he heard the shouts from inside the warehouse. With a sudden tingling feeling in his head warning him of impending doom, he saw a Pumpkin Bomb being tossed towards the two of them. "Aw crap.." he muttered before he turned to April and shouted "Hang on!". Dylan felt her grip around his neck increasing before he jumped backwards off the roof of the warehouse, just in time to avoid the explosion that followed the tossing of the pumpkin grenade.
"This is gonna be a really bad night for the both of us!" Dylan called out with a concerned tone as he heard the sounds of a Goblin Glider, massive waves of electricity, the soft 'swoosh' of a wingless figure flying through the air (with an authority about him that made the web-slinger feel deeply fearful) and the cackling of two of his greatest foes barreling after him and the female news reporter. "Why is it that I can never resist a damsel in distress?" he playfully asked April as he fired off a web towards a nearby building, avoiding a massive surge of electrical energy that was sent his way. "Oh shut up, Web-Head. I had the situation sorted out." She said defensively. "Uh-huh, sure you did. That's why we've got a team of crazies with super powers chasing after us right now. This situation isn't exactly what I'd call 'sorted'. In fact, I would never call thi-" Dylan began to say before he was suddenly whacked in the back by a massive object most likely created from Lantern Ring Energy. Grunting with pain, he let go of April and tossed her to safety on a nearby rooftop, firing a web for her to safely land on. As he plummeted towards the street, he latched himself onto the side of a building and took a good look at his persuers.
"Shall I go an retrieve Ms. O'Neil?" Sinestro asked his fellow villains as they closed in on the hurt web-slinger.
"No, leave her.. She is not a threat to our plans.. But now its time to exact our revenge!" Electro explained with a terrifying grin, which was followed by his entire body becoming encased in powerful electricity.
"She knows of our plans, you fool! It would he wiser to-"
"FORGET ABOUT THE GIRL!" Green Goblin shouted as he armed three of his Pumpkin Grenades, smiling maliciously and insanely. "TRICK OR TREAT, SMELL MY FEET, TIME TO BLOW SPIDER-MAN OFF THE STREET!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He cackled wildly before he tossed the grenades at the web slinger, which was followed by a massive burst of electricity firing from Electro's hands.
Any three words to describe my current predicament? Fuck. My. Life. Dylan thought to himself as he jumped off of the building, away from the ensuing explosion, latching himself onto Green Goblin's glider with webbing. Electro fired more high powered shots, which narrowly missed Spidey, while Sinestro began to throw Fear objects at the web-slinger. Green Goblin began to fly around in circles, whipping Spider-Man around wildly before he finally let go. After a long free fall to the surprisingly empty city streets (which he cushioned with webbing), Dylan turned to his foes and positioned himself for a fight. Thanks to his spider-sense, he could tell that the other members of the Sinister Six were on their way. Hopefully, he could take them all. "ALRIGHT, YOU GUYS WANT A FIGHT? WELL HERE YOU HAVE IT! COME AND GET ME YOU SUPER POWERED LOSERS!"