Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Bath House”

Snuggle Snakey times! With thr Blightborn Simmmer society's Soak

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slithet too

Sya leaned into her own tail and moved her hand to feel thestiny layered scales at the end of her new limb, making soft chuckles. Her feet were ticklish and her tail was no different. The small things like that where genuinely strange, so alien yet so much was the same.

Maybe she was a little too forward as Kira Left, she waved her hand and the end of tail in the water copied her action, a cute display that seemed to be … coded? Into her mind. “Stay safe, have a good … day night. You both welcome under my roof.” Sya said and reminded them, blightborn had a rough life so she tried to be genuine and supportive, in her own ways, she tried to help. Sya gave a little flush as she watched Kira leave and well.. she was an attractive woman, a loner but Sya was… She just did not care, she would be judged anyway. Why not have fun in the meantime.

Sya turned to face Orion when he spoke, she was thinking and mind wandered to Eris, her friend… she hoped she was a friend turning her head and large blue eye looked at Orion, watching him phase into thermal and out of it as she found the odd… instinct.. understanding her new abilities.

“I…” Sya stuttered and looked unsure, her eye did not hide her emotions. “I probably should go back. I have to face it, I cannot run away.” Sya said with a evident deeper worry, the conflict, the hurt and everything had cut deeper into the heart of Sya than people believed she had.

“I should take over from Vala and Becky, they are too much like me… Thank You, you're a good egg, and I hope you're not a stranger Orion. It was nice to talk to you two and relax. Kiara will come around to me im sure." Sya laugh was genuine though and Sya could not hide her genuine response. Her body shifted as she rose shakily, off balance but she rose pushing off into the water with graceful flowing wake before she reached her clothes.

The alcohol had definitely hit her as she rested lower on her tail for balance, tieing her Auralian style dress clumsily on the side. Sya had her body resting against a wall slightly as she found the small buttons trying to attach them again and finding her fingers took a few before she could.

an impulsive thought hit her as she tried to put one arm into her blue coat and neatly swayed over before she caught herself and found balance again. Eris was on the other side of town but the post office, she had an account of sorts with them, Sya could pay it off later. “Oops…" she said laughing as she realised how much she had drunk as she was struggling to buckle the leather strap to her long bladed knife she wore for protection.

Sya was definitely tipsy, the Lamia was not sober, especially as her mind wandered to wondering if Kira had realised Sya had kind of adopted her into circle of those she valued, why the buckle was so tough to link, why she should buy more pillows and also she wondered why cats like boxes? All in under a minute.

@The Muse@Qia

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 1 day ago

Céline & Ivor

Location: Lakeside outside of town → Eastern gates → Aelios’ Temple

The two traveled together along the lake’s edge, retracing the path Céline had taken from the temple. Nature had deemed her earlier footsteps too unnatural for the snowscape, opting to erase them with powerful gusts of wind. Now she had returned to double, if not triple nature’s workload with her new companion beside her, all the while engaging in pleasant conversation beside. Céline’s interaction with Ivor was not unlike other Lunarian tribals she had encountered during her travels. Though most Aurelians considered people like him gruff and barbaric, really they were just misinterpreting pride and survivalism. They too held an innate curiosity, which showed in spades as the giant blightborn barraged her with a tirade of endless questions, she was only happy to answer. The man asked, listened intently and tried to understand as he made brief comparisons between her profession and his experiences with local druids.

“So you’re saying that if Ivor breaks man’s arm, you can fix it and not even using any of the spellings?”

Céline suppressed the urge to look shocked and smiled instead, “Well, it requires a bit more time and effort than that..I can’t exactly mend bone with the snap of a finger,” she demonstrated as the snap reverberated in the air, the only sound to accompany their conversation and the crunching snow beneath them, “but it’s amazing what the human body is capable. My mentor always believed that given enough time and with the correct treatments, anyone is capable of recovering from even the most serious trauma or disease.”

The giant smiled down at her, “Your mentor seems like good person, raised a good dock-tor.”

Céline’s head lowered as they walked, “He was…he died a long time ago, long before the blight ever wreaked havoc…” She was grateful that he was not here to witness the ravaged world, to run himself ragged as she had… Still there was a part that longed for him to be here, “I still wonder, if he were alive today, if he wouldn’t have figured out a cure by now, if maybe..Ivor?” The crunching snow had diluted down to one set of feet, and as Céline turned to understand why, she saw the man staring out into the distance. “What is it?” She asked, doubling back slightly.

“Boirds…” he responded, eyes narrowed, Céline’s gaze matched his own as she saw a small flock of birds scattering from the treeline. “Something…wrong…out there.”

The two had taken a few moments to stay and observe, after some time though Céline managed to convince Ivor to continue walking with her. Animals scatter when they get spooked, that’s not unusual and while the proximity is alarmingly close to the town, there’s no way the two of them would be able to get close enough quickly to investigate. On top of all that, there was a whole town between them and the birds that could respond faster to the situation. Erring on the side of caution, however, she figured it couldn’t hurt to gather her medical bag at the temple before heading into town and being introduced to the prince.

The two had passed the eastern gate and were on approach to the temple when a sharp pain suddenly spiked in Céline’s head, her legs giving out beneath her. Her mind was flooded with vivid images and sensations; of darkness, anguish, pain, fear and death. This deluge of memories was not her own, but her power made her experience it just as intimately. Céline saw a darkened path, tattered cloth, corpses beneath tree, the fear in the other woman’s eyes as she could only watch Céline crawl helplessly through the miasma laden ground, “live..” she spoke? No, this wasn’t her, this voice was not her own, this trauma was not her own. In the back of her mind she heard a voice, was it praying? She felt her life wane and ebb, a sensation she did not want to relive; yet another voice brought her back from the brink.

As the light and life faded, she was quickly brought back to the darkness of reality, “Miss Sealing! Are you alright?!”

Céline’s head hurt, Ivor’s booming voice was only adding to her pain and sudden nausea, “Ivor, yes, I’m alright, please lower your voice…” the woman rubbed at her aching skull, “What happened? Where are we?”

“I do not know, we were walking together, then you were not. You fell down and Ivor tried to wake you up, when I could not do this, Ivor picked you up again and kept walking.”

“You picked me up again?” Céline looked down now realizing the weightlessness she felt as she was being carried in the bulging arms of this blightborn. The rest of her body was propped up against his frame, or rather his latest catch. “I- thank you…Ivor, please put me down, I think I can walk from here.” She asked quickly, coming to the conclusion as to why one cheek felt so wet.

Ivor stopped, then helped lower Céline down to the ground, standing by ready to catch her uneasy form. “What has happened to you Miss sea- Celleen.”

Céline momentarily propped herself against a tree to get her bearings, “I’m not really sure myself,” she wiped away the dampness on her face and rubbed at her eyes, finding there were tears there too; had she been crying? As she recalled the memories that flooded her mind, the intensity of it all. There had only been a handful of times she had this experience, so there wasn’t much to compare it with, but this by far had elicited the strongest physical reaction from her. “For a brief moment I was someone else.”

“But how can Miss Celling be anyone else but Miss Celling?” Ivor asked with a rather perplexed look on his face.

Céline shook her head, “I wish I could explain it better, it’s just something I’ve been able to do since I turned into…this” She felt light-headed, the blightborn was already hungry before arriving to town and while the brief emotions Tingara experienced around her kept the woman from starving, it didn’t improve her condition either. At least this time, she could take solace that she didn’t empty the contents of her stomach in front of her new acquaintance. “Come on, the temple isn’t much farther now, it’ll be better if I rest there than out here.” Breathing heavily, Céline pushed herself off the tree and started trudging forward; she almost lost her footing, but was able to quickly regain her balance. Taking one more deep breath she pressed onward, Ivor watching all the while to make sure she had herself before following behind.

It wasn’t much longer before they arrived at Aelios’ temple, and as they approached the main doors, Ivor stopped leaving Céline to approach on her own. Once she realized he had stopped, Céline turned towards him perplexed, “aren’t you coming inside?”

Ivor looked concerned at the doors, “I have..never been inside a temple.”

“Really now?” Céline asked, surprised, “I’d have thought that you had lived here longer than I, that you’d have at least visited once,” though perhaps that was a bit insensitive, Ivor is a Lunarian, so perhaps he worshiped Selune and felt he didn’t belong here.

Ivor shook his head, “Temple only finished not long ago, Ivor had no reason to come before.”

“This feels like a better reason than any, my friend, though…perhaps you want to leave your fish outside, they might not find it appropriate inside.” She looked sheepishly at him.

Ivor looked down at the draped cloak of fish around him, “Eh, perhaps you are right, though temples take offerings, perhaps they will take one fish,” Ivor smiled, “gods need to feast too, yes? People will have plenty of fish, they won’t miss one little baby fish.” Ivor went to work burying his bountiful catch in the snow, keeping at least one in his hands that had a glowing purple and blue hue, “Gods also like pretty things too, yes? This is why your priests are always in the gold?”

“Haha, no no, they’re not my priests,” Céline chuckled, “but Aelios does seem to like embodying the golden hues of the sun,” she stared at the odd colored fish in his hands, “it might not be sunlike, but I think she’ll accept your offering all the same.”

Once the giant was beside her, the two opened the front doors together and stepped inside, quickly closing them once inside. They were greeted by the brazier of Aelios’ eternal flame, the promise of her hope and the reality of her warmth and embrace. In front of the flame were two darkened silhouettes of people, perhaps it was Tingara or some other worshippers. Not wanting to be disrespectful and disturb their potential worship, she looked to Ivor and urged him to remain quiet once they began to move forward. As they approached closer to the brazier and altar, Céline realized that neither of the individuals was Tingara, though one certainly seemed dressed in a priestess’ attire, the other looked dressed for combat. Once close enough Céline realized they weren’t praying, and thus felt compelled to speak, “Hello, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m just here to collect my things and my friend has an offering he’d like to present to the goddess.”

Once close enough that their faces came into view, Céline asked, “Is priestess Tingara here, she can vouch for my-” the blightborn woman stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening and her blood running colder than before. She recognized these people, or at the very least the woman in the armor. While the other woman in priestess garbs bore the same face, Céline couldn’t forget the horrified face that had burned itself into her mind just mere moments before, “I- I saw you…” was all she could mutter.

Interacting with: Ranni & Dyna @Queen Arya
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lord and lady Coswain

The Moon Temple & Attack site

Coswain had an ongoing pressure in his head as he realised how far the situation had begun to move into utter chaos, he managed to Calm down as he looked round and tried to make the best of the worst. He noted Katherine moved over to his side and moved to block her and Ayel, standing between them and blocking his line of attack or harm. “So swords and claws, just great, one is bad enough, maybe both. We need to debrief him, but I need to be free to fight, we watch. We need all senses and swords until we are safer.” He said and yup, of course it was bad he replied quietly at a very low whisper, he agreed but he also did not see a way to arrest someone without causing more trouble than they had.

“He is going to get killed… rather him than me…” Lord Coswain sighed at Ayel, he was better off out their way.

He had her advice, The Princess was missing, he had an unknown threat, and he had a noble causing migraines, all at the same time. He had to act, they had to move, but he did not want to take this man near her, but he had to find her too, and defend Katherine. “Right, OK, We have multiple conflicting aims, so we will move to the camp, and try to locate the Princess as we move, if we do, we secure and move her. fl we find the enemy. We kill it, if we do not. We move there, get more guards, search for patterns. We accomplish both goals after.

Staying alive is what matters, they need to know what's going on.”
He looked at the young confused guard and he was a liability but they needed all eyes and ears they could also, he could just be affected by the attacker? He would have to keep a close eye on him. A cool calmness of command fell over the man, this was what he did. He had a plan, now he had to execute it.

“Come on, let's get moving. We are going to help the Princess lad, we just have to be smarter about this, This is far from my first tough situation.” He placed a hand on thr man's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“The Royal Guard stands no matter what.” He said, trying to get the man's confidence up and make him more effective.

@Dezuel@SpicyMeatball@Dark Light
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Aurora Halliwell

Eye of The Beholder
Outside the Inn

In her moment of sadness, Aurora felt a gentle touch that she initially overlooked. It wasn’t until the monk’s hand settled under her chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze, that she became aware of his presence. A rush of warmth enveloped her, and she instinctively felt a blush rise to her cheeks. As he started to speak, he removed his hand, allowing her space but leaving her slightly disoriented. When he spoke about her name and of the northern lights, a sense of connection sparked within her. She smiled, and when he finally introduced himself with an array of titles, she couldn’t help but giggle, a sound that felt foreign yet pleasant. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Gadez Paladice. And yes I am named after the northern lights.”

As he continued to speak, sharing his thoughts with warmth and wisdom that captivated her, she listened intently, feeling an unexpected warmth emanating from his presence. Her cheeks flushed deeper when she noticed his thumb softly stroking her cheek, an intimate gesture that embarrassed her. Apart from her parents, no one had ever shown her such tenderness, and it left her feeling both vulnerable and curious. Yet, despite the rush of emotions, she was not afraid; instead, she felt a curious sense of comfort in his company. When he finally announced that he had to take his leave, a pang of disappointment struck her. She waved goodbye. Once he had gone the gentle glow she had felt slipped away, leaving her feeling lonely yet again.

With a sigh, she decided to seek solace in the tavern’s stables, longing to see her beloved horse Storm. As she stepped inside, the familiar sounds of the stable, hay rustling and the contented neighing of horses, greeted her like an old friend. When she spotted Storm. The majestic mare’s coat gleamed in the dim light, and Aurora’s heart filled with affection. “There’s my beautiful girl,” she murmured, placing her forehead against Storm’s. The horse nuzzled her affectionately, sensing the melancholy that lingered in Aurora’s heart. “I’m ok girl. Just remembering mother and father.” She confided with a soft sigh, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her.

As she embraced Storm, a flood of cherished memories washed over her, particularly the times her mother sang sweet lullabies that always made her feel safe and loved. Aurora took a deep breath, allowing the scent of hay and her horse’s warmth to ground her. Inspired by those cherished memories, she began to sing a song that her mother had taught her, her voice rising softly into the stillness of the stable, weaving a tapestry of love and nostalgia that filled the air around them.

“Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly,
lavender's green,
When I am king, dilly, dilly,
you shall be queen.

Who told you so, dilly, dilly,
who told you so?
Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly,
that told me so.

Call up your men, dilly, dilly,
set them to work
Some to the plough, dilly, dilly,
some to the fork,

Some to make hay, dilly, dilly,
some to cut corn,
While you and I, dilly, dilly,
keep ourselves warm.

Lavender's green, dilly, dilly,
Lavender's blue,
If you love me, dilly, dilly,
I will love you

Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly,
And the lambs play
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly,
out of harm's way

I love to dance, dilly, dilly,
I love to sing
When I am queen, dilly, dilly,
You'll be my king.

Who told me so, dilly, dilly,
Who told me so?
I told myself, dilly, dilly,
I told me so”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Town Square
To an onlooker, Flynn might’ve appeared calm, his expression neutral and composed, but inside, unease coiled tightly in his chest. His steps leaving the temple were brisk, though he did everything in his power not to appear rushed. Gadez’s cryptic words lingered in his mind, each syllable replaying over and over again. Resting atop his sword hilt, his left hand tightened its grip out of frustration. He refused to give that puppeteer’s words weight enough to visibly rattle him.

But the possibility, the mere suggestion that something might have happened to Amaya, gnawed at him. Despite his best efforts to ignore it, something inside told him Gadez wasn’t lying—this time.

As he grew closer to the town square, a frantic voice sliced through the air. Flynn’s steps faltered for a moment as he listened, his stomach twisting.

"Grab your pitchforks! Torches! Find the culprits! Hide your children! The monsters are real!"

Flynn sighed heavily as Ayel’s voice rang out with exaggerated drama. Unfortunately, he knew that voice anywhere. The voice that had grated him since childhood—one that he had been hoping to avoid for much longer.

"Find the blightborn murderers and I shall pay for your drinks for the next three days at the inn! I told you they couldn't be trusted!"

‘Murderers?’ he thought, his sense of dread growing. Had something happened or was this another one of Ayel’s dramatic meltdowns? Nonetheless, the insinuations were a disaster waiting to ignite. Ayel wasn’t just making a scene; he was stoking the embers of fear and suspicion.

"Prince Flynn in his goodness has tried to shield them! And they have exploited it! Spread out! Look for the lunaris princess! Leave no peasant home unturned! Find the guilty blightborn monsters! With me!"

‘Look for Amaya? Is she missing?’ His heartbeat picked up pace.

As he approached Ayel, Flynn tightened his jaw, forcing himself to maintain the calm facade he’d become so adept at projecting. Every instinct screamed at him to break into a run toward the tavern, to find Amaya, to confirm she was safe, but he couldn’t ignore the scene Ayel was stirring up. The townsfolk began muttering among themselves, a mix of confusion and unease rippling through the crowd as they warily eyed Ayel. This fire needed to be doused before it could spread.

"Ayel." His voice cut through the crowd noise like a blade, cold and commanding. The chatter of the townsfolk hushed, their wary gazes snapping toward the prince.

“What are you doing?” Flynn stepped closer, his posture straight, his eyes narrowed as he locked eyes with the flailing nobleman. “Put the torch down.” Flynn commanded, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken consequences. “This is not an Aurelian battleground. Inciting fear, chaos, and violence is not how we do things. Now—tell me exactly what happened.”

Flynn’s gaze bored into Ayel, making it clear that his antics wouldn’t be tolerated. The tension in the air was palpable, and the gathered crowd watched in silence, awaiting the nobleman’s response.

Interactions: Ayel @Dezuel
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 9 days ago



Murder scene

Aliseth stared at the priestess before him as her reply lead him to wonder what manners of torment she had endured. Her findings did not surprise him although they offered little answers to the situation.
He let out a sigh of relief as the nobleman left without things turning to violence. Still, he seemed intent on causing chaos. Aliseth wondered if that would come back to haunt them later. While he didn't admire the man at all, he could however understand his disdain for the blightborn. They were monsters after all.

Returning his focus back to the task and the remaining people standing beside one another, he listen to Coswain's words. The whispers between the two were unsettling but he acted like he hadn't noticed. Of course they considered him a suspect. All he could do to convince them otherwise was agree and go along.

"I don't wish to disagree with you, but, I believe it is imperative that the scene remain secured.
We don't want bystanders to come by and panic or cause a commotion."
His eyes moved to the direction Ayel had left in. "Any more anyway." He added.

He stood tall. "The body should be covered and guarded or at least brought with us." He said firmly, looking between the man and the woman, trying to gage their reaction. Searching for support. He wasn't sure if it was a sense of duty that forced him to hold tight to that cause, or a sense of guilt and respect for the dead. Either way, his eyes shone with determination and his stance was firm as his ideals. He could only imagine what would happen if more people stumbled across this scene.

"What ever your choice, it should be made in haste. And I assure you, I am here to help how ever I can."
While his words were for both, his dark hazel eyes were on the priestess.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hot Springs / Townsquare
Kira brushed strands of damp hair away from her face and tugged her coat tighter as she stole one last glance at Orion and Sya. Their conversation continued to flow with ease, and a small part of her hesitated, urging her to stay. Keep talking. Make “friends.” This was what she had wanted, wasn’t it? A chance at connection, at finding community after two years of solitude. Yet, the idea felt threatening and unnatural. Solace, isolation—they were familiar, safe. Despite herself, she turned away, her boots tapping against the stone steps as she climbed.

Halfway up, the world shifted.

Like a brick wall slamming into her senses, she froze mid-step. Her eyes dilated as every nerve in her body sharpened. A faint, metallic tang carried on the breeze—a scent she knew too well. Iron. Blood.

Her gaze flicked back toward Orion. From the stairs, she studied him, searching for any sign that he, too, had noticed it. But he remained engrossed in conversation, his expression unbothered. Then, she realized, Orion wasn’t like her. It was because she was a blood-fed blight-born that this scent called to her so strongly. Whatever type of blight-born he was, his instincts didn’t seem as attuned to blood as hers.

Tearing her gaze from Orion, she resumed her steps, a battle beginning to rage within. Every instinct screamed at her to follow the scent, to find its source, to sate the hunger that had been part of her existence for years. Yet her human side—the fragile piece that still clung to normalcy—wondered why. Why was she smelling blood? Why so close to town? Maybe it was just a hunter returning with a kill, the blood fresh from the field. No… She knew this scent didn’t belong to an animal. It was human.

Kira exhaled slowly in an attempt to steady herself as she slipped back into the temple. Quiet voices echoed down the halls, but she ignored them. As she passed, her eyes briefly caught the figure of Gadez speaking to the Priestess down a hallway. Out of curiosity, she raised an amused eyebrow. The Priestess sure did seem rather friendly with that man, but Kira couldn’t stay to find out why. The metallic scent lingered in her mind, pulling her towards the exit.

Without a word, she hurried back outside. The scent grew stronger, vivid and tantalizing. Her tongue flicked across her fangs as she nearly salivated, the hunger clawing its way to the surface.

Following a trail of fresh footprints, her boots crunched against ice as she moved further into town. Near the square, she spotted the Prince and that insufferable nobleman speaking, their exchange tense enough to draw the crowd’s attention. The air felt charged, a static tension rippling through the people around them. Kira’s gaze flicked briefly to the scene, but she didn’t stop to listen. Not now. Her focus was singular.

The scent led her westward, pulling her deeper into the outskirts of Dawnhaven, the town’s hum fading as she drew closer to the source.

Mentions: Orion @Qia, Sya @PrinceAlexus, Ayel, Gadez @Dezuel, Tia @c3p-0h
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The nobleman snapped out of his blissful state on hearing a name which bore a certain elegance to it. It was his own. Of course it were. But it was uttered by none other than his bestest friend ever. The prince had arrived on the scene.

Ayel casually tossed the torch to the ground on hearing Flynn. He was correct. Holding unto a torch wasn't very noble-like, but those thickheaded commoners wouldn't probably know how to assemble a proper lynch-mob without his guidance.

"Your highness! My dear friend! It is a disaster! It is not my intent to spread fear or incite violence, I am a lover, not a fighter! But we are being attacked! A northern barb- A northern migrant whose also a blightborn has attacked and killed some guardsman and the girl you have married has been taken! She is missing! I just couldn't stay idle when my dearest friend's woman has been taken! That precious, innocent… uh...lovable…

'Digusting filthy barbarian bitch of a woman…' He thought. "Northern girl." Ayel dramatically pulled at the ruffled area of his shirt, as if he was in physical pain.

"West of Dawnhaven! Near the forest! Close to the winter-witch temple! A northerner lies without his head! Oh I tried to follow her footsteps, but those lousy guardsmen had trampled the snow so not even I could find the way. So I did what was within my power, arranging a rescue party! But alas... you see the people I have to work with your highness?" He gave the nearby commoners and blightborns a look of dislike.

"Fault not the man for his virtues but for his character, but even then, can I truly be blamed for the actions of things currently not under my gentle grip. If your highness would bestow unto me a small token of control, I could arrange an orderly search, your highness willing of course." Ayel bowed. It was required. But he hated bowing. His back was made for far gentler things. Bowing was a thing for servants. Not for almost-royals like himself.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Interacting with: Daphne @PrinceAlexus
Location: The Eye Of The Beholder

"We got a problem! A rather bloody one..." Valthyr did not take the risk of anybody else being able to listen in spite of the music going on, so these words were spoken very lowly.

The druid had noticed that whom he was talking to was anything but unarmed. Good, actually. That meant she had to be a guard perhaps ? That was exactly what he had hoped for. Aside from that anybody being able to defend him- or herself would be better than another easy victim for this blightborn. The latter had run away, but could he be trusted in terms of not returning ?

"There has been an attack on two women and one of the people apparently being her escort got killed. I can only assume a blightborn of sorts as I have watched it..." Now how to word this ? "... as a feline. I know that sounds crazy, but I'll explain on the way if that's okay for you ?"

Not waiting for an answer, Valthyr pulled open the door again and gestured Daphne to follow him. The quicker they'd be there, the less people would already have discovered the mess and the easier things could be contained. That, of course, was assuming that the woman he was talking to actually believed anything he had said so far.

"I am Valthyr by the way. Valthyr Naffron.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions/Mentions:@The Muse Kira, @PrinceAlexus Sya

As Sya turned her attention to him, Orion noted the subtle shift in her compared to times before when he’d seen her. Despite her obvious tipsiness, or perhaps because of it, the genuine honesty in her actions made her seem more human in her blightborn form than most humans he had ever known. When she stuttered, struggling to articulate her thoughts, the conflict in her voice was unmistakable.

“I…” she began, her uncertainty palpable. “I probably should go back. I have to face it, I cannot run away.”

Orion inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment of her words. He understood all too well the burden of responsibilities that couldn’t be shirked, no matter how heavy they became. For a moment, he debated offering some reassurance. But he stopped himself—Sya wasn’t asking for platitudes; she was working through it in her own way, as they all did.

The blightborn man couldn’t help but crack a faint smirk at her quirky phrase. It was so unpretentious and straightforward. “I’ll try not to be,” he replied, his tone even but not without warmth.

As Sya started to rise from her spot, it was like watching a dance that had hit a slight snag. Each movement was a mix of fluid grace and a bit of wobble, a clear sign that the drinks had done their job, and a good one at that. Orion, with his keen eyes, tracked her every subtle shift, taking in the way she moved with an effortless charm that somehow made her clumsiness almost cute. It was fascinating to see how, even while teetering a bit here and there, there was an undeniable elegance about the woman—like she was a creature that had found a way to blend all her attained oddities into something beautiful.

When Sya finally reached the bank, the scene turned almost comical as she tried to put on her clothes. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons, looking like she was battling against the fabric rather than simply dressing herself, and something was endearing about her struggle. Orion couldn’t help but let out a soft exhale at the sight—not quite a sigh, nor was it a chuckle; it was that middle ground where amusement and light affection lurked. As she wrestled with the knife strap, nearly dropping it a couple of times, he felt a warmth in his chest because, despite her awkwardness, she was owning every moment of it.

Orion himself stretched out his legs, feeling the last bits of warmth from the steaming spring slip away like an old friend saying goodbye. The steam had wrapped around him like a soft, fluffy blanket, coaxing him into a state of utter relaxation that he was now reluctantly shaking off. He glanced at his boots, a bit scuffed and worn from all the wild adventures he'd thrown them into, but still as sturdy as ever. As he eased his feet back into them, he couldn’t help but pause for a moment, soaking in the last remnants of that cozy atmosphere, almost convinced that the springs had put some kind of magic spell on him that made breaking away feel like a crime.

With a decisive tug, Orion finished lacing up his boots and stood tall, brushing off the lingering steam like he was shaking off a dream he didn’t want to end. His crimson gaze instinctively darted toward the stairs Kira had vanished down just moments ago, the unease in his gut growing tighter as he stared. That little crease forming between his brows was a telltale sign that something wasn’t sitting right with him. He held onto that fleeting moment a bit longer than he probably should have, scanning the empty steps as if waiting for her to reappear. Finally, he drew his attention back to Sya, reminding himself that the larger issue at hand was the unsteady woman in front of him.

With a hesitant smile, he cleared his throat trying to lighten the mood. “Do you…require assistance?” he inquired. “The prince may already be at the inn for the festivities, and if my further company isn't a bother…” He allowed his voice to trail off, the message clear.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anora had managed to get her way around the gathering of people, doing her best to not bump into anyone. Even though people seemed quite keenly aware of her, sticking out like a sore thumb with her yellow wintery coat and attire. She had perhaps overdressed abit, but her foster mother had taught her that looks were important and to always present oneself as best as possible. There was of course truth to that, but Anora wasn't always abiding by every rule put into place, she would evade them whenever able. It usually helped to not go to all those noble parties in the capitol, that had been more her mother and Ayel's thing.

The young woman would much more prefer to read some storybooks, mixing various concoctions, baking and making new kinds of tea-flavour.

The young noblewoman stopped upon reaching the stables, hearing someone singing, she took a few moments to just listen to the melody before entering the stables herself, her steps carefully placed to avoid slipping or stepping into something which would have made her older brother yell to the high heavens. She allowed herself a soft smile as she closed her eyes, before opening them again. The singing had made her want to sing abit herself. And thus she did

"Words carried on the wind, blowing in this darkened world~'Tis song of dawn to welcome the daybreak, a fair melody laid unto memory, there's no time to waste, can we succeed?~ To return to the place where we all belong?~" Anora sung brightly, her voice echoing slightly down the barn. Her voice was light and smooth. She held her free hand at her chest as the other held unto her umbrella that rested on her shoulder.

"There are those reborn by the blighted storm, so that they may find the truth of their heart.~ There's so much we seek to have answered, but in one life there's not enough time.~ Underneath a smile, there's a hidden truth, tell me now of a story of a faraway land.~ I sing along, so that I will remember… that the tale still must go on.~" She smiled softly and held out her free hand towards Aurora in a greeting.

"Forgive me, I couldn't help but sing aloud on hearing your song~ Pleased to make your acquaintance~ I am Anora Opal Raunefeldt. Whom might you be and who is this gentleman?~" She looked at the horse. She now regretted having left her carrot bucket behind. This horse could have used it.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Aurora Halliwell

Eye of The Beholder

As Aroura finished her heartfelt performance to her horse, a wave of warmth washed over her, lifting her spirits as memories of her mother singing this very song flooded her mind. It was a cherished moment, one that brought both nostalgia and comfort. Just as she started to bask in these tender thoughts, a sound broke through her daydream, a soft, and pleasant voice singing behind.

With a quick pivot on her heels, Aurora turned to investigate the source of the singing. To her surprise, she found a young woman standing there, radiant and poised. The lady’s voice was enchanting, weaving through the air with a sweet, lilting quality that drew Aurora in like a moth to a flame. Instead of interrupting the young lady, Aurora chose to stand still, completely entranced by the unfolding performance.

As the beautiful notes wrapped around her, a wide smile blossomed on Aurora’s face, lighting up her features. She couldn’t resist the urge to join in, her soft humming harmonizing effortlessly with the lady’s song. The two voices melded together in a magical moment, creating an atmosphere filled with joy and connection, allowing Aurora to momentarily forget her worries as she lost herself in the song.

As the final notes of the lady’s song faded into the evening air, she swiftly moved toward Aurora, bringing a short gap between them. With a bright smile, the lady extended her hand in a friendly greeting, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. Aurora felt a warm glow of connection as she reached out to shake Anora’s hand. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Anora. I am Aurora Halliwell,” she replied, her tone sincere and welcoming. After a brief moment, she released Anora’s hand, a smile still dancing on her lips as she turned her attention to Storm, who was grazing, on hay.

With grace, she approached the mare, her fingers brushing through Starm’s soft mane as she spoke fondly. “And this beautiful girl is Storm.” Aurora beamed, glancing back at Anora, who stood observing with intrigue. “If you would like to pet her you can,” she offered, gesturing invitingly towards Storm. ”And by the way, your song was truly lovely, she added, her eyes sparking with appreciation.

Anora @Dezuel
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Eye of the Beholder

Amazon Action time.

Daphne shook her head to test her quick hair fix before she headed out door at speed following the man. “Adventure Awaits” She said as she left, giving the frame a tap as she passed jogging to keep up with the taller man's stride. He was really tall, Daphne was no short stack, but he made her have to look up and crane her neck a little. “Attack, blood, unknown enemy, 2 civs, what does the enemy look like Valthyr? And who am I looking for?" Daphne asked quickly as quietly as jogging to keep up with him, his feline comment just made her…get all confused.

“I'm living in a town where the Innkeeper slithers, walking mushrooms and more so i believe most things now.”
Daphne had to change her ideas of normal alot on Dawn Haven and what was something they had to tolerate and protect.

She looked about the square and the people about, Lord Coswain, Persephone? There were also others unknown and about the town that were in danger or unaccounted for. "Are we getting anyone else, We should tell the Prince, get help?” Daphne said and looked about the area outside the Inn. The Prince…and oh…Selene…no…it was the peacock… the peacock was back to cause issues again.

“That Man….” She growled, seriously why was it always that man?

@Dezuel@The Muse@Fetzen

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Town Square
As Ayel tossed the torch onto the ground with casual disregard, Flynn’s eyes flicked up toward the night sky. Silently, he asked the Goddess, ‘Why?’ Of course Ayel would do such a thing. Flynn should have known to phrase his words better, this was his fault. Ayel had always taken things quite literally.

Thoroughly annoyed, Flynn bent to pick up the torch himself, ensuring it didn’t accidentally light anything on fire. He held it for a moment, suppressing the overwhelming urge to glare at Ayel and let out a frustrated sigh, then handed it off to a nearby guard who hurried to return it to its proper place. Dusting off his hands, Flynn forced himself to remain composed as Ayel launched into a frantic explanation.

As Ayel spoke, detailing a supposed attack, a murder, and—most horrifyingly—Amaya’s disappearance, Flynn’s chest tightened. His heartbeat quickened and his stomach churned. Taken? HOW? She had guards. Elara had been with her. She was in a crowd, surrounded by at least half the town!

Gadez had actually been telling the truth?

Guilt twisted in his chest, alongside growing fear. The blood drained from his face as Ayel’s words sank in, the weight of them suffocating.

As Ayel requested control to organize a search, Flynn couldn’t help but let out a sharp exhale through his nose, his patience thinning. Why did it have to be Ayel delivering this news? He had never liked Ayel and he had been plagued by the entire Raunefeldt family for most of his life. Flynn loathed the man’s pompous attitude, knowing full well his disdain for commoners, Lunarians and blight-born alike. And yet, Ayel was currently the only one he knew of who had answers, leaving Flynn little choice.

The Goddesses had to be playing some sort of sick joke.

When Ayel finished, Flynn inhaled deeply, forcing calm into his voice. "Thank you, Ayel," he said, curt but polite despite the storm brewing inside him. He could still hear his father’s voice, steady and commanding, echoing in his mind: “Never panic, Flynn. It does no good for the people to see their ruler falter. They look to you for strength.” His father’s lessons had been harsh at times, but necessary. A ruler who panicked was a ruler who lost control.

Turning to the guard who had taken the torch, Flynn issued a firm command. "Inform the Commanders. I want a search party assembled immediately. Go." The guard saluted and sprinted off toward the eastern gate without hesitation.

As Flynn’s gaze swept the square, he caught sight of Daphne exiting the inn with a man he recognized from the group surrounding Amaya earlier. Flynn’s voice cut through the air. "Daphne! With me. Something's happened."

His eyes narrowed in on the stranger next to Daphne then, noting the way he wore little clothing for how cold it was out. “You too.” he commanded, gesturing for the man to join him with Daphne and Ayel. “You were with the Princess earlier, weren’t you?”

Before letting the man answer, Flynn shifted his gaze back to Ayel. His instincts told him to send Ayel away, but he needed answers. Unfortunately, this irksome nobleman was his only lead. And if Ayel had been exaggerating or lying, Flynn wanted him there to face the immediate consequences.

“Ayel,” Flynn said, his voice steely, “you said you know where the body is? Lead us there. Now.”

Interactions: Ayel @Dezuel, Daphne @PrinceAlexus, Valthyr @Fetzen
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ayel Raunefeldt

This was his bestest friend for certain. Ayel felt the urge to do a little jump on seeing Flynn wave over a guard to take the discarded torch. It was symbolic. Let the lowlife lowborn take away the things the blueblooded nobles had discarded. He wondered at first what Flynn was doing, bending down to pick it up. But it was only to show just how well he had trained the brainless louts, like teaching a dog to play fetch. He had wanted to show off.

Ayel felt a twinge of loss, he would have loved to show his best friend how well behaved Faldrin, his servant had become. Just like a hairless dog.

Then Flynn had thanked him. Ayel felt pleasure. No doubt Flynn knew how irreplacable a nobleman he were, like a limited edition of a rich piece of chocolate.

"Aha aha! I am happy to be of any assistance my dear friend." Ayel smugly curled his lock of hair with his free hand, he bit his lower lip softly. He didn't want to scrape his delicate looks. But his friends praise had made him think about himself again. He loved that subject, he could talk about it for hours.

He snapped out of his lustful self-reflection on hearing Flynn aptly order the guard away. He felt a twinge of proudness, to watch the heir of his homeland command a lesser creature with some ease. It reminded him of King Auric.

'Never show weakness, Flynn. It does no good for anyone, to have the lowlife peasants see a royal hesitate. They look to you for admiration because they are all thickheaded.' Ayel thought of the words the king had spoken to Flynn and him in their youth. But perhaps some of the words had been lost to the annals of history.

To Ayel it didn't matter. Auric had a good head on his shoulders. The sooner the blight could be removed and for him and Flynn to be hailed as heroes the sooner they could resume the just war against the barbarians.

Ayel then thought back on the day when they had explored the old abandoned home of that one lord who never came back from his fishing trip. His mansion had been the perfect playground for their epic escapades, as the area under the castle was forbidden to explore. Who wanted to explore damn dark holes anyhow? Holes were for badgers and peasants.

Ayel couldn't help but mentally chuckle on recalling how Flynn had tried to explain to Ayel's idiotic brother that giving stones to girls would never work. Ayel sighed softly as he thought of his brother Andros, he felt more stupid knowing he shared blood with the man. Andros was the kind of man who would be more interested in teasing a monkey with a banana than listen to threehundred years of Raunefeldt family history. It irked him!

Ayel once agqin snapped back to reality on hearing his best friend say something that made him shudder. He addressed that big oaf of a guardswoman by her name. Why in the world did he do that? Names were for proper educated servants, horses and dogs. Not for -this-.

But at the very least he was commanding her. Thank Aelios he was at the very least asserting ownership over the brute and... by all that was sacred she had a lightly dressed fellow with her. Her mate? They were breeding. Just like rats. He knew it. He knew it! Give those un-nobles free reign to do as they please and they will multiply.


Then Flynn had affectionately, yet again called him by his name, showing that there was only one man, one bestest friend to lead the way, with such confidence. Ayel felt a moment of self-appreciation again. How in the world had the goddess allowed such a being of perfection to grace the world? Her generousity knew no bounds.

"Of course, I shall lead you to the gruesome scene so these... can pick up the scent and aid us in tracking down the barbaric culprit." Ayel pointed in the direction of the scene and moved as fast as he could. But he was panting after ten metres. He wasn't built for running. But it dawned on him that Flynn had brought the two barbarians along akin to how they hunted deer in their youth, with hounds. This was just like it, except the dogs knew how to behave. But he did miss his horse.

"Your highness, this would go much faster if you allow me to use this one as a mount." He pointed at Daphne, thinking that he could use her as a temporary mount. Simply sit on the back and direct the witless beast-woman. Not only that, but it would help her know her place. It was a reasonable request.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anora Opal Raunefeldt

"Aurora? We both start and end on the letter 'A''"~Anora smiled and then lifted her skirt abit to courtesy and offer an appologetic look to Storm.

"Also my sincerest appologies for my mistake milady Storm~ Is it really okay for me to pet her?~ And thank you, I took some singing lessons a long time ago~" Anora approached and attempted to pet Storm's mane.

"Gushi, gushi. Moshi, moshi. Gumo, gumo~ Whose a good lil horsey~" She said in a playful manner, throwing a glance afterwards to Aurora.

"'Tis a fine horse, I am certain my brother would even agree and he doesn't like just about anything. Have you perhaps seen him about? His name is Ayel, wears big wide brimmed hats with feathers and dresses likes he's attending a ball.~" The yellow clad woman chuckled as she placed her hand in front of her mouth.
"I have come here to Dawnhaven to help my brother and Flynnie- I mean, Prince Flynn. I also have a more personal reason for coming here, I received a letter weeks ago that what I have been looking for my whole life could be found here. So here I am~" She smiled brightly and then posed a question back to Aurora.

"What about you, Lady Aurora. What brings you to Dawnhaven? Forgive me for asking, but are you of the Halliwell family that sell curatives in Aurelia? Are you Alistair's daughter perhaps?~ " The noblewoman asked as she tapped her own cheek with a finger. Her golden ring attached to it.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nathaniel Stormlight

Location: The Streets of Dawnhaven

Nathaniel sprinted through the frigid streets of Dawnhaven, his breath coming out in misty puffs as he deftly navigated the labyrinthine paths. The ground beneath him glistened treacherously with a layer of slick snow and ice, a constant reminder of winter's grip on the city. Determined not to overexert himself, he maintained a steady pace, his well-trained body responding instinctively to the challenging terrain. While Nathaniel had devoted years to mastering the arts of knowledge and logistics, his father, Lord Alexander Stormlight, had ensured that each of his children was well-versed in the skills of combat, a necessity in a world rife with intrigue and danger.

As he jogged along, a boisterous voice rang out nearby, jolting Nathaniel out of his focused rhythm. He dug his heels into the snow, sliding several feet before abruptly pivoting toward the source of the ruckus. The voice, dripping with theatrical flair, belonged to none other than Ayel—a noble whose inflated sense of importance often led him to sow discord. ”Gods above, that fool,” Nathaniel muttered under his breath, a frown creasing his brow. It felt as though Ayel thrived on chaos; adding fuel to the already flickering flames of discontent by claiming that Flynn had shielded them, potentially causing others to view the prince as self-serving and untrustworthy.

Around Nathaniel, the townsfolk shifted uneasily, their expressions a mix of confusion and anxiety, clearly unsettled by Ayel's brazen declarations. Were they genuinely grappling with the veracity of his claims? Nathaniel’s instincts kicked in the only way to uncover the truth was to confront the source of the noise. He quickened his pace, the crunch of snow underfoot barely audible over the growing din.

As he drew closer to the scene of the commotion, Nathaniel rolled his eyes at the sight of Ayel holding court among an entourage that appeared more interested in spectacle than resolve. ”Gods above, why this blowhard?” he thought, irritation bubbling to the surface. But his heart quickened in unexpected recognition as he spotted Prince Flynn, poised and authoritative, calmly issuing directives to those gathered. And there, within the crowd, was Daphne, the girl whose elegant smile had invited him to dance not long ago at the tavern. He felt a sudden urge to be part of the unfolding event. ”Wait. Allow me to assist," he called out, slowing his pace as he moved to join them, determination coursing through him.

Mentions: Flynn @The MuseAyel @Dezuel, Daphne @PrinceAlexus, Valthyr @Fetzen

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Eye of the Beholder

Amazon Action time.

Daphne headed over at a fast walking pace and moved with speed towards the Prince's side with an easy gait, through her eyes narrowed as she looked upon Ayel and Prince talking together. Daphne just had a potential migraine at the idea of them having to try and work with this man, man being a generous term in Daphne's mental book that included a lot of very impolite words. “Aye, Your highness. I know the basics, we need to move while we still have something to follow. Lord Coswain, Lady Persephone and priestess might be at the Temple. We have to be careful not to attack our own if they investigated.” Daphne said as she realised that slow would just mean more lives lost or a threat lost about the outskirts of the town if it was a beast, blight or both.

Ayel however sent Daphne's mind into a very different place as violet eyes glared at him and gave a clear and distinct air of danger as she unlike airlines had no restrictions on being exhausted too quickly with magic, she had limits but they were very likely a lot more than his. Her voice dropped to a very quiet tone and barely raised her voice above a whisper as she stood.

She wanted to do a lot of things but her mind was stronger than her heart on the matter and she channeled her anger, frustrations and her brushed off attempt to chat someone up inwards to push her harder instead. Healthy…no… was it the right time to punch him in the gut and break his perfect nose. Alas no especially next to Prince. Her eyes however told exactly how she felt as she almost thought they would have glowed with how intense her feelings had got.

Her response was distracted away by the arrival of the tall sage, who was with Eris and danced with. She was visibly annoyed and glaring daggers at the nobleman with a spirit of angry 1000 Angry honey badgers, as she quietly seethed. “You” barely stuffed out of date sofa cushion. Then Daphne had a great idea.. as she cut off her rant as she was about to start, an evil plan…. Persephone would be proud of her.

“Oh I tried to be gentle and spare you, I'm just not into that…you wanted me to… wear a wig and dress like a peasant girl. you keep taking your anger out on me when you need to learn how to manage rejection dear. Im not even gonna try to understand the other . ... thing... step on you?” Daphne said softly and changed her tone to be subtle, quiet but audible. She gave Nathanial a wink and a grin as she turned filled with an expression to make most men want to flee to the nearest castle. (Aimed at Ayel)

“Agh, I'm afraid we are doing a different dance of blades this time, but I could always use a partner to watch my back.” Daphne said with a confident tone and much warmer than a positively soul shuddering sweetness she chose to employ before that. (Nate)

She was ready, Daphne kept one hand at ready on one weapon at all times, and she had her hair all done to avoid being grabbed, her fighting knife at back, twin blades and boot knife to name 4. She gave the Prince a look that she was entirely not sorry and kept a very close eye on lord Ayel of the house of migraines.

"This man, Valthyr, He might be able to help us as a scout. Its weird...but... Dawn Haven." Daphne just shrugged, what he said made no sense but if it worked... she would save those she was close to, weird be glad for.


@Echotech71@Dezuel@Dezuel@The Muse@Fetzen

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Queen Arya
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Queen Arya Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with:
Céline & Ivor (@SkeankySnack)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Ranni's religious fervor broke abruptly, shattered by a myriad of factors serving to tear her from that moment of raw focus. The first, and perhaps the most jarring, was a sudden yank from the back of her collar. A yelp of surprise left her lips as the world seemed to suddenly come back into focus. Her mental outreach seeming to cut off from all as suddenly, timed about the same as Ranni landed on her rear with a shot of pain racing up her body. The Prince's words cut through the noise of her buzzing mind, revealing that he'd somehow heard her prayer. At the same time, Ranni could... feel Tia's own sudden shock and concern projected towards her. That, and somehow able to hear the myriad of curses and concern racing through Dyna's mind. Some chastising Ranni for doing something so dangerous, and others aimed at Dyna herself for not realizing how much pain Ranni was truly suffering from. The Priestess' eyes seemed to glisten as tears grew within them, tracing warm paths down her cheeks.

Her prayers, albeit not overtly, had been answered.

Instead of being consumed in a fury of flame, Dyna had been allowed to yank her back from the brazier. The thoughts consuming her suppressed by the relief spreading through her. Kept down by the feeling of the comforting thoughts of those closest to her. Ranni took a long few moments to collect her breath, looking towards her sister and offering a small smile of reassurance. "I'm okay, sister." She said softly, and finding that her words did absolutely nothing to shake the concern written all over Dyna's face even as Ranni slowly pushed herself to her feet. A moment was taken to straighten out her robes, it wouldn't do for a Priestess to be going about with dirtied robes. Another deep breath was slowly taken then, then exhaled as Ranni used the moment to regain control of the final remnants of said runaway emotions from before.

She'd gotten her answer. Now was not the time to deal with those dark memories, such luxuries could come later.

As she calmed herself, Ranni's attention immediately shifted towards the back of the temple, as if she could see through the wall and the person walking towards Tia's door. "We've guests." She said to Dyna, attention now shifting towards the entrance of the temple as two more opened and entered the building. The thought not even occurring to Ranni about how she'd been able to... feel their presence. That only came after she looked over to see nothing but an expression of pure surprise on her sister's features. Only then did she realized she'd noticed several people without ever seeing them. That she could hear Dyna's thoughts. That... that somehow the Prince had heard her silent prayer.

What did the blight do to me? She wondered to herself, before shaking her head suddenly. Later. Work to do. She thought before turning her attention towards Dyna.

"Can you head back to check on Priestess Tia? See what our guest back there needs, and I'll handle the two newcomers." Ranni said, and upon receiving a nod of confirmation, stepped past her sister towards the two at their front door. Albeit, one of them looked rather surprised by something within the temple.

A polite bow was offered towards the two, and a friendly smile given towards them both. "Welcome, I am Ranni, one of the Priestess' of Aelios. You said your friend has an offering to the Goddess? Perhaps I could assist in offering that to her while my sister fetches Priestess Tia to collect your things?" She said softly, before pausing and adding a question. "And, might I ask, what it was you meant when you said you've seen my sister before?" She asked, having a sinking feeling as to precisely what the other meant.

The dark thoughts sitting at the back of her mind once more called out, reminding her of what she'd become... that she was likely the cause.

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Tingara Tomae (@c3p-0h) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel)
Dawnhaven - The Temple of Aelios
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

As Ranni seemed to come back to her, Dyna felt the hints of a smile grow upon her lips. As Ranni seemed to collect herself, Dyna now clearly hearing all of her thoughts, the girl just sat there silently and held her sister. She stood with her sister, and watched with utter confusion as Ranni seemed to just... know that there were others coming into the temple without having ever seen them. Yet, she knew better than to comment on these strange developments. Certainly when she could feel those dark thoughts still boiling within Ranni's mind, just underneath the surface. There was so much she wanted to do, to say, to make her sister feel better. To shield her from all the pain and hurt in the world... yet she could do none of it. Not when the trouble was locked firmly within her sister's own mind. So, Dyna bit her tongue, she knew that Ranni would talk to her. To ask for help when it was needed. All she could do for now was be there for her sister and let her fight those mental terrors on her own.

Dyna's attention was stolen by the... clearly blighted, woman staring her direction and muttering about having seen her before. She looked towards Ranni, wondering if perhaps Ranni's mental... projection had been powerful enough to reach this woman as well. She'd been about to ask the woman, but was interrupted by her sister suggesting specific roles for the two of them to handle the newcomers in the temple. Dyna was stunned, for a moment, caught off-guard by her sister's focus their jobs at hand despite both the turmoil in her mind and the tears on her cheek. Yet, it occurred to her, that the focus on the task at hand might be a helpful distraction for Ranni. To avoid the darkness holding onto her. So, with a little nod and a move to wipe away the tear on Ranni's cheek, the Champion turned away from her sister. Walking instead back towards Tia's room where she noticed the blonde man she'd seen briefly at the tavern standing in the hall.

" 'Scuse me." She called to him, deciding to try and intercept the man before he bothered Tia too much. "Mayhaps whatever you needed from the Priestess, I could assist you with? I'd wager by her being in her quarters that she'd prefer not to be bother-" She said, being cut off as the door opened and Tia appeared. "Or... or not." Dyna said softly as she shifted her attention towards Tia. "Ah, my bad Priestess. Priestess Ranni wanted me to come back to check on you while she welcomed the two who just arrived." She said by way of explanation, offering a polite bow of her head and using a more formal manner of speech around the man she didn't know. Her gaze then shifted back up to Tia, seeking out how the Priestess wanted to proceed with the situation.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gadez looked over his shoulder towards Dyna, his appearance calm and collected, if not abit grim. Yet nontheless the man offered a soft smile.

"I appreciate the offer, twinstar. But alas Tia is the only one in the world which may have the answers I seek. I also have brought her some hot soup, provided by the golden child of Aurelia, so unless you wish to help her chew it, I think we shall do just nicely. Thank you nontheless. All things which live must eat, otherwise you'll have to be divine." He said softly with a slight upturn at the corner of his lips, as if there were something he found amusing about that.

Gadez bowed his head softly to Dyna, then smiled and greeted Tia.

"Greetings again Tia, I've brought you some hot soup. With your busy day, I imagined you wouldn't find the time to get any. You need to take care of yourself, not just the temple-grounds." The blonde man said softly, his blue eyes meeting Tia's. Soon there would be no turning back. But if he wouldn't tell her now, then there may not be another chance to say it.

He stepped closer and peeked into her room. "Thank you for finding the time. You are no doubt weary after the visit of prince Red Star. Flynn Astaros. Many are those which seek answers, I believe I may have some answers you seek in turn. Albeit these are for your ears alone... and Aelios." He said the last part of his sentence with added weight, but it wasn't low. It meant he had much more he wanted to say.

"May I?" He nodded towards her room, raising the soup bowl up abit and offering Tia a warm smile.

"It is kind of hot to hold unto. Like carrying a priestess in a blizzard." He tilted his head to the side, looking over Tia's face with an amused look on his face, giving her a slow wink.

@Queen Arya
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