Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 18 days ago

I've been working on being more emotionally open, and despite knowing the shit I'll get for it, I'll try it anyway and this is a good way to start. So in no particular order...

My Valentine's Day Peeps

@POOHEAD189 - My bestie, my shoulder to cry on, my confidant. I love you so much, you make me feel like I can do anything and I'm eternally grateful for your support through my darkest times. Thank you. and I'm still upset about that Aladdin teaser

@Obscene Symphony - Maybe someday this sadistic, masochistic dance of ours will cease and we can move onto healthier things, but for now, we can relish in our misery together. also my poor boy HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG

@Inkarnate - ur okay i guess you're more than okay you put up with all of my shit, thank you for that

@Altered Tundra - Nearly ten years of friendship and two sites' worth of roleplaying, here's to many, many more! I want to say more but I'm getting pretty emotional typing this up I'm so sorry you know I love you

It's thanks to you guys that I'm still around.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@JunkMail I can never love a whore
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by headintheclouds
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headintheclouds Pro Daydreamer

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Hero Oh my god I love this! I feel honored!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Hero Well motherfucker now you're makin' me look bad!

jk bb you know you make it hurt so good
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

There are so few people I have encountered on this site who have stuck with me after my unfortunate mistakes both personal and hobbily professional (aka GMing no no’s). This list may be long, or it may be short, but know that everyone tagged here has made their way into my heart. For better or for worse, they will stay there

The Besties

@Blind Bandit
Yeh, you’re a newish member and hardly do anything but spam, but you’ve been by my side for the better part of the past two decades. Suffice to say you’re my brother. Even when I’ve fucked up more times than I could count, you’ve been there, brother even if your sarcasm does venture into the unwanted side.

@Dirty Pretty Lies
The way we first met shall not be posted for public eye, but that’s ancient history. The main thing that seems to stick is our mutual appreciation for the “we shall not speak of” things we’ve got in common. Plus, our ships. So many ships! Oh, and that thing of our three-year friendversary happening on Christmas. That’s pretty damn important too. But okay, seriously, you’re freaking great and I love you, Angie! To hell with anyone who says otherwise, you’re an amazing person and, well yeah, that’s all I have to say about that. <3

Gosh, we’re definitely going on almost a decade here, yet it just feels like yesterday when we first met and talked and gushed about our mutual shipping of NaruHina. And not to mention you were my first 1x1 partner with the one RP that has stood the test of time for the past half-decade. That says a lot about our dedication and my ability to be the most patient partner ever (not bragging but you know it’s true. :P). That aside, I know you’re always there for me and I’m always there for you. What else can I say? You’re my hero! <3 pls don’t kill for pun ;-;

Well, holy shit I don’t know how I ever ended up here but, I’m thankful every day you’re in my life and you’re truly an amazing person. Your creativity is nearly as unrivaled as the glowing awesomeness your spirit has. There have been so many moments when I’ve been, for a lack of better words, down in the dumps, yet you always managed to find a way to bring me up either just being you or taking my mind off of things. You’re just an amazing person who I have amazing writing chemistry with and any other chemistry that matters. <3

Other People I Love

Yeah, you can be a pain in my ass, but you’re also pretty cool when you want to be and have turned me onto some killer music. Also, your writing is pretty dank. If nothing else, I can count on you to tell it to me how it be without sugarcoating it. That’s something I appreciate more than you could know. Plus, you’re a killer GM and I respect that about ya.

You’re pretty great, Jo. Killer characters with style, killer face claims with style, and you’re a killer person with style. Also you’re a teacher and that’s pretty - well, killer. Did I mention you’re pretty killer? Okay but seriously, love ya. <3

My niece who keeps trying to get me to admit that I’m “That kind of uncle” even though I’m not. The game will be never-ending and you know I’m not some African river and being in the nile. Time to up your game, kiddo. Also you’re fucking awesome. Don’t ever change!

The ship queen herself. You’re the only person who a, loves Sense8 almost as I do (if not more) and b, loves Aleudrey more than Angie and I do. All that aside, you’re just about the sweetest person alive. Love you, annie! <3

Pooooooooooooooooooooo! You’re a wicked dude, you know that, right? Just need to give you a special mention because you. Are. Fucking. Awesome.

Soufs! One of the first people I met during my days of Spam spam. Those were the days, eh? Same goes for what I said to haley: don’t ever change. Keep being the awesome aussie that you’ve always been~

GTP’s resident ball of sunshine and fluff! I adore you and everything that you are. You’re a great person to talk to, to roleplay with, and I always enjoy our conversations whatever they may be. You’re always so sweet to everybody and that’s something I appreciate seeing. Love you, Witchie! <3 <3

My favorite Josh Hutcherson look alike. You are also my favorite canadian bar none. I don’t think there’s anyone else who could match anyone in our home away from away from home in salting and we all know we need a fair amount of salt with our green tea. I love that you love Sands of Time despite my failures there. Truly, it warms my heart to know I didn’t fuck up everything there. <3

My favorite sweed. You were one of the people who I have to thank for Sands’ short-lived success. And you are a freaking beast. Love your character. Love your writing. Love your personality! DOn’t change, my brodude!

@Ruler Inc
The gayest incs of them all but I guess you’re cool in the gay way. Your Rps are always a nice treat to see. I respect the amount of work you put into mapping out your Black Fallverse and how you don’t half-ass it.

The newest addition to our family but your adjustment has been the quickest I’ve seen and I appreciate you and your southern charm. Plus, I think it’s nice to have someone who likes aesthetics as much as we all do within our group of tea-lovers.

To Everyone Else!

@Okonuki @Syn @Midnight Howl @Mara @NuttsnBolts @Ruby @Ezmeralda @Tsukune - I love you all. <3

The guild needs a heart react. I love you Tundy ❤
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here is all the love I have for people I am working with now and those I have worked with in the past.

Palm Beach

@Dirty Pretty Lies - You are a gorgeous and direct lady. You tell it like it is but are always just the sweetest about it. Your outgoing personality just draws people in and talking to you is just the best. You are so understanding and sweet. I am so glad to have been able to participate in one of your campaigns because you bring the spiciest of awesome sauces to the table. Each and every post you share is like an addiction. I have to read everything, you just write emotions so well!!

@spooner - Sweet and sassy! Like sweet and sour chicken, I can't get enough. We haven't talked much but our interactions always leave me with a smile on my face. Your characters are always interesting and each one different. Their own person and I love reading each and every post.

@Altered Tundra - You are such a patient and understanding person. If I am freaking out about something stupid or don't quite understand, you are always there to give me the solid ground. You don't mince words but at the same time, you are never cruel. Your presence and acceptance of me have been a boon to my roleplaying existence. Not to mention your characters are a gas to read!

@Okonuki - We are like two peas in the proverbial pod. We just get along so well and manage to say the strangest things and yet we get it only to continue on our strange, silly course. Never has a word been confused and writing with you is a grand pleasure. You are just a dear and I hope to have many interactions together in the future. Onwards and upwards, my man.

@HaleyTheRandom - You are the emo crush I would have most definitely dated in high school. Music, black, and a general toughness of character. You are just a peach of a gal! Writing with you is a pleasure and I hope that one day soon we can work more closely while writing at King's.

@Ejected - A calm and wonderful rp'er. You come to everything with an open mind and ready to work things out. What happens next? No worries, we will figure it out together. You have such a great sense of companionship and teamwork! Writing with you is smooth as butter... Or better yet, chocolate icing.

@SpicyMeatball - We haven't had too many chances for our characters to interact. But reading one of your posts is like reading a book. When we chat we often have the same sense of mind and I want to give you high fives all of the time!

@Inkarnate - I know sometimes we butt heads a bit, our ideas and thoughts differ. However, you are a great writer and I enjoy reading your posts. You are a lovely person and I look forward to many more discussion and works!

-In this instance, I cannot apologize enough in that our interactions have been so minimal. However, what I can say is that each and every one of your posts I read is magic. I love when we get a chance to chat, even if it is short. I hope that we can all work together to create amazing, beautiful stories!

@NeoAC --- AH! I almost forgot our newest member! Welcome, I look forward to getting to know you~


@FantasyChic@LadyRunic - I just wanted to say how welcomed I felt by you both. I am having a lot of fun and truly am looking forward to all of the things we can do in the future.

@mnkee - No, you aren't technically a part of the x-men business but I have chatted with you by proxy of it. I really really love that you share your goats with me! I can talk to you about all of the country kid stuff and live for it. It's like a breath of fresh air to my upbringing and I have loads of nostalgia chatting with you. Thank you so much for sharing that part of your life with me!

@ColouredCyan@KazAlkemi@Nallore@Afro Samurai@BlueSky44@Morose - This is so exciting and I love x-men so so much! I am looking forward to getting to know you all and work together to create an amazing story! I am sorry we haven't had too much of a chance to chat yet but I really hope we can soon~

Blood's Jewels

@LadyRunic - That's right darlin', you get a second mention. Here is where we first met. You introduced me to a grand set of books which I ate up like cotton candy. You are a great GM and I am having such a great time with you. You bring a little bit of grumpy realism to my silly, rainbow, unattached-head life. You are a doll and I am so glad to have met you!

@Torack - Hello to my fellow goose! It is great that we get to joke around and chat together. We get along so well and talking with you so so very easy! Our characters are silly to watch and I look forward to their future. Thank you for taking a chance to talk to me and I am so very hopeful for the way this world that our darling Lady R has taken upon herself will go.

@nohbdies@13org - I am sorry, we have not had many chances to chat. Your characters are amazing and I am so looking forward to the dynamics between them. I hope we get to know each other better in the future!


@Ejected@MissCapnCrunch@ShwiggityShwah@ineffable@hotsyrup@Kyrisse@Polythene Pam@KatKook@alexfangtalon
I didn't want to do individuals on this one. We are just getting to know each other and work together. Though this is my 3rd attempt at GMing I am so looking forward to all of the plot and character development we can work out. I am so thrilled each of you took a chance with me and are working to the next steps. Each post you put in makes me want to cry with absolute joy. Know I read and re-read every single one because this is so exciting. All I can say is THANK YOU and here is to many more fun times in our futures.

Random Shout Outs

@Hekazu - I am thoroughly enjoying our 1x1 together. You are such an amazing writer. Sometimes I look at your paragraphs and feel totally lacking. However, the furthering of the story with each new posts is just thrilling for me. Thank you so much for giving me a second chance and being such a peach!

@Aristocles - Though our writing styles didn't get along, nor what we each wanted out of it - I wanted to give you a shout out here for being an absolute champ! Your characters were very interesting too and I hope you have found many a person to RP with. Thank you for having been such a cool dude, my man.

@Obscene Symphony - I know we haven't spoken in a while but you are an amazing and true person. You are filled with maple sugar sweetness and I am sorry that our lives drifted us apart. One day I hope we can write together again. And one day sooner to chat with you if you like. Thanks for being such a fantastic person!

@ghastlyInc - We haven't spoken in a long minute but I wanted to just give you a shout out too. You are an amazing writer and certainly helped me refine my style and get back into the groove of things. I wish you many happy travels.

@Ellion - You have such a great amount of talent! You are filled with ideas, plots, and what happens next. Your writing style is next level and I am so glad to have been able to write with you. Thank you so much for having helped me grow to where I am now.

All in all, what I want to say is that I cannot give enough love and thanks to each and every person who has entered my life here. I also am so excited to meet many more people and make so many more stories. We work so hard to make new characters, new plots, and new ideas come to life. This is such a creative and grand place to be! I cannot express how much I have enjoyed my time here. But, perhaps I should cut the sappy short and just say...

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hellion
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Hellion Nulla Dies / Sine Linea

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I haven't been on RPG long, but thank you for the shoutout @Briza. Although I'm not sure what I may have done to deserve it.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

There's definitely people I've forgotten from this list, but I am exhausted so please forgive me ^_^

My Valentine's Day Peeps

۩You Are Loved۩
  • @BlueSky44
    • You've been my best friend since we were in what, second grade now? By my half asleep brain's math skills, we've known each other for about 13 years now. Ironically, I think joining the RP Guild brought us closer together and has been an amazing way to keep in touch with you as I'm off at school. You are incredibly brave, compassionate, and selfless. You're the Banner to my Stark. The Xavier to my Magneto at times as well ;) and the Black Widow to my Hawkeye.
  • @Lady Amalthea
    • You have taught me so much about RP - more than I think you even know. Before I Rped in your groups, I was doing one liners on Facebook Harry Potter RP groups. But you have also taught me a lot about life and the world - hell, I joined your group as a high schooler and I'm almost about to graduate college and I'm still learning more about what's important in the world.
  • @LadyRunic
    • You are witty, clever, and humble. I love hearing you rant and I also love your ideas. Plus who else am I going to talk about Lucifer with? :P You are an amazing person and I hope that you can see that too one day, even if it isn't right now.
  • @FantasyChic
    • The Queen Bitch. You are spunky, sassy, and take shit from no one. Not only have you made my life 1000% easier as chat mod, but you are a really good friend and are someone that I can count on. Though you still love pink so... We'll have to fight to the death eventually (and yes, I realize this text is pink as I write that...Oh well, that's just how it is sometimes...)
  • @Nallore
    • Girl, you are so sweet you probably make dentists so happy from all of the cavities you'd give people! Jk, but seriously, nicest person I have ever met. You are so compassionate and understanding and I also don't think I've ever seen you mad... maybe once? And even then you were still a doll.
  • @KazAlkemi
    • I still laugh over the fact that my brother saw your username and assumed you were my boyfriend when I was DMing you. You are so creativity, passionate, and driven. You breathe life into everything you do and all of your characters are incredibly unique. Plus, you have an amazing personality and are a good friend.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Aw jeez, I guess I should get in on this train. I got a lot of love to share, though, so prepare for a wall.

@Old Amsterdam You rock. Seriously. I'd go through a list but I'm pretty sure I'd hit the character limit for this post. Thanks for the help with my personal issues and stuff, you're probably my best friend, and I'm sorry that I'm not the best at reading crucial details.

@ProPro You're a fantastic GM and I seriously love being in your games. Don't change, and keep being awesome.

@BCTheEntity Your posts are awesome, you're pretty reasonable and analytical about situations, and I think you're super dope in the settings that we have characters in. Also keep being awesome.

@floodtalon Past aside, your characters are all a different brand of entertaining and chaotic, but incredibly fun to interact with and watch for their antics. You're dope as hell.

@LemonZest1337 ˙ʎʇsoɹɟ ʎɐʇS ˙sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ɹno ɥʇᴉʍ uo ƃuᴉoƃ ǝɹ,ǝʍ ʇɐɥʇ ǝpᴉɹ ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʎoɾuǝ ɐllǝɥ ɯ,I puɐ 'ɥʇᴉʍ punoɹɐ ssǝɯ oʇ unɟ ʇɐǝɹƃ llɐ ǝɹɐ sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ɹnoʎ 'ǝᴉssnɐ ʎllᴉs noʎ ǝɹǝɥ ʞoo˥
(god that's super hard to read)
@POOHEAD189 I'm having tons of fun in Maroleth, even if my posts aren't the greatest up there (thats probably a tie between TFF and BC). Thanks for being a great GM.

@The Fated Fallen Thanks for the shoutout, and thanks for being an amazing mage in Maroleth. You make good posts, and I'm enjoying the shit out of them.

@Guy0fV4lor You're a fokkin' memester and I love it. Jason and Digbie should've totally just grouped up and worked towards being Earth Gods or something in Demon King's True Heroes. Stay spicy.

@Rune_Alchemist Your characters are incredibly charming, whether it's Ash being a crotchety old lizard or Claire being a fiery diva. Super great, and you should stay that way, too.

@PlatinumSkink You're cool, a good GM, a great player, and a nice friend. What more could I deserve? Thank ye.

@Eklispe You're sarcastic as hell and that's something that I admire, even if it makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes. Don't stop being yourself, my guy.

@solokolos You know loads more about Discord, Worm, League, and like 5 other things than me, and even without that, your jokes bring a smile to my face when it's been a blue day.

@Crossfire Even though a setting might've been kinda bad, thanks for giving me a second chance as a Co-GM and being a generally cool dude as we gush about things in our Discord PMs. I'm havin' a ton of fun.

@iTem Matija is indescribable with how you play her, and she's such a colorful character I could probably write a small paper about her. Thanks for being a great dude and better player.

@yoshua171 You and Cel are super amazing, and I'd mention her here too if I could remember how to spell her name (whoops). Keep being knowledgeable on Worm, good luck on future endeavors, and thanks for putting up with my crap.

@Lucius Cypher So maybe we haven't interacted a ton, but you're still cool as hell and please stay cool as hell.

@Crusader Lord You might be a faulty cruise missile, but you still got that Lordship for a reason. Keep up the good posts.

@Skinner35@Turbowraith I don't even know if you guys'll be able to see this, but you're dope and I want you to stay dope, so stay dope.

[@anyone i forgot in the process of making this post] Thank you for putting up with my idiocy throughout my time on the guild, and I'm sorry I'm a pain in the ass and forgot you while making this post.

Alright I'm gonna go watch something to turn back into my standard mentality. Thanks everyone, and I'll see ya around.

EDIT : @Belladonna I guess it's fitting to say that I'm sorry I forgot you especially. You're great, and I didn't want you to be left out. My Discord DMs are always open for a nice chat with you. :)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Happy Valentine's Day to all of RPG, but especially to the following;

@Briza, for being one of the nicest people on Roleplayer Guild (and ever),

@Theodorable, @Chairman Stein, @Goldeagle1221, @LordZell, and everyone else who has ever done an NRP with me, for both entertaining me and putting up with my argumentativeness and frequently dodgy posting activity,

@Megsychan and our off-Guild friends, for working on a super awesome secret project with me that none of the rest of you are cool enough to know about,

and most of all(!) to my sister and the baby she gave birth to this Valentine's Day, just hours ago. My adorable niece is off to a very loving start in her life. <3
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I got zero notifications from this thread.

Heartfelt awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and thanks to everyone with a shoutout to me. Right back at each and every one of you.

As for me...Freddie, David. This place would suck without you two.


Happy V-day bitches!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Starmie
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Starmie Lost Star

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I feel SO LOVED and CARED for even with the joking around, so of course I had to come here and reciprocate this.

I love every one of you guys and I'm happy to have you in my life, making my days better and brighter with smiles and laughter. Y'all making fun of this thread but idc, imma be serious here.

My Valentine's Day Peeps

۩You Are Loved۩

  • I have told you this many times but I have no problem saying it again: I am very happy to have met you and to be able to say that you are now one of the best friends I have. I'm thankful for your friendship and support.

  • You're pretty annoying too, FYI. But we're still getting married in 9 years. I low key hate you at the same time I still consider you my friend. Half the time I want to punch and the other half I want to send you stupid pictures and nag the shit out of you.

  • Thanks for listening to my whining and not judging me. You're a good friend and I appreciate that.

  • My BEAUTIFUL wife. I love you, you're smart and funny and have a great taste for fashion.

  • Your RPGO color might suck, but you're like a younger brother to me if I'm being honest, so it's my duty to annoy you about that. You have a good eye for photography, so don't give up on that.

  • Even though it took you more than a month to use the Christmas gift I got you, you're still cool, my dude. Sometimes. See you in six months.

  • Sura I don't care if you only talk nonsense, you always make me laugh.

  • Dude, you're awesome. I love your vibe, your personality and your style. You're a pretty sweet and funny person.

  • We've had our misunderstandings in the past, but I look up to you in many ways. Your a e s t h e t i c s and graphics are amazing, and you're genuinely a good friend.

  • Thanks for the help with Sura again, I'm still grateful for that. :^)

  • Stop getting high so much Sef smh. Jk. You're a funny dude and I got your back, don't forget that.

  • You are a sensitive and sweet bean, and I appreciate all the times you were there for me.

@Midnight Howl
  • Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. You're a kind and loving person and deserve all the happiness in the world.

  • You are the strangest person I know and I absolutely love that about you, please don't ever change.

  • We've had a lot of good talks and I appreciate your perspective on things.

  • You might be a bully, but I still like you.

  • You're always so very nice to me, Poo, thank you for that.

  • You are one odd dude and I love that about you. I hope the ghosts in your apartment haven't killed you yet.

  • Truth be told I'm tagging you for your cute doggo. Jk, you're a lovely bean. Send me more dog pics pls.

Anyone who knows me knows I have a terrible memory, so I'm sorry if I forgot anyone.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 4 days ago


Umm... where would I begin?

▪ Firstly my Palm Beach Royals family. Y'all are the bomb. The characters are diverse. The drama is... It's there for sure. You guys are patient, kind, and have helped me improve my writing skills in ways you will never know. Did I mention that we have some of the best GM's running this show?

▪ Secondly, a shout out to my family at Olympus Academy. I know I have yet to make a post, but I've been reading the posts and I'll have you guys some thing soon. The characters are amazing, and I can't wait to start writing with you all.

▪ Last, but most certainly not least, my peeps from Magia, Amore et Bellam. (Or however you spell it. I'm sleep deprived per usual. Fight me.)

Now... let's get down to the more serious business.


》Drumroooolllll please. We all know her. We all love her. She's always mentioned in stuff like this. Please give a round of a plause for the one and only @SouffleGirl123. My sister from another Mister, spirit twin, confidante, and partner in crime. I've pretty much beaten the topic to death when it comes to you. Just know that I love ya ♡

@Dirty Pretty Lies A goddess, a role model of a GM, and an all around ray of sunshine.

@Altered Tundra Yet another person I would be lost without. An awesome person with even more awesome memes. You are that kind of uncle. I'm gonna buy you a plane ticket to the Nile.

@Hellion My favorite RPG Newbie. Thank you for checking in on me. Please never stop drawing.

@Briza ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Not much to put here, but I've admired you from afar for the longest time. I enjoy our short conversations.

@Hedgehawk The creator of one of the best families of misfits that I have come to know and love. Thank you for bringing us together, listening to my rants and giving Salem, Ty, and Cleo a home.

@Chasebloodcrest You knew you were going to pop up eventually. Pinging this dude because he's literally one of my favorite authors. I appreciate you pushing me to be the best writer I can be. Never stop sending me your stories.

@SammyPanda & @Esmeralda Two people so full of love, I simply don't know what to do with them. <3

@TsarDev Thank you for bringing me endless laughter and enjoying my daddy jokes.

It's late.... so I'm going to ping a bunch of others. I'm a bit lazy to keep typing.

@Ruby, @Lady Amalthea, @Hero, @POOHEAD189, @Mahz and so, so, so many more.

A HUGE shout out to all of RPG for helping make me the person I am today. Keep be awesome my dudes.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Meant to do this yesterday but, work got in the way and stuff, but this is to the peeps who I have been RPing with the longest, and have gotten to know you all as well over the last few years. I love you all and have respect for each and every single one of you as well. There are more but these people have been known the longest to me :)

  • @Lady Amalthea God, I have so many words to say about this woman, I have learned so much from you over the last three, going on what four years on now or so? When I first joined TWD RP I was really intimidated about joining at first and admittedly you did scare me at first lol, sometimes you still do but love you for it regardless :). But I have come to respect you in so many ways, you are one of the best GMs around as well your RPs are so damn amazing and there is never a dull moment in any single one of them. You helped me become a way better GM then I have ever been thanks to you. I am truly glad and happy to have met you and call you a friend. :)
  • @Morose So many things to say about Mor here, such a great and loving friend, you are also one of the best GMs around as well, your dedication is amazing. You bust you ass off every single day juggling college work and exams, work, RPs you are in and the three RPs you currently GM. You are one of the friendliest people out there, and always have my back as well whenever drama happens, and I'll always have your back no matter what. You never give up on anything, even when your workload is so intense you still manage to get stuff done, you are a truly amazing person. :)
  • @BlueSky44 One of the most quietest people who I have met on the guild, but I am happy to have met you over the last two, going on three years now? You are an awesome GM, you run the X-Men RP so damn well, you work your ass off to please just about everyone and one of the most understanding people I have gotten to met. I have never seen you ever get angry or pissed off at all just like me. You do amazing work at GMing, I always got your back as well. :)
  • @KazAlkemi I have only known you just under a year now, but you have quickly become one of my friends in here after joining Darke Magyk, you write so amazingly well, and I love each and every one of your characters you have made. You stuck up for me when drama happened in one of my RPs I GM'd while I was away at work, and I will always love you for that, and know that I will always have your back no matter what and I am so happy to have met you. You are one of the most friendly people that I have gotten to know over the last year. And I hope we continue to RP together as well. :)
  • @FantasyChic What can I say about this lovely woman? She is the mistress in pink, and queen of sass like the others have said, you take absolutely no shit from anyone and you will say whatever is on your mind as well. You are the completely total opposite of me lol, your characters are amazing and you always make the best characters, good or evil. You work your ass off as well outside of RP, knowing exactly how horrible the food industry is. I will always respect you and love you no matter whatever comes out of your mouth sassy or not, and know if you ever need someone I am there for ya lovely. :)
  • @LadyRunic You lovely, are always entertaining to talk to no matter what, you always make me smile and your rants are always fun to listen to as well. Your writing is always amazing and you make the most interesting characters I have seen, you work hard as well and I am really happy to have met you through Blue's X-Men RP as well you stuck up for me whenever drama occurred in my RP, and know that i'll do the same for you as well. :)
  • @Natsu I have gotten to know you over the last year or so, you have become a very good friend as well as an awesome RPer as well. You bust your ass off and seen you grow as well in your RP posts, you are a nice person to chat with to. :)
  • @ONL What to say about this guy? He's always really fun to chat with whenever he pops up on discord, your writing is amazing and you know how to make others smile. You are an awesome person and writer that I have gotten to know over the last few years you are amazing and happy I have gotten to know you as well. :)
  • @Dragoknighte We always share horror stories about our jobs together in discord, you are always a great person to chat with as well and you bake on top of writing and working as well. Happy to see that you are back to writing in the RPs again, and you are always amazing at writing them as well, and happy to know you as well. :)
  • @rivaan Riv! My buddy, always the energetic little rabbit always makes me smile whenever we chat, and works hard as well I have seen you grow as a writer as well. You always have funny things to say as well, that makes others smile as well you are always fun to chat about random things to. :)
  • @Sigil Sigil, I have known you since TWD RP and have known you ever since joining Lady A's RPs your writing is top notch and you make me jealous over how much and how great your writing is. You are an awesome person who I have gotten to know these last few amazing years and always love to see what your posts turn out to be as well. :)
  • @Andromedai The person I have know the longest, when I started RPing way, way back before I ever joined the Guild and back in the WoW RP days and the old blizzard forums as well. You have always been one of my closest friends and I am happy we have still kept in contact with each other over these years. We have so much in common in taste of gaming and wish we could just game constantly like we did back in the WoW days. You make such amazing RPs and always are fun to chat with, and wish you would end up joining in some of the ones I have been apart of as well to meet the rest of my friends. :)
  • @mnkee Always fun to chat with, always the animal lover and you are always fun to chat with as well whether its about animals or something else, you are a cool person I have gotten to know for awhile now you work really hard as well at what you do to. :)

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I got zero notifications from this thread.

@POOHEAD189 Says you're great, and that's the highest praise I can think of anyone getting. Keep being awesome, Ruby! This site wouldn't be where it is today without you!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@PlatinumSkink@mae@TheHangedMan Yall have run some neat RPs that I'm in or have been in, yall are cool.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 22 days ago

I've been off here for awhile, but I've recently returned. I haven't gotten particularly close with anyone here, but the community in general has been very fun and open. I love you guys!

Also, @Eklispe is probably the person I've RP'd the most with and have known for the longest time here. We don't talk much outside of RP's, but it's good to have you around mate.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@HaleyTheRandom Naaaaaaw, love you too
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 8 days ago

@Briza @Eklispe Ditto <3!

Late to the party but sending some love over to @ScreenAcne, @duskshine749, @Majoras End @Shylarah @CollectorofMyst @Light the Dark and @DeadBeatWalking. And also @Poohead189, low-key think you're pretty snazzy.

...and @Kore. Not sure if you'll see but you were one of my first rp friends and Ily even if we don't see much of each other <3.
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