Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 29 days ago

Camila came upon an interesting sight. Sunbathing Ledyba and some on a tree passing berries and othrr things back and forth to some Paras. "How interesting." She took a picture of the trading ones and thrn of ghr sunbathing ones. The assistant was ferling a little brave even and inched closer and closer, trying to get a better picture with her phone.

They seemed peaceful to each other so she could at least hope they would be to her. "Hi guys, don't mind me. Peaceful Lab Assistant moving close to take a cute picture." She muttered to herself. It'd be nice if they gave the Pokemon equivalent to a happy hello but Camila was prepared to run or fight if necessary.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Afternoon
The moment the psychic began to explain herself Yuu rose up back to his feet and placed a fist against his hip as he focused on Clarissa. He gave the girl a shallow nod before briefly glancing back at the ninja and Chloe the moment she mentioned the trio coming for help before his eyes fell back upon Clarissa. While he was attentive to Clarissa's explanation, his eyes would sometimes drift to casually observe the vicinity.

It wasn't like any Pokemon would potentially show up after that huge crash, but he never knew and thus did his best to keep a lookout. Jojo on the other hand was much more curious about the purple girl's lapine companion, noticing that they were atop her shoulder. "Rio," the Riolu crooned, eagerly beckoning Vivi to come down to his level as he began to point at the Buneary.

The Rotom-phone floated down to Jojo's level, crackling and buzzing in response with a small smile as they nodded at the observation. Vivi watched as they would go on to point out that minute similarity with Jojo hopping up and raising a paw at Yuu's shoulder as Vivi floated up and down with him in response. Afterwards there was a small ring of excitement as Vivi whirred back their own thoughts about another one like them, pointing directly at where the Camphor Pokedex/Phone was; they even went as far as to crackle with excitement, seemingly calling out to the other Rotom hiding within the device.

As the two Pokemon chatted amongst themselves, Yuu was busy absorbing the tale Clarissa regaled to the group, nodding along as he now rubbed his chin in tandem. Captured a Murkrow, Gastly stole the Pokeball which lead to the encounter with the Rotom, and now... this scenario.

Yuu's eyes shifted over to the Pokedex she was delicately holding the moment she stated that it was residing in the Pokedex. "Wait, did you even..." Yuu began to silently muse to himself over her accomplishment, pondering on the status of the Rotom. His thoughts, however, ended up shifting to the Gastly based on the explanation as he began scanning the vicinity, pondering if that ghost-type Pokemon was still watching them.

Of course those thoughts were quashed the instant he heard the mention of 'Contest Hall.'

There was a simultaneous feeling of revulsion slithering down his spine like chilled ichor, but there was also a look of quiet determination, something which Jojo picked up and briefly stopped chatting with Vivi to check up on Yuu... only to find a facial contortion he never saw before.

Left the poor Riolu befuddled for a minute trying to make out Yuu's emotional turmoil. The small Pokemon seemed to calm down the moment Yuu seemed to break from that strangely disgusted yet determined glare on his face as the boy placed a hand on his hip and lightly shook his head.

"You're an idiot."

Despite the insult, Yuu was slightly smiling at Clarissa; there was no contempt in his words as his response sounded more like a jovial, friendly prod at the psychic. "I don't know about the other two, but you don't need to do that for me... if anything should be the other way 'round considering that," Yuu jabbed a thumb in the direction of the open hole the forklift left in their wake.

As Yuu took a step toward Clarissa, he yelped out a small "Woah," as Vivi rushed by him, hovering around the Pokedex which held the Rotom, greeting them and coaxing the Pokemon to come out and maybe even play a bit. "Regardless, you mentioned something about a Contest Hall," there was still a bit of disgust curdling in the back of his throat as he said that.

"That's convenient; I just so happened to need to stop by there as well," the warmth he briefly displayed vanished as he returned to an all too familiar, matter-of-fact somber tone. "Hm... say, how about you join us on our travels?"

Yuu looked straight at the girl as soon as he stated this offer, continuing his statement, "I don't think the ninja girl will mind and... Chloe..." Yuu paused and gave the girl a sidelong glance before continuing, "Seems like the kind of person who'd be interested in contests... so- woah, Jojo!"

Before he could finish his spiel, Jojo was cheerfully tugging on his arm, pulling it down as the Riolu crooned "Riolu!" Yuu took a moment to regain his balance as a result of the surprise yanking of his arm. Before he knew it, the Riolu was clambering up the side of Yuu's arm before sitting on his shoulder, much like Sir Lopsalot.

"Rio, rio, riolu!" Jojo held on to Yuu's hair as he cheerfully waved his paw at the Buneary, joyfully greeting and introducing himself to him. The small Pokemon would then give a bright smile to the bunny before holding its paw out to him, "Riolu?" Despite his partners actions, Yuu was hardly miffed and more chuckled at the whole scenario, "Trying to get along with Sir Lopsalot, eh?" The purple haired boy smiled a little before uttering "Cute."

Yuu just looked at the two before quickly clearing his throat and addressing Clarissa once more, "Right, so wanna stick together with us?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Isla Gill

Location: Ancient Grove
Mentions: N/A

Well, look at that. Isla hadn’t fully expected the method to work, not as well as it had, and she was pleased as could be with herself that it had worked. The Budew seemed to be relaxing, at least as much as could be expected, moving forward a little bit, opening up and maybe getting just a little bit bigger. Well…the girl didn’t really know, not entirely, how the whole Budew thing worked, but she was still pretty pleased that the Pokémon was relaxing and walking up and all the rest. Surely it wasn’t interested in attacking or anything.

Isla flicked more water to the bulb Pokémon, smiling a bit. Well, smiling until she felt that tickle in her nose. They were flowering! Why hadn’t she thought of that before? Why hadn’t she considered that a flower opening might involve some other things. She felt that tickle in her nose, kept breathing pretty deeply despite the impulse to hold her breath or anything of that sort, and let out a “choo” as Isla’s head whipped forward, free arm swinging forward to shield it.

Deeply breathing out, the girl opened her eyes again, making sure that she had kept it quiet enough despite the absolutely violent head motion, making sure she hadn’t scared the little Budew away. Despite the Pokémon having a heck of an effect on the air, Isla still wanted to make friends with them. She hadn’t seen the little guys before, not on the Sevii Islands, and they were pretty interesting.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory
@Rune_Alchemist, @XxFellsingxX, @Crusader Lord, @Savo

Things escalated fast.

One moment Chloe was looking for the source of the strange phenomena around them, the next she was harassed by Yuu's floating phone — with the lamest cover she'd ever seen, by the way, purple was so last season — and then the asshole himself stepped up to try and be all important instead of actually helping, and then—

A forklift whirred to life and started barreling towards them.

Chloe felt her heart skip a beat, a million thoughts running through her head. Did it actually see them? It couldn't turn that fast, could they just get out of the way? But like, they had nowhere to run! Wait, could it break a way for them or something? Would it be enough to like... break through a wall?

She felt Jill tense up beside her. Whether out of fear or because she planned to do something, Chloe didn't know, but it worried her all the same. She had to keep the girl safe and prevent her from trying to like... attack the thing or something crazy like that! She was practically responsible for her now. A big sister.

Chloe inhaled, shaky and sharp, then took a wider stance. She was just about to start shouting at the vehicle to try and lure it after her and hopefully to a wall, when all of a sudden, it seemed to lose control. It swerved sharply to the side, towards the exit door, and crashed right through.


But... why? What happened? Had Clarissa done something? She hadn't, Jill hadn't, and mister know-it-all sure as heck hadn't, so—?!

"Hi! We're here to save you!" Jill shouted all of a sudden, and Chloe quite literally jumped. Body still tense and mind still reeling, she trailed the smaller girl's gaze up the stairs to a girl with absolutely gorgeous purple hair. Like! What products did she use?!

Turned out the girl was Clarissa — and that she really had done something. Chloe pressed a hand to her chest, heaving a sigh of relief. "Girl, same! I'm SO thankful you're okay and SO sorry we took SO long. And like, in the end you saved us? For real, how hilarious is that?"

Chloe's gaze fell on the Pokédex in her arms as the purplette explained what'd happened. "Huh, so like, it's in there? That's so cool. But-- um, you might wanna keep that away from me for now?" She flicked her frizzed hair with furrowed brows, half-annoyed, maybe quarter-joking. "I hold grudges."

As Clarissa continued to turn out to be such a nice person, Chloe ended up having to agree with Yuu on one thing, at least. "That's so generous of you, but if anything, I owe you a potion! Or like, two. Pretty sure a forklift would've been all 'super effective' on us, you know."

Clarissa asked whether they wanted to come with her to the Contest Hall, and Chloe's eyes visibly lit up. Wait, there was one out here too? With maybe a show tonight?! She felt giddy, her excitement only somewhat dampened when Yuu mentioned he had to go to there too, for... whatever reason. Maybe he was hired help or something? Ugh, hopefully nowhere near the stage.

The surprises didn't end there. At Yuu's offer for Clarissa to join 'us', Chloe couldn't help but arch a brow. Um, who exactly was us? Him and Jill? Cause she was not going to let Jill travel alone with him. Or, what, did he think they were all traveling companions after he'd tried to literally get her killed? And why did he want Clarissa to come with them, anyway? He had ulterior motives, Chloe just knew. And she swore, if he planned to hurt her too, she'd take him down herself. Like why did he even have to be here, she would've loved to travel with just the girls!

When the asshole glanced at her, clearly about to say something, Chloe narrowed her eyes in preparation for whatever nasty thing came out his mouth next. His statement turned out surprisingly neutral. Trying to pretend like he had manners in front of the new girl? What a Grimer.


Chloe turned back to Clarissa, reaching to grab one of her hands into both of her own, grinning from ear to ear. "You know I'm so down for Contest Hall! Are you gonna like, participate? Or just watch? You know I'd love to try a contest some day! I've been to so many shows! Ah, at what time is it tonight though? Cause I need time to like, fix this mess," she nudged her head upwards to her hair, as if Clarissa hadn't already clocked its sorry state ages ago. "And I gotta get ready, and-- we gotta get Jill ready too, so we should probably get g—"

A bark. Then another, and another. Chloe turned to glance besides her, expecting Snuggles to have joined in on making friends with the other Pokémon. But as she did, she realized the barking didn't come from next to her — it came all the way across the massive room. The Snubbull was on all fours in front of a door that she could have sworn wasn't ajar before, seemingly barking at nothing.

"Snuggie, what's wrong?" Chloe shouted after her, hesitant and concerned, as she let go of Clarissa's hands and took a step after her partner. "Did you see someth—"

Too late. The fairy type took off, and unlike earlier, this time Chloe didn't freeze. She dashed after her partner out of instinct, the fervent clicking of her heels echoing off the walls and ceiling.

"Um, you girls go ahead! Don't worry about me, I'll catch up!" Is what she managed to get out, before she disappeared from sight through a door, hot on the Snubbull's heels.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist @Vertigo @Crusader Lord

After her initial greeting towards Clarissa, Jill had become uncharacteristically quiet as she watched her companions talk amongst themselves. Something was not adding up here. Despite not commenting on it, she had in fact noticed increasing hostility between Yuu and Chloe on their trek through the factory. She'd been hoping it was nothing. She was hoping she'd imagined it. She was hoping it would stop eventually.

It hadn't.

Obviously Yuu hadn't been the nicest to Jill when they first met, but the ninja girl was used to that. People seemed to get exasperated with her very easily. Even her beloved grandparents had moments where their expression showed a clear... frustration... disappointment? Some kind of emotion that Jill couldn't quite identify but definitely made her stomach sink. They were always apologising for her, always telling her to slow down, telling her to consider other people. She did try to consider other people, but it didn't to seem to make a difference. That's why she was so surprised when she'd first befriended Zeph, and now when Chloe had so quickly taken her under her wing. She really wasn't used to such unflinching and complete acceptance.

That's why, when Yuu had immediately made some unprovoked rude comments towards Chloe that Jill had been incredibly confused. The other girl hadn't even had a chance to say anything before Yuu seemed to pass judgement on her, and it was strange. Jill hadn't known Chloe that long but in that time, she'd been nothing but nice to her, and had been so eager to come along and help Clarissa when she needed it. Obviously, she'd been a bit rude to Yuu, but in her defense, he had been rude first. None of this made sense, and after a bit, Jill had just started to wonder if Yuu was like this to everyone.

Then Clarissa had shown up, and that theory was dashed. Yuu seemed completely different, much nicer, much more complimentary, moreso than he'd been to even Remi and Nevine, who he'd seemed mildly more tolerant of during their fight. And while Clarissa seemed like a nice enough person, Jill couldn't really identify anything off the bat that would make Yuu substantially nicer to her than to anyone else they'd met.

Then Yuu glanced in her and Chloe's direction and she realised he was talking about her. Huh? She quickly rewound the conversation in her head. Something about... contests? Oh yeah, she'd heard of contests. She'd even seen a few on television. They seemed pretty cool. She definitely wouldn't mind trying one at least once. Chloe in particular seemed interested so she'd like to go along just to support her.

She was about to open her mouth to speak when Chloe seemed to noticed her snubbull wasn't by her side, and quickly excused herself from the group to chase after her Pokemon, leaving her alone with Yuu and Clarissa. Jill glanced between the two of them, then in the direction Chloe had gone, considering what she should do.

"You know," she said suddenly towards Yuu. "You really should be nicer to Chloe. She's not a bad person, and it's not fair for you to treat her like one." And without further elaboration or even waiting for a response, she scooped up Aster in her arms and then went after Chloe.

Oleander, who had been floating quietly during this whole conversation, glanced dully in the direction of Jill as she ran off. They didn't make any move to follow, just watched her go off as if considering something.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Factory Floor, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

"Girl, same! I'm SO thankful you're okay and SO sorry we took SO long. And like, in the end you saved us? For real, how hilarious is that?"

Chloe's gaze fell on the Pokédex in her arms as the purplette explained what'd happened. "Huh, so like, it's in there? That's so cool. But-- um, you might wanna keep that away from me for now?" She flicked her frizzed hair with furrowed brows, half-annoyed, maybe quarter-joking. "I hold grudges."

Clarissa raised one eyebrow for a moment, though soon returned to normal otherwise as she listened to the blonde explain things. She wasn't sure what the Rotom would want to do, and she didn't want to chase the little one off, but she could at least say one thing in particular for the time being. That much she could do at the very least.

"Ah, I'll try to be mindful of that moving forward."

However, the look on Yuu's face was certainly easier to read with her eyes than anything else. No need for powers there....and perhaps it wouldn't be a good idea to try to prod for more informatioon with them either in any case. Even his little partner Pokemon seemed to respond in a somewhat familiar-feeling manner to the psychic,

"You're an idiot."

Despite the insult, Yuu was slightly smiling at Clarissa; there was no contempt in his words as his response sounded more like a jovial, friendly prod at the psychic. "I don't know about the other two, but you don't need to do that for me... if anything should be the other way 'round considering that," Yuu jabbed a thumb in the direction of the open hole the forklift left in their wake.
Are Yuu Ok There, Bro?

"That's so generous of you, but if anything, I owe you a potion! Or like, two. Pretty sure a forklift would've been all 'super effective' on us, you know."

However, the offer to come with her to the Contest Hall certainly seemed to resonate more than she thought to each person.

Chloe seemed to light up vividly enough to the psychic's eyes it was easy to see the excitement in them alone. The girl even so much as grabbed one of her hands out of the blue, holding it in her own as she went on with several questions of her own about the event. Noting how she wanted to participate in them herself at some point. Asking about the time the show started. Noting needing to fix her hair once more despite the obvious. Talking about how herself and Jill needed to get themselves ready for it. Then ultimately her Snubbull getting distracted and zooming off after something just off of the factory floor before the blonde girl would zoom off after it in a seeming hurry and a hasty apology that the psychic felt wasn't nessecary due to how understandble the situation seemed.

Yuu, meanwhile, seemed to want to go but auidibly seemed not so pleased about going to where a Contest was in the first place. But inviting her to join the three of them? Er...was it even a 'thing' currently after the aftermath of this rescue operation? Or was it something barely holding together. The tension she could frankly palpably feel between the Chloe and Yuu already even without extending her powers beyond herself, especially from what little she was seeing from how they seemed to regard each other and speak thus far, though ultimately she felt prying or asking either of the two would not result in much but arguing and not much if any good for the moment being. Quite the opposite, really, if her gut instincts were telling her anything about this scenario.

Jill's next comments, however, would give Clarissa the rest of the context she needed otherwise in the moment.

"You know," she said suddenly towards Yuu. "You really should be nicer to Chloe. She's not a bad person, and it's not fair for you to treat her like one." And without further elaboration or even waiting for a response, she scooped up Aster in her arms and then went after Chloe.

Oleander, who had been floating quietly during this whole conversation, glanced dully in the direction of Jill as she ran off. They didn't make any move to follow, just watched her go off as if considering something.

....Why was Jill's Magnemite just sitting there though? Hmm. Not something she wanted to ask about in the heat of the moment, however, as Yuu's Rotomdex and partner rapidly took action it would take the psychic off-guard somewhat.

"Riolu!" Yuu took a moment to regain his balance as a result of the surprise yanking of his arm. Before he knew it, the Riolu was clambering up the side of Yuu's arm before sitting on his shoulder, much like Sir Lopsalot.

"Rio, rio, riolu!" Jojo held on to Yuu's hair as he cheerfully waved his paw at the Buneary, joyfully greeting and introducing himself to him. The small Pokemon would then give a bright smile to the bunny before holding its paw out to him, "Riolu?"


Sir Lopsalot seemed to regard Yuu, Chloe, and Jill a little, before he would perk up somewhat as the other Pokemon tried to excitedly approach him in a manner of speaking. The Buneary would get a tiny chuckle out of Yuu's reaction to the clambering Riolu, finding it visibly amusing to himself, before reaching out to try to shake the Riolu's hand with one of his own little arms. The trainers could sort out some of their messes....Arceus knew he could read the room as well. But all the same, Sir Lopsalot seemed content and happy to find someone with a bit more of a positive energy about them at the moment. Or, well, perhaps he felt something similar from the little blue Pokemon? Hmm.

"Bun! Bun bun bun bun."

"...It would be my pleasure to join the three of you."

She still had no full idea of what to think of the whole arrangement, but with the seeming loss thus far of her prior compatriot the psychic still felt as if traveling in some kind of group was the way to go. At the very worst, there were options to split off with if the group fractured somehow. It felt as tentative and shaky as it could right now, though, and Yuu's attitude was certainly a thing she had gotten some kind of iniutial read on even as far back as the lab proper. Still, he'd been willing to help and he and Chloe had been on the same point of telling her that her offer to help them wasn't needed as much as it was the opposite of how they felt about it all in some manner or another.

Them? Owing her? It felt silly, but the fact anyone had been willing to come help was something Clarissa felt simply grateful for in the first place. It had also been an odd turn of events to manage saving her rescuers, however, as much as it was just outright ironic. Even so, the psychic glanced back over her shoulder in the direction Chloe and subsequently Jill had now run off into.

"Though perhaps we should help them for now? At the very least to keep safe after what you three seem to have gone through."

Motioning to Yuu in a generally friendly sort of manner, her facial stoicism notwithstanding, the psychic had basically invited him to come along and follow to help somehow. Maybe it'd help the group a little if they tried to help each other out? Maybe. Still needed to get to the Pokemon Center, perhaps, and then hit the Contest Hall in time. Time to check out her newest party member would be good as well, really, but at least getting ready in time for the Contest would be something. Not that she hoped it would go beyond simply a VIP meet-and-greet sort of thing really.

By the good graces of Celebi, she really didn't want to get on that stage at all. Even the mere thought could send a shiver down her spine. Please no, and no thank you. She already felt pressured to go after ealier anywho...but for now, maybe helping out Chloe would be a good idea. Yes.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 5

Luna, was just a tiny bit faster than Pawniard. Luna stood her ground, eyes narrowed and glowing red at a terrifying attempt to paralyze the Pawniard. Focused on the grass type as it was, it wasn’t able to dodge! The Pawniards body flinched and convulsed lightly as the paralysis took hold and both slowed the pokemon down and impeded its movements.

“Heh, good move kid, however,” Pawniard seemed entirely unfazed by the paralysis otherwise. As close as the Pawniard had already got, she couldn’t flee and use the Lileep as a shield, either. It carried through with its fury cutter, hitting Luna square across her face. “Pawniard won’t be fazed by something like that. Another fury cutter, Pawniard!”

The Pawniard Sharpened its blades. Luna couldn’t take another one of those attacks.

“Lileep, Confuse ray on that Snivy.”

“Munchlax, Lick on that Lileep-try and interrupt that Confuse Ray!"

Stellar Toy Factory
@Vertigo@XxFellsingxX@Crusader Lord@Savo

Taking off after her partner, Chloe would find herself dashing across the now quiet factory floor. Many of the pokemon had already run off from the commotion save for a few Magnemite still nearby, though they weren’t what Snubbull was chasing. Dashing through the ajar door, it looked like the room was some sort of old storage space. Shelves lined with old, forgotten plushies and other toys along with boxes and a few other miscellaneous items strewn about.

It seemed fairly quiet, but dark. Seemed the light had been out in here for quite a long time. There didn’t seem to be anything here, though -

Suddenly one of the piles of boxes fell over, nearly falling on Snubbull. A bunch of pikachu plushies fell out of the boxes as well. In fact, much of the plushies in the room seemed to be pikachu. Their eyes seemed to vaguely glow red as though they were watching her…

Something was definitely in this room, somewhere…

Jill arrived soon after, followed by Clarissa. The appearance of the other two though, didn’t make this room any less foreboding feeling. Or warmer. This place was noticeably cooler than the rest of the factory.

Clarissa’s pokedex started buzzing loudly before there was a loud crackle noise heard from it. Rotom still getting cozy in the device, perhaps.

Route 3

The pokemon, would choose the third option.

The Ledyba, upon seeing Camila would all give a collective cry of surprise. A somewhat sour scent filled the air as the entire flock of Ledyba took off from the tree, flying away from the startling strange human that had approached. They’d move deeper into the forest, just out of sight. A few of the perhaps braver ones would huddle together on a tree further back, eyeing Camila warily.

The paras, though, would choose the ‘fight’ option. A few of them scuttled towards Camila. Seemed like the Paras may be protecting the Ledyba? Perhaps thats what they were trading those berries from earlier for…

Secluded Grove

The Budew paused for a moment in its basking of the water and the sunlight. It regarded Isla sneezing with some seeming amusement before shaking its body again. The flower bud on its head opened a bit more. In a flurry of motion with a little ‘puff’ sound and motion, an orange cloud of spores were released from the Budew’s body and directly at Swiper. It had just used Stun Spore on Swiper!

“Swiper was Paralyzed!

There was no doubt about it now at least, the Budew had taken Isla’s supposed goodwill and had apparently used it to make itself stronger by using Growth and Stun spore before Isla even realized what it was doing.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Route 5

While he had hoped that the paralysis would have stalled the Pawniard's assault a bit more, Richard's hopes simply amounted to nothing as Luna took a Fury Cutter to the face. The fight had quickly converged upon the Lileep's position, but any tactical advantage afforded by the presence of the fossil Pokémon meant nothing if their positioning was terrible. As things were now, any further battle would have Snivy out cold. With no knowledge as to the extent of their opponents' roster, having one less teammate available to fight was just asking for problems later down the line.

It didn't take more than a moment for him to recognize that both of their opponents were attempting to focus on Luna, and it took but a moment more for him to pull out her Pokeball and simply withdraw her from the battle altogether.

"That's a bit too close of a call for my liking," he remarked, glancing down at the capsule after pulling the Snivy back, "so let's not deal with that for the moment. Sara, you're up to bat."

With that, the trainer tossed the Nacli's ball into the air and released it onto the field—away from the three Pokémon already duking it out, of course. There were a scant few moments before it could process the situation, but getting it to recognize the immediate threat would hopefully help solve that issue.

"Sara, Mud Shot the Pawniard! Just keep firing until it goes down!"

With paralysis in play and the enemy Pokémon a fair distance away to begin with, Richard hoped that he could gain enough tempo to simply force the opposition to either attempt to weather the storm or fall trying.

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Vertigo
Avatar of Vertigo

Vertigo watchful

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory
@Rune_Alchemist, @XxFellsingxX, @Crusader Lord, @Savo

Snuggles always seemed to get faster than normal whenever she was looking for trouble — but so did Chloe when trying to keep her from finding it, so the two evened out in the end. Passing by Magnemite made Chloe shiver from the memory of what happened with the last one they encountered, but she did not let that slow her down.

Chloe reached the ajar door in record time, yanking it open and stepping inside without a second thought. She wasn't sure what she expected to find; a big fat Raticate, maybe? But it sure wasn't... well, um, nothing? Apart from a bunch of boxes and forgotten toys, there didn't seem to be anything around. And yet there Snuggles was, still barking, still fired up.

The blonde approached carefully, trying to make out any sort of movement in the darkness around her. She didn't like this. "Snuggie-poo, come on, let's get ba- kiyah?!"

Chloe jumped towards her Pokémon out of startled reflex as a box toppled over, spilling its contents all over the floor. Snuggles barely avoided being hit, now snarling on her hind legs. Heart still racing, Chloe's gaze trailed down at what had come at them, and... oh gosh?! Those were such cute plushies, like? Pikachu was one of her faves!

With a squeal, Chloe squatted down to both pet her partner and pick up one of the plushies, holding it to her chest like a precious childhood memory. Hm. Were they like... supposed to have red eyes? She was pretty sure that wasn't a common Pikachu feature. Weird. Was that like a defect or something? Was that why they were stored away and not sold?

... Aaanyways! Wow, there were so many, and they were sooo squishy, and technically no one would miss them if she just like... took a few? Right?

Jill appeared in the doorway just then, and Chloe lifted her hand from the Snubbull in order to wave at and beckon her over. "Jill! Jill, come look, we found plushies! Take one! Do you think Clarissa would like one too? Oh— hey, speaking of!"

It was then that she spotted the girl in question behind Jill, also approaching. Chloe smiled. They like, really didn't have to go out of their way to come after her, but— the fact that they did, even though they were in a hurry and stuff? SO sweet. Feeling elated by both the discovery and her new friends, Chloe started to wonder whether she should give Jill an extra plushie to give to Yuu, too, though she wasn't sure whether he'd appreciate it. Definitely not if she was the one to give it.

Snuggles, clearly sensing the foreboding atmosphere her trainer did not, kept on barking, bearing her teeth at everything in sight; the shelves, the plushies, the fallen box now half-shrouded in shadow. She only stopped for long enough to finally stick her nose in the air in order to track down whatever it was she was smelling, before it got the drop on them. Because at this rate, with her trainer preoccupied and busily distracting the others too, it would.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Isla Gill

Location: Ancient Grove
Mentions: N/A

Isla sneezed again at the yellow-tinted powder, the burst of which could only be described really as a move, and immediately enough Swiper started to whine. He twitched a little, sure, but…none of those little movements and gestures that Isla had come to understand as normal. None of the little sniffs and curious ears. Not even a paw's motion. Her eyes widened at it, the realization of it fully coming. Paralyzed.

“Why you little-”

How dare this little, little guy take advantage of her charity? How dare this little Budew decide that it was his job to take what was offered and give back in fighting her? Not even Swiper had been that tricksy! Not even Swiper had been that deceitful! Isla's tone certainly wasn't gentle about the whole of it. The Budew had decided it wanted to fight, to make that first attack, and Isla felt her blood hot like it hadn't ever really been before.

She snapped out taut words, a whip to them as the duffelbag slammed on the ground with dust gathering about its base.

“Dancing! Hold them down!”

He charged on it, closing the distance fast between them while low, low, all while Isla quickly dragged out her blanket from the bag. It was big enough for a person, weighted enough for a good sleep, and entirely too massive for a Budew. Like a net, Isla cast the thing over the little bulb Pokémon just before Dancing got there.

Isla used Blanket!
Dancing used Helping Hand!
Swiper is Paralyzed!

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 29 days ago

"Ahh. Hey, no need to run away." Camila said as she lowered her phone, slightly disappointed they all ran from her. Then, she saw the Paras moving close to her in a somewhat aggressive fashion. "W-woah there you guys! I'm harmless!" The assistant struggled to get out before quickly sitting on the grassy ground with her legs crossed.

She took the position to seem a bit more on the level with the bug Pokemon. "I was just taking a picture of you guys because you guys were cute working together." Camila mentioned, figuring the Pokemon probably would quite understand her anyway. She put her hands up in a suggestion of her not being a danger. Thrn, she had a thought.

She reached for her phone and pulled up one of the pictures she had taken. It was one of thr Ledyba giving berries to the Paras. She would show the bug Pokemon her phonescreen. "See? Just documenting you guys being cute together." She really hoped this worked.

If worst came to worst she'd quickly reach for Snow's pokeball and release the Pokemon to defend her.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 5

As fast as Munchlax and Lileep respectively were, Richard didn’t have to worry much about them getting in the first hit as he’d make a tactical team replacement. Snivy was called back just as the opponents Lileep starting making its Confuse Ray, the ominous dark colored light forming above the Lileeps face.


Just as the Lileep started to fire it off, Munchlax had managed to make its way to the Lileep, opening its mouth as a large tongue would roll out from its mouth. The grass type was knocked aside slightly, the trajectory of the confuse ray completely missing Richards pokemon as it was sent out onto the field, helped by being released away from the fight.

“Tch…a miss….” Bea frowned, and Montgomery’s Pawniard made an attempt to close the distance, but would find itself unable to move as its muscles spasmed from the paralysis. “Lileep…how about we give them a taste of their own medicine.”

“Pawniard-!” Unable to move, Pawniard stared down Sara as Richard gave it its next instructions. There was little the paralyzed Pawniard could do. As the first Mudshot slammed into it, the Pawniard would attempt to lessen the damage done to itself, blocking it with its blades, but ultimately it would still be knocked aside, dirt and mud on its bright red body as it would struggle to get back to its feet.

“A-ah! Munchlax!”

“Hm. Montgomery. This battle is not going well.” Bea rather coldly spoke up even as her Lileep would wrap its vines around Munchlax, squeezing the last bit of HP out of the other pokemon.

“You’re tellin’ me. Guess this is what I get for not bringing the big guns, eh…”

“I told you we should have, but no, you didn’t want to cause a scene.”

“Okay, you did well, Munchlax…Verdue! You’re up again!” Laurel would recall her Munchlax, quickly sending out her Sprigatito once again.

Route 3

The Paras seemed suspicious. They’d surround Camila in half a circle, their angry little eyes suspiciously considering the human intruding upon their little home. They eyed the phone with the same amount of suspicion, until they saw the picture at least. Their beady little eyes softened lightly. One started tapping on the pokedex’s screen.

“Hey-hey claws off you grubby little bug.”

Understandably, Camphor’s voice chimed in, not sounding terribly pleased with the turn of events. The group of Paras seemed interested in the pokedex itself.

The Ledyba poked their heads up, a little curious about the apparently non-violent commotion.

Secluded Grove

“Bubu~!” Feeling energized by the reaction from Isla, the Budew would do what could only be described as laughing. Perhaps, it thought they were playing? Either way, as Dancing ran towards the Budew, it would keep its smiling expression as the larger than average pokemon would simply do something, perhaps, a bit unexpected. Anticipating an attack of some sort, the surprisingly fast Budew would twirl on one of its little feet like a little ballerina intent on avoiding Dancing entirely.

If it was a distraction Dancing was causing, it would work, somewhat. The Budew wasn’t expecting a blanket to be tossed towards it. The moment the blanket fell on top of it, the Budew, at first, didn’t react. It would sit there on the ground for a few moments.

Before yellow colored spores started seeping out from under the blanket and parts of the blanket started ballooning in some areas as the Budew released Stun Spore enmasse. Meaning, anyone going near it, was going to likely suffer some side effects of paralysis. It looked like the Budew was slowly trying to wiggle its way out, too, clearly not to pleased with having a blanket tossed on it. That said, attacking it directly might be a bad idea since it had its stats fairly significantly buffed by Growth...
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

Clarissa’s pokedex started buzzing loudly before there was a loud crackle noise heard from it. Rotom still getting cozy in the device, perhaps.

...There was something here in this room. She could tell it, Chloe's Snubull could seemingly tell it for sure, and as she followed behind Jill heading into the room it seemed Chloe couldn't much read the room herself. Even perhaps the Rotom getting adjusted to its cozy little corner inside of her Pokedex seemed to react. Well, or maybe it really was just getting adjusted with the whole buzzing and crackling. Could also be a warning of sorts too. Yet it all seemed to her to be more than just the creepy atmosphere of the factory, and more than the 'background noise' her powers had first picked up on after heading into the building, even, as if some grudge or something was lingering palpably in the air to the psychic's senses. The cool in the air spoke to some kind of ghostly presence to boot.

Looking over at the person she'd come to try to help, Clarissa could see Chloe holding a Pikachu plush from a fallen box of them that seemed to be lying on the floor. Yet something felt 'wrong' about the plush at the same time. For one thing, the eyes were an abnormal red, and seemed like-....oh. Oooooh no that wasn't a good sign.

"Jill! Jill, come look, we found plushies! Take one! Do you think Clarissa would like one too? Oh— hey, speaking of!"
"Jill! Jill, come look, we found plushies! Take one! Do you think Clarissa would like one too? Oh— hey, speaking of!"

"Chloe, Jill, something's wrong with those Pikachu plushies. Or....is maybe looking at us through them?"

For once, a mild sense of worry was in Clarissa's tone of voice, it seemed, despite her efforts to maintain a stoic expression and front for her part. Her hand even came down to the Pokeball of her new Murkrow as her other hand shielded her Rotom-inhabited Pokedex somewhat protectively without a second thought as well. Sir Lopsalot was just a normal type....he didn't have any moves yet that could touch a ghost type still.

Sir Lopsalot, for his part though, would almost immediately leap off of his trainer's shoulder after entering the room and would get on the floor near Clarissa and Jill's feet as he now too tried to use his ears and little nose to help sniff out the danger. It didn't even take the Buneary a moment to feel the chill and 'wrong' in the air like his Pokemon peer did, and much like Snubbull's trainer seemingly hadn't, and he was already in action without a second thought to the matter. He was an alert little thing for certain, but this was certainly different than the Rotom situation. Or the Murkrow he'd sucker punched in the windowsill earlier for that matter. Or the Aaron he'd punched back at the bar earlier in that first actually kinda thrilling Pokemon battle really. Er, all to say that he got the point indeed! Yes. Not that thoughts of punching more future opponents wasn't somewhere in the far back of his mind still regardless...

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 29 days ago

"Hold on there buster. You can't use this thing properly." Camila said putting her finger up as if telling it to hold on a moment. "Now, strike a pose little guy. I'll get your good side." The Pokedex went up and she angled a good shot at the Paras before snapping another picture before she held it out again, a little lower to the ground so he could get a good look at the picture. "I think I got it. You be the judge though, if you like the picture." She added smiling at the cute little bug Pokemon. She looked at the other ones. "Do you guys want your picture taken? Or, I can take one with you all grouped up?"

Camila didn't seem all too worried about them attacking her right now, though she wished she had a way to print one out for them if they wanted a picture of themselves. "It's all up to you lot. And your other friends that are hiding right now as well. I swear I'm harmless as long as you are." REalistically, it was probably more like she was talking to herself more than them. She gave a friendly wave and smile to the hiding Ledyba that she could see.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Afternoon
Yuu stood steadfast as he witnessed Sir Lopsalot responded with the same boundless energy as Jojo as he cracked an involuntary smile at the scene. He could only ponder on the type of friendship that would evolve from this newfound camaraderie as he briefly analyzed the little Buneary further. While an idea of the future formed in his head, his thoughts nor his gaze would linger on Clarissa's partner as his eyes drifted over to Vivi.

In spite of Vivi failing to coax the Rotom out of the Pokedex, part of him was glad they had found another friend like them. There was a small chuckle emanating from Yuu as he eventually turned his gaze back to Clarissa as he lazily put a hand against his hip and nodded, "Glad to have you aboard."

There was warmth in his words in contrast to the steely demeanor he normally displayed; one of the few competent trainers from the lab had joined them and she also had Pokemon who'd get along with Jojo and Vivi. How could he not stop smiling?

... well, there was the Donphan in the room: the gyaru. Yuu wasn't blind or deaf to the fact that Snuggles scurried off somewhere into the factory, barking up a storm with Chloe in hot pursuit behind her. "Careless," Yuu's smile begin to falter at her distinct lack of attention to her partner and what followed was ninja girl decidedly giving him a lecture.

Yuu couldn't help but scoff at her words, crossing his arms as she followed after her. He couldn't believe she was falling for that sickly, saccharine attitude Chloe had. "How naive."

In the midst of Yuu stewing in his thoughts, he felt a small paw press against his face. Glancing to the side, he noticed Jojo frowning a little as the small Pokemon piped up, "Rio!" That sudden exclamation gave Yuu a bit of pause as he just stared at Jojo with a befuddled look on his face.

Of course he had little time to muse on his partners reaction with Clarissa suggesting they pursue the duo to ensure their safety after the prior rescue. Honestly if they got hurt at that point it was sort of their fault
due to Chloe not paying attention to her partner, but at the same time he'd sort of feel bad if something happened to the Snubbull.

Yuu's eyes drifted in the direction they scampered off to as he relented, "I suppose," shallowly nodding as he followed right beside Clarissa. However he came to a stop as he glanced over at the Magnemite, Oleander was it, who was just floating in place. Cocking his head to the side, he waved off Clarissa, "You go on ahead, just got to do something."

As Oleander floated there, Yuu strode up to the Magnemite, putting a hand up and giving a small wave as he piped up, "You seem rather... contemplative, and considering the circumstances I hardly blame you." As he said this, the purple-haired boy stared off in the direction where the rest of the group had headed off in.

"A couple of minutes ago you were fighting us and next we're supposedly 'buddy-buddy' after that all," Yuu shrugged his arms, nonchalantly shaking his head as he shifted his gaze back to the magnetic Pokemon. "The ninja girl isn't exactly the sharpest and you both might not even get along, but at the very least you should go after her and give her a chance."

As Yuu finished his own line of thought, Jojo chimed in as well, following up with an encouraging, "Rio! Riri, riolu!" There was a twinkle in Jojo's eyes as he leaned towards the Magnemite after his excitable exchange and Yuu pursed his lips as he mused on his partner's reaction before returning his focus to the Magnemite.

"Maybe I'm wrong about what you're thinking, Ollie, but at the very least just see how things play out and raise your concerns with her if you don't feel compatible; after all, you both are partners now," as he said this Yuu gestured forward, encouraging the Magnemite to follow after with Jojo enthusiastically doing the same.

Whether or not Ollie followed, Yuu at the very least would.

While Yuu was the last to arrive out of the group, he came to a pause the moment he entered into the room as he stood there, analyzing the scene before him, staring directly at the "Pikachu Dolls" Chloe was sifting through. While it was obvious to him what was going on, not so much for the others as Jojo hopped off the side of Yuu's arm and took a defensive pose, likely being on guard thanks to their aura capabilities.

As for Vivi, they were originally glued to Clarissa's side, but the moment they floated through the door they seemingly began to investigate every nook and cranny, and proceeded to make peculiar static noises at some of the abandoned toys 'dolls'. Even Chloe and Sir Lopsalot were cautious, especially with the latter commenting on the dolls Chloe fancied.

With a deft whiff of his hand Yuu produced a Potion from his bag and knelt down, patting Jojo on the head, prompting the emanation pokemon to briefly let down their guard and hold onto his partner's hand. "Just a fair warning, this might sting a bit," Yuu whispered, displaying the potion and waiting for some acknowledgement from his partner.

When he felt the nod of Jojo's head, followed by some crooning, Yuu sprayed his partner with the potion straight away. He felt some twitches of his partners body when healing them up, but for the most part Jojo endured the stinging sensation and winced a bit. It wasn't long before Jojo was looking fighting fit, with Yuu tossing the empty potion back into the bag.

Right, now the Pokemon they were handling now.

Yuu's eyes shifted back to the red-eyed dolls, attempting to scan them over to determine what exactly he was looking at. While he was drifting between it being a Mimikyu or Shuppet, he ultimately settled on it being the former.

Beyond determining the Pokemon they were dealing with, what he couldn't comprehend was how ignorant Chloe was acting, rummaging through the pikachu's without a care in the world. Their eyes were red for gods sake, as well as staring at them!

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Yuu looked down at Jojo and whispered, "Keep your guard up, but don't make any sudden movements just yet." Following that he looked over at the psychic and nodded in agreement before coldly glaring at Chloe like a disappointment father.

"I think you hit the mark there Clarissa," Yuu chimed in, taking a couple of steps forward towards Chloe as Jojo followed close behind, "and that makes me think of one Pokemon in particular... one that decided to take the form of a Pikachu, or rather..."

Yuu instantly crouched down beside Chloe with no fanfare as he whipped out the Pokedex and began scanning the dolls, utilizing it as a detector of sorts. "Wears a rag to look like one; pretty cute behavior if you ask me, but that's besides the point. I believe the Pokemon we are potentially dealing with right now is a Mimikyu."
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist @Vertigo @Crusader Lord

Oleander glanced over at Yuu as the boy approached, a hint of wariness in its single eye. It listened to his words without sound or movement, besides the slightest bobbing up and down in the air as it hovered, and once he'd finished, it made no response nor didn't expression change to signify that Yuu was correct in his assumptions. However, when the boy and his Pokemon went after the rest of the group, the magnemite did finally take this as its cue to follow and floated quietly yet quickly after them.

After all, no matter its feelings towards these humans and their Pokemon, they didn't exactly want to be left behind.

As Jill entered the doorway to the next room, the first thing she saw was Chloe... crouched next to a bunch of Pikachu plushies, which seemed to have made the other girl quite giddy. Right, Pikachu was quite a popular Pokemon if Jill recalled correctly. The few times her grandparents had taken her to a city, it wasn't uncommon to find the mouse Pokemon's likeness on a variety of advertisements and merchandise. She didn't really understand why, though. Sure, Pikachu was a cute Pokemon, but she didn't find them significantly cuter than a lot of other Pokemon.

Regardless, Jill did approach Chloe, crouching down next to her to better look at the plushies. Aster, still twitching in her trainer's arms, scrunched up her nose at the toys, practically fixing one with a death glare. She really didn't appreciate the way it was looking at her.

When Clarissa and Yuu entered the room, Jill looked over her shoulder at them, tilting her head at Clarissa specifically. "Something... wrong?" she said. She then watch as Yuu walked over to them, crouching on the other side of Chloe and beginning to scan the plushie with his pokedex. According to him, one of the plushies was actually a Pokemon in disguise. While she was listening to him, however, she was not paying attention to Aster, who had taken that moment to slip out of her arms, approach one of the nearby plushie and proceeded to give it a good whack with tail-hand, attempting to send it flying, preferably at one or more of the other plushes. That would teach them to give her the stink eye!
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Isla Gill

Location: Ancient Grove
Mentions: N/A

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh heck. Isla stared as the smoke began to billow out from the blanket. It was pretty heavy, sure, but wasn’t enough with all the motion to be kept down. She could see the little figure moving up along one length of the blanket, trying to make its way out, and just sort of moved. Breathe in, move, pick up the two corners furthest from the direction the little guy was moving, and throw it up over. A billow of green-hue smoke came out with the motion, Isla taking a few steps back to cover her face and eyes from it.

“Dancing! Dig and pile!” She jabbed her finger at where the Budew was moving off to, the little Eevee taking her meaning. He started to dig, faced away from the blanket and smoke to pile on dug behind him, onto the edge of the blanket to weigh it down.

Isla heaved off her bag, watching for what direction the Budew was planning on going instead to weigh that down. What the end plan was…she really wasn’t sure. Of course, running off at this point wasn’t it - she’d have lost her blanket, and for what? Although…it’d need to get washed, sure, but Isla’s mind wasn’t on that. Bundle down the Budew enough for Swiper to get back on his feet, maybe? Yeah, that sounded like it worked. Oh, heck.

Isla used Blanket!
Dancing used Sand Attack!
Swiper is Paralyzed!

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