Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jeremiah Howard Tomers

Location: Campus Benches
Interacting With: Clarissa Price @GoddessSophia, Tara Niklos @Kaithas

On the mention that Clarissa made about Zeke, Jay felt slightly nervous. He wasn't sure how to react to that, but Clarissa would ease his nervousness as she made the mention that they avoided each other. As Clarissa began to speak about her class, she told Jay that she had Greek Myhtology and it was about Ares and Hades and about the relationship that Clarissa and Skye's mother had with Hephaestus. Jay smiled slightly at that, beginning to wonder what kind of relationship his own mother had with the Greek Gods. Truth be told, Jay really didn't know anything about his mother aside from the little bits he heard from his father. There was hardly any time that Demeter had to really tell him in-depth and his father didn't know much other than how much he loved her.

Sighing, Jay glanced at Clarissa with a look of . "At least you know about your mother. I real--" Jay was interrupted by the arrival of that Tara chick. "Oh, you're Tara right?" Jay asked briefly.

Jay vaguely rememebered her. He didn't really interact this one, but he rememebred seeing her at the party. Jay recalled seeing her punch Vivian's brother - well, when Jay wasn't busy with Clarissa, that is. He didn't really remember much after that about her. Listening to the way she was speaking to Skye and Clarissa, Jay felt some need to at least say something in her defense. If not to defend Clarissa, then to just avert a similar scenario with Stella. He sure as hell didn't want to piss off another Demigoddess that seemed even more intimidating than Stella.

"So, you know Clarissa?" Jay asked somewhat shyly. He rose from his place on top of the bench and stood in front of Tara. "By the way, I'm Jay Tomers, Son of Demeter." Jay said, holding his hand out in a friendly gesture.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dallas Relo

Location: Courtyard, Olympus Academy
Interacting With: Tali Lowe @Kaithas

Should've just gone with the kid. Delilah was well-mannered and even-tempered, a pretty sweet kid as far as kids went in this wretched ass school. She might have been able to get some answers that the quicksilver-mouthed Oakland A-hole pushed too many buttons to receive, and probably with less hassle. Wouldn't have hurt to use her...and if anything jumped her, hell, the kid had needed help with a boxing stance. If he got jumped, well...he'd fight. That was what Dallas Relo was good for. Punching, cursing, a lot of laughing...and if he got beaten and dragged somewhere, be it hell or out of town, he'd only allow it to be done in an enormous ball of all three. Delilah, though...

He could still catch up to her. Kid could use the pair of eyes, and he probably didn't need her talking to Vivian about what a supportive guy he was being.

He'd almost made his mind up when a girl approached the one unoccupied spot of grass in this entire section of the yard. Didn't take anyone capable of splitting the goddamn atom to realize that she was after him. He sized the young woman up, scars and all (for he doubted that most people didn't size up the obvious white lines cutting across her face) and sat up slightly, forearms on his knees.

"Dallas. Relo." He waved briefly with one hand, dangling over his leg, and tilted his head at the new girl. "Haven't seen you around before."

Was this the kidnapper? Shit. Fuck. Maybe they were after hot blondes. Weren't most people? Shit, that's as good a motive as any.

Alright, alright, easy there, Dallas. Cryptic hints aside...awkward until proven guilty. Besides, if he couldn't punch out an attacker who sounded like she had pneumonia, he had no fucking business boxing anyway.

"Do you...know something about my sister?"

His head tilted the other direction.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Clarissa Nikolina Price

Location; Campus Benches
Interacting With; Jay Tomers @Altered TundraTara Niklos @Kaithas

Clarissa listened to Jay; seeing his reactions change as they discussed who they run into during their classes and as she explained her class in a bit more depth. She smiled as she heard him speak; she and Aphrodite always been close, she loved her mother. When Jay trailed off, she sighed wondering what he was about to say about him and his mother; but she would not know at the moment since they got interrupted by Tara...the daughter of Ares. Clarissa didn't care much for Tara what so ever. Just like Stella, Tara seemed to put below down just because her Father was Ares. The Daughter of Aphrodite narrowed her eyes slightly; and she soon began glaring at Tara, who seemed to be firing insults left, right and center aimed towards her and Skye. Her jaw was clenched tightly with annoyance towards the other Demi-Goddess.

"You know what, Tara?!" Clarissa began, rather rhetorically, not giving her a chance to speak as she stood up. Standing near the bench but she did not approach Tara a bit more. "Do us all a big favor and go bother, someone else that actually gives a shit about your stupid, arrogant and not hilarious insults." she hissed at her. Only Tara thought her insults were clever and funny....the girl really did have a wrong concept of humor in that sense. Her look towards Tara was cold and Clarissa was getting more agitated by the moment.

When she heard Tara speak about her and Jay, it took all her will not send a punch flying Tara's way. Her dark brown eyes were angrier by the moment, her jaw clenched...her hand curling into a fist, her muscles twitching in anger as she glared at the daughter of Ares. "You don't know anything...about me and Jay, and how I feel about him. So back off!! I am sick and tired of people like you and Stella acting like you're all high and mighty...just because you're related to Ares and Zeus." Clarissa was getting angry and annoyed with Tara. She gave her the coldest glare she could muster. She wasn't going to play nice; she was standing up for herself and Jay...and her brother. "You picked the wrong week to piss me off Tara...I suggest you don't get yourself involved in something you know NOTHING about. Believe rumors if you will....but then again, most people here do. Not many take the time and effort to actually see and learn about me and my brother and who we really are...who I am. But I am not going to be put down by the likes of you...not anymore." Clarissa sounded as angry and annoyed with Tara as she looked. Clarissa heard Jay addressing Tara; he on the other hand sounded calm and tried to be friendly towards Tara. She didn't blame Jay for trying...he was trying to avoid trouble...whilst Clarissa was just plain sick of the trouble and being spoken to like this...and Jay being talked about in this kind of manor. That's when he mentioned being the son of Demeter.

It dawned on her that he was the brother of Vivian's very hippy friend Delilah. Considering the past between her and his sister....their relationship was interesting. She was sure, that once Delilah would know he was her brother...things would be rather dramatic about the different relationships and how Clarissa/Delilah never really got on....then again, that was Clarissa's fault in the way things went; even if it was some-what in the past.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Obscurus
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Obscurus Mr. Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location; Her apartment, then outside on campus.
Interacting With; nobody

Cori was not happy. She was walking back to her apartment, thinking about Zeke and the past week. It all seemed like such a long time already. But now she felt terribly alone. Classes were over, and as she walked over campus, she saw some other demigods hanging around. Apparently she belonged here, among them, but she didn't feel it right now.

As soon as she entered her room, she walked to her bed to lay down. Her bag she threw aside. Just laying down for a while was all she needed right now. In her head she pictured how she would become lonely and cold and bitter. Ofcourse her powers would grow, the longer she would stay here. Maybe after being turned down (be it intentionally or not) by the son of Zeus, the daughter of Hades might start to look more like her father. After all, History repeats itself.

After a while of pondering on how she would continue her life as a doomed demi-god and then realising that she was being ridiculous she got up to go outside again. She went to the first grassy field she saw and took of her boots and socks. She wanted to feel the earth with her bare feet. And so she stood in the grass for a while. Just standing, feeling the grass and the earth, staring into nothing. It calmed her down. She was glad nobody was around to see her acting weird. She was hoping she would eventually make some other friends, and this might not be the ultimate first impression.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Samael Krios

Location; Campus Academy
Interacting With; Amelia Johnston @GoddessSophia

Sam knew he'd messed up as soon as the words left his mouth. Quite rightfully, Amelia's response was a severely negative one - although, thankfully, there was some anger there. He didn't think he would have been able to stand it if she'd been cold towards him. Not with the way he felt about her.

"Ah... jeez... Lia, I'm sorry. For everything. Especially that lame hello I just gave you." He said, running his hands over his face and then through his hair. "I just didn't think I had the right to hug you or anything. What I put you through was... pretty much unforgivable. I figured the last thing you wanted was me acting like your best friend again." He said, then paused, eyes widening ever so slightly as he realized his words. "Not that I'm saying that I don't want to be your friend anymore! I do, I just didn't want to act like things weren't any different... because they are. I made them different." He finished with a sigh, looking at the ground in a slightly dejected manner. "I'm not... being as eloquent as I'd like to be right now... I did miss you, Lia. A lot." He finished quietly yet sincerely, looking back up from the floor to stare into her eyes. They were still the same, sweet green that he remembered.

"And I hope you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't have left and stayed away without good reason. And... it was a pretty bad situation I was in two years ago." He added, brow furrowing slightly, his tone slightly darker at his own words - a ''bad'' situation? Way to play it down, Sammy.

"But I'm back for good now. And I'm here to fix things." He said, a hint of a smile playing at his lips as he stared at his oldest friend. "Can we do the whole reunion thing again?" He asked, arms opening hopefully. Shit - if she was too pissed to hug him, at the very least she could refuse it.

Rozalia Éathliel

Location; Café
Interacting With; No-one

Once Roze was sat down at a table in the café and ordered some food, she felt much more at ease with herself. It was a fairly cosy atmosphere, despite not many people being in it. Once her panini and drink had been brought to her table, she settled back, digging through her backpack until she pulled out a battered copy of The Two Towers.

"Ah, Tolkien. The eternal, misogynistic genius." She thought to herself with a smile as she found where she had left off the last time - Chapter five; The White Rider.

As she read, she absent-mindedly rubbed her finger around the rim of her glass - unknowingly creating a mini-whirpool within her cola as she did. Apparently the hydrokinesis didn't stop at plain water.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Amelia Scarlet Johnston

Location; The Campus
Interacting With; Samael Krios @MiddleEarthRoze

Looking into his icy blue eyes; Amelia awaited some kind of explanation. As Sam started to speak, her arms were still crossed over her chest as she listened to him. As she heard him ramble; she narrowed her eyes and a slight hurt look crossed her expression, when she heard him say that he had no right acting like her best friend, since he left. Even though he tried to amend his words; Amelia sighed shaking her head slightly "So, because you left...you have the right to just assume what I want...or don't want from you now?!" she shook her head as she sighed, closing her eyes for a few seconds. Yes, he left and left her broken, hurt and confused...but that didn't mean that Amelia would shut him out like that; she had always wanted her best friend back, and to hear him say words like that hurt. It was like someone had stabbed her with a knife or was trying to rip out her insides.

"A bad situation?" Amelia rose a slight eyebrow at Sam in confusion...his words made it seem like nothing, but the dark tone of his voice made it sound like death and life situation; which left her confused. "You're giving me mixed signals Sam. what was so bad that you left for two years and didn't reply to my texts, calls...? Do You even have any idea, what hell I went through without you? I thought you were hurt...or worse, when I never got any replies back and you turn up...like nothing affected me in the first place!" she closed her eyes tightly, hiding her face in the palm of her hands in frustration. Sam had always been honest with her and they seemed to understand each other perfectly...now it felt different, it was like he was a different person and she just didn't know how to make sense of his actions, his confusing words...with a slight frown she looked at him. The anger from her eyes was fading away slightly.

She took a few deep breaths; calming her self down as she looked at him. As she heard him, wanting to start all over again; Amelia could feel her lips twitching; he made it so hard to be mad at him and not smile back. She slapped him on his arm; in the usual playful way she always did as they were growing up. "I swear, if you weren't my best friend and I hadn't missed you, I'd be kicking your ass right now!" Amelia couldn't help but smile at him; letting him know she was teasing him about kicking his ass. Moving bit closer, Amelia wrapped her arms Sam, pulling him closer into a warm embrace. The Demi-Goddess leaned against his chest and she closed her eyes; just breathing in the familiar scent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Location: Headmaster’s Office
Interacting With: Every Single Teacher of Olympus Academy

The teachers and Headmaster and Headmistress met in the Headmaster’s office[/url] to discuss the developments regarding the case of Vivian Corette. Because of this, the classes have been cancelled so there would be no possible interruptions from any students. Besides, they were all busy probably doing what teenagers and young adults do when they have free time.

Inside his office, there were a few bookshelves with each row full of books on the right wall(the first thing one sees when they walk in). Two couches facing each other with a table in the center and a couple of windows overlooking the entire campus of Olympus Academy as well as the forest that is outside of it. Two chandeliers hanging above giving light to the room. There are wooden floors with two maroon rugs - one under the Headmaster’s Ebony wood desk and one under the couches and table.

“You can’t be serious!!” Roared the Headmaster at his Professors and the Headmistress.

Headmaster Mark Henderson wasn’t one to lose his calm. In the years he has served as Headmaster of Olypmus Academy, he’s never once shown as much disappointment and anger as he was showing right now. He never allowed his colleagues to see him emotional like that, but desperate times it was. One of his students were missing. Not only was a student missing under his supervision but she was the child of Apollo, the God of the Sun. Mark didn’t have to try to imagine what would happen if Apollo’s baby girl wasn’t found. It would mean dire consequences for all of the staff.

“How could this happen? It’s been two long weeks of nonstop searching - and we are no closer to finding Vivan than we were the first night of searching.” Mark said, hands slamming against his desk, the sound of it booming through his office and into the ears of the Headmistress and other teachers.

“Mark, please--”

“What Celina!? Would you have me lower my voice because it’s ‘not proper of me’?!” Mark snarled at Celina, the Headmistress.

“No, I wouldn’t,” She said simply, “you just need to keep in mind that these walls are thin and those lovely kids, Dallas and Delilah are probably nearby.” Celina laughed at the thought of those two, “in fact, I’m positive that they’re right outside your doors, listening to every word.”

“Those two,” Mark laughed,” they’ve been the first - and last - of the students to be apart of the search parties.”

“And you’re surprised, Headmaster?” Said Miguel Neelson, one of the Power Usage and Control teachers. “Dallas is Vivian’s older brother and that Delilah is the best friend of the girl in question.” Miguel stated, “I would be alarmed if they weren’t the first and last on the scene.”

“That’s true.” Mark simply said.

“That Delilah - she’s the daughter of Demeter. She’s an interesting one, for sure.” Celina smiled.

In an effort to get attention back on the purpose of the meeting, Mark cleared his throat. “I think it’s time I get to what I called you all here for.” Mark said, seeing all the faces of the teachers look at him curiously. “We need to find out who is behind the kidnapping.” He said, looking to all of the teachers. “I have reason to believe that it’s someone on the campus.”

Each and every one of the teachers looked at each other confusingly.

“And what makes you think that, Mark?” Celina inquired.

“Olympus Academy is one of the most-guarded places in the entire Earth, only second to the portal of Mount Olympus itself. Added to that, only someone with knowledge of how to get past the barrier past the forest that surrounds it would know how pass it by without detection.” Mark said, explaining his theory about who might be behind the kidnapping of Vivian Corette.

“An interesting theory, Headmaster.” Miguel said, finding it both interesting and intriguing. “What makes you sure about this?”

“It’s just a feeling.”

Miguel looked at Mark as if trying to judge if there was truly something more to what he was revealing, like if there was more to his theory than what he was saying.

“Until I find out more information and I get a more grounded grasp of the situation and who might be behind this, keep the tidbit about the kidnapping possibly being an inside job to yourselves.” Mark said firmly to every one of the teachers.

And with that, every single one of the teachers made their way out of Mark’s office, and soon the building. However, Celina stayed with Mark, looking at him.

“What do you want, Celina?”
Mark asked as he took a seat at his desk chair, leaning back in it. He reached for a bottle of 50 year-old scotch and poured himself a glass. "Would you like one."

Celina waved her hand, signaling she didn't.

Celina’s back was turned to Mark and she slipped on an odd black glove with a eerie red glow to it. “How long have you known?” She asked Mark.

“I’m sorry?” Mark confusingly asked, half-interested in what she was saying and half-focused on the glass of scotch he was about to down.

“About it being an inside job - how long have you known?” She asked mark, turning around, but the glove hand was behind her back.

“What are you on about, Celina? How long have I known about what?” Mark lazily leaned forward onto his desk, his left arm supporting his head.”

“About me - and how my organization kidnapped that dear Vivian.”


Before he could even get out a single word, Celina brought for the glove arm from behind her back. The red, pulsating energy surrounding the black glove was then sent into Mark’s chest, outlines of black energy journeying rapidly through his body. Against his silver and black suit, the red energy was rather noticeable, especially with the lighting in the room.


As she leaned in, Celina smiled evilly at Mark. “Because, Headmaster, the Gods need to know what real pain feels like.” She said as she would slowly remove her glove from Mark’s chest. “We were chosen to teach their children - and for what exactly? So these self-entitled brats can go live some righteous lives with all of the money in the world. And what about us, huh? The lesser beings? Are we supposed to just sit back while they get pampered?" She said with such anger and such rage in her voice. "That won't happen - and the organization I work for won't stand by it either." She said, looking at Mark, trying to make him understand. "I will make these gods see that we will stand for this no more. We, the lesser beings, will ascend above the gods and even the Titans.”

As she finished speaking, Mark’s body had disappeared from his chair in a red swirl of hellish energy.

Smiling, Celina cleaned up the office to get rid of any traces of the Headmaster. First, she cleaned up the remains of the energy that would undoubtedly retain traces of Mark’s essence. If led unattended, it would come back to bite her in the ass. It was better safe than sorry, after all. Second, Cecile would surround her arm a rather sharp coating of a red energy-like substance and run it softly on her black and red pantsuit and her face. She wanted to sell the image of her getting attacked. The most she did was have tears on her clothing and cuts scattered around her face, chest, and legs.

When Celina was done with what she was doing, she unleashed such a loud scream that it was heard in a five yard radius. No doubt all of the teachers heard it and they all made their way to the Headmaster’s office to see what was the source of it. When they arrived, they would see Cecile intelligently sitting on the ground.

"Headmistress!" Shouted almost every single one of the teachers as they rushed to her side.

As they all saw the cuts and tears on her body, they couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

“What happened to you? Are you okay?” Asked John as he was the one closest to her.

Putting on a show of a distraught woman, Celina faked being shocked. “The headmaster…” Cecile said, her arm shaking as she pointed towards the Headmaster’s desk. That prompted everyone to look at the desk.

“Where is he?” Asked John, looking at Celina with a concerned look on his face.

“I only came back to see if he needed anything and then I saw it..”

“What Celina? What did you see?”

“It was hideous. It had a face like no other..” Cecile said, her words stuttering and scattered. “It had the Glove.”

“What Glove.”

“The Glove of Nightmares.”

And then there was silence in the room and then gasps of fear.

“You mean that glove - the one that Hades himself deemed too powerful. The same glove that was locked away into Zeus’ most-guarded treasury, The Forbidden Locker..?”

“That’s the one.” Celina said, shaking. However, on the inside, she was grinning and laughing that the professors were actually falling for what she was telling them.

“This changes everything. If the Glove of Nightmares was really stolen, then things are far worse than the headmaster or any of us thought it would be.” John said as he stood up and looked to everyone.

"What about the students?"
Said a bunch of the teachers one after another.

John looked at Lucille and thought about it. “We tell them about the Headmaster, but keep the news about the Glove to ourselves. We don’t want to freak them out even more than they already are.” John said and everyone gave their own form of agreement on the plan. Telling the students would only cause even more worry than preferred.

And so they disassembled, each going back to their huts.

John stayed with Celina, comforting her in any way that she would need. All the while, Celina, inside, was smiling that it actually worked, but even more importantly, she was getting closer and closer to her organization’s plans. Only a few more and The Rising shall begin..

Jeremiah Howard Tomers

Location: Olympus Academy Campus(just getting out of the first class) and then the Parking Lot
Interacting With: Clarissa Price @GoddessSophia

If there was anything consistent with Olympus Academy, it was the fact that bad things seemed to be happening left and right. First the disappearance of Vivian - and the many nights of searching for her. Then, the same thing happening to the Headmaster. Jay was in disbelief.

Jay really couldn’t focus on his first class. He didn’t even bother showering or putting anything worth noting on. All that he had on was a pair of slate black jeans and a grey, long-sleeve shirt. His hair was in ponytail and balled up at the end. He was still too worried about who could be next. If the Headmaster - who wasn’t even a Demigod - wasn’t safe, what did that say about the ones that actually were of godly blood? How long until one more was taken? One week? Two weeks? Maybe a month at the longest. Did the professors really think it really mattered that classes should continue? Honestly, Jay felt that classes were the least of his worries.

Jay didn’t know what he would do if any of his other friends were taken.

Taking out his phone, Jay went to Clarissa’s name.

To: Clarissa
From: Jay
“Hey, it’s Jay. Whenever you get out of your first class, can you meet me by the Apartments Parking Lot?”

As Jay pressed sent, he leaned up against what seemed to look like a dark green Sedan, possibly a 2004 edition. The bigger question, possibly, was why Jay was leaning against a car in the first place and what was he planning?

Harvey Nathaniel Blake

Location; Olympus Academy Campus - Physical
Interacting With; Raven Dameon @WhiteStar19

Physical Training sucked. It wasn’t because of the physically-demanding activities; Harvey liked those. No, it was more about who was in charge. To Harvey’s great displeasure, those who taught the class were complete fucktards. Ezekeiel acted as if he knew what was ‘proper’ form and what wasn’t. Like he knew anything about what to do when working out. Just because the ladies were all over him as if he was some great greek god or something.

“Psht, that bitch isn’t shit.” Harvey said, with a nasty expression on his face. It was as if it were one that gave off great anger or disgust towards something - or someone.

Harvey didn’t even care about the news spreading about the Headmaster disappearing, most likely by that kidnapper around. To Harvey, it didn’t matter because, if some kidnapper wanted to come at him, he’d welcome him or her. If they had the nerve to pick one of the most rowdiest and most violent of the Demigods, then they were aiming to have an early funeral.

Continuing walking, Harvey stopped as he came to the view of a hot piece of ass, Raven Dameon, Daughter of Hermes. He took off in a jog to catch up to her. As he reached her, he slyly slowed to a walk and put his left arm around her. "Hey girl, you're looking as fine as Egyptian Silk." He said with a confident grin.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serafina Lewison

Location; Olympus Academy campus
Interacting With; No one

In all her years at Olympus Academy, nothing like this had ever happened. First Vivian, and now the Headmaster? Something was very wrong. Every day, Serafina joined the search parties, and every day, she checked on everyone she knew. The kidnapping of Vivian had made her fearful; if one of her children was kidnapped, Hera's daughter would unleash a mother's rage on whoever did it. No one messed with her children. No one.

However, Serafina was so focused on taking care of everyone else that she failed to take care of herself. She did her best to make sure that no one was out by themselves, but would walk from class to class by herself, and carried no weapon other than a hunting knife. After all, she didn't like violence. In addition, she didn't think much of herself. Why would someone attack her? There were much more useful people on campus. Prettier people, people with better skills. Summoning peacocks would not be very helpful.

It was when she was walking aimlessly that it happened. A hand went over her mouth, holding a rag soaked in... something. An arm grabbed her around the middle. Serafina tried to shriek, but the sound was muffled, and her attempts to get away were fruitless. Whatever was on the rag was starting to make her sleepy. There was no way she could escape, but maybe she could alert someone of her disappearance. One hand went to her ear, taking out one of her ever-present earrings. She wore them every day; almost no one saw here without them.

Then it was over. Serafina's limp body was bundled into a car, and one blue earring lay abandoned on the ground, twinkling forlornly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zeke Carter

Location; Apartment
Interacting With; No One

Zeke was in his apartment, furiously hitting his punching bag. All the disappearances on campus was giving him a bad taste in his mouth. If things like this was going on, the staff should just send everyone home where it was probably safer. But no, classes continued as always. What bull shit.

Most of the kids here were freaking out or upset at losing their friends, and it just was not right for them to keep them here. For once, it was not just Zeke being Zeke and wanting classes to be cancelled for the sake of not going to class. This was an emergency and they should be doing something about it! Upgrade securities, let kids leave, or even actually give them more fucking information on what the hell is going on! He was tired of being worried whether or not his sister or Cori or any one of his friends were being taken.

Before he knew it, he destroyed another one of his punching bags.

"I think I need some fresh air."

He grabbed his usual varsity jacket and headed out the door. Maybe Dallas would want to hang out or something, that is, if he wasn't too busy looking for his sister. "Damn poor guy. His sister has been missing for two weeks now... I should do my best to help him out..." he thought, remembering his friend's situation. He didn't know what he himself would do if Stella was taken. But Dallas for the most part, was staying strong. Always on the search yet never seeming to give up on hope. It sure was admirable of him.

Zeke made up his mind and decided to volunteer for the next search party. Or maybe he would act as an escort for any of the students who were feeling unsafe. He'll play his part in this too and help out anyway he can.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Clarissa Nikolina Price

Location; First Lesson *Power Control and Usage* then The Campus *Parking Lot*
Interacting With; Skye Woodsen and Jay Tomers @Altered Tundra

It had been two weeks since Vivian was kidnapped; Clarissa still didn't know what to make of it. They have not always gotten along, but Vivian wasn't a bad person; she didn't deserve that fate...she could only image what hell Dallas and Delilah were going through. No one had found her yet, it was almost like she just vanished from the face of the earth. And now with the head-master missing; things were really getting more dangers. Out of hand even. Clarissa wondered, just how much worse things would get, before they could get any better. A part of her, wondered if the Gods and Goddess knew about this....surely they must have known their children were in danger. At least, she knew her mum would care enough if something...god forbidden happened to her or Skye.

As Clarissa sat in her first class of the day; she was bored out of her mind. She was unsettled and didn't really want to be there. She just wanted to make sure Jay was okay; those two had a habit of checking up on each other pretty much every day....more often than that. But for the sake of her brother, Clarissa put up with the class. She managed to keep Skye in the class, or with him running out of every class possible; he'd fail the school year. So she was doing her best to keep an eye on him, so he didn't pass out. Feeling her phone buzz, Clarissa took out her phone seeing a text from Jay.

"Ooohh...Lover boy texting you, sis?" Skye teased, Clarissa could feel his breath tickle her skin.

Clarissa looked at her brother, raising a slight eyebrow at Skye "Must you always, irritate me and bug me, Skye?" she rolled her eyes slightly. She then began to text Jay back.

To: Jay
From: Clarissa
'Hey, Sure of course. I'll be there after class. I missed you all morning xox'

Skye couldn't help but chuckle at his sister; before his lips curled up into a teasing yet charming smile "Oh, you know you love me, sis." wrapping his arm around her, he gave her a squeeze. Clarissa smiled softly, but shook her head at her annoying, yet loving brother. After Class ended; Clarissa gathered up her things and walked out of the classroom so she could go and meet Jay at the parking lot. It took a while to shake Skye off of her shoulders, who had an endless amount of questions.

Leaving Skye behind, the Son of Aphrodite pouted slightly but called after his oh so dear sister "Tell cutie-face, I said Hi!" he yelled after his sister, trying to make sure she heard him.

Hearing her brother; Clarissa slapped her forehead, shaking her head. God...why did Skye have to be so embarrassing sometimes? She was just glad that Jay did not hear, his new nickname. Even if it was somewhat fitting. Clarissa finally reached the parking lot, where Jay was waiting for her. She smiled warmly as she saw him there; joining him she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "Hey...is everything okay?" she asked him softly, wondering why he wanted to meet her here. "Sorry, I am a bit late. Skye was being annoying...as always. He says hi by the way." she told him with a soft smile, before she noticed the car that Jay had been leaning against. A confused and curious look crossed her face. She couldn't help but wonder what he was doing with that car...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dallas Relo

Location: Apartments, Olympus Academy - Defeating Uriel and Saving the Day
Interacting With: Jonas Highwind @HereComesTheSnow, Tara Niklos and Tali Relo @Kaithas, Zaheen Ibrahim @Onarax, Rozalia Eathliel @MiddleEarthRoze, Zeke Carter and Delilah Wells@karamonnom, Vivian Corette @Altered Tundra

There were days that people woke up and just knew they were going to do dumb, dumb heroic shit. There had to be. Days where you woke up, stood in the shower and felt it in your gut that things weren't the same after this. He wondered if the heroes in fiction had ever felt that way in the heads of their creators; Jack Bauer? Ben-Hur? Sarah Connor? Kamina? Dallas had never lacked for self-confidence or bravado, but the question of whether he was fit to count himself amongst that hallowed crew of men had haunted him last night, and haunted him into morning.

Stepping out of the shower and getting dressed from the waist down, Dallas walked around the Relo-pad. For most of the year, going back three years, this place had been his home. He'd grown fond of the apartment, and could recount memories and stories for every inch of countertop and floor, and more than one night spent crashed in the tub. There were laughs and boy's nights that were imbued in every single disc in his game library. In this apartment, he'd swiped more numbers than an Enron exec.

He wondered how many more times he'd get to see it.

Not that he was scared. Dallas was fearless; every fight was the fight, the one that could end poorly for him and come down hard on him. There was always the risk of rolling snake eyes. But that didn't scare him. That came with the territory of predicating your life on kicking as much ass as you could before you went down too hard - and if somebody wasn't ready for the first swing, then ayy, fuck, they weren't in an octagon. That was how the game got played when you were on Dal's turf. And until he was dragged, shitposting, to the depths of hell, this was Dallas' school more than it was the headmistress'.

The sheer enormity of the woman's mouth warranted fucking festival seating. He wasn't amazed at her prediction of his presence the day before at the faculty building. Dallas Relo had, in fact, been there, because teachers were dirty fucking plutocrats sitting atop the only vending machine that spat Twix bars on the entire campus, and the blonde son of the sun led his noble insurrection by ganking as many of the caramel cookie bars as he could gank. What he hadn't expected was that the teachers had been holding out on the kids about the source of Vivian's kidnapping. And the news of an inside job had been even more frustrating. Gods had enemies, sure. Some of them probably had deep pockets. But wasn't making them all attend a college with bullshit classes like Greek Mythology enough!?

Wanting to catch as much of this as possible and share it with Delilah later, Dallas struck a great blow for millennials everywhere whose parents told them that whipping out an iPhone and recording everything would land them nowhere.

He whipped out his iPhone and began to record everything. No video, because he had nestled his attractively slim frame against the side of the vending machine, but he had caught every scrap of audio in perfect Silicon Valley high definition.

He'd been about to leave when most of the teachers filed out, but it appeared that he'd been forgotten entirely, so he stayed at his perch when he realized that Celina hadn't left yet - and was, in fact, continuing the conversation. Baiting the headmaster. Saying...


Well, fuck.

His blood boiled hotter and hotter as he listened on to the monologue, and the old headmaster's death. Not that he gave a shit about the old man's life or anything, more baby boomers really needed to be shuffled off to make room for the new generation and all, but...that BITCH. That fucking harlot. That two-timing motherfucking SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH

The last noise had been the sound of his brain steaming along with Celina screaming, and Dallas had scooted out of a side door after he heard the other teachers approaching again, so anything after that...fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.

That bitch owed him 212 dollars for a pair of tinted Prada sunglasses from Fall 2013.

That bitch owed him for two weeks of wasted time and energy mounting search parties she knew would be fruitless.

That bitch owed him for a sister. And Dallas was a petty fucking thug, an unrepentant brawler with a chip on his shoulder and quick hands. People fucking paid Dallas.

He would make her pay.

But a mature part of him - a part that thought maybe there was something to old Greek heroes - wanted to make sure that people knew the deal. In every movie ever, people decried idiots who didn't tell anyone else vital information before they got themselves got. Or people who hid it where anyone could find it. Au contraire. Dallas was not some idiot Hollywood stereotype from a horror or spy movie. Dallas thought his dumb ideas through.

First, he made backups - first five, then another three, and hid them in places Jonas, Tara, Zaheed, and Zeke would know to look if something ever happened to him or his phone found itself in the wrong hands. Places that were dear to him. Special, secret places. The original file itself found its way onto a home computer in Oakland, California thanks to the power of iCloud and asking his mom to download a recording of a Power Control speech for him. Like it or not, Celina's plan had left Olympus Academy. Dallas had left implicit instructions, in case of his disappearance, to a couple friends: Text my mom if I get myself grabbed.

He allowed himself a grin at the thought.

Now came the important part - telling people while he was alive. Far from keeping things secret, he wanted this out. No matter what she'd done to kill the Headmaster (Dallas hadn't been in visual range and was damn sure not about to creep into it) she was still just a human, and the only thing that could tank her harder than one demigod was a bunch of friendly demigods. And it just so happened, Dal had made some friends.

To: [Jonas] [Tara] [Tali] [Zaheen] [Roze] [Zeke]
From: Dallas
Listen to this. Make copies. Pass it on. Don't say I never did nothin' for ya.
Attachment: youreameanone.m4a

And two more personal messages:

To: Delilah
From: Dal
Whatever you do, skip classes. Lock yourself inside. Don't open up for anyone. Not even me. You'll know if I'm safe.


To: Delilah
From: Dal
You're a good kid.

Okay, three messages.

To: Vivian
From: Dallas
If you ever read this, whenever I was actually thinking, I was thinking of you. PS. Way to get yourself kidnapped, dumbass.

And with that, the evidence was dispersed. If there was a lick of sense, the student population would know most everything about the Headmistress by the end of the day.

Dallas Brett Relo, son of the sun, had started the fire. Whatever it may cost him.

Holding a couple beers between his fingers, Yeezy playing from his pocket, Dallas walked outside and took a deep breath of the morning air.



beautiful day in the neighborhooooooood
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Raven Daemon

Location: Campus
Interacting With:Harvey Nathaniel Blake @Altered Tundra

"Au clair de la lune/On n'y voit qu'un peu/On chercha la plume/On chercha du feu/En cherchant d' la sorte/Je n' sais c' qu'on trouva/Mais je sais qu' la porte/Sur eux se ferma," Raven murmured under her breath, listening to the music with her eyes shut as she tried to line up the tone and the lyrics with the place in the music. Physical training had just gotten done and she was heading back to her dorm. No matter how much she hated the place, she would rather not be kidnapped and shoved into a van by some freaks, even though she was considered one herself. Sighing, she shut the locket and placed it back under her shirt.

Shoving her hands into her pockets, she continued to walk when she suddenly felt an arm snake around her shoulders. Rolling her eyes, as she knew who it was, she turned and saw Harvey's handsome face there. She shook her head at him, grabbed his wrist, and moved it off her shoulders. "Don't you ever run out of pick-up lines? You've tried one on me so many times it's making my head spin." She smiled sweetly at him. Blonde hair wisps flew out of her long braid as the wind picked up slightly. She walked her fingers up his shoulder and placed her hand lightly on it, getting up on her tip-toes to get closer to him.

"There's something very important that I need to tell you, Harvey," she said quietly. Her voice had gone into a seductive like tone, a slippery smile coming onto her face. She placed her other hand on his other shoulder and used them as leverage to get even with his ear. Her lips curved into a small smile as she said, "Kindly fuck off." Dropping back down to her feet, she winked at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

James Oake

Location; Olympus Academy campus
Interacting With; Raven Daemon @WhiteStar19 and Harvey Nathaniel Blake @Altered Tundra

"Hello, sister mine." James drawled, coming up to join Raven and the boy who seemed to be flirting with her. Ignoring him for the moment, he produced a chrysanthemum for his sister, this one yellow. Yellow for happiness and friendship. No one could say that Hermes's son didn't know his flowers. Flowers were, after all, a common component of magic. At least, of his magic. After all, his main inspiration was the Kaitou KID.

Flower given, he turned his attention to the boy. Tattoos and piercings, hm? Not the kind of guy he wanted hanging around his sister, at least not by looks. Personality-wise, he'd have to wait and see. "Who's your friend?" James lifted one eyebrow at the guy. "I don't think we've met. I'm sure I would remember." Indeed, the demigod in front of him was rather memorable, and he had a good memory for faces.

While waiting for Raven or the boy to speak, James discreetly looked the boy over. Strong, by the look of him. Fairly attractive, despite the aforementioned tattoos and piercings. Well, each to their own, and all that. Tall; a good six or so inches taller than him. Potential threat, if his muscles aren't just for show. If he has any skill in a fight, could be very dangerous. Hopefully I'm faster than him. Nothing he felt or thought showed on his face; as usual, his poker face was perfect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zeke Carter

Location; Apartment
Interacting With; Dallas Relos through text @Plank Sinatra and Anyone that would have Zeke's number

Zeke had just reached the school grounds when he got a text from Dallas. Huh, what a coincidence. He pulled out his phone out of his pocket to see waht Dallas had to say.

Apparently it was a group chat with an attached file. Zeke plugged in his earbuds and began to listen to what it was. It started off as what Zeke could recognize to be a staff meeting as the Headmaster and the teachers began to talk about the disappearances. Blah, blah, blah... Inside job... What?

The staff meeting ended and Zeke barely understood why Dallas would feel the need to send this to everyone so urgently...But then it got all weird. The new Headmistress, what's her face, started flipping out, talking about her organization and admitting that she worked with the people who kidnapped Vivian. "That bitch! Zeke felt so angry. To think that their new Headmistress was the one behind all of this! Granted, it was rather suspicious of her to join randomly this year, but still! This was insane! Zeke saved the audio onto his phone and began to text everyone he knew.

For his sister, he decided to make the message more personalized.

To Stella
From Zeke
Urgent! Sis, listen to this and send it to everyone you know! Stay safe! I love you.
Attachment: youreameanone.m4a

He spent a few seconds before deciding to add that last thing... It was cheesy and sounded like the world was going to end or something. But it didn't hurt to say it.

He then decided to text Dallas and make sure that he was okay. How the hell did that guy get his hand on such juicy information anyways? He was going to get killed if he wasn't careful. Dallas was tough, but even he might need a hand or two.

To Dallas
From Zeke
You're crazy, man. We should hang out.

Except in this case, "hang out" meant something along the lines of "Let's meet up because you might get fucking murdered if you're alone no matter how good you are at boxing". That's a mouthful.

He put away his phone and began to stroll around. One would never have guessed that he knew what was actually going on. It was just the usual, mindless, idiot-faced Zeke. "Maybe I'll go for a jog..."

Delilah Wells

Location; Campus Grounds then her apartment
Interacting With; Dallas Relos

The past two weeks had been hectic. There were search parties every day, looking desperately for dear Vivian and Delilah had been to every single one of them. She and Dallas were both working extremely hard to find Vivian but it felt like they weren't getting anywhere closer to finding her. Despite Dallas' encouragement, Delilah could not help but to doubt that they would ever see her best friend again. She never expressed her doubt though and tried to keep a smiling face even if her heart was breaking.

Delilah had already attended her first class and was about to go grab a quick snack before her next class when suddenly she got a text from Dallas. He was telling her to skip class, hide in her apartment, and to not let anyone in, even Dallas himself. But Delilah could not understand why. Well perhaps she could, but she didn't want to believe it. There was only one reasonable explanation for this though: Dallas knew something and it wasn't good.

"You're a good kid."

She could not help but become afraid. She was afraid of what might happen to her but she was more worried about Dallas. What was going to happen to him? ...That last message was too much, too ominous. But what could she do about it? Nothing. She was weak and afraid and useless. She didn't know how to fight or defend herself. She would only get kidnapped herself or something like that. So she reluctantly did what he instructed her to do.

She hurried back to her apartment and locked the door. She took off her shoes and sat on her bed. What does one do when something is going on but they have to hide? Watch TV? Read a book? Bake cookies?

She then realized that she hadn't replied to Dallas yet.

To Dallas
From Delilah
Don't say stuff like that! "If" you're safe? You'll be fine, right?. You're "Dallas Fucking Relos", right? You can take on whoever would be after you, right? You'll teach me how to box later, right? You'll tell me everything that happened soon, right? You, Vivian, and I will all hang out together, grab brunch, and laugh about this mess, right? Don't make it sound like... like it's goodbye.

"Because I don't know what I'll do if I lost you too..."

She plopped back onto her bed, thinking about the things that have happened. She held her hands close to her chest and closed her eyes. If anything, she could at least pray.

"Mother, if you are listening, please protect my friends," she whispered softly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Amelia Scarlet Johnston

Location; Olympus Academy
Interacting With; Samael Krios @MiddleEarthRoze

It had been two weeks since Vivian's kidnapping and since Sam returned to the Academy. Things were not the same as they used to be; there was danger lurking about and everyone including Amelia felt uneasy about what was going on. She and Sam had spent more time together, in a way trying to pick up where they left off before he run off..but also starting afresh. After learning what happened to his grand-father and father; Amelia felt her heart ache for him; and she realize she couldn't blame him for running off. She would have probably done the same. All she could do was be there for Sammy and let him know that she was here to stay. Whilst Amelia knew it was potentially dangerous to make such promises in these circumstances, she wasn't planning on leaving Sam behind...dissapearing or dying any time soon.

With the news of the Headmaster's sudden and tragic circumstance; Amelia felt a shiver travel down her spine. Things were getting out of control...it felt like no one was safe...not the Students...not the teachers. As she walked out of Physical Training, she was lost in her own thoughts, wondering if Sam was okay when she almost stepped on something small and shiny on the campus ground. "Huh? What the..."

Amelia bent down to pick up the little item she almost crushed with her foot. When she saw it up close; her eyes widened in horror and shock seeing it was one of Serafina's earrings...she felt a lump form in her throat as she could barely breath. Amelia saw Serafina wearing those earrings all the time; everyone knew they were hers. The daughter of Dionysus knew the daughter of Hera wouldn't lose them on purpose...it could only mean one thing. She was taken. Amelia felt tears stinging her eyes, her legs felt weak and she just managed to stumble over to one of the benches.

Taking out her phone rather shakily, she scrolled down to Sam's name so she could send him a text:

To: Sammy
From: Amelia

Please tell me you're okay...I need to see you by the Benches. Please Hurry...I have a bad feeling Serafina's in trouble.'

When Amelia sent Sam the text; she just waited either for Sam to turn up or reply to her message. Closing her eyes tightly, she couldn't hold back the tears of distress and fear/worry. One of her close friends was missing and anyone including her...or Sammy could be next. The thought was rather unsettling. She could only hope to the Gods, that Serafina was alive...and that she would make it out of there...somehow...someway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Obscurus
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Obscurus Mr. Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corinthe Malakos

Location; Cori's appartment
Texting With; Rozalia Éathliel @MiddleEarthRoze

To: Roze
From: Cori
Hey Roze, wanna go to the lake again today? It might be the last day that's warm enough to go swimming ánd we have no classes today. what do you say?

Cori lay on her bed, while texting. The last weeks had been weird. A lot had been going on on campus. Like people disappearing. Which was rather alarming. And Cori felt guilty about the fact that she had actually heard somebody scream for help, but at that moment she had been wrapped up in an awkward situation with Zeke and Pete and his friend and her dog. After Zeke had arrived she had quickly forgotten about the scream and had moved on to fucking things up with him.

She didn't know how to feel about the guy in question. She was mad at him, even though he didn't deserve it. In the last weeks they had still hung out. He was still a good friend. Their contact was just a bit less intensive. But she wondered if Zeke had even noticed. He was cute, had a good heart and -not unimportant- he was emotionally stable. But he wasn't very perceptive when it came to emotional matters. Cori left it for what it was. She wanted to prove to herself that she was independent and definitely not in need of a guy.
what was I thinking? she reprimanded herself for her fixation on Zeke.

Classes. Her energy and focus had shifted to classes. To get good grades and to improve her powers -that was what she was working on. And even within these two weeks, she had been making progress. The feeling that came with self-improvement, was the satisfactory one of succes. Being able to use her powers more effectively, made her feel less powerless and more in control in her daily life as well. Though she was still far from where she'd like to be.
Mr. Neelson had put her with the other 'benders' for now, so she could train on shaping and moving metals. like magneto
Because even though all bending types had different origins, their effect and training methods had great overlap. He did mention something about her soulsight though. That it was probably dangerous to look into that too much herself, and that when the time was ready, he would help her learn more about it. Cori didn't care much, she wasn't planning on using that anytime soon.

It just so happened to be that among the benders, there was a friendly hydrokinesist that shared her love for dogs and lakes, among other things. And more importantly, she was a girl and was not going to mean trouble for Cori.
Since then they had met a few times per week, next to the classes they already shared. And it was great. They had found a lake in the woods nearby the campus which was a great place to go for a swim. Or practice their powers some more. Today was a good day for that as well.

Cori got up. Her new friend would probably text her back soon, but in the mean time there was no reason to not get a cup of coffee at the campus café.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rozalia Éathliel

Location; Roze’s apartment
Interacting With; Corinthe Malakos @Obscurus

“Aw... crudsicles. I slept in.” Roze murmured to herself through a large yawn, stretching like a cat on her hammock. She knew that a Lord of the Rings marathon was a bad idea during school times. But shiiit... There was something about Legolas’ butt that she couldn’t tear herself away from.
Sitting up and running her hands through her wild curls, she glanced lazily at her bedside table as her phone buzzed. Glancing at the text from Cori, she grinned at her own dumbassery.
Oh yeah. We don’t have lessons today. Looks like my geek-a-thon wasn’t in vain.

To: Cori (AKA Magneta)
From: Roze
Lake swimming sounds rad – and I’ll be dragging your butt into that in the dead of winter, so bathe in the warmth while you can. >:] xxx

Roze grinned as she sent the message, and then slipped out of her hammock, stretching once more as she looked out of the window. Cori was right about one thing – the warm weather was definitely slipping away. Normally Roze would have her window open, but the cold was creeping in every night, and of course... the kidnappings.
Dallas’ sister still hadn’t been found, nor had any of the other kids who had gone missing. She’d helped out on a couple of the search parties, but quite honestly, she didn’t see the point. Whoever took these people was not likely to be staying in the nearby town or the surrounding area.

Not that she was crass enough to tell that to Dallas.

Hopefully everyone would turn back up. There’d be no evidence of them being hurt, so there was always hope... and despite the whole situation having some frankly horrifying correlations with what happened to her and her mother years ago, she was still keeping a hold of that hope.

It also helped that she’d palled up with Cori and Zeke. After a first week of nothing but small talking with acquaintances, Corinthe had shown up like a blessing during their Powers Class. They’d got talking over their respective ‘Bending’ powers, and found out they had plenty of things in common. This had led to an almost daily routine of swimming in the nearby lake. Cori had also been the first person Roze had told about who her Godly parent was - although, with her water-bending powers, it wouldn’t take a genius to work it out.
At the thought of Zeke, a wicked smile spread across Roze’s face, and she snatched up her phone to send a second message to Cori.

To: Cori (AKA Magneta)
From: Roze
Want to invite Zeke? I could steal his swimming shorts when he’s not looking and leave you two for some alone time. X’D

Giggling to herself as she sent the message, Roze finally put some clothes on, throwing her swimsuit in her backpack before looking back at her phone as it buzzed again. Grinning and expecting a scathing reply from Cori, she frowned ever so slightly as she peered at the message from Dallas. Opening up the sound file, she held it to her ear, frown deepening slightly as she made out the words. And then... then...
Any remnants of smile slipped from Roze’s face as she stared at her phone in horror.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” She whispered. The new Headmistress was behind it all? Gods, was this a James Bond movie? Was she going to head out in the corridor and have to fight off ninjas from the Underworld or something?
Quickly texting back a thank-you to Dallas for the heads up, Roze practically sprinted out of her apartment, heading towards the café. Cori would probably be in there, getting her daily caffeine fix – and she would need to hear this shit.

Samael Krios

Location; Campus
Interacting With; Amelia Johnston @GoddessSophia

Despite the disappearances that had been going on, Sammy was loving life.
Until he’d gotten back into the swing of things back at the Academy, he didn’t realize just how much he’d missed it. The lessons, the teachers, the view from his window, the students... shit, even the crappy tacos at the food bar were great. Til the next morning, but whatever.

Walking out of his Greek Mythology lesson – a thrilling lecture on Zeus’ favourite tortures in the Fields of Punishment (euch) – he glanced at his phone as it buzzed, a smile appearing as he saw it as from Amelia. During the past week, he’d been improving things with her. Well... he thought he was. He’d talked with Ever too, and he was still uncertain how things were with her. She was happy to see him – well, not ‘see’, but.... nevermind, she was happy, but angry too. As he expected.

It was fair to say that things between he and his sister were awkward. But with Lia – every time he saw was like a breath of fresh air. After his more than ridiculous ‘hello’, it had been water under the bridge. She’d been sympathetic when he told her why he had left, but acted normally around him after that. No special treatment. No tiptoeing around him... and by the Gods, was that refreshing. Their relationship – although undoubtedly different – was definitely on the mend.

However, Sam’s smile disappeared as he read her text, and the obvious urgentness behind it. He didn’t even bother texting her back – he just ran at full sprint towards the benches, praying to every single damn God and Goddess out there that she was alright – and Serafina, Gods, not Lils.
A pang of relief hit Sam’s heart as he saw Amelia sat by herself at the benches, but the fact she was crying was not comforting at all.

”Lia! Gods, what’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?” Sammy shot out these questions without even waiting for her answers as he skidded to a stop before her, kneeling in front of Amelia so he could envelop her in his arms.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GoddessSophia
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GoddessSophia Broken Girl

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Amelia Scarlet Johnston and Samael Krios

Location; Campus Benches
Interacting With; Each Other

Amelia couldn't hold back the tears that were running down her cheeks; the situation was getting worse and to know that one of her close friends, was kidnapped made her heart ache. She couldn't imagine anything happening to Serafina; she didn't even know why someone would want to hurt the girl. The daughter of Hera was kind, friendly...motherly person. She didn't deserve this. Life wasn't fair...

As she thought about the situation more; she knew she wouldn't cope if it was Sam that went missing. The thought made her heart clench. The thought of someone hurting Sam scared her, even though she knew he could defend himself...from what he told her about his revenge on the killers, he was more than capable. After all, this was Sammy...her Sammy. Her best friend, and the one person she had always been close to. Her feelings for Sam were still there...and they were still growing.

It wasn't long before she saw him running towards her. As he was kneeling infront of her; she gently shook her head at his question about her being hurt "No..I..." she let out a sob. Shakily she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him and she sobbed into his shoulder for a few moments as she couldn't find the right words. Amelia squeezed Sam, holding onto him tightly for a few moments, as if she was scared that someone might seperate them.

"It's not me...I...I found this." she choked out as she pulled back from the embrace, still staying in his arms and shakily held out her hand, her palm facing upwards; so Sam could see the blue earring that belonged to Serafina. "She wouldn't have lost it... on purpose." Amelia looked more shaken up and fearful than she had in all of her life-time and years here at the Academy. "I think...someone took Serafina..." she managed to choke out before more tears and sobs were escaping from her.

Sammy stared at the earring, completely dumbfounded for a moment. Serafina? Who... why would anyone take her? She was harmless, she was...
"Gods...no... Sammy managed to choke out past his shock. Who in the Hell was doing this? Who had the GODDAMN RIGHT?!
Holding Amelia closer to him, grief and shock gave way to a blistering anger, one he hadn't felt in a good two years. The bench to the left and right of the one Amelia sat upon suddenly burst into flames, his magic catching onto his wild emotions and matching the anger in his heart.
"We need to tell someone." He managed to say in a strangled whisper after a moment, straightening up and helping Amelia to her feet. In any other situation, he'd be phoning or texting Serafina, just in some futile attempt to see if she was still on campus. But this disappearance matched the pattern of all the others - she was gone.
Cupping Amelia's face in his hands, Sam looked her straight in the eyes.
"We are going to get her back, Lia. We'll get her back. And I am not going to let those bastards take you. Not you. He said in a low, yet intense tone, an icy fire blazing away in his blue eyes.

Looking at Sam, Amelia could see the confusion and shock forming across his features. The same shock...the same dispair she felt; was mirrored in his blue eyes. She closed her eyes tightly; a part of her didn't want to believe this. She just wanted to wake up and forget this ever happened. It almost felt like one big nightmare, that no one could wake up from. And the fact that it was one of their best friends that got kidnapped...just made it worse and unberable. Not that Amelia wished it on anyone. Hiding her face in his shoulder, she closed her eyes tightly as she breathed in his scent for a few moments, staying silent.

As the benches caught on fire, Amelia flinched slightly in surprise. The sudden burst of flames and warmth startled her. "Who do you think we should go to?" Amelia breathed out as Sam helped her up to her feet. She looked into his eyes, searching for an answer. The Headmaster was Gone...and she didn't even know the Head Mistress enough to tell her about this. Nor did she suspect anything off about her at the moment.
She thought for a few moments, wondering who they should go to. "Do you and Clarissa still speak?" She asked after a few moments of trying to search for an answer. Maybe of his friends...one of their friends could help them figure something out. They couldn't just tell this to anybody...it had to be someone who they trusted, someone they could rely on.

The tears were still running down her cheeks and when Sam cupped her face softly; Amelia was looking into his eyes. Hearing his words; she smiled a bit despite the sadness, and fear she felt. "I want her back too, Sammy. I do..but....I don't want you to get hurt trying to keep me safe either. she breathed out softly. Her voice bit shaky from fear. She couldn't help but wonder if they both would even stay safe. Who was safe anymore? It seemed like no one was.

Sammy offered up a reassuring smile, brushing away her tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.
"I won't get hurt. I mean, I wouldn't mind getting hurt if it meant keeping you safe, but I should be fine. I have pyro-hands, remember?" He said with a smile, then glancing at the smouldering benches guiltily. "Just imagine those benches are the bad guys. Hopefully I won't get fined this time..." He muttered, and then began pondering on Amelia's question: Who to tell?

"I don't think we should go to the teacher's on this one. They'll probably find out soon enough anyways. As for me and Clarissa... Sam trailed off, thinking about it. During his week here so far, he'd met up with all of the people he'd left behind - not including the ones that had disappeared - and made amends. Some had just been happy to see him alive; others acted a bit more cold. But he and Clarissa had made up straight away. As he recalled, lots of people had expected them to end up together back when they were both at the Academy together. But she was like a female Bro to him. A bro-ina. A bro-ette.

"Clarissa seems like a good call. No-one would be dumb enough in facing her wrath to attempt kidnapping her, so we should be safe around her. He said, looking back at Amelia with a smile - hoping she appreciated his humour in an attempt to lighten the situation. He did that a lot - one could call it a bad habit, but it was a way of calming himself down. Less emotions, less accidental explosions. Putting his arm around Amelia's shoulders and holding her close, Sammy took out his phone.

To: Clarissa
From: Sam

Hey - if you're still concious/not-kidnapped/alive/not-busy-making-out-with-your-boytoy, send me a text as soon as you can to meet me somewhere. Shit has hit the fan, and me and Lia could use some of your Aphrodisiac wisdom.

Hitting send, Sam planted a kiss on the top of Amelia's head, awaiting Clarissa's response.
"We'll figure this out, Lia. I promise. He murmured into her hair.

Amelia couldn't help but return the soft smile, as she felt Sam brush away her tears. "You might have pyro-hands, but I still don't want you getting hurt. she breathed out softly. They both glanced over at the benches, and for some reason his advice worked. If only they could set the kidnappers on fire...she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting out a slight giggle as he mentioned getting a fine. For some reason, that memory made her feel better for a few moments. But soon the weight of the situation dawned on her again.

Listening to Sam speak; Amelia nodded in silence. She knew it was a wise decision not to go the Teachers. They knew things faster than most people here on the Campus did. "I agree, I don't think I'd go to them either. she breathed out as she looked at him. She waited in silence for a few moments, waiting for Sam's answer about him and Clarissa. She knew that they were close friends...like brother and sister almost, a different kind of bro-mance, even though Clarissa wasn't a guy.
When Sam told her, it was a good idea; she nodded as she leaned against his chest feeling his arm around her bring her some comfort. "I heard she snapped at Tara the other day, so I think you might be right about the wrath thing." she smiled softly. His humor made her smile softly; some people didn't get it at times and maybe didn't apprecaite it. But Amelia didn't mind, she had grown used to his habits and sometimes it made things better.

She closed her eyes for a few moments, and gave Sam a soft squeeze. "I hope so, Sammy. I don't know what I'd do...if I lost you too." she breathed out gently, leaning against him as she held onto him, her face still somewhat buried against his arm.

Sam felt happy to see a smile on Lia's face at last. His humour never failed.
Well... most of the time anyways.

Trailing his fingers through Amelia's blonde hair, he sighed lightly. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost her either. Serafina being taken was bad enough, but if he lost her too... shit.. or Ever. However, from what little he saw of his sister this past week, she seemed to have gained her own personal bodyguard. Some new guy, a Son of Athena. Naturally, he didn't know anything about the guy, but being the token 'big brother', he'd give him the whole 'keep my sister safe or else' speech eventually.

"Tara... that's one of Ares' kids, right? He asked as he thought. He hadn't met many of the kids - either they were new this year, or had arrived in his absence. She was one of them. "Y'know, considering how tight Ares and Aphrodite are, you'd think their kids would get along. He added with a chuckle. As for his own Mother's Godly relations with the other Gods - she was pretty fine with all of them, as far as he knew. Whichever way you looked at it though, the Olympian Gods had one hell of a family crisis going on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jeremiah Howard Tomers

Location: Parking Lot
Interacting With: Clarissa Price @GoddessSophia

When his phone pinged, Jay glanced at it briefly. It was Clarissa texting him back. She stated that she would be at the parking lot after her first class. After reading that, Jay smiled as he pocketed his phone into his pocket. Jay had a few minutes to think about what he was feeling, about what he was thinking, and most important, where his mind at was right now. He probably wasn’t in his right mind, or maybe he was, and he just didn’t know how to handle it.

Throughout the past two weeks, Jay hasn’t been feeling himself. Classes became less of a priority to him and all he could really think about were these kidnappings. He kept wondering over and over if Clarissa or anyone else would get taken - and if they did, what could he do to stop it? Truly, Jay feared that they would get taken next. Jay needed a break.

Jay turned his head to the sound and sight of Clarissa as she greeted him with a wave and a hug. She didn’t waste any time as she asked if Jay was alright. He simply looked at her with an expression that neither confirmed or denied.

I’ll have to respond to his greeting later.” Jay commented, referring to Skye.

He became silent for about a few minutes, not saying anything. All Jay did was gesture Clarissa to join him by leaning against the car, but neither of them said anything.

And then he spoke after seven minutes of silence. “I’m thinking of going away for a while.” Jay said, his head turning to Clarissa, “This car was a gift from my father when I joined Olympus Academy. He felt that it would help me in some way. I don’t know, but I didn’t fight it.” Jay told Clarissa, “anyways, I was thinking - why don’t you come with me? It’ll just be you, me, and the open road. We can go anywhere you want.” Jay explained, inviting Clarissa to join him on a road trip.

Harvey Nathaniel Blake

Location; Campus
Interacting With; Raven Dameon @WhiteStar19, James Oake @LadyTale

Oh come on, you know you like my lines.” Harvey grinned confidently.

He had his arm around Raven for a good minute until she found her way from his grip only to look at the tall son of Artemis. Harvey chuckled as she had to get on the edges of her toes just to get near Harvey’s ear. Even so, the tall muscle-head bent down slightly so he would at least hear what she said.

As she whispered into his ear, she had him in suspense. What was she going to say? He intently listened as he didn’t want to miss a single letter of it - and then she said it.

You’re always playing hard to get - why is that?” Harvey asked in response to her… forceful suggestion.

And as if his timing couldn’t have been worse, here came her annoying brother, James Oake, greeting Raven with yellow flowers.

God, yellow flowers - what an annoyingly-positive color. How Harvey loathes that color. Nothing about it was tough. It was too much of a sunshiney color. Every time he thought of yellow, Harvey thought of his annoyingly-chipper cousins, Vivian and Dallas. Both of them got on his nerves just by them looking at him. That’s why he was half-relieved that Vivian got kidnapped.

At least I won’t be seeing her face around for a while.

However, at the present moment, Harvey ‘s attention was now solely on James and his annoying magic tricks. The magician might have not met Harvey, or at least not remember him, but Harvey knows this little chump. He’s always flaunting his magic tricks as if they were something special.

What-the-fuck-ever man. They aren’t shit - you aren’t shit.

Yeah, we’ve met before, you probably don’t remember me because you were too fucking busy putting on a magic show for those annoying little cunts at Dal’s party.” Harvey laughed.

Harvey then stepped up to James. His frame was bigger in all the ways possible - it was bigger in height(Harvey stood at least six inches taller); it was bigger in weight(James’ puny muscles were like toothpicks compared to Havery’s). If there was anything that there was different about their bodies, it was the fact that James probably could dodge Harvey’s hits if they came at from a distance; but standing face-to-face, the Son of Hermes had nothing over the Son of Artemis.

Step away, little man. I’m talking with your sister; I have no business with some puny, little magician.” Harvey rudely stated as he forced James out of his way with nothing but the use of his left hand. It would most likely cause James to become off-balance, perhaps even staggering to the side.

Location: Unknown
Time of Day: Presumingly Night, could be daytime.

For a man holding a tray of food, the lighting was dim. The only source of light throughout the entire place were spaced out, low-lit, hanging lanterns throughout grey-colored, stone wall halls. It was hard for this man to know where he was going half the time, especially since he was wearing all black - including the mask on his head. It only had holes on the eyes and nose for sight and breathing. Added to that, the heat and darkness made it hard for this man.

Every seven feet had prison-like cages with one person in each of them. Each person had been taken at one point. Some of them from schools; some of them from their homes. Most of them were special in some way, but this specific block was devoted to the most special of them all. Each and every single one of the one-hundred men and women that made up the cell block were of Demigod or Demigoddess blood. Every single one of them had, within them, the blood of the Greek Gods and Goddesses - and every single one of them, without realizing it, were marked for death as soon as they were taken.

This block was known as Block GC(for Greek Cancer).

Block Greek Cancer has its halls divided into two parts. First, known as the General Quarters - pretty much where those of “lesser god” blood are kept. These are the demigods and demigoddesses that, technically, are twice demi(that meaning that they have only a forth of Greek God/Goddess blood in them). Even though that they only have that amount of godly blood in their body, they are still of godly descent and thus they are kept in cells.

The second part of the Greek Cancer Block is more secluded and heavily guarded. Just entering requires a security card and identification. Past that would be what people around call The Classified Quarters. Here, the living situations are way better than the General Quarters. The halls are lit up like a Christmas Tree. Each cell is secluded from every other one. Like, to get to a single cell, one has to go through a room which is guarded and housing at least three guards at a time - and each cell has a rather decent setup(there are decently-comfortable beds, a TV with basic cable, a couch, and daily 3-squared meals. However, every six hours was when the torturing started.

Depending on the day, the torture varied. One day it could be physical torture where the Demigods’ and Demigoddesses’ captors see how much physical pain their enhanced bodies would take. Sometimes, the physical torture includes hours upon hours of beatings, electroshock therapy, drowning thorugh a wet rag - and those are just the light exercises.

Some days, there are bits of psychological and mental torture where each of the ’Special’ Demigods and Demigoddesses are put under illusions and spells that put them through the ringer. Each and every single one of them live and relive their worst nightmares and fears for five hours straight. Whatever they fear the most is put into overdrive into their minds; whatever their worst memory was/is will be put on repeat for over five hours until they mentally pass out. It was when that torture came, the Demigods and Demigoddesses know that they must endure it or they’ll never escape their captivity.

Two knocks came at one of the cell room’s door. “It’s Anderson.” Said the voice of the man who was walking through the halls before.

It’s open,” shouted a voice from inside.

As the one that revealed himself as Anderson looked around, he saw what he normally saw when he came into any of the cells: a room with a direct view of the cell when one entered the room. It had dark grey walls that were ten feet high. There were three, five-bladed ceiling fans with three light bulbs of a yellow color that gave light to the room. In that revealed light, there was a desk against the right side of the wall with a computer, and there was an identical table too. Three chairs were in the room outside of the cell for the three guards who all were wearing identical black outfits with the same kind of mask that Anderson was wearing.

So, is she still as chipper as ever?” Asked Anderson.

One of the three guards sighed annoyingly. “Even more than yesterday.

Anderson set the food tray on the table and walked up to the cell door with a nightstick in hand. “Hey! Why are you so chipper? You know you’re going to die soon, right?” Asked Anderson.

As Anderson looked inside the cell, to his view came a blonde. “Oh, you think so huh? Well, I’m pretty sure that my brother will find me - or you’ll find him. In either case, he’s going to kill you all.” Said the prisoner.

Oh, is that so?” Anderson said mockingly.

The prisoner nodded and ‘mhm’d’.

What makes you think that? You got ESP or something’?

The prisoner laughed, “no, but I lost his Prada Sunglasses and he loves those as much as he does me.” She said, laughing. “Oh, and he’s kind of a hothead and hates when people mess with me.

Uh-huh,” Anderson said as if he didn’t take her seriously.

I’M SERIOUS! YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR A WORLD OF HURT!” She yelled, pleading with them to release her. “I’ll tell you what I said yesterday: release me and you’ll never have to deal with my brother or his wrath.” She implored them, her blue eyes looking at Anderson with such a worry.

Anderson laughed. “Little girl, you’re young, so let me inform you on something: Our boss kidnapped you because you’re an abomination. Just like everyone in this cell block, you’re all going to die.” He said, “as for us letting you go, it’s not going to happen. No half-hearted threat about how your brother can be will make us go against our boss.

But you don’t understand! He--

No, you don’t understand!” Anderson had then raised his voice and he shook the prison bars, “you better shut up or else we might just have to start the torture early today.

The prisoner said nothing and went to her bed to sit down on it. Oh Dallas, I need to get some word to you…somehow.
Good, now eat your food; it’s getting cold.” Anderson handed her the tray and proceeded to leave. “If the boss calls, tell her I’m on my way.

On your way where?” Inquired one of the three guards.

Anderson stopped at the door and looked back at them. “Olympus Academy. It’s time I go handle these things personally.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

James Oake

Location; Olympus Academy campus
Interacting With; Harvey Nathaniel Blake @Altered Tundra

Poker face. James reminded himself. No matter how much of a jerk he is, you can't- Then the buff boy pushed him to the side. Oh, it's on. "Puny little magician, huh?" One corner of his lips quirked up in a smirk. "Don't you know never to mess with a magician? You never know what they have up their sleeves. Like this, for example." A quick movement, and a dove fluttered out of his sleeve to perch on his hand. "Very popular with the ladies, this one." He stroked the dove's head carefully.

"Or how about this?" A torrent of brightly colored scarves exploded from his other sleeve, landing all over Harvey. James took a step back then, just in case. "No, you don't look the type to be impressed by such things. I can usually tell. Perhaps this will be more to your taste?" He took a sheet of flash paper from one pocket and ignited it as he threw it upwards. It burned quickly, nothing more than a flash of flame between himself and the bigger boy. "I've got lots more where that came from, but a magician lives to surprise." He let a crooked grin overtake his smirk.

With a puff of smoke, he produced a pack of cards from another pocket. "You can do a lot with a simple deck of cards. The usual tricks of course, but with sufficient force, a thrown card can cut right through a pencil." James took the cards out of the box and started flourishing them. "Of course, a few card tricks done well usually work much better than a cliche, overused pick-up line. Perhaps you should try it. It might work a bit better."

Disappearing the cards again, James gave a rather shark-like grin. "Those are the more harmless weapons in my arsenal. Being a magician is not all fun and games. Sometimes, someone takes offense. Then I have no choice but to borrow yet another trick from my inspiration." He removed a small canister from yet another pocket. "When you're in a tight spot and there's no way out... a bit of sleeping gas works wonders."

With the aid of more smoke, James disappeared all of his earlier tricks. Including the scarves that had covered Harvey. "Of course, I don't want a fight. I'm just a magician, after all... and a thief." Inwardly, James breathed a sigh of relief; his poker face had held perfectly. A bit of amusement colored his thoughts; he wondered how Harvey would take those last two words. Stepping back once more, he gave an elaborate bow, as if this was just another show he was performing.
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