Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

"Your Eidolon can change it's head into a-." Was all that Ashley had time to say before Luka willed the air around her mouth to stop vibrating, leaving her speech completely inaudible.

"Quiet you." Luka said before turning back to Agent Simonsen. "Don't mi-"

"I will not intervene this time." A familiar voice spoke up from the back of Luka's mind. "Tend to him as thou see fit."

"THANK YOU KINDLY." Another familiar, and much more terrifying, voice thanked the first. An instant later, Luka felt the presence of the cloth gag at his mouth again. Though when he tried to pull it off, he found nothing there.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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Simonsen blinks witlessly, first at Luka, then at Ashley, then at the exit that has suddenly appeared in place of the broken window. You can almost hear the grinding hard drive sound coming from his brain as he tries to process the conflicting information you're giving him, and evaluates his options in light of that.

(If there's one thing that's become clear about Simonsen, beyond what he's told you, it's that he's not the sharpest pencil in the box. He'd much rather be blowing things up than evaluating a new threat, especially one that has proven to be outside his previous experience; luckily, you've managed to convince him that he can't explode his way out of this situation.)

Finaly, he seems to reach a decision. Ray moves slowly towards the exit, keeping his eyes on the four of you, and backs out towards the street. As he does, the strange coloring drains out of the environment, leaving the diner looking as it did before (though with the addition of a rather garish new entrance). He does not say anything in response to Ashley's offer; however, he points two bandaid-covered fingers at his eyes, then tracks the gesture over the four of you as he backs down the street.

Despite his silence, the message is clear--"We'll be watching."

The only people remaining in Mario's are you and the goat-bat creature, whose soft chirps are muffled by the metal third pan still sitting on his head.


Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

Although it seemed like he would not be getting out of the Judge's grasp this time, Luka was surprised to find that the gag left almost as swiftly as it had arrived. Not that he was about to complain, of course.

"Well, all in all, I'd say this was a fine first outing." Luka said to his fellows. "The only piece of real criticism I have is with you, Reader. You really should have just let the guy think we're Shades. I doubt any of us are going to enjoy what happens if they dig up our true identities... Either way, the limo should be nice and toasty by now. If any of you want a ride home, I would be happy to oblige. Mister MegaTen? Come." With that said, Luka made for the exit he'd created, willing the creature that had started all of this to follow in his wake.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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The Crow tilts his head to the other side. It appears the strange man - who, according to Ashley, was the one originally responsible for their deaths - was leaving.


Kind of anticlimactic, actually, but at least they were all still alive. However, this whole scenario had left him with a lot of questions...

"Didn't Santana say that the people who killed us were a problem and we should make hell for them?" he said, gesturing with his wing towards where Ray had once been. "We didn't really make hell for that guy. We were more of a nuisance really." He looks over to the kitchen. "Or was he talking about that weird thing in there? I'm confused." He glanced between Ashley and Emily in search of answers.

He got the feeling that Luka probably didn't know... or care.

And also he just didn't want to ask him.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"A fair point." Ashley begrudgingly gave to Luka. "But also a risky path to take."

"That man is willing to blow up a diner full of people to deal with a 'Shade'." she spoke gesturing to the now christened Mister Megaten. "I don't want to think about what he is willing to do against 'intelligent shades' at least not yet."

She then spoke to the Crow. "What he meant was filled with vagueness, so let's not do any rash actions for now, besides I think we will get an opportunity to
make our part soon."

Then she responded to Luka's offer.

"I'm afraid we would need to decline, it would be for the best if you don't explain to your friends why you let strangers and a crow in your limo." she explained.

"Before we part ways though." Ashley began walking towards a trash can, the one where Crow threw something. She began rummaging it for what she thinks are two important items that the Agent seemed to forgot was still missing.

Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Too much happened for Emily to get a word in. Before she could say anything else. The Crow came inside the diner and introduced himself, further startling Ray and throwing away the element of surprise they could have used later. Ashley and Luka became conflicted on whether or not they wanted to tell Ray they were actually people or if they were shades, whatever they were. At the end of it all, Ray left without blowing anyone up, and still decidedly on that agency's team.

Once he was gone. Emily leaned forward and rested her head against her hands, clearly frustrated. She comments to her friends, clearly tired, "You know, with the whole talking to him bit, I was hoping to not only get information out of him, but also possibly get him to turn against whatever that agency is. We did not do that,"

She sighs and answers Luka's offer of the limo, "I'm good, thanks," She then notices that Ashley dug out the phone and wallet from Ray. She walks over to Ashley, curious to see what important information they can find on those two items. As she moves, she keeps her journal and pen close but hidden.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

Luka was had just shrugged his shoulders and carried on to the limo when Ashley and Emily both declined his offer. If they didn't want to ride in a limo, that was their loss. As he stepped out of the diner, Luka saw his ride waiting on the sidewalk where he had left it. As he made his way over, Luka saw Montague sitting in the driver's seat and staring at him with as much wide-eyed shock as he could manage while covering his eyes from the blinding light his charge was giving off. Seeing this, Luka flipped his star shades up onto his forehead and willed them to stop glowing.

This surprised Montague even further than he already was.

"Y-Young Master?!" The butler sputtered as Luka opened the limo's door and climbed inside to be greeted by and equally surprised Jesse.

"Montague, take us to the Column's underground parking lot... Via one of the more distant secret entrances, if you'd be so kind." Luka said, like everything that had just happened was the most mundane thing in the world. After a moment of nothing happening, Luka looked to see Montague struggling for words. "I'll explain everything once we've returned to my penthouse." He added.

"I... Yes, Young Master." Montague tried to start, before eventually lapsing back into his servant's instincts for the time being and driving off to one of many secret tunnels that led to a subterranean parking lot beneath the Durand family skyscraper that was reserved only for the family's personal use.

When they were back in the parking lot, Luka had Montague and Jesse go and wait for him in the penthouse for his explanation. "I just need to figure something out, then I'll be right up." Luka reassured them. Once they were gone, Luka willed the limo to become bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Once Luka had created enough space that he felt confident Mister MegaTen wouldn't start feeling trapped, he took hold of the pan that had been obscuring his new pet's vison and lifted it away.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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Once they were gone, Luka willed the limo to become bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Once Luka had created enough space that he felt confident Mister MegaTen wouldn't start feeling trapped, he took hold of the pan that had been obscuring his new pet's vison and lifted it away.

Its improvised headpiece now removed, the spindly creature blinked in confusion and looked from side to side, taking in its surroundings. For a moment, it started to revert to its previous erratic behavior--and then something about the still-dark interior of the limo seemed to put it at ease. Instead, it blinked its large, black eyes, and turned to Luka with comprehension, if not recognition.

"Oh. Um. Hello." The voice that emerged was that of a young child--utterly incongruous with the long, leathery snout that produced it. As it spoke, the creature adjusted its posture until it was sitting... well, as upright as its physiology would allow. It sounded polite, confused, and just the slightest bit worried. "Ah. Um. Who are you? And where are we?"

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

Caught off-guard by Mister MegaTen suddenly gaining the ability to speak, Luka spent a few moments blinking in abject confusion at this sudden turn of events. It didn't take him long to regain his mental footing though. Straightening himself up, Luka cleared his throat and then spoke his reply.

"I am Luka Durand." Luka introduced himself. "And we are currently in my limo. Please do not worry. You are quite safe here... Might I know who you are?"
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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Caught off-guard by Mister MegaTen suddenly gaining the ability to speak, Luka spent a few moments blinking in abject confusion at this sudden turn of events. It didn't take him long to regain his mental footing though. Straightening himself up, Luka cleared his throat and then spoke his reply.

"I am Luka Durand." Luka introduced himself. "And we are currently in my limo. Please do not worry. You are quite safe here... Might I know who you are?"

"Oh, yes, thank you. It's nice and dark and quiet in here." The creature shivered; its chimeral form made the motion unsettling. "I get... nervous... when there's too much light. Or too many people." The huge eyes blinked again, focusing on Luka.

"It's very nice to meet you, Luka Durand. Most people know me as the Devil of the Pine Barrens, or just the Jersey Devil." It lifted one cloven hoof to scratch at its snout, and its face twisted in something that might have been a frown. "But I always thought that was kind of a mean name. You can call me Jehoshaphat Leeds." That long head swiveled around, taking in the details of the car. "If I may ask, how did I get here? It feels like I'm a long way from home."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

"If - as your titles imply - you make your home in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, then I'd say you are a few steps off the beaten path." Luka said with a nod of confirmation. "Right now, we're in the middle of New York City. As for how you got here, I only know the last few steps you took. At some point, someone who doesn't like you decided to try and make you explode. He chased you into a diner where my friends and I frightened him away. After that, I calmed you down with some music and brought you into my limo. Which brings us to now..."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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"If - as your titles imply - you make your home in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, then I'd say you are a few steps off the beaten path." Luka said with a nod of confirmation. "Right now, we're in the middle of New York City. As for how you got here, I only know the last few steps you took. At some point, someone who doesn't like you decided to try and make you explode. He chased you into a diner where my friends and I frightened him away. After that, I calmed you down with some music and brought you into my limo. Which brings us to now..."

"Oh. My." Jehoshaphat looked as shaken as his demonic features would allow. "I... do remember someone pursuing me in the woods. In fact, they chased me for quite a while." He took a deep breath. "Let me tell you, Mr. Durand, I've been living in those woods for a long time, and a lot of people have tried to find me. Normally, I can escape anyone in that forest, but every time I thought I had finally lost them, these people seemed to catch up with me." He looked around the limo again, though he didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular. "New York City... wow. I guess it's no surprise I can't remember anything! I must have been scared out of my wits!" He looks back at you, Luka, and give you what you're pretty sure is supposed to be a smile. "Well, it sounds like I owe you and your friends my thanks, and more besides! Gosh, I hope I wasn't too much trouble."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

"Oh you were barely an inconvenience, Mr. Leeds." Luka reassured Jehoshaphat. "The man chasing you was a lot more troublesome. Very nearly blew the diner up if you can believe it... Speaking of, if him and his are harder to lose than the usual riff raff, then perhaps you should lay low for a while before heading back to the Pines. If they can't find you in your forest for long enough, they might start thinking you moved somewhere else after your run in with them. And then once they've started snooping around other forests instead, you can head home and not have to worry about them disturbing you again."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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"Oh you were barely an inconvenience, Mr. Leeds." Luka reassured Jehoshaphat. "The man chasing you was a lot more troublesome. Very nearly blew the diner up if you can believe it... Speaking of, if him and his are harder to lose than the usual riff raff, then perhaps you should lay low for a while before heading back to the Pines. If they can't find you in your forest for long enough, they might start thinking you moved somewhere else after your run in with them. And then once they've started snooping around other forests instead, you can head home and not have to worry about them disturbing you again."

Jehoshaphat showed all of his teeth; the effect was somewhat like watching a llama get ready to spit. "Why, that's an incredibly kind offer, sir. Tell you the truth, I'm not sure I could get back without help, at least as far as the edge of the city." He rose to his hind-hooves and traipsed over awkwardly, reaching down to shake Luka's hand with his fore-hooves. "Truly I was blessed to have come across such a kind and generous soul!"
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ashley took a look at her surroundings making sure that there's nobody around the secluded park spot that she chose to do this. She is fairly confident that such measures are unnecessary but with things like Eidolons you just simply never knew.

She took a more at the bat on her hand and made a few practice swings, it has been a while since she last used it but it is basically muscle memory for her at this point. A bead of sweat tells that she's actually getting a bit soft. Something that she might get an opportunity to fix soon.

"Ok Ashley the plan is simple." she spoke as the first limit of her Eidolon comes to her mind, she can see the immediate future, which means that the upcoming meeting is far from the range of her premonitions and would usually be useless.

If not for the Crow snagging something from that Agent.

"Hold the phone, don't make a call and use the Bootstrap Paradox to see the futures when you did make a call and gather what you can." she spoke as took the phone from her pocket. She already figured out how to open it earlier by cheating with her Eidolon and to be honest, she will do it again.

Ashley closed her eyes as she opened the phone's lockscreen and let the visions go into her head.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

Jehoshaphat showed all of his teeth; the effect was somewhat like watching a llama get ready to spit. "Why, that's an incredibly kind offer, sir. Tell you the truth, I'm not sure I could get back without help, at least as far as the edge of the city." He rose to his hind-hooves and traipsed over awkwardly, reaching down to shake Luka's hand with his fore-hooves. "Truly I was blessed to have come across such a kind and generous soul!"

Luka shut his eyes and allowed a satisfied smile to settle onto his features, reveling in the praise and validation he craved above all else that Jehoshaphat so flatteringly provided. "Oh I really didn't do anything all that special." Luka said humbly as he shook the proffered fore-hoof. "I was simply doing what anyone else would have done." Luka had enjoyed the prospect of having a pet as unique and as interesting as Mister MegaTen before. But now that he knew that his new pet could talk, and therefore compliment him, Luka now enjoyed the prospect even more. After a moment, Luka opened his eyes and returned his gaze to Jehoshaphat. "Now then, we shall have to figure out your living arrangements." Luka said. "You've mentioned you like things dark and with little to no people. And I'm guessing you would prefer lots of space and lots of trees. Is there anything else I could provide that would make your stay more enjoyable?"
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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After a moment, Luka opened his eyes and returned his gaze to Jehoshaphat. "Now then, we shall have to figure out your living arrangements." Luka said. "You've mentioned you like things dark and with little to no people. And I'm guessing you would prefer lots of space and lots of trees. Is there anything else I could provide that would make your stay more enjoyable?"

"Oh, no sir!" the creature chirped. "Your offer of sanctuary is already very generous, I couldn't possibly impose further!" He collapsed back into the seat across from Luka, folding his spindly limbs primly. "On the contrary, if I may be of any assistance to you during my stay, consider me at your disposal. Such kindness and hospitality should be repaid in kind where possible."

"Before we part ways though." Ashley began walking towards a trash can, the one where Crow threw something. She began rummaging it for what she thinks are two important items that the Agent seemed to forgot was still missing.

The High Priestess - Neutral

Ashley, eventually you have some time to sit down and look at the phone and wallet you recovered. The first thing you look at is the badge. You probably haven't had many run-ins with the law, but to your eyes it looks genuine, although you've never heard of the IDLN before. More interesting is the phone. You get it open on the first try--Agent Simonsen was apparently not a big believer in security, because his lock code is 1-2-3-4.

The first thing you see when you open it is that text notification from "Agent Bullshit". Opening the thread, you quickly surmise that this must be Ray's partner, who he got separated from mere minutes before encountering all of you in Mario's. Reading through their text chain, you find out a couple more things.

First, they both seem to have little patience for the other--many of their exchanges are barbed, and there's a lot of shots fired.

Second, they've been pursing this creature for a couple of weeks now. Their notes refer to it as the "Jersey Devil"--and if you might have dismissed people hunting down one of the US's more famous cryptids as cranks a few hours ago, it's hard to deny the evidence of your own eyes.

You also see another recent text chain, to a contact title "T. Sevara". Judging by Ray's much more respectful tone and the content of the messages, she seems to be his superior.

In short, the impression you get is that Ray was on the level with you--this does really seem like an official (if secretive) organization dedicated to hunting down creatures from the dream world--some of which include creatures that most people think of only as urban legends.
Hidden 1 mo ago 21 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 24 min ago

"You needn't worry about imposing. Reality itself bends to my whim. Even your most outrageous request would be a trifling matter to me." Luka explained. "Regardless, I appreciate your offer of assistance. I'll be sure to take you up on that offer should ever I have need of your talents... Now then, I do believe I have all I need to make a start on your living arrangements." Luka held out his upturned palm and flexed his will power. A moment later, a Master Ball from the Pokémon game franchise appeared in his hand. "In here, you will find an endless expanse of pine tree forest suspended in perpetual night." Luka stated. "Currently I have a full moon providing a little light in there, but I can turn it down if you desire. As for people, you'll find no one else save yourself in there, though I can add wildlife and the occasional tourist if you'd like me to. I would also be dropping in every so often to check up on you as well."
Hidden 25 days ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sorry for inactivity

Ashley let out a smiled as she opened the phone's screen and decided to mentally file away the 'Jersey Devil' for later investigations. She's on the right track of pulling this technically never happened information heist. Now the only left to do if nothing, at least for the Ashley in real world.

The Ashley's that could be, their game is on. There are technically infinite actions for her to take but she decided to focus on a main three.

The first one will make through search of the phonbe and try to access it's files, there must be something in here.

The second one will poke with 'Agent Bullshit' and try to get a gauge of his or her character, maybe she lull him in a false sense of superiority and make him divulge more than necessary.

The third one is the most dangerous though, a call to this T. Severa by herself. A superior to the agent she managed to intimidate. To be honest if not at the power of her Eidolon she won't attempt pull this stunt but with bootstrap paradox.

Well it's time to see if this man is worthy of any form of respect.

Hidden 21 days ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Luka, the creature bows his head deeply to you as you hold out the Master Ball. "Well, sir, in that case I thank you, and I will certainly take you up on your offer." Jehoshaphat reaches out to the ball held in Luka's hand; no sooner does his claw contact it than a flash of light envelopes him and he vanishes.

Ashley, your future selves dig through the phone. Searching through its files, unfortunately, seems to be a bust; judging by the paucity of installed apps and the increased font size, Ray seems to be the kind of person who can just about send texts and answer calls on his smartphone, and not much more.

(You do find a single non-standard app installed; it's a pinball game that shows about two minutes of uninterruptible ads when launched. Judging by the high scores, he's not very good at it.)

The infinite Ashleys texting "Agent Bullshit" have more luck. Though you obviously can't follow all the conversations, you do get a couple pieces of information. First is her name--Field Agent Kofi Bull. Second is her position within the organization--she's a field agent, like Simonsen. In fact, she's his partner--and, in her opinion, his minder as well. You get few details, but you are left with the impression that where Ray's Eidolon is all about destruction, hers is more focused on detection--there are mentions of her trying to get a lock on the creature you encountered in the diner.

Another set of infinite Ashleys attempt to call Sevara. Almost all of these encounters go about the same; a quiet, smooth, feminine-sounding voice answers the phone and calmly asks why the hell Ray is calling her. If you remain silent, she repeats herself a couple of times and then hangs up; a text from Agent Bull follows shortly afterwards, asking again where Ray is and why he's prank calling their supervisor. If you talk, she also immediately hangs up, and an icon appears at the top of the phone's display indicating that its GPS has just been activated. It seems that she's no nonsense (and perhaps that she agrees with Agent Bull that Ray needs a minder).
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