Mykhailo Martinez
Easy prey, Mykhailo thought silently as he locked on one of the light attack craft and shot one of his sidewinders from his right wingtip, the AA missile spiraling towards that mook even as he fired his rotary cannon at another one of the light planes - Jastrebs - in front of him before sweeping towards the leftmost foe, firing his rotary cannon again to try and perforate its more fragile frame. He knew enough that the goal was not just to destroy the planes, but prevent them from getting to the cargo ships. If that meant appearing to toy with them, so be it; he was the cat and they were the mouse.
He kept an eye out for any special tricks from these pirate pilots; jury-rigged modifications for their planes or stolen or copied bits of technology that allowed them to punch above their own weight. Mykhailo wasn't blind; he knew that the foe was backed by the NCAA, at the very least. Gritting his teeth, he made sure to keep this squadron divided, under pressure as the planes were constantly shot at - Time to test how good these foes are; he was not going to underestimate anyone today.
Dedicate yourself to the goal, Mykhailo, the young man thought, You know this is more than racking up wins or even kills. This is about accomplishing objectives. And the objectives are to put the pirates in the grave so they don't rob and kill people.
He spared a moment of empathy for the pirates; how many of them genuinely wanted to hurt people in the beginning, how many others just wanted to feed themselves and their families, and finally, how many started out as the latter, but are now the former?
The blue sky held no answers.
@Damo021@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus
Easy prey, Mykhailo thought silently as he locked on one of the light attack craft and shot one of his sidewinders from his right wingtip, the AA missile spiraling towards that mook even as he fired his rotary cannon at another one of the light planes - Jastrebs - in front of him before sweeping towards the leftmost foe, firing his rotary cannon again to try and perforate its more fragile frame. He knew enough that the goal was not just to destroy the planes, but prevent them from getting to the cargo ships. If that meant appearing to toy with them, so be it; he was the cat and they were the mouse.
He kept an eye out for any special tricks from these pirate pilots; jury-rigged modifications for their planes or stolen or copied bits of technology that allowed them to punch above their own weight. Mykhailo wasn't blind; he knew that the foe was backed by the NCAA, at the very least. Gritting his teeth, he made sure to keep this squadron divided, under pressure as the planes were constantly shot at - Time to test how good these foes are; he was not going to underestimate anyone today.
Dedicate yourself to the goal, Mykhailo, the young man thought, You know this is more than racking up wins or even kills. This is about accomplishing objectives. And the objectives are to put the pirates in the grave so they don't rob and kill people.
He spared a moment of empathy for the pirates; how many of them genuinely wanted to hurt people in the beginning, how many others just wanted to feed themselves and their families, and finally, how many started out as the latter, but are now the former?
The blue sky held no answers.
@Damo021@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus