Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mellio quickly started to move the moment he saw the purple slimes, the Grimers, ready their attacks. He acted fast and out of the blue, pushing Frida out of the way of the Sludge aimed at her, while hopping out of the trajectory of the poisonous attack, himself. Taking a moment to praise himself over his fast timing, he watched the Poison Gas creep over to each of the Gijinka's locations. That isn't good at all.

As he observed the gas, he noticed a yellow shape out of the corner of his eye. He took a few seconds to focus on it, and was surprised to see a girl with blond hair watching the scene of battle, her long yellow tail moving in a subtle rhythm. He started to think. Maybe she could help? The blond didn't seem too frightened by the Pokemon, and was just watching the battle like one would a blade of grass. Covering his mouth and nose with his long sleeve, he took a chance and broke into a sprint towards the blond, hoping that the Pokemon wouldn't target him as he did so. More help meant more fun, and more fun meant more chances for friends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Devo
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Devo Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Frida frowned when the Poison Gas began to leak towards them. Trying to hold her breath from the poisoning odor, she ended up not paying attention to a wad of sludge coming her way, but just in time, she was pushed out of the way by Mellios, the sludge missing her thanks to his intervention.

"Er, thank you!" she called out in thanks to the Gijinka who was currently running towards another being nearby. She turned back to the enemy Pokemon before taking ahold of her mane of bubbles, "Take this!" She then flung a small stream of bubbles towards two of the Grimers, but was unable to reach the third Grimer or the Muk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Twix gave the battle scene a worried look before Elvina snapped him out of his daze. Her idea of them getting the supplies right now was probably very good but in doing so they could also put themselves at risk as they had no idea what would lurk in the forest nearby. However it was not like they had any choice either, they had to take this serious risk because they couldn't just sit around and hope that none would get wounded or poisoned. "Yes, that's probably a good idea, even if we don't know what dangers the forest holds we got no other options right now" he said as he let out a long breath, then inhaled as he took off towards the forest. He would still stay cloe to Elvina in case she would need his support.

He nodded to her as she spoke about the fight, he too knew that it was possibly impossible to just keep running away. However he didn't really feel as confident as the others, he was not sad about this situation but he still didn't feel like taking such risks if they could be avoided. "I know we can't always run, But there's no point to get into unnecessary battles. Careless actions will be dangerous now, and without healing items and equipment on hand or avalible even easy battles can have an unwanted lingering effect. One poisoning could take someone's life if we're not careful" he said worridly as he looked around the woods. Right now they were in one of the possibly worst situations he could think about... split up with more than half their party engaged in a battle that could possibly kill them before the other two could get the supplies they might need. And on the other hand even if the party fighted succeeded the ones left in the woods could fall if they were engaged by hostile pokémon as they were such a small group.

While Twix started looking for berries immediately, he while making sure that Elvina stayed on her feet failed to notice a root on the ground that caught his foot and tripped him. He yelped as he let go of Elvina as to not trip her too and gasped as he fell to the ground with a groan. It was not a very bad fall but it hurt him a bit, and his foot more so. "Ow... owww... my ankle" he said as he pulled his foot out of the root. A closer examination revealed that it would probably get a bit blue and swollen, nothing was broken but it would probably leave him in a bit of pain for a while that possibly could get worse. He was a bit frustrated and took it out on the root itself, pulling on it hard until it loosened from the ground and then starred at it. It seemed however that his misfortune weren't as bad after all... the very root he had stumbled upon could be indentified as a Energy Root Yet Twix probably wanted to throw the thing away at the moment as he really had no clue. Nearby however there hung two [bSitrus berries[/b] and a Oran berry on a bush. Nothing of which would cure poison but all of them would restore lost health.

The battle went on, and as the Grimer's took some Covering Fire from flames, one of them were certainly harmed by the move as they weren't very good at dodging them. Then right after came some bubbles and slapped against another one harming it as well, both these moves passed through the gas released from one of the Grimers who all took the oppertunity to advance forward a bit and spread out slightly so they would be harder to hit.

Then they unleashed another barrage of moves, even if one of the Grimers needed the inspiring presence of the Leading Muk to actually make its move after the counter attack.

One of their opponents slipped away from the battle during the exchange of attacks, making the rest of the enemy pokémon focus on the remaining two. Two of the Grimer's Fired of Mud Slap towards Pyro and Frida, while one of the ones that had been injured by the previous moves used Harden to raise its defence.

The Muk Fired a Sludge Wave towards them both.

The Battle was now somewhat 4 vs 2.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 8 days ago


Pyro sent another ember to deal with the mudslap headed his way and then Frida's before his mouth was once again letting off small fiery sparks.
"This feeling...yes, I enjoy this quite nicely." Pyro chuckled before using the ember to launch himself slightly upwards, which allowed him to scale a nearby building just slightly easier.
Of course that meant that Frida now seemed to be fighting the four by herself...however she wasn't. There was only one way they could win this fight, and that was by taking risks. And who would be willing to do so? Pyro of course.

Covering his mouth using his sleeve, Pyro now ran headfirst into the gas. The gas stung his eyes somewhat but he simply ignored it and fought through the pain. Seeing movement in the gas, he quickly moved his hand away from his mouth to launch another volley of ember.
Once the ember was gone he quickly covered his mouth once more. He knew he would get poisoned eventually, his sleeve wouldn't keep the toxins out forever if at all.
However...it did make breathing easier at this stage, and he would simply eliminate the four pokemon before the poison became too big a problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Elvina just looked at twix and sighed then smiled. " We will need to gather more of those Energy Roots, and we need all kinds of herbs in this world that has any kind of healing Properties, I'm lucky my knowledge about plants for healing hasn't disappeared she said and pulled a giant leaf from a tree branch as she slowly walked on her unknown legs, but sometimes she starts walking on fours once in awhile as her tail continued to sway. " She picked the berries that they found then she took the root from Twix and laid it on the giant leaf that she had with her. She took an oran berry over to Twix and smled nicely. " Here Twix eat this we can't let you search for the rest of the berries and herbs for healing our follow party members that is fighting still." She said and sniffed the air and located more oran berries, Sitrus Berries, and she also found another energy root.

She also found some Pecha berries, Aspear berries, Chesto berries, Cheri Berries, Rawst berries, Persim berries and Some Revival Herbs plus more Energy Roots. She put everything she found into the leaf and continued collecting more for a lifetime supplies for curing the wounded, but she already knew the healing supplies will decrease greatly during the weeks and months living in these strange bodies with mysterious stones on them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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As he got closer to the blond, Mellio started to see more and more details of her person, especially the anklet that had a mysterious stone within it. She WAS like the rest of them. Each and every one of them had one of those weird gems embedded in some kind of accessory. He thought that it was pretty cool, kind of like a secret team of sorts. He finally reached the girl, who was startled by his presence, heaving from his full on sprint. Having fully recovered after a few seconds, his happy personality went full force, showing on his face, his posture, and even as a sort of aura around him. "Hi there! I saw you watching us fight, and I was wondering if you could help!" he exclaimed quickly in a single breath, sounding more like: "HithereIsawyouwatchingusfightandIwaswonderingifyoucouldhelp!" Taking one of the girl's hands in his own, he gave her his best pout. "Please? My friends need help!" he punctuated his finished sentence with a surprise hug, repeatedly asking "Please?" and not letting go until she said yes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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@Eagenitheflamingkprince @Iatos @Devo @ianzerep @Lunarlors34 @RiverMaiden


Xiphias' ears twitched as she watched the fight unfold. They were like her.. with human forms instead of Pokemon ones. The air was thick with the scent of poison... as the pokemon like her faced off against the Grimer. Her ears twitched as she watched the battle for a few more moments before jumping in. She wanted to ask these others if they knew why they'd been turned into human-things. If they knew anything....

She darted towards the cloud of poisonous gas, taking a deep breath and holding it as she sprinted into the poison. She could feel it burning her skin as she charged towards the Muk. Panic hit her as she realized, she couldn't remember how to fight. The Muk sloshed towards her slowly, a smile spreading across its face. Xiphias felt her lungs screaming for air and had no choice but to release her held breath, feeling the burning sensation of the poison against her throat. As she took some damage, Xiphias' ice blue eyes seemed to glow. A fury rose from deep within Xiphias and a wave of darkness exploded from her body in all directions, even washing towards the others who looked sort of like herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The blond Gijinka had been spectating the fight, mainly focusing on the actual combatants in the Houndoom and Froakie-like beings. Watching the two groups sling about elemental attacks made even more new information spring up into her head. Mud Slap. Sludge. Poison Gas. Bubble. Ember. Harden. Sludge Wave. The words formed within her mind as each move was used, the young teen not understanding how she even know what those words meant.

As she pondered this conundrum, her ears picked up the sound of running coming from her right, and the source was coming towards her! Meloi froze in surprise, unable to move in fear of the entity that approached her. But, as the figure came into view, the Ampharos Gijinka calmed down near instantly, looking at the being with apprehension. Wasn't this one involved in the conflict as well? Surveying through her memories, she was surprised to find that his absence was actually near the beginning of the fight, after a quick maneuver that saved the blue girl from being hit with a Sludge. The Shellos-like boy held himself up from his knees, heaving from exhaustion. The blond took this chance to see the finer details on his person, such as the comfortable material his clothing was made of, said clothing's cute design, and the strange opal that was embedded into the boy's headband.

Then, the green boy looked up at her with a radiant smile, and the teen almost let out a squeal of cuteness overload. He just looked too cute, with his childish face, body and clothing all molding his persona into a adorable little boy. The cute little Shellos asked her for help in aiding his friends, but she shook her head. No matter how cute he was, the blond wasn't going to risk her life for some people she didn't know. Plus, what was she even going to do? Flatter them? She paused for a moment, new information dumping itself into her cranium as she thought of the word "flatter". Huh, so it actually WOULD do something if she tried... Still, she won't-

Then the boy took her hand in his, and pulled her into a hug, shattering her personal space as well as her defense. Awwww... this boy was really too cute, trying so desperately to help his friends. She guess she could, might as well try to learn more about those who were similar to her. Unlatching the boy's hands from her back, the blond nodded to the Shellos gijinka, pulling him along as she head towards the battle ground. Suddenly, a pulse of pure darkness exploded from the field, flying in all directions, including the now allied duo. Night Daze, her mind shouted from within, advising her to dodge the move, as it could cause serious damage. However, she instinctively covered the little boy behind her, who was unable to see nor react to the move. Meloi cried out in pain as the most powerful Dark-type move smashed into her back, falling to the forest floor with the boy within her arms. She was barely conscious when she hit the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

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Twillelix 'Twix'

He was glad that his clumsiness at least helped somewhat, having no clue that the root were any special before she said so. As she told him that they needed more he nodded yet felt quite satisfied for not being totally useless. He was honestly glad they had found any berries at all, and when she gave him the Oran berry they had found to eat he gladly accepted it. He wasn't s sure it would instantly heal him or anything, but it would at least help him restore lost energy and it was not like he could remember eating anything recently either... he might as well eat while he had the chance. As they looked around however he realized time were passing quite quickly and he knew that they needed to return soon enough if they was to help their friends.

Seeing Elvina find some stuff he looked to her "Come on, we should get back and see if the others need our help... should grab any poison curing berry you can and then hurry" he said as he got up, he staggered a bit as his leg were sore, frowning slightly he bit down on the Oran berry and then picked up a apple on the way back, again waiting to support Elvina if she needed it even if his own ankle hurt.

The Battle were running on, and soon as more moves were exchanged and a Zoroark Gijinka joined the fray, The three grimers where soon knocked out. At this point the Muk realized that the battle were no longer favorable, and thus called the retreat before they got injured further. Escaping quickly back into the house the Gijinkas could claim their victory.

Battle Result: Enemy Looses the will to continue the battle and flees back to whence they came.
@Lunarlors34 Pyro Poisoned?:
@Draconequis Xiphias Poisoned.
@RiverMaiden Mel-knocked out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He didn't know what went wrong. Just a moment ago, the blond who was close to her age had started to lead him to the battle, having accepted his plea. Then, as he skipped along with the girl, he was pulled to the ground, a loud feminine scream filling his ears as a wave of darkness washed over the two of them. Team Mel hit the ground, the girl's hold over the green-haired boy slackening as the darkness dissipated. The area around them was silent for a moment, Mellio recovering from the cushioned fall while the blond who covered him fell into unconsciousness.

"Hey, are you ok?", the Shellos gijinka finally asked, rolling out from under the girl and getting up from the ground. Now standing, the boy looked over the blond's unconscious body, and his eyes widened in disbelief. A large gash stretched across the girl's back, the clothing around it ripped as well. He knelt down to the girl, visibly relieved when she heard that she was still breathing. He pulls Meloi's upper body off of the ground, slinging one of the taller gijinka's arms around his neck as she started to carry her around the building and towards the clearing his friends were at. She was hurt, and needed help, and no matter the circumstances of the fight, he needed to bring her to them. "Don't worry, you're going to be alright. My friends can help... I swear." Mellio said to the unconscious girl, not really expecting a reply as he tread on the dirt ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Elvina nodded " yes lets head back now, since I bet our other members are in a horrible position right now, so lets hurry Twix. I need to get there as fast as I can to help heal the wounded and fallen ones in our party. " She said and grabbed the last bit of pecha and Oran berries she was gathering hen she tied the big leaf around her neck with her hands holding on it as she focused to make her legs to work well as she ran a bit and halted waiting for Twix to catch up with her when he was a distance away from her a she ran through forest as her eevee tail swayed as she ran and made sure the giant leaf was very secured around her shoulders and neck for nothing won't fall out even if she fell down in the forest that Twix and her went to gather supplies to heal their wounded or fallen members in the group who were fighting the grimers and muks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 8 days ago


"Yeah, ya better run!" Pyro called out as the grimers and Muk now fled from the group of gijinka's. Pyro let out a silent sigh of relief before falling to his knees, a sudden weakness overcoming him. So the addrenaline has worn off so the poison is now taking full affect huh? Well Pyro was expecting to be poisoned...he did run head on into the poison gas after all.
Maybe he should be the brave nature instead? Pain soon started to overcome the tiredness he felt as he gritted his teeth....how was he going to fix this anyway?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

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Xiphias grunted as she watched the Muk and Grimer retreat, she delivered an angry flash of her teeth. "And stay out you bunch of-" She broke off, coughing as the poison started seeping into her system. A surge of pain racked her body, and she clenched her fists, feeling the poison starting to deplete her health. "Awesome." She rasped, glancing over to the other Gijinka. Her ears drooped slightly as she took a glance to the Ampharos. Poor little sweet thing had been knocked out by Xiphias' own attack. She fought through the pain of the poison, pretending as if her insides didn't feel like they were on fire before turning to the other Gijinka. A very young and adorable Shellos, and a Houndoom who was around her age. Her eyes lingered on the Houndoom as she recognized the signs of poison on his face. "I'm sorry." She stated shakily, slowly making her way over to the Ampharos. "I swear... I didn't mean to do that. I.. just.. saw beings like myself.. and i acted... I.. didn't even know what i was doing." She shuddered as another wave of pain coursed through her body. This pain was enough to cause her to activate her illusions for a moment, causing the entire world to distort around her for just a moment. She closed her eyes, took a breath of the fresh air and forced her illusions down, kneeling beside the Ampharos she'd hit with her attack. "I'm sorry." she managed, her hand lightly brushing the Ampharos' face. Judging by the rise and fall of her chest.. she was most definitely alive... though if she was attacked in this state.. she would die. They needed a Revival herb. If the Muk or Grimer came back.. there was no way Xiphias would be strong enough to fight them on her own. As it was.. she and the Houndoom both needed Pecha berries. She wasn't sure how much longer she could stay conscious fighting the pain of the poison. She would do whatever she could to help. At least get them out of this place.

"This clearing is safe for now. But we should really move. We need a place to hole up while we search for herbs and medicine." she stated, her tail and ears lightly flicking. "We could not afford another attack such as that." She shook her head. "If we go now.. i can carry the Ampharos for the time it takes to reach a small cave in the area. Though.. if i move her.. it is likely i will be useless once we actually reach the lair." She stated. "Do either of you know what Revival herbs and Pecha berries look like?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sound the Fanfare Team Eevees back in town

Having returned from the forest with as much haste their poor walking conditions allowed, even Twix himself found that walking on all fours or three at least were occasionally easier than on just one and a half. And soon the sign would come back into View as they made their way back.

Already from a distance Twix could see that the battle was over, and their side was seemingly victorious even if the price of battle remained unclear for the moment. His ankle was still sore and he was sure he would have a bruise for a while there, yet he pressed on knowing wholey that their like looking allies could be in desperate need of their aid.

" We're back... Are you guys doing okay?" he called from a distance even if the answer was soon coming into view. There he could see the injuries sustained by the combatants, one on the ground while others sitting nearby. His instincts quickly told him to see to the needs of the one on the ground first as she seemed to be in need of perhaps serious medical help. He quickly went to Elvinas side and pointed to the female on the ground. "Can you help her?... I shall see to the others" he said as he gently helped Elvina unload their supplies and he took Pecha berries to those in need. "here... These should help you against the poison" he said figuring he could save his speech on how stupid they been for later. Yet as he stood there a concerned expression crept across his face and his ears were twitching to each sound on full alert.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Elvina grabbed some of their health supplies then nodded and went over to the girl laying on the ground and started to aid her with what was needed to make the girl back to normal and she focused so intently on doing everything right without any kind of mistakes in aiding her patients that she worked on, to cure them once more. She sighed and continued to help aid the others around her after she finished with the first girl she traveled around healing everybody that needed first aid from their battle they were fighting against the poisoned Pokemon without any healing supplies on hand at the time of the battle. " I guess it is time for all of us to find shelter in this town while everybody recovers through the night. I want everybody to relax and chill while everybody are recovering and since we have no clue what happen to us we have to make nobody travels without a partner or a group with them for now, just in case more wild Pokemon attacks us once again, " she said as she kept moving and walking from one to another giving them some healing supplies while she was working on them perfectly and she also doubled checked that she cured them with no worries in her eyes right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mellio laid the knocked-out female on the ground by the other Gijinkas, noticing that there was a new addition to the group while he had conversed with the blond girl. When the new girl with red hair started to apologize, Mellio felt two emotions rise within himself that he believed weren't natural to him: anger and irritation. Walking up to the older teen, he had the urge to slap her across the face, but chose not to. "Control yourself better", was all the 13-year old said, looking and acting much older than he did just a few minutes ago. His normally cloudy eyes seemed closer to a steel grey at that moment in time, staring at the older teen and piercing through her, but softened as he noticed the return of the Eevees. He thanked Elvina as she healed the Ampharos Gijinka, then sat down next to the unconscious girl on the ground. He felt responsible for her injuries, even though there was nothing he could have done, so he sat by her and kept watch over her, gaining a warm smile as he looked at Pyro and Frida. "You guys are really strong, being able to fight those... Grimers all by yourselves." Mellio had struggled for the names of those purple slimes for a moment, then remembered the name that had popped up in his head before. Looking up from his position on the ground, he was glad he had awakened to the faces of the people around him. Not even 30 minutes of being alive, with no memories of the past nor purpose, and the green haired boy was content with life.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 8 days ago


Sometime during when Twix and Elvina had arrive, Pyro had found the energy to vault back onto the ground so as to make it easier for them to heal him. Gratefully accepting the peacha berry, he munched on it as he glanced towards Xiphias.
"Oh? You did something? Must've missed it." Pyro said with a mouth full of peacha berry before swallowing "Cut her some slack Mellio, I'm sure she will control as time progresses. Pretty sure none of us have much idea of what's going on anyway, who knows I might've acted the same way in her shoes....whatever it is she did." Pyro added as he listened to Mellio once more and simply chuckled in response.
"Strong? I don't think I'm strong in any sense of the word, just incredibly lucky and stupid." Pyro replied with a sheepish grin before glancing down at the berry in his hand.
"Shelter huh? I don't think camping out in this town is a fantastic idea. Who knows what else is here? Then again, who knows what is out in the forest...." Pyro let out a sigh as he seemed to mull over their predicament. Both options were dangerous in their own right, however....
"I reckon we stay the night, then leave tomorrow. Just rest up, what say you Mr Leader?" Pyro called out to Twix. Although no-one had mentioned any sort of leadership roles, Pyro was simply assuming Twix would be in charge.
Mellio was too young to lead them, and he had no idea who two of them even were in the slightest. Elvina seemed too timid to lead, and Pyro simply didn't want to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

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Xiphia stared suspiciously at the newcomers, her ears pricking up as she watched them. She backed away from the Ampharos as one of the Eevee bent to save her. She flicked her ears again, grasping one of the Pecha berries in her hands, slowly taking a bite. As Pechas normally are, it was sweet and delicious, as well as extremely tender. However, there was a large hollow pocket inside, meaning there wasn't very much to eat. Still, this little bit should be more than enough to cure her poison.

Xiphias watched the female Eevee cleaning up the Ampharos. "I know of shelter outside this town. A place i used to call my home. No wild pokemon dares to enter. I used my illusions to make them afraid to come near."

Her ears flattened against her head as the young Shellos snapped at her. The world distorted around her as she flashed her teeth angrily. "I did not do this on purpose, child."

Xiphias backed away from the group, feeling like the outcast again. Right.. that's because she was. As a whole, Zoroark were supposed to travel in packs.. and here she was.. all alone. She'd been awake for a couple of weeks now.. and she didn't understand why.. why she'd been made alone. It was a strange hollow feeling in her gut.. as if something was missing.

She glanced over at the Houndoom, an ear twitching as she watched her fellow dark type. She felt a bit better now that someone was defending her. Maybe it had something to do with dark types.. and how they were slightly misunderstood. An ear twitched again. "I honestly.. have no idea what i did." she admitted sheepishly. Then she glanced up at them. "Wherever we go to make our camp.. i can create an illusionary barrier to keep others out." A flick of her hand and the world distorrted around it, so her hand slowly vanished, coming back as she released the illusions. "I.. I am not sure how long I could hold it though.. and I'm not sure how I even know how to do it." One eyebrow raised and an ear twitched in amusement as the Houndoom named one of the Eevee a leader. It seemed perhaps a bit strange to her that they were lead by an unevolved pokemon. This Eevee must really be something. She'd watched wild pokemon, and it was always the evolved pokemon who lead. In this case.. it should have been the Houndoom. Well.. they weren't exactly the same as others.. so it would only make sense their.. group would be different.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Twix looked to the group from where he had settled down, pondering over when a good oppertunity to complain or nag about their choices would come. Their battle could certainly have turned out better, but it wasn’t the worst right now due to luck, something that they couldn't always depend on.

When Pyro suddenly appointed him as the leader he was surprised and snapped out of his thoughts. "huh me?..." he said a bit confused by the sudden appointment. He looked over them again before scratching the back of his head. "Well I suggest that we all make camp down the road, we should build a shelter near a clearing where we have good view, then we can carefully gather wood nearby. And make a campfire... I don't think we need to go that far, just slightly away from here should be good enough." he said then realized his red gem glowed faintly once he did... Odd.

The Girl who seemed to be added while they was gone had a few things to say, about a shelter and what not, it did indeed not sound to bas if it was in the right direction. "I'm sorry, my name is Twillelix, or Twix. Your shelter sound good if its on the path that way, your illusion powers sound really helpful so it would be appreciated if you could use them like you say" he said with a smile, in all honesty he didn't feel odd around dark types more than any other, but it might be becaue his specie was very adaptable. Yet he felt that he pointed towards... Something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Devo
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Devo Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Things had escalated pretty quickly. Before they knew it, most of the group was together once again, but this time with who Frida believed was a couple of new additions as well. She fell silent for a while, just listening to the others speak among themselves for a time. She looked over at Mellios when he spoke to her and Pyro.

She rubbed the back of her neck and giggled sheepishly, "I wouldn't say that I'm strong. Just... stubborn?" She definitely didn't agree with being lucky like Pyro said he was, but she definitely agreed that she didn't see herself as strong either. She just really didn't have much of happy thoughts towards the Grimers or Muks at all. That was all.

She looked over at Xiphias for a moment. If it wasn't for her, she thought that they would all be doomed for sure. She didn't say anything however, instead turning to see that Twix and Elvina had returned. That was everyone, right? She assumed it was.
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