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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Alex ran up with Camyllia and Clara to help grab some stuff. They had started heading for the stairs when they heard singing Alex got on instant high alert. However, when Clara got in front of them Alex decided to stand back and watch being ready to help her if needed. By the way Clara was talking to the guy something bad was up, but Alex knew not to try anything. Then when the girl came up the stairs and mentioned Haru, Alex sighed a little inside. At least they weren't hostile, yet. Alex would keep his eye on them though.

"Coming with us depends on how you answer a few simple questions, but as of right now I'd rather get away from an area that is gonna be crawlin' with Walkers soon. So if you don't mind, could you please put here down and let's get out of here. At least let Haru inspect the wound. She won't be as aggressive to him as it's obvious she would be to you." Alex reached his hand out to Camyllia and started walking past the three. He needed to get everyone out of there as quick as possible and hoped they understood that he was just trying to defuse the tension.

@Aintitfun1997@Demonic Angel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat of the Impala and let her memories take her to a much safer and protected time. Her mom wouldn't let her date because it took her mind away from her dancing and school. The extra time she did have her dad filled with Martial Arts. Nikki barely had time for friends at all. She had only gotten to date because she was eighteen and threatened her mother that she would quit dancing if she didn't allow her to date. Her mother had finally relented but she had more rules than a convent.

When Nikki and Tex met she told her brother how old he was and he freaked out. He followed her and met Tex. Only after threatening uncompromising pain before eventual death did he ok him to date his little sister. She missed her brother. Her eyes teared up while she remembered his laugh and the way he used to pester her. She even missed his crazy antics, like when he had tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes after her last dance recital and ran and jumped into the swimming pool, him in his uniform and her in her dance outfit.

Nikki missed her overprotective and sometimes overbearing family. She felt a little out of her league with Chris. She was attracted to him and she genuinely liked him. That kiss he gave her just about did her in though. No one had ever kissed her like that. He made her knees go weak.

After the walkers made their appearance and she found her mother and brother's bodies she realized that her dad couldn't possibly make it out of that building. She started looking at how many people she was losing.

She had always had a crush on Ethan. He had really come through and took up the mantle that her brother's death had left empty. She chose to look at him as her brother because it hurt less and it made him safe in her mind. They took care of each other and this is what they had become, siblings forged by necessity. Walter and Tex were also close. Even though she and Tex broke up after less than six months they had become friends and he was friends with Ethan too. Walter had been Ethan's best friend so she accepted him as family.

Nikki felt more alone than she ever had before. Now with Walter gone and Kat and Grace showing up out of the blue Nikki felt like she was losing Ethan a little more each day. It scared her. It scared her enough to break all the rules her mother had given her.

@josephb@belle@lpfan@aerandir(& all others who interact with Nikki.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

The heat had started to rise even on a gloomy day in October, which Ethan still couldn’t get used to. October in England, people would wrap up in three layers and still feel cold, Ethan only had two layers on and he was close enough to take off his coat. As he chucked his map back into the rucksack, he finally looked up again. He watched Kat for a moment holding Grace and a small smile crept up his face. But Ethan knew he couldn’t stay there forever though, just watching his daughter and the mother of his child.

Before Ethan was about to ready everyone up to get going, he noticed the new man kissing Nikki. The happiness turned to annoyance. Straight after, Alex had grabbed her away arguing. The man was Nikki’s ex and still seemed to like her, which would make the new romance a little awkward. Nikki then stormed off into the car and it was only at that moment she made eye contact with Ethan. He didn’t say anything but he shook his head in disapproval and the look on his face said it all. What’s she thinking? Ethan thought to himself. The man was double her age easily. Straight away, he felt uncertain about him, who knew what kind of angle the man was trying to play. Was he trying to get into the group by making Nikki fall in love with him? Ethan wanted to have a little chat with the man, to see what he was about. As hard and strong as Nikki liked to portray herself, Ethan knew she was secretly innocent and sheltered from the world. She didn’t know what men could do.

Ethan then turned around and shouted to the group, “Alright everyone! Let’s get going. Someone else will have to get into the Chevrolet with Nikki and her new... acquaintances.”

@Wick@LPFan@Belle@Kurai Assassin@Aerandir
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kat looked up when she heard the men approaching. "Thank God," she said aloud and stood, picking up Grace and settling her on her hip.
Jason approached her first. She smiled a bit at his concern. "Thanks. You too. Try not to do that again okay? In this world heroes usually end up dead."

Jason raised an eyebrow at what she said, He glanced at the group and said,"I Can't make any promises. It's kinda hardwired into me ya know?" He said with a slight smirk. It was the reason he joined the military, to serve and protect his country. After helping the group he felt a bit of the fire dance in his heart once again.

Ethan had came up and asked to hold his daughter, then her explaining she would never keep her from him...but what happened to them that he didn't even know he had a kid? Wasn't his place to ask as he watched Ethan hold Grace for just a short time before handing her back and quickly making a plan. Again, weird how he didn't hold her more. If he found out he had a child, he would spend as much time as he could with him/her.

He said nothing, as they were going to be on their way fairly quickly, but he will have to tell Ethan about the possible safety of a Aircraft carrier when they reached the town center. While Ethan explained he pulled his pistol from his holster and quickly slid the mag out and adding a few more bullets to it. A habit he gotten into while this world went to shit. Always good to have a fully loaded weapon.

He watched as Grace crawled around on the ground, glacing up at Kat as she turned to him and said, "We lost the dog's owner back at the house. I guess he's taken to us now. Don't know his name though."

He thought back to when he was around the woman and her dog. Them something. "I don't remember as well...Suddenly the name clicked because he remembered he didn't like it."Themistocles" He said as the dog looked up to him with a crooked head, wondering what Jason wanted. Jason reached his hand out and allowed the dog to sniff and lick it.

"He will be handy to have as an early alert." He mused to himself. But when he looked up he saw the newcomer give Nikki a passionate kiss. This made Jason blink a few times... confused, and to say a bit worried at the age difference and the fact they only met not even an hour before. He also noted Ethan's disapproval, and one other guy starting to yell at Nikki who seemed to be an ex boyfriend. Which ended with Nikki telling him to Butt out.

Letting out a sigh as he watched her get in the car with the man, He agreed with the guy named Tex. The man was twice her age, and in this new world, strangers often turned to be a little more dangerous with smiles on their faces. But it wasn't like he could say anything...hell he only met this group a day before...but he was surprised that they managed to survive so long.

"I must say..." He said as he leaned against the truck near Kat. "This group is... a little odd. Soft enough so only she would hear it. And only her as he knew the group had only run into her yesterday as well. He opened the cab of the truck for Kat, as it would be the safest place for her and Grace. Once she would take it or not, he would hop on the bed of the truck and take a standing position right behind the cab, his FN SCAR resting on the roof of the cab. Just incase they drove by walkers that would come too close to the edge of the bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That was a weird name for a dog. They would have to shorten it because there was no way she was going to remember it. Just how much crack had the owner been on when she'd named the poor animal.
Catching the look on Jason's face Kat sighed inwardly. It was an odd situation. How exactly did she explain that it had been a one night stand without seeming like a slut?

Grace, now with another man in front of her and her little mind connecting the two, giggled and reached for Jason, babbling at him like she was trying to have a conversation. Kat wasn't about to tell her that wasn't her daddy. The child was probably confused and mommy was not going to make it worse.
The kissing between Nikki and the man she had just met caused Kat to raise an eyebrow. From the way Ethan and the other guy Tex reacted she could see the drama storm coming. Well she didn't want any part of that. If Ethan was jealous of the guy then he could go after Nikki if he wished. She wasn't going to stop him. As she made these resolves in her mind she tried to bury the stab of disappointment. What did she expect? For him to see her and Grace and suddenly turn into a fairytale prince who realized he loved her? Ridiculous. That old her was starting to surface again, the one who actually believed in such nonsence. Kat quickly hardened her heart once again, putting up the walls that had almost started to crack.

"Odd is an understatement," she replied to Jason just as quietly. Grace blew a raspberry as her input on the situation. Kat bounced her until she started to fuss again. Kat opened Grace's mouth to look at her gums. They were starting to swell. Teething would start soon. Wonderful. THAT was going to be fun.

Despite her earlier resolve a smile escaped when Jason held open the door for her. It was a very old school gentlemanly thing to do. Maybe chilvarly was not dead after all.
The window in the back was open and Kat held Grace to her shoulder so she could look out of it. Grace babbled in her baby language and tried to poke her head out when she saw legs through the window. She grasped at Jason's pant leg but it was out of her reach.
Kat could tell from Tex's expression that he was not looking forward to being trapped in the cab with a talkitive baby. He looked highly annoyed, either from the fight with Nikki or Grace babbling or maybe a combination of the two.

"Your love life is not my baby's fault so you are going to stop glaring around her right now or we are going to have a problem," Kat snapped.
Tex mumbled something she was sure was foul language before looking straight ahead out the windshield.

Kat glanced out of her window trying to catch a glimpse of Nikki. The girl seemed to know her own mind well enough and Lord knew she could take care of herself, but concern for a fellow female had Kat wanting to keep her in sight. This guy looked a lot older than her and who knew how much advantage he would take of her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki and Ethan
collaboration with @josephb

Nikki opened her eyes and looked over at the truck and Ethan. She glanced over at Chris and said, "I'll be right back." She got out and went over to Ethan. "We'll take Rey with us in the Impala."

Nikki looked at Ethan and said, "Can we talk? In private?" She led him down the road a little ways so they could talk. She knew Ethan wouldn't scream like Tex did. His disapproval was quiet and somehow it meant more.

Ethan looked Nikki straight in the eyes and asked, "What are you thinking Nikki?" The annoyance was clear to see on his face. "You're getting off with some random person who's double your age who you've never met before?" His voice started to get slightly louder as he thought about the situation. "I thought you was smarter than!" He suddenly stopped speaking waiting to hear her explanation.

Nikki realized that he was much angrier than she thought he would be. "There is a very intense physical attraction between Chris and I. Why should I wait for months before we decide to tell each other that we want to be together. With Walter gone and you with a baby and her mother...I'm left all alone." Nikki couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face.

Ethan was a little took back with what she was telling him. "You... You think I'm going to leave you?" After a few seconds Ethan hugged Nikki placing her head on his chest. "You know you mean way too much to me for that to happen." He took a few more seconds to think what he could say. "I just know what men are capable of, who knows what the man wants. Don't go falling in love with a stranger, nothing good will come of it."

Nikki searched Ethan's eyes for what she wanted to know. "What happens if I fall for someone I'm close to? What if I already did?"

Ethan was lost for words. "You can't say that to me Nikki." He didn't know where to look. "You was just kissing someone else and now you're saying that to me. You know how much you mean to me, you should have told me sooner."

"First of all when I kissed him earlier it was a quick kiss on the lips. I was not prepared for the lusty kiss I got later. I had no idea that was coming. I'm a little worried that he is going to go a little faster than I ....." Nikki stops and looks away confused and worried and feeling totally exposed.

"Nikki..." Ethan paused, he always found it hard to talk about his feelings. "Well do you want me to tell you?" Ethan just looked drained emotionally. "You know... I love you Nikki." That was all he could muster up about it. "We... We need to get going." Ethan ran his hands through his hair in a tired fashion.

Nikki cried a little bit harder. "Yes, I know you love me like a little sister....but that's not what I want."

Ethan hated seeing Nikki cry, but he didn't cry himself. "Alright." He took a few more seconds to compose himself and took in a deep breath. "I want more as well... I always have."

Nikki looked up, her eyes glistened from the tears and she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you but you are an idiot. You should have told me." She laughed and wrapped her arms around him.

"So here is my next problem. How do I get my bag out of the car and tell Chris that I'm riding with you?" She couldn't help the giggling. She just hugged him tighter.

"I did not think of that..." Ethan let out a a small laugh. "Might not be best telling him about what we've said, we don't know how he'll take it. Just tell him it won't work, I'll stay with you, if you want... Okay we need to go now, we've wasted too much time already."

Nikki wiped her tears away and gave him another kiss. Then she turned and headed to the car. She reached in and grabbed her bag. Chris grinned at her and she looked at the back of the car and did not see Lisa. She had apparently gotten out and Nikki looked back at Chris.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I didn't mean to lead you on. We aren't going to work out....Rey will be riding with you. I hope that is okay." She felt bad for getting Chris' hopes up. She smiled to herself, Chris didn't seem to be the kind of guy to stay down too long. She knew he would bounce back.

"Okay people, let's move out." That was all Ethan shouted with a smile on his face as he waited for everyone to pile into the truck. Alex was driving ,Kat and Grace were up front. The girl who owned the truck was sitting in back with the rest. Jason was positioned on top of it. He climbed in as he waited for Nikki.

Nikki went over to Ethan and climbed up into the bed of the truck with him. Ethan simply nodded at Alex and the man set off down the road, with Chris following them. Nikki sat down next to Ethan and pulled his arm around her.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Aintitfun1997@alexfangtalonClara Jekyll Moon

The little girl glaring and the dog growling at Vincent caused the darker half smirk at her sister. Raven stuck her tongue out in response making Clara glare in return. God she hated these two. Which was one of the bloody reasons they shouldn't come to the school. At least two of them seemed to know that these weren't good people, granted one of them was a dog after all. Then Alex spoke up which made the girl's stomach sour. Over the year she had considered the older gentleman as a brother. Though in her opinion he was to kind hearted unless the people in the high school was in danger.

" Alright. I just wanted to make sure my sister was alright." the older gentleman said as he set his half sibling down. Raven started to open her mouth only to watch Clara slap her twin then storm down the stairs." I saw that coming. Thank you for taking care of Erin and Clara. The least we can do is help you guys out." The twin girl said with a warm smile as she follow behind the rather mad Vincent. She patted his back, as if he was a baby, humming the guy's favorite lullaby.

" Man I really wished I told the counsel the truth. How did you find me this time? Killed a few people for the information? Or did you just decided to stalk me? Nope never mind cause I don't wanna know." the darker half snared at them as she moved towards the bar entrance in a huff. Once outside the girl sat inside the car." Alright can I please see the wound? Plus we'll talk to Alex at the school that way they won't come." after getting patched up the darker half went up on the roof.

Vincent James McGarth

Vincent didn't want to but he didn't see any other choice. Either get killed by this Alex or by the dog which would cause his men to scatter as well as their leader turning. Both of which was risky since the older man want to live. Then a sudden slap on his check caused anger to flare up. Vincent didn't speak, though the humming and rubbing helped, as Clara walked outside." At times I forget she's like our father."

" Alright. Let's get out of here. Tyler should have been able to scavenge as much as he could. When we stop you can have half." Raven stated as their men started to gather." We'll answer any questions you have. I can provide supplies, weapons, ammo, and information of where the walkers are worse. I'm hoping you will at least allow us to stay nearby. And thank you for taking care of her Alex." with that everyone of Vincent's men got into an a truck and the twins went inside the car with Haru.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chris was left stunned by everything that just transpired. At first he thought it was all a bad joke, but after realising it was all very real he went back into the car and slammed the door so hard his sister jumped in fear. "Jesus Christ Chris, you're gonna break the window." She said while looking at Chris upset. "Shut up Lisa i'm not in the mood for your tantrums right now." Said Chris visibly upset while forcing himself to keep his anger in check. As he started the car he stared at Rey who was sitting on the passenger seat. "Not one word you hear? Keep it shut!" He said to her while revving the engine harder and harder. Once he let go, the Impala stormed out of place.

As he was driving down the road, behind the truck, Lisa couldn't keep her mouth shut. "You know what? I should congratulate you. You probably hit the world record for the shortest relationship ever." She said as Chris instantly hit the breaks causing everyone, including himself jump out of their seats. "Get out!" Said Chris while opening the door and getting out of the car as his sister followed him. Once they were both behind the car, Chris broke out. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM HUH? I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted while raising his arms and lowering them afterwards. "No, i'm not gonna leave you alone because you're 38 years old and yet you're acting like you're 15. Crying over someone who probably didn't deserve you in the first place." Lisa said with a sudden change in attitude, while moving her head left and right.

"Who said anything about crying huh? Do you see tears in my eyes?" Asked Chris as he pointed to his eyes with his right hand. "It was a figure of speech dumbass." Lisa continued her surprising attitude change as she crossed her arms. In the meantime the truck kept dissapearing in the distance. "Do you even know how old she was, huh? She was probably double your age anyway. Yeah, and i'm 24, that would make her even younger then me." Said Lisa as her tone calmed down. "Oh and one more thing. What's with your sudden desire to be a part of a group? We were doing perfectly by ourselves just you and I. If anything happends in the future with any of us, it's on you." She continued while Chris wasn't saying anything anymore, just standing there with his hands on his hips and looking down.

"Either way, me and Nikki, were gonna have a very serious discussion. But i'll leave that for when we get to the city. There will be plenty of private places there to talk in. Without any of her stupid friends sticking their noses where they don't belong." Said Chris as he and Lisa got closer to each other and hugged one another as Lisa rested her head on Chris's chest. "I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. Everything you said was true." Said Chris while patting his sister on her head. "I did liked the attitude change though. Wish you were always like this." He continued as Lisa chuckled. "I was just worried. That this situation will force you to make bad calls. Remember, in this group you're the new guy. And nobody likes the new guy. That's why I decided to keep to myself and didn't even get out of the car. Just ignore them and don't let them get into your head." Responded Lisa. "You're right. As long as we have each other the world can burn. We'll endure, and we'll survive." Said Chris turning his view to the sky.

"Chris?" Asked Lisa. "Yeah?" Responded Chris. "We are way behind." She said. "So what!" Replied Chris as they both suddenly let go of each other and ran back to the car. Lisa got inside first, followed by Chris who closed the door and stepped on the gas pedal as the car started catching speed. Chris kept shifting gears and keeping his foot on the gas pedal as the car reached 120 mph just as the truck started becoming visible again in the distance.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki leaned up against Ethan right up until they started to come into town. She had become a little concerned when the Impala had stopped and she saw Chris and Lisa get out and started yelling at each other. It came back into view again a few minutes later. They were flying so Nikki had a feeling that Chris was upset. She felt terrible about what had happened and she knew it was all her fault. She also knew at some point that she would have to talk to Chris and explain better.

Nikki saw the buildings as they came into town she turned around to see the lay of the land and how thick they were on the walker front. She smiled at Ethan and took his hand in hers. There didn't seem to be too many walkers around. Tex had memorized how to get to the town center building. The rec center was adjoined to it. When he pulled up to it Nikki was the first one to hit the ground. She kept her sword out and went up to the building and looked into the window. She knocked and heard the familiar noises of a walker approaching. She immediately backed up and swung her sword at it decapitating it. There were two others nearby she walked over to them and cut them down. She glanced up and saw Ethan grinning at her and Chris looking at her with a grim expression.

Nikki went back up to the door and a very pretty woman answered the door with a gun. Nikki was intimidated by how pretty she was. If she weren't secure with Ethan she would have been concerned about this woman but she was older than Ethan. Nikki smiled and offered her her hand. "Nikki Hyatt." The woman looked down at the girl and shook her hand. "Leanne Connor." "Let me get Ethan for you." Nikki waived to Ethan, Tex was guarding the truck and the people still inside it. Nikki headed straight for Chris' car. "Okay, don't say anything, I need to show you something." She pointed to Leanne. "The most gorgeous woman nearer to your age than mine and she is not wearing a wedding ring. Go for it!" Nikki chuckled to herself and waited to see what would happen.

While Ethan spoke with Leanne, Nikki kept the walkers down. When there were more of them she nodded to Tex who was paying attention and he helped her while the others emptied their things into the building. Nikki saw Kat and the baby go inside and she smiled. She liked Kat and she adored the baby so she was glad Jason was looking after them. Jason was looking after them? Why would he do that? Nikki's spidey senses told her that there was more to that story than she knew.

Leanne had gotten the leader and handed Ethan off to him. She was not really paying attention to any of the newcomers. Leanne headed back to the tv room and sat on the couch. She was learning not to get attached to anyone. They all got killed in the end she thought so why bother going through that kind of hurt for no reason.

@Josephb@lpfan@Kurai Assassin@Aerandir@Belle and all of the San Clemente group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Demonic Angel @Alexfangtalon

Camyllia didn't grab his hand but instead gripped her machete tighter ,shifting her pack and walked around the group watching them like a hawk,"C'mon Blitz," The dog growled at her," Jus' lets go. I'll try an' get ya more jerky," Camyllia said walking down the stairs and following Alex to the car. Running to get a seat closer to a door because if life has taught her anything was that always have an escape route, even when you think it safe. You are never safe.

It felt like that one time back when she was about 6, just before she was sent to California, when her dad had a bit of a money loan problem. Guys,like the two twins coming up behind them, made her feel really on edge and felt like she was in danger even when they said they were friendly. They weren't. She got out before they can do serious damage. The twins made her feel like a cornered already wounded animal. She tastes the danger like the blood, but theres nothing she can do about it because of the people they brought. Though she hasn't looked in the bag she hoped that there was something in there that if worse comes to worse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clara Jekyll Moon

The purr of the engine was what could be mainly heard, at least where the darker half sat on the hood. The only time the purr lowered was when Haru saw either a huge hole in the road or a passing walker. Up here the girl could think without her siblings around. At least for the most part since they decided to travel in the same car." Go figure they would act like lost puppies." Clara honestly wanted them gone for the safety of the group.

Every individual was in danger all because she had lied. Now the most dangerous people of all were now looking to live in the some building as them. The outcome would put innocent lives at risk forcing the mob and the girl's family members at risk. Between walkers and well as each other. One of Vincent men drove right next to them caught the darker half's attention. She couldn't hear what they were saying but the look on the man's face showed he didn't want others to hear. Something Clara could use as leverage later ten to one.

It was a surprise when the other car took point adding to a very bad gut feeling. She readjusted on the hood only to hear Haru tapping three times. Mostly signaling Clara to chill before she might get thrown off. Someone stuck out his hand showing where the others where to turn. After a few odd turns both cars stopped at the town center. Two others were by cars, most likely men that belonged to her brother, causing everyone there to be in even more danger.

Clara got down yet somehow the mob leader beat her. Already he was going towards them which just shown she was correct after all. After a bit the older man waved to Clara telling her to come. Without arguing she did as the others were seeming to follow behind. Vincent opened the town hall's door just to get a gun in his face causing the darker half to laugh and his twin to shift.

Vincent James McGarth

It was quiet inside the car forcing Vincent to hum his favorite lullaby. His leg swayed to the tune forcing Raven to elbow him in the gut. The child had decided to take the other seat by the window as well as the dog, causing the older woman to squeeze next to her brother. It looked as if the youngest girl of the group didn't either like them or trust easily. This would make things harder for the group providing they would all stay together. He glanced at the rear mirror only to see his men gone. Vincent clenched his hand into a fist only to have Raven tap on his shoulder.

" Look like they need to tell you something Vincent. And by the looks of things it's about time to find somewhere to stay at. Know any good hotels Haru? Considering you lived here if I'm right." Raven stated in a smug voice." Okay Raven. Let me just call up the nearest hotel and... Oh wait I forgot the phone lines are down and the undead are walking the streets. I'll have to make sure to put that into my to do list now. Stupid girl." the young man said rolling his eyes. If was bad enough they had jumped inside the car. Worse now that it seemed they were positive they were in their tight nit group." Enough children. Haru I would like to discuss why my sister is in the roof when we stop." with that Vincent rolled his window down. After deciding on where to go his men zoomed in front. Three slams to the roof made the older gentleman to think Haru was just mad about it.

After the mobsters waved the teenager where to turn they finally arrived at the center. Vincent show his two scouts as he heard movement on the hood. He was faster due to not wearing a seat belt which usually got Raven in a raged state. The guy jogged towards them only to hear what they said. Somehow they had lost track of the Dana survivors due to walkers in the woods. This made Vincent uncomfortable due to his sibling's safety at risk. Clara seemed to favor knives over guns and Raven liked guns over knives. A problem within itself. The older guy waved at the darker side to come as his twin moved forward as well. The others were told to stay back as the three of them took point. Vincent opened the door only to get a gun in his face.

" Looks like the Lone Ranger rides again. Hello Tex." he said as he heard laughing and shifting behind him." Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Vincent Janes McGarth and Raven Lillian McGarth. Last I knew you were looking for your younger sister." Tex said looking at them." Our sister is the one laughing too hard. Eventually she'll pass out making it easier to drag her inside." Raven stated as she looked at Tex with a grin." Touch me and I'll kill you. I'm pretty sure Erin won't mind if I did. Now are we just going to stand here or go inside?" with that the door opened allowing everyone inside then shutting closed behind them.
@Kurai Assassin@alexfangtalon@Aintitfun1997@Wick@LPFan@Belle[@and everyone else inside]
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collab with @belle

Jason, while on top of the truck had glanced back, noticing the sudden disapearance of the other vehicle. His eyes went wide in alert, as Ethan and Nikki had noticed most likely yet said nothing. Didn't they have one of their own in the vehicle? Yet didn't even bother to say 'hey stop?'

But before he could stop the truck the old muscle car suddenly came into view as it flew towards them. What the hell was that man thinking?!Kat heard the roar of an engine and turned her head in time to see the other car racing towards them. Was the idiot trying to hit them?! She'd never understand men and their love of fast cars and daredevil stunts.
He shook his head as he looked down at the cab and noted a tiny hand trying to touch his leg. and that was all he could see. A tiny smirk came on his lips unconciously. He reached down with his free hand and allowed her to grip his forefinger for a moment while looking foward for any hunters. He then heard Kat snap at the boy named tex in the cab. Raising an eyebrow he wondered what he did to piss her off. But said nothing and did not look in.
Grace giggled as she grasped the finger offered her, trying to immediately pull it into her mouth. Kat made her let go, which she protested. She'd have to warn people about Grace starting to get her teeth. Teething meant she would start knawing on people, which meant drool and, once her little teeth came in, pain. Although Jason was a soldier so he could likely take it.

He did notice a few walkers, but they were still far enough away to ignore them. But soon they did pull off the highway and into the town of San Clemente. It seemed tex did know were to go, as he made a few turns to make it to the town center. As the truck came to a stop he quickly scanned for a few walkers, but he saw none for the moment. Hopping over the edge he opened the door for Kat once again. It was a very old habbit his father had drummed into him as a kid, and as he did it again, he raised an eyebrow at himself...it had been over a year since he had done anything like this...yet now. It was just there.

Kat once again found as smile on her face when he opened her door. It was hard not to smile. Soldier-boy was going for the knight in shining armor award. Well, the knight in no armor with no horse but had a gun award. Same thing really. Kat tried not to let the cynical side of her come out, but it was difficult. Life had taught her to automatically think the worst. That way you weren't disappointed.

She looked around at the desolate city around them. "What now?"

Jason looked around as Nikki had taken care of a few hunters. "Apparently, we are meeting up with some more Dana point survivors.... If there is any. Once we figure out who is all hear, we should head south more... but it's up to these guys." He glanced over to see another car come up, His finger slid from the side of his FN SCAR to the trigger out of habit as he turned slightly enough to make sure Kat was behind him. But before he could act it seemed Tex knew these people as they started talking.

It surprised, and kind of impressed her, the way he could go from casual talking one moment and alert and ready to act the next. Kat made a mental note to never tap the guy on the shoulder. She might just lose her head. He relaxed and then continued. "Hopefully if we make it down to San Diego I might have a safe place for everyone to stay." He glanced to her, "An aircraft carrier in the bay."
"San Diego?" Kat asked, putting Grace on one hip and balancing her bag on the other. "You know, I've always wanted to go there. Vegas is... was okay, but I wanted to see somewhere... normal, I guess," she said, talking more than she had to anyone else so far, other than Ethan. Small talk felt strange now.
Little by little, everyone would learn about each other. They would form ties and relationships. They would get closer than family.

And that was when things usually went to hell.

Jason glanced back at her as she spoke, he smirked slightly. "San Diego was not...normal by any means.But I see your point." He watched as the others started moving things into the center. Where they planning on staying here? He didn't pull anything from the truck. Probably not the best thing to do with that horde so close to them. He walked in to see who was in charge, so they could move once again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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Rey got out the vehicle and tried to catch up with the rest of the group. She eventually did and decided it would probably be best to start trying to make friends within the group. She thought it was best to start with the other girls in the group, they would most likely stick together if things went up shit creek without a paddle. She made her way over to Nikki to introduce herself.

"Hey, um thanks for taking me in. I know im not from the States like most of you guys but i do appreciate the help." she said trying to hide the scouse accent so that Nikki could actually understand her. She knew that most of the group would dislike her being around. Why wouldnt they, it was another extra mouth to feed. Something that most groups wouldnt be able to do. what with food being scarce in these hard times. "Look, if you need me to do any jobs for you guys, just say the word."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Nikki Hyatt

Nikki smiled at Rey and said, "I'm Nikki and I'm sorry for whatever happened between Chris and Lisa. I'm sure it was because of me." Nikki noticed the accent and grinned as the girl tried to thin it out so to speak. "No worries, Ethan is from England too so I don't have trouble understanding the accent."

Leanne came out of the tv room and spoke with the guy in charge of who was sleeping where and where they could put their stuff. She didn't remember her name and looked at Nikki. "Hey you, uh, swordgirl." Nikki turned around and looked at her and grinned, "It's Nikki Hyatt."

"Sorry, there are so many new people lately. Sleeping arrangements... do you have someone?" She sighed exasperated to be doing this. "Can you sleep in gen pop or do you need a private room...are you married?" Realization dawned on Nikki and she blushed. "Oh, yes, I need one room for two if there is one available."

Leanne wrote it down. "Okay and the other party's name?" Nikki said without hesitation, "Ethan Blackledge." Leanne looked up from her paperwork and smiled at the young woman. "Okay, that was the english guy I met right?" Nikki nodded. "So is this girl his sister? I heard her accent as well." Leanne motioned to Rey. Nikki shook her head no and asked, "No she isn't. Where are we going to be? I would like to put our things away." Leanne pointed down the hallway and showed her a door halfway across the building. "Thanks! I'll catch you later Rey." Nikki picked up hers and Ethan's bags and headed to their room.

Nikki opened the door and flipped on the lights. It was an office. A fairly large office but not giant. She moved some things around. There was a fold out couch plus the desk, file cabinets and other normal office stuff. She opened the file cabinets and pulled the paperwork out and turned them into drawers for their things. Nikki looked at the desk and set her leg on it so she could stretch. After she was done stretching she found a stereo behind the desk and she went through the music and put some on. She moved the furniture back and closed her eyes. She danced like no one was watching. Little did she realize that she had not closed the miniblinds so anyone who looked her way could see her doing ballet.

@josephb@kurai assassin@lpfan@demonic angel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia and Blitz came in last but the little girl stopped dead in her tracks when she see's Tex. Letting out a full watt smile she runs straight into him wrapping her arms around.


"Camyllia?" The turned regonizing the little girl before turning properly and returning the hug,"You made it well?"

"Yes! I did," Camyllia said smiling. A low bark made her tun and look at Blitz,"Oh yeah Tex. This is my dog Blitz," She says looking to the man who raised his brow,"It's a long story."

"You're Okay no?"

Camyllia looks at the floor Tex getting the idea rubs the top of her head," All will be well." He said before standing up and heading toward Vitcen.

"That's what they all said," Camyllia said kicking the floor walking back to her spot. Closest to the door or window Blitz following her because the little girl was the only one that made the dog feel a little comfortable.

@Demonic Angel
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chris eventually caught up with the group as they reached their San Clemente destination. They stopped in front of a recreational center as Nikki imidieatly got out and and went all samurai on some walkers. Then she opened the center's door only to discover quite a sizeable number of survivors hiding there. As Chris got out of the car, followed by his sister and Rey, he saw Nikki coming to him but before he could open his mouth to tell her that they need to talk, Nikki opened her first and basically threw in his arms this new woman that she just talked to.

As Nikki walked away, Chris balled his left hand into a fist as he slammed the top of the car easily. Then he bit his fist for a second and let go as he leaned on the car, crossing his arms. "This girl is really trying my patience." Said Chris as he was giving Nikki grim looks. "She probably thinks i'm some kind of man whore or something." He continued as he took out his balisong and opened it with a couple of swift moves then closed it again. "Be a team player but don't let them get into your head. Keep your cool!" Said Lisa as she went to her big brother, wrapped her arms around his right arm and leaned her head on his elbow.

"Yes mom!" Said Chris as both he and Lisa started chuckling. Once everyone started taking their stuff inside Chris put the balisong back in his pocket and went to the trunk of his car, taking a backpack and going inside as his sister followed from behind with a duffle bag in her right hand. Once inside the center, Chris started surveying his surroundings and the survivors that the group just ran into. He liked observing people, see how they are, how they act, before he makes any moves. Nikki was an exception. One that will never happen again. He got fried for the last time.

Chris was looking around for a gym. He wanted to release the negative energy that gathered in him lately. After about 5 minutes of looking around he finally saw what he was looking for as he went inside and put his backpack on a bench. He then took out his leather jacket and his t-shirt, remaining only in jeans and boots, opened a pocket from the backpack and slipped out a pair of grappling gloves. He had them from a gym that he and his sister took shelter into, some time ago. He thought they may be useful.

He didn't had any tape so he put them on just like that, going to a punching bag that was nearest to the bench and started punching and kicking the punching bag, with each hit the strikes getting more and more intense, as his sister put the duffle bag next to Chris's backpack and sat on the bench observing her brother. "Yeah, that's sure gonna help with all that anger." She said smiling. "It does dosen't it? I feel better already." He said chuckling as he stopped for a second and looked at his sister. Then continued with the strikes on the bag as he started making some moves too like jabs, uppercuts, roundhouse kicks and spinning heel kicks. Chris wasn't a fighter but he knew some stuff as he often trained with a friend back home just for self defense and to stay in shape.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leanne Connor

Leanne handed the clipboard back to the guy who she was covering for and headed to the gym. There was an aerobics/dance room right off of it. She figured that things could happen to fix the Zombie thing so there was no reason to let herself go. She stopped by her room and put on her exercise clothes.

Upon entering the gym she saw a man doing some boxing and MMA moves and a woman watching. She had to walk by them to get to the dance room so she got to get a better look at them. She smiled at the girl whom she guessed was in the 24 or 25 age range and was not wearing a wedding ring. The man caught her eye more. He was a little older than she was she figured and he was very handsome and in great shape. She looked away in case she was staring.

Leanne had caught his attention and she felt awkward to see him looking at her so she slowed the pace and smiled. "Hi, I'm Leanne. Are you guys with the Dana Point group that came in earlier? The one with the sword weilding young woman and the two people from England. I met Nikki, Ethan and Rey. I thought Nikki and Ethan make such a cute couple." She looked at the expression on Chris' face. So did Lisa.

Lisa said, "They are brother and sister not a couple." Leanne shook her head. "Oh no, they are a couple. She said so. They even got a private room." Leanne felt the anger coming from Chris as he started hitting the bag again even harder. She figured it out and became annoyed.

Leanne looked at Chris and put her hand on her hip. "You liked her didn't you? You know she is maybe half your age." Chris glared at her as he hit the bag harder. "Oh come on! You can't have thought that would work out. Her maturity level is twenty years behind yours. In my opinion you should stick to the 30 and older group. You would have a lot less to worry about because we are done playing games."

Leanne shook her head and mumbled "men" under her breath and continued to the aerobics room and set up a mat. Within a few minutes there was music coming from the room as she began her exercises.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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@LPFan@Wick@alexfangtalonClara Jekyll Moon & Erin Hyde McGarth

Clara walked away from the two men talking with Haru on her heels as always. This never bothered the two sides mostly due to a crush both had on him. This was one of the few things they both agreed on as well as the twins. The girl stopped at the center's door leaning against it as she closed her eye. By the time the young man caught up the personalities switched. Erin opened her blue eye and smiled as she raised her wounded arm, regretting the motion right away." Please tell me it was another hunting accident Haru and it wasn't a bullet. Even if you have to lie to me it's all good." the girl ask in a worried tone." Through and through like usual. Clara cut it a bit too close this time. Apparently she knew you would want to save the kid from Dana Point so she played the distraction. Good news is I asked her out and she said yes. Great news is I'm still dating you two no matter what." the young man said with a smile while holding out his hand.

" You're lucky you're cute Haru. What else happened? Did Ollie get to be counsel member?" the lighter half asked trying to get information while taking his hand." Yep. Alex is our leader and your siblings are sadly alive, well, and here with others." the young gentleman stated in a serious tone." Let me guess Alex might let them come with us. It's not surprising since they are determined to keep the three of us together. We'll just avoid them like before. Vincent is smart and will eventually leave us alone."" Key word is eventually. As far as I know we're using this place as a pit stop. I was just about to ask for a blanket or maybe a room inside. Want to come with me?" Haru asked with a grin. This caused Erin to blush as she nodded yes.

Just when they got to the center's front door Raven cleared her throat." Whatcha doing? Since we got the kid back to someone from her group why not get going again Erin?" the older girl said in a rather rude tone." It's up to Alex about whether we stay or go Raven. Just be happy he brought you two along and keep quiet. I don't want to get thrown out because you mouthed off to the wrong person." with that said the young sibling opened the door and walked inside to get away from the twin. They eventually found someone which they were told to find someone named Leanne. The couple split up to look for her faster.

Vincent James McGarth

After a while of talking to Tex Raven returned their way with a pouting face. This caused both men to chuckle before she snapped." Our sister is inside with Haru and your just standing there like it's no big deal. If your just going to let her do whatever she wants then why don't we just leave?" she stated in a huff." Might be she's used to the other two. That Haru fella seems to be a good match for Erin. Though I want to ask if there's something wrong with her eye Vince." Tex said in a concerned voice." Erin is a real life Jekyll and Hyde Tex. She has her mother's dual eye colors. Outbreak must have forced her BPD to act as two different personalities. Give me time and I'll talk to her."

" Alright. I'll go answer Alex's questions then." the sister stated as she left." Heard you guys got hit hard back in Dana Point. I'm sorry about your loss man." Vincent said sincerely." Can't be helped. Death today is pretty common it feels like. Now I know why soldiers have post traumatic stress after coming home." This statement cause the gentle hearted guy to look back at his friend." Yeah it's hard seeing your bothers in arms die. I used to hate hearing guys around you screaming watch out but now I miss hearing it. Dying from either human violence or natural causes you come back as a walker. Being scratched or bitten will turn you too. Makes you miss the overpopulation of humans. Excuse me Tex." Tex nodded as the older man left towards the building.

It took a while but Vincent finally found Erin in the gym. There was two others inside already but he was more focused on talking to his sister." Erin can we talk for a bit." the girl sighed as she looked at her older brother." What do you want Vincent? If it's about Haru the answer is no. Like it or not I'm keep my boyfriend. Raven was being rude and I was being honest. Now then since we don't have anything else to talk about I have to go. with that the lighter half turned on her heels and walked towards Lisa and Chris." Would you just stop! I'm trying to talk to you and you're ignoring me!" he yelled out loud in an angry tone towards the teenager.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Ethan Blackledge

The group had finally gotten into a town centre after a five or ten minute drive down the road. The town obviously showed signs of decay now with all the roads cracked with weeds starting to grow all over the place. Most of the buildings had started to become run down with most of windows smashed open, probably after people had started to loot from them. There were a few buildings that looked in better conditions though, and that was were Nikki had wondered off to. Ethan had popped his head into one of the buildings but it was completely abandoned and the elements had completely destroyed the building.

After a few more minutes Nikki had shouted him over, saying that she’d already found a group that were in the recreation centre and wanted to talk to Ethan. As he started to hurry off in the direction, Ethan was surprised that they’d already found another group.

As he entered the building, a woman a few years older than him but very attractive took Ethan the see the leader of the group. Ethan thanked her as he walked into an average size office room to see a woman in her late 40’s, sat at a desk. Jesus, this group’s a lot more professional than Dana Point. Ethan thought. The leaders there would have never sat behind a desk, in an office. Dana Point didn’t even have an office, only houses.

“I’m Ethan.” He simply said waiting for her to reply. The woman still hadn’t looked up yet, she was reading something, but Ethan couldn’t see what.

“So… Where are you from then?” The woman finally replied in a husky voice, probably from years of smoking, still looking down at the piece of paper.

Ethan didn’t know whether she was just curious about where he was from in England, or where he’d been for the passed year. “Well I’’m from Leeds but I’m guessing you don’t really care about that. I was with a group with about a hundred people at Dana Point.” Ethan paused for a few moments. “We was overrun by a massive horde of Walkers… A few of us managed to get away and we’ve ran into a few people in the past day as well.”

“So you’re planning on staying here?” The woman had started to right something on a separate piece of paper now.

“I’m not sure yet, I need to speak to my group first.” Ethan simply said.

“Well you better go and discuss then.”

All Ethan did was nod as he started to leave the room, before he left though he turned around and said, “Are you prepared for a horde? They’re probably coming this way and I doubt it will be long until they get here.”

He waited for the woman to reply and after a few seconds she put her pen down and then looked up. “We’ll be fine.”

Ethan didn’t bother to reply to her as he left the room. [/i]What a bitch.[/i] Ethan thought to himself as he started to walk back to the group. The main person Ethan wanted to discuss it with was Jason, the man seemed like he had a plan, but he hadn’t said anything yet. Ethan wondered out of the centre looking for Jason, but before Ethan could track down Jason. Some more cars were parked up next to the truck. He noticed Tex talking to a little girl, he couldn’t see her face fully but the hair looked familiar, “Lia?” Ethan spoke up, smiling.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Camyllia's heart was heavy watching everyone she didn't like this place one bit. Probably because of the people it originally held before being brought here. Her nickname was said and her head snapped up and her eyes land on Ethan letting a smile slip onto her face,"Ethan?" She says. Camyllia rubs her eyes once to make sure she wasn't going crazy. She wasn't,"Ethan!" She yells running over to him and hugged him letting out a laugh,"Yer alive ta? Thank god," she says,"I was givin' up on ya there fer a moment." She says with shaking laugh tears coming to her eyes.

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