An RPG Valentine
≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎Valentine's Day... It is a love/hate thing for so many. We want to feel loved but maybe we don't feel we are. Sometimes we are too scared to put ourselves out there, sometimes we are too afraid too accept the love we get. Sometimes we are just too cynical and scorned to believe that even the love we see is real. Life sucks a lot of the time and these feelings are understandable. And this is every day. Then Valentine's Day rolls around and it is like all that just becomes focused and intensified ten fold.
So this is my Valentine to RPG. To this little site that let's us come together and create whatever we wish. To every member, even you trolls. You are loved. Without all of you we wouldn't be the community we are. We wouldn't have the fun we have. We wouldn't have the friends we have made or the shoulders to lean on when the outside world didn't understand. Happy Valentine's Day to each of you. You are so very treasured.

Those that want to jump in on this, please do! Leave a little love for those that are most dear to you. Love isn't always about romance. It is about friendship and family. It's about the smiles and laughs and even the tears. It's about how we learn and grow. So while I know some troll is probably going to drop by and put something cynical here, don't let that dissuade you. Don't be afraid. Let those that mean so much to you know it and while you are a it, love yourself as well. I'll start by giving some love to my main peeps. (And yeah I'm a day early starting this but hey, love doesn't need a day. It should be everyday.)
My Valentine's Day Peeps
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- ☼ @Sigil ☼
- Because of your twisted sense of humor and being my main support no matter what.
- ☼ @Morose ☼
- Because of your compassion, understanding, and willingness to always be a shoulder to lean on.
- ☼ @Dragoknighte ☼
- Because you never falter in our friendship or knowing when I need a cute cheetah pic.
- ☼ @FantasyChic ☼
- Because of your sass and smart ass that always makes me laugh.
- ☼ @Nallore ☼
- Because of your joy and the brightness you bring to us everyday.
- ☼ @Rivaan ☼
- Because of the patience you've brought and the tackles you've given.
- ☼ @ONL ☼
- Because of your willingness to try new things and give it your all.
- ☼ @mnkee ☼
- Because of your want to be better and the growth you have made.
- ☼ @Romero ☼
- Because of the breath of fresh air you have brought with you along with your understanding.
- ☼ @The Grey Dust ☼
- Because of the way you make others stop and think.
- ☼ @BlueSky44 ☼
- Because of your dedication and the calm you bring by just being there.
- ☼ @Natsu ☼
- Because of the way you embrace the insanity running all around you and roll with it.
- ☼ @Remipa Awesome ☼
- Because of the way took everything thrown at you and grew because of it.