Avatar of Letter Bee


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22 days ago
Current Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
1 mo ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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2 mos ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
2 mos ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.
2 mos ago
We've done it. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, lives.
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Intermission Four - Darkest Hour

La Trinidad de Manila Academy - 12/1/2022, 5:20, UTC+8

Far Eastern University In Real Life; the location and structures are used for La Trinidad de Manila in this timeline for convenience

Director Bathala smiled, his glasses glinting as he conjured up his Noble Arm, a Kalis Sword (Ignore the Sheath) that gleamed with warmth, a warmth that drove out the unnatural sense of fear and caused any drawn Noble Arms to stop shaking (Griff's). His next words were, "I used to be a Roman Gladius, one that devoured Noble Arms and their powers. This Kalis, my Noble Arm, allows me to transfer those powers to and from other Noble Arms without diminishing their potential. However, should I eat it, which by the way, is the same as eating one's own skin flakes - possible but gross - Its replacement will have a different power, thus denying me the ability to play with the parameters of various Noble Arms."

He then added, "The Downward Descent can give people two Noble Arms with different powersets by torturing a soul to the point of catatonia and infusing it in another person's body. My method is safer because it moves around the powersets and not the Noble Arms. So Cristina, how would you like, say... Huo Ren's power?"

Huo Ren had been one of the group's most obsessed enemies, driven by a perverse desire to capture Nico Makri, one of the past members of Task Force Obsidian. Nico had managed to kill Huo Ren in the latest mission after one such attempt at capture, but after that, he had stayed quiet, with some people speculating he had left TFO permanently. More importantly, Huo Ren had the power to create and control jets of superheated hydrogen, and can even create miniature suns. For the Director to have this power meant that -

"Huo Ren died and his Noble Arm went to another degenerate, and I ate it before that person could harm anyone," Director Bathala succinctly put before continuing, "Either way, do you want this, or some other ability?"

((Paragraph below contributed by Nimbus.))

"In any case," Callie interjected, her voice carrying from the back, "going after this rogue Arm would take our focus away from the war here, and the strategic position is too unstable right now to compromise operational capacity like that. We'd need to strike a major blow before we could even consider tying ourselves up elsewhere... Which, I'm guessing, is the other reason we're gathered here."

((Nimbus' contribution ends here.))

The Director changed the subject in response to Callie, saying, "This is true. Just a little over four hours ago, we received word that Russia's Pacific Fleet has joined up with several North Korean vessels in an attempt to plow through Tsushima Strait in an act of war - Admiral Yi Yeol of South Korea is trying to stop them with a joint South Korean and Japanese Navy; words that were unlikely to be said as early as two years ago. At the same time, China's 'People's Liberation Army Navy' is gearing up for another offensive just as the US Pacific Fleet has begun to sail towards the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea, picking up vessels from the UK, Australia, and New Zealand on the way."

He then continued, "And finally, there is the matter of First Lieutenant Noel Alonso, Task Force Obsidian's captured leader. Right now, he is being held in the late Huo Ren's PoW camp in Gansu; a gold mine where the heat and humidity are cranked up as much as possible to 'justify' the PoWs being given only the minimum of clothing; bear in mind that the PoWs are mostly men with a few women - You know what I am hinting at. That PoW camp is now run by an Avatar of Superbia, aka Pride, who in turn is the leader of the Downward Descent. This Avatar has been fed with more power than the usual ones, and his minions, too; rescuing your leader will require not just raw force, but an iron stomach to stand the disgusting sights you will see there.

"I have already predicted that Yi Yeol will win a spectacular victory and that the Japanese Navy will sail south once the Russian Pacific Fleet is at the bottom of the ocean," the Director began his conclusion, "So you are to train for when the crucial battle of the ASEAN War - La Naval de Manila - arrives, as well as the rescue mission for Noel, which will be held at the same time. Or you can ask me for new abilities, although unlike with Cristina, I will ask for something in return..."

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@4wheathRmany@Danyel@Sanity43217@DammitVictor@ctrlsaltdel@Archazen@Goblininamech
Mikazuki Nakajima

Mikazuki nodded and returned to his home on his bike, realizing that he had flubbed up minorly. As he entered the wide two-story building that made up the family dojo, the boy left his shoes at the door, knowing his day was not over yet and he had to help his father out; ever since his grandfather had died, his demeanor around his family members had chilled, although he still gave them the courtesy he owed them as family. Either way, he changed to his kendo outfit to help his father's students train with wooden swords - He was careful, even in this mood, not to inflict serious hurt on them.

The clash of blunted blades helped him let off some steam, although his father looked at him with frosty concern - Takumi Nakajima was not one to express emotions well, and only years of familiarity allowed Mikazuki to know that he still cared about him despite his dispute about grandfather's legacy.

As late afternoon set in, Takumi Nakajima called his son for an early dinner; Mikazuki realized that he knew something was up when the boy smelled a filling meal of gyudon and rice and a dish of chicken kararagi with soy sauce. Food was going to be necessary for energy, and energy was necessary for fighting Hollows. So Mikazuki ate with his father, facing him across the table as the latter said to him, "You have to decide; do you want to be a doctor, or do you want to inherit the dojo? Ever since Father - Your grandfather - died, I've seen you throw yourself into studying sickness, war, famine, and injury to the point where you almost worked yourself to death."

Mikazuki's eyes glinted with... something as he answered, "You will never convince me Grandfather was not a war criminal. I have to atone for it."

Takumi Nakajima glared back at his son, then responded, "And that is not your call. Those are not your crimes. Or mine, either. More to the point, our society denies that he has committed crimes at all. As it is, your life is not repayment for it. Now eat; I know you have a side job and you need to eat to do it well."

Mikazuki nodded, taking up his chopsticks and starting to eat his early dinner as the shadows lengthened; he realized he needed the energy as his father said. His father hinted that he accepted him. His father loved him despite their differences. His father was not afraid to tell him that he was being a hypocrite.

So he ate everything; wasting food was immoral. Once he ate, he gave a bow of respect before heading up to the upper rooms; saying he was going to 'sleep early'. Takumi wasn't fooled but trusted his son more than any normal father should, or could get away with.

Mikazuki gobbled his soul candy and went to the park, where he hoped to see his friends as they prepared to defend the town. The Hollows; the opposite of the Shinigami. The enemy was organizing itself to eat the souls of people and deny them a passable afterlife.

And also the foe who had brought him together with his new friends. Whatever happened, he had True Companions...

@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @Morgannis @McNephelim @LadyAnnaLee @WSilversun
@Goblininamech, Approval One given. @Gerlando or QJT, who is inactive right now, can give Approval Two (the final one) if they are fine with your OC.
@Goblininamech, I have room, yes. You okay with joining the Discord Server?
The Road to Bruma

The Orange Road; Imagine that its Summer, please...

For a moment, fear overtook Brigit, before she held out her staff and summoned two Frost Artonachs, before saying, "This is the culmination of my studies, my greatest work - The ability to summon more than one Artonach... and control the shape they are conjured as!"

With one clench of her fist, the two Frost Artonachs reshaped themselves, one into Arvindr, her foe, and the other into a copy of Kiffar himself. She sent the fake Kiffar to attack the real one, while the fake Arvindr attacked everyone else. Then, upon grasping the fact that she was still outmatched, she began to flee, hoping that her conjured creatures would hold back her enemies as she tried to flee the scene. It was clear that she, and for that matter, the remaining bandits, who were reduced to a mere ten and soon to be less, were not going to make it intact.

It was at least a good warm-up; now the question was whether they wanted to press their advantage and get rid of this threat before it became recurring...

Bruma - Not a Timeskip, Foreshadowing!

Bruma; pretend that it's Summer

Even though Bruma was part of Cyrodiil, its Half-Nord population did not take the entrance of Reachmen and Orcs, with some of them clearly of high status, which was noticed even by the prejudiced, as any good omen. Even when these Reachmen and Orsimer met with well-armed, official-looking folk who had arrived from the Imperial City who paid for their stay in a fine, but not too fine, inn, this suspicion had not gone down, only rose, although the heights were not dangerous yet.

The Elder Council and their 'Hidden Militia' were gambling in a high-stakes game, meeting with people from New Orsinium and The Reach. If the new members from Weynon Priory did not arrive to escort these delegates to the Imperial City soon, the news would get out of their purpose... And that would be an unacceptable risk.

Imperial City - Foreshadowing

Imperial City

Confessor Esselenia, a descendant of one of Talos' blessed, The Prophet, bowed before the newly crowned Titus Mede, who looked at her with respect. She held the title of Confessor because she was his personal Confessor, after all.

She was the one who listened to his sins and absolved them in Talos's name. She would make sure that Talos's will to keep the Empire alive, even if it meant allowing Orsinium and The Reach to be their own provinces, was kept.

And so, when the Emperor of Tamriel indicated that he wanted to confess his latest sins and doubts, she was prepared to listen and of course, suggest solutions.

@Carantathraiel@Lunamaria Hawke@Alfhedil@Crimson Flame@Randomguy@WSilversun@Rune_Alchemist
@Some Cole Cuts, hello!
@Letter Bee Not a problem, can i ask questions in the general chat about character stuff or would prefer that to be PMs

General chat will do.
@Vidar the Quiet, We do, yes. Would you be able to join the Discord Server?
Mikazuki Nakajima

Looking Shouko and Ouka in the eye, Mikazuki said, "Yes. I have more questions. If Hollows are born from lingering spirits in the Human World, are all souls destined to turn into them if not sent to Soul Society by a Shinigami or turned to Shinigami? Would we have turned into Hollows if we died and our souls did not get eaten or sent to Soul Society?"

His eyes glinted as he continued, "Can Shinigami turn into Hollows? Including us? My Grandfather was on the wrong side in a war - I do not want to have been tricked into making that same mistake, considering how Shinigami are capable of going into civil wars and giving each other what I think are final deaths. Or am I just being a combination of ungreatful and paranoid?"

@Sho Minazuki
NPC Arms Masters First Batch

ASEAN NPC Arms Masters:


Name: Chai Jakkrit

Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral: Friendly

Arms Master: Y

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Abilities: A Thai Bladed Staff that can transmute itself and the user's body into a large ball of electricity, allowing them to travel through metal objects, such as copper wire, while inflicting stunning to fatal shocks on living targets they pass through. However, excessive use of this ability can damage Chai's body once it returns to flesh and blood, leading to severe injuries at best, especially if the 'lightning form' comes into contact with large amounts of rubber or non-conductive materials.

Brief Description: Thai Arms Master deployed to Phnom Penh to punish the Cambodians.

Disposability: 5


Name: The Chau Sisters

Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral:

Arms Master: Y/N

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Abilities:

Twinswap - A unique ability that exploits, then breaks the rules of the Noble Arm System, this allows the Chau Twins to swap their Noble Arms to each other using their bond as Twins.

Crystalization (Red Chau) - Any living flesh cut by Red Chau's sword slowly crystalizes until the person dies, the damage is reversed by another Noble Arm, or Red Chau wills it to reverse on its own (cutting off the cut flesh is also an option). Wood, natural fibers, and bone (including ivory) are immune, as well as hair and animal horns.

Liquification (Blue Chau) - Any inorganic material (stone, metal, plastic, concrete) cut by Blue Chau's sword quickly dissolves into liquid; this includes vehicles and walls. This ability does not affect living flesh and organic materials like wood, but those can still be cut by the blade like normal. Unlike Red Chau, Blue Chau cannot will the damage to reverse.

Unnatural Agility (Blue Chau) - Blue Chau is just fast enough to avoid bullets.

Barrier Skin (Red Chau) - Red Chau emits an energy barrier close to her skin that allows her to withstand most calibers of bullet and even one Anti-Materiel Rifle Round. This, however, saps her Persistence and thus she prefers to swap with Blue Chau every other minute in combat.

Brief Description: Two of Vietnam's Arms Masters, and ones rising in popularity as they fight in the ASEAN War, the Chau Sisters have been sent to Phnom Penh to punish the Cambodians for their treachery. They are twins and not used to being apart, even in combat...

Disposability: 5

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