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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The time spent lounging around was nice, but it was starting to get a little hot. What was a Druid to do? Oh, right! Adam remembered a conversation he had with Second Chance's "party idiot" and started casting. And next to him grew a familiar flower near his face, one that looked like a gold and silver pinwheel. He then applied just a little bit of energy to make it spin, creating a nice breeze that enhanced the relaxation experience.

After some time though, a new problem arose; the Druid was hungry now. He probably could grow something to eat, but he needed to go on a hike soon and that required getting his things from his room. Might as well have a nice meal at the Mended Drum before he left, right? With that in mind, Adam left the park and began walking back to the inn.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Of course, please sit down," she told the mage and she nodded to Fredrick when brought her meal. When Zell arrived at the table, Fredrick brought his order too and she turned to Zell. "You have a good appetite in the morning," she commented.
Ready to dig into her own meal, the next to join them was James, also asking to sit with them. "The more the merrier," was all she said about it before taking a bite.

At least she could notice the man this time, unlike her unfortune faux-pas the prior day. Though Zell being able to go invisible somehow felt worrying to her inherently for reasons she couldn't put a finger on. Whatever the case, she gave him a silent but friendly wave before placing her other with Fredrick after he brought the orders for the other two. Not too long after, perhaps because she'd ordered something more common for people to get her she supposed, her order of a hot ham, cheese, and egg sandwich came out piping hot. Albeit the order seemed larger than she'd tried to ask Fredrick to bring her....and had extra meat and eggs and cheest on it to boot.

"Hey" He gestured to the empty chair "Can I sit?"

Ready to dig into her own meal, the next to join them was James, also asking to sit with them. "The more the merrier," was all she said about it before taking a bite.

"Of course," the mage said, trying to maintain a polite tone despite the awkward memories of the last conversation they'd had the other day....hmm. Yes, she had been a total weirdo when told about talking in her sleep, though at least Adam had confirmed what she'd said during their own conversation the prior night. Not that the awkwnardness of just thinking about having done that wasn't mortifying still...

At any rate, the cleric seemed to want to talk about something to Fenna first. With that in mind, the mage began to dig into her protein-filled breakfast. She wasn't perhaps as voracious outwardly as Zell was with his food, and that was saying something, but when the mage began to dig in her body began to react to it all quite distinctly. The need for protein and an intake of something delicious, and it didn't take long for the mage to breifly space out in eating her food as her appetite for breakfast came out swinging in front of her teammates. Well, at least until she caught James finishing talking to Fenna and then suddenly addressing herself and Zell.

"See I think that when we 'crossed over' we all were given a something extra, like Zell ability to teleport or Adam's green touch, I don't know by what or by whom but if I am right then that Falcon -It's a falcon right?- may be part of yours, what do you think?" He glanced at the wizard and swordsman "What do you think guys? you both are smart"

Lillianna paused suddenly in the middle of a bite, quietly closing her mouth and setting the almost half-devoured giant sandwich onto her plate gently. That was a good point, actually, that their elected party leader had brought up. A very good question in fact, one that she felt somewhat embarassed hadn't come to mind for her earlier. Not that there had been much chance to ponder everything given what they'd been through prior to getting to Valheim. Indeed, the mage's eyebrows furrowed in thought as she wiped off her hands and breifly looked down at the table as her right hand came up to touch her chin in a 'thinker' type of posture.

Zell was taken aback by being called 'smart,' and performatively checked behind himself to make sure James wasn't talking to someone else. "Smart? You've got the wrong guy," he said with his mouth full. He swallowed everything in one big (and painful) gulp, then continued. "But I have a feeling you guys are spot-on the money with your guesswork. And it all comes back to that message at the Adventurer's Guild. We need to open it. It could have all the answers we need. Not long now. We go to this temple. We kill a few evil spirits. Job done. We get to the message." Zell took another massive bite. "Easy."

She and Zell were in agreement about the 'smart' thing in the sense of book smarts and that type of thing, though intelligence overall had its own variations. Book smarts, street smarts, etc. Even so, she did look up and nod in general agreement as Zell spoke about the message they had yet to read at the Adventurer's Guild perhaps being related to their situation. A message locked behind a certain rank no less, though if it was so dire there shuld have been a way to look at it earlier. Eh, but now she was getting off-track.

"Ususally if we go by the logic of 'tropes', something or someone likely brought us all here. Not just that, but with gifts of some kind that we didn't possess before. That speaks to a purpose of some sort as well in our 'summoning', as it were, though to what end? Defeat the evil queen and her forces?"

Following Occam's Razor, that would seem to be the precise point. Summoned, fell into a warzone, could beat up things and do stuff that wasn't fully 'normal' for those starting off in the world they had landed in, etc. But it was also a ludicrous thought, just as much as their situation was, so until evidence or such to the contrary came to light she'd have to maintain her spur-of-the-moment hypothesis at least. Or something of the sort.

Around this time, Fredrick would walky back by, lightly tapping the mage on the shoulder. Something akin to a knowing twinkle seemed to glint in his eyes to boot.

"Apologies for interrupin' for a second, but did you enjoy yer' meal miss?"

"I...ah...yes! Yes I did. Though its larger than I had expected. I do seem to need such this morning though...my thanks, Fredrick."

The man would give a knowing nod and a low chuckle before walking off again, though as the mage looked around it seemed as if James and MacKensie and Zell were already getting up to walk away. Did she say something wrong? Or-...oh! Perhaps he simply wanted to speak with them privately. Ah. Wasn't her business anywho, really, though her eyebrows raised up as a realization came to Lillianna's mind. Afterward, her right hand came up and slapped her own forehead before she rested it again on the table proper.

She hadn't the chance to bring up her 'side trip' idea to the group! The idea to stop by a certain village along the way and look into the matter of that dead adventurer who had assisted them and such. That idea. Nor had she asked about the new party member she'd yet to meet at all in person as of yet!

Letting out a wordless and drawn-out sigh, the mage would return her attention to her breakfast once more. To hands would pick up her almost-half sandwich once more, before bringing it up to take another large bite out of it. If she was going to finally say her piece to the group and such, she needed the energy at least. Besides, perhaps it was also time to go visit the Academy today to see if she could peruse any of the literature or tomes there for magical information.

...Though if her current track record in a new world was of any indication, as small and short in length as it was anyway, she'd arrive just in time to find the stupid core placed in a golem going on a rampage across campus.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 2 days ago

Barracker strode into the room he made into an alchemy lab. He got permission from Areleth and this helped him in his professional endeavours as a monster hunter. This room would be where his brewing and oil making would happen. Today spectre oil was on the menu. Barracker placed the sack, containing the wolf livers and a pint bottle of bear fat onto the stone table. The large corner table had different sections for boiling , filtration, distillation, mixing and everything else required. There was a pestle and mortar, a sink and various sizes of beaker, flasks and test tubes.

He rummaged through his sack, retrieved and organised everything. The Paladin started by setting some water to boil. Then began grinding up the Arenaria flowers as he read his tome on monster hunter practices to remind himself of the process. The key to making good spectre oil was to slowly add the mixture of flowers and silver dust to the pot of cooking wolfs liver, then filtering it before adding the sulphur at the end.

In the end, it took him five hours to make the spectre oil. The filtering was the longest part. What was annoying was the fact that he had barely enough to fill one of his blood vials. He wanted to share among the party members who did not possess magic. Spectres like ghosts and wraiths usually cannot be hit by mundane weapons. He would try to distribute what little he had to maximise effectiveness, nevertheless.

For now he pocketed the one vial he had and got to cleaning up himself, and the table. Wolf livers were messy.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There was something relaxing about cooking.

Perhaps the familiarity it invoked or the satisfaction of knowing your efforts would have a direct effect on others. Whatever the case he was happy to be in the kitchen of the Mended Drum, procuring the ingredients had been the hardest part, and he had ended up replacing several for others that were close enough to serve as substitutes. He had settled on tacos, admittedly not his first choice for some authentic Mexican cuisine but obtaining palm tree leaves proved to be difficult and he knew it took too many ingredients for a good mole, so he settled on something simple that he knew at least one other member of his party wanted.


A cornerstone of his country cuisine and a classic in many places. But he didn't plan to just make some dish to stuff inside them, they asked for the Mexican experience and he would give it to them, which meant taquiza. The guisos he settled on were Picadillo, Papas con chorizo, Cerdo en salsa verde, he was a little hesitant but he already had the frijoles cooking so why not, huevo rojo, pollo con tomate and the jewel of the crown, Alambre. He decided to forgo huevos verdes as he didn't know who liked spicy food and adobo as that would take too much time.

5 guisos may be overdoing it but better safe than sorry, plus he had some help.

"Hey Sis, mind cutting these into small cubes" He gestured to the pile of ingredients, tomatos, papas, cebolla, and more, it was not the most glamorous post but by god it was a lot of cutting. He would be grabbing what he needed, every dish needing different amounts.

Next, he pulled two mortars with pestles "I need you Freddo to smash those beans until they are complete mush when you finish please start with the chicken" He had a few guesses as to why Frederick had volunteered to help but he was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, leaving the other man to his task he moved to the pots, setting the oil to appropriate flames and starting the process of making the Salsa for the eggs "Don't make it spicy" he reminded himself, he was going to make a Salsa for the Cerdo and another for himself and anyone that wanted a taste.

A part of him lamented the fact that he wasn't able to get hold of some avocados to make guacamole, but it was what it was, at least he managed to find corn for the tortillas, he just hoped it was enough.

He couldn't wait!
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

MacKensie was like an excitable little girl in the kitchen with James and Frederick. For every command that the Cleric would give, the Ranger would give a determined nod in response.

"Oui," she replied affirmatively. She picked up a knife and, without thinking (or even looking, for that matter) twirled the sharp utensil expertly and rapidly around her fingers. "Cutting."

She was having fun. She'd never been a particularly good cook. She wasn't terrible - she could manage herself - but she tried to stay away from ambitious projects in the kitchen. With James and Frederick here though, and her only job to support, it was enjoyable. Frederick's recurring reaction to being in the kitchen with the two adventurers was amusing every time she looked at him. The fact that James' illusion was not just visual but auditory too was giving the innkeeper a hard time keeping up with who was who. With machine-like chopping action, she sliced and diced up the ingredients, then brought them to James, "There you go, Sis," before cleaning up her work surface. When the salsa James was making started to take form, she swiped up a blob of it on her finger, then plonked it on James' nose.

Frederick made some drinks for everyone and MacKensie took them out to the taproom tables for anyone who wanted one.

"Adam," MacKensie greeted cheerfully, when the Druid came in. "You have arrived just in time. James is making lunch for us all. Would you like a drink?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Adam entered the Mended Drum, he didn't really have any expectations regarding who would be there. Still, talking to MacKensie by himself twice in the span of a few hours slightly surprised him. When she pleasantly asked him if he wanted a drink, he responded in kind. "Just in time indeed; I look forward to trying his cooking. Is there anything non-alcoholic there? I don't drink, so that would be my preference. If not, water is fine." After MacKensie handed him something that tasted a lot like root beer and he thanked her, the two talked for a bit before she returned to help with the rest of the cooking.

Aside from the brief disorientation of seeing two MacKensies (and it wasn't that long for the Druid; the fake Trydant was pretty easy to spot for him), the lunchtime experience was great. Spending time with Second Chance doing something that didn't involve killing things was a nice change of pace. And at the end of the meal, the fisherman made sure to thank the Cleric. "James, these are the best tacos I've ever had." Not that there were many Mexican places in rural Michigan, but it was true all the same. "Thank you."

Saying this, the red-eyed man went upstairs to pack his things. Not a long process at all, considering most of his stuff was on his person or in his new bag. Returning to the lobby, he then decided to check out, figuring he'd save Zell the expense of a room nobody was using.

Real MacKensie happened to be there and she asked Adam what was going on. Was there concern in her voice? Whatever the case, he answered her question honestly. "My friend told me about an elderly man who lives on Kragstone Peak, not too far from here. He knows a magic called shapeshifting and Glee thinks he will teach it to me, so I'm going up there. Don't worry though, I should be back before we start our quest."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Saiyan
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Seeing the reactions of random strangers passing by Zell, James and MacKensie - specifically the latter two, who looked, sounded and were dressed the exact same - was funny. One old man spared them a glance before double-taking, frozen still as he stared at them going the other way down the street. Zell was laughing his ass off.

It had been an enjoyable day so far. An insightful one too. James' blessings were proving to be extremely wide-ranging in type and utility, making the swordsman wonder whether the adventurer profession involved more than just killing evil creatures. After all, what would someone need a one-man disguise for? Perhaps their visit to the Adventurer's Guild was little too brief. There were questions they hadn't had time to think of, let alone ask.

Arriving at the Mended Drum, Zell elected to forego kitchen duties and parked himself at a table in the taproom, putting his feet up and leaning back his chair onto two legs. "I'll just get in the way," was his excuse for not helping out.

"Cheers, love," he later thanked MacKensie when she brought him a cup of tea, then passed the time with some conversation with Adam who'd just arrived, until lunch was ready. He dug into the tacos and complimented Chef James' work. "Not bad, mate. You're full of surprises, aren't ye."

After Adam left the table, Zell turned his attention to James. "Mate," he started. "I'm thinking of paying a visit to the Adventurer's Guild this afternoon. Speak to Lucy a bit. Maybe have a few drinks at the bar there, meet some other adventurers, get a better feel what carrying this Source Crystal means. Find out more about that Source Code too. Wha'dya think? Wanna come along?" He shrugged. "If nothing else, it's a chill." He looked at MacKensie. "You're invited too, of course."

After he got his answer, he nodded satisfactorily. "So, when did you learn to cook?" he inquired, changing the subject. Something told the Englishman that the answer would tell him more about his friend. The food was a little too high-quality for the average guy of James' age. Or maybe things were different in Mexico than they were in England. Either way, he was interested. "Did you live alone before you... oh yeah; what happened for you to get here? I forgot to ask. Did you die too?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 2 days ago

Barracker was in the courtyard at ‘Paladin’s Respite,’ the holy headquarters at the north western gate of Valhiem. There was a stronghold like this in every major city. Its purpose is to give Paladins a rest point, a place to eat, train and sleep if necessary. It would also deal with Paladin duties like monster bounties, holy crusades and registration for the military arm of the church. The vampire was using a wooden practice greatsword to wield, as was the rules. Nothing would replicate the weight and size of his orichalcum greatsword, but at least he could use his tower shield.

He had already completed a gentle warm-up of regular exercises, consisting of burpees, jogging on the spot to bring up heart rate before starting with the weapons. Vampires did not really pull muscles or need this kind of cardio but it was instilled in him, being a Paladin and an ex soldier. Now he was shield bashing the air, full power, fifty attempts on each arm. He practised all fundamental sword swings with each arm, full power, one hundred attempts, making sure his technique was perfect,

Barracker was focused on his training while two Paladins, Eric and Warren Burns stood still in their tracks and were glaring over at him. “It's that disgrace of a Paladin, again,” Warren mentioned with disgust in his voice. Looking over and pointing with his brother, spitting on the floor.

Barracker knew this routine and knew his training had come to an end, as these prats would only put him off his training. “Look at this leech, where’s he going? Nothing worse than a leech, scum.” Eric spat back his remark trying to engage Barracker into stooping as low.

Barracker stood up, picking up his wooden sword and tower shield. He waved them into the courtyard and gestured to use the training barracks. “Feel free to use the practise yard, you need it more than i do,” Barracker said calmly to both of them.

“Well isn’t he getting full of himself,” Warren exchanged a look with Eric. Warren was the cool headed one, as Eric was near boiling point, his face burning bright red.

“Warren, i think I’m going to show him what a crystal is capable of.” Eric drew his sword of steel and raised the tip of the end towards Barracker.

Barracker stood in fighting stance and spoke firmly, “If you dare strike at me, your arm will belong to me.” A glint of fury appeared across his face, until the Inquisitor came out.

“What's this nonsense? You two get in here now,” Inquisitor Clive spoke with ice in his tone. ”And you, the source of trouble I see. As always. Do whatever you have to do here and rid us of your presence.”

Barracker watched the two go inside ‘Paladins Respite’ and followed behind to return the practice sword back. “I have business here. A book on spectres.”

Inquisitor Clive nodded, “Very well, you know where it is.” Barracker walked off. Inquisitor Clive’s sudden laugh was almost like a snarl and he stopped Barracker for the last time. “Given up on the Cerberus I see.”

“Never.” Barracker snapped with sternness, and determination. One day it will be done. He could not allow that monster to roam free, but he wasn’t strong enough yet. Perhaps his duties with Second Chance would grow his power enough to finally right that wrong. But the first step was the Temple of Hades.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 1 day ago

When James, Mackensie and Zell left, Fenna gave them a short wave as she finished her own breakfast. Once Lilliana was also done she told the mage she was going for a walk to the Golden Tree Park and she was welcome to tag along if she didn't have any plans. Not that Fenna had any plans other than to see the park and maybe strike up a conversation with some locals, which she told Lilliana as well. She planned to be back here by lunchtime.

While the streets weren't busy yet, some citizens were already working and an adventuring party made their way to the nearest gate. She nodded them a greeting, which only two of the party returned. One had a look of disdain for her and the other two were too busy arguing about some kind of bet one had lost and the other won.

Unsurprisingly the Golden Tree Park didn't have any trees made of gold. There was no doubt this park would look stunning in the right season, but the leaves were all green at the moment. She thought about trees and the colours they could get in autumn for a moment when she was greeted by she assumed the gardener, based on the tools he carried.

"Admiring the park, ma'am?"

"It's very well kept," she complimented him. "It must be stunning in the right season."

"That it is," the man replied, holding his back straight in pride. "Of course we have flowers blooming almost all year long, but we didn't name this park The Pretty Flowers Of Valheim for a reason." He tapped the bark of one of the trees. "These beauties are green much longer than they are yellow, but in the sun it's like the leaves are made of gold. And maybe it's more appealing because of the limited time we can watch it."

Fenna smiled as she looked up at the green leaves. "I'd love to see it, but we'll leave soon."

"Adventerurs? We have them a lot here. Most don't care too much about some old trees. Druid? Or Ranger perhaps?" Fenna confirmed the second, that is what the Adventure Guild had told her after all. "I heard the guards are organising some kind of archery practice thing, just outside Valheim. You know the Church of Iris?" Fenna confirmed she did "It's outside that gate, for the church you go right, but it will be on your left. It will be on the grass near the wall. I know you rangers often use bows and it's open to anyone."

Fenna thanked him for the information; she did have a bow but she hadn't used it in combat because her spear was much easier to work with. Maybe she could string it and shoot some arrow today, to get a feel for her other weapon as well.

After exploring the city a little more, stopping at one of those hot beverage places where she could pick herbs and spices from a selection and have something brewed on the spot - she chose a herb that smelled a lot like vanilla and some red berries of which the woman behind the counter said they went together really well - and made her way back to the Mended Drum for lunchtime, entering the inn just when Mackensie told Adam that James was making lunch for them all.

Fenna chose a seat at the bar. "It smells good," she said.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The sun was reaching up toward its zenith, having been clawing its way up higher and higher into the sky since daybreak, its hot rays cascading down across Valheim proper as people bustled about to and fro their business in the city's various shops and districts. A day like any other, perhaps, despite the looming shadow of war that was encroaching on it bit by bit from afar. It was in that sense a place the twin-element mage felt more comfortable with than she had back on the road, or worse so back in the Mazy Hillocks, but all the same she had her own business to try to go about in the meantime. Adam had made her aware of certain libraries out there the other night, and they had gone by the Academy to drop off the accursed cube not too long ago either, thus in particular Lillianna felt that it was about time for her to continue her personal education in some capacity by seeking out a library at the Academy.

Her magic couldn't be left to the wayside, especially if she and the others were to stay alive doing a gold-ranked mission despite being total newbies to all of this. They'd lost two members of the party back in the Hillocks alone, and she'd nearly died (again) to boot! It was worth looking into things, trying to get a better idea of them, putting what she could into practice and trianing, etc, to ensure that didn't happen again....at least on her part if she could help it. Not that anything could prepare her for getting stabbed in the torso by a cyborg ninja with a water blade, a thing in particular which and whom she still felt a new and lingering grudge against as well.

If nothing else, though, she hoped the visit would allow her to pursue some new literature and data that would assist her with regards to her magical capabilities in any capacity at all. That or at least get information that would be valuable for the Temple of Hades or the little 'pit stop' along the way she still needed to propose to the group at large later.

It was with this in mind that the mage, having donned her proper robes and carrying her staff once again in her hand, approached the front of the Academy as the clock was hitting noon.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

MacKensie chuckled at Adam's response. "Of course, my friend." It was barely noon, so it would've been quite surprising if any of their group had actually asked for beer or liquor. Ummm, maybe not so surprising if it came from Zell, come to think of it, she corrected herself. Nevertheless, she never would have dreamed of offering Adam an alcoholic beverage at this time of day. "Hi Fenna," she smiled at the dutchwoman. "Also with perfect timing."

"It smells good," Fenna said.

"Our fearless leader is cooking up a storm," MacKensie bounced back. "What can I get you to drink?"

After getting the orders of her friends, she brought them their drinks and then disappeared back into the kitchen to chat with James and Frederick while the final touches were being put on lunch. The three of them served lunch shortly after and MacKensie joined Fenna at the bar, leaving the men at the table. "So, how did it go at the Church, yesterday? Did Lillianna learn more about the spirit who assisted us?" After Fenna filled her in, she couldn't help but add, "I do apologize for leaving so suddenly."

The tacos were lovely and MacKensie made sure to let her approval be known, asking Fenna and Frederick (who was stood up eating as he did paperwork behind the bar) how their's were too. When they were finished, MacKensie cleared the plates, finding herself at the boys' table when Zell was talking about going to the Adventurer's Guild.

"You're invited too, of course," Zell told her.

"Sure," she agreed. Meeting other adventurers sounded fun, but more than that; getting Lucy's take on the political situation would be interesting. Especially after some time to digest the conversation she'd had with Clarissa Shields at the Academy. From what she'd learned, The Emperor wasn't actually as all-powerful as the title suggested, and this war had created fractures in Capitol City. Reinforcements were being sent from the West to shore up the front lines, but the lion's share would go to a fortress in the north. And then there was that moment when Clarissa was about to say something - several moments like that, in fact - but this particular one she stopped herself and suddenly ended the conversation. Something about 'the Wellsprings...?'

Perhaps if she asked the right questions to Lucy, she could pry a few more pieces to this puzzle.

She was about to start the task of washing up, but found herself unsure of what to use in place of the usual washing-up liquid, so she went to find Frederick to ask. She ended up bumping into Adam. Seeing him with a packed bag, she naturally inquired as to where he was going, a little concerned considering how his mood had been since the battle.

Up the mountain? "...Don't worry though, I should be back before we start our quest," he finished.

"Alone?" MacKensie asked almost incredulously. "I don't think so. Hold on, I am coming with you," she told. "I insist. Who knows what is out there." As she said the words, she pictured the metal ninja and got goosebumps. "I will get my things."

She ran up the stairs, rushing for fear of him trying to leave without her. She left all the tidbits and quality-of-life accessories she'd bought in Valhiem, taking only the rucksack of supplies she'd acquired in Hommas. Her heartbeat quickened as she looked at her one-handed crossbow, her memory feeding her imagery of Lillianna's stabbing, James and Zell being struck to the floor, and of course, herself getting a bodyblow and being tossed into the rockface, and that black sword almost splitting her skull. As she snapped out of her reverie, she could hear own breathing.

She gritted her teeth and holstered her weapon, then joined Adam downstairs. She let Zell and James know that she wouldn't be joining them at the Adventurer's Guild, then told them and Fenna that she'd see them later, before nodding her readiness to Adam.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
Avatar of Zapdos

Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Alone?" MacKensie asked almost incredulously. 

This was not the reaction Adam expected. He didn't see why that was a big deal, and wanted to reassure his friend that this was the case. "Well sure, Gl-"

He was cut off before he could explain his friend's trustworthiness and experience as an adventurer, and that he wouldn't send him on a journey he would die on. "I don't think so.  Hold on, I am coming with you," she told.  "I insist.  Who knows what is out there."  As she said the words, she pictured the metal ninja and got goosebumps.  "I will get my things."

Her insistence was surprising, but it wasn't like the Druid felt a need to complain that the woman he was attracted to wanted to spend time with him. "Okay" was his simple response. 

When MacKensie returned and nodded at him, Adam smiled, glad to have the company on this trip, though he did notice she seemed a little…different, for lack of a better word, than she was before. Maybe he was just imagining things though; she could just be feeling rushed because this hike was so sudden. Best to be general in case it was all in his head. "Great, glad to have the company. And let me know if you need anything; I'll be glad to help."


Kragstone Peak was indeed a small mountain like Glee had said, but that didn't make it less impressive. With a wide base and a quite tall center, it looked distinct from the other mountains he had seen around Valheim so far. Adam and MacKensie began the hike up Kragstone Peak without any difficulty, something the Druid was quite grateful for. This was not the Mazy Hillocks; those who arrived here were not likely to die. There was even an obvious path on the ground that people before them had used, complemented by signs along the trail to point hikers in the right direction. The pair made conversation along the way, enjoying themselves as they made their way to where the signs ended; a ledge with a scenic view of the city.

"This is quite nice, don't you think, MacKensie?"

Still, this left the man deep in thought, even as he took in the sight and his time with the Ranger. His mentor for a few hours had said this old elf had lived here, and the half-orc had no reason to lie about it. So where were they supposed to go from here? The answer presented itself when a small leaf hit the back of Adam's neck. He turned around from the direction of Valheim, a bit startled from the sensation, and saw a husk of a tree running parallel to the cliffside in a more hidden part of the mountain, presumably away from the eyes of most tourists. Nature had given the man the answer to his question.

After checking with his travel companion to be sure she was ready, Adam walked in the direction of the old wood. After removing it, he began growing a new one in its place, carefully ensuring the tree not only could support two people but that the branches were positioned so that they could be easily climbed. MacKensie could probably have done so even without the extra care, but why take a stupid risk? And the tree was a good start, yes, but where to go from there? After climbing the tree, the Druid knew what needed to be done. 

"Follow me, MacKensie. Please be careful though, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." He knew she was more than capable of the task, but what he said was more true than he let on. If anything fatal happened to her, that would be horrible beyond words.

After watching to be sure the Ranger made it to his location intact, the plan to get to their destination could continue. In another out-of-the-way part of the rock, there was another dying piece of timber. After creating a long, wide and sturdy branch along the cliff so he and his friend could reach it, Adam repeated what he had done before so that the two of them could ascend the peak even further. This process had to be done a few more times, leaving the red-eyed man with the knowledge that if he ever wanted to hide from Mytherian society, this was where he should go. After a while though, the Druid and Ranger made it to a flat clearing with a hut on it. There was a smoking chimney on it and a campfire outside, obvious signs that someone lived here; this had to be the place. Though it was not at the top of Kragstone Peak, this residence was quite a ways up from the bottom where they had started. 

Not wanting to be rude, Adam walked up to the hut's door and knocked on it. After the building's resident opened it up, the younger Druid introduced himself. "Good afternoon sir, my name is Adam and this is my friend MacKensie. It's a pleasure to meet you. My friend Glee told me you were skilled at shapeshifting and would take a chance on teaching me how to do so. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to do so."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

As the large clock on tower in the courtyard struck 12pm, the bell chimed throughout the campus. Lillianna was just in time to see a sudden surge in traffic as students began moving from one lecture to their next. These were not just students of magic, Source, elemntal theory etc. But also history, mathematics, the natural sciences, engineering, art and much more. The Academy boasted 2000 students, mostly of middle and upper class backgrounds. And of course there were those who possessed the Gift - The Source Crystal - something that changed life and limitations for a person, no matter their station.

Most of the campus was open to Lillianna, but there were particular places that might interest the twin-element mage:

1. The Grand Library of the Light and Dark Domains

2. The Grand Library of the Water and Air Domains

3. The cliffedge gardens where many important mages and academics were an audience for some fiercesome debates

4. Anywhere else that might take her fancy


Among the men and women in the main hub of literature pertaining to the Light and Dark Domain, a Cleric named Simon was giving a lecture to a younger and newer Cleric. The library itself was dominated by light, the thematic decorations showing the difference in the number of shelves commited to each Domain. Dark magic was largely illegal, and what wasn't illegal was highly regulated behind licensing laws. However, there was information available, just not nearly as much as the books, scrolls and tomes dedicated to the Light Domain.

Simon's lecture was nothing academic. He was simply venting to an up-and-coming adventurer about why he retired early and became a teacher.

"Restoration magic is a perfectly valid school of magic," he grumbled. "In fact, it's probably the most important. But do you get the thanks and the credit for that? Quinity, no! Clerics are constantly overlooked and underappreciated. People would rather be enamored by the fancy light-show of fire and lightning, while we Clerics are doing all the work."


Over the other side of the campus grounds in the Grand Library of the Water and Air Domain, Simon's friend was giggity-giggling to maniacally to himself while holding a book in one hand to read, using his other to summon Air magic and manipulating small spheres of lightning into various shapes. This was Appsro, who was part of a group of best friends and academics that included Simon and two others.

Appsro was nothing like Simon. While Simon was always complaining about something or other, Appsro was always making a dirty joke, often employing the phrase, 'That's what she said.' He'd been with the Academy as a part-time teacher and engineer for his entire career. He was a person who happened to wake up with the Gift of the Source Crystal as a toddler - something fairly rare - but he'd never desired to be an adventurer.

Consistently thematic as the other libraries, this library was decorated with magical lights and illusions, depicting snowy winds, upside-down waterfalls and blueish lighting.


The open courtayrd and gardens on the north side of the Academy had one of the best views in Valhiem, due to the area hanging right on the edge of Citadel Moutain. At this moment, a formal debate was being conducted on the some questions and challenges that the scientific world had for the acolytes of traditional magical theory. Such deep philosophical battle was a senstive and volatile challenge of beliefs, and so the debate was fierce and audience participation in the form of grumbling and heckling came after almost every point made.

Some people simply watched from further back, interested but not quite as invested as those at the front shaking their fists or calling out.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As they passed over the threshold of the city gate, MacKensie was hit with a wave of foreboding. The pair stopped momentarily as Adam identified the correct mountain. MacKensie looked around too. The vast open outdoors looked peaceful enough, but the Ranger knew better. She'd seen the kinds of creatures that roamed these lands. Even less comforting was the fact He was still out there - the metal ninja. After that brief moment, the two adventurers shared a smile and set off towards Kragstone Peak.

The mountain path was not steep - the walk was quite easygoing in that respect. Adam's company and conversation was pleasant, the pair having much in common. But even though they were talking, MacKensie remained on high alert, the smallest of movements catching her eye - a squirrel scurrying in the brush or a branch swaying, a bird in a tree or a loosed leaf dancing on the wind.

"Finally I've found you," was the ninja's voice clear in her mind.

Adam's voice in her ears would bring her out of the flashback and back to the present, and she would reply, shrugging off her anxiety for a while until it resurfaced, then the cycle would repeat. Time would slowly make things better though. After an hour or so of being outside the city, the sense of foreboding would quieten to a whisper and she found herself smiling more, laughing more.

The footpath up the moutain eventually came to an end, bringing them to a spot that overlooked the city and showed just how much altitude they'd gained. It suddenly occured to her that young couples from the city, seeking a little wilderness romance, might come to this place. It certainly seemed to have the appropriate ambience.

"This is quite nice, don't you think, MacKensie?"

A light blush stained her cheeks and she broke eye contact, her gaze falling to her feet before looking out at the view, a hand making that nervous motion of tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "Ummm, yes." Her awkwardness passed quickly, replaced by contentment. "Yes," she repeated with more certainty, nodding at the undeniability of Adam's words. "It is indeed beautiful." She drank in the view for a moment longer then smiled at the Druid.

The path to climb higher from this point took a jump in difficulty. At Adam's show of concern for her, she nodded her thanks. "I will be cautious."

And cautious she was, making sure of her every move, keeping three points of contact on the tree at all times. But it did not stop her wobbling occasionally. On the second tree they climbed, one of her feet even slipped off and she had to pause to gather herself before continuing the ascent. A sense of shame began to accompany that lack of confidence in her ability - ability that had been there before - ability taken from her by the metal ninja.

Adam gave her a hand at the top and she gratefuly accepted, him pulling her up after she get a foothold on the summit. Glad to be done with the climbing, they looked about the plateu they arrived at to see a secluded hut with a smoking chimney. This had to be the place. Adam knocked on the door after they approached and MacKensie waited to see who would answer. When the door finally opened and Adam introduced them both, "Good afternoon sir," Mackensie echoed Adam's greeting and then politely stayed out of it. This was Adam's task. Now that they'd made it to their destination safely, she was only here for moral support.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

It took a minute for the door to open up after Adam knocked. When it did, the door moved sharply and angrily, but only wide enough to show the head of an old man who wore an annoyed expression. This was Old Gilligan: Master Shapeshifter and, once, a Diamond Tier Druid.

"What?" As soon as Adam started talking, he was interrupted. "Not interested."

And the door slammed shut. Old Gilligan rarely got visitors and he liked it that way. The fact that someone had managed to find his home was infuriating. He grumbled about the rudeness of showing up at someone's house unannounced and uninvited, but then his brain registered the last thing he'd heard Adam say: 'My friend Glee...'

"That big-headed rascal giving out my location, Quinity damn the man," he cursed. But this was Glee John Artorius. An admittedly good student and insightful Druid. Gilligan sighed and shook his fist. "Alright, Glee, you bastard," he muttered before turning around and hobbling back to the door. Then much louder and just as angrily, "Alright!"

The door sharply opened again, this time all the way. Old Gilligan was tall and slender like most elves. He wore long sleeves and pants of basic brown furs, walked with a wooden cane and had an unchangable resting bitch-face. He looked at each of the adventurers, sizing them up, before hobbling out and up to Adam. "So, Glee sent you, did he? What was you name? Adahl?" If Adam even tried to correct him: "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"

Then he hobbled over to MacKensie. "And you... look like a Ranger to me. A pointless distraction."

Now back to Adam. "Adahl... rank of your party - speak." After that. "Ascended? Specialization?"

He gestured to the soil. "Show me your skills. Replicate a small tree native to this moutain. You walked past enough of them right? Well, chop-chop!"

Best case scenario, Adam would not show the necessary skill and speed of casting that signified a potential student. Or better yet, he wouldn't even try, unwilling to take the rudeness and vitriol of Gilligan, and just leave. Worst case is that Glee John Artorius was a good judge of student, and this would be a long day.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It had been a pleasant afternoon. MacKensie Trydant made for a wonderful hiking partner. She was pleasant as always, uplifting his spirits with her conversation and personality. Even if she seemed a little less confident than usual, it didn't detract from his feelings for her. If she needed a mental lift, he would be there like he was when he gave her a physical one at the top of the mountain. All of this made for quite the contrast with the man Adam now faced.

"What?"  As soon as Adam started talking, he was interrupted.  "Not interested."

And the door slammed shut.

The red-eyed man stood there, stunned. Glee said he was grumpy, but he didn't expect this level of the "get off my lawn" mentality. As he was trying to process everything and decide how to proceed, his thoughts were interrupted. 


The fisherman decided to say nothing as the old elf went on, up until he mangled his name. Upon trying to correct him, the younger man was interrupted.


Adam was about to respond in a similar tone, but he remembered something his father told him about another person who was less than pleasant to deal with.

"Now, your uncle isn't an…ideal person, that's true. And you don't have to like him. Please be cordial though. Not for him, but for me."

This person certainly wasn't related to Adam, but Glee held a high regard for him. And more importantly, this shapeshifting magic could help the team and potentially save innocent lives. For that, it was worth tolerating a little crankiness.

"Adahl... rank of your party - speak."  After that. "Ascended? Specialization?"

He gestured to the soil.  "Show me your skills.  Replicate a small tree native to this moutain.  You walked past enough of them right?  Well, chop-chop!"

The younger Druid answered the questions briefly and evenly, then nodded when asked to grow a tree. Without moving from the spot he was at, he used his magic and grew a perfect tree, precisely as he did to ascend the mountain in the first place.

"One thing though," Adam said after he was finished, maintaining the tone he had used since the beginning, "she isn't pointless." He could tolerate grouchy nonsense, but he wouldn't tolerate an insult to his friend. "Can we begin the lesson please?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 1 day ago

Fenna filled Mackensie in about the trip to the church, which hadn't yielded many results. The food was good, which she said to MacKensie when she asked about it and turned to Frederick to ask for ale, which she promptly received. This was actually her first time eating tacos. She knew they existed, but she had never made them before, nor had she been served tacos before. It was impossible to say how close they were to the real thing, but the taste was good.

After eating she remained at the bar to drink her ale and answered questions from Frederick about where she and her party had come from - she just told him they came from far away as she didn't feel the need to explain everything about Earth and the mysteries surrounding their arrival here - and listened to him talking about growing up in this city, inheriting this place from his grandfather, and how he had done some adventures in his younger years but was quite happy with his current life.

Then Adam came to say he would leave and MacKensie insisted on joining him.
"See you later," Fenna returned the greeting when MacKensie and Adam left them. "Be careful."

After this she went to her room to slip back into her ranger gear, carefully folding her new clothes and putting them in her bag. She wrapped her arrows and unstrung bow in the cloth case and hung it on her back. This way she could carry it with the least hindrance; with her spear, she didn't need to rely on a quick draw with her bow - her intention was to bring it out when needed, for hunting or maybe a mission in which she knew beforehand she'd need the bow. It was a weapon she hadn't used yet, as she had relied on her spear and daggers so far, but with the upcoming quest she needed to get some practice with her bow as well.

Fenna followed the instructions of the gardener and was able to find the shooting range. Most of the gathered people were guards, but Fenna saw a couple of hands with crystals wielding bows, those had to be adventurers honing their skills. She was assigned a target she had to share with some others who wanted to practice and chatted with the guards while waiting for her turn.

The first few arrows hit the target, but none hit the centre. When it was her turn again she inhaled, lifted her bow and aimed, taking a moment longer this time. As she concentrated for a couple of seconds, the target seemed to get bigger even though it remained the same size, and she saw it sharper. It was a strange sensation, but she knew she couldn't miss and released the arrow. It pierced the air and hit the target in the centre. She exhaled and smiled when the guards around her complimented her with her sharp shot.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Teyao
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It was a testament to how much he was focused on his cooking that he failed to notice Mac's attack on his nose (that and she was way faster than he was) before she made contact.

"Hahaha, get out of here!"

Internally however he felt a cold sweat, anyone who has worked with truly spicy food before knows the pain that is sauce on skin, thank god(s?) he had made the decision of a less spicy sauce, if not he would be with an irritated nose for the next hour or so. Still, it was nice, cooking like this for friends, it was not something he tended to do preferring to try new foods instead but he had done his fair share of cooking for others.

Eventually, he found himself eating among the others, full of smug satisfaction, it was nothing special being able to cook like this but he still felt proud of it. So it was only natural he would brag when given the chance.

"Wha'dya think? Wanna come along? So, when did you learn to cook?"

"You know what? I gotta grab my shawl from the tailor anyway, why not? As for the cooking part..." He brought his other hand towards his chin in the 'thinking' pose "I think it's pretty normal to know how to cook like this back home? Or, well, not exactly normal but common at least" This was nice, just chatting with a friend "What about you? Any special hidden skills you wanna reveal now?" He made a show of gasping and widening his eyes "Don't tell me, you are a master juggler?" He smiled to show he was joking, with the last days being what they were this relaxing atmosphere was more than welcome.

However, the next of Zell's questions unwittingly dragged his mood down.

"Did you live alone before you... oh yeah; what happened for you to get here? I forgot to ask. Did you die too?"

He tried to appear flippant "Nah I used to live with a lot of my family" He failed "As for the other... Yeah, I guess I did, neighbor's house was burning and I tried to play hero" An uncomfortable chuckle and a hand on the back of his neck "Got a crowbar and everything" FIRE SO MUCH FIRE! "At the end a cabinet fell over me and well, next thing I know I was in the coffin" A lie and a shrug.

Damn, he was feeling uncomfortable now, he should have just been vague instead of giving so much detail.

"So what do you want to do at the Guild" He was not being subtle with the change in topic but he hoped Zell would take the clue. God, he felt awkward just bringing that up.

"Well, feel free to lead the way"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


While it was certainly a bustling campus, it was enough to make the mage almost feel like she was in college again simply from the people im robes shuffling quickly about the place. Some seemed to stop and take a bite to eat, or goof off with friends in-between classes while they had some time to kill. Others seemed to look for corners or elsewhere to sit and pop open a book or begin scribbling things down on paper of some kind, like they were doing some kind of studying or homework. Some naturally would continue on carrying bags and books and all sorts to most likely hurry to the next class at that! Indeed, the mage somewhat paradoxically seemed to relax a bit more as she walked along and tried to avoid getting run over. A hall of education and learning, something she'd always enjoyed the presence of in comparison to many other places she'd been in life....well, her prior life she supposed.

Whatever the case, the mage found herself able to go about to a variety of places in the meantime. But where to start? Where to begin? Certinaly she wanted to perhaps focus her efforts on what she could do and what magic she could actually use, so that seemed as good a place to start as any. Even then, though, where to go? Sure she could seek out something regarding her lightning, though....they were going to head to a Temple of Hades. Sounded like a place that would involve a lot of undead or spirit romaing around or such, at least if she went by the old Greek Mythology god as any sort of basis. Then again, she hadn't asked much abou the deities of the world either for that matter! Ugh. Simply another thing to jot down in her mental notepad of a 'To-Do List' for later, she supposed, though it was on that note that the mage felt looking more into her Spirit Magic was a good idea in general.

She was already on the trail of wanting to look into the life of a dead adventurer, whose presence in the Mazy Hillocks among other things had left a distinct impression on her. What kind of impression she couldn't fully grasp, and yet it was enough to compel her to look into his life and death all the same. But if she was going to be ready for anything else regarding such matters, or able to handle running into such spirits in the future who were far less helpful, then it seemed prudent to at least branch out her knowledge some into the relevant field of magic that pertained to them. Simple? Eh, simple by her standards at least.

It was in this vein that Lillianna would try to ask around breifly about any literature related to Spirit Magic and where she could locate it. From here she would get simple enough direction to "The Grand Library of the Light and Dark Domains", though as she would make her way to said library-

Among the men and women in the main hub of literature pertaining to the Light and Dark Domain, a Cleric named Simon was giving a lecture to a younger and newer Cleric. The library itself was dominated by light, the thematic decorations showing the difference in the number of shelves commited to each Domain. Dark magic was largely illegal, and what wasn't illegal was highly regulated behind licensing laws. However, there was information available, just not nearly as much as the books, scrolls and tomes dedicated to the Light Domain.

Simon's lecture was nothing academic. He was simply venting to an up-and-coming adventurer about why he retired early and became a teacher.

"Restoration magic is a perfectly valid school of magic," he grumbled. "In fact, it's probably the most important. But do you get the thanks and the credit for that? Quinity, no! Clerics are constantly overlooked and underappreciated. People would rather be enamored by the fancy light-show of fire and lightning, while we Clerics are doing all the work."

The twin-element mage silently raised an eyebrow as she overheard a conversation while passing by, drawing her eyes barely away from the rows and rows and shelves of tomes sitting before her. A vast swath of literature, gathered in one place about a particular 'school' of magic. Certinaly such a thing was beautiful to consider the existence of, though it also made enough logical sense to organize things in such a manner to help direct students in a 'school of magic' to different locations to study. Distribute the various students across the board, as it were, rather than try to make one titanic library....not that such a thing wouldn't have been cool actually. It would have been very cool! But she was getting a bit more distracted besides the point.

Yet she still couldn't help but imagine some poor soul in an MMO game talking angrily to someone as she heard the older cleric's rant, but at the same time felt a small pang of relatability. Unlike certain 'majors' she'd seen back home, something like healing magic seemed a lot more applicable and serious to take note of. Something perhaps akin to medical field? Ah, but that was the fun dichotomy of the word 'clerical': It could mean both medical matters and religious ones, which at points in Earth history had been one and the same it seemed. Yet again, though, she was getting off-track too easily in this place when it came to her thoughts. But what else would she do in here than get to thinking about things on the premises of a seemingly wide-topic-encompassing scholastic institution? It was only natural!

No! She had to focus, and focus she would. No more distractions.

Walking up to the lecturing Cleric and his either fortunate or most unfortunate student, the twin-element mage would try to politely get the attention of Simon. Albeit it felt as awkward as her approach in some aspect likely was, in her mind, as she semi-nervously tried to tap the man's shoulder lightly. Her staff, meanwhile, was gripped tightly in her other free hand as said hand seemed to grip it a bit tigher in mild anxiety while she tried to make her approach.

Perhaps it would be worth asking him about where she could find some pertinent information that might be of use to her, and see if she could narrow down her search for literature from there to one thing or another to focus her studies today on in this case. Because she wasn't spending all day in here wandering around randomly for information on a topic she was still coming to grasp! That would be simply silly and foolish really. No, she'd have to have a nice long off-week for that sort of thing at the very least! And a comfortable chair. Maybe some coco if she could find it. Ah, that'd be the stuff~

"Pardon me, and apologies for the interruption of your lecture here, but I am a rather new student to the field of Spirit Magic in particular. New to this library, in fact, at that.

You seem to be an experienced person around here, and I was hoping you could perhaps help point me in the direction of information regarding matters of say...combatting spirits and undead?"

...Though part of her hoped she hadn't found the crazy nut on campus who complained to everyone and stressed out at his day job all the time. Eh, too specific a niche to have in mind there? Perhaps, but her chances of running into such people back in college in-person had been surpsingly higher than she would have liked back then. Ugh.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 2 days ago

Barracker took his mother Anne some chamomile tea, fresh off the boil. With tired eyes Anne looked over the small round table at Barracker taking a seat and shared with him her motherly concerns about his ongoing nightmares. “Is it still burning fresh in your mind dear, that night”.

He looked over, his eyes fixed on his helmet. His fingers tracing along the sides of the helmet. “Very much so, it taunts and haunts my mind. I cannot seem to escape and push it out of my mind.”

“Oh dear,” she gestured a hand towards the Barracker and was received with a clasped of hands holding onto hers. “I wish I could take this pain away.”

“I know” Barracker gave a nod back, he felt comfort in her words. “Mother, I hate to ask but as I said before, I’m not sure where this journey will take me. I’m running out of-”

Anne interrupted, “Ahh yes.” She stood unsteadily, shaking alot. As she shimmied over to the cabinet on the counter. “One moment dear, I’m sure it’s here,” she started muttering to herself, then putting a finger to her lips. “Where is it now?”

Barracker felt a bit helpless, he was not here when she put the vials away, but knew to be patient as Anne was losing her memory dramatically faster by the month. He rose out of his chair and they both started looking together, the Paladin tried to rejog her memory as they looked for it. But no use, her memory wasn’t quite the same as when he was little.

Some time later he found it, the bag of vials lodged in the bottom cupboard behind some medical supplies. Barrackers' face showed it all, he had forgotten about this cupboard. “Mother, I found them.” He took the small bag.

“Very good dear”. She waved and then held her hand out, needing help to get back to her feet. Barracker bent his knees and held her gently round her waist and helped her up. When they were both seated again. “It's lamb blood my dear. I had it seasoned with a splash of cinnamon and sugar.” This reminded him of cinnamon sweet rolls, which had always been one of Barracker’s favourite treats. “Much better than that pigs blood I got you last time, hmm.”

“Thank you mother,” he nodded in agreement and then started counting the bottle of vials. There were quite a lot here, enough for a month, maybe more. The thing about the blood was that as a Paladin, he found the taste of blood quite vile. Perhaps his morals made it that way. It was necessary though. Vampires could only get nutrition from blood. He did not like it but realised it was a given. Animals did not share the same level of nutrients or adrenaline kick of goodness compared to sentient creatures like humans etc, but he vowed never to touch a living person's neck. This would hinder and hurt his development and health as a vampire's capability but a clear conscience would feel better than stooping to the level of the majority of vampires. Most vampires would be physically lured in by the taste and buzz it gave, taking from living persons and would cloud their mind, making them turn to the dark idea of murdering to feed. It was like drug addiction. But Barracker would rather die.
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