MacKensie scanned the vicinity of the west-facing side of the Temple, her sharp eyes and ears alert for any signs of trouble. After deeming the coast clear, she sighed and took a moment to watch the sunset, which everyday in this world was a vibrant and beautiful sight, almost cartoonish in it's purples, reds and oranges of saturated colour bleeding across the sky.
She was already missing Lillianna. In spite of not really bonding with the woman the way she'd bonded with the likes of Fenna or Adam, nor having the instant chemistry she felt she'd found with the likes of James or Zell, Lillianna was still 'one of them.' She was Second Chance, and her presence and friendship was valued by the frenchwoman. And with the dangers of this world on display so often, she found herself not entirely sure she'd see the white-haired wizard ever again. It was depressing. Just another problem to add to the pile.
She could hear Barracker speaking about wraiths and so she turned about and headed back the twenty yards or so to the camp at the Temple entrance, pausing her patrol to listen to the paladin's lesson and his briefing about the likely layout of the temple. When Fenna and Zell started discussing their options, MacKensie continued her patrol, leaving the decision-making to the brighter minds of the group. She was not the sharpest when it came to strategy, certainly not as sharp as James, Fenna and Zell, who'd already proven to be valuable in this regard.
On to the east-facing side of the temple she went, senses searching, when she suddenly stopped mid-step, hearing movement. Within the blink of an eye, she was in a side-on stance with her one-handed crossbow drawn and pointing at an intruder who'd jumped out behind her.
"Die cultist!"
She'd almost fired. Her finger was a single unit of pressure away from pulling the half-pressed trigger, but her instincts and reflexes stopped her making the mistake. The wizard who'd tried to ambush her had also almost fired. Both of them stood paused in a stand-off. The wizard lowered his wand. MacKensie was not so quick to mirror him.
"You are not a cultist."
MacKensie blinked, her breathing erratic as her adrenaline subsided. Finally she spoke. "No, I am not."
"You have my sincere apologies."
When the dwarf appeared from behind the rock, his shivering demeanour and lack of a weapon made MacKensie lower her guard. She finally put her weapon away, eager to hear an explanation for this sudden appearance. And she got one. More bad news. She shook George's hand.
"MacKensie Trydant, of Second Chance," was her introduction. "We intend to save who we can in there. The full moon's light will open the entrance tonight, rest assured in that."
When Adam spoke, MacKensie was reminded of wicked deceptions already put upon the villagers of the local area. A pang of apphrehension hit her heart, stood now within arms reach of a potential threat who was clearly powerful. But it was the visage of the dwarf that gave her confidence in the integrity of the strangers. Hardul was obviously no threat, unless he was the finest actor she'd ever seen, the dwarf's fear was palpable. She, however, remained ready to draw her weapon again, should George show any resistance to whatever Barracker would say next.